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dv lottery status check

DV-2024 June Cut-Off Numbers Analysis

The Visa Bulletin for May 2024 that should be released in this month of April was released few days ago. This article will focus on details/analysis concerning the June 2024 cut-off numbers in the DV-2024 program.

Before you proceed, read this: Visa Bulletin For May 2024 and Cut-Off Numbers for June 2024 Published

Though the cut-off numbers in this year’s program is on a low, generally. The reason why, for those who are not aware of that reason, it stems from caution being applied by the visa office as a result of the unfortunate experience that they had at the end of the DV-2023 program.

Just to recall, last year, around the month of July, we saw a close to reaching the total number of visas that should have been issued out in the DV-2023 program. Unfortunately, those who should have been monitoring the statistics of the DV-2023 program were not doing their work as it were.

It happened that the program issued out nearly all of the 55,000 visas very early in the month of September, whereas KCC had already served so any interview notifications for the remaining three weeks in that month. So only one week into the month of September, the DV-2023 program came to an abrupt end, and all of the interviews that that had been scheduled for the rest of the month of September were canceled.

For DV-2024 applicants, it’s very likely that the Visa Office would apply caution when it comes to moving the cut-off numbers related to the DV-2024 program. On the overall, that is what we have experienced, and that’s the primary reason why we have the low movements in the cut-up numbers in the just released visa bulletin.

There are other reasons which concern specific regions like the Asia and the Europe regions. But when it comes to the overall slow movements or low movements in the cut-up numbers in the DV-2024 program, including what we just experienced, then it is due to the caution that is being applied by the visa office as a result of their bad experience with the DV-2023 program.

It is true that some people would like to see the cut-off numbers in the visa bulletin increase at a faster pace. But you should also understand that the diversity visa program operates in a specific context. There is a limited number of visas to be issued out every year, and those running the program take that into consideration, when it comes to moving the cut-off numbers.

Then, in addition to that, their bad experience with the DV-2023 program has also caused them to ensure that that mistake from the DV-2023 program is not repeated in the DV-2024 program.

So it is true that you would like to see the cut-off number move at a faster pace, but you should also take this into consideration. The big question which some people will be asking, based on the caution being applied by the visa office based on their experience with the DV-2023 program, is what to expect, will this continue? Will the low movements in the cut-off numbers continue up to the end of the DV-2024 program?

Those questions will be answered in upcoming articles.

Concerning the first of those four cut-up numbers, we have already experienced what we expected. When it comes to the remaining three, in the next Visa Bulletin, the low cut-off number of movements may continue. It is in the final two Visa Bulletins that the change actually occur.

Those are thoughts concerning the just-released Visa Bulletin, as well as upcoming Visa Bulletins in the DV-2024 program.

DISCLAIMER: This post and content is designed for general information only and is NOT legal advice. This site is not offering any Diversity Visa and is not the official site for DV Lottery program. The information presented in this post should not be construed to be formal legal advice. If you have any questions about the DV lottery, please contact an immigration professional/officer or a licensed attorney.

DV-2024: Visa Bulletin For May 2024 and Cut-Off Numbers for June 2024 Published

The much-awaited Visa Bulletin For May 2024 has now been released with the cut-off numbers that have been established for the month of June 2024 as part of the DV-2024 program.

Let’s now go over to the advanced notification section of the bulletin and consider the June cut-off numbers. Below are the June 2024 cut-off numbers:

Visa Bulletin For May 2024
Diversity Visa Bulletin for May 2024, indicating the Cut-off Numbers for June 2024

The Africa region was previously established at 52,000. For the month of June, it has been increased to 57,000. This means that case numbers from the Africa region that have just become current are case numbers from 52,000 to 56,999.

In the case of the Asia region, the cut-off number for the month of May was 8,000. For the month of June, it has been increased to 9,000. So the case numbers from the Asia region that have just become current are case numbers going from case number 8,000 to 8,999.

In the case of the Europe region, for the month of May, the cut-off number established was 18,000, and for the month of June, it has been increased to 21,000. This means that the case numbers from the Europe region that have just become current are case numbers going from case number 18,000 to case number 20,999.

In the case of the North America region, the cut-off number for the month of May has been maintained for the month of June, and that cut-off number is 15. So the case numbers that were previously current from the North America region are the case numbers that remain current for the month of June.

To Oceania region, the previous cut-off number for the Oceania region was 1,650. For the month of June, it has been increased to 1,850, which means that the case numbers that have just become current are case numbers from case number 1,650 to case number 1,849.

Then in the case of the South America region, the total number that was previously established was 2,600, which was for the month of May. For the month of June, it has been increased to 2,750, making the case numbers that have just become current from the sub-American region to be case numbers from case number 2,600 to 2,749.

Then in the case of the exception countries, Algeria was previously at 51,000. It has been increased to 56,950. Egypt was previously at 32,000, that is for the month of May. It has been maintained at 32,000 for the month of June. Morocco was previously at 35,000. That is for the month of May, and it has been increased to 41,500 for the month of June.

Then to the exception countries from the Asia region, that is Iran and Nepal, both of those exception countries were previously at 7,100. That’s their cut-off number for the month of May, and that cut-off number has been increased to 8,500 for each one of those exception countries from the Asia region for the month of June.

Finally to the Europe region where previously, that is for the month of May the cut-off number established for Russia was 17,750, and for the month of June, it has been increased to 20,240. Then the final exception country from the Europe region, Uzbekistan, made cut-off number was at 8,000, and that cut-off number has been increased to 9,000 for the month of June.

Those are the cut-off numbers to apply during the month of June 2024, as well as the case numbers that just became current in the DV-2024 program. In an upcoming article, we will have the time to take a closer look at those numbers.

DISCLAIMER: This post and content is designed for general information only and is NOT legal advice. This site is not offering any Diversity Visa and is not the official site for DV Lottery program. The information presented in this post should not be construed to be formal legal advice.

How to Use Interview Scheduling as a DV-2024 Applicant

DV Interview scheduling reports: This guide will explain what the interview scheduling reports are all about, and using examples, you will know how you can use these interview scheduling reports.

Note: Concerning the different case number ranges that are reported in the various interview scheduling reports. The case number ranges in the interview scheduling reports are actually case numbers that appear or that are shown the CEAC data. Most of you are aware that at the end of the working week, Xarthisius extracts the data from the CEAC website, and posts on their website. It is the case number ranges that are shown in the CEAC data that Xarthisius extracts that are present in the interview scheduling reports.

One reality that you should be aware of is that, all of that data is imported into this CEAC system by data entry workers at the U.S State Department. At the end of the working week, their staff enters the data. It is possible for the interview scheduling range that is reported for an embassy to not reflect the reality.

In other words, in the DV interview scheduling report, you may have a case number range that is lower than the actual case number range where interviews are being scheduled.

Over the weekend, those who enter the data in the CEAC system do not work, but when they resume work the following week, they continue from where they start. And so, generally, if at the end of one week, the exact situation or the reality is not presented in the interview scheduling report, the following week, the update will have been done and what you will get at the end of that second week will be the reality.

The CEAC data that Xarthisius extracts and posts on their website contains data related to interview scheduling. The importance of that data for you, a diversity visa applicant, is to give you an idea of how far or how close interview scheduling is from your case number.

For example, in the interview scheduling report, if Nairobi is currently at the 42,000 case number range, it tells applicants who are with case numbers just above 42,000 case number range that interview scheduling has come close to their case number range and that soon they can expect to be scheduled for interview.

It also indicates to those applicants assigned to the embassy in Nairobi with much higher case numbers, e.g 80,000 case number range, for example, that interview scheduling is still far from their case number, and so they cannot expect to be scheduled for interview soon.

That is how you should understand or interpret the various case number ranges that are present in the interview scheduling reports every weekend.

It doesn’t only concern your case number, the Interview scheduling reports also reflect the performance and the prospects of the embassy where you are assigned. How does that work? The time that interview scheduling takes at a certain case number range at an embassy, is an indication of the performance and the prospects for interview at that embassy.

For example, for Accra embassy, since the first CEAC data were released at the beginning of this year, Accra has been at 3,704, that’s the highest case number that have so far been at the Accra Embassy. And for the last three months, Accra has remained at that same position. That is an indication that the Accra Embassy is not performing well.

