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Tag Archives: DV Lottery Winners

After Checking DV-2025 Lottery Results: What to Do Next

If you have checked the DV-2025 Diversity Visa Lottery results and discovered that you have been selected, congratulations! This is just the first step in the process. After checking for your DV-2025 lottery result, below are what you need to do next:

Step 1: Checking Your Diversity Visa Lottery Results

After checking the DV-2025 Lottery results online, and discovered that you have been selected, you will need to proceed for further processing.

Step 2: Complete the DS-260 Form

If you have been selected, you will need to complete the DS-260 form (Immigrant Visa and Alien Registration Application). This form collects information about you and your eligibility for the Diversity Visa program.

Read: How to Fill Out the DS-260 Form Correctly for Your DV Interview

Step 3: Gather Required Documents

You will need to gather various documents to support your application, including:

Step 4: Attend the Visa Interview

Once you have submitted the DS-260 form and gathered all required documents, you will be scheduled for a visa interview at the U.S. embassy or consulate in your country. During the interview, a consular officer will determine if you are eligible for a visa.

Step 5: Receive Your Visa

If your visa application is approved, you will receive your visa, along with a sealed packet containing your documents. Do not open the sealed packet. You will need to present it to the U.S. Customs and Border Protection officer when you arrive in the United States.

Step 6: Travel to the United States

Once you have received your visa, you can make travel arrangements to the United States. You must travel and enter the United States before the expiration date on your visa.

Step 7: Adjust Your Status

After arriving in the United States, you will need to adjust your status to become a lawful permanent resident. This process involves submitting additional forms and documents to U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS).

These are steps to follow after checking for your DV-2025 lottery result.

In Summary

Diversity Visa Program involves:

  • Submit an Entry.
  • Selection of Applicants.
  • If You Are Selected.
  • Confirm Your Qualifications.
  • Submit Your Immigrant Visa and Alien Registration Application.
  • Submit Supporting Documents.
  • Interview.
  • Prepare for the Interview.

In Conclusion:

Winning the DV-2025 Lottery is an exciting opportunity, but it also comes with several important steps and requirements. By following the instructions provided and preparing thoroughly, you can navigate the process successfully and start your new life in the United States. It is important to remember that selection does not guarantee you will receive a visa. In order to receive a DV to immigrate to the United States, selectees must still meet all eligibility requirements under U.S. law.

DISCLAIMER: This post and content is designed for general information only and is NOT legal advice. This site is not offering any Diversity Visa and is not the official site for DV Lottery program. The information presented in this post should not be construed to be formal legal advice. Please ignore any sites, organization or anyone asking or demanding any form of payment from you, for jobs or visa preparations. If you have any questions about the DV lottery, please contact an immigration professional/officer or a licensed attorney.

5 Things That Will Deny You The Diversity Visa During the Interview

Don’t do the following things, it will harm you when it comes to the Diversity Visa interview because you will get your visa refused and some of them will block you from ever entering the United States.

Are you a DV winner or are you waiting for the DV results, and you are hoping to become a selectee? Are you waiting for the 2NL? Are you waiting for the visa? Therefore the following things, if you intend to do them, they will utterly harm you.

Things That Will Deny You The Diversity Visa During the Interview

  • Don’t overstay your United States visa or don’t overstay any other countries visa

If you are on a visit visa and that visa has given you a step period of maybe two months, don’t exceed. The date was supposed to be out of the United States and ensure you are out of the United States. If you are there on a business visa and there are terms and conditions of up to when, if you are on any other visa, visit visa, tour visa or any other visa, and there is a time period because it is a nonimmigrant visa, just stay within that time period and be out of the United States once the time expires.

By so doing, you will be safe, if you dare overstay, that will ruin your chances, and it will most likely prevent you from ever being to the United States. So don’t overstay your visa.

