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Interview Questions and Answers

How to Introduce Yourself in an Interview (Introduce Yourself & Tell Me About Yourself Interview Question)

In this very important job interview guide, you will learn how to INTRODUCE YOURSELF in your job interview. How you introduce yourself at the start of your interview will determine whether you pass or fail. Therefore, if you have an interview soon for any job or company, read this guide well because the tips, advice and sample introduction will help you pass at the first attempt.

To help you introduce yourself in your job interview, this guide will cover the following three things:

  • What will happen at the start of your job interview? You will learn what the hiring manager will say to you and what you should say in response.
  • Four things you must include in your job interview introduction.
  • A brilliant job interview introduction sample that is guaranteed to get your interview off to a positive start.

What will happen at the start of your job interview?

At the start of the interview, the hiring manager will welcome you to the interview. Do not sit down in the interview chair until they invite you to do so. This demonstrates good manners.

Once you are sat down, the hiring manager will say to you something like this:

“Welcome to the interview. How are you today?

You should say this in response: “I am very well, thank you. I’m excited about the possibility of working for your company, and I’m looking forward to the interview.”

Saying that at the start of your interview shows the hiring manager you are polite and respectful, positive, and that you are looking forward to sharing details about your skills and qualities and how you can add value to their company.

The hiring manager will then commence the interview, and the first question they will ask you will either be, “Please introduce yourself or tell me about yourself”. These interview questions are designed as ice breakers. They get you talking and they give you the opportunity to speak about your skills and strengths and how you can add value to their company.

What to include in your job interview introduction

Below is what to include in your job interview introduction. When you introduce yourself at the start of your interview, you should talk about the following four things:

  1. The skills you have that match the job description.
  2. The experience you can bring to the role or your educational qualifications, if you have no previous work experience.
  3. Details of any achievements you have gained in your life so far.
  4. The type of person you are and what you will do in the role if they hire you.

You will notice that those four things stand for S.E.A.T. Skills, experience or educational qualifications, achievements, and the type of person you are. You can easily remember the S.E.A.T structure for job interview introductions because you will be sitting down on a S.E.A.T at your interview.

How to Introduce Yourself in Interview Sample Answer (Introduce Yourself & Tell Me About Yourself)

Below is a brilliant example Job Interview Introduction that will help get your interview off to a brilliant start. This interview introduction can be used for when answering either, introduce yourself or tell me about yourself.

“Thank you for this opportunity. My name is [Insert Your Name], and before I applied for the position, I read the job description to ensure I have the skills, knowledge, and experience to meet the role’s demands.

My skills are an excellent match for the position and the industry. I am a diligent team worker and a confident problem solver, and I always prioritize my work to meet my employer’s objectives.

My experience is diverse, and it will empower me to hit the ground running in the role. I have experience working on small and large teams, completing time at sensitive projects, and delivering excellent customer service.

I am a high achiever. In my last job, I was praised by my manager for my flexibility with my job description and how I contributed ideas during team meetings to help the business thrive.

If you hire me, I will be the type of employee who embraces change, takes ownership of my professional development, and supports my co-workers to ensure the business becomes the market leader.”

That’s a brilliant job interview introduction that is perfect for the interview questions, introduce yourself, and tell me about yourself.

How to write “Thank You” Email and Letter for Job Interviews

In this very important job interview guide, you will learn the perfect “thank you” letter or email to send after your job interview. This is a thank you email and letter for job interviews sample.

Many candidates do not send a “thank you” letter or email after their interview, and they then wonder why they don’t hear anything back from the hiring manager. It is very important that you send a thank you email or letter to the hiring manager as soon as you get home after your interview.

If you have an interview coming up soon or you have just finished your interview and you want to know what to write in your thank you letter or email, read this guide to end because it will help you.

How to write “Thank You” Email and Letter for Job interviews after Interview

To help you significantly increase your chances of getting hired, this guide will cover the following three things:

  • What a thank you email or letter is and why you should always send one.
  • Three (3) things you must include in your thank you email or letter to impress the hiring manager.
  • A brilliant thank you email or letter sample to write down.


This is what a thank you email or letter is and why you should always send one after your interview:

A thank you email or letter is a short message you send to the hiring manager immediately after your interview that thanks them for interviewing you for the position and it reaffirms what you will do in the role if they hire you.

You should always send a thank you email or letter because it puts you at the forefront of the hiring manager’s mind when they are making a decision of who to hire.

It also reminds them of what you are going to do to add value to their company in the role.


Below are the three things you should always include in your interview thank you email or letter:

  1. A thank you note to show your appreciation.

The first thing to include in your thank you letter or email is a thank you note that shows your appreciation for them giving you the opportunity to be interviewed for the position. This short note demonstrates you have good manners.

  1. A sentence to say you enjoyed learning more about their company.

The second thing to include in your thank you email or letter is a sentence that says you enjoyed finding out more about their company during the interview and the hiring process has further reaffirmed your desire that you want to work for their company long term.

  1. A statement saying what you will do for their company.

The third and final thing to include in your thank you email or letter is a short statement that tells the hiring manager what you will do in the position to make sure they see a positive return on their investment when they hire you.

Thank You Email and Letter for Job Interviews Sample

Below is thank you email or letter sample to send to the hiring manager after your job interview:

Dear Sir/Madam,

Thank you for allowing me to be interviewed for the position with your company today. I thoroughly enjoyed the process and learning more about your company.

My experience during the hiring process has further reaffirmed my desire to work for you in this position.

If you hire me, I will be a good role model for the company, support you in company initiatives, and assist my coworkers to ensure the company’s commercial and financial goals are achieved.

If you need any further information to help you make a decision, please do not hesitate to contact me.

I look forward to hearing from you in a due course.

Yours faithfully,

[Insert Your Name]

Thank you email and letter for job interviews sample

That’s a brilliant thank you email or letter sample you can send to the hiring manager. Don’t forget, make sure you send this after your interview.

I wish you all the best for passing your job interview.


This post will teach you how to pass a pre-recorded or on-demand video interview, what a pre-recorded video interview is, why they are used, and how the process works.

If you have a pre-recorded video interview coming up soon for any job or company, read this post from start to finish because it will help you pass it at the first attempt.

What does on-demand or pre-recorded video interview mean?

To help you pass your pre-recorded video interview, this post will teach you the following three things:

  • What a pre-recorded video interview is and how the process works.
  • Five important tips for passing your pre-recorded video interview.
  • Example answers to the most common pre-recorded video interview questions.


A pre-recorded video interview, also known as an on-demand or one-way video interview, is a job interview format in which the candidate (i.e you), records their responses to a set of pre-determined interview questions without the presence of an interviewer in real time.

Instead of conducting a live video interview where the candidate and the interviewer interact simultaneously, the candidate receives a list of questions and is typically given a specific time frame to record their answers using a webcam or a dedicated video interview platform.


How a pre-recorded video interview typically works.

  1. Invitation stage

You will receive an invitation to participate in the pre-recorded video interview, usually by way of an email or receiving a link to an online video platform.

  1. Instruction stage

You are then provided with on-screen instructions on how to access the interview questions and record your responses. You will also receive information about the time limit for each question and any technical requirements.

  1. Recording stage

You then have to record your answers to the interview questions one at a time, usually in the order they are provided. You will have a limited amount of time, typically one to two minutes to answer each question.

  1. Submission stage

After you have given your answers, you will submit the completed interview. Some platforms will allow you to review and re-record your answers before final submission, while others do not.

  1. Evaluation stage

Once you have submitted your responses, the hiring manager or recruiter will review the video answers at their convenience. They will assess your interview technique, communication skills and your overall fit for the position through your answers.


Pre-recorded video interviews offer several advantages for the candidates, you and the employer as follows:

Flexibility: Which means the candidate can complete the interview at a time that is convenient for them within the given time frame, reducing scheduling conflicts.

Consistency: This means all candidates receive the same set of questions ensuring a consistent evaluation process.

Time efficiency: Employers can review the video interviews at their convenience and also save time compared to conducting live interviews with multiple candidates.


Below are five important tips for passing pre-recorded or on-demand video interview:

Pre-recorded video interview tip 1: Treat it as a real interview. Although you won’t be speaking to a live person, you should still communicate and act as if you are.

Pre-recorded video interview tip 2: Make sure you wear a smart and professional-looking outfit to your pre-recorded video interview. This is important because the hiring manager will assess your motivations for wanting the job. If you wear a smart outfit, it tells them you care and you have high standards.

Pre-recorded video interview tip 3: Make sure your background looks professional and is free from clutter. You should also make sure there is a strong internet connection in the location you undertake the video interview.

Pre-recorded video interview tip 4: Make sure you practice speaking while looking at your webcam as opposed to the computer screen. This will help maintain eye contact with the hiring manager when they eventually review your responses.

Pre-recorded video interview tip 5: Make sure you practice your answers to the most common pre-recorded video interview questions before your interview. This will help improve communication skills, which is a key accessible area.


Below are some brilliant answers to the most common pre-recorded or on-demand video interview questions:

Pre-recorded video interview question #1: Tell me about yourself.

Here’s a great answer.

“Thank you for this opportunity. My name is [INSERT YOUR NAME] and I am a confident, adaptable, reliable and supportive team player who has the skills and knowledge to match the job description.

I graduated from college with subjects in [INSERT YOUR SUBJECTS], and since then, I have worked in several positions where I have been required to provide excellent customer service, solve challenging problems and collaborate on projects to achieve time-sensitive deadlines.

I am a high achiever. In my last position, I won Employee of the month and I helped the team I was on achieve the best-ever sales for a new company product launch.

Outside work, I played team sports and keep fit and active, meaning my energy and concentration levels are always high.

If you hire me, I will be a good role model for the company brand, adopt a cost-conscious approach to my work to help you save money, and take ownership of my professional development to ensure you see a positive return from my salary.”

Pre-recorded video interview question #2: Why are you interested in this job?

Here’s a great answer:

“I am interested in this job because it is in an industry that I am very passionate about. The job specification is a close match for my qualifications and knowledge, and I am particularly attracted to the position because it is with your company.

My research tells me you are a forward-thinking and innovative employer that is going places, and your inclusive workplace culture means I will be supported in my work and have the opportunity to hone my skills to become an expert in my area of specialism.”

Pre-recorded video interview question #3: What are your greatest strengths?

Here’s a great answer:

“My greatest strengths are my responsiveness, adaptability to change, and how I take responsibility for problems and challenges.

I am a fast worker and get things done quickly so I can then move on to the next task.

I will support new company initiatives so you stay ahead of the competition, and whenever there is a difficult problem, I will take it upon myself to find a solution that is in the best interests of the team.”

Pre-recorded video interview question #4: What is your biggest weakness?

Here’s a great answer:

“My biggest weakness is I am not yet very good at public speaking. While this weakness will not hinder my ability to perform well in this position, it is an area I would like to develop.

Therefore, if there are any opportunities in this role to give talks or presentations to my team, then I would like to give it a try.”

Pre-recorded video interview question #5: Why should we hire you?

Here’s a great answer:

“I believe I am the ideal candidate for this role due to my unique blend of skills and experiences that align perfectly with your company’s needs.

What truly sets me apart is my unwavering commitment to expectations and driving results. I am a proactive problem solver who thrives in dynamic environments, and I am excited about the opportunity to contribute my expertise to your team.

I am confident that my dedication, adaptability, and proven track record make me a valuable asset to your organization. I look forward to the opportunity to leverage my skills to help your team excel and achieve its goals.”

Thank you for reading this post. I wish you all the best for passing your job interview.

What Question do they ask DV Winners at DV Lottery Visa Interview?

DV Lottery interview Questions and Answer

People do ask question about the type of questions that are expected to be asked in the Diversity Visa (DV) lottery interview and what are the correct answers you need to have in order to guarantee you to be given the visa.