In addition to that, that is also an indication that prospects for interview at the Accra Embassy are bad. That’s another way you can use interview scheduling at your embassy as a diversity visa applicant.

With that, there should be no need why applicants should continue to ask concerning their chances of interview at this embassy or at the other embassy. Both the interview scheduling reports and the embassy prospects report should indicate to you as a diversity visa applicant, your chances of being scheduled for interview or the prospects of you being scheduled for interview, at each one of the various embassies represent in these reports.

That is how you should use DV interview scheduling as a diversity visa applicant.

In case you are in the position to access the CEAC data and see how far interview scheduling is at your embassy on a regular basis, say on a weekly basis, then it’s okay. But in case you cannot do that for yourself, perhaps you do not have the time, then the easier option will be to follow the interview scheduling report here because just by reading for a few minutes, you will have an idea of whether interview scheduling has taken a step closer to your case number range.

You will have an idea of your prospects or your chances for interview being assigned at your embassy.

Also, this concerns all regions, not just the Africa region, using Nairobi and Accra as examples, if you are not assigned at that embassy, all you need to do is to apply the concept to your own case. That is how it works.

DISCLAIMER: This post and content is designed for general information only and is NOT legal advice. This site is not offering any Diversity Visa and is not the official site for DV Lottery program. The information presented in this post should not be construed to be formal legal advice. If you have any questions about the DV lottery, please contact an immigration professional/officer or a licensed attorney.

Are You Ready for the DV-2025 Results?

We have only few days remaining before the DV-2025 lottery results are out, the exact date is May 4, 2024, and that will be 12 noon the eastern time (EDT), the New York time, that’s when the results will be out. You can convert that to your local time and see when that will be.

When the result is out there will be no form of communication to you notifying you of the results, or there will not be any communication to tell you that the results are out. Neither will there be a message telling you that you have won, that you need to do such and such a thing for you to proceed. You are the one to do that. You are the one to go ahead and visit that website,

When opened, you’ll see a page there on the entrant status check, that’s where you’ll find a place to enter your confirmation number, year of birth, your last name (that is the surname) and then you get access to the result. You are the one to go and check for yourself.

Let no one come with fake emails or fake messages telling you that you have won. That is lies. You’re the one to visit the site and check for yourself. There have been many speculations out there about this selection process and people have tried to figure out how the process happens. But this guide below fully explained that.

Read: DV Lottery Program Selection Process | How DV winners are selected

The DV lottery is a free and fair program, you apply for free, you pay no charges and you also check the result yourself, for free. After checking, that’s when you get the response whether you’ve won or you’ve not won. It is very random, that’s why it’s called the diversity visa lottery.

It deals with the diverse, the diversity of the immigrants in the United States. They are just providing a free opportunity or a free avenue of immigrants to go to the United States and try their life there. It is free and the selection is very random indeed.

By random, that also means that everyone has equal chances in that program. Everyone who applied and applied correctly have equal chances of getting selected, it is not based on any achievement. Even if you had a very good profession and another person had no profession, but had qualified, once you enter into the program, the program is completely random. You have equal chances, it is not based on any achievement in life. You just meet the basic qualification, the minimum qualification, and all of you have the equal chances of getting selected.

Remember, this program is run by computer program, all the entries, they are put in a computer program that randomly selects when it runs to pick the successful selectees. Then after that, all the selected will be subjected to further screening. That is to mean the information there will be checked and especially the quality of the photo.

If the photo passes the qualifications, then you remain in the selection. But if you have some errors and especially in your photo or with your photo, then you are eliminated. That is to mean you are removed from those that were selected, leaving behind a space that is called a hole. So that’s how it does happen.

DV Selection Process

These are some of the factors that are not considered in the DV selection process:

The first factor they will not consider is the country of birth. It will not matter which country you come from. Whether you from the east, from Africa, from the Oceania, etc, that will not matter. Everyone has equal chances.

Another thing that will not matter is how many times you entered. In fact, if you entered more than once, that is considered fraud and you are instantly eliminated. You will not even enter into the first phase of selection. Once you place multiple entries, you are disqualified outrightly. So it does not depend on the number of times you applied.

Another thing is the gadget that you used. People have applied using computers and they have not been selected. Others have applied using the mobile phones, the pcs, the Mac. They have applied using different gadgets. They have not been selected. Whereas others have used the same mobile, the same laptop, the same computer and they have gotten selected. So it’s not based on the gadget that you used when it comes to selection.

Another thing is, it will not matter how many times you visited the United States. The frequency of you visiting the United States, that will not matter. It will not matter how long you have stayed in the United States. Even if you have stayed maybe doing business for like ten years or three years. If you have been there for a visit visa for about three months, it will not matter the length. It is completely not based on those facts. It is random.

It’s good that we get to know such things.

DISCLAIMER: This post and content is designed for general information only and is NOT legal advice. This site is not offering any Diversity Visa and is not the official site for DV Lottery program. The information presented in this post should not be construed to be formal legal advice.

DV 2024 CEAC Data Table | DV 2024 Latest Statistics | Number of DV-2024 Visas Issued

As the DV 2024 program progresses, this is the statistics of the program at the end of the January 15 to January 19 working week. Before we go into the statistics, we are all aware that this data is extracted by Xarthisius and posted to their website. This guide will break in details, the information that features in the DV 2024 CEAC data table.

2024 Diversity Visa Interview Statistics

Below is the current status of interviews and visas in the DV 2024 Program, as at January 20th, 2024.

DV 2024 CEAC Data Table
DV 2024 Latest Statistics

What makes this above presentation interesting is that it shows you how cases progress after the current for interview scheduling stage of the diversity visa application process. In other words, this presentation shows you the stages that cases go through after they get scheduled for interview.

As shown in the table, they first appear is “In Transit”. That is, they are shown being transferred from KCC to their respective embassies and consulates.

Next is the “Ready Stage”, which shows cases registered at the different embassies and consulates ready for interview.

Then after that, come the interview outcome stages. That is, what happens to the cases after they are interviewed. And as you can see from the table, either they are placed on ordinary Administrative Processing, placed on “221G Administrative Processing”, “Permanently Refused”, or they get “Issued”.

There is another important aspect of this presentation that you will discover as to get closer to the end of interview scheduling in this year’s program, it will be shared soon.

Going into details of the data above, there are a couple of things to note on.

Firstly, the number of visas that have so far been issued out. That is found in the final column in the data. As you can see for the Africa region, so far, a total of 3,158 diversity visas have been issued out. For Asia, 1,117. For Europe, 3,536. For North America, 5, for Oceania, 181, and for South America, 290, bringing the total number of visas issued out so far in the DV 2024 program to 8,287.

Knowing that there are a total of about 55,000 visas allocated to the DV 2024 program, it means that there are still around 47,000 visas left to be issued out. But some of those visas have already been booked by the cases that are currently awaiting interview.

The second item at the bottom of the third column, the number of applicants who are currently ready for interview. From the data, there are 15,399 applicants currently awaiting interview in the DV 2024 program, and as most of them will be issued visa at the end of the day, we can say that if you have not yet received your interview notification, then the total number of visas left for you to be issued is actually far less than 47,000.

The 15,399 applicants currently ready for Interview include those that are still to be interviewed during what is left of this month of January, all of those that are to be interviewed during the month of February, and most of those that are to be interviewed during the month of March.

Interview notifications continue to be sent out for the month of March, so in case your case number falls within the range that are indicated for your region as being concerned by interviews to be conducted during that month of March, after the last visa bulletin was released, then continue to look out for your interview notification because at any time it could show up, provided your case has reached the end of your embassy queue.

Those are the statistics of the DV 2024 program at the end of the January 15 to January 19 working week. This is an exercise that is going to be presented on a weekly basis, and so look out for the next statistics for this year’s program on subsequent weeks.

DISCLAIMER: This post and content is designed for general information only and is NOT legal advice. This site is not offering any Diversity Visa and is not the official site for DV Lottery program. The information presented in this post should not be construed to be formal legal advice.