  • Never force a marriage

This might affect a majority of the selectees or the DV winners, never forced a marriage. This applies to all those who applied a single. If you applied a single, and definitely life must continue as usual, if the relationship that you are taking yourself into will end up being fraud, don’t involve yourself in that.

If you applied a single, you end up getting engaged and you want to add this as your spouse after you’ve married, it is very much subjective, meaning that you have to really prove to the consulate or the embassy that it is not fraud, though it’s not an easy thing.

The only way it can successful, based from the previous experiences, is when the affected parties had documents to prove the existing relationship that can lead to marriage even before they were selected, even before they won DV lottery. If they can provide that, then they will approve for their visas. That is the only way that you can prove that this is not fraud, you are not forcing a marriage.

Let no one tell you to get married because they want to go to the United States, you will ruin your chance. Don’t get into that trap. If you applied a single, just continuous single, even if you end up in the United States, you can still come back and arrange for that marriage, but not within that period if you know it can affect you.

If you don’t have the proof documents, printed documents to show that there was a legit relationship, even before that, then don’t try to force a marriage. Also, if you applied as married because you are living together and you have kids, and according to your customs, you were married, only that you don’t have any legal documents like a marriage certificate to prove that, then that is a different one.

You can just obtain the marriage certificate because you have enough evidence to prove that, then go ahead with that process as married, because you are married locally within your customs, only that you need to legalize it using a formal document.

  • Don’t commit crimes

Remember there are three categories of crimes that are really detrimental or can really be detrimental to your visa process. These three crimes, they include,

  1. Aggravated felonies.
  2. Crime involving moral turpitude.
  3. Crime involving illegal drugs.

The aggravated felonies, according to the United States, is when you try to do something that will harm people, for example, murder or drug trafficking, that also falls under aggravated felony. Maybe trying to force a fraud, you want to con someone, you want to harm that person. Don’t commit that type of crime.

Also that the crimes involving the moral turpitude, they also are those illegal intentions that you have upon someone. Maybe you are planning to murder someone. You are planning to steal from someone, you are planning to maybe commit a sexual offense against someone, you are planning or intending to cause harm to the public. Don’t do that, it will affect your visa.

Then we also have those crimes around the drug trafficking, drug abuse. If you are found or if you commit a crime that involves drug trafficking, illegal drug trafficking, then you will have no chances. So don’t commit these crimes if you want to get a successful interview. Just protect yourself against these crimes. Play it safe, be a good person, that is all it requires.

  • Social media

Remember, when filling the DS-260 form, you are supposed to list all the social media accounts that you have, if you don’t list, you are risking your chance. You cannot hide. Just list everything that you have on the internet.

When you have this account, don’t dare post any harmful content, either to a minor or any harmful content to any person in the public, or any harmful content towards the United States. Don’t post any criminal content in that social media. Don’t post any content that causes terrorism. Anything that puts or poses a threat on the United States, don’t dare do that. Anything that you post that causes or poses harm on the United States will cost you your visa, so don’t dare do that.

Those are just some of the things that we’re not supposed to do, though, there are also others.

DISCLAIMER: This post and content is designed for general information only and is NOT legal advice. This site is not offering any Diversity Visa and is not the official site for DV Lottery program. The information presented in this post should not be construed to be formal legal advice. If you have any questions about the DV lottery, please contact an immigration professional/officer or a licensed attorney.

Are You Ready for the DV-2025 Results?

We have only few days remaining before the DV-2025 lottery results are out, the exact date is May 4, 2024, and that will be 12 noon the eastern time (EDT), the New York time, that’s when the results will be out. You can convert that to your local time and see when that will be.

When the result is out there will be no form of communication to you notifying you of the results, or there will not be any communication to tell you that the results are out. Neither will there be a message telling you that you have won, that you need to do such and such a thing for you to proceed. You are the one to do that. You are the one to go ahead and visit that website,

When opened, you’ll see a page there on the entrant status check, that’s where you’ll find a place to enter your confirmation number, year of birth, your last name (that is the surname) and then you get access to the result. You are the one to go and check for yourself.