Remember, when you apply and win the diversity visa lottery doesn’t mean it’s a guarantee to have or to be given the visa. There are other things, there will be interview for that. But the interview for the diversity visa lottery is one among the easiest, the fastest type of the interview you’ll ever have, if you have ever been to the U.S Embassy by any case.

Why this type of visa interview is different and what type of the questions are they going to ask you?

They are not going to ask you questions which are part of what we call non-immigrant visa. Remember, the non-immigrant visa is the visa type where you apply to go to the United States of America for a specified period of time, like you are going as a student for two years in Master’s program and expect to come back to your country or to go for bachelor’s degree for four years and expected you to come back after finishing your studies.

For that particular case, most of the questions for non-immigrant visas will be towards you proving that you’ll be coming back to your home country. You don’t have the any type of intention to relocate and to stay there permanently.

But the good thing is the Green Card Lottery is immigrant visa, meaning you are going to be sponsored by the U.S government, guaranteed by the U.S government to become permanent resident of the United States of America.

For that case, they are not going to ask you a question like “Tell me or prove to me that you’ll be coming back to your home country”, “Tell me how much you love your country”, “Tell me how committed you are”. They don’t care all those kinds of things. But what then do they care about?

DV Lottery interview Questions and Answer

They are going to ask you to prove to them that you are who you are, but first they’ll just congratulate you for winning the DV lottery before even they ask you anything.

They are going to ask you about your education or work experience.

Question: What is your level of education?

Answer/Hint: My level of education is a bachelor’s degree, is high school, is masters.

Question: Show me the evidence. Give me the certification, give me the transcript you have.

Answer/Hint: You give to them your education documents.

Question: They might ask you, even if you have PhD, what do you do for a living? What’s your current job or what type of job do you do? Or what business do you do? If you say you do a certain job, they might ask you, do you have any documentation? How long have you been doing?

Answer/Hint: Prove to them by showing them your evidence which you need to have. They expect things like a contract letter from your employer, they expect things like a letter from your employer or ID. You need to have so many evidences to prove that you are who you are and you are working from there.

You have recommendation letter. You have any proof and documentation, including even the phone number of your supervisor or the owner or the manager who can verify in case they want to prove that.

Those are some of the questions they may ask you there. Other questions they might ask you are below:

Question: Which state are you going to leave?

Answer/Hint: I’m going to live in Virginia, I’m going to Washington, I’m going to live in Seattle, I’m going to DC, I’m going to Missouri, Kansas, or wherever it is you want to stay, you say it, they don’t care.

There is no right or wrong in which state you are going to stay.

Question: They might ask you, who is your host or what address are you going to stay? What is the relationship with that particular person?

Answer/Hint: I’m going to stay to this particular person, is my friend or is just the person I met online. I was looking for host is going to host me. My host is my relative, my nephew, my uncle, my classmate, whatever, they don’t care. As long as that person is not keen in criminal activities, they don’t care.

Question: They might ask you a question, what do you plan to do in America?

It doesn’t matter what answer you’re going to say, as long as it’s not a criminal related activity. If you say I haven’t made a full decision yet, maybe I might go to school or maybe I want to become a doctor or I want to join the military or I want to work in the warehouse.

Those are just some few questions they might ask just for curious that they want to know. After those questions, you are good to go. There are no many other questions.

That steps or that processes, it is less than three minutes if you are single. If you are married, it can go for five minutes and in the five minutes, they might ask some few questions to your spouse or a child. But those questions to a child or your derivative or dependent as a wife will not affect you in most cases for your visa.

They might ask your child, are you excited to go if you’re a child, what you plan to study? What’s your educational level?

Spouse education level has no impact in deciding whether to be given the visa or not to be given the visa.

This is the easiest type of the interview. About three minutes for a single, maximum five minutes if they’re married or someone with children.

Once you finish the interview, they will tell you to leave your passport with them. Your passport will remain there. They will tell you depending on the country where you are, either you come back on a certain day to take your passport, or they might tell you in some countries, they will send to you through DHL or whatever, certain location, depending on the country to country.

Within a week, maximum two weeks, you’ll have your passport. Once you have your passport, the visa’s term will be for six months to expire. You must travel to the United States within those six months.

Don’t wait too long. So within a month or two, if there is a possibility to travel, just make sure that you travel and go to the United States of America and start your life there.

DISCLAIMER: This post and content is designed for general information only and is NOT legal advice. This site is not offering any Diversity Visa and is not the official site for DV Lottery program. The information presented in this post should not be construed to be formal legal advice.

How to Answer Behavioural Interview Questions With No Experience

How to answer behavioural interview questions with no experience: In this very important job interview post, you will learn how to answer behavioral interview questions if you have no previous work experience.

For example, if the hiring manager says to you, Tell me about a time when you worked on a team, but you’ve never been in that situation before. This post will teach you exactly what to say.

If you have an interview coming up soon for any role or company make sure you read this post to end because it will help you pass at the very first attempt.

How to Answer Behavioural Interview Questions With No Experience

To help you pass your job interview at the first attempt, this post will cover the following three things:

  • What behavioral interview questions are and why the hiring manager will ask you them at your interview.
  • The secret to answering behavioral interview questions if you have no previous work experience.
  • Brilliant, no experience answers to the most common behavioral interview questions.

What behavioral interview questions are and why you will have to answer them during your job interview

Behavioral interview questions assess how you have previously dealt with the type of situations you will likely encounter in the workplace.

Common behavioral interview questions include:

  • Tell me about a time when you worked on a team.
  • Tell me about a time when you delivered excellent customer service.
  • Describe a situation when you had a conflict with a coworker.
  • Talk about a time when you had to work under pressure.

The hiring manager will ask you these and other difficult behavioral interview questions because if you have experience of these common workplace situations, you will be able to hit the ground running in the role and be a reliable employee.

The problem most people have is they don’t have any experience of those situations. So how do you answer the questions?

Whenever answering behavioral interview questions, if you have no previous work experience, tell the hiring manager you have never been in that situation before, but you do know what you would do in that type of situation.

How to Answer Behavioural Interview Questions With No Experience

Below are Behavioural Interview Questions and Answers for Freshers:

Behavioral Interview Question #1: Tell me about a time when you delivered excellent customer service.

Here’s a brilliant answer for people who’ve never been in that situation before. Say this…..

“Although I have not yet been in that type of situation, I have received both good and bad customer service, so I do know exactly how to deliver outstanding service to your customers.

To deliver excellent customer service, I would welcome the customer by being polite, upbeat, and professional. I would ask the customer how their day was going and ask them simple questions to establish their needs.

I would take the time to explain the different products or services we had to offer them and give them the opportunity to ask me questions.

Once they had decided which products or services they wished to purchase, I would serve them quickly, efficiently, and promptly ensuring they had everything they needed before wishing them a good day.

If appropriate, I would follow up with the customer the day after their purchase to check they were still satisfied and ask them for feedback.

I understand that the excellent customer service is vital to the success of your business, and I can be relied upon to always deliver it.”

That type of response will score highly with any hiring manager. It was a confident answer that gives the hiring manager the reassurance you know exactly how to deal with the workplace situation being assessed.”

Behavioral Interview Question #2: Tell me about a time when you worked on a team.

Here’s a brilliant answer for people who’ve never been in that situation before.

“While I haven’t yet worked on a team, I do know how to collaborate with others, and I’m confident I can quickly become an effective team player for your company.

To work effectively, I would listen to the team brief and suggest that we create an action plan to achieve our objective before allocating tasks to team members based on their strengths.

I would support my teammates in completing their duties, give encouragement, and communicate in a clear and concise style.

Finally, once we’d completed the team task, I would suggest discussing our performance to see if any lessons could be learned and improvements made.”

Behavioral Interview Question #3: Talk about a time when you had to work under pressure.

Here’s a great answer for those people who have never been in that situation before.

“I haven’t yet had to work under pressure, but I can explain what I would do in that type of situation.

While working under pressure, I would remain calm, create an action plan of the tasks I had to complete and by when.

I would prioritize each task in order of priority based on my objectives, block out all distractions, and set to work with determination and focus.

If I needed to ask my coworkers for assistance, I would not be afraid to do so.

Finally, I would communicate with my manager and keep them informed of my progress and anticipated time for task completion.”

Behavioral Interview Question #4: Describe a situation when you had a conflict with a co-worker.

Here’s no-experienced, brilliant, top-scoring answer.

“I have never experienced a conflict with a co-worker, but I do know what I would do if that situation were to occur. I would first assess my actions to ensure I wasn’t saying or doing anything to contribute negatively to the situation.

Next, I would speak to my co-worker privately to establish the exact cause of the conflict, get their view on the situation, and then work hard to find an amicable way forward that was in the best interests of our team.”

Behavioral Interview Question #5: Tell me about a time when you had to overcome an unexpected problem.

Here’s a brilliant answer if you’ve never been in that situation before.

“Although I haven’t yet been in that situation, I know exactly what I would do to overcome the problem. I would stay calm and determine the cause of the problem.

I would assess my options for overcoming it and determine which one was the best solution for the situation I was facing.

For example, if I was working on a time-sensitive project and several coworkers unexpectedly fell ill, I would decide which tasks could be absorbed by the remaining team members.

For any tasks that could not be absorbed, I would outsource them to qualified online contractors to ensure the project was still completed on time.”

Behavioral Interview Question #6: Tell me about a time when you made a mistake at work.

Here’s a great answer for those people who are new to the workplace.

“Because I am new to the workplace, I haven’t yet made any mistakes. However, if I did make a mistake, this is what I would do.

I would immediately accept responsibility for the mistake, inform my manager, and apologize. I would assess what I needed to do to put things right and work hard until I had achieved my objective.

Finally, I would share any lessons learned as to why I made the mistake with my team so everyone could learn from the situation.”

There’s some brilliant example answers to common behavioral interview questions if you have never been in that type of situation before.

How to Answer “Tell Me About Yourself” for Fresh Graduates and Experienced Candidates

In this very important job interview post, you will learn how to answer “Tell me about yourself” in interview, both for Freshers (those people with no previous work experience) and Experienced Candidates.

Right at the very start of your job interview, the hiring manager will say to you, tell me about yourself, how you answer this first question could be the difference between a pass or fail.

How to answer “Tell me about yourself” in an interview

To help you answer the interview question, tell me about yourself, to not only get the highest scores possible, but also impress the hiring manager, this post will cover the following three things:

  • Reasons why the hiring manager will say to you at the start of your job interview, Tell me about yourself. There are two reasons why they will ask you this tough question.
  • Four (4) things you should include in your answer to the interview question, “tell me about yourself”, including a brilliant, easy to remember structure you can use.
  • Two brilliant, top scoring answers to that question, Tell me about yourself. One of the answers is for experienced candidates and the other answer is for fresh graduates (those who have no previous work experience).

Reasons why is the hiring manager going to say to you at the start of your job interview, “Tell me about yourself”?

There are two reasons.

Reason #1: Because getting you to talk about something you should know a lot about yourself will help to reduce your interview nerves. You will be the most nervous at the start of your job interview, so when the hiring manager says to you, “tell me about yourself”, it gives you the opportunity to start talking.

Make sure you practice your answer to the question “tell me about yourself”” several times before your interview.

Reason #2: Because it quickly allows them to assess your communication skills and to determine whether or not you are going to be a good fit for their team.

That is why your answer must be confident and contain four important areas.


Four important areas you should include in your answer

  1. Skills

Talk about the skills you have that match the job description.

  1. Education and experience

Briefly mention the educational qualifications you have and also any relevant experience you can bring to the company.

  1. Achievements

Talk about any significant achievements you have gained in your work or personal life. If the hiring manager sees you are a high achiever with a track record of success, they will definitely be more likely to hire you.