Highest Case Numbers In DV2024 Per Region Revealed

CEAC website for DV 2024 is now open, the database is open for every DV 2024 winner to check their status and the Highest Case Numbers in DV2024 for each Region have been Revealed. That means you can now visit the CEAC website, put your case number information and gauge the status of your DV progress. The data was released by the U.S State Department.

The exact website where you can check for your case information is here. The CEAC information for DV2024 lottery comes out from the beginning of January 2024. When you open the site, put your information, and check your status. There are lot of information about the DV lottery 2024 from this website.

Another link to open is, it’s going to take you to the DV 2024 CEAC data page. This is the first DV 2024 CEAC data as presented by xarthisius website.

On this guide, we are going to consider three items, beginning with the table below, that table shows the statistics for the cases that have so far been scheduled for interview in the DV 2024 program, the issued visas, those under AP administration, those under 221G refusal, those refused ready transit and the totals for all the regions.

DV2024 CEAC Data

In the first column, as you can see above, we have the various regions. We are going to concern ourselves to only two columns in this table. The first is the second column where we have the statistics for issuances, that is the number of visas that have so far been issued to DV 2024 applicants.

We see that at the bottom of that column, a total of 6,110 visas were issued during the months of October, November, and December. Another comment to make concerning this table is that the numbers you see outside of the parentheses represent the number of applicants, and what you have in parentheses represents the number of cases that those applicants belong to.

For example, the 6,110 that we see at the bottom of the issued column are the total number of applicants that have been issued visas from 3,074 cases. And that is why you have 3,074 in parentheses representing the number of cases and 6,110 outside of parentheses representing the number of applicants.

The next column to draw your attention to is the sixth column, which is the ready column. That’s the number of applicants that are currently scheduled for interview at the different U.S embassies and consulates. At the bottom of that column, we see that 6,792 cases are currently scheduled at the various embassies and consulates, and that amount to 14,721 applicants.

DV2024 CEAC Data for Embassies

The next item on this page that to consider is the DV 2024 CEAC data for embassies. That’s the next section on that page. If you scroll down a bit to where you have DV 2024 CEAC data for embassies, in the table that is presented there, we have the same information, but this time for individual embassies and consulate.

In case you would like to have details concerning interviews that have so far been scheduled at your embassy, then enter the name of your embassy in the space where you have choose an embassy.

The final item of interest to us is found at the top of this page. Just above the first table, there is a link that reads FY 2024 CEAC current CSV. Clicking that link will allow you to download the spreadsheet file that shows the current status of individual cases.

In addition to the current status of individual cases, that file also tells us how far interview scheduling has gone at your various embassies and councilors. For more explanations on downloaded file, continue to follow this site as you will learn the situation of interview scheduling at your various embassies and consulate in those weekly Embassy Performance Reports.

Highest Case Numbers In DV2024 For Each Region Revealed

The final thing concerning this first downloadable spreadsheet file for the DV 2024 program is that it reveals to us the highest case number in each region. And so for this year’s program, the highest case numbers are as follows:

For the Africa region, 122,907

For the Asia region, 42,876

For the Europe region, 66,932

For the North America region, 19

For Oceania, it is 4,999

For the South America region, it is 5,574.

Those are the highest case numbers in the DV 2024 program and that concerns the first CEAC data for the DV 2024 program. Those are just the first data. From now on, the data will be released regularly by the State Department. Xarthisius posts them to their website every weekend, and that is going to continue up to the end of the DV 2024 program.

As the data is made available by xarthisius, we will have the opportunity on this site to consider them.

How many cases there are before and after me?

If you’re a DV selectee you can check how many cases are in front of you by filling out the form in the box there, e.g Case number (e.g. 2024AF123)

DISCLAIMER: This post and content is designed for general information only and is NOT legal advice. This site is not offering any Diversity Visa and is not the official site for DV Lottery program. The information presented in this post should not be construed to be formal legal advice.

Worried About Your DV Case Number, Shift it to a Better Embassy?

There are some random questions, random concerns and issues that you might be having. The first concern is regarding the worries on your DV case number.

This is the DV lottery where lot of people are worried of their chances of getting an interview because of their case numbers, and it’s because it is one of the DV lotteries that have very high number of selectees.

You may be asking of your chances because of your case numbers. For example, let say your DV case number is AF 98,000, 50,000 and you are wondering whether you have any hope of getting an interview.

Or maybe you comes from that country whose embassy in the last DV lottery 2023 performed weakly. They did not meet the target and therefore majority of the selectees in that country ended up losing their opportunities.

To answer these questions: The fact is if you have very high case numbers, then it is highly possible that you might not be scheduled for an interview. If you have low case numbers, then definitely you might get this chance. What does this mean?

To determine the level of your case number, you just consider your region. If you come from EU or AS or AF, whichever region, you just take the lowest case number you’ve had of and you take the highest number that there is in that region and get the difference. Once you get the difference, you divide it into three equal parts, three equal portions.

The first part, the lower side, those are considered as low case numbers. The middle part is medium case numbers and the highest part is the high case numbers.

Most of the time those selectees that fall on the higher part, that is the part was the highest case number, they normally don’t get their chances of even getting an interview. While those in the medium to low, they get their chances.

If you’ve done that way and your category is above the medium level, then know that your chances are low. But it does not mean that you can’t be called for an interview, that you are completely out of the chances.

Even high case numbers, sometimes they get called for an interview, and that is affected by some embassies in a region performing poorly. If some embassies are extremely low in performance, then those embassies that are excellently performing their job, will have even high case numbers getting an interview appointment.

But normally, low case numbers have high chances of getting an interview appointment, while the highest case numbers they don’t.

There was this particular case where the individual that comes from an embassy that had a bad record in the previous DV lottery and this selectee was asking whether he or she might consider to transfer the interview location to a better country.

Can I Transfer My DV Case Number To A Better Embassy?

Transferring a case from one embassy to the next is not as we think or as we thought. What does that mean?

The only time as per the KCC, is if you are currently in this country, and your interview schedule in the embassy of your country or the country in which your embassy is affiliated to.

So if you are in this country and your interview is in this embassy, the only time you can change your interview location is in the case where you have completely moved to that new country.

For example, if you come from Kenya and you are selected, that means your embassy will be scheduled in the Nairobi embassy. If you happen to relocate, let’s say to South Africa, you can change your interview location to South Africa, Johannesburg. But if you have not physically moved, there is no way you are supposed to change that interview location.

If indeed you are this person that has relocated or moved to a new country, then you request unlocking of your DS-260 form and then update with the new location where you are. Then after that, you submit it back and you write a follow-up email informing KCC that you have moved to this location and this is your new address, and you give the proof of your address, of your new address in that email and then send it to KCC.

That way, KCC might consider changing your interview location to that location. But you have to prove it.

If you send the first time and they don’t do it, send a follow-up message until they take note of the changes. That is the only time that they can change it comfortably.

Normally, it is not an easy process. You need to send the first email and check whether they have noted. If they have not noted the changes, then you need to send a follow-up email.

Can you change it based on considering the performance of your embassy?

By that explanation, it is not based on that. You cannot just decide that my embassy is performing poorly, then I need to change it. It will be a tough process. Some people have tried it and they have succeeded.

Finally, you need to understand that sometimes, one embassy might be low in performance in a particular DV lottery but the next DV lottery they perform excellently well.

You might try to jump from your embassy to the next and you found out that your embassy was even better than that embassy that you are trying to shift to.

Only until January that you can get the very fast information from the CEAC website that might help you to know from the past month, how was the embassies doing.

DISCLAIMER: This post and content is designed for general information only and is NOT legal advice. This site is not offering any Diversity Visa and is not the official site for DV Lottery program. The information presented in this post should not be construed to be formal legal advice.

FEBRUARY 2024 Cut-Off Numbers for DV-2024 Published

FEBRUARY 2024 Cut-Off Numbers for DV-2024: As we saw in the last guide, the Diversity Visa Bulletin for the month of January 2024 showing the cut-off numbers to apply across all regions and exception countries in the DV-2024 Program has been released.

In this guide, we are going to learn the various case number ranges that are concerned by interviews to be conducted during the month of February 2024, as part of the DV-2024 Program.