Let no one come with fake emails or fake messages telling you that you have won. That is lies. You’re the one to visit the site and check for yourself. There have been many speculations out there about this selection process and people have tried to figure out how the process happens. But this guide below fully explained that.

Read: DV Lottery Program Selection Process | How DV winners are selected

The DV lottery is a free and fair program, you apply for free, you pay no charges and you also check the result yourself, for free. After checking, that’s when you get the response whether you’ve won or you’ve not won. It is very random, that’s why it’s called the diversity visa lottery.

It deals with the diverse, the diversity of the immigrants in the United States. They are just providing a free opportunity or a free avenue of immigrants to go to the United States and try their life there. It is free and the selection is very random indeed.

By random, that also means that everyone has equal chances in that program. Everyone who applied and applied correctly have equal chances of getting selected, it is not based on any achievement. Even if you had a very good profession and another person had no profession, but had qualified, once you enter into the program, the program is completely random. You have equal chances, it is not based on any achievement in life. You just meet the basic qualification, the minimum qualification, and all of you have the equal chances of getting selected.

Remember, this program is run by computer program, all the entries, they are put in a computer program that randomly selects when it runs to pick the successful selectees. Then after that, all the selected will be subjected to further screening. That is to mean the information there will be checked and especially the quality of the photo.

If the photo passes the qualifications, then you remain in the selection. But if you have some errors and especially in your photo or with your photo, then you are eliminated. That is to mean you are removed from those that were selected, leaving behind a space that is called a hole. So that’s how it does happen.

DV Selection Process

These are some of the factors that are not considered in the DV selection process:

The first factor they will not consider is the country of birth. It will not matter which country you come from. Whether you from the east, from Africa, from the Oceania, etc, that will not matter. Everyone has equal chances.

Another thing that will not matter is how many times you entered. In fact, if you entered more than once, that is considered fraud and you are instantly eliminated. You will not even enter into the first phase of selection. Once you place multiple entries, you are disqualified outrightly. So it does not depend on the number of times you applied.

Another thing is the gadget that you used. People have applied using computers and they have not been selected. Others have applied using the mobile phones, the pcs, the Mac. They have applied using different gadgets. They have not been selected. Whereas others have used the same mobile, the same laptop, the same computer and they have gotten selected. So it’s not based on the gadget that you used when it comes to selection.

Another thing is, it will not matter how many times you visited the United States. The frequency of you visiting the United States, that will not matter. It will not matter how long you have stayed in the United States. Even if you have stayed maybe doing business for like ten years or three years. If you have been there for a visit visa for about three months, it will not matter the length. It is completely not based on those facts. It is random.

It’s good that we get to know such things.

DISCLAIMER: This post and content is designed for general information only and is NOT legal advice. This site is not offering any Diversity Visa and is not the official site for DV Lottery program. The information presented in this post should not be construed to be formal legal advice.

Types of Affidavits that you might come across during the DV Lottery Process

There have been several questions revolving around getting a spouse, about the names and how they affect the DV lottery. We have several types of affidavits that you might come across during the DV lottery process.

Types of Affidavits

Below are 4 major types of affidavits that you might come across during the DV lottery process.

  • Affidavit of Name

The first one being an affidavit of name. The affidavit of name becomes important when you have issues regarding your names or the names that you use.

If you have names on one document differing from those on the other document, and those documents are critical in the DV lottery, then you need to confirm to the embassy or the relevant bodies that you are the same person with those different names, like for example, if you have two names on one document and three names, that is the two plus a different one on the other document, then you have to show them that you are the same person with those names, and you do so by acquiring an affidavit of name.

Another way: Maybe your name is incorrectly spelled on some documents, while on others it is correctly spelled. For example, you have a name that has an “I”, but on another document it has not. How do you merge the two?

