In this post article you will learn brilliant personal statement examples that can be used for any job application. So if you need to write a personal statement, make sure you read this post article very well because you will get perfect personal statement examples.
What is a personal statement?
A personal statement is a summary of the skills, qualities, and experience you have that is submitted to prospective employers to help you stand out from the competition.
So before I give you an example personal statement that you can use, let me give you three really important tips for Structuring, one that is going to quickly get the attention of the hiring manager.
3 TIPS for structuring a personal statement template that is going to quickly get the attention of the hiring manager
Tip #1: Make sure you write a powerful opening statement.
So the opening statement is the first paragraph the assessor or the hiring manager is going to read. It is essential that you capture their attention in the first few sentences of your personal statement.
- Make sure your opening statement is POWERFUL & POSITIVE.
- Make sure you explain in your opening statement WHY you have applied for this position.
- Make sure you use KEYWORDS AND PHRASES that will attract the attention of the employer/hiring manager.
Tip #2: Make sure you write a middle section that showcases your skills, your qualities, and your experience.
So in the middle section of your personal statement make sure you:
- Provide details of any experience you have relevant to the role.
- Match your own skills and qualities to the job description and the requirements of the role.
- Don’t be afraid to show off, sell yourself, and be confident about your abilities!
Tip #3: Finish off with a powerful closing statement at the end.
- Tell them what you will do in the position if you are successful in your application,
- Make sure you build trust between you and the person assessing the personal statement
- Make it a no ‘brainer’ for them to take you on in the position.
So let’s now take a look at a personal statements that you can use.
Personal Statement Examples
“I am someone who takes my work seriously, and I understand the success of your organization is very much dependent on the performance of employees like me, who occupy roles that can have a significant impact on your results.
Having studied the job advert and the person specification in detail, I am confident I have the necessary skills, qualities and attributes to not only excel within the role, but to also help you achieve your mission and objectives.
The professional experiences I have gained to date will enable me to be a proactive and productive employee.
For example, having studied the job description, I understand there is a requirement to work as part of a team to complete difficult and time sensitive projects. In my previous role, I was regularly required to work alongside co-workers and other departmental team members and company stakeholders to complete challenging time sensitive tasks and to deliver important projects for customers and clients.
Throughout each task or project, I always ensured I carried out my duties to a high standard while supporting other team members to help them complete their tasks.
In addition to being a strong team worker, I have excellent communication and interpersonal skills, I am self-motivated, I will always complete tasks on time, and I will continually look to improve and develop whilst in the role.
I would also describe myself as being positive about change. I understand that for a business to continually grow and meet the needs of its customers, it must continually change and adapt to stay ahead of its competitors.
I also have the resourcefulness needed to overcome difficult challenges as and when they occur without the need to constantly seek advice from my manager or my supervisor.
If I am successful in my application, I will always be a positive role model for your company. I will be a highly professional, caring, trustworthy, and motivated person, and I will do all I can to help the team I am a part of succeed.”
Thank you so much for reading my post article and I wish you all the best for submitting a brilliant personal statement and landing that dream job.