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how to speak like a leader at work

How to speak like a leader at work | DON’T Say these 7 Things

How to speak like a leader at work: Do you want to learn how to who speak like a leader? If you want to be seen as a leader, please avoid seeing these 7 things.

The words you speak can make a big difference between your success and failure. Read this article, how to speak like a leader at work, to end.

Most people are not aware of the change they need to make in their communication style to succeed in their career. Leaders speak differently from the average employee. If you want to be seen as a leader, you will have to speak like one.

Want to Speak like a Leader? DON’T Say these 7 Things!

Here are seven things you should avoid saying.

  1. I agree to everything

The workplace is more competitive. Simply keeping your head down and doing a good job is not enough to get you noticed or promoted. Harvey Coleman did extensive research and determines success is based on three key elements P-I-E.

P – performance accounts for 10% of what makes an individual successful,

I – image accounts for 30% and

E – exposure accounts for 60% of your career success.

In order to advance in your career, you need to be visible. Your impact must be felt. Companies are hiring you because they want to know what you think. Share your ideas. Speak up. Speaking up in meetings can be daunting.

It comes down to a lack of confidence or poor self-esteem. Believe in yourself. If you aren’t participating, you’re watching from the sidelines. It’s time to get in the game. If you think your opinion doesn’t matter, it does.

Speaking up is a great way to make yourself stand out at work because most people are always agreeing to everything.

  1. I don’t know or I’ll try

I don’t know sounds unprofessional and dismissive, especially saying this in the workplace, to colleagues or customers. It comes across as that’s not my job. I don’t get paid enough for this. Leadership is about accountability.

Leaders are always looking for solutions. Taking the initiative and filling in the gaps sets you apart from the crowd. Sitting back and doing nothing is the worst thing you can do.

When someone asks you a question, instead of saying I don’t know, use these phrases:

“I don’t have enough information to answer your question, but I can find and let you know.”

“That’s an excellent question. I’ll look into it and get back to you by the end of day.”

Additionally, in your speech with leaders, replace “I’ll try” with “I will”. I’ll try implies the possibility of failure.

Leaders get things done. Give a time frame. It doesn’t mean if your boss is used on unreasonable requests, you will always have to say yes.

You can say something like. “given my current task of A, B and C, I will have this on your desk by Friday.” Be assertive.

  1. Avoid filler words such as, AS, UM, LIKE, UH

Research shows that using excessive filler words makes you sound indecisive. Also, avoid using these words excessively, such as: Literally, Basically, Quite frankly, Technically.

For example, basically the report is due on Tuesday. Actually, the folder is on my desk. Technically, I am on a break right now.

First of all, don’t respond with: Seriously? Really?

As a leader, you want to communicate clearly and concisely.

How do you counteract fillers?

Two things:

  • Slow down how fast you speak so you will have time to phrase your sentences more coherently.
  • Pause: There is nothing more effective than a well-timed pause. Practice pausing to be interesting to influence and keep people’s attention, you will have to be expanding your vocabulary.

The secret to being more eloquent in your speech is to read, read and read.

  1. Avoid saying, I or me, Say we and us.

Don’t say: I won,

Say: we won.

Leaders take an enterprise view that focuses less on themselves and more on the wider organization.

For example, “I” can only get you so far. “We” can get you the results you want.

In research conducted by Jim Collins, he found that the difference between top performing and lower performing CEOs was their use of the same words ‘I’ and ‘we’.

The lower performing CEOs used “I” many more times than the word “we”.

The fact is, people trust leaders that say ‘we’ more than ‘I’. Using we brings a sense of cohesiveness, a sense of belonging, and makes it a team effort.

Instead of saying, ‘I’ achieved those results.

Say, ‘we’ achieved those results.

Replace: ‘You’ need to fix this.

With: ‘Let’s’ figure out how to fix this.

As a leader, you achieve results with and through people. Your language should always reflect this.

  1. I feel

For example, I feel this isn’t a good idea. Don’t go by feelings, go by facts.

I have observed, I have found, the data shows, a trend I am noticing.

Nobody cares about how you feel about the data. Tell them what you have observed, Found, Discovered.

  1. Avoid words and phrases that undermine your authorities and diminish your credibility, i.e Disclaimers and tentative words.

Stop starting sentences with: I think, maybe we should, might, could, possibly, probably, sort of, kind of.

Also, avoid requesting confirmation. We see confirmation with words and phrases such as: Right? Does that make sense? Do you know what I mean?

When you show hesitation about your own ideas, it communicates a lack of confidence and shows you are insecure about your message. You give others permission to reject it. Stop doubting yourself.

  1. Honestly.

You may want to emphasize your point, but when you start with honestly, it can make people question everything you have said before.

If you have to state you are being honest this one time, were you lying the other times? Additionally, using “trust me” or “if I’m being honest” can make you sound untrustworthy. Be forward.

You could use the phrase to be blunt, or you could just get straight to the point. Avoid saying this in professional discussions.

Finally, don’t say anything at all. Yes, you heard me correctly. If you want people to respect you, it’s important to listen.

Remember, sometimes speaking like a leader means taking a back seat and not speaking at all, but letting others speak instead.

Non-verbal communication is also important. Your body language must supplement what you are seeing.

In summary

A title doesn’t make you a leader. It’s your impact and influence.

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