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behavioural interview questions and answers

How to Answer Behavioural Interview Questions With No Experience

How to answer behavioural interview questions with no experience: In this very important job interview post, you will learn how to answer behavioral interview questions if you have no previous work experience.

For example, if the hiring manager says to you, Tell me about a time when you worked on a team, but you’ve never been in that situation before. This post will teach you exactly what to say.

If you have an interview coming up soon for any role or company make sure you read this post to end because it will help you pass at the very first attempt.

How to Answer Behavioural Interview Questions With No Experience

To help you pass your job interview at the first attempt, this post will cover the following three things:

  • What behavioral interview questions are and why the hiring manager will ask you them at your interview.
  • The secret to answering behavioral interview questions if you have no previous work experience.
  • Brilliant, no experience answers to the most common behavioral interview questions.

What behavioral interview questions are and why you will have to answer them during your job interview

Behavioral interview questions assess how you have previously dealt with the type of situations you will likely encounter in the workplace.

Common behavioral interview questions include:

  • Tell me about a time when you worked on a team.
  • Tell me about a time when you delivered excellent customer service.
  • Describe a situation when you had a conflict with a coworker.
  • Talk about a time when you had to work under pressure.

The hiring manager will ask you these and other difficult behavioral interview questions because if you have experience of these common workplace situations, you will be able to hit the ground running in the role and be a reliable employee.

The problem most people have is they don’t have any experience of those situations. So how do you answer the questions?

Whenever answering behavioral interview questions, if you have no previous work experience, tell the hiring manager you have never been in that situation before, but you do know what you would do in that type of situation.

How to Answer Behavioural Interview Questions With No Experience

Below are Behavioural Interview Questions and Answers for Freshers:

Behavioral Interview Question #1: Tell me about a time when you delivered excellent customer service.

Here’s a brilliant answer for people who’ve never been in that situation before. Say this…..

“Although I have not yet been in that type of situation, I have received both good and bad customer service, so I do know exactly how to deliver outstanding service to your customers.

To deliver excellent customer service, I would welcome the customer by being polite, upbeat, and professional. I would ask the customer how their day was going and ask them simple questions to establish their needs.

I would take the time to explain the different products or services we had to offer them and give them the opportunity to ask me questions.

Once they had decided which products or services they wished to purchase, I would serve them quickly, efficiently, and promptly ensuring they had everything they needed before wishing them a good day.

If appropriate, I would follow up with the customer the day after their purchase to check they were still satisfied and ask them for feedback.

I understand that the excellent customer service is vital to the success of your business, and I can be relied upon to always deliver it.”

That type of response will score highly with any hiring manager. It was a confident answer that gives the hiring manager the reassurance you know exactly how to deal with the workplace situation being assessed.”

Behavioral Interview Question #2: Tell me about a time when you worked on a team.

Here’s a brilliant answer for people who’ve never been in that situation before.

“While I haven’t yet worked on a team, I do know how to collaborate with others, and I’m confident I can quickly become an effective team player for your company.

To work effectively, I would listen to the team brief and suggest that we create an action plan to achieve our objective before allocating tasks to team members based on their strengths.

I would support my teammates in completing their duties, give encouragement, and communicate in a clear and concise style.

Finally, once we’d completed the team task, I would suggest discussing our performance to see if any lessons could be learned and improvements made.”

Behavioral Interview Question #3: Talk about a time when you had to work under pressure.

Here’s a great answer for those people who have never been in that situation before.

“I haven’t yet had to work under pressure, but I can explain what I would do in that type of situation.

While working under pressure, I would remain calm, create an action plan of the tasks I had to complete and by when.

I would prioritize each task in order of priority based on my objectives, block out all distractions, and set to work with determination and focus.

If I needed to ask my coworkers for assistance, I would not be afraid to do so.

Finally, I would communicate with my manager and keep them informed of my progress and anticipated time for task completion.”

