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Tag Archives: U.S visa

Another Very Important DV Lottery Document: “DS-260 Confirmation Page” & Supporting Documents

This is yet another crucial document in the DV process, the DS-260 confirmation page. It is officially known as the Immigrant Visa and Alien Registration Confirmation page.

DS-260 Confirmation Page

What is DS-260 Confirmation Page? That document is the page that you get once you have completed filling the DS-260 form and you’ve clicked on “submit”, after submitting, then that page comes.

Question: When you complete and submit your DS-260 form, do you receive an email to confirm that you have submitted that DS-260 form?

Answer: Many people receives an email to affirm that, but also many people claim they do not receive that email. The confirmation page, as seen above, comes to confirm that you have successfully submitted the DS-260 form to the KCC.

DS-260 Confirmation Page Sample

Below is the DS-260 Confirmation Page sample:

DS-260 confirmation page sample
DS-260 Confirmation Page Sample

It’s a two pager, as can see, it have immigrant visa and alien registration application confirmation. So it confirms that you have submitted the DS-260 form. Its states:

“You have successfully submitted an immigrant visa and alien registration application form, i.e from DS-260. This is a confirmation approved that you have submitted your DS-260 form to KCC.”

Still on the DS-260 Confirmation Page

DS-260 confirmation page sample
DS-260 Confirmation Page Sample

As you can see above, it has a barcode with unique number to you as the applicant, and all the beneficiaries will have the DS-260 forms and will have their unique number.

Having said that, remember that you are supposed to fill the DS-260 form yourself as the principal applicant together with each member of your family. So you fill your DS-260 form and then add another DS-260 form for each member of the family.

What this mean is that, if you have a spouse, you add DS-260 form for the spouse. Fill up all the details that are needed and then click “submit” and you will have a “confirmation page” for that spouse. The same case applies to the kids. Each one should have his or her own DS-260 form and eventually their own “DS-260 conformation page”.

If you are a family of three, you will have three DS-260 confirmation pages. Only the principal applicants will not fill the DS-260 form.

Where does this DS-260 confirmation page apply?

As you can see above, they tell you to print out this confirmation page. Every DS-260 confirmation page for each and every person of your family should be printed out. You should print it in several copies because of the several areas you will have to use this confirmation page.

On the same note, remember that you will need the confirmation page, most importantly, during these two places:

First place: The DS-260 confirmation page together with other documents will be needed during the medical examination. Once you receive your second notification letter and you have booked a medical appointment, you will need to carry with you the requested documents (among those requested documents is the confirmation page of the DS-260 form).

So you will carry your confirmation page together with those of your family members. Make sure you print several copies for each one of them because you need them during the medical examination.

Second place: You will this confirmation pages during the DV lottery interview itself. You will need all the confirmation pages for the DS-260 form during the interview. This is a confirmation that you indeed submitted the year DS-260 form, and you will be requested for it during the interview, so carry with you alongside other documents while going to the DV lottery interview.

In conclusion

DS-260 Confirmation Page/document is very important. It is highly advisable that you print this page, once you have submitted the DS-260 form, you print it immediately. However, it is not that it is a must that you do that, because when you visit this page and key in your details, you can access the page. So any time you want to print it, you can access it. But. It is highly advisable that you print it immediately.

This guide have explained important things regarding the DS-260 confirmation page, which have you know now, all the days DS-260 forms that you need and you know everything regarding that.

Thank you for reading this guide.

DISCLAIMER: This post and content is designed for general information only and is NOT legal advice. This site is not offering any Diversity Visa and is not the official site for DV Lottery program. The information presented in this post should not be construed to be formal legal advice. If you have any questions about the DV lottery, please contact an immigration professional/officer or a licensed attorney.

5 Things That Will Deny You The Diversity Visa During the Interview

Don’t do the following things, it will harm you when it comes to the Diversity Visa interview because you will get your visa refused and some of them will block you from ever entering the United States.

Are you a DV winner or are you waiting for the DV results, and you are hoping to become a selectee? Are you waiting for the 2NL? Are you waiting for the visa? Therefore the following things, if you intend to do them, they will utterly harm you.

Things That Will Deny You The Diversity Visa During the Interview

  • Don’t overstay your United States visa or don’t overstay any other countries visa

If you are on a visit visa and that visa has given you a step period of maybe two months, don’t exceed. The date was supposed to be out of the United States and ensure you are out of the United States. If you are there on a business visa and there are terms and conditions of up to when, if you are on any other visa, visit visa, tour visa or any other visa, and there is a time period because it is a nonimmigrant visa, just stay within that time period and be out of the United States once the time expires.

By so doing, you will be safe, if you dare overstay, that will ruin your chances, and it will most likely prevent you from ever being to the United States. So don’t overstay your visa.

  • Never force a marriage

This might affect a majority of the selectees or the DV winners, never forced a marriage. This applies to all those who applied a single. If you applied a single, and definitely life must continue as usual, if the relationship that you are taking yourself into will end up being fraud, don’t involve yourself in that.

If you applied a single, you end up getting engaged and you want to add this as your spouse after you’ve married, it is very much subjective, meaning that you have to really prove to the consulate or the embassy that it is not fraud, though it’s not an easy thing.

The only way it can successful, based from the previous experiences, is when the affected parties had documents to prove the existing relationship that can lead to marriage even before they were selected, even before they won DV lottery. If they can provide that, then they will approve for their visas. That is the only way that you can prove that this is not fraud, you are not forcing a marriage.

Let no one tell you to get married because they want to go to the United States, you will ruin your chance. Don’t get into that trap. If you applied a single, just continuous single, even if you end up in the United States, you can still come back and arrange for that marriage, but not within that period if you know it can affect you.

If you don’t have the proof documents, printed documents to show that there was a legit relationship, even before that, then don’t try to force a marriage. Also, if you applied as married because you are living together and you have kids, and according to your customs, you were married, only that you don’t have any legal documents like a marriage certificate to prove that, then that is a different one.

You can just obtain the marriage certificate because you have enough evidence to prove that, then go ahead with that process as married, because you are married locally within your customs, only that you need to legalize it using a formal document.

  • Don’t commit crimes

Remember there are three categories of crimes that are really detrimental or can really be detrimental to your visa process. These three crimes, they include,

  1. Aggravated felonies.
  2. Crime involving moral turpitude.
  3. Crime involving illegal drugs.

The aggravated felonies, according to the United States, is when you try to do something that will harm people, for example, murder or drug trafficking, that also falls under aggravated felony. Maybe trying to force a fraud, you want to con someone, you want to harm that person. Don’t commit that type of crime.

Also that the crimes involving the moral turpitude, they also are those illegal intentions that you have upon someone. Maybe you are planning to murder someone. You are planning to steal from someone, you are planning to maybe commit a sexual offense against someone, you are planning or intending to cause harm to the public. Don’t do that, it will affect your visa.

Then we also have those crimes around the drug trafficking, drug abuse. If you are found or if you commit a crime that involves drug trafficking, illegal drug trafficking, then you will have no chances. So don’t commit these crimes if you want to get a successful interview. Just protect yourself against these crimes. Play it safe, be a good person, that is all it requires.

  • Social media

Remember, when filling the DS-260 form, you are supposed to list all the social media accounts that you have, if you don’t list, you are risking your chance. You cannot hide. Just list everything that you have on the internet.

When you have this account, don’t dare post any harmful content, either to a minor or any harmful content to any person in the public, or any harmful content towards the United States. Don’t post any criminal content in that social media. Don’t post any content that causes terrorism. Anything that puts or poses a threat on the United States, don’t dare do that. Anything that you post that causes or poses harm on the United States will cost you your visa, so don’t dare do that.

Those are just some of the things that we’re not supposed to do, though, there are also others.

DISCLAIMER: This post and content is designed for general information only and is NOT legal advice. This site is not offering any Diversity Visa and is not the official site for DV Lottery program. The information presented in this post should not be construed to be formal legal advice. If you have any questions about the DV lottery, please contact an immigration professional/officer or a licensed attorney.

You Must Do These Even Before you Get 2NL And Increase Your Diversity Visa Chances

Diversity Visa Lottery 2NL: In regards to DV-2024 lottery interviews, many people are already getting their second notification letters (2NL) while others are still waiting for them.

While you are waiting for the second notification letter. What are you supposed to do? Because for you to pass your DV lottery interviews, there are many determining factors and you need to get ready for the DV lottery interview.

Remember, after getting your second notification letter, you are given about six weeks of preparation before the interview date, that means that is some short time for you to amply prepare. So you need to have prepared even before the second notification letter. This is what we are going to learn in this guide. The end result of it is that you need to get a successful interview, get equipped for the DV lottery interview, for you to get your Visa approved.

What you are supposed to do, even as you’re waiting for the Diversity Visa (DV) Lottery second notification letter (2NL)?

Always check on the Visa bulletin, especially if your number is not yet current, keep an eye on the Visa bulletin. Because the visa bulletin informs all the numbers that will be ready for certain month. All the numbers that are current for a given month.

Remember, for you to be current, your case number should be lying below that cut-off number. So how do you expect to know if you’re current if you don’t keep track of the Visa bulletin? How do you expect to know when your number will become current, if you don’t keep track of the Visa bulletin? How will you know, if you’re supposed to change an embassy for the interview, if you cannot keep track of the visa bulletin?

It’s very important that you keep track of the Visa bulletin because there you’ll get the cut-off number. You’ll be able to gauge your fate, the fate of your case number, and therefore take the necessary steps. So the first thing, always keep track of the visa bulletin. In this site, you will always get update you on the visa bulletins.

  • Gather all relevant information

The second thing that you need to do is, as you’re waiting for the second notification letter, ensure that you gather all relevant information. Gather the relevant information pertaining the DV lottery. Have, if possible, all information about the diversity visa process. Know the steps, the stages, the requirements, the documents that you are needed. Everything that surrounds the DV lottery program, know about that. All the material that is needed, everything that will lead to a successful visa interview, you need to gather that information. Make the your friend and follow every rightful information and you’ll have a successful interview.

  • Latest performance statistics of your current embassy

The other important thing that you are supposed to do is, also try to understand or to get the latest performance statistics of your current embassy, the embassy in which your interview is scheduled. Try and look for information, get to know about the performance of your embassy from the relevant resources.

You know where your case is, try as much as possible and get to know the performance. If you gauge your case number against the performance of your embassy and you realize that for sure, you are at risk of not getting an interview or your opportunity, then you need to take necessary steps. You need to transfer it. Get a better performing embassy that you can access and transfer your case there.