  1. The type of person you are

Tell the hiring manager the type of person you are and what you will do for their company.

Those four things stand for SEAT.

How to answer a Tell me about yourself question during an interview

Below are two brilliant, top scoring answers to that interview question, “tell me about yourself”.

Tell Me About Yourself Sample Answer For Experienced Candidates

“Thank you for this opportunity. I am a positive, supportive and dynamic employee with the skills to match the job description. I am a fast worker and good communicator, will solve problems quickly, and have the relevant customer service skills to make a difference in the position.

I graduated from college with qualifications in subjects that will benefit me in this role. I have experience managing multiple tasks in teams and am competent in using all Microsoft Office applications.

I have a track record of achievement. I have won several sporting events with my team and have won employee of the month in my previous job.

If you hire me, I will be a great role model for the company brand and take responsibility for my ongoing professional development, so I’m always a great asset to the team.

I promise to commit to the company long term to ensure you see a great return on your investment and assist you in becoming the market leader.”

Tell Me About Yourself Sample Answer For Freshers (Fresh Graduates) and those people with no previous work experience

“My name is Steve [Insert Your Name], and I want to express my gratitude for the opportunity to be interviewed for a position at your company today.

I recently graduated from college with qualifications in mathematics, psychology and computer science. During my time at college, I learned the important values of discipline, maintaining high standards and providing support to other students in their pursuit of success.

My personal characteristics can be summarized as positive, enthusiastic, determined and resilient. I am always eager to take ownership of challenging situations as they arise.

Approaching my career with an open mind, I come to you as a blank canvas, free from preconceived ideas about the workplace. I am excited about the prospect of being trained to excel as a valuable member of your team.

If I am fortunate enough to join your organization, I am committed to building a long term career here. My goal is to become a dependable and trustworthy employee who consistently adds value to the business and supports its daily operations.”

There’s two brilliant answers to that first very difficult interview question, “tell me about yourself”.

I wish you all the best for passing your job interview.

How to Describe Yourself in a Job Interview

This post will teach how to DESCRIBE YOURSELF in a Job Interview by using powerful words and sentences that will impress any hiring manager.

Right at the very start of your interview, the hiring manager will say to you, “How would you describe yourself”. The answer you give will be the difference between a pass or fail.

If you have an interview coming up soon for any role or company, read this post very well because it to help you pass at the very first attempt.

To help you pass your job interview at the first attempt, below are things this post will cover:

  • 11 incredibly powerful words to use to describe yourself in an interview and explain what each one means.

If you use any of these 11 words when answering that difficult interview question, how would you describe yourself? They will definitely make the hiring manager sit up and listen.

  • Three powerful answers to that interview question, “How would you describe yourself”


  • Performance-driven

If you are a performance-driven employee, it means all of your work is focused on achieving positive results for your employer and getting things done.

  • Cost-conscious

If you are cost-conscious, it means you never waste company supplies and resources. Instead, you are a frugal worker who takes care of supplies and resources and tries to streamline company systems and processes to help your employer save money and increase profits.

  • Resourceful

Someone that is resourceful has the ability to quickly find clever ways to overcome challenges and problems. Most employees leave problems for others to deal with, but a resourceful person will take ownership of the problem and create a solution.

  • Versatile

An employee who is versatile can do many things and they are not afraid to try out new tasks or take on responsibilities because it broadens their skill set and widens their knowledge.

Hiring managers love to hire versatile employees because they give so much more back to a company than the average person.

  • Detail-oriented

If you are detail-oriented, it means you rarely make mistakes and can be trusted to get on with your work and complete it to a very high standard. Detail-oriented people are great to have in a team because they bring the standards up of everyone else.

  • Troubleshooter

Someone who is a troubleshooter loves to solve difficult problems and challenges. Troubleshooters enjoy solving problems and they are great to have working in companies because they quickly find ways to help a team or organization progress.

  • Passionate

I love employing passionate people in my business because they are positive, love their work, get more work completed than the average person, and they are reliable.

  • Trustworthy

All hiring managers want to employ people that are trustworthy. If you are trustworthy, it means you will do your work without being supervised, are honest, loyal to the company brand, and will never disclose confidential information or give away company secrets.

  • Goal-oriented

I am a goal-oriented person. Every week, I set myself several goals to achieve and I never fail. Goal-oriented people are focused on reaching a specific objective and accomplishing their task in the fastest time possible.

  • Commercially aware

If someone is commercially aware, it means they have a basic understanding of how a business operates and that they must do a good job to help their employer become the market leader. Commercially aware employees are vital in teams because they care about the success of the business.

  • Innovative

Someone who is innovative will introduce new and original ideas to the team. They will be creative in their thinking and seek opportunities in the industry to help the company improve, grow, and succeed.

There’s 11 incredibly powerful words to use when describing yourself in your job interview.

How to Answer Describe Yourself in a Job Interview

Below are three powerful answers to this interview question.

Question: How would you describe yourself?

How Would You Describe Yourself Best Answer 1:

“I would describe myself as a passionate and trustworthy employee who loves their work, wants to make a positive difference to their team, and who thrives when under pressure.

I am commercially aware, meaning I understand how a business operates and that I must do a great job for you to ensure you become the market leader.

Finally, I would describe myself as performance-driven. I am someone who gets their work completed quickly to a high standard and can be relied upon to achieve challenging goals every week.”

How Would You Describe Yourself Best Answer 2:

“I would describe myself as positive, loyal, supportive, and driven.

In my last job, my manager often praised me for my attention to detail, versatility, and my willingness to carry out tasks that were outside of my job description.

I would also describe myself as attentive. I am someone who never makes mistakes, and my innovative approach to work means I will bring new and original ideas to the team to ensure your business continually grows and thrives.”

How Would You Describe Yourself Best Answer 3:

“I would describe myself as goal-oriented, cost-conscious, trustworthy, and data-driven. I always set myself goals to achieve, which will ensure you see a positive return on your investment if you hire me.

I seek ways to help my employer save money by being frugal with company supplies and resources, and I always analyze information and data carefully to ensure the right decisions are made and the team can take advantage of opportunities in the industry.”

There’s three brilliant top scoring answers to that very difficult question, how to describe yourself in a job interview.

Thank you for reading this post. I wish you all the best for passing your job interview.

How to Answer Behavioral Interview Questions

Top 7 behavioural interview questions and answers: In this job interview post, you will learn brilliant answers to seven (7) common but really difficult behavioral interview questions.

If you have an interview coming up anytime soon for any role or company, read this post well because the answers here will help you easily beat the competition.

Top 7 Behavioural Interview Questions and Answers

Whenever you answer behavioral interview questions such as, tell me about a time when you worked under pressure, Tell me about a time when you made a decision with limited information, and tell me about a time when you had a conflict with a co-worker.

You should always make sure you use the STAR technique, S-T-A-R, to structure your answer. But what does the STAR technique stand for?

STAR stands for Situation, Task, Action and Result.

– You start your answer and outline the SITUATION you were faced with.

– You then talk about the TASK that needed doing.

– Next, give details about the ACTION you took to complete the task.

– Before finally finishing your answer and revealing the RESULTS following your actions.

Always make sure you use the S.T.A.R technique when answering behavioral interview questions because is the best structure to use for answering behavioral interview questions.

How to Answer Behavioral Interview Questions

Below are some powerful top scoring answers to the hardest behavioral questions asked in job interviews.

Behavioral Interview Question 1: Tell me about a time when you worked on a team task.

Below is a top scoring answer that uses the S.T.A.R technique.

SITUATION: In my previous job while working for Company ABC, I was tasked with launching a new company product as part of a team.

TASK: It was our job to launch the product successfully to ensure it quickly made a profit.

ACTION: As a team, we came up with five different ideas to promote the product. These included social media advertising, offering a discount to previous customers, and selling the product through affiliates who earned a commission.

RESULT: By collaborating closely as a team, supporting each other, and using everyone’s ideas, we achieved the best ever sales for the new product launch.

Behavioral Interview Question 2: Tell me about a time when you made a mistake.

Below is a brilliant answer that uses the S.T.A.R technique.

SITUATION: When I started work in my previous job, a customer asked for details of products we had for sale that suited their requirements.

TASK: It was my task to send them a comprehensive list of products that I thought would meet their needs.

ACTION: Unfortunately, because I did not check our stock availability, I sent them an email that contained some products that were out of stock. As soon as I realized my mistake, I called the customer on the phone, apologized for my mistake, and resent a new email with only products that were ready for immediate dispatch.

RESULT: Although I was disappointed that I had made a mistake, I learned from the situation and developed a checklist to ensure the same situation never happened again.

Behavioral Interview Question 3: Tell me about a time when you had a conflict with a co-worker.

Below is a brilliant S.T.A.R technique answer.

SITUATION: I overheard a co-worker making derogatory remarks about a team member who was off sick.

TASK: It was my task to speak to my co-worker to express my disapproval of his comments because they were disrespectful, inappropriate, and they went against company policy.

ACTION: I asked to speak to my co-worker in private. I told him that I disapproved of his comments and that our co-worker, who was off sick, was not here to defend herself. He initially told me to mind my own business, but I remained confident and resilient.

RESULT: Eventually, he apologized and accepted he was wrong and promised to never be disrespectful to our co-worker again.

Behavioral Interview Question 4: Describe a situation when you had to resolve a difficult problem at work.

Below is a brilliant response that uses that star technique.

SITUATION: I was working on a team project when I noticed one of my coworkers was constantly late with his work. His lateness was starting to impact the project deadline.

TASK: Because the project was important to our company, I decided to speak to my co-worker and establish the reason for his late work.

ACTION: I spoke to him in private and discussed tactfully my concerns. I asked him if he was experiencing any problems. He told me that he hadn’t received the right training for his project tasks, so I offered to help him. I had some previous experience in complete his tasks, so I spent several hours providing guidance and training.

RESULT: As a result of raising my concerns and providing him with appropriate training and support, he soon got back on track and started delivering on his tasks in a timely manner.

Behavioral Interview Question 5: Give an example of a time when you deliver excellent customer service.

This question comes up all the time, below is a brilliant response that uses that S.T.A.R technique.

SITUATION: I was helping an elderly customer on the telephone who wasn’t very good with technology. She wanted to place an order on our website but lacked the confidence and knowledge to do so.

TASK: It was my task to reassure her and walk her through each step of the ordering process.

ACTION: I started by reassuring her before explaining how the ordering system worked and that it was safe and secure. I spoke slowly and talked her through each step of the process, giving her every opportunity to ask me questions.

RESULT: After spending 15 minutes on the phone helping the customer, she learned how to place an order independently and she went on to become a long-term customer of our business.

Behavioral Interview Question 6. Tell me about a time when you had to multitask.

Below is a great answer:

SITUATION: I was working in a busy office when my manager asked for a volunteer to cover the duties of a coworker for the day who was away on a training course. I volunteered.

TASK: It was my task to prioritize both mine and my coworker’s duties to ensure everything got completed by the end of the working day.

ACTION: I created a list of our combined tasks. I then put the tasks in order of priority and colour coded them. Red tasks needed to be completed immediately, orange tasks came second, and green tasks could be left for the end of the working day.

RESULT: By being methodical in my approach to the additional duties, I managed to multitask successfully and complete everything on time.

Behavioral Interview Question 7: Describe a stressful situation and what you did about it.

Below is a brilliant response that uses that S.T.A.R technique.

SITUATION: In my last job, we had been getting ready for an important weekend online sale. It was Friday lunchtime when all of a sudden the website developed a technical fault. This was a stressful situation because we did not have an IT department and it wasn’t long before the sale was due to start.

TASK: It was my task to analyze the problem, find a solution and get the website back functioning again before the end of the working day.