Behavioral Interview Question #4: Describe a situation when you had a conflict with a co-worker.

Here’s no-experienced, brilliant, top-scoring answer.

“I have never experienced a conflict with a co-worker, but I do know what I would do if that situation were to occur. I would first assess my actions to ensure I wasn’t saying or doing anything to contribute negatively to the situation.

Next, I would speak to my co-worker privately to establish the exact cause of the conflict, get their view on the situation, and then work hard to find an amicable way forward that was in the best interests of our team.”

Behavioral Interview Question #5: Tell me about a time when you had to overcome an unexpected problem.

Here’s a brilliant answer if you’ve never been in that situation before.

“Although I haven’t yet been in that situation, I know exactly what I would do to overcome the problem. I would stay calm and determine the cause of the problem.

I would assess my options for overcoming it and determine which one was the best solution for the situation I was facing.

For example, if I was working on a time-sensitive project and several coworkers unexpectedly fell ill, I would decide which tasks could be absorbed by the remaining team members.

For any tasks that could not be absorbed, I would outsource them to qualified online contractors to ensure the project was still completed on time.”

Behavioral Interview Question #6: Tell me about a time when you made a mistake at work.

Here’s a great answer for those people who are new to the workplace.

“Because I am new to the workplace, I haven’t yet made any mistakes. However, if I did make a mistake, this is what I would do.

I would immediately accept responsibility for the mistake, inform my manager, and apologize. I would assess what I needed to do to put things right and work hard until I had achieved my objective.

Finally, I would share any lessons learned as to why I made the mistake with my team so everyone could learn from the situation.”

There’s some brilliant example answers to common behavioral interview questions if you have never been in that type of situation before.

How to Answer Behavioral Interview Questions

Top 7 behavioural interview questions and answers: In this job interview post, you will learn brilliant answers to seven (7) common but really difficult behavioral interview questions.

If you have an interview coming up anytime soon for any role or company, read this post well because the answers here will help you easily beat the competition.

Top 7 Behavioural Interview Questions and Answers

Whenever you answer behavioral interview questions such as, tell me about a time when you worked under pressure, Tell me about a time when you made a decision with limited information, and tell me about a time when you had a conflict with a co-worker.

You should always make sure you use the STAR technique, S-T-A-R, to structure your answer. But what does the STAR technique stand for?

STAR stands for Situation, Task, Action and Result.

– You start your answer and outline the SITUATION you were faced with.

– You then talk about the TASK that needed doing.

– Next, give details about the ACTION you took to complete the task.

– Before finally finishing your answer and revealing the RESULTS following your actions.

Always make sure you use the S.T.A.R technique when answering behavioral interview questions because is the best structure to use for answering behavioral interview questions.

How to Answer Behavioral Interview Questions

Below are some powerful top scoring answers to the hardest behavioral questions asked in job interviews.

Behavioral Interview Question 1: Tell me about a time when you worked on a team task.

Below is a top scoring answer that uses the S.T.A.R technique.

SITUATION: In my previous job while working for Company ABC, I was tasked with launching a new company product as part of a team.

TASK: It was our job to launch the product successfully to ensure it quickly made a profit.

ACTION: As a team, we came up with five different ideas to promote the product. These included social media advertising, offering a discount to previous customers, and selling the product through affiliates who earned a commission.

RESULT: By collaborating closely as a team, supporting each other, and using everyone’s ideas, we achieved the best ever sales for the new product launch.

Behavioral Interview Question 2: Tell me about a time when you made a mistake.

Below is a brilliant answer that uses the S.T.A.R technique.

SITUATION: When I started work in my previous job, a customer asked for details of products we had for sale that suited their requirements.

TASK: It was my task to send them a comprehensive list of products that I thought would meet their needs.