If you can move to that country, that is the best. If you have free movement from one country to your neighbor, and then you can also transfer to that country. Get to know the performance of your embassy as you’re waiting for the second notification letter.

  • Gather evidence that you need pertaining your case

The other important thing to do, and this is very crucial, is gather all the evidence that you need pertaining your case. You know how your case is, and you know everything that you need, you need to get those evidences.

The document proofs that have been requested, and also those that have not been requested or outlined in the checklist but you need them to solidify the truth or the veracity of your case, you need to get them. All the documents in the checklist, those that need notarization, you get the notarized documents, all those documents that are not mentioned there and they need also notarization, get them, even if they don’t need any certification.

For example, if you applied as single but you are in a relationship intending to get engaged and marry, then you need to get proof documents to show that there was an existing relationship before even you won DV Lottery, just to make sure that this is not a fraud and to get your visa approved.

The point is, get all the documents, anything that is required. As you’re waiting for the certification letter, ensure that you gather them. Remember, it is very risky for you to fall under the 221G visa refusal because time is running out and you never know, if you get into that position how much time it would take for you to be called back.

Some 221G have gone even beyond six months, so make every effort to get all the relevant documents that you may not be put to 221G or be refused the visa.

  • Always your email for any update

You keep checking your email for any update. Remember, communication comes through your email. The email that you listed on the DS-260 form. Through that, the communication from KCC will come regarding the second notification letter (2NL). It is the email that notifies you that you have your 2NL in the Dvprogram.state gov’s website that you need to go there and put your details and access the second notification letter. That notification is sent to you via the email.

Some Frequently Asked Questions and Answers

Question: About the email, can one changed it on filling the DS-260 rather than the one he/she used during the entry?

Answer: Yes indeed

Question: My high school diploma is French language so while filling the diploma or certificate received in ds260 should I write it in French like written on my diploma or I translate in English?

Answer: If your embassy/ where you will be interviewed is francophon, you don’t need to. If it’s another, then you’ll need to translate.

Question: I have High school certificate, will the embassy still demand for transcript of high school?

Answer: No, the high school diploma is enough. No transcripts needed

Question: It ok to certify academic certificates and collect police clearance before 2NL?

Answer: For the police clearance -yes but for the education, you only do it after 2NL

DISCLAIMER: This post and content is designed for general information only and is NOT legal advice. This site is not offering any Diversity Visa and is not the official site for DV Lottery program. The information presented in this post should not be construed to be formal legal advice.

DV-2024 Program: March 2024 Visa Bulletin and APRIL Cut-Off Numbers Analysis

We saw in the previous guide that the visa bulletin for the month of March 2024, which shows the cut-off numbers to apply during the month of April 2024 as part of the DV-2024 program was released. There are some major questions that comes up every month about the new released visa bulletin. In this guide, we will look at the March 2024 Visa Bulletin and APRIL Cut-Off Numbers Analysis and answers to some of those questions about Visa Bulletin and APRIL Cut-Off Numbers.

Diversity Visa Bulletin for March 2024 and APRIL Cut-Off Numbers Analysis

Many people are disappointed because they expected to see the cut-off number of their region move further than it has actually moved, and that why they ask some of these questions, whenever the visa bulletin is published.

Visa Bulletin For March 2024
Diversity Visa Bulletin for March 2024 and APRIL Cut-Off Numbers Analysis

For example, why did the Africa region increase from 40,000 to 45,000 and not beyond? Because that was the wish of many applicants. Or why the Asia region moved from 7000 to 7200, etc.

The expression that usually comes up in such a case is analysis. For the coming days, applicants will be demanding analysis concerning the various movements in the regional and exceptional countries cut-off numbers. Below is the analysis or explanation as to why the cut-off number of your region or your exceptional country moved to a small extent, as it has done in this visa bulletin:

The visa bulletin cut-off numbers that we see on a monthly basis do not just come about anyhow. There is a principle behind the movement or as non-movement in some cases, in the visa bulletin. The visa office moves the cut-off numbers or decide not to move them based on necessity.

If it is necessary to move, it moves them, if it is not necessary to move them, they remain as they were. What does this necessary or not necessary mean? All depends on what is expected concerning interviews for the month under discussion or the month concerned. In this case, the month of April.

The principle is that, moving the visa bulletin cut-off number is meant to make new cases current because in order for cases to be scheduled for interview, the first must be current. When the visa bulletin cut-off number moves, it moves because the visa office wants more cases to become current so that they can be interviewed.

If the embassies inform the visa office that there is no need to take new cases, the visa office will not move the cut-off numbers for the region or the exceptional country concerned.

If they say that they need only a few cases, the visa office will move the cut-off number to a small extent to allow only a few cases to be made current, because it’s only a few cases that are needed to be interviewed or added to the ones that are already waiting to be interviewed during the month concerned. So that is the principle.

Why is it that, for the Africa region, for example, the movement was from 40,000 to only 45,000? Why in the case of the Asia region, the movement was from 7000 to only 7200? In Oceania, for example, from 1200 to 1250 because of the same reason.

For the month of April, there are many cases already waiting to be interviewed, as a result of that it was not necessary to give any region a leap. That’s the reason why on the overall in this visa bulletin, we observe that there is not much of a leap in the various cut-off numbers.

If you should observe the situation one month ago, you will realize that for most regions, perhaps all regions, there was a leap or a high increase in the various cut-off numbers. Take Africa, for example, it left from 26,500 to 40,000. In the case of Asia, the cut-off number left from 5500 to 7000, which is a relatively high increase. Oceania, for example, left from 875 to 1200. What that did is that it made many cases current waiting to be interviewed.

With the low increases that we have observed in this visa bulletin, we can then expect leaps or higher increases in the visa bulletin cut-off numbers after now, even if it is not for all of the regions. But after now, we can look forward to leaps taking place or higher increases happening because the many cases will now be reduced.

That is how you should take the movements that occur in the visa bulletin cut-off numbers, which will allow you to understand every time the visa bulletin is published, why this happened and why that happened. It will also give you an insight into what you should expect concerning upcoming visa bulletins. That is the analysis.

Thanks for reading.

DISCLAIMER: This post and content is designed for general information only and is NOT legal advice. This site is not offering any Diversity Visa and is not the official site for DV Lottery program. The information presented in this post should not be construed to be formal legal advice.

DV-2024 Program: March 2024 Visa Bulletin and APRIL Cut-Off Numbers Published

We are in the month of February 2024 and what is expected around this time of the month is the release of the visa bulletin. The visa bulletin for the month of March 2024, which was expected to be released in this month of February, has now been released. And as expected, that visa bulletin contains the new cut-off numbers, the ones to apply in the month of April 2024 as part of the DV-2024 program.

This guide will inform you concerning the publication of the visa bulletin, the latest movements that have occurred in the Regional Cut-off Numbers as a result of the release of this visa bulletin.

Visa Bulletin for March 2024 and APRIL Cut-Off Numbers

Below are the new cut-off numbers that will apply in the DV-2024 program during the month of April 2024.

March 2024 Visa Bulletin and APRIL Cut-Off Numbers
Visa Bulletin for March 2024 and APRIL Cut-Off Numbers

For the Africa region, the cut-off number has been established at 45,000. For the Asia region, it has been established at 7200. For the Europe region, it has been established at 17,500. For the North American region, it has been maintained at 13. For the Oceania region, it has been established at 1,250. For the South America region, it has been established at 2,400.

Moving over to the exceptional countries and beginning once again in the Africa region, the cut-off number that has been established for Algeria is 42,000. For Egypt, it is 30,000. For Morocco it is 35,000.

Then we continue with the exception countries of the Asia region. In the case of Iran, it is 7000. For Nepal it is 6000.

Then to the exceptional countries of the Europe region and for Russia it is 17,400. And finally for Uzbekistan it is 7000.

If we should compare these with the cut-off numbers for the month of March 2024, in the case of the Africa region, the cut-off number for March 2024 is 40,000, but it has been increased to 45,000 for the month of April 2024.

In the case of the Asia region, for the month of March, the cut-off number is 7000, and for the month of April it has been increased to 7200.

For Europe, for the month of March, the cut-off number is 16,000, and for April it has moved to 17,500.

Concerning the North American region, it was maintained at 13. In the case of the Oceania region for the month of March, it is 1200, and for the month of April it has increased to 1,250 for the South American region. For the month of March it was 2200, and for the month of April it has increased to 2400.

Then over to the exceptional countries and beginning in the Africa region for the month of March. The cut-off number established for Algeria was 35,000, it has increased to 42,000 for the month of April. For Egypt, for the month of March, it is 25,000 and it has increased to 30,000 for the month of April.

In the case of Morocco, for the month of March, it is 27,500, and for the month of April it has moved to 35,000.

For the exception countries from the Asia region, in the case of Iran, for the month of March, the code of number established is 6750, and it has moved to 7000 for the month of April. In the case of Nepal, for the month of March, it is 5000 and it has moved to 6000 for the month of April.

Finally, the movement for the exceptional countries in the Europe region. In the case of Russia, for the month of March, the cut-off number established is 15,500, and it has moved for the month of April to 17,400. For Uzbekistan, where for the month of March the cutoff number established is 5750, and for the month of April it has moved to 7000.

Those are the cut-off numbers that will apply in the DV-2024 program during the month of April 2024, as well as the latest movements that occurred across the various regions and exceptional countries.

In upcoming guides, we will learn other aspects of the new cut-off numbers, and in addition, in case you would like to access this information from the official webpage, then this is the link leading to that page.

Thanks for reading.

DISCLAIMER: This post and content is designed for general information only and is NOT legal advice. This site is not offering any Diversity Visa and is not the official site for DV Lottery program. The information presented in this post should not be construed to be formal legal advice.

USA Visa Interview Waiver Policy Updates for 2024

The U.S Department of State announced major changes to the Visa interview waiver policy in 2024. If you plan to study or work in the U.S or just visit, you need to hear this.

In this guide, you will learn what the announcement means and how it may affect you. This informative guide simplifies the recent changes to the 2024 Visa Interview Waiver Program, a crucial update for those looking to study, work, or reside in the USA.

This guide breaks down the new eligibility criteria, the application process, and what these changes mean for applicants. Whether renewing your visa or applying for the first time under this program, this comprehensive guide simplifies the process, ensuring you’re fully informed and prepared.

USA Visa Interview Waiver Policy Updates for 2024

After consulting the Department of Homeland Security, the Secretary of State has determined that select categories of interview waivers are in the national interest. The policy applies to U.S non-immigrant visas.

These are visas issued to temporary visitors to the USA. The most common non-immigrant visas are:

  • B1 and V2 visas for business, visitors, and tourists,
  • F and M visas for students, and
  • H visas for various workers.