ACTION: After researching online and asking questions on IT forums, I managed to establish the cause of the problem. I then went online and hired a qualified web developer to fix the problem, and he managed to get the website back working again before the 5:00 PM deadline.

RESULT: By remaining calm, working methodically, and using assistance of IT experts, I was able to get the website ready in time for the weekend sale, which was a great result for the company.

These are the top 7 behavioural interview questions and answers.

I wish you best of luck.


This article will teach you the best way to introduce yourself in a job interview.

If you have an interview coming up anytime soon for any role or company, they will say to you right at the very start, please start off and introduce yourself. The response you give could be the difference between a pass or fail.

How to Introduce Yourself in a Job Interview

To give the perfect job interview introduction, below are the things this article will cover:

  • Reasons explain why you will be asked to introduce yourself at the start of your job interview. There are two reasons why they will ask you to introduce yourself. You need to know what those reasons are to give the perfect answer.
  • Eight powerful words to use in your job interview introduction.
  • Three (3) brilliant example answers to the interview question, “Introduce yourself”.

Reasons explain why you will be asked to introduce yourself at the start of your job interview

Below are the two reasons why the hiring manager will say to you right at the very start of your interview, please introduce yourself:

  1. Simply because it gets you talking.

You are going to be the most nervous right at the start of your interview, and by giving you the chance to talk about something you should know a lot about yourself, it helps to really calm your nerves.

Make sure you practice your job interview introduction several times before you attend your interview because this will give you the confidence to give a great response and it sets you up for the remainder of the interview by practicing your answer. It also tells the hiring manager that you have good communication skills.

  1. They want to hear how you are going to add value to their team.

In your job interview introduction, you need to talk about the skills, qualities and qualifications you have, any courses you have completed, or certifications attained.

Eight powerful words to use in your job interview introduction

Below are eight best words you can use to answer that question, introduce yourself.

  1. Team player.

If you are a team player, it means you fit quickly into a new team. You support your co-workers and also focus on the team goal or objective.

  1. Cost-conscious.

You should say in your job interview introduction that you take a cost-conscious approach to your work. This means that you use company supplies and resources carefully to help your employer save money.

  1. Problem-solver.

This means that you take ownership of difficult challenges instead of either ignoring them or leaving them for other people to deal with. Employers nowadays want to take people on who take ownership of difficult problems and challenges.

  1. Resilient.

If someone is resilient, it means they remain calm in difficult situations and focus on achieving a positive outcome.

  1. Adaptable.

You can also use the word flexible if you want. I am a flexible and adaptable person. This means that you are prepared to work additional hours for pay, overtime and also complete tasks that are sometimes outside of your job description.

It shows that you are adaptable and you are willing to help the company in its times of need.

  1. Results-driven.

If you are results-driven, it means everything you do at work is centered on achieving great things for your employer. You are not going to work and just doing the bare minimum.

You are always saying to yourself, how can I achieve a positive outcome for my employer in my work? Say, you are a results-driven person and it will grab the attention of the hiring manager.

  1. Continuous improvement.

Some people don’t like to develop, they don’t like to improve. But you are going to be different.

If you take on board continuous improvement and development, it means you have the mindset that there is always something new to learn and that’s important if you are going to be a productive employee. You are open to change and you are willing to continually improve.

  1. Attention to detail skills.

If you have attention to detail skills, it means that you don’t make stupid mistakes. Instead, your work is always completed to a high standard.

There’s eight brilliant words you can use as part of your job interview introduction.

How to Introduce Yourself in a Job Interview Sample Answer

  1. For those people who are new to the workplace and who have no previous work experience.

“Thank you for the opportunity to be interviewed for this position today.

I studied the job description before applying, and have the skills, qualities and knowledge to add long-term value to your team.

I am resourceful, fast working, have strong attention to detail skills, and always support my co-workers to ensure the team achieves its objective.

I have qualifications in subjects that are aligned with this industry, and the courses I have completed, including Microsoft Office and Customer Service certification will empower me to hit the ground running in the position.

Outside work, I take good care of myself, meaning my concentration and energy levels are always high. I also play team sports, demonstrating my ability to collaborate with other people, and I have a keen interest in self-development.

I would like to build a long term career at your company and if you hire me, I will ensure you see a positive return on your investment and do all I can to help you maintain your position as a market leader.”

That is a brilliant answer to that first interview question, “Introduce yourself”.

Example Answer 2:

“Thank you for this opportunity.

After graduating from college with qualifications in Mathematics, Computer Science and psychology, I worked in several positions where I developed the workplace skills of customer service, working under pressure, managing multiple tasks and solving day-to-day problems.

I am a high achiever. For example, in my previous job I won Employee of the Month and helped the business improve customer service standards by obtaining regular feedback from customers.

I am very passionate about this work and industry, and having researched your company, I believe my interpersonal skills and personal values will be a great fit for the team.

If you hire me, I will be a great role model for the company brand, take responsibility for my ongoing development, so I am always a useful asset to the team and take ownership of difficult problems to ensure a successful outcome.”

  1. Example answer for inexperienced candidates.

If you are someone who has little or no previous work experience, this job interview introduction is perfect for you.

“Thank you. My name is [Insert Your Name] and I would describe myself as a positive, industrious, forward-thinking team-player who wants to make a difference in their work.

Although I am new to the working environment, I have the passion, dedication and qualifications to become a productive and valuable member of your organization.

I already have a track record of achievement. In addition to attaining excellent academic grades, I have won several sporting events with the team I am a part of and I received high praise during a work placement for my contribution to the team.

I have ambitious plans for the future and want to build a long-term career in this industry.

The benefit of hiring me with no experience is I am hungry to learn and you can train me to be the perfect employee.

I believe your organization will help me realize my full potential and I look forward to sharing with you further details during this interview as to how I will be a great fit for this role.”

There’s three top scoring, brilliant answers to that first interview question, “Introduce yourself.” They are great samples.

L-1 Visa Guide: L1 Visa Interview Questions And Answers

L1 visa is the United States visa issued to professionals employed in a company and is relocating to the American office. To get approval for this visa, you need to go through an L1 interview process. Applicants must belong to managerial, executive, or an employee with specialised knowledge.

What is the L1 Visa?

The L1 Visa is a non-immigrant visa which allows foreign companies to transfer a manager, executive, or person with specialized knowledge to a U.S company. The U.S company must be a branch office, parent, subsidiary, or affiliate of the foreign company.

The L1 visa allows you to live and work in the United States for extended periods of time and also provides immigration benefits for your spouse and children.

The L1 visa is not a eligible for self-petition. The U.S company must file the petition on the employees behalf. Therefore, the US company is considered the petitioner, and the L1 visa recipient, is considered the beneficiary.

In this guide we will learn when you can apply for an L1 visa, interview questions and answers and tips to prepare for this interview.

Types of L-1 visa

Two types of L1 visa exist based on the type of work –

  • L-1A – This visa is issued exclusively to executives and managers.
  • L-1B – Employees with specialised knowledge get this visa. Applicants with specialised knowledge mean that he/she possesses an advanced understanding over an organisation, its product and other details.

Take a look at the questions of L1A and L1B.

When Can You Apply for an L1 Visa Interview?

Before moving ahead with L1 interview questions and answers, take a look at the following circumstances on when you can apply for an L1 visa –

  • You are working in an organisation in your native country and joining its parent or subsidiary in the United States.
  • You are joining a company’s headquarter for whom you are currently working.

Furthermore, an organisation can transfer a large number of employees under L1 blanket approval. It eliminates the requirement of getting individual approval for an L1 visa. An organisation can qualify for L1 blanket approval under the following circumstances:

  • The organisation’s original location is in the United States. The total employee strength is over 1000.
  • Annual sales of this organisation must be $25 million.
  • It has received L1 visa approval for at least 10 employees in the last 12 months.

Additionally, flexible eligibility criteria and minimal educational qualification compared to other work visas make it an ideal choice.

What Are the L1 Visa Interview Questions and Answers?

Below are what this guide will cover:

  • 7 general L1 visa interview questions
  • 6 common L1 interview questions and answers about your current Job
  • 6 common L1 interview questions about your work in the United States
  • 5 frequently asked L1A visa interview questions
  • 3 frequently asked L1B visa interview questions

7 General L1 Visa Interview Questions

  1. For which visa are you applying?

Hint: Answer that you are applying for an L1 visa.

  1. Can you confirm your name and contact details?

Hint: Answer this question appropriately.

  1. Can you provide your valid passport, visa fee receipt, and forms I-797, I-128 and DS-160?

Hint: Carry the documents mentioned above and submit the same when necessary.

  1. Have you visited the United States?

Hint: Provide a direct answer, that is, either yes or no.

  1. If you had visited the United States, then when did you return?

Hint: Provide him/her with the actual arrival date, month and year to India from the United States.

  1. Have you worked in foreign countries before?

Hint: Provide an honest answer to this question.

  1. Have you worked in the United States before?

Hint: If yes, provide him/her with a document proof as well.

6 Common L1 Visa Interview Questions About Your Current Job

Here, an immigration officer will check your current and past job experience. You may expect questions like:

  1. What is your work experience?

Hint: Provide a brief detail about your professional experience. Include your past and current job description in your answer.

  1. In which organisation are you currently working? For how many years have you been employed by this organisation?

Hint: Mention the name of your current employer and the number of years you have been working here.

  1. What is your employment type?

Hint: Answer accordingly.

  1. What are the duties of your present job position?

Hint: Provide the details of your daily job roles and responsibilities in the current organisation.

  1. Who was your past employer before this current organisation?

Hint: Mention the name of the organisation where you worked before. Furnish the details with document proof.

  1. What is your annual or monthly salary?

Hint: You may need to submit your bank statement as a document to prove the monthly or annual salary you receive at present.

  1. How many people are currently working under your supervision?

Hint: Mention the number and details of the people who are working under your supervision in your current organisation.

  1. What type of training did you receive?

Hint: Provide an answer according to the training you received.

6 Common L1 Interview Questions About Your Work in the United States

Below are some L1 visa interview questions and answers for the USA:

  1. Can you brief me about your job offer? What type of work does your organisation deal with?

Hint: An immigration officer demands an answer that includes details of the new position you have been offered. For the second question, provide details of the organisation’s work.

  1. What will be your salary in the United States? Will you be paid in dollars or other currency? Will you receive any allowances?

Hint: Answer this question with correct details. Mention if you will receive your salary in foreign currency. Also, if you receive any allowances, answer honestly to the immigration officer.

  1. Why do you need to transfer to the United States for your current role?

Hint: Provide a legitimate reason why you need to relocate to the United States to convince the immigration officer.

  1. Whom will you report to in the US? Mention the location

Hint: Provide the details of the organisation or people to whom you will report. Also, mention the location by providing exact details of the city or town in the United States.

  1. Where will you stay in the United States? How long will you stay?

Hint: Mention the city or town of the country where you will live. Also, answer the second question based on the requirement.

  1. What is your plan of action if your current employer terminates you from the job?

Hint: Provide an appropriate answer. This question demands actionable steps if you become unemployed during your stay in the United States.

5 Frequently Asked L1A Visa Interview Questions

  1. Can you dismiss and recruit employees in your upcoming job position?

Hint: Provide details about your authority in the company.

  1. When did you last terminate an employee from his/her job position?

Hint: Answer appropriately.

  1. Will you hold any control over the company’s budget?

Hint: If your answer is yes, provide details about the extent of your control and other crucial information.

  1. How many people will directly report to you?

Hint: Mention the number and details of the people who will report to you for their work.

  1. What will be your daily duties in your new job in the US?

Hint: Mention the details about what your job demands and what you are expected to perform.

3 Frequently Asked L1B Visa Interview Questions

  1. Can you mention the professional skills required for this US role?

Hint: Mention your skill sets to convince the immigration officer on why you fit this job role.