ACTION: Unfortunately, because I did not check our stock availability, I sent them an email that contained some products that were out of stock. As soon as I realized my mistake, I called the customer on the phone, apologized for my mistake, and resent a new email with only products that were ready for immediate dispatch.

RESULT: Although I was disappointed that I had made a mistake, I learned from the situation and developed a checklist to ensure the same situation never happened again.

Behavioral Interview Question 3: Tell me about a time when you had a conflict with a co-worker.

Below is a brilliant S.T.A.R technique answer.

SITUATION: I overheard a co-worker making derogatory remarks about a team member who was off sick.

TASK: It was my task to speak to my co-worker to express my disapproval of his comments because they were disrespectful, inappropriate, and they went against company policy.

ACTION: I asked to speak to my co-worker in private. I told him that I disapproved of his comments and that our co-worker, who was off sick, was not here to defend herself. He initially told me to mind my own business, but I remained confident and resilient.

RESULT: Eventually, he apologized and accepted he was wrong and promised to never be disrespectful to our co-worker again.

Behavioral Interview Question 4: Describe a situation when you had to resolve a difficult problem at work.

Below is a brilliant response that uses that star technique.

SITUATION: I was working on a team project when I noticed one of my coworkers was constantly late with his work. His lateness was starting to impact the project deadline.

TASK: Because the project was important to our company, I decided to speak to my co-worker and establish the reason for his late work.

ACTION: I spoke to him in private and discussed tactfully my concerns. I asked him if he was experiencing any problems. He told me that he hadn’t received the right training for his project tasks, so I offered to help him. I had some previous experience in complete his tasks, so I spent several hours providing guidance and training.

RESULT: As a result of raising my concerns and providing him with appropriate training and support, he soon got back on track and started delivering on his tasks in a timely manner.

Behavioral Interview Question 5: Give an example of a time when you deliver excellent customer service.

This question comes up all the time, below is a brilliant response that uses that S.T.A.R technique.

SITUATION: I was helping an elderly customer on the telephone who wasn’t very good with technology. She wanted to place an order on our website but lacked the confidence and knowledge to do so.

TASK: It was my task to reassure her and walk her through each step of the ordering process.

ACTION: I started by reassuring her before explaining how the ordering system worked and that it was safe and secure. I spoke slowly and talked her through each step of the process, giving her every opportunity to ask me questions.

RESULT: After spending 15 minutes on the phone helping the customer, she learned how to place an order independently and she went on to become a long-term customer of our business.

Behavioral Interview Question 6. Tell me about a time when you had to multitask.

Below is a great answer:

SITUATION: I was working in a busy office when my manager asked for a volunteer to cover the duties of a coworker for the day who was away on a training course. I volunteered.

TASK: It was my task to prioritize both mine and my coworker’s duties to ensure everything got completed by the end of the working day.

ACTION: I created a list of our combined tasks. I then put the tasks in order of priority and colour coded them. Red tasks needed to be completed immediately, orange tasks came second, and green tasks could be left for the end of the working day.

RESULT: By being methodical in my approach to the additional duties, I managed to multitask successfully and complete everything on time.

Behavioral Interview Question 7: Describe a stressful situation and what you did about it.

Below is a brilliant response that uses that S.T.A.R technique.

SITUATION: In my last job, we had been getting ready for an important weekend online sale. It was Friday lunchtime when all of a sudden the website developed a technical fault. This was a stressful situation because we did not have an IT department and it wasn’t long before the sale was due to start.

TASK: It was my task to analyze the problem, find a solution and get the website back functioning again before the end of the working day.

ACTION: After researching online and asking questions on IT forums, I managed to establish the cause of the problem. I then went online and hired a qualified web developer to fix the problem, and he managed to get the website back working again before the 5:00 PM deadline.

RESULT: By remaining calm, working methodically, and using assistance of IT experts, I was able to get the website ready in time for the weekend sale, which was a great result for the company.

These are the top 7 behavioural interview questions and answers.

I wish you best of luck.

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