There are many non-immigrant categories, but it won’t be listed to keep this guide short. Remember, the policy applies to all non-immigrant categories, unless noted.

Let’s review the rules quickly and break them down for different visa categories.

USA Visa Interview Waiver Policy Updates for 2024

The changes are implemented by the consular officers, who now have the authority and discretion to waive the in-person interview. This means that the visa officers are deciding whether to waive your visa interview based on the guidelines we’re about to review.

However, the key takeaway is that they can still request an applicant who meets the visa waiver category to come in for an in-person interview.

  • Criteria 1: Apply in your country of nationality or residence.

This means you’re applying in your country of citizenship or where you currently reside. For example, someone could be a citizen of India but work and live in Frankfurt, Germany. They can apply in India or Germany to qualify.

  • Criteria 2: You’ve never been refused a visa unless such refusal was overcome or waived.

This means you’ve never been refused a visa or were initially rejected, but then approved later. For example, someone may have been denied on their first attempt, but have got their visa on their second attempt.

  • Criteria 3: You have no apparent or potential eligibility.

This sounds vague, but what it really means is you don’t fall into select categories for which the U.S government doesn’t issue visas. These include individuals who may have criminal charges and may be a security risk or have violated immigration policies previously amongst others. This doesn’t apply to most cases.

On top of these three criteria, there are additional ones. Let’s review those in detail.

Remaining Criteria

  • H-2 visa applicants.

You’re eligible for a visa waiver as long as you meet the first three criteria. For all other non-immigrant visa applicants, you must meet two additional criteria. They are:

You must have any U.S non-immigrant visa except a B visa. For example, you’ll qualify if you’re applying for an H-1B and have an F visa.

On the other hand, if you just have a B visa, you won’t qualify. For example, if you’re applying for an F1 visa and have a previous B1/B2 visa, you won’t be eligible for the interview waiver.

There is one slight nuance to it. Your last non-immigrant visa should be current or have expired no more than four years ago. This can get confusing, let’s take a look at three scenarios:

  • If your last non-immigrant visa is active or has expired in 2021 or later, great news, you qualify.
  • If your last non-immigrant visa has expired in 2019 or before, you don’t qualify.
  • If your last non-immigrant visa expired in 2020, your expiration date should be after your potential visa appointment date.

For example, if your potential visa appointment date is on July first, 2024, your previous visa should not have expired before July first, 2020.

This cut-off date can get tricky, so if you fall into this category, you should put in your application immediately to improve your chances of qualifying for the interview waiver.

Also, it’s important to remember that the visa officers can still require you to come in. Finally, the US government can change this policy at any time. It’s likely to stick through the end of 2024.

That wraps up about the updates on the U.S visa interview waiver policy changes for 2024.

Some frequently asked questions about Visa Interview Waiver Policy Updates for 2024 and answers.

Question: Do you know if L1B (blanket petition) is also eligible for visa interview waiver in 2024?

Answer: It is a non-immigrant visa, so as long as applicants meet the criteria, they should qualify for an interview waiver.

Question: Is 352 days ban news true for refused f1 candidates?

Answer: This news is not official, check official website.

Disclaimer: This site is not owned by any U.S Government Agency or an Immigration attorney. The contents in the site is for informational purpose only, collected from various public domains. You may need to contact an Immigration Attorney for your specific immigration needs.

I hope this guide has been helpful to you. Thanks.

How to change from U.S Visiting Visa (Tourist Visa) to Student Visa

How can someone traveling to the United States of America through visiting (tourist) visa can change from visiting visa to another type of visa (Student Visa)? Let learn How to change tourist visa to student visa in USA.

This guide will focus on being a student, two types of students in this particular case.

How to change Tourist Visa to Student Visa in USA

It is one of the most frequently asked question that is, “if I come to the United States through visiting, can I find a way to change it from one visa type to another visa type?”

The answer is yes. There are legal procedures someone can be able to do that and it will explain in this guide.

If you are going to U.S on a visit via B1, B2 visa, when you go there, it depends on the duration given to stay in the United States, the visa duration. While you are there, you can apply to become a student, and being a student, there are two types of students.

There are Students who are seeking degree and students who are going to do what is called non-degree program. These two categories also determine two different types of visas or categories of students. They are as below:

  • F1

F1 visa, which people talk about every time, because this is for people who are seeking degree.

When you travel to U.S, maybe you want to do bachelor’s degree or you go to community college, then bachelor’s degree, then you are going to do masters, doctorate, that is F1 student.

F1 student is an international student visa, which allows you to go to a university or college for a degree seeking program.

But what if you don’t want to get a degree? You are going to the vocational school. You are going to get what is called non-degree program.

Remember, in the United States, they don’t have something called diploma as a level of education like in other country. In U.S, diploma or certificate is called non-degree program.

So if you want to pursue what is called non-degree program, you are going to apply for M-visa, not F-1 visa, M1 visa.

  • M-1

M-1 visa is a visa for a student or a person who wants to travel to U.S to pursue non-degree program or rather going to study what is called the vocational schools.

You attend flight school, cooking school (culinary school), study Cosmetology (the study and application of beauty treatment), etc. There are certain programs you are allowed to go and take those one. If you want to take the English-speaking one, even if it’s non-degree program, is not part of the M1, is going to be part of the F1, that is one of the categories which is different.

Note: Not all institutions are allowed to give you M1 visa because you can apply for non-degree program for this certificate, e.g cosmetology, but just going out there and just get admitted doesn’t give you the documentations, which you can be allowed to enroll to those particular schools.

Remember, there are some schools that are not allowed to have international students. So in order to avoid that, there is a list of vocational and non-degree institutions which is called M1 students, are allowed to go.

There is something called a student exchange visitor program. In that particular category, there is a website, which is the website of the Department of Homeland Security, which has the list of all institutions which are allowed to enroll people to get these programs and the universities or institutions in general.

Some might be community colleges. They can allow to take M1 and F1 non-degree and degree seeking students, and some can be independent institutions, not directed to be the college in particular.

To see the institutions which are allowed, proceed here.

If you go to apply to an institution which is not allowed, then you are not going to be allowed to be given the visa.

Note: On that particular case, there are no scholarships in most cases when we talk about the non-degree programs. You are going on your own to learn any of your desired skill (e.g cooking, culinary speciality school, chef school, study about photography, videography, filming, etc).

Most of those one are not having scholarships. What does that mean? It means if you want to go to study for non-degree program, you have to prove that you are able to pay for tuition fees, and to be able to cater your own living expenses.

People who are in M1, are they allowed also to work like F1 student?

Remember, if you are a degree seeking student, F1, you are allowed to work 20 hours per week. Yes, M1 also are allowed to work 20 hours per week. Also, they’re allowed to work on campus.

What does that mean? If it’s a school year, you work on campus, when it is out of school, the holiday, you can work off campus, you are allowed to do that. But when you are looking for institutions, is better to look for bigger institution. Because if you look like a smaller institution, maybe they might not have works opportunities on campus for international students or rather M1 students, so better to look for the institution like community colleges.

Below is a website that has the name of states, name of the programs. You can select a state and you can choose all the programs you want in that particular state you want to apply.

Even if where you are outside the United States or you are inside the United States, that is one of the way you can be able to change, is to apply to do every single procedures and you’ll be given I-20, the same I-20 like someone is international student, M1 student will be given the same I-20 and you can be able to convert from one visa to become a student, either non-degree seeking or degree seeking student.

This is very important thing you need to understand about M1 visa.

Disclaimer: This site is not owned by any U.S Government Agency or an Immigration attorney. The contents in the site is for informational purpose only, collected from various public domains. You may need to contact an Immigration Attorney for your specific immigration needs.

I hope this guide has been helpful to you. Thanks.

FEBRUARY 2024 Cut-Off Numbers for DV-2024 Published

FEBRUARY 2024 Cut-Off Numbers for DV-2024: As we saw in the last guide, the Diversity Visa Bulletin for the month of January 2024 showing the cut-off numbers to apply across all regions and exception countries in the DV-2024 Program has been released.

In this guide, we are going to learn the various case number ranges that are concerned by interviews to be conducted during the month of February 2024, as part of the DV-2024 Program.

Diversity Visa Case Numbers Concerned

With the publication of the Visa Bulletin for January 2024, cases whose case numbers are eligible for interview during the month of February 2024 in the various regions and exception countries, excluding those whose interviews have already been scheduled are as follows:

Looking at the Diversity Visa Advanced Notification section of the Visa Bulletin below, as we consider the relevant case number ranges.

FEBRUARY 2024 Cut-Off Numbers for DV-2024 Published

From the above image, these are the cut-off numbers to apply across the various regions and exception countries during the month of February 2024, as part of the DV-2024 Program.

Based on these cut-off numbers, the case numbers that are concerned by interviews to be conducted during that same month of February 2024 are as follows.

  • South America Region

From the bottom of the table above, in the South America region, case numbers that are concerned by February 2024 interviews are case numbers from case number 1 to case number 1,599, which have so far not received their interview notification.

  • Oceania Region

For Oceania region, the numbers go from case number 1 to case number 874, applicants with case numbers in that range who have so far not received their interview notification from the Oceania region are concerned by interviews to be conducted during the month of February 2024.

  • North America (Bahamas) Region

In the case of the North America region, the first 4 case numbers that are concerned by interviews being conducted during this month of December 2023, as well as the month of January 2024, are the same 4 case numbers that are concerned by interviews to be conducted during the month of February 2024.

  • Europe Region

For Europe region, the numbers go from case number 1 to case number 13,499. Applicants that are chargeable to countries from the Europe region with the exception of the two exception countries having case numbers in this range and who have so far not received their interview notifications are concerned by interviews to be conducted during the month of February 2024.

In the case of the two exception countries, applicants chargeable to Russia with case numbers going from case number 1 to case number 13,249, who have so far not received their interview notification are concerned by interviews to be conducted during the month of February 2024.

In the case of Uzbekistan, the numbers are case number 1 to case number 5,499. Applicants chargeable to Uzbekistan with case numbers in this range who have so far not received their interview notification are concerned by interviews to be conducted during the month of February 2024.

  • Asia Region

For Asia region, the case numbers that are concerned by interviews to be conducted during the month of February 2024 are the same case numbers that are concerned by interviews to be conducted during the month of January 2024.

The numbers go from case number 1 to case number 5,499, and that concerns applicants chargeable to countries in the Asia region that are neither of the exception countries.