  1. What is your working experience in this profession?

Hint: Provide an answer with relevant information.

  1. Why do you think that a US citizen cannot perform this job?

Hint: This is a crucial question. Therefore, provide legitimate reasons to support your answer.

3 L1 Visa Interview Tips to Prepare Yourself

Below are some of the right preparation can help you to crack the L1 interview:

  1. Focus on Your Action

First, must sure you reach the venue at least 15 minutes earlier than the scheduled interview time. Opt for formal clothes. Stay confident while answering the questions. Remember to maintain eye contact with the immigration officer. Listen to questions carefully and respond accordingly and patiently to improve the chances of visa approval. At the end of the interview, express your gratitude by thanking the immigration officer.

  1. Honest Answers Are Must

Avoid skipping or providing false information to any L1 interview. The immigration officer verifies every answer. Any incorrect information will create a negative impression and eliminate your chances to crack this interview.

  1. Provide Simple Answers

Most of the questions are related to work. Hence avoid using technical terms and simple language to make it easier for an immigration officer to understand every answer.

Proper preparation and correct knowledge about the L1 interview process can help you land your dream job in the United States. Also, make sure to keep yourself updated with changes in eligibility parameters to avoid last-minute inconvenience.

Note: L1 visa interview takes place in the U.S Embassy or Consulate. The standard processing time of L1 visa applications is 6 to 12 months. However, if you apply under the L1 Blanket, the application takes approximately 1 to 3 weeks.

Credit to: godigit

DISCLAIMER: This post/guide and content is designed for general information only and is NOT legal advice. This site is not offering any legal advice, not offering any visa too. If you need legal advice, you should seek the advice of an attorney in your jurisdiction before taking any legal action.

The information presented in this post/guide should not be construed to be formal legal advice.

H-4 Visa Guide: H4 Visa Interview Questions and Answers

In this guide, you will learn some possible H4 visa interview questions and example answers to help you pass this test.

What is H4 Visa?

H4 Visa is a United States (U.S) visa. It is issued to a dependent family member of H1B, H1B1, H2A, H2B, H3 visa holders. It allows you to travel to the USA with the primary visa holder. A dependent must be a spouse or children below 21 years.

To get an H4 visa, you need to pass an interview test. Accordingly, schedule an appointment for biometrics and visa interviews.

The H4 visa interview takes place at the US Embassy or Consulate. The interview takes place to evaluate the credibility of your marriage since H4 is a marriage-based visa.

Types of H4 Visa Interview Questions

The H4 visa interview questions and answers are divided into 4 categories. These include questions and answers about –

  • You
  • Your marriage
  • H4 visa
  • Your spouse

H4 Visa Interview Questions and Answers

Below are common H4 dependent visa interview questions under these categories listed.

Questions and Answers About You

  1. Where will you live in America?

Hint: Provide the name of the town or city you will be residing in the US

  1. What are your plans to do in the USA?

Hint: Here, an immigration officer seeks an honest answer. Hence, provide a short yet truthful answer.

  1. Do you have family members besides your spouse in America?

Hint: If yes, provide a detailed brief about your family members.

  1. Do you wish to work in America?

Hint: The U.S administration withdrew the restriction on the work permit of the H4 visa holder. It means that individuals can work against meeting prescribed eligibility criteria. Therefore, answer this accordingly.

  1. Whom do you live with presently?

Hint: Answer honestly. For instance, you live with your in-laws or parents.

  1. What is your residential town or city in your native country?

Hint: Mention your current residential city or town.

  1. With whom will you reside in the United States?

Hint: Mention that you will be living with your spouse.

  1. Who is going to support you financially in the United States?

Hint: State that your spouse will be supporting you financially to stay in the United States.

Questions and Answers About Your Marriage

  1. Is there any photograph or legal document proof of your marriage?

Hint: Carry important documents like a marriage certificate and a wedding photograph as document proof of your marriage.

  1. What was the date of your marriage? For how many years have you been married to your spouse?

Hint: Answer this question directly and appropriately.

  1. Was your marriage arranged or love? If arranged, who arranged it?

Hint: If anyone arranged your marriage, provide his or her details. It can be your parents, cousins or friends.

  1. What was the location of your marriage?

Hint: Here you need to provide a detailed answer, stating the city, state and country’s name.

  1. Was there any engagement before you got married to your spouse?

Hint: In case of engagement before marriage, you need to showcase proof of the same.

  1. What was the total expenditure of your marriage? Who financed it?

Hint: Furnish the details with relevant information or documents, if any.

  1. When and where did you meet your spouse for the first time?

Hint: If you cannot remember the exact date, mention the year or month.

Questions and Answers About H4 Visa

  1. Which visa are you applying for?

Hint: Provide a direct answer that you are applying for an H4 visa.

  1. Why do you want an H4 visa?

Hint: You need an H4 visa because you want to visit the United States along with your spouse (H1B visa holder).

  1. Have you scheduled an appointment by yourself?

Hint: Don’t hesitate to answer if you didn’t make an appointment by yourself. Mention if anyone else has scheduled it for you. Also, state a legitimate reason why you could not schedule an appointment.

  1. When did your spouse receive approval for an H1B visa?

Hint: Provide the accurate approval date, month and year for an H1B visa.

  1. How did you collect all necessary documents for this interview?

Hint: Give an appropriate answer as per the requirement.

  1. Why did you not attend the H4 visa interview with your spouse?

Hint: Provide an honest reason for why you did not attend this interview with your spouse.

Questions and Answers About Your Spouse

  1. From which University did your spouse graduate? What is the highest educational degree of your spouse?

Hint: Provide the University’s name and year of graduation of your spouse. For the second question, mention the highest educational degree your spouse completed.

  1. When is your spouse’s birthday?

Hint: Answer the exact date, month and year of birth of your spouse.

  1. What is the name of the organisation your spouse is currently working in? Where is its location?

Hint: Mention the name of the organisation where your spouse is currently working. In the case of the second question, mention the location details of the organisation.

  1. How long has the current company employed your spouse?

Hint: Provide the accurate month, year and date for which your spouse has been associated with the current company.

  1. What is the profession of your spouse?

Hint: Provide the details of your spouse’s profession and the associate job description.

  1. What is the annual income of your spouse?

Hint: You need to submit proof to verify your answer. Hence, your answer must be honest.

  1. Do you have your spouse’s bank statement?

Hint: Submit your spouse’s bank statement and receipts to the immigration officer.

  1. Does your spouse currently stay in the United States?

Hint: If the answer is yes, provide an accurate answer on the date, month and year of his or her stay.

  1. Is your spouse a U.S citizen? If not, has he or she applied for a green card?

Hint: Provide an appropriate answer, don’t lie, be sincere.

How to Prepare Yourself for an H4 Visa Interview?

Once you know H4 visa questions and answers, prepare yourself by following these 4 tips:

  • Be on Time

Reach the venue 30 to 20 minutes before the scheduled time with all the required documents. Arriving early will also allow you to stay calm during the interview process.

  • Answer Confidently

Answer H4 visa questions clearly. It is one of the essential factors that determine the given visa approval. Skipping or providing false information can eliminate your chances to get an H4 visa. It is because the immigration officer verifies your answers with relevant documents.

  • Keep the Documents Ready

As you can find from the questions mentioned above, you need to provide certain documents to verify your answers. This includes marriage certificates, bank statements and other essential files. It is wise to keep a copy of those documents ready to submit whenever asked.

  • Check Your Documents

Review your documents carefully. All details such as name, birthdate and other information in it will be printed on the visa. Hence any potential mistake in data can be a hassle later.

Additionally, when you receive your visa, check it carefully. If you notice any errors, report them the appropriate place immediately.

Make sure to prepare yourself with H4 visa interview questions for quick visa approval.

DISCLAIMER: This post/guide and content is designed for general information only and is NOT legal advice. This site is not offering any legal advice, not offering any visa too. If you need legal advice, you should seek the advice of an attorney in your jurisdiction before taking any legal action.

The information presented in this post/guide should not be construed to be formal legal advice.

How to speak like a leader at work | DON’T Say these 7 Things

How to speak like a leader at work: Do you want to learn how to who speak like a leader? If you want to be seen as a leader, please avoid seeing these 7 things.

The words you speak can make a big difference between your success and failure. Read this article, how to speak like a leader at work, to end.

Most people are not aware of the change they need to make in their communication style to succeed in their career. Leaders speak differently from the average employee. If you want to be seen as a leader, you will have to speak like one.

Want to Speak like a Leader? DON’T Say these 7 Things!

Here are seven things you should avoid saying.

  1. I agree to everything

The workplace is more competitive. Simply keeping your head down and doing a good job is not enough to get you noticed or promoted. Harvey Coleman did extensive research and determines success is based on three key elements P-I-E.

P – performance accounts for 10% of what makes an individual successful,

I – image accounts for 30% and

E – exposure accounts for 60% of your career success.

In order to advance in your career, you need to be visible. Your impact must be felt. Companies are hiring you because they want to know what you think. Share your ideas. Speak up. Speaking up in meetings can be daunting.

It comes down to a lack of confidence or poor self-esteem. Believe in yourself. If you aren’t participating, you’re watching from the sidelines. It’s time to get in the game. If you think your opinion doesn’t matter, it does.

Speaking up is a great way to make yourself stand out at work because most people are always agreeing to everything.

  1. I don’t know or I’ll try

I don’t know sounds unprofessional and dismissive, especially saying this in the workplace, to colleagues or customers. It comes across as that’s not my job. I don’t get paid enough for this. Leadership is about accountability.

Leaders are always looking for solutions. Taking the initiative and filling in the gaps sets you apart from the crowd. Sitting back and doing nothing is the worst thing you can do.

When someone asks you a question, instead of saying I don’t know, use these phrases:

“I don’t have enough information to answer your question, but I can find and let you know.”

“That’s an excellent question. I’ll look into it and get back to you by the end of day.”

Additionally, in your speech with leaders, replace “I’ll try” with “I will”. I’ll try implies the possibility of failure.

Leaders get things done. Give a time frame. It doesn’t mean if your boss is used on unreasonable requests, you will always have to say yes.

You can say something like. “given my current task of A, B and C, I will have this on your desk by Friday.” Be assertive.

  1. Avoid filler words such as, AS, UM, LIKE, UH

Research shows that using excessive filler words makes you sound indecisive. Also, avoid using these words excessively, such as: Literally, Basically, Quite frankly, Technically.

For example, basically the report is due on Tuesday. Actually, the folder is on my desk. Technically, I am on a break right now.

First of all, don’t respond with: Seriously? Really?

As a leader, you want to communicate clearly and concisely.

How do you counteract fillers?

Two things:

  • Slow down how fast you speak so you will have time to phrase your sentences more coherently.
  • Pause: There is nothing more effective than a well-timed pause. Practice pausing to be interesting to influence and keep people’s attention, you will have to be expanding your vocabulary.

The secret to being more eloquent in your speech is to read, read and read.

  1. Avoid saying, I or me, Say we and us.

Don’t say: I won,

Say: we won.

Leaders take an enterprise view that focuses less on themselves and more on the wider organization.

For example, “I” can only get you so far. “We” can get you the results you want.

In research conducted by Jim Collins, he found that the difference between top performing and lower performing CEOs was their use of the same words ‘I’ and ‘we’.

The lower performing CEOs used “I” many more times than the word “we”.

The fact is, people trust leaders that say ‘we’ more than ‘I’. Using we brings a sense of cohesiveness, a sense of belonging, and makes it a team effort.

Instead of saying, ‘I’ achieved those results.

Say, ‘we’ achieved those results.

Replace: ‘You’ need to fix this.

With: ‘Let’s’ figure out how to fix this.

As a leader, you achieve results with and through people. Your language should always reflect this.