For you to prove that you are the same person with those incorrectly spelled names, what you need to acquire is an affidavit of name.

Another issue is when you have changed your name. Maybe some individual along the way, they can decide to change the name because of one reason or the other. So after changing the names, then you need to prove to the consulate or the embassy or the consular officer that you changed the names. And that’s why there are different names on different documents.

Anything that makes your name differ from another one on your document, you only need to acquire an affidavit of name for that matter.

  • Affidavit of Marriage

The other affidavit that we have is an affidavit of marriage. You applied for the DV lottery, but at the time of application, you had someone that you call your spouse, but you are not holding anything to prove your relationship, your union, and therefore you get selected and you are preparing to get to the interview.

In this scenario, you are supposed to get the marriage certificate, that is without a doubt. Even if you don’t have, you need to get. And how do you get? This is by getting an affidavit of marriage that you will use to prove to the relevant body of your country, that is the registrar of Marriages, and then they go ahead to issue the marriage certificate.

So that same document that you used to get this marriage certificate, the affidavit of marriage, that same document, you are needed or you are required to come with it during the interview. That is among the proof documents that will second your marriage certificate. So you go with the original marriage certificate, the certified copy, the affidavit of marriage. You go with those three documents.

Also, maybe you got the marriage certificate after getting selected, that means you need to prove on another level of your existence relationship, even before you applied for the DV lottery. What are the things to prove your union, before the application? You might use many things like the photos, bank statements, the joint accounts, many things that you did together even before this. Something to solidify that this marriage is not a fraud. It is legitimate.

So you need to go with the affidavit of marriage, the marriage certificate, both the original and the certified. And also you go with the things to prove that this is legitimate and not fraud.

  • Affidavit of Support

The other affidavit that you need is an affidavit of support. You might need the affidavit of support, though it’s not needed by all embassies. But majority of the embassies will request of the affidavit of support.

It is better that you have one, if you are not sure that your embassy is one of those that don’t request. So just get it and be with it. In case you asked for it, then you provide.

What is an affidavit of support?

This is the document that you get from someone who has agreed to give you sponsorship once you land in the United States. This might be your host or someone else apart from your host, the one that agrees to give you monetary support or financial support as you start life in the new country.

It will simply prove to the consulate that you are able to sustain yourself as you begin life there, and you cannot become a public charge. By becoming a public charge, what it simply means is becoming dependent on the public or on the government for support, depending on the food stamps, for example.

So you will need the affidavit of support to prove to the consular officer that you are able to sustain yourself and you will not become dependent on the public.

  • Affidavit of Birth

The other affidavit that some countries will require you to have is the affidavit of birth. For example, if you come from the East Africa, the country called Somalia, all individuals from Somalia will by default be scheduled for their interviews at the Nairobi Embassy and what the Nairobi embassy needs from the people coming from Somalia, the Somali, is an affidavit of birth, not the certificate of birth.

So you come with the certificate of birth together with the affidavit of birth. Those two documents, what they trust is the affidavit of birth. So some embassies will ask for the affidavit of birth on top of the birth certificate, especially for the foreigners, people not from the same country where the embassy is.

Those are just four types of affidavits that you might come across in the DV process.

DISCLAIMER: This post and content is designed for general information only and is NOT legal advice. This site is not offering any Diversity Visa and is not the official site for DV Lottery program. The information presented in this post should not be construed to be formal legal advice. If you have any questions about the DV lottery, please contact an immigration professional/officer or a licensed attorney.

3 Important Documents For DV Interview That Have Not Been Listed In The Interview Checklist

This guide will focus on topic regarding all the documents that are not listed in the checklist, but you should go with to the DV (Diversity Visa) interview.

3 Important Documents For DV Interview That Have Not Been Listed In The Interview Checklist

There are three important documents that you are supposed to go with to the DV interview, even if they are not listed in the checklist.

The first document that is very important that you are supposed to prepare and attend the DV interview with is the affidavit of support. It is called the financial support document.