In the case of Iran, the first exception country, the numbers go from case number 1 to case number 5,449. Applicants chargeable to Iran who have so far not received their interview notification and whose case numbers fall within this range are concerned by interviews to be conducted during the month of February 2024.

In the case of Nepal, the numbers go from case number 1 to case number 4,499. Applicants within this range who have so far not received their interview notification and whose case numbers fall within this range are concerned by interviews to be conducted during the month of February, 2024.

  • Africa Region

For Africa region where if you are an applicant who’s not chargeable to Algeria, Egypt or Morocco and you have a case number from case number 1 to case number 26,499 and so far you have not received your interview notification, then you are concerned by interviews to be conducted during the month of February 2024.

In the case of Algeria, the numbers go from case number 1 to case number 25,999. In case you are chargeable to Algeria with a case number within that range, and so far you have not received your interview notification, then you are concerned by interviews to be conducted during the month of February, 2024.

In the case of both Egypt and Morocco, the numbers go from case number 1 to case number 24,999. Applicants chargeable to both of those countries with case numbers within that range who have so far not received their interview notification are concerned by interviews to be conducted during the month of February 2024, as part of the DV-2024 Program.

Those are the case number ranges from the various regions and exception countries that are concerned by interviews to be conducted during the month of February 2024 as part of the DV-2024 Program.

In Conclusion

Cases whose case numbers are the same or higher than their regional or country cut-off are still not current or eligible for interview. Such cases cannot expect to receive their interview notification yet. Applicants concerned must check the Visa Bulletin when it is published in January 2024, to ascertain the status of their case number by then.

The Visa Bulletin is published every month, and it is by means of this tool that Diversity Visa applicants get to know the month when their case will be eligible for interview. Publication of the next Visa Bulletin, i.e the sixth showing cut-offs for the DV-2024 Program will be done some time in January 2024.

For more information concerning what the Visa Bulletin is all about, look at the bottom of this article.


DISCLAIMER: This post and content is designed for general information only and is NOT legal advice. This site is not offering any Diversity Visa and is not the official site for DV Lottery program. The information presented in this post should not be construed to be formal legal advice.

DV-2024 | Diversity Immigrant Visa Bulletin for January 2024 | February Cut-Off Numbers Released

As the year draws to a close, the eagerly anticipated 2024 Diversity Visa (DV-2024) Bulletin for January 2024 has been released by the U.S. Department of State (DOS), opening new doors for aspiring immigrants. That’s a big deal if you’re waiting for your priority date to be current so that your green card application can move forward.

The December Visa Bulletin, which is officially referred to as the Visa Bulletin for January 2024 has been released. In this guide, we will learn the cut-off numbers that will apply in the DV-2024 Program during the month of February 2024.

Also, this comprehensive guide, we will explore the insights provided by the January 2024 Diversity Immigrant Visa Bulletin, shedding light on the current state of visa availability and what it means for those seeking to embark on the journey to the United States.

For the previous cut-off numbers from the previous visa bulletin i.e the visa bulletin for the month of December 2023, check this post.

About Visa Bulletin

Department of State (DOS) publishes current immigrant visa availability information in a monthly Visa Bulletin. The Visa Bulletin indicates when statutorily limited visas are available for issuance to prospective immigrants based on their individual priority date.

On Nov. 20, 2014, the Secretary of Homeland Security directed USCIS to work with DOS to:

  • Ensure that all immigrant visas authorized by Congress are issued to eligible individuals when there is sufficient demand for such visas, and
  • Improve the Visa Bulletin system for determining when immigrant visas are available to applicants during the fiscal year.
Diversity Visa Program | Diversity Visa Bulletin for January 2024

This bulletin summarizes the availability of immigrant numbers during January for: “Final Action Dates” and “Dates for Filing Applications,” indicating when immigrant visa applicants should be notified to assemble and submit required documentation to the National Visa Center.

Immigrant numbers in the DV category are available to qualified DV-2024 applicants chargeable to all regions/eligible countries as follows. When an allocation cut-off number is shown, visas are available only for applicants with DV regional lottery rank numbers BELOW the specified allocation cut-off number.

Looking at the Diversity Visa Advanced Notifications section of the Visa Bulletin and consider the February 2024 cut-off numbers. Below is the Diversity Visa Advanced Notification section of the Visa Bulletin for the month of January 2024, and here are the various cut-off numbers that will apply during the month of February 2024.

Diversity Immigrant Visa Bulletin for January 2024
Diversity Immigrant Visa Bulletin for January 2024

DV 2024: February Cut-Off Numbers Explained

  • Africa Region

For Africa region, where the 22,000 cut-off number for the month of January has been increased to 26,500 for the month of February. Obviously, that does not apply to applicants chargeable to the three exception countries from the Africa region.

In the case of the first exception country, Algeria, the February 2024 cut-off number has been established at 26,000. It was 15,000 for the month of January 2024, and it has been increased to 26,000 for the month of February 2024.

In the case of Egypt, the cut-off number to apply during the month of February 2024 is 25,000. It is 15,000 for the month of January, and it has been increased to 25,000 for the month of February.

Finally to Morocco, where the cut-off number for the month of February has been established at 25,000. For January, it is 20,000 and it has been increased to 25,000 for the month of February 2024.

  • Asia Region

For Asia region where the 5,500 cut-off number for the month of January 2024 has been maintained for the month of February 2024.

The 5,500 cutoff number applies to applicants that are not chargeable to the two exception countries from the Asia region.

In the case of the exception countries, the January 2024 cut-off number of 5,450 for Iran has also been maintained for the month of February 2024. For Nepal, the 3,000 cut-off number for the month of January has been increased to 4,500 for the month of February 2024.

  • Europe Region

For Europe Region where the cut-off number to apply during the month of February 2024 as part of the DV-2024 Program has been established at 13,500. For the month of January 2024, it was established at 12,000, and now it has increased to 13,500 for the month of February, and that does not concern applicants chargeable to the two exception countries from the Europe region.

To the two exception countries, in the case of Russia, the cut-off number that has been established for the month of February 2024 is 13,250. For the month of January, it is 11,500 and it has been increased to 13,250 for the month of February.

In the case of Uzbekistan, the cut-off number that has been established for the month of February 2024 is 5,500. For January 2024, it was 4,750 and it has increased to 5,500 for the month of February 2024.

  • North America (Bahamas)

For North America region, where the cut-off number for the months of December 2023 and January 2024 has been maintained for the month of February 2024, making the cut-off number to apply during that month in the North America Region to remain 5.

  • Oceania Region

We have 875, that’s the cut-off number to apply in the Oceania region during the month of February 2024. The January 2024 cut-off number for Oceania was 650, and it has been increased to 875 for the month of February 2024.

  • South America Region

For South America region, where the cut-off number that has been established for the month of February 2024 is 1,600. It is 1,000 for the month of January, and it has been increased to 1,600 for the month of February, and that concerns the South America region.

Those are the cut-off numbers to apply across all regions and exception countries during the month of February 2024 as part of the DV 2024 Program.

For those who would like to have more explanation concerning visa bulletin and possibly know what the visa bulletin is all about, click the article that is just below and you will be taken to the article.


Determining Visa Availability

USCIS considers several factors to determine if there is a greater supply of visas than the demand for those visas. To determine visa availability, USCIS will compare the number of visas available for the remainder of the fiscal year with:

  • Documentarily qualified visa applications reported by DOS;
  • Pending adjustment of status applications reported by USCIS; and
  • Historical drop off rate of applicants for adjustment of status (for example, denials, withdrawals and abandonments)

In Conclusion:

The Diversity Visa Bulletin for January 2024 serves as a roadmap for those embarking on the journey to secure a place in the United States through the DV Program.

By understanding the nuances outlined in the bulletin, applicants can make informed decisions, navigate the immigration process effectively, and increase their chances of success in the pursuit of diversity and opportunity in the U.S.

Thanks for reading this guide. See you very soon in the next guide.

DISCLAIMER: This post and content is designed for general information only and is NOT legal advice. This site is not offering any Diversity Visa and is not the official site for DV Lottery program. The information presented in this post should not be construed to be formal legal advice.

These are the biggest challenges for DV LOTTERY WINNERS when they arrive in USA, Be prepared

Biggest challenges for DV LOTTERY WINNERS when they arrive in USA: In this guide, we will learn some difficulty part for someone who has won the Diversity Visa Lottery on starting their life in America.

Biggest challenges for DV LOTTERY WINNERS when they arrive in USA

As a DV lottery winner (Green Card holder), what is the most frustrating situations on how to start? There are three biggest parts.

  1. Accommodation

Accommodation is the most complicated issue sometimes for so many people. For instance, in order to rent apartment, these are some of the terms you need to know.

You need to pay the first month, including what is called security deposit fee. The security deposit is almost similar to the first month, so you pay for the last month. Let’s say if the apartment, let’s say they say is $1,500 per month, it means you have to pay for 3,000 upfront.

The security deposit is when you are going to finish staying there, they are going to see if there are any things you destroy or if let’s say there are certain things, you made some mess up on the room, that means they will come and use some of the security deposit to do that and the remaining of the money within 7-10 days they will give you back your money.

So at the beginning, that’s what has becoming difficult for someone going to U.S as a DV lottery winner. But sometimes, most of the landlord will want someone who will want to know how you’re going to pay, they want to see your three-month income. How much money do you make?

There are certain places they will say you must make maybe twice amount of the rent. If the rent is 1,500, you need to get paid 3,000 and above. But as a brand new DV lottery winner you cannot show the proof of been working, your income with this amount for three months, you don’t have that one. That’s usually the most difficult part for DV lottery winners.

They are also going to check for the criminal record.

As a new DV lottery winner, it’s advisable, when you have the host, it is better to have a discussion like, “is it okay if I can stay at your place for this amount of money?” Whatever you agree with, because that person will not require you to go and find the security deposit, pay the security.

When you are staying there for three months, four months, you have been working, you can be able to find apartment and to be able to start the place to go to stay.

Usual, place to stay, apartment-wise, that is the most challenging part for so many DV lottery winners, especially when you have a family, that is adding another layer of complications compared to if you were single.

  1. Adjustment you are going to make

Another challenging part for people is not just about finding the jobs, is about the adjustment you are going to make. You are coming from your country, there are things you have to leave, like cultural wise.

In U.S, every time you will be speaking English, you are waking up compared to your country, sometimes there are that adjustment. There is adjustment to the culture, adjustment to working style, etc. You have to be flexible. You have to be understanding. You must be ready to start learning the new life.

Finding jobs is not really the difficult part. You can go to the specific stores, warehouses and directly ask them if they have employment, you can apply. You don’t go to U.S and expect you’re becoming the manager, you have to be humble. Even if you have bachelor degree, even if you have masters degree, even if you have PhD, even if you have been manager before, you are going to start over here.