Diversity Visa Case Numbers Concerned

With the publication of the Visa Bulletin for January 2024, cases whose case numbers are eligible for interview during the month of February 2024 in the various regions and exception countries, excluding those whose interviews have already been scheduled are as follows:

Looking at the Diversity Visa Advanced Notification section of the Visa Bulletin below, as we consider the relevant case number ranges.

FEBRUARY 2024 Cut-Off Numbers for DV-2024 Published

From the above image, these are the cut-off numbers to apply across the various regions and exception countries during the month of February 2024, as part of the DV-2024 Program.

Based on these cut-off numbers, the case numbers that are concerned by interviews to be conducted during that same month of February 2024 are as follows.

  • South America Region

From the bottom of the table above, in the South America region, case numbers that are concerned by February 2024 interviews are case numbers from case number 1 to case number 1,599, which have so far not received their interview notification.

  • Oceania Region

For Oceania region, the numbers go from case number 1 to case number 874, applicants with case numbers in that range who have so far not received their interview notification from the Oceania region are concerned by interviews to be conducted during the month of February 2024.

  • North America (Bahamas) Region

In the case of the North America region, the first 4 case numbers that are concerned by interviews being conducted during this month of December 2023, as well as the month of January 2024, are the same 4 case numbers that are concerned by interviews to be conducted during the month of February 2024.

  • Europe Region

For Europe region, the numbers go from case number 1 to case number 13,499. Applicants that are chargeable to countries from the Europe region with the exception of the two exception countries having case numbers in this range and who have so far not received their interview notifications are concerned by interviews to be conducted during the month of February 2024.

In the case of the two exception countries, applicants chargeable to Russia with case numbers going from case number 1 to case number 13,249, who have so far not received their interview notification are concerned by interviews to be conducted during the month of February 2024.

In the case of Uzbekistan, the numbers are case number 1 to case number 5,499. Applicants chargeable to Uzbekistan with case numbers in this range who have so far not received their interview notification are concerned by interviews to be conducted during the month of February 2024.

  • Asia Region

For Asia region, the case numbers that are concerned by interviews to be conducted during the month of February 2024 are the same case numbers that are concerned by interviews to be conducted during the month of January 2024.

The numbers go from case number 1 to case number 5,499, and that concerns applicants chargeable to countries in the Asia region that are neither of the exception countries.

In the case of Iran, the first exception country, the numbers go from case number 1 to case number 5,449. Applicants chargeable to Iran who have so far not received their interview notification and whose case numbers fall within this range are concerned by interviews to be conducted during the month of February 2024.

In the case of Nepal, the numbers go from case number 1 to case number 4,499. Applicants within this range who have so far not received their interview notification and whose case numbers fall within this range are concerned by interviews to be conducted during the month of February, 2024.

  • Africa Region

For Africa region where if you are an applicant who’s not chargeable to Algeria, Egypt or Morocco and you have a case number from case number 1 to case number 26,499 and so far you have not received your interview notification, then you are concerned by interviews to be conducted during the month of February 2024.

In the case of Algeria, the numbers go from case number 1 to case number 25,999. In case you are chargeable to Algeria with a case number within that range, and so far you have not received your interview notification, then you are concerned by interviews to be conducted during the month of February, 2024.

In the case of both Egypt and Morocco, the numbers go from case number 1 to case number 24,999. Applicants chargeable to both of those countries with case numbers within that range who have so far not received their interview notification are concerned by interviews to be conducted during the month of February 2024, as part of the DV-2024 Program.

Those are the case number ranges from the various regions and exception countries that are concerned by interviews to be conducted during the month of February 2024 as part of the DV-2024 Program.

In Conclusion

Cases whose case numbers are the same or higher than their regional or country cut-off are still not current or eligible for interview. Such cases cannot expect to receive their interview notification yet. Applicants concerned must check the Visa Bulletin when it is published in January 2024, to ascertain the status of their case number by then.

The Visa Bulletin is published every month, and it is by means of this tool that Diversity Visa applicants get to know the month when their case will be eligible for interview. Publication of the next Visa Bulletin, i.e the sixth showing cut-offs for the DV-2024 Program will be done some time in January 2024.

For more information concerning what the Visa Bulletin is all about, look at the bottom of this article.


DISCLAIMER: This post and content is designed for general information only and is NOT legal advice. This site is not offering any Diversity Visa and is not the official site for DV Lottery program. The information presented in this post should not be construed to be formal legal advice.

Your Diversity Visa Status | CEAC Visa Statuses Meaning

In this guide, we will discuss on CEAC Visa Status meaning, the different statuses that you might get when you check for your status in the CEAC website.

In my previous guide, we discussed about how and when to check your CEAC status for your diversity visa status. If you have not read that guide, it is very important that you read that first before you read this guide. Because in that guide, you will learn in details about how to check on that and why you should check on that and how important it is.

Different CEAC Visa Status and the Meaning

This guide will go to a greater extent to explain those various statuses that you might receive when you check your information. These statuses should not make you worry or make you confused or panic because everything about these statuses is well explained in this guide.

At NVC status will pop up when we check your results and you are not yet current. What do it mean?

You have been selected, even if you have not filled your DS-260 form and submitted, or you have filled it and submitted, but your case has not yet become current, then the status that will show up will be at NVC.

That simply means that your case is at KCC and it is waiting for your case to become current. In that process, your DS-260 form should have been processed or might be in the process of being processed. That is what at NVC stands for.

When you check for your CEAC status and the in transit status pops up, that simply means that your case is “now current”, has become current, and your embassy has a slot for you to be interviewed, and therefore KCC is transferring your information to the embassy.

In that process, when your case is being transferred to the embassy for interview processing, that status will be in transit. Also, in that process, you will consequently receive a second notification letter (2NL). So the interview appointment will be sent to you.

In transit, means that KCC is transferring your case to the embassy for interview scheduling, and that mean you are about to receive your second notification letter, if you have not received it at that time.

  • The Ready Status

When you are checking for your case status and the “ready status” pops up, that means that your interview has been scheduled, you are ready for the interview, your information has been transferred to the embassy and you are just about to attend your interview.

AP Status in full is “Administrative processing status”. When you check and this status pops up, administrative processing means that your case is under administrative processing, is under the consulate or the embassy processing.

You might receive the administrative processing on various occasions. If you have gone to your interview and you have been told you have visa has been approved, then later on you come and check and you find AP, that is not a worry.

AP status does not mean that you have been refused and your status is changing. No, it just simply means that your visa is being processed and is being stamped. It is under the embassy or the consulate processing. They are processing to print or to stamp your visa.

In that case, that AP means that they are just preparing your visa to be stamped on your passport.

Another scenario that you may find AP, if you have gone to the interview and maybe you did not provide sufficient proofs and therefore the consulate or the embassy requested you for extra information or they told you they need to do some further checking. At that time, your case or your status will be AP. That is, you have received a 221G visa refusal and it mean your case is under extra scrutiny.

You are supposed to provide the documents that you have been requested or any information that has been requested. In that case, it will be AP status. AP comes in various ways.

Still on the same, you should note that if you are given the 221(g) visa refusal, the status might also turn into refused. Sometimes it will turn into refused as it waits your case to be processed.

If you have been given the 221(g), and then you see the status being refused, then don’t panic because it will remain that way until they have fully processed the extra information and once it’s that, the status will change.

So that should not worry you in that scenario. So long as there is enough time for them to deal with your 221G visa refusal.

It’s better that you be over-prepared than going there with less material or less information and then you be put to 221G. Avoid the 221G visa refusal at all cost.

  • Issued Status

If you check your status and it reads “issued” and probably you have not received back your passport, then that’s a good sign. That status means that the visa processing and the stamp of them has finally been completed and your visa is being sent back or has been sent back to you.

Issued means your visa has been approved and has been stamped and you’re about to get your visas back.

  • Refused Status

This is a status many people never long for and that is the “refused status”. This status comes after you have been told at the embassy outrightly that your visa has been refused, they will not issue a visa because of one reason or the other.

If you have errors or you’ve done mistakes and you have things that can prevent you from getting your visa approved then your status will change to refused and that status never change.

If it’s refused and you have been told your visa has been denied, you have no alternative, it will be refused in the status.