  1. I feel

For example, I feel this isn’t a good idea. Don’t go by feelings, go by facts.

I have observed, I have found, the data shows, a trend I am noticing.

Nobody cares about how you feel about the data. Tell them what you have observed, Found, Discovered.

  1. Avoid words and phrases that undermine your authorities and diminish your credibility, i.e Disclaimers and tentative words.

Stop starting sentences with: I think, maybe we should, might, could, possibly, probably, sort of, kind of.

Also, avoid requesting confirmation. We see confirmation with words and phrases such as: Right? Does that make sense? Do you know what I mean?

When you show hesitation about your own ideas, it communicates a lack of confidence and shows you are insecure about your message. You give others permission to reject it. Stop doubting yourself.

  1. Honestly.

You may want to emphasize your point, but when you start with honestly, it can make people question everything you have said before.

If you have to state you are being honest this one time, were you lying the other times? Additionally, using “trust me” or “if I’m being honest” can make you sound untrustworthy. Be forward.

You could use the phrase to be blunt, or you could just get straight to the point. Avoid saying this in professional discussions.

Finally, don’t say anything at all. Yes, you heard me correctly. If you want people to respect you, it’s important to listen.

Remember, sometimes speaking like a leader means taking a back seat and not speaking at all, but letting others speak instead.

Non-verbal communication is also important. Your body language must supplement what you are seeing.

In summary

A title doesn’t make you a leader. It’s your impact and influence.

Top 5 Common Interview Questions and Answers (How to PASS a Job Interview)

In this guide, you will learn top 5 common interview questions and answers.

If you have a job interview coming up for any role or company, these questions will come up and the answers in this guide will help you be the standout candidate.

Top 5 Common Interview Questions and Answers

Below are 5 common interview questions and how to answer them

Question 1: Why do you want this job?

Example Answer:

“I want this job because it is a role that I am very passionate about, and the qualifications I have are very much suited to the position.

I have experience in this industry and I genuinely believe I can make a positive difference for your company doing a job that I really love.

I want this job because it is with your company. My research told me you are ambitious, you take good care of your staff and you empower them to be the best version of themselves possible.”

Question 2: What are your strengths?

Example Answer:

“My strengths include the fact I am a fast learner, I fit quickly into any team, I always support my coworkers, and I am positive about feedback and personal development.

Feedback allows me to continually develop, meaning I will always be able to add value to my team.

Finally, perhaps my greatest strength is the fact I am commercially aware. This means I understand I must do a great job for my employer, provide excellent customer service and seek ways to help you grow.”

Question 3: What’s your biggest weakness?

Example Answer:

“My biggest weakness is my inability to say “no” to people.

I say “yes” to virtually everything and then sometimes end up with too many responsibilities.

However, I am aware of my weakness and I am learning to be more mindful and assess my capacity to take on extra duties before saying yes.”

Question 4: Why do you want to leave your job?

Example Answer:

“I want to leave my job because I am seeking a fresh challenge where I will get to work on new and exciting projects with other like-minded professionals who all have a common goal.

My employer has been fantastic, they’ve been very supportive, and we’ve achieved many great things whilst I have been there.

However, it is now time for me to move on to a new forward-thinking company such as yours, where my skills, knowledge and experience will be put to good use.”

Question 5: Where do you see yourself in five years?

Example Answer:

“In five years’ time, I hope to still be working for you, either in the same role or having gained advancement to a more senior level.

In five years’ time, I would have achieved many great things with my team, completed numerous training courses to enhance my skills and be seen as a trustworthy, reliable and productive employee.

In five years’ time, I also hope to have more responsibility and perhaps even taking the lead on several important projects and tasks.”

There’s five (5) brilliant example answers to those job interview questions that are going to help you be the standout candidate at your own interview.

Thank you so much for reading this guide, and I wish you all the best for passing your job interview.

Prepare for these Questions before you go for U.S F1 Visa Interview

What are the most important questions you must prepare for if you are going for U.S Visa interview? In this guide, you will learn the most important questions you should expect and prepare to answer at the U.S F1 Visa interview. If you understand what the consular expect from you, you can prepare well to prove that you deserve the visa.

This guide has been breaked down into three parts to let you understand what the consular expects from you at the interview, in order to prepare payroll and prove that you deserve the visa.

Questions You Must Look Out For In Your U.S F1 Visa Interview

The first thing you must understand is that irrespective of who you are, when you appear for your interview, the impression is that you are a potential immigrant.

That means, although you are applying for a nonimmigrant visa, a visa that allows you to stay temporary in the United States, the presumption is that you would want to stay permanently.

The interview is the opportunity for the consular to assess the purpose and your intent for traveling into the United States. Below are U.S F1 visa interview questions and guides to answer them:

  1. Why are you traveling to the United States?

The consular would like to assess your reason for traveling to study in the United States. They want to know whether you are not using studies as an excuse to migrate to the United States.

Here, they will be asking questions that has to do with you, who you are, your academic background, your family background, whether you are married or you are in a relationship, whether you are gainfully employed or not.

It is important because through these questions, the consular will be able to assess your purpose for traveling.

For example, if you are a person who is gainfully employed in your current country, you earn enough money and assuming, let’s say, you are employed as an accountant and you are going to study for MBA.

The consular can based on your current employment, and know that you are not ideal in your country and know that you are getting reasonable income to sustain yourself. You are not somebody who is desperate to travel to go and stay in the United States.

The console will able to know that your purpose of traveling is purely for studies, that you are going to study in order to come back to enrich yourself and your current position in the organization.

Don’t go to the embassy and say you are not employed. Even if you are not employed, explain to them that you are involved into a voluntary service. It could be a national service, it could be a service you have with an organization, with a firm. It could be a teaching opportunity you are volunteering.

When you are unemployed the consular believe there is high possibility for you not to come back. But when you are able to explain to them that you are involved in a voluntary work, it means that you are not idle, you have plans, and you make good use of your time to help society.

Also, prepare to answer questions about your academic background, what you did in your undergraduate studies, in your senior high school or even in your graduate studies, and why your studies in America will be relevant to your academic surface.

In your U.S F1 visa interview, you may asked questions like this:

  • How old are you?
  • Are you married?
  • What do you do?

These are questions you must prepare for.

You must be prepared to answer questions and explain how your current state in life is not an opportunity for you to travel, just to go and stay in the United States.

This is where you prove to them that you are working, you have a family, that you studied a particular course, and you are going to study in order to come back to help your society.

  1. How can you finance your studies?

This is another visa interview question you must prepare for and is very important area. You must prepare to answer questions about who is sponsoring you, what is the relationship between you and the person and why is the person sponsoring you? What is the annual income of the person? What job does the person do?

The consular want to assess whether you have the financial capabilities to go and study in the United States, the ability for you to sustain yourself, especially in your first year in the United States.

They would want to know who your sponsor is, what kind of job your sponsor does, and why your sponsor is sponsoring you. It’s not just enough to show bank statements. It is important to prove to the consular about the work or the occupation of the person sponsoring you, because it is the work of the person that can convince the consular that indeed he or she can sponsor you.

If you claim your father is sponsoring you, be prepared to answer questions such as; how much does your father earn at the end of every year or monthly? What kind of job does your father do? Why is your father spending so much? Why is the sponsor spending so much money to take care of you?

There are times, if an organization is sponsoring you, they go ahead to ask you the number of employees the organization has employed, how long you have been working with them, and why the organization is sponsoring you.

It is not enough to prove bank statements, but it is important to prove that the person who owns the bank statement has enough cash flow from relevant work or occupation.

It is important you prepare around this area because proving your financial capability to support your studies is one of the most important reasons that your visa will be approved or denied.

  1. What are your plans after school?

This is another question you must prepare for. As you go for your interview, the consular will want to know your long-term plan after school, and it is based on your plan that will help the consular to determine whether you would overstay or you would return when you are done with your studies.

Even if you have plans of pursuing PhD after your Masters or whatever degree you are pursuing, don’t tell the consular that after getting your Master’s you would want to do your PhD, no. Tell the consular that after getting your Masters, you would come back to your country to other things.

If possible, prove to him or her that you have an organization, you have even a certain letter already. It is an added advantage. Don’t worry if you don’t have that. All that is important is that you prove to the consular that at the end of the day, you have a long term plan that is connected to you coming back to your country to give back to your society.

If you are not able to answer these three questions, your visa will not be approved. Just bear in mind that you must be able to convince the consular about this three line of questions. Even if you fail in one, your visa may be rejected.

  1. Why must I give you this Visa?

This is where you explain your career goal and why studying in America will help you achieve your career goals and give back to the society.

I hope that these tips will help you and give you the needed information that you need to prepare for your U.S F1 visa interview.

5 Things You Must Do In The Interview Room To Get Your U.S Visa Approved

Your attitude or behavior in the interview room can have an impact on your visa approval. In this guide, we will learn 5 things you must do in the Interview room to get your U.S Visa approved.

Lot of people who had good cases messed up during interview. Many people who had basically nothing but with a right attitude in the interview room, they had their visa approved.

This guide will teach you some of the basic things you must do inside the interview room in order to get your U.S visa approved.

5 Things You Must Do In The Interview Room To Get Your U.S Visa Approved

  1. Properly Arrange All Your Documents.

The first thing you must do is to properly arrange and catalog your documents. This will help you to swiftly get access to any documents when asked for during your interview.

Usually, the embassy does not allow people to go inside the interview room with Bags. Get a clear file and arrange your documents in it, in a way that can be easily accessible.

Your passport must come first, followed by your I-20, your bank statement and sponsorship letter, your admission letter, certificate, CV and any documents that you want to carry.

Oftentimes, many people attract a lot of pressure for themselves during interviews because they were asked to show a certain document and they struggled to locate it. This can be worrying and delaying, so you must always try to avoid that, properly arrange and catalog all your documents.

  1. Deal With All Your Doubt.

Many people enter the interview room as losers even before they are interviewed. They go for interview with so many doubts and misconceptions.

Many people sees the consulate and start having doubt in their mind. So they go for interviews with so much fear, these people enter the interview room with so much doubt.

The point is, everyone who goes for visa interview has a 50% chance of getting the visa and 50% chance of not getting the visa. So it is 50 50. Of course, we go for interview with different cases, but no one’s visa is guaranteed.

So why don’t you trust in that 50% chance of getting the visa? Instead of thinking about the negativity. Yes as humans, sometimes the negativity comes into our mind, but we shouldn’t dual much on that.

Also, there are some misconceptions that people take as long as they go for interview. Many people says that when you go for U.S visa interview, they have already decided the number of people they will give their visas, no matter what you do, you will not get the visa.

There are some people who also say that every day the embassy has specific number of visas the issue and when they reach that limit, everyone will be denied. These are all fallacies. So clear your doubts and be hopeful. Just do your best and leave the rest to God.

  1. Focus and keep your calm.

Sometimes while in the queue waiting to be interviewed, we see and hear our friends being interviewed, being rejected and some being approved. This kind of things put pressure on us.

There are some people who say to themselves, I want to go to this consular, I wish I can get this woman, this man is really rejecting people, I want to avoid him. Some of these things can affect your focus and it can really distract you, stay focused.

Assuming you have seen a certain consular rejecting people, if you don’t take care and you go to that consular, you may mess up.

Don’t allow the rejection or approval of someone in front of you or someone being interviewed before you, affect the way you approach yours. Keep focus and be calm.

  1. Smile and keep eye contact.

This is the most important thing, Smile and keep an eye contact. Whenever you are answering your questions at the interview, try to give a soft smile, let it be natural, let it be engaging. Don’t try to be too hated, don’t try to be too serious.

Don’t try to be sharp and don’t try to be anxious. Try to be yourself. Don’t go and give fake smile.