  1. Money Management

Another challenges is the money management. Maybe before, you go to the bar, you can give money to other people, bring the beer to everyone, give offer, etc, it’s over.

Also, maybe you cannot have money and you can ask your friend, neighbor, relative, etc or someone can borrow the money. There in U.S you are on your own. You have to know that the money we’re getting, it’s on your budget. You live on your means. Don’t go there to find a way to start showing off, there is no showing off, there is no competition with anybody, it’s your life.

Don’t start trying to find ways on how you can compete with other people. There is no competition with anybody. Know your budget. Don’t go and rent apartment of huge amount of money while you know your income is not that huge. There is no any other place to do to get the money except to working.

Those are the three important lessons, all the important things you need to pay attention when you go to the U.S as a brand new immigrant, and especially if you have a diversity visa lottery winner.

Learn those challenges and work ahead to those things you need to know, because otherwise you would be in trouble.

DISCLAIMER: This post and content is designed for general information only and is NOT legal advice. This site is not offering any Diversity Visa and is not the official site for DV Lottery program. The information presented in this post should not be construed to be formal legal advice.

Your Diversity Visa Status | CEAC Visa Statuses Meaning

In this guide, we will discuss on CEAC Visa Status meaning, the different statuses that you might get when you check for your status in the CEAC website.

In my previous guide, we discussed about how and when to check your CEAC status for your diversity visa status. If you have not read that guide, it is very important that you read that first before you read this guide. Because in that guide, you will learn in details about how to check on that and why you should check on that and how important it is.

Different CEAC Visa Status and the Meaning

This guide will go to a greater extent to explain those various statuses that you might receive when you check your information. These statuses should not make you worry or make you confused or panic because everything about these statuses is well explained in this guide.

At NVC status will pop up when we check your results and you are not yet current. What do it mean?

You have been selected, even if you have not filled your DS-260 form and submitted, or you have filled it and submitted, but your case has not yet become current, then the status that will show up will be at NVC.

That simply means that your case is at KCC and it is waiting for your case to become current. In that process, your DS-260 form should have been processed or might be in the process of being processed. That is what at NVC stands for.

When you check for your CEAC status and the in transit status pops up, that simply means that your case is “now current”, has become current, and your embassy has a slot for you to be interviewed, and therefore KCC is transferring your information to the embassy.

In that process, when your case is being transferred to the embassy for interview processing, that status will be in transit. Also, in that process, you will consequently receive a second notification letter (2NL). So the interview appointment will be sent to you.

In transit, means that KCC is transferring your case to the embassy for interview scheduling, and that mean you are about to receive your second notification letter, if you have not received it at that time.

  • The Ready Status

When you are checking for your case status and the “ready status” pops up, that means that your interview has been scheduled, you are ready for the interview, your information has been transferred to the embassy and you are just about to attend your interview.

AP Status in full is “Administrative processing status”. When you check and this status pops up, administrative processing means that your case is under administrative processing, is under the consulate or the embassy processing.

You might receive the administrative processing on various occasions. If you have gone to your interview and you have been told you have visa has been approved, then later on you come and check and you find AP, that is not a worry.

AP status does not mean that you have been refused and your status is changing. No, it just simply means that your visa is being processed and is being stamped. It is under the embassy or the consulate processing. They are processing to print or to stamp your visa.

In that case, that AP means that they are just preparing your visa to be stamped on your passport.

Another scenario that you may find AP, if you have gone to the interview and maybe you did not provide sufficient proofs and therefore the consulate or the embassy requested you for extra information or they told you they need to do some further checking. At that time, your case or your status will be AP. That is, you have received a 221G visa refusal and it mean your case is under extra scrutiny.

You are supposed to provide the documents that you have been requested or any information that has been requested. In that case, it will be AP status. AP comes in various ways.

Still on the same, you should note that if you are given the 221(g) visa refusal, the status might also turn into refused. Sometimes it will turn into refused as it waits your case to be processed.

If you have been given the 221(g), and then you see the status being refused, then don’t panic because it will remain that way until they have fully processed the extra information and once it’s that, the status will change.

So that should not worry you in that scenario. So long as there is enough time for them to deal with your 221G visa refusal.

It’s better that you be over-prepared than going there with less material or less information and then you be put to 221G. Avoid the 221G visa refusal at all cost.

  • Issued Status

If you check your status and it reads “issued” and probably you have not received back your passport, then that’s a good sign. That status means that the visa processing and the stamp of them has finally been completed and your visa is being sent back or has been sent back to you.

Issued means your visa has been approved and has been stamped and you’re about to get your visas back.

  • Refused Status

This is a status many people never long for and that is the “refused status”. This status comes after you have been told at the embassy outrightly that your visa has been refused, they will not issue a visa because of one reason or the other.

If you have errors or you’ve done mistakes and you have things that can prevent you from getting your visa approved then your status will change to refused and that status never change.

If it’s refused and you have been told your visa has been denied, you have no alternative, it will be refused in the status.

DISCLAIMER: This post and content is designed for general information only and is NOT legal advice. This site is not offering any Diversity Visa and is not the official site for DV Lottery program. The information presented in this post should not be construed to be formal legal advice.

3 Main Determinants of DV Medical Examination Cost

There’s this issue about the DV medical examination cost or fee, questions on the total amount to spend on medical examination, as DV winner.

DV lottery winners, in this guide, we will learn the factors that determine the amount of money that you will pay for the medical examination or the factors that affect the medical examination fee.

After you’ve gotten your second notification letter (2NL), you are supposed to book a medical appointment for the medical examination of yourself, together of those of your derivatives, if you have any, and it means some expenses that you are going to incur.

Find out more about Documents You Will Go With To The DV Medical Examination here

We need to know what affects or what controls the amount of money that you get. Is it the embassy? Is it the Department of State? Who controls it or what controls it?

3 Main Determinants of DV Medical Examination Cost

  • Size of Family

The first factor that will affect the amount of money that you will use during the medical examination is obviously the size of your family.

If you are a single person, that mean you’re just catering for the expenses of one person, and that mean the charges that you go through will not be as high as of those with a family.

If your family is of two, the husband and the wife or the mother and the kid or the father and the kid, that means you have two people and therefore each of you has to be examined and has to be vaccinated. Definitely, you will have higher cost than the one who is single.

All of you have to go through the medical examination, not only the principal applicant, and that determines the amount of money that you use.

  • Age

The age determines what amount of money you’ll use. It determines the number of vaccination that you’re going to get.

If you have a child that is below 15 years, you will have fewer vaccinations and fewer checks. If you are of the age between 15 and 25, that’s a different age group, and you’re going to have different expenses as compared to a child between one year and 15.

Also if you are of age 25 and above, that means that there are some certain vaccination that you are going to undergo and others you are not going to go through, and that means a different price for that.

So age determines the number of vaccinations to be administered and the type of vaccination to be administered and therefore affecting the total cost that you are going to incur.

  • Status of your Immunization

The third thing that affects the cost of the medical examination is the status of your immunization, your immunization history. What is the record of your immunization?

It is good for you to try and get access to the documents that details all the vaccinations that you have taken since you were born.

Remember, every person since birth there are vaccination or immunizations that has undergone and those immunizations can really count into this.

If you were immunized at a certain age against a disease that is been listed by the CDC as one requiring immunization, then that one is knocked out of the list of the vaccinations that you are going to undergo or to take.

So if you can and if it is possible, get all those documents to show that you have such and such vaccinations and therefore needs to be eliminated from your vaccination lists.

You need to go with the immunization record and by so doing, you will end up reducing the expense that you should have undergone if you had none of the immunization.

Make sure you Get Tested And Treated Of These Diseases As Early As Possible Before DV Medical Examination, find out more>>>

These are the key three points and factors (the size of your family, the age of every member of your family, and the immunization status, the immunization record) that affects the cost of the medical examination for DV winners.

Another factor that affects the cost of the medical examination is the country in which you come from.

It also depends on the country in which you come from. It depends on the inflation rate. It depends on the cost of each vaccine in your country.

If the vaccines in your country that are required are expensive, therefore you expect your medical examination cost to go high. If it’s cheaper, then it goes low.

If you are currently residing in the United States, you are exempted from this vaccination.

The point is the vaccination cost is not determined by the United States government, not at all. It is not determined by the embassy as well. It is solely dependent on those factors that have been discussed above, including the cost of those vaccination in your country.

So if you are a DV winner and you are waiting for this for your second notification letter or you have received it and you have booked the appointment or you are just on the point of booking the appointment, then prepare the immunization record. That would be very, very much important.

I hope you’ve gotten all the details of the guide.

DISCLAIMER: This post and content is designed for general information only and is NOT legal advice. This site is not offering any Diversity Visa and is not the official site for DV Lottery program. The information presented in this post should not be construed to be formal legal advice.

5 Things NOT to Say at Your U.S. Visa Interview in order to get APPROVED Visa to go to the U.S.

Do you want to make sure that your U.S visa application is approved at a U.S consulate abroad? This guide is going to take you through 5 things that you should not be saying or doing at your U.S visa interview, to make sure that you get approved.

What not to say at your U.S visa interview, in order to get yourself approved. If you do these 5 things, you might not get approved for your visa.

5 Things NOT to Say at Your U.S. Visa Interview in order to get APPROVED Visa
  1. Not having a return ticket back to where you came from

You cannot go to get a non-immigrant visa at a consulate without making sure that you have a return ticket, a round trip ticket back to the country where you came from. Not necessarily has to be back to the country you came from, but it better be back to a country outside the United States.

You will not be issued a US visa to United States with a one-way ticket. If by chance you do get the visa, unlikely you’re going to get through Border Patrol, if you only have a one-way ticket. Because a one-way ticket implies that you are not leaving the United States, you’re going to stay in the United States longer than you should or permanently.

Make sure you have a round trip ticket booked and with you not only at your interview, but make sure when you’re entering the U.S, you have a round trip ticket.

  1. Don’t show ties back to your home country

You must show you have ties back to your home country, the country you’re leaving from to go temporarily to the U.S. You must show them and prove to them that you have a reason to return back home, either family, bank accounts, job, property, businesses, something that ties you back home and the reason why you’re only temporarily going to stay in the United States.

If you don’t have ties to your home country, they’re going to make the assumption that you have no reason to come back and you have no reason to leave the U.S.

Therefore, unlikely that they’re going to prove your visa. Make sure you have ties and you bring proof of that to your interview.