This affidavit of support is the Form I-134, not the Form I-864. This document is not listed among the documents in the DV interview checklists.

Majority of the embassies and consulates will go ahead and request of this document and this document is there to prove that you are able to sustain yourself as you begin life in the U.S, that you have enough finances to keep you going as you start life in the U.S.

If you cannot have the Form I-134, then you can have some savings in your bank enough to sustain you. If you choose to go the financial way, if you choose to sponsor yourself by having some savings in your account, you’ll need to have a minimum of $10,000 for each person in your application.

So you can either come with the Form I-134 from your sponsor or the bank statements showing your savings that can stand for you.

Therefore, the financial support document is one of the documents that will not find listed in the checklist, but majority of the embassies will request you for them. If you are not able to provide when you ask for it, then you will be put to the 221(g) refusal until you’re able to provide that document.

It is better you get ready with the financial support document, either the Form I-134 from your sponsor or the bank statement showing your savings that can sustain you as you begin life in the United States.

Note: The Form I-134 from your sponsor, we’ll need some accompanying documents and these accompanying documents include the tax compliance certificates. If your sponsor is a business person, then he or she should give you the Form 1040. But if he is employed on wages, then he should provide the W-2 form.

Another thing that should accompany the Form I-134 is the copy of the national identity of your sponsor or a copy of the green card of your sponsor or the driver’s license copy.

The third thing that should accompany the Form I-134 is some recent transaction receipts, just for sampling. Or if they are working, they should provide some recent payslip copies to accompany the Form I-134.

So that is very important, though it’s not included in the list.

The second document that you should provide or you should prepare, though not indicated well, is if you are qualifying through work experience, then to visit the website by the United States Government, Ministry of Labor, that website’s name is

Therein you’ll be able to check whether your job that you’re qualifying with meets the requirements as per the Department of Labor. The requirement is that your job must meet the SVP range of above seven (7), and SVP means special vocational preparation.

You visit this website, and then you type the work you’re qualifying with there and search. For example, electrical engineers.

You need to print this page because when you scroll down, when you come to job zone, it shows down, SVP range. For these electrical engineers is between seven and eight, and that means it’s above seven on SVP range and that means this job qualifies.

What does that mean? If you’re qualifying through work experience, go to this website,, search for your work that you’re qualifying with, and print the page showing about your job, and it will clearly show that your job is on the SVP range of above seven (7).

Make sure you print the page and go with it to the DV interview.

Finally, the other document, the third one that you should prepare, and this is for some embassies. For example, in Johannesberg (South Africa) embassy do request for this, and sometimes others embassies also requests for this.

Form DS-5535

The form DS-5535 is simply a supplemental question on the visa applicants, and it is for further security and background checks. You fill this. Some part of the form required passport and travel history, relatives’ details, address and contact information.

You fill about your social media, all the media accounts that you have, you list them there, your employment history and then you sign and you’re done.

See Form DS-5535 Sample

This simple form is very important to prepare it upfront before you attend the DV interview, especially for some embassies. You just check the history of your embassy and see if they require this.

It is better you prepare it. If you are requested for it, you just produce it. If you don’t produce this, you’ll have to be put on AP, that is the 221G refusal until you fill this and submit it the embassy for them to process your visa.

Another set of documents that might not be listed but you need to go with and this is for the case of those people that married after applying for the DV lottery and get selected.

Prepare yourself with proof documents of your existent relationship, even before the DV application because you will have to prove to the consular officer that this not an illegal marriage, that you did not get selected and you decided to just marry to give this other person a chance to be in United States, you need to prove it.

You can go with photos, bank statements that both of you share accounts with, receipts that you used even before DV application, or all activates that can support that both of you were engaged even before you did the application.

Question: Is it acceptable to send the form I-134 and accompanying documents electronically?

Answer: No, only hard copy.