DISCLAIMER: This post and content is designed for general information only and is NOT legal advice. This site is not offering any Diversity Visa and is not the official site for DV Lottery program. The information presented in this post should not be construed to be formal legal advice.

Can Your DV Confirmation Number / DV Case Number Be Stolen?

Can someone steal your DV Confirmation Number / DV case number and use it as his or her own? This is what will be answer in this guide.

Remember that you get your confirmation number once you have successfully submitted your DV lottery entry. That’s when you receive your confirmation number.

Find out more about the difference between the Confirmation Number and Case Number

Can someone steal your DV Confirmation Number / DV Case Number?

Confirmation number is a 16 combination of digits and letters. This number is unique to every applicant and it is the number that you will use to check whether you have been selected or you have not been selected. It is unique to you.

When it comes to someone stealing your case number, can someone really steal it? The answer is a no. You should keep your confirmation number private and personal. But if someone by any chance comes across your confirmation number, there’s no way they can impersonate you. This is something that is impossible.

Find out All About The Diversity Visa Lottery Case Number

Remember that when filling in your diversity visa application, you filled your details, your personal information, and no one knows about your personal information.

Even if someone tries to impersonate you by using your DV confirmation number, it will be of no use because even if he or she checks the results and finds that you are selected, he/she cannot impersonate you and use your details because he or she might not be knowing your details.

Even if they know your details, they can never be you. The passport photo, it can never resemble him or her. Your photo will never be the photo of your imposter or the person stealing your information.

Your travel documents will never be the same. So even if he/she gets access to your first notification letter (2NL) and tries to proceed with the processing, he or she will never succeed, so it can never be stolen.

It has never been heard of since the DV Lottery program was initiated, so it can never be stolen. The same case applies to the case numbers. Nobody can steal your case number.

The case number is unique to you and it is your own. It is the number to which your details have been attached to. When filling the DS-260, this is the number that you’re using. When receiving the second notification letter (2NL), the same number that you will be using at your interview.

You will use same case number to fill the DS-260 form. So only your details will be used and no one can try to fake out information to try to look like you and succeed because they cannot produce any form of document that is legit to prove that they are the ones.

The photos, they are different. Everything is totally different. So the idea about stealing your case number is impossible. It has never been heard of and it can never even succeed.

So your case number and your confirmation number is safe with you. Even if an imposter get access to these numbers, they can never use it in the right way. It can never benefit them.

Don’t worry about someone knowing your confirmation number. Keep it personal. But if someone comes across it, there is no problem and nothing to worry about it.

Find out How To Retrieve Lost DV Lottery Confirmation Number

I hope this information is clear and it’s useful.

DISCLAIMER: This post and content is designed for general information only and is NOT legal advice. This site is not offering any Diversity Visa and is not the official site for DV Lottery program. The information presented in this post should not be construed to be formal legal advice.

Your Case is Current For interview Processing But Not Received 2NL? What You Should Do

Your Case is Current For interview Processing But Not Received 2NL? What Should You Do?

If you emailed KCC (Kentucky Consular Center) to check the status of your diversity visa and you received this message,

“Your case number is now current for interview processing. Once the interview date has been scheduled, you will receive notification via email to check on this website,

If you need to make changes to your DS-260, you should contact the consular section where you will be interviewed or bring the information about your changes to your interview appointment.

Because your case is ready to be scheduled, KCC can no longer unlock your application.

For additional information, please follow the following websites:

The Diversity Visa website:

The diversity instruction website:

The DS-260 instruction website:

To enter the Diversity Visa program or check for the selection notice:”

Your Case is Current For interview Processing But Not Received 2NL?

This is the message about which you will get the answer from this guide. If you have checked your status and above is the message that you have received through the email, this simply means that your case is now current.

Your Case is Current For interview Processing But Not Received 2NL?

KCC has already gone through your DS-260 form that you submitted and they have finished processing it. They are ready to transfer your case to the embassy and consequently send you the second notification letter, if you have not received it yet.

Therefore, this will depend upon the embassy. Does the embassy has the embassy the capacity to receive your case?

If the slot is there at your embassy, then KCC transfers your case to the embassy and you receive a second notification letter and you start getting ready for the interview. At this moment, if you want to make any necessary changes to your DS-260 form, it is impossible through KCC.

What you are required to do, as this email says, is that you are supposed to contact the embassy directly and request them for the changes.

Alternatively, you just go with those changes to your DV interview and at that point you will inform them of the changes for them to make the necessary changes to your DS-260 form.

That is what this message clearly means.

Some Frequently Asked Questions and Answer

Question: How do you get such email above?

Answer: Just email KCC requesting your status. You may get such response if you are current.

Question: How do you emails KCC?

Answer: Email to

Question: I received the same email but I didn’t receive the interview date email, is it possible they will not send an email anymore for interview date?

Answer: You will get it only after 4 conditions are met:

  1. DS-260 processed (yours has been processed)
  2. Number current
  3. Embassy has a slot for interview (no backlog before you). Embassy performance
  4. Visas have not run out.

Question: Am current and I have got my interview appointment but my DS-260 form is no were to be found, what can I do?

Answer: You don’t need DS-260 form, just the confirmation page.

Question: The date of birth on my school certificate doesn’t match on the actual birth certificate please what should I do?

Answer: Use that in the birth certificate in the DV process.

Question: I send email to KCC to unlock my DS-260. However they haven’t responded yet. But when I check my case status, it says completed and at the left side there is option to add applicant. Is this means that My DS-260 has been unlocked? Can I add my spouse name on add applicant? Or will KCC send you email that DS-260 has been unlocked?

Answer: Add and submit it if you married after you applied.

Question: What is the next step after the received 2NL?

Answer: You book medical examination, verify high school certificate.

Question: If your case number is current but haven’t received your 2NL, is it necessary to email KCC?

Answer: No need

Question: When one submits their DS-260, then one requests for unlock after few months, does the necessary corrections and submits again, does KCC consider your previous month you submitted or the second one?

Answer: They consider the details of the corrected DS-260

Question: What does it mean for a case to be in AV queue? At what stage does this occur?

Answer: Allocated visa queue. When KCC process cases, it allocates a visa to them and that’s only when they can send them to embassies (if they are current). If not current or embassy doesn’t have capacity, the processed cases are arranged in a queue in the order of processing. That is the AV queue.

DISCLAIMER: This post and content is designed for general information only and is NOT legal advice. This site is not offering any Diversity Visa and is not the official site for DV Lottery program. The information presented in this post should not be construed to be formal legal advice.

Diversity Visa Program | Visa Bulletin for November 2023

The U.S. Department of State has released its Visa Bulletin for November 2023. That’s a big deal if you’re waiting for your priority date to be current so that your green card application can move forward.

For the previous cut-off numbers from the previous visa bulletin i.e the visa bulletin for the month of October, check this post.

Diversity Visa Program | Visa Bulletin for November 2023

Section 203(c) of the INA provides up to 55,000 immigrant visas each fiscal year to permit additional immigration opportunities for persons from countries with low admissions during the previous five years.

The NACARA stipulates that beginning with DV-99, and for as long as necessary, up to 5,000 of the 55,000 annually allocated diversity visas will be made available for use under the NACARA program. This will result in reduction of the DV-2024 annual limit to approximately 54,850.

DV visas are divided among six geographic regions. No one country can receive more than seven percent of the available diversity visas in any one year.

For November, immigrant numbers in the DV category are available to qualified DV-2024 applicants chargeable to all regions/eligible countries as follows. When an allocation cut-off number is shown, visas are available only for applicants with DV regional lottery rank numbers BELOW the specified allocation cut-off number:

visa bulletin for november 2023

Entitlement to immigrant status in the DV category lasts only through the end of the fiscal (visa) year for which the applicant is selected in the lottery. The year of entitlement for all applicants registered for the DV-2024 program ends as of September 30, 2024.

DV visas may not be issued to DV-2024 applicants after that date. Similarly, spouses and children accompanying or following to join DV-2024 principals are only entitled to derivative DV status until September 30, 2024. DV visa availability through the very end of FY-2024 cannot be taken for granted. Numbers could be exhausted prior to September 30.