  1. Don’t mention U.S Citizens

Don’t talk about a U.S citizen, boyfriend, girlfriend, spouse, or very immediate relative. If you have a U.S citizen boyfriend or girlfriend or fiancé or spouse or immediate relative in the United States, do not talk about that at your interview. If you’re asked, do not lie, but do not talk about that on purpose.

For example, “I’m going to the United States to visit my US citizen fiancée.”

That’s not a good idea to do. You do not want them to have any reason to believe that you are going to remain in the United States permanently because you have access to a U.S citizen person that could sponsor you for a green card when you arrive.

Therefore, it is not a good idea at a Visa interview to talk about your U.S citizen, spouse, partner, mother, brother, etc, don’t talk about them unless you’re asked. If you’re asked, you do not lie at any interview, you tell them the truth. But there’s no need to bring up that fact when you’re in your interview.

  1. Don’t tell them you will be working in the United States

Unless the visa you’re actually applying for requires you to work. But if you are going into the U.S as a student or a visitor or someone who should not be working and is not authorized to work in the United States, you do not go into your visa interview telling them that you’re going to go work in the United States.

Even if you’re going to be working for your company abroad, even if you’re going to just be volunteering, you are not to be working in the United States on a visa that does not authorize you to work.

Do not talk about being in the United States working on any level unless there is a reason that you have to do it, that’s related to the actual visa. If not, and you’re not allowed to work because it is not authorized visa to allow you to work, then do not talk about anything that you’re going to work in the United States while you’re there.

  1. Don’t say the word “I Don’t Know”

Uncertainty at a U.S Consulate Visa interview will set off alarm bells for them. Because if you’re not certain where you’re going, where you’re staying, what you’re doing, what you’re allowed to do, where you’re going to work, what your job is going to be, where you’re going to perform, all these things are critical to show that you understand the parameters of the visa that they’re going to be issuing you, and what you can and can’t do.

Also, it shows that you understand why you’re getting the visa, and it shows that their credibility behind the actual application that was filed on your behalf.

If you are a recipient of an “O visa application”, Extraordinary Ability Visa application, and you go in and you have no idea, where you’re performing, what you’re doing, and you say that you’re a guitarist and you’re applied for as a backup singer, that is not going to work. That uncertainty is going to cause you problems at a U.S visa interview.

Make sure you do some homework before you walk into that interview and know the parameters of the type of visa that you’re applying for, and make sure that you know where you’re staying, what you’re doing, what you’re allowed to do, how much money you need, what is your itinerary, what is the name of your employer, the address of your employer and where you’re going to be staying.

All those things you need to know and be very certain of when you walk into that U.S visa interview. The words I don’t know is not a good one to put out there at a U.S consulate interview.

Those are 5 things that you should not do at a U.S visa interview in order to make sure that you get approved.

There’s lots of other things that you shouldn’t be doing or you should be doing, but those are top five. Those are basics that you have to be aware of when you walk into that visa interview. Make sure you don’t do any of those things. You get prepared, you do your homework, you talk to the attorney that helped you, etc.

I hope this was helpful. Good luck to you all out there.

Source: Szew Law Group

DISCLAIMER: This guide and content is designed for general information only and is NOT legal advice. The information in this guide should not be construed to be formal legal advice nor the formation of a lawyer/client relationship. the information presented in this guide does not create an attorney/client relationship nor is it a solicitation to offer legal advice.

5 Reasons Why You Should Never Let Your Green Card Expire

There are 5 Reasons Why You Should Never Let Your Green Card Expire which will be discuss in this guide.

Becoming a permanent resident of the United States should be a monumental achievement for you. After navigating a maze of paperwork, multiple interviews, and a few rigorous tests, and you finally held the hard-earned Green Card, you should be committed to keeping it valid and up-to-date.

5 Reasons Why You Should Never Let Your Green Card Expire

If you’re curious why you should be so vigilant, here are top 5 reasons for never letting his Permanent Resident Card expire:

  1. Your Job is at Stake

As a permanent resident, you should cherish the liberty to work anywhere across the U.S. But to exercise this right, you must prove your employment eligibility. Employers are bound by law to confirm the identity and employment authorization of their hires, and your Green Card simplifies this process. An expired card could potentially jeopardize your employment, a situation you’d rather not face.

  1. Your Love for Travel

As someone that his/her passion for travel knows no bounds. Being a U.S. permanent resident, you has the advantage of traveling internationally and returning with minimal issues. But this privilege is contingent on a valid Green Card. An expired card can lead to significant hiccups at the border or airports upon reentry, something that could dampen your travel spirit. Therefore, insists on keeping your Green Card current.

  1. Staying Out of Legal Trouble

While your status as a permanent resident doesn’t expire, your Green Card, the tangible proof of your status does. If your lets it lapse, you might face difficulties with institutions that require proof of your legal residency status, such as banks and government agencies. To sidestep potential legal disputes or misunderstandings, makes it a point to renew your Green Card regularly.

  1. Your American Dream

Becoming a U.S. citizen is part of many people American Dream. You wouldn’t want an expired Green Card to obstruct your path. If you decides to apply for naturalization, the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) would need to see your Green Card. An expired card could delay your application process. After working so hard and waiting so long, you wouldn’t let an oversight interfere with your dreams.

  1. The Much-needed Peace of Mind

Above all, you should value the peace of mind that comes with an updated Green Card. You should know the security of knowing your compliant with U.S. law, can prove your right to live and work here, and can travel abroad on a whim without worrying about reentry.

Moreover, avoid the stress and cost of potential legal complications that could arise from an expired card.

Renewing your Permanent Resident Card isn’t just a necessary administrative step, it’s a crucial part of safeguarding your rights and privileges as a U.S. permanent resident. As such, stays mindful of the expiration date and initiates the renewal process well in advance. This diligence is a small price to pay for the vast opportunities and freedoms that your Green Card affords you.

DISCLAIMER: This guide and content is designed for general information only and is NOT legal advice. The information in this guide should not be construed to be formal legal advice nor the formation of a lawyer/client relationship. The information presented in this guide does not create an attorney/client relationship nor is it a solicitation to offer legal advice.

Applying for Citizenship with Pending Green Card Application

Applying for Citizenship with Pending Green Card Application: In today’s, we are going to learn the answer to this question, can somebody apply for naturalization (Citizenship) to become a U.S citizen, even if their application to remove the condition from their green card is still pending?

If you’re somebody that’s a conditional, lawful, permanent resident, you have your conditional green card and you’re waiting for the application to remove the condition from your green card, so that you can become an unconditional green card holder. You’re wondering if you can file your application for naturalization, then this guide will help you out, make sure you read it to the end.

Applying for Citizenship with Pending Green Card Application

In many cases, when somebody gets their green card based on marriage, they first get a 2-year green card and they’re referred to as a conditional lawful permanent resident. They basically have a green card with a 2-year expiration date on it.

Toward the end of that 2-year period, the individual can apply to remove the condition from their green card to become an unconditional lawful permanent resident.

In the context of a marriage-based green card case, the application to remove the condition from the green card is referred to as the Form I-751. The issue is, oftentimes the Form I-751 can take a very long time to process.

While the Form I-751 is still processing, the individual becomes eligible to naturalize, meaning that they are now eligible to technically apply for naturalization to become a citizen of the United States.

In many cases, they’ve satisfied the continuous presence requirements and the physical presence requirements that are required for naturalization purposes, meaning that they have been a green card holder for the minimum required time to apply for naturalization, and they have been physically in the United States for the required minimum amount of time to also apply for naturalization.

But the issue is that their application to remove the condition from their green card is still pending. The question is, can somebody still apply for naturalization in this situation? The answer is yes.

Somebody can still file their form N-400, even if their application to remove the condition from their green card is still pending, assuming they satisfy the naturalization requirements.

Here’s a very important point to note:

USCIS will not approve somebody’s naturalization application until the application to remove the condition from the green card is approved. But you can still file your Form N-400.

What’s interesting is that in some cases, what we’ve seen is that, filing the Form N-400 can at time increase the processing speed of the Form I-751.

It can actually, at times, result in a faster decision of the Form I-751 by initiating the Form N-400. It may not always do that, but it happen at times.

Another important point is that:

Does it always make sense to do this? To file the Form N-400 while the Form I-751 is still pending? The answer is no.

One of the situations that you want to watch out for is if your Form I-751 might be a little bit doubtful. If you do not have a strong application to remove the condition from your green card or there might be something at issue in your case and you’re not confident that the Form I-751 will be approved, then it may not necessarily make a whole lot of sense for you to file your Form N-400 and to spend the money on the filing fee for the N-400 and go through that whole process when you’re not sure that the Form I-751 application to remove conditions will be approved.

That’s one instance where you might want to wait for the I-751 petition to be adjudicated before filing the naturalization application.

Another situation where you might not want to file the Form N-400 naturalization application, is if there’s issues with your naturalization application.

You want to make sure that you clearly satisfy the naturalization requirements before submitting your N-400, because ultimately there’s a big process with filing for naturalization. You have to submit an exhaustive application and you go through a biometrics appointment and a naturalization interview.

There’s a lot of steps to the naturalization process, and you do not want to initiate that process unless you know that you satisfy the requirements. To that end, it can be very beneficial to consult with an experienced immigration lawyer that can guide you through these various considerations.

That’s it about whether it’s possible for somebody to apply for naturalization while their application to remove the conditions from their green card is still pending.

I hope you found this guide about Applying for Citizenship with Pending Green Card Application very helpful.

Source: Ashoori Law

DISCLAIMER: This guide and content is designed for general information only and is NOT legal advice. The information presented in this guide should not be construed to be formal legal advice nor the formation of a lawyer/client relationship.

The information presented in this guide does not create an attorney-client relationship nor is it a solicitation to offer legal advice. If you need legal advice, you should seek the advice of an attorney in your jurisdiction before taking any legal action.

As such, I disclaim all liability with respect to actions taken based on any information presented. Nothing herein is intended to nor constitutes a guarantee, warranty, or prediction regarding the outcome of your legal matter. Every case is different and outcomes will vary depending on the unique facts and legal issues of your case. Thank you.

Why is administrative processing an issue? | How to handle Administrative Processing

In today’s guide, we will learn about something called administrative processing, Why is administrative processing an issue, reasons for administrative processing u.s. visa, how to handle administrative processing and others.

What is administrative processing?

Administrative processing is something that can happen when you apply for a visa. When you apply for a visa, the consular officer that’s reviewing your case and that’s conducting your visa interview can grant your visa, or they can deny the visa if they find that you’re not eligible for the visa, or they can essentially put the case into administrative processing.