Question: I married with children and added them during the application, will I be asked proof of my marriage?

Answer: You must have the marriage certificate.

Question: Where will I get that form for supplement question?


DISCLAIMER: This post and content is designed for general information only and is NOT legal advice. This site is not offering any Diversity Visa and is not the official site for DV Lottery program. The information presented in this post should not be construed to be formal legal advice.

Can High Case Number Receive 2NL Before Low Case Number? | DV Lottery

This guide will focus on the answer to this very important question, Can a person with high case number receive their second notification letters (2NL) before a person with low case number?

By now you should know that KCC does process cases in the orderly manner, in the case order format. That means from the low case numbers up to the highest case numbers.

But having understood this, still people get confused because in some instances, people with higher case numbers have received their second notification letters (2NL) before those with lower case numbers.

Can High Case Number Receive 2NL Before Low Case Number?

To further explain this, yes people with higher case numbers may sometimes get their second notification letters (2NL) before those with lower case numbers. Why is it so?

To explain this in two scenarios:

First scenario: A person with a high case number in a country whose embassy is fast can receive his or her second notification letter before a person with low case number who is in a country where the embassy is working slowly.

In the recent past, especially for DV-2022, we’ve seen that there are many embassies that were performing poorly, where there are also many embassies that were performing well.

Therefore, those people in those embassies that were performing well, they received their notification letters, even if they had higher case numbers.

At the same time, other embassies, they were performing very slowly, and up to now, people with very low case numbers in some embassies or in some countries have not yet received their second notification letters and time has really died out.

That is one reason as to why higher case numbers sometimes receive their second notification letters before those with lower case numbers. It all depends with the performance of the embassy that you are attached to.

Second Scenario: You might be in the same embassy, but a person with higher case number than yours receives his or her second notification letters (2NL) before you receive, even if you have a low case number. Why does it happen so?

In this case, it now depends upon the complexity of processing your DS-260. What does mean? It mean, you might find some DS-260 are fast and quickly processed because the information in there is direct, simple and straightforward.

While in others, the DS-260s may be complex in processing, meaning the information in the DS-260 may require further background checks, and that means it might take longer.

If you have a slightly high case number and your DS-260 is simpler and can be processed faster, you can receive your second education letter before that person with slightly lower case number than yours, but whose DS-260 requires extensive background checks.

An example of DS-260 that would require further background checks is when you present in your travel history that you had recently visited a country that is highly prone or highly affected with terrorism.

Definitely, KCC will have to conduct some further background check to ensure the safety of the United States.

Those are some of the reasons as to why a person with high case number may receive his or her second notification letter (2NL) before you with a lower case number.

I hope that’s a clear and straightforward answer.

DISCLAIMER: This post and content is designed for general information only and is NOT legal advice. This site is not offering any Diversity Visa and is not the official site for DV Lottery program. The information presented in this post should not be construed to be formal legal advice.

FEBRUARY 2024 Cut-Off Numbers for DV-2024 Published

FEBRUARY 2024 Cut-Off Numbers for DV-2024: As we saw in the last guide, the Diversity Visa Bulletin for the month of January 2024 showing the cut-off numbers to apply across all regions and exception countries in the DV-2024 Program has been released.

In this guide, we are going to learn the various case number ranges that are concerned by interviews to be conducted during the month of February 2024, as part of the DV-2024 Program.

Diversity Visa Case Numbers Concerned

With the publication of the Visa Bulletin for January 2024, cases whose case numbers are eligible for interview during the month of February 2024 in the various regions and exception countries, excluding those whose interviews have already been scheduled are as follows:

Looking at the Diversity Visa Advanced Notification section of the Visa Bulletin below, as we consider the relevant case number ranges.

FEBRUARY 2024 Cut-Off Numbers for DV-2024 Published

From the above image, these are the cut-off numbers to apply across the various regions and exception countries during the month of February 2024, as part of the DV-2024 Program.