Also, when you are giving responses, keep an eye contact. Usually, in America people believe that when you cannot look them in their eyes and talk, it means you are not honest or you are lying about that thing you are talking about.

So it is important to keep an eye contact and give a soft smile, don’t think it, let it be natural.

  1. Be Smart and don’t talk too much.

It is important to be aware that there are times you may be asked a question that you have no idea about or a question may be put to you in a way that will get you confused. Don’t worry. Try to be smart at that time.

Always, it is the smartest people who get their visa approved. Avoid talking too much. Always be brief and specific. Don’t forget to keep your confidence moderate. Don’t be overconfident or under-confident. Try to be yourself. It is not about life and death matter.

Don’t enter the interview room with the mindset that I must get this visa by all means and at all costs. Of course, that is what we all expect. But sometimes go into the interview room well relaxed and expecting all possibilities.

When you do that, it makes you relaxed, it makes you comfortable and it releases some tension of you, and that can go a long way in helping you in articulating your point.

I hope you will find this information useful. Thank you so much for reading this guide.

I wish you all the best as you go for your interview.

DISCLAIMER: This post and content is designed for general information only and is NOT legal advice. The information presented in this post should not be construed to be formal legal advice. If you need legal advice, you may contact a licensed attorney.

B1/B2 Documents Checklist for U.S Visa Interview

In this guide we will learn those documents required for B1/B2 U.S Visa Interview. All the B1/B2 documents checklist for U.S Visa Interview, that will make you successful.

B1/B2 visas are temporary visits that allow you to travel to the United States for visit, for tourism, for conference, for funerals, for graduation, for medication, for business meetings and so on. If you are applying to travel to U.S for any of these categories, you will need B1/B2 Visa.

Documents Required for B1/B2 U.S Visa Interview

If you are preparing for your U.S Visa Interview, make sure to check these B1/B2 documents checklist which have grouped this into two-part, primary documents and secondary documents checklist for B1/B2 visa applications.

Primary documents checklist for B1/B2 visa applications

Below are the primary document that you will need for B1/B2 visa.

  1. Passport

You will need a passport that is valid for at least six months.

  1. DS160 Confirmation Page

When you filled out and submitted your visa application form, you receive a confirmation of submission. You must always print this page and add it to your documents.

  1. Visa Fee Receipt

You should always go with your visa application fee payment receipt.

  1. Photo

You must upload this photo during your application, but if you are unable to do so, you must get copies or hard copies of these photos with you when you are going for your interview.

Even if you were able to upload your photo during your application form, make sure you take some photos with you when you are going for your interview.

Secondary documents checklist for B1/B2 visa applications

Supporting documents are documents that you will need to prove your purpose of travel to the United States, your financial support, and your ties back home. Below are this document:

  1. Documents for purpose of traveling

(i) Invitation Letter: For purpose of travel, we are talking about invitation letters from the person you are going to visit. If it is a conference, you will still need an invitation letter from the organizers of the conference.

(ii) You will need an itinerary: This is a list of your activities in the United States. If you are going for a visit, you can type and print all the places you would want to visit and add it to your documents. If you are going for a conference, you will need a brochure or the program outline of the conference.

(iii) Accommodation reservation: This details where you will stay while in the United States. Usually this should be part of your invitation letter. But if you are going for your own tourists, assuming no one is inviting or you are not going for a conference and you are going for your own vacation and tourist, you will need a hotel reservation.

(iv) Photo I.D of Invitee: The next document is photo ID of the person you are visiting. If the person you are visiting is a U.S Citizen, you will need his/her ID page of his/her passport.

If the person is a green card holder, you need a photocopy or scanned copy of his green card front and back. Or if the person is in U.S on a visa, like an F1 visa, you are coming for graduation, you will need a passport ID page and the visa page of the person you are visiting.

  1. Financial Support Documents

Financial support documents are documents that prove your ability to support your trip. These documents are:

  • Bank statements, if you are sponsoring yourself
  • An affidavit of support, if your sponsor is in the U.S.
  • Letters of sponsorship, if you are going for a conference and any means of proof of funds that you have document to prove.
  1. Documents to prove home ties

These are documents that will show that you will come back after your visit or your conference in the United States. Below are the documents:

  • Employment letters, if you are employed, you need your employment letter.
  • Leave letter i.e a letter from your employer or organization stating that you are on leave and you are using that leave for your visit in the U.S or you are going for a conference.
  • School letter: You will also need letters from schools or school registration documents, if you are a student.
  • Business or financial documents: You will need businesses and financial documents to prove your asset and your ties back home.

Sometimes you also need some family documents such as marriage certificates and pictures. Also, remember to include any other documents you believe can help your case.

This guide has answered the question, what document should I bring to a US B1 B2 visa interview? Because this is all the documents you need for your B1/B2 visa application. Always remember to prepare well to go for your interview.

DISCLAIMER: This post and content is designed for general information and educational purposes only, and is NOT legal advice. The information presented in this post should not be construed to be formal legal advice. If you need legal advice, you may contact a licensed attorney.

Top 5 Mistakes People do Inside the Visa interview Room and How to avoid them

Do and don’ts in U.S visa interview: In this guide, you will learn top 5 mistakes that people do when they appear for visa interview. Are you ready to learn those top mistakes people do inside the interview room and how to avoid them? Let’s get right into the full details.

Many people get their visas denied not because they don’t have good funding or they don’t prove ties to their home country, no, that is not the point. Many people get their visas denied because of some attitude that happened during the interview room.

Your poster, attitude and behavior you take into the interview room can affect your visa approval.

Top 5 Mistakes People do Inside the Visa interview Room and How to avoid them

Below are top 5 Mistakes People do Inside the Visa interview Room and tips on how to avoid them:

  1. Fear.

A lot of people enter the interview room with fear. They go inside the interview with a lot of misconceptions and others who have heard so much about the interview process that makes them afraid.

There are some people who become so anxious about the process that all that they are thinking of is getting my visa approved, getting my visa approved. So they go into the interview room with a lot of anxiousness and fear.

One thing fear does is that when you go into the interview room with fear, it affects the way you flow, it affects how you express yourself and ultimately your visa gets denied. Consulares are looking for people who can speak and defend their case with confidence.

So when you go to the interview room, even if you have good story, you must present your good story with confidence, not fear. The best way you can overcome fear is to prepare well for the interview by practicing sample questions and how you answer them.

  1. Don’t decide the V.O or Consular you want.

Many people get their visas refused because during the interview they decide the kind of consular they want to go and those they want to avoid.

The fact that a consular is denying people that does not mean when you go, you will be denied. Many people go to the interview room and because in the interview room we can hear what has happened, we can see and hear consulares approving and rejecting people, it affect their focus.

Make sure that inside the interview room you remain focused irrespective of whatever is going on around you, irrespective of whether the consulares are approving people or they are not approving people. Go and perform, and go and present your case.

Also, many people have heard a lot about some consular. Even before they enter the interview room, they are hoping to avoid that consular because one of their friends told them that this consular is wicked, this consular do not get visa approved.

So assuming you go with this mindset and it is that consular that you go to, it will affect you and it will affect your performance and your visa will be refused because you wouldn’t get the confidence and the courage to defend yourself. So avoid that.

Go to the interview room prepared. Irrespective of who will interview you, go to the interview room prepared.

The U.S consulares are trained equally and although they are individuals who have their personal judgment, when you go and prove and establish that you qualify for the visa, your visa will be approved.

Every consular is put there to make sure that they approve visa. They approved qualified people. If you qualify and you meet their satisfaction, you answer your questions so well, your visa will be approved.

  1. Don’t Speak Too Much.

Speaking too much is part of the common mistake that people do. Many people visa get rejected because they spoke too much. They don’t answer questions based on what the consular asks them. They try to be impressive. They try to impress the consular by speaking too much.

In the interview room, you don’t give more information than the consular needs. Always understand that the interview is detected by your response. The response you give to the consular may require a follow-up.

If you know you are giving a response that you cannot back it up with a follow up question, avoid it. Make sure that you speak briefly and give only the information the consular needs. Don’t try to impress by speaking too much, talking too much, speaking too much grammar and trying to be somebody you are not.

  1. Don’t show documents until you’re asked

When you enter the visa interview room, don’t show documents when you have not been asked to.

For example, there are some people, when the consular asks them who is funding you? They will say is their uncle, aunty or they give a lot of good explanation and they say this is the document, no, that is wrong.

Always allow the console to ask for documents before you show it. Because when the consular is convinced or not convinced and he/she needs a document, he/she will ask you. So be brief and don’t talk too much.

  1. Lack of clear communication.

A lot of people get rejected not because they don’t have good stories, not because they don’t have good details, good scholarship, or they didn’t improve ties to their home country, they get rejected because the consular did not hear anything they said.

The consular did not hear any of the answer they gave. They were not able to communicate clearly to the consular.

Make sure that when you are communicating or you are speaking, you speak clear English that the consular will understand. Take your time and speak slowly but clearly for the consular to hear what you are saying, to hear the story you are telling, to hear the point you are making. That is one of the most common mistakes that you can do.

Somebody comes out of the interview, the person gives you his/her transcript and you can see that nothing is wrong with the transcript and according to the transcript the person really spoke with but the problem is the person did not speak for the consular to hear.

The consular did not hear anything that the person said. Also, there are some people, when the consular asks them questions, they don’t hear the question, but they are afraid and they fail to ask the consular to politely repeat their question.

So if you go for the Visa interview and the consular asks you a question you didn’t hear, politely asking to repeat, don’t just assume and speak or answer a question you didn’t hear clearly. This is another mistake that affects a lot of Visa approval.

I hope that this information is useful to you. Thanks.

DISCLAIMER: This post and content is designed for general information only and is NOT legal advice. The information presented in this post should not be construed to be formal legal advice. If you need legal advice, you may contact a licensed attorney.

How to Prepare for a University Admissions Interview

The most effective way to prepare and pass your university admissions interview is to divide your preparation time up into the following key tips:

How to Prepare for a University Interview


During the interview, you will be assessed on your understanding of the degree course syllabus, and in particular the areas you feel you will find the most challenging. The interview panel do not want to hear that you’ll find every aspect of the course easy to pass, simply because this will not be the case.

You will find some aspects of the curriculum challenging, and on that basis, you need to study the syllabus and decide which elements will be the toughest and what you intend to do in order to get through them.


Interview technique and, more importantly, how you present yourself will go a long way to convincing the interview panel you are serious about studying hard and putting in the required effort to pass the university degree course you are hoping to enrol upon.

In the build-up to your university admissions interview, spend time in a mock interview setting answering each and every one of the questions listed on this page.


You should prepare answers to all of the interview questions listed on this page. By doing so, you will not only have more confidence in your abilities to pass the admissions interview, but you will also be able to demonstrate to the interview panel you are full prepared for what lies ahead whilst you are at their university.


TIP 1 – The main focus of your university interview will be how you intend to spend your time whilst on the degree course and how passionate you are about your chosen subject.

It is important that the university has a high success rate in respect of those students who go on to pass the course, and on that basis, they will want to hear solid evidence of how you intend to spend your time constructively whilst at the university. Make sure you provide strong answers to the university interview questions that focus on this assessable area.

TIP 2 – Past performance counts for a lot during the university interview. So, whilst preparing for interview questions that assess your ability to achieve the required pass rate whilst on the degree course, think about the different times in your life to date when you have achieved positive things.

These might include you’re A-level results, success whilst being part of a sporting team, or even whilst being part of a group or society outside of your educational studies.

TIP 3 – The university interview panel will assess your interpersonal skills and how you intend to contribute positively whilst at their university.

Be positive throughout the duration of your university interview and don’t be afraid to demonstrate high levels of confidence in your abilities to achieve success whilst you are there.