For December, immigrant numbers in the DV category are available to qualified DV-2024 applicants chargeable to all regions/eligible countries as follows. When an allocation cut-off number is shown, visas are available only for applicants with DV regional lottery rank numbers BELOW the specified allocation cut-off number:


DISCLAIMER: This post and content is designed for general information only and is NOT legal advice. This site is not offering any Diversity Visa and is not the official site for DV Lottery program. The information presented in this post should not be construed to be formal legal advice.

What is the difference between the Confirmation Number and Case Number?

There are these two terms that many people are confused or get confused in the DV process. That is the confirmation number and the case number. What is the difference between these two terms?

Confirmation Number

The confirmation number is the number that you get once you apply for the DV lottery program successfully.

Immediately you fill in your details, the details of your dependents and derivatives, and you submit your application to the DV lottery, the number that you receive, that’s what we call the confirmation number.

You’re supposed to keep it safe because this confirmation number is what you will use during checking the DV lottery results. When you’re checking the results, you’ll use this confirmation number to check if you were selected.

READ ALSO: How To Retrieve Lost DV Lottery Confirmation Number

The Case Number

When you want to check the results and you visit the and filled in the entrant status check and submit it, then there will be a notification.

If you are successful and you are selected, there will be a notification saying that your entry was selected and there will be a downloadable notification of the same telling you that you are successfully selected to proceed with the process.

That first notification is called the First Notification Letter (1NL), as discussed in this post here, you will find a number and that number is special to you, is specific to you. That number is what we call the case number.

Case Number is the number that the KCC, the Kentucky consular Center uses to schedule the interviews, and they do this in an ascending order. The case number is the one that KCC uses to schedule for your interview.

That is the difference between the two terms that are commonly used in the DV process.

I hope the information is clear.

DISCLAIMER: This post and content is designed for general information only and is NOT legal advice. This site is not offering any Diversity Visa and is not the official site for DV Lottery program. The information presented in this post should not be construed to be formal legal advice.

Importance of Country of Birth and Country of Eligibility In DV-2025

In this post, we will learn the differences between the country of birth and the country of citizenship, when entering the DV Lottery, and also the importance of Country of Birth and Country of Eligibility in DV Lottery.

These two terms are very important and understanding them will help you avoid many mistakes that could emerge during the application of the diversity visa.

  • For DV-2025, natives of the following countries and areas are eligible to apply…..view list
  • For DV-2025, natives of the following countries and areas are not eligible to apply…..view list

Importance of Country of Birth and Country of Eligibility in DV Lottery

In the application form you will find this page below.

Country where you were born

This means that the first item that we are going to cover will be the country of birth. The country of birth is that country in which you are born. To be specific, it is that country that is indicated on your birth certificate, and that is how important you should have your birth certificate during application.

The country indicated on the birth certificate, that is the country of your birth and that is the country that you insert in item number five, in the application, i.e the place where it says country where you are born.

Don’t make any mistake in choosing the country in which you are born. Select the country indicated on the birth certificate, this is regardless of whether you are living in that country or you immigrated to a different country. Even if you took the citizenship of a different country, the birth country remains as it is on the birth certificate.

In most cases, majority of the cases, the country of birth is what country qualifies you for eligibility in the DV Lottery. It is the country of birth that qualifies many people into the DV Lottery.

Also, in this second part country of eligibility. If the country in which you are born is eligible to enter into the DV Lottery for that year, then selecting the correct country of birth will also qualify you in the eligibility category.

Therefore, in that case, you would select the same country of your birth. But remember, you can qualify based on a country of chargeability of either your spouse or your parents. So it’s not a must that the country of your birth be the country of eligibility. That is the importance of the country of birth.

Country of citizenship

From the image below, in item number nine in the DV Lottery application form, and it says mailing address.

mailing address in dv lottery form

The country of citizenship is that country in which you have immigrated and taken citizenship. It might also be the country of your birth if you have not immigrated.

But if you have attained citizenship of a different country from that of your birth, and you are currently living and working in that country of citizenship, which is not your birth country, then it comes in handy when filling in the mailing address.

In the mailing address, you indicate your current address, in whichever country you are in and you are living at the moment.

So the mailing address is not based on the country of birth. It is based on where you are currently residing and this helps KCC to know where to schedule your interview. This is also important to note, that if you are currently living in a certain country, you cannot select the mailing address of a different country in which you are not living in, as at present.

Some people can decide to select some other country because they had their embassies work faster. No, don’t do such mistake. If you do that mistake, then you risk being denied the visa.

The current country in which you are living in at the time you are making your application that is the country that you will use in filling in the mailing address.

Country where you live today section

This can be the country of your citizenship, it can also be the country where you are working, even though you are not a citizen there. It can also be your country of birth if you are still living in the country where you are born in.

So, the country of citizenship may also be important in this area. The country of birth may also be important in this area, only that you are currently living in that place in which you are indicating here.

I hope the information about Importance of Country of Birth and Country of Eligibility in DV Lottery is clear.

Question: What if I did a mistake during the process of typing my place of birth can I correct it before the results comes out and please how?

Answer: You will do it on DS-260, if selected.

DISCLAIMER: This post and content is designed for general information only and is NOT legal advice. This site is not offering any Diversity Visa and is not the official site for DV Lottery program. The information presented in this post should not be construed to be formal legal advice.

How to Properly Fill Out the DV Lottery Application Form (DS-5501) and WIN the Green Card

This is guide on how to properly fill out the DV Lottery Application Form (DS-5501) and win Green Card.

DV Lottery Application Form: Applicants must submit entries for the 2025 Diversity Immigrant Visa lottery program electronically between first week of October 2023 and November  2023.

Do not wait until the last week of the registration period to enter, as heavy demand may result in website delays. No late entries or paper entries will be accepted. The law allows only one entry per person during each entry period.

There are so many mistakes many people do and these mistakes are divided into too many parts. There are mistakes people are doing which will cause them to be automatically rejected, and there are some of the mistakes, despite of those mistakes, you will be selected, you will become the winner, but you will be denied the visa.

If you are filling the DV lottery application by yourself or if someone is filling this form for you, avoid these mistakes, which will be point out as we proceed, learn now on how to properly fill this diversity visa lottery application.

This form is famously known as the DS-5501, the electronic diversity visa application form or entry form. The form has main part (part one) and Part two, which will depend on some of the information you’ll be filling.

Part one is the most crucial one because it has the information of what is call the information of the main applicant, or rather the person who will be selected as the winner.

DV Lottery Application Form

Part two will depend if the main applicant has derivative. Derivative means dependence. So part two will depend if the person has dependence, if the person either has children or the person has got married in that particular way.

DV Lottery Application Form

If you are married or if you have children, party two is open for you. But if you are not married, if you don’t have children, that means you apply as unmarried with no dependence, you will fill just part one, not part two.

In order to fill this form, few things we should note.

There are no any documents which are needed to do the application. You need to make sure that certain information are correct, but there is no uploading of any documents, exception is on the DV lottery photo, which has been explained very well here.

If you want to go with your passport is up to you, but there is no requirement which needs you to fill the DV lottery application form with the passport.

There is no passport requirement in the DV-2025 lottery application. What is required is passport photo, not passport as a traveler. There are no place to put your ID number. But if you want to give someone who is helping to fill to look the names on the passport or to look at the name of your ID, so that they can match correctly spelling, that’s okay.

But there are no place to upload any documentation.

How to Properly Fill Out the DV Lottery Application Form (DS-5501)

Part One: Entrant Information

All application must done at If you open this form, it starts with the following:

1. Name: The names are arranged as follows. It starts with the last name or family name. Then it comes with the first name, then the middle name. The biggest mistake people are doing, they are assuming the names are arranged this way, they start at first, the middle, and the last. That is incorrect arranging of your names.

Make sure the names are arranged orderly. You start with your last name (i.e your Surname), your own first name and then your middle name.

Incase you don’t know what is your last name. Surname is the last name, your family name.

First name: Some people have two first names or two middle names. Some people don’t have middle name. So it will be last name and first name. You will tick no middle name.

Also, some people have four names or more than four names. You have to know which one are two first names or if you have two middle names, make sure you arrange it correctly. Because how you arrange these names, when you win, the names will appear that way, and that will be able to guide you on getting the visa.