Based on these cut-off numbers, the case numbers that are concerned by interviews to be conducted during that same month of February 2024 are as follows.

  • South America Region

From the bottom of the table above, in the South America region, case numbers that are concerned by February 2024 interviews are case numbers from case number 1 to case number 1,599, which have so far not received their interview notification.

  • Oceania Region

For Oceania region, the numbers go from case number 1 to case number 874, applicants with case numbers in that range who have so far not received their interview notification from the Oceania region are concerned by interviews to be conducted during the month of February 2024.

  • North America (Bahamas) Region

In the case of the North America region, the first 4 case numbers that are concerned by interviews being conducted during this month of December 2023, as well as the month of January 2024, are the same 4 case numbers that are concerned by interviews to be conducted during the month of February 2024.

  • Europe Region

For Europe region, the numbers go from case number 1 to case number 13,499. Applicants that are chargeable to countries from the Europe region with the exception of the two exception countries having case numbers in this range and who have so far not received their interview notifications are concerned by interviews to be conducted during the month of February 2024.

In the case of the two exception countries, applicants chargeable to Russia with case numbers going from case number 1 to case number 13,249, who have so far not received their interview notification are concerned by interviews to be conducted during the month of February 2024.

In the case of Uzbekistan, the numbers are case number 1 to case number 5,499. Applicants chargeable to Uzbekistan with case numbers in this range who have so far not received their interview notification are concerned by interviews to be conducted during the month of February 2024.

  • Asia Region

For Asia region, the case numbers that are concerned by interviews to be conducted during the month of February 2024 are the same case numbers that are concerned by interviews to be conducted during the month of January 2024.

The numbers go from case number 1 to case number 5,499, and that concerns applicants chargeable to countries in the Asia region that are neither of the exception countries.

In the case of Iran, the first exception country, the numbers go from case number 1 to case number 5,449. Applicants chargeable to Iran who have so far not received their interview notification and whose case numbers fall within this range are concerned by interviews to be conducted during the month of February 2024.

In the case of Nepal, the numbers go from case number 1 to case number 4,499. Applicants within this range who have so far not received their interview notification and whose case numbers fall within this range are concerned by interviews to be conducted during the month of February, 2024.

  • Africa Region

For Africa region where if you are an applicant who’s not chargeable to Algeria, Egypt or Morocco and you have a case number from case number 1 to case number 26,499 and so far you have not received your interview notification, then you are concerned by interviews to be conducted during the month of February 2024.

In the case of Algeria, the numbers go from case number 1 to case number 25,999. In case you are chargeable to Algeria with a case number within that range, and so far you have not received your interview notification, then you are concerned by interviews to be conducted during the month of February, 2024.

In the case of both Egypt and Morocco, the numbers go from case number 1 to case number 24,999. Applicants chargeable to both of those countries with case numbers within that range who have so far not received their interview notification are concerned by interviews to be conducted during the month of February 2024, as part of the DV-2024 Program.

Those are the case number ranges from the various regions and exception countries that are concerned by interviews to be conducted during the month of February 2024 as part of the DV-2024 Program.

In Conclusion

Cases whose case numbers are the same or higher than their regional or country cut-off are still not current or eligible for interview. Such cases cannot expect to receive their interview notification yet. Applicants concerned must check the Visa Bulletin when it is published in January 2024, to ascertain the status of their case number by then.

The Visa Bulletin is published every month, and it is by means of this tool that Diversity Visa applicants get to know the month when their case will be eligible for interview. Publication of the next Visa Bulletin, i.e the sixth showing cut-offs for the DV-2024 Program will be done some time in January 2024.

For more information concerning what the Visa Bulletin is all about, look at the bottom of this article.


DISCLAIMER: This post and content is designed for general information only and is NOT legal advice. This site is not offering any Diversity Visa and is not the official site for DV Lottery program. The information presented in this post should not be construed to be formal legal advice.