To help you PASS your university admissions interview, checkout this comprehensive list of interview questions and high-scoring answers guide below

This UNIVERSITY ADMISSIONS INTERVIEW QUESTIONS & ANSWERS guide will ensure you are fully prepared for this important and life-changing interview.

Civics Test (U.S Citizenship) Questions And Answers | Naturalization Interview and Test

In this guide, we will learn the answers to some civics test questions. The civics test is an oral test which USCIS Officer will ask the applicant seeking for U.S citizenship or naturalization.

The USCIS officer will ask the applicant up to 10 of the 100 civics questions. An applicant must answer 6 out of 10 questions correctly to pass the civics portion of the naturalization test.

On the naturalization test, some answers may change because of elections or appointments. As you study for the test, make sure that you know the most current answers to these questions.

Once you attend your naturalization interview, the USCIS officer will ask you up to ten civics questions in random order. In other to pass the interview, you need to give correct answers to the questions.

The naturalization interview and test are critical steps in the naturalization process. Depending on the USCIS office that you’re in, you might take the test at an information desk in the waiting room. The most important thing for you to remember is to be prepared for your interview and test.

The purpose of the guide is to help applicants for naturalization prepare for the naturalization interview and test. This guide pertains to most applicants who are eligible for naturalization, but not pertain to all applicants.

The administration of the interview and test may also vary depending on the circumstances. The physical interview and test settings may vary based on each field office’s use of the space and processes.

This guide is only an example of what an applicant may experience at an actual naturalization interview. The questions in the guide are just sample questions and may or may not be asked in your interview. Any tests in this guide are just samples and may or may not be given at your interview.

Difference Between Naturalization and Citizenship Certificate

A U.S. Certificate of Citizenship is granted to a person who acquires or derives citizenship from his or her birth to U.S. parents.  A naturalization certificate, on the other hand, is granted to a person who becomes a citizen through the naturalization process.

Naturalization is the process to become a U.S. citizen if you were born outside of the United States.

Civics Test Questions and Answers (Naturalization Interview and Test)

Below are civics (history and government) questions and answers for the naturalization test:

Question: In what month do we vote for President of the United States?

Answer: November.

Question: Who is the father of our country?

Answer: George Washington.

Question: When was the Constitution written?

Answer: September 17, 1787

Question: Who signs bills to become laws?

Answer: The President.

Question: What do we call the first ten amendments to the Constitution?

Answer: The Bill of Rights.

Question: What stops one branch of government from becoming too powerful?


▪ Checks and balances

▪ Separation of powers

Question: Who is in charge of the executive branch?

Answer: The President

Question: Who makes federal laws?


▪ Congress

▪ Senate and House (of Representatives)

▪ (U.S. or national) legislature

Question: What are the two parts of the U.S. Congress?*

Answer: The Senate and House (of Representatives)

Question: How many U.S. Senators are there?

Answer: One hundred (100)

Question: How many members do we have in the House of Representatives?

Answer: The House of Representatives is made up of 435 elected members, divided among the 50 states in proportion to their total population.

Question: Name the writers of the Federalist Papers.

Answer: The Federalist, commonly referred to as the Federalist Papers, is a series of 85 essays written by Alexander Hamilton, John Jay, and James Madison between October 1787 and May 1788.

Question: What is freedom of religion?

Answer: You can practice any religion or not practice a religion.

Question: How many amendments does the Constitution have?

Answer: Twenty Seven (27)

Question: What are two rights in the Declaration of Independence?


▪ Life

▪ Liberty

▪ Pursuit of happiness

Question: What is the economic system in the United States?


▪ Capitalist economy

▪ Market economy

Question: What are the two major political parties in the United States?

Answer: Democratic and Republican.

Question: What major event happened on September 11, 2001 in the United States?

Answer: Terrorists attacked the United States.

Question: What is the name of the national anthem?

Answer: The Star Spangled Banner.

Question: When is the last day you can send in federal income tax forms?

Answer: April 15.

Question: Before he was president, Eisenhower was a general. What war was he in?

Answer: World War II.

Question: What ocean is on the west coast of the United States?

Answer: Pacific Ocean.

Question: Why does the flag have 13 stripes?


▪ because there were 13 original colonies

▪ because the stripes represent the original colonies

Question: Why does the flag have 50 stars?


▪ because there is one star for each state

▪ because each star represents a state

▪ because there are 50 states

Question: When do we celebrate Independence Day?

Answer: July 4

Question: We elect a President for how many years?

Answer: Four (4)

Question: In what month do we vote for President?

Answer: November

Checkout more of the questions and answers later…..

Note: The American Civics Test (also known as the American Citizenship Test, U.S. Civics Test, U.S Citizenship Test, and U.S. Naturalization Test) is an oral examination that all immigrants must pass to gain United States citizenship.

Disclaimer: This educational guide is for informational purposes only. The use of information contained in this article does not constitute any legal advice. The information presented in this post should not be construed to be formal legal advice. If you need legal advice, you may contact a licensed attorney.

12 Tips to Pass Your U.S. Citizenship Naturalization Interview | N-400 Preparation

Citizenship Interview Tips: At your interview, a USCIS officer will ask you questions based on the N-400 Application for Naturalization you submitted. Familiarize yourself with the most commonly asked naturalization/citizenship interview questions, drawn from your responses on Form N-400 and your A-File. This article will guide you on how to pass your U.S. citizenship naturalization interview.

12 Tips to Pass Your U.S. Citizenship Naturalization Interview

Below are the tips to pass your U.S citizenship naturalization interview

  1. Have the exact copies of your completed citizenship application, the form N-400, including the entire packet that you submitted to the USCIS office.

Make sure that you understand and everything and can answer all the questions on the N-400 form.

You need to review your entire citizenship application. The interviewing officer will go through your whole naturalization application form and document, then verify the answers that you have provided them.

  1. Study well and master the 100 questions and answers for the U.S history and Civics Test.

You will not know what will be the six questions the USCIS officer will give you out of the 100 civics test questions, so it’s best to master all of the questions and answers for the history and government tests.

You also need to practice both the reading and writing tests where you will write sentences related to the history and civics exams.

  1. Be prepared for a short talk with the USCIS officer who will conduct your naturalization interview.

The officer may ask you about the day’s traffic, the weather outside, or whether you had difficulty in finding the USCIS building, and among other things.

Through this short talk, the immigration officer will be able to tell how well you understand English. The USCIS officer will start to evaluate your English speaking skills before the start of the interview.

  1. Collect all your important supporting documents in a file bag or waterproof safe expanding document organizer the night before your naturalization interview, and make sure to put them in a place that you will not forget.

Read all the important documents that you are going to bring for your interview. It’s easy to get any document from your file bag when it’s well organized, in case the USCIS officer will see any documents during your interview.

  1. You must leave home early for your naturalization interview.

Traffic can make you late, so it’s advisable to be there ahead of time. If you are driving, plan an extra time for rush hour traffic, there might be road construction, and the difficulty finding a parking space that can take time on the scheduled day of your naturalization interview.

Know the exact location in advance to avoid getting lost in finding the right USCIS building.

  1. Wear the appropriate outfit for your interview.

Remember that your attire can add confidence during the interview. It’s better to wear clothes that are formal or semi-formal. A clean, well pressed, and appropriate clothes for an important event is an ideal outfit.

A formal or semi-formal attire could also show respect for the USCIS officer who will conduct the U.S Citizenship interview.

Men may wear a long-sleeve shirt and pants, while women may wear a long-sleeve blouse, or sweater with a formal skirt or pants. Wear an outfit appropriately for the naturalization interview, like it is an important event.

Your appearance is also important to the success of your interview. Choose an outfit that will reflect the type of person of who you really are.

When you walk into the interview office, it’s highly recommended that you look neat and professional. You may try to avoid too much makeup. If you like using jewelry, it should be kept at a minimum.

  1. Avoid using too much perfume, the officer that will handle the interview might be sensitive to it. Avoid chewing any gum or having any candy inside your mouth, even if you are nervous.

Avoiding these actions will help you start a positive outcome for your naturalization interview.

  1. Try to look straight into the eyes of the Immigration Service officer when you speak.

This will show honesty that you are telling the truth with what is being asked of you. Looking away from the officer most of the time during your interview may give a negative impression that you are not confident in your application, or you may be hiding something.

If you keep on looking down or to the side, this could also give a negative impression of too much nervousness or rudeness.

  1. Try to sit up straight during your N-400 interview to help you feel more self-assured, since this will also add confidence through your body language.

Sitting up straight will also make you look directly into the USCIS officer’s eyes when speaking. Try to continue constant eye contact and express interest in the success of your citizenship application.

Remember to answer only the questions asked of you. Simply offer short answers to questions directly and honestly.

  1. Talk clearly so that the USCIS officer can understand you well. Do not speak so softly or so loud. You also need to avoid speaking too fast or too slow.

If you do not understand any of the questions given, you could say;

“Officer, can you please repeat what you just said?”

“Can you please repeat that in different sets of words?”

“Officer, can you please speak louder?”

“Can you please speak slowly?”

Don’t expect that immigration officers speak the English language fluently without any accent, because some of them have their native language accent too.

If you have a difficult time understanding the immigration officer who is assigned to interview you that day, try to make him or her repeat the question so that you can answer it correctly.

  1. Know the Immigration Service officer (ISO) who will conduct your citizenship interview by his or her name and badge number.

Simply ask the officer for his or her name and badge number. For example, sir or Ma’am, may I know your name and badge number?

You can write this down and take it home with you. This will let you follow up with any specific problems or complaints, if there’s any, for your naturalization interview.

  1. Try to have a genuine and confident smile during the naturalization interview.

This will help you have a positive energy and will help you relax as well. This will also show that you are being friendly and open for communication about your N-400 application case.

At the end of your U.S citizenship Test interview, you will be asked to read on the digital tablet the correct spelling of your name and more before you sign your naturalization application

The Immigration Service Officer shall give you the form N-652. This form is known as the Notice of Examination Results and this will officially inform you if you have passed or failed the tests, or if for some reason you still need to submit additional documents or your case is still pending.

There are times that the USCIS officer will not be able to make any decision right away because an applicant still needs to provide additional documents.

In case this happens, the Immigration Service Officer will give the applicant the form N-14, explaining what documents the applicant needs to submit, plus when and how to submit them.

If the applicant fails to follow the instructions provided, the USCIS could deny the naturalization application.

If you will pass your naturalization test, you may be able to attend your U.S Citizenship Oath ceremony on the same day, depending on location and availability.

On the other hand, you will officially receive a notice in the mail that will inform you of when and where your American Citizenship Naturalization ceremony will take place if you will not be given the same day of ceremony.

Assuming that you failed the English or Civics test, you shall be tested at a later date, but only on the parts of the test that you had failed. You shall be rescheduled for a second opportunity interview within 60 to 90 days from your first naturalization interview.

If ever you fail the U.S citizenship Examination again during your second chance interview, your application will be denied. Granted that your case is denied, you shall receive an official written notice in the mail explaining why it was denied.

In this case, you may have an option to request an appeal hearing with an Immigration Service Officer. If you request an appeal hearing, you have to fill out the form N-336 “Request for hearing on a decision in naturalization proceedings under section 336 of the INA” and send it with the fee included, within 30 days following the receipt of your denial letter.

You can also decide to re-apply if your case is denied when you meet all the citizenship application requirements.

Therefore, it is important to understand why you have been denied in order to have the best decision for your naturalization application.

Most of the time, re-applying could be better and faster than going through the appeal hearing process. In case you are in this type of situation, it’s advisable to seek advice from an immigration lawyer.

If you think that this guide is helpful for you, please share it out for others to learn too. Thank you.

DISCLAIMER: This post and content is designed for general information only and is NOT legal advice. The information presented in this post should not be construed to be formal legal advice. If you need legal advice, you may contact a licensed attorney.

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