Administrative processing is basically when the consular officer determines that there’s some additional information needed to determine your eligibility. Maybe there’s an additional security clearance that’s needed, or maybe they need to assess your case for certain irregularities or what have you.

But basically, additional information is needed to determine that you’re eligible for this immigration benefit. That’s just a general, big picture overview of administrative processing.

Why is administrative processing an issue?

The reason is that there’s no real timeline for precisely how long your case can be an administrative processing for. Sometimes administrative processing can last for a few days. Sometimes it can last for a few weeks, even a few months, or even several months.

As you can imagine, if somebody’s applying for a visa, they do not want to be in a position where after they’ve gotten all the way to the visa interview, now their case is being put into this uncertain time frame of administrative processing where it could take anywhere from an additional few days or potentially several months. This uncertainty can be very challenging for these applicants for immigration benefits. That’s why it’s such an issue.

Who is at risk of having their case placed into administrative processing?

For one, citizens of certain countries are more prone to having their cases placed into administrative processing. For example, in certain cases, the applicant for the immigration benefits is from a Middle Eastern country, there may be an increased likelihood of that case going into administrative processing.

Similarly, if somebody has potentially served in the military of one of those countries, there is likelihood of that case potentially getting placed into administrative processing.

Another interesting scenario where someone may get their case placed into administrative processing is if they share a name with somebody else who may have some criminal issues or other issues associated with that name.

Another situation where a case may have an increased likelihood of being placed into administrative processing is if the applicant for immigration benefits either has their own criminal background or has had immigration issues in the past, perhaps a prior overstay, or these things.

Those that we just went over can potentially increase the risk of a case getting placed into administrative processing.

What happens when a case gets placed in administrative processing?

The case may be held for some additional review, some additional security clearances, or certain things like that. The consular officer may send over a notice requesting additional documentation from you. This does not always happen, but you may receive a request.

If the case gets placed into administrative processing, you may receive a request for certain additional documents. For example, a case where the case was placed into administrative processing and the visa applicant received a request for the documentation pertaining to their prior military service.

Maybe someone that served in the military in a Middle Eastern country, and they received a request from the consulate for additional documentation showing the dates of their service in the military, and some additional documentation as well.

In some cases, you may receive a request for additional documentation, and in other cases, you may have no need or request from you to send any additional documentation and you just have to wait. What can you do if you’re in that situation?

Again, the case is in administrative processing and it’s been pending for a period of time. One thing that you can do is to just periodically follow up with the consulate and see if there’s any updates with the case.

You do not want to overly follow up and you do not want to annoy the consulate, but periodic follow-ups can be something to just touch base with the consulate to see where the case is at.

In summary

We have learned about what administrative processing is, why administrative processing can be an issue, what happens when a case gets put in administrative processing, why someone may be at higher risk of having their case being placed into administrative processing, and ultimately, what can be done once a case has been placed into administrative processing.

Source: Ashoori Law

I hope you liked this guide and I believe you got some good value.

DISCLAIMER: This guide and content is designed for general information only and is NOT legal advice. The information presented in this guide should not be construed to be formal legal advice nor the formation of a lawyer/client relationship.

The information presented in this guide does not create an attorney-client relationship nor is it a solicitation to offer legal advice. If you need legal advice, you should seek the advice of an attorney in your jurisdiction before taking any legal action.

As such, I disclaim all liability with respect to actions taken based on any information presented. Nothing herein is intended to nor constitutes a guarantee, warranty, or prediction regarding the outcome of your legal matter. Every case is different and outcomes will vary depending on the unique facts and legal issues of your case. Thank you.

Why Low Case Number Also Miss DV Interview Appointment

Can a low case number miss an opportunity for DV interview? In other words, can KCC fail to schedule an interview for a low case number? Hardly this happens, but it does not mean that it is impossible for that to occur. It’s not common, but it does happen.

We need to first of all understand how DV interviews get scheduled. How are they scheduled? First of all, interviews are scheduled or they are given according to the numerical order. They are done numerically and that is from those with low case numbers to those with high case numbers.

By that arrangement, low case numbers are highly likely to get their interviews, while high case numbers have a greater risk of missing their interviews.

Interviews are scheduled numerically based on the cut-off numbers in the visa bulletins. The cut-off numbers in the visa bulletin will increase gradually from low case numbers all the way to the highest case numbers, until the visas for the DV lottery are exhausted.

Once you have your case number, that is, you’re a winner, you should keep watch of the visa bulletins. Because by the visa bulletins, you will be able to tell when your interview is likely to be scheduled.

All case numbers that fall below the cut-off number in a specific visa bulletin, all those case numbers below it, they become current. By becoming current, that means they fall under the cutoff numbers and they are ready for interview processing.

All those case numbers below the cut-off numbers, they are eligible to be scheduled for an interview.

Once your case number is current, your case is put under a queue in your embassy, and that queue for your embassy is called the Allocated Visa Queue (AVQ).

Allocated visa queue is a queue for every embassy that has winners or case numbers below the cut-off number for a certain month. It simply means that you are ready for your interview to be processed.

If that queue is not long for your embassy, that means that you will soon be scheduled for the interview, you will soon receive your interview appointment. But if the queue is so long, that brings about what we call the backlog, meaning a lot of people in that queue waiting to be scheduled for an interview.

If you are on the farthest end of that queue, that simply means that it will take some time for you to get scheduled. You might be current, yes, and your DS-260 form has fully been processed, but simply because there are many people before you in that queue for your embassy, they allocated this queue for your embassy, then it will take a lot of time, maybe days, even up to months before you get an interview appointment, the second notification letter (2NL).

This AV queue, the allocated visa queue, people in that queue, they are also arranged in the numerical order. From the lowest case number in that queue to the highest case number in the same queue. But you should note that sometimes there might be some discrepancies in the order. There are some minor changes in the order.

You might find in the same queue that a person with slightly higher case number than the other being before that person with the low case number than this person. You might find a high case number before a low case number. Why does it happen that way sometimes?

Sometimes it happened because if you submitted your DS-260 form late, yet your case number is low, and that means that KCC came across your DS-260 form later on after they have already arranged that queue.

If the queue has been arranged, that is those numbers are current and yours also is current, but they had already processed the DS-260 forms and they have arranged that AV queue. If your DS-260 is processed after that queue has been arranged, then you’ll come to the end of that queue.

You’ll not jump those case numbers in that queue because your case number is low, no. You will come to the end of that queue because the queue had already been established. You’ll come to the end, and that is to mean, even if you have the low case number, these people that are current together with you that have higher case number than yours will be before you.

But you should know that normally the AV queue is arranged numerically from the low case number to the high case number.

Can a low case number miss DV interview? Can KCC not allocate an interview for a case number that is low?


It rarely happens so, it’s not a common occurrence, but sometimes it happens. For example, the DV Lottery 2023 and the DV lottery 2022, if you are keen, you should have observed that in some embassies, people with even very low case numbers ended up not getting their interviews.

The reason was these embassies, they had not performed well enough to reach those low case numbers. So if an embassy is very slow, you might find other embassies within that region which perform very well have interviewed people with very high case numbers. But for this poorly performing embassy have not yet even interviewed a person with a low case number.

There are some people with AF 10,000, that is for Africa, not getting their interviews, while others with case number 58,000, even up to 63,000 getting interviewed in other embassies.

Therefore, if embassies perform poorly, they are likely that even low case numbers might not be reached for DV interview scheduling.

REASON #2: Another reason would be you failing to submit your DS-60 form

There are some people, winners of DV lottery but they forget that had applied for DV lottery and therefore they end up not submitting their DS-260 forms, and that mean even if they have low case numbers, they will not be scheduled.

If you fail to submit your DS-260 form, even with low case number, you cannot be scheduled for DV interview because KCC has no record of your application, your visa application (DS-260 form).

In conclusion

Normally, people with high case numbers have higher risk of missing DV interview as compared to those with low case numbers because the interviews get scheduled according to the numerical order of the case number.

Question: Am from Africa, my case number is 2024AF2**4 but I submitted my DS-260 on 25th August, do I still have a chance to be schedule for interview?

Answer: Yes. Though you submitted late for your case.

Question: Is this AV queue done by countries or regions?

Answer: There is AV queue behind every embassy.

Question: If my case is say less than 5000 in AF and submitted DS-260 on 31st May. Will you say it’s a late submission?

Answer: No. That is early.

Question: After receiving 2NL, On registering for the interview (confirming the date), the principal applicant realized only after that their names were not well entered (only surname with no given names), but that of their derivatives had no issues. Please how serious is this mistake and what can be done at this level?

Answer: There are no major issues. Just attend the interview with all documents and amend the names there on the first counter.

I hope the question, Can a low case number miss DV interview, have been answeredI hope this information is very useful.

DISCLAIMER: This post and content is designed for general information only and is NOT legal advice. This site is not offering any Diversity Visa and is not the official site for DV Lottery program. The information presented in this post should not be construed to be formal legal advice.

DV Interview | Documents From The Host And The Sponsor, Any Difference? | W2, Payslips, I-134

DV Interview: Let us discuss on the host, the sponsor, and the documents that you should get from the host or the sponsor.

About the sponsor

A “sponsor” is any person in the United States who has agreed to take all the responsibilities of catering for you in terms of finances. They have agreed that they will commit some portion of their income or their wealth to cater for your needs as you start life in the United States.

Therefore, they must prove to the embassy that they are willing to sponsor you, and they do that by providing documents that we shall learn as we progress in this guide. That person that agrees to take care of all your needs as you start life in the United States, both financially, the person is called the sponsor.

On the other hand, the “host” simply means someone who has given or provided you with an address. The address that you used in your DS-260, the permanent address in the United States. The person that gave you that address is regarded as your host because he or she will be hosting your documents.

Remember, once you land in the United States, the green card and the Social Security number and any other document will be sent to you via that mail address. So that person offering you that address to host your documents is called the host.

The host can be the person that receives you and gives you some accommodation when you land in the United States, if you don’t have one of your own. The person that receives you and gives you where to stay as you start life, then that is your host. You are a guest to him or her.

Based on that argument, the sponsor and the host seems to intermarry, but they are totally different. The sponsor supports you in terms of finances, and the host only gives you the address and sometimes may give you a place to stay when you land in the United States.

Another point to note is that, your host can be your sponsor. The person hosting you also decides to take care of you in terms of the finances, and therefore he or she becomes your sponsor.

One person can take those two responsibilities or one responsibility, sponsoring may be taken by another person and the hosting responsibility be taken by a different person.

To understand which documents you’re supposed to get and from who. The sponsor, the one committing some finances to sponsor you, is the one who is supposed to produce the following documents and give them to you. Because during the interview, you will be required to present these documents as a proof of financial support.

Remember, you can be your own host as well as your own sponsor. You can sponsor yourself and you can host yourself maybe by renting an Airbnb or a hotel room and also having enough savings in your bank that can take you through as you start life in the United States.

In the case that another person takes the responsibilities, then that person who is your sponsor must provide you with the following document to present as proof of financial support.

The first document is the correctly filled Form I-134

The sponsor has to correctly fill that document and then email it to you for you to print it and sign it before presenting it at the interview. Together with that Form I-134, there are other documents that should accompany it to make it a complete document, such as:

  • The tax compliance form

Note that for an individual to qualify to sponsor an immigrant, that individual has to have complied with the tax laws, and that mean they should have completely filed their returns. They should have paid their taxes.

Therefore, tax documents are needed. If the sponsor is employed in the U.S, he or she will present the W-2 form to you as the tax compliance form. He/she will send document to you, for you to print it.

The second thing is that the sponsor has to provide some form of identity.

He or she might give you a copy of the green card if he/she is an LPR i.e a green card holder or a national ID if they are the citizens of the United States.

In that case, either a driver’s license or the passport bio data page. They should provide whichever of those identity documents together with the ones mentioned above.

Another document your sponsor will provide is his/her recent pay slips

The recent pay slips from the sponsor should be presented to you before you attend the interview.

Having outlined all those documents, you should note that all those documents must be printed out and be presented as a hard copy, no soft copies. You will not be allowed into the embassy with any phone or any tablet or whichever the gadget. Print them and file them well in hard copy format.

For the documents from the host, the host needs not to give you anything or any type of documents. You don’t need anything from the host unless your host is your sponsor. If your host is your sponsor, then they should provide you with those financial support documents.

But if you have a different host from the sponsor, the host gives you nothing, but the sponsor provides you with all those documents.

I believe this guide have answered questions about the host and the sponsor, and the documents that you are required.

DISCLAIMER: This post and content is designed for general information only and is NOT legal advice. This site is not offering any Diversity Visa and is not the official site for DV Lottery program. The information presented in this post should not be construed to be formal legal advice.

Who is a Host? Why is the Host Important in Diversity Immigrant Visa Interview?

Who really is a Host? Why is the Host Important in Diversity Immigrant Visa Program?

The word host is very famous when it comes to the DV lottery and the green card. Why is it so famous? And do you really know about the host?

What is a host or who is a host? Must you have a host if you’ve won the Green Card?

A host basically means a person with a United States address. A host is a person living in the United States, and by living in the United States, they have an address. So any person with a United States address can be a host to you.

When we are talking about a host here, we have address here. Without the address, there’s not the host. What does that mean? The host only has to provide you with the address. The address to where your documents once you move to the United States will be sent to. That’s the only importance of the host.

But sometimes the host can offer to give you a place to live, a place to stay in as you start settling. That’s a different story. But the principal role of the host is the provision of an address for you to receive your documents once you go to the United States.

If the host accepts to give you a place to live, what we call sponsoring, if the host decide to sponsor you, that’s a different story.

Therefore, by defining the host that way, it means that a student who is studying the United States can give you an address, that when you go there, you will receive a statement too. The student may not be in the position to sponsor you, but the student has just provided you with address. So he/she is basically your host.

You can as well decide, I have a lot of money, I’m financially capable. I don’t need anyone’s address. You can rent an Airbnb over the United States in whichever state you choose.

When you get an Airbnb, you will use the address of that Airbnb as your address. In that case, you don’t need any other person to give you an address, any other person to be your host. You can rent a hotel. You can rent an Airbnb and use that as your permanent address, the address in which you receive your documents.

That is what hosts means, that the host is a person that gives you an address that you may receive your documents once you land in the United States.

Mind you, you can have a host here and have a sponsor on the other side. So a host can give you the address and you can get another person to give you a place to live in as you begin to settle in the United States.

READ: How To Get The Right Sponsor / Host | Who Can Sponsor You for DV / Green Card

All Documents A Sponsor Should Give You For DV Interview

There are two ways in which you can prove to the Consular officer or to the United States government that you’re not going to become a public charge once you land in the United States.

These two ways they include:

  • Having enough savings in your bank account, with evidence

You can choose to have enough savings in your bank and produce a statement of the savings, present it before the consular officer that will be interviewing you and use it as a form of proof that you can sustain yourself when you start life in the United States.

Although many people are not able to fulfill this way.

  • Providing affidavit of support from a sponsor

Another way is by producing an affidavit of support from a sponsor who is already in the United States, either a citizen of the United States or a permanent resident.

This sponsor is supposed to fill the form called Form I-134 and give you the copy to present it during your interview. In this guide, we will learn the documents should accompany the Form I-134?

Or in other words, which other documents should the sponsor provide you to accompany the Form I-134, for it to act as a sufficient affidavit of support.

Documents A Sponsor Should Give You For DV Interview
  • Green Card or National Identity Card or Divers License

The first document that should accompany the Form I-134 is the copy of the green card of the sponsor, or if the sponsor is a citizen, the national identity card copy, or the driver’s license.

That is the first document that should accompany Form I-134.

  • Form 1040 or W-2

The second document is the Form 1040, the tax compliance form of the sponsor. Remember, to qualify as a sponsor, the sponsor has to have complied fully with the taxation in the United States.

In place of the Form 1040, the sponsor can give you a W-2 form instead. That is the second document that is supposed to accompany the Form I-134.

  • Payslip

The third document that should accompany the Form I-134 that should come from your sponsor is a copy of payslip, just to act as the proof that indeed your sponsor is earning the salary, the income.

Your sponsor can give you maybe an annual payslip copy as a proof of the salary.

Those three documents are supposed to accompany the Form I-134 for it to act as an affidavit of support.

Once you present these documents together with the Form I-134, then you are fully secured and your visa can get approved.

Remember that majority of the embassies will request for this affidavit of support, either the financial statement or the form I-134 from the sponsor. So if you’re preparing to go for your interview, ensure that you are obtaining an affidavit of support from the sponsor or you’re preparing the financial statement.

If you fail to produce one, as a means of proving that you’ll not become a public charge in the United States, then definitely you will be put to the administrative processing until you produce these documents.

Question: What time should I-134 be fill? Can the sponsor fill prior to the scheduling of interview?

Answer: It’s better after 2NL.

Question: How many payslips are required? Is the latest tax transcript sufficient?

Answer: Payslips for like 3 months or so.

I hope the information is very clear and I hope it is useful to you.

DISCLAIMER: This post and content is designed for general information only and is NOT legal advice. This site is not offering any Diversity Visa and is not the official site for DV Lottery program. The information presented in this post should not be construed to be formal legal advice.

Why You May Not Be Selected In DV Lottery | DV Lottery Disqualification

DV Lottery Disqualification: In today’s guide, we will learn majorly three things that will indeed affect you in the selection. Things that will either reduce your chances of getting selected or will automatically knock you out of the selection process, even if you passed the first selection.

We’ve learned about the wrong theories that people have given out there regarding the selection process. We have also seen clearly on the errors that you might have done in the application but wouldn’t affect you in the selection. We also saw about the errors that you might have done and will not affect your selection, but later on will affect your DV process and you will get visa denied. All those we’ve talked about, you will find that information in this post below.

READ: Factors that will not affect your chances of getting selected in the Diversity Visa (Green Card) lottery

Why You May Not Be Selected In DV Lottery | DV Lottery Disqualification

Below are the things that will knock you out of the selection process, and if you probably did these two things, be sure enough that you will not be selected.

  • Doing a double entry

The rule is that you are supposed to do a single application, just one application per one person. You cannot do two applications. Let’s say, for example, you might think that since this is a lottery, by me trying to enter several times or many times, I will increase my chances of getting selected. No, you are wrong.

If you decide to play today to enter into the lottery today and then you wait for some three days, then you try again and enter. Some other days, then you try and enter multiple times, that one is an automatic disqualification.

Don’t be tempted or you should not have been tempted to try and apply again because you realized there was some mistake that you did or maybe you used a wrong photo and therefore you decide, let me try another one with the correct information, that’s knocks you out of the selection.

Double entry or multiple entry into the DV lottery, it is an outright disqualification from the selection process, you will not get selected with that.

The second one, apart from the double entry is, and this was put out clearly last year, I think it was this year, early months of this year, by an information from the court proceedings. It was very good because it disclosed very rich information regarding the photo. Yes, I’ve said the photo. In that document, we clearly saw that they pay particular attention to the details of your

  • Photo

We all know the requirements of your photo, your DV Lottery application passport size photo has dimensions that is two inch by two inch. It has the background qualifications, image qualifications, ratio qualifications. All these are put to proper consideration, that every photo that does not meet the requirement knocks you out of the selection.

You might have gone through the first phase of selection, but due to your photo qualities, you are knocked out leaving a hole. Those many holes that we see in the selected number of selectees, those holes came about due to some photo errors.

Maybe you provided a blurry image or when editing your photo, you do not follow the correct procedures. Maybe the edges of your image were trimmed. Any editing of your photo that affect the original standard, the original quality of the photo taken.

Those are some of the specifications that are checked, that are looked into. If your photo does not meet the qualification, that entry is kicked out of the selection process and you not even know, you might have gone through the first selection, you are among the selectees. But due to those errors, you are knocked out, leaving a hole, and will not even know that you had been selected.

So the correct photo is a major thing that will really affect whether you’re getting selected or not. Always use the correct photo, meet all the requirements, all the specifications of a DV lottery photo.

  • Number of entries across the globe

The third thing that will affect your chances of getting selected or can lower your chances of getting selected is the number of entries all across the globe. The selection or your chances of getting selected depends on how many people entered into the DV lottery.

For example, in the DV lottery 2024, we saw an upward of 22 million entries. They only selected around 120,000 selectees out of the 22 million.

The more the number of entries into a DV lottery, the lesser the chances of you getting selected.

For DV 2025, when you look from the number of visits to the, the application website, when we compare the visits with the DV lottery 2024 visits, we see there’s some quite difference. That is, the DV 2024 was quite higher than the DV 2025.

So we expect the number of entries this year to be slightly lower than the 22 million that entered in the DV lottery 2024. The chances in this DV lottery 2025 for you will be slightly higher than for the DV lottery 2024.

The number of entries into a DV lottery will reduce or increase your chances of getting selected.

DISCLAIMER: This post and content is designed for general information only and is NOT legal advice. This site is not offering any Diversity Visa and is not the official site for DV Lottery program. The information presented in this post should not be construed to be formal legal advice.

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