These are the biggest challenges for DV LOTTERY WINNERS when they arrive in USA, Be prepared

Biggest challenges for DV LOTTERY WINNERS when they arrive in USA: In this guide, we will learn some difficulty part for someone who has won the Diversity Visa Lottery on starting their life in America.

Biggest challenges for DV LOTTERY WINNERS when they arrive in USA

As a DV lottery winner (Green Card holder), what is the most frustrating situations on how to start? There are three biggest parts.

  1. Accommodation

Accommodation is the most complicated issue sometimes for so many people. For instance, in order to rent apartment, these are some of the terms you need to know.

You need to pay the first month, including what is called security deposit fee. The security deposit is almost similar to the first month, so you pay for the last month. Let’s say if the apartment, let’s say they say is $1,500 per month, it means you have to pay for 3,000 upfront.

The security deposit is when you are going to finish staying there, they are going to see if there are any things you destroy or if let’s say there are certain things, you made some mess up on the room, that means they will come and use some of the security deposit to do that and the remaining of the money within 7-10 days they will give you back your money.

So at the beginning, that’s what has becoming difficult for someone going to U.S as a DV lottery winner. But sometimes, most of the landlord will want someone who will want to know how you’re going to pay, they want to see your three-month income. How much money do you make?

There are certain places they will say you must make maybe twice amount of the rent. If the rent is 1,500, you need to get paid 3,000 and above. But as a brand new DV lottery winner you cannot show the proof of been working, your income with this amount for three months, you don’t have that one. That’s usually the most difficult part for DV lottery winners.

They are also going to check for the criminal record.

As a new DV lottery winner, it’s advisable, when you have the host, it is better to have a discussion like, “is it okay if I can stay at your place for this amount of money?” Whatever you agree with, because that person will not require you to go and find the security deposit, pay the security.

When you are staying there for three months, four months, you have been working, you can be able to find apartment and to be able to start the place to go to stay.

Usual, place to stay, apartment-wise, that is the most challenging part for so many DV lottery winners, especially when you have a family, that is adding another layer of complications compared to if you were single.

  1. Adjustment you are going to make

Another challenging part for people is not just about finding the jobs, is about the adjustment you are going to make. You are coming from your country, there are things you have to leave, like cultural wise.

In U.S, every time you will be speaking English, you are waking up compared to your country, sometimes there are that adjustment. There is adjustment to the culture, adjustment to working style, etc. You have to be flexible. You have to be understanding. You must be ready to start learning the new life.

Finding jobs is not really the difficult part. You can go to the specific stores, warehouses and directly ask them if they have employment, you can apply. You don’t go to U.S and expect you’re becoming the manager, you have to be humble. Even if you have bachelor degree, even if you have masters degree, even if you have PhD, even if you have been manager before, you are going to start over here.

  1. Money Management

Another challenges is the money management. Maybe before, you go to the bar, you can give money to other people, bring the beer to everyone, give offer, etc, it’s over.

Also, maybe you cannot have money and you can ask your friend, neighbor, relative, etc or someone can borrow the money. There in U.S you are on your own. You have to know that the money we’re getting, it’s on your budget. You live on your means. Don’t go there to find a way to start showing off, there is no showing off, there is no competition with anybody, it’s your life.

Don’t start trying to find ways on how you can compete with other people. There is no competition with anybody. Know your budget. Don’t go and rent apartment of huge amount of money while you know your income is not that huge. There is no any other place to do to get the money except to working.

Those are the three important lessons, all the important things you need to pay attention when you go to the U.S as a brand new immigrant, and especially if you have a diversity visa lottery winner.

Learn those challenges and work ahead to those things you need to know, because otherwise you would be in trouble.

DISCLAIMER: This post and content is designed for general information only and is NOT legal advice. This site is not offering any Diversity Visa and is not the official site for DV Lottery program. The information presented in this post should not be construed to be formal legal advice.

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