But if you make a mistake on arranging the names, they are not going to affect anything, whether you’re going to win or not to win. It doesn’t affect you. You can fix that one after winning, but you cannot fix it after submitting the form.

Find out more about Names filling on DV lottery Application and DS-260 Form

2. Gender: Male or Female, you select one.

3. Birthday: You start with month, day, and year. Make sure you start with the month.

4. City Where You Were Born (Place of birth): Enter birth city only. Do not enter district, country, province or state. If you using your passport to fill the form, write what it is written on your passport.

5. Country where you are born: This is one important part. If you make a mistake on the place you were born, there is no problem. But if you put a mistake on the country of birth, that can cause you to be denied the visa.

Because the eligibility to participate in the diversity visa lottery depends on the place of birth, not citizenship. For example, you can be born in Ghana, but currently you are a citizen of Canada. Canada is not eligible country. Fill in your country of birth.

Find out more about eligibility country for DV Lottery.

According to the instruction for the DV lottery, listing an incorrect country of eligibility or changeability will make you ineligible, meaning you’ll be not eligible because of wrong filling. So be careful when you put the country of birth, because that is going to be used.

6. Country of Eligibility for the DV Program

  • For DV-2025, natives of the following countries and areas are eligible to apply…..view list
  • For DV-2025, natives of the following countries and areas are not eligible to apply…..view list

7. Entrant Photograph (Photo): This is a very important part you need to do correctly.

Find out more about Photo Requirements for DV Lottery.

Note: The photo of the derivative can cause the entire family to be disqualified, because it did not to meet the requirements.

8. Mailing address: You can put address where you receive physical mail, maybe post office. Mailing address will not cause you not to win the DV lottery.

9. Country where you live today: Type in the country are you currently in.

10. Phone number (is optional): Whether you put a phone number, or you don’t put, means nothing, there is no problem.

11. Email Address: It is important. You must put the email address. Make sure you use your correct email address. If you want to use the email of a person, make sure you know the person. If you don’t have email, you can use your wife, your husband or your brother email, it’s better to use your close relative or the person you trust.

Email address is very important because this email will be used to provide additional information if needed. When selected, you’ll be using this email address.

12. What is the highest level of education you have achieved, as of today?

You must have a minimum of a high school diploma reflecting the completion of a full course of study or be a skilled worker in an occupation that requires at least two years of training or experience to qualify for a Diversity Visa.

Find out more about filling Education and work experience.

13. What is your current marital status?

Fill in your marital status correctly.

14. Number of Children

Fill in the number of children you have correctly.


If all parts are completed successfully, the entry will be submitted to the DV-2025 Processing Center. After you submit a complete entry, you will see a confirmation screen containing your name and a unique confirmation number. Make sure you print this confirmation screen for your records.

You must use your confirmation number to access the Entrant Status Check available on the E-DV website at from May 4, 2024, through September 30, 2025.

DISCLAIMER: This post and content is designed for general information only and is NOT legal advice. This site is not offering any Diversity Visa and is not the official site for DV Lottery program. The information presented in this post should not be construed to be formal legal advice.

Diversity Visa Lottery 2025 | Electronic Diversity Visa Entry | How to Apply for DV Lottery

Electronic Diversity Visa Lottery Entry: Interested individuals who are eligible are encouraged to apply, including selectees who were unable to obtain a visa during a prior program year.

The Diversity Visa Program (DV Program) makes up to 50,000 immigrant visas available annually to individuals from countries with low rates of immigration to the United States, based on a random drawing among all applications. The DV Program is administered by the Department of State (DOS) of the United States.

During each fiscal year, you can register for the Diversity Visa Program (DV) for a limited amount of time. Each year, the Department of State publishes comprehensive guidelines for applying to the DV Program. These instructions contain the dates of the registration period during which you may participate

All entries must be submitted electronically during the specified registration period on the Electronic Diversity Visa (E-DV) website. No late entries or paper entries are permitted. During each registration period, the law authorizes only one entry per individual.

To detect multiple entries, the Department of State employs sophisticated technology. You will be disqualified for submitting more than one entry. This website cannot be used to submit an entry until the date and time specified on the DV Instructions page.

Diversity Visa Program Cost

There is no fee to enter the green card lottery.

Diversity Visa Lottery 2025 Start Date

When can I apply for diversity visa 2025 lottery? The U.S Department of State Website for the 2025 Diversity Visa Program (DV-2025) opens for entry submission from interested individuals who are eligible are encouraged to apply, including selectees who were unable to obtain a visa during a prior program year.

Only those from countries with low U.S. immigration rates, who meet eligibility requirements, qualifies to enter for a chance to apply for this U.S. immigrant visa. The entry form will only be available for submission during this period and this period only.

Eligibility for DV lottery 2025

DV2025 applicants must be native of a Qualifying Country to Enter the Green Card Lottery.


  • For DV-2025, natives of the following countries and areas are eligible to apply…..view list


  • For DV-2025, natives of the following countries and areas are not eligible to apply…..view list

Diversity Visa Qualifications

A high school education means successful completion of a formal course of elementary and secondary education comparable to a 12-year course in the United States.  Only formal courses of study meet this requirement; equivalency certificates (such as the G.E.D.) are not acceptable.

  • Work Experience

If you are qualifying with work experience, you must have two years of experience in the last five years, in an occupation which, by U.S. Department of Labor definitions, requires at least two years of training or experience that is designated as Job Zone 4 or 5, classified in a Specific Vocational Preparation (SVP) rating of 7.0 or higher.

The U.S. Department of Labor provides information on job duties, knowledge and skills, education and training, and other occupational characteristics on their website The O*Net online database groups work experience into five “job zones.” While many occupations are listed, only two years of experience in certain specified occupations qualify an individual for a Diversity Visa.

Find out more about Education/Work Experience Requirement for DV-2025 Lottery Program>>>

DV Photo Requirements

DV entry photos must be of the same quality and composition as U.S. visa photos.  You can see examples of acceptable photos here.  Do not submit a photograph older than six months or a photograph that does not meet all of the standards described at the link below.

Find out more details about DV-2025 photo requirements.

How to apply for DV lottery 2025

You will submit your Electronic Diversity Visa Entry Form (E-DV Entry Form) online at

The entry form is prepared in two parts, one for the primary Entrant and one for derivatives (if any). Each part must be completed correctly and completely before going to the next part. After all parts are completed, the entry will be submitted to the DV-2025 Processing Center.

After you submit a complete entry, you will see a confirmation screen containing your name and a unique confirmation number. Make sure you print this confirmation screen for your records.

Must READ:

DISCLAIMER: This post and content is designed for general information only and is NOT legal advice. This site is not offering any Diversity Visa and is not the official site for DV Lottery program. The information presented in this post should not be construed to be formal legal advice.

Diversity Visa (DV) Lottery Photo Requirements

What are the photo requirements for DV lottery?

For the DV Lottery, applicants must upload a recent photo of themselves and all their derivatives (spouse and children). Derivatives are those people that you include in your DV process as the DV principal applicant.

DV entry photos must be of the same quality and composition as U.S. visa photos.  You can see examples of acceptable and not acceptable photos here.

Are you allowed to use the Green Card Photo from previous DV Lottery Application?

Do not use images from the previous DV Lottery year. The U.S authorities take a close look at the photo. Registering with an old picture will lead to your disqualification.

Do not submit a photograph older than six months or a photograph that does not meet all of the standards described below.  Submitting the same photograph that  you submitted with a prior year’s entry, a photograph that has been manipulated, or a photograph that does not meet the specifications below will make you ineligible for a DV.

Photo Requirements for DV Lottery

Your photos or digital images must be: 

  • In color
  • In focus
  • Sized such that the head is between 1 inch and 1 3/8 inches (22 mm and 35 mm) or 50 percent and 69 percent of the image’s total height from the bottom of the chin to the top of the head.  View the Photo Composition Template for more size requirement details.
  • Taken within the last six months to reflect your current appearance
  • Taken in front of a plain white or off-white background
  • Taken in full-face view directly facing the camera
  • With a neutral facial expression and both eyes open
  • Taken in clothing that you normally wear on a daily basis
  • Uniforms should not be worn in your photo, except religious clothing that is worn daily.
  • Do not wear a hat or head covering that obscures the hair or hairline, unless worn daily for a religious purpose.  Your full face must be visible, and the head covering must not cast any shadows on your face.
  • Headphones, wireless hands-free devices, or similar items are not acceptable in your photo.
  • Do not wear eyeglasses.

Photos copied or digitally scanned from driver’s licenses or other official documents are not acceptable. In addition, snapshots, magazine photos, low quality vending machine or mobile phone photos, and full-length photographs are not acceptable. Review the Photo Examples to see examples of acceptable and unacceptable photos.

Also, for entering the Diversity Visa (DV) Program online, you must upload your digital image as part of your entry. Your digital image must be:

  • In JPEG (.jpg) file format
  • Equal to or less than 240 kB (kilobytes) in file size
  • In a square aspect ratio (height must equal width)
  • 600×600 pixels in dimension

You want to scan an existing photo?  In addition to the digital image requirements, your existing photo must be:

  • 2 x 2 inches (51 x 51 mm)
  • Scanned at a resolution of 300 pixels per inch (12 pixels per millimeter)

Taking photos of your baby or toddler

When taking a photo of your baby or toddler, no other person should be in the photo, and your child should be looking at the camera with his or her eyes open.

  • Tip 1: Lay your baby on his or her back on a plain white or off-white sheet. This will ensure your baby’s head is supported and provide a plain background for the photo. Make certain there are no shadows on your baby’s face, especially if you take a picture from above with the baby lying down.
  • Tip 2: Cover a car seat with a plain white or off-white sheet and take a picture of your child in the car seat. This will also ensure your baby’s head is supported.

Examples of Acceptable DV Lottery Photo

Examples of Acceptable DV Lottery Photo

Examples of not acceptable DV Lottery Photo

Examples of Acceptable DV Lottery Photo

Your photo is a vital part of your visa application.

Eligibility for DV lottery 2025

DV2025 applicants must be native of a Qualifying Country to Enter the Green Card Lottery.


  • For DV-2025, natives of the following countries and areas are eligible to apply…..view list


  • For DV-2025, natives of the following countries and areas are not eligible to apply…..view list

Proceed to Diversity Visa (DV) Lottery 2025 entry period and other procedures>>>

Must READ:

DISCLAIMER: This post and content is designed for general information only and is NOT legal advice. This site is not offering any Diversity Visa and is not the official site for DV Lottery program. The information presented in this post should not be construed to be formal legal advice.

Diversity Visa Bulletin For August 2023 and Cut-off Numbers For September 2023

The Diversity visa bulletin for the month of August 2023, which shows the cut-off numbers to apply in the month of September 2023 in the diversity visa program has now been released.

In this guide, we will learn the cut-off numbers to apply in the month of September 2023, as well as those cases, if any, that have become current.

What is very important about this bulletin is that it shows the final cut-off numbers to apply in the DV 2023 program. So the release of this diversity visa bulletin for August 2023 will be good news for some applicants but bad news for others.

Bad news for those whose case numbers are exactly the same or above the cut-off number that we will see for their region in a moment.

Let’s go over to the bulletin and consider the cut-off numbers to apply during the month of September 2023, which are the final cut-off numbers for the DV 2023 program.

Diversity Visa Bulletin and Cut-off Numbers

Diversity Visa Bulletin

Africa Region

Beginning as usual with the Africa region. The Africa region has been made current for the month of September 2023. That region was almost current with the exception of only one case, the case with case number 63,502.

In case that case is assigned to an embassy that is performing very well, then that could be the chance for that case. That case could be scheduled for interview in this year’s program.

When it comes to the exceptional countries from the Africa region, there is no change in their cut-off numbers. Algeria was at 45,000 and Algeria remains at 45,000 for the month of September, which means that case numbers from Algeria beginning at case number 45,000 and above will unfortunately not receive a diversity visa in the DV 2023 program.

Those case numbers that were previously current from Algeria are the ones that remain current. And if your case number is one of them and you have not yet been scheduled for interview, then you have the chance of being scheduled during the month of September 2023.

In the case of Egypt, the cut-off number for the month of August was maintained for the month of September and it is 43,000 which indicates that those case numbers from Egypt that were previously current are the ones that remain current for the final month of the DV 2023 program.

So in case you are an applicant from Egypt with a case number beginning at 43,200 and above, it means that unfortunately you will not receive one of the diversity visas in the DV 2023 program.

For Morocco, the 63,400 case number was maintained for the month of September. And like in the two previous cases, applicants from Morocco with case numbers that were previously current, are the ones that remain current for the final month of the DV 2023 program.

So if you’re an applicant from Morocco with a case number beginning at 63,400 and above, then unfortunately, you cannot receive one of the DV 2023 visas.

Asia Region

To the Asia region, and the 21,000 cut off number for the month of August was maintained for the month of September. And so the cases from Asia that were previously current are the same cases that remain current for the month of September, with the exception of cases from the two exceptional countries.

So if you are an applicant chargeable to Iran, the cut-off number for Iran moved from 14,000 to 16,000, and it made case numbers beginning at 14,000 up to 15,999 current. And in case such cases are assigned to embassies that are performing well, then those cases have the chance of being scheduled for interview before the end of this year’s program.

The case is similar for applicants from Nepal. The cut-off number for Nepal moved from 20,000 to 2500 to 21,000. And so applicants from Nepal with case numbers beginning at 20,500 up to 20,999 now have the possibility of being scheduled in this year’s program.

All other applicants chargeable to all other countries from the Asia region remain in their respective positions. That is, in case their case numbers were previously current, they remain current. And in case they were not current, they remain not current and will not receive one of this year’s visas.

Europe Region

To the Europe region, where most applicants find themselves in that same situation, the 32,000 cut off number for the Europe region for the month of August has been maintained for the month of September.

Case numbers chargeable to Uzbekistan are the only exception because the cut-off number for that country has moved from 15,000 to 17,000. It made case numbers beginning at 15,000 up to 16,999 to have become current and those case numbers now have the possibility of being scheduled for interview.

But other cases from Uzbekistan with case numbers beginning at 17,000 moving above, unfortunately, did not become current and will therefore not benefit from this year’s visas.

For applicants from all other countries in the Europe region, those whose case numbers were previously current, remained current, and those whose case numbers were not current, remained not current and cannot be benefit from the visas on offer in the DV 2023 program.

North America Region

The North America region was already current.

Oceania Region

We move to the Oceania region and that is where we have good news because the cut-off number for the Oceania region has increased from 1,650 to 2,500 which has made many case numbers from that region current.

So cases with case numbers beginning at 1,650 up to 2,499 from the Oceania region have just become current, and they now have the chance of being scheduled for interview before this year’s program come to an end.

South America Region

Finally, to the South America region where the cut-off number was increased from 2,900 to 3,150. And that has made the South America region to almost go current, which is good news for many applicants from that region.

Case numbers beginning at 2,900 up to 2,149 are now current and they have the possibility of being scheduled for interview in this year’s program.

Those are the final cut-off numbers to apply in the DV 2023 program, as well as case numbers that still have the chance of being scheduled for interview before the program comes to an end.

In upcoming guides, we will have the opportunity to discuss on diversity visa bulletin and those cut-off numbers in detail.

DISCLAIMER: This post and content is designed for general information only and is NOT legal advice. This site is not offering any Diversity Visa and is not the official site for DV Lottery program. The information presented in this post should not be construed to be formal legal advice.

If you have any questions about the DV lottery, please contact an immigration professional/officer or a licensed attorney.

The Fifth Email Response From KCC | When Your DV Interview Has Been Schedule At U.S Embassy

This is the fifth possible email response that you might get from KCC. This email is specifically on DV interview date at the U.S embassy in your country of residence.

The Fifth Email Response From KCC | When Your DV Interview Has Been Schedule At U.S Embassy

“Thank you for your inquiry.

An interview for this case has been scheduled at the American Embassy in [it will mention your interview venue, your embassy].

You will receive a notification letter by email within the next 7 to 10 days from Within 3 to 5 days of receiving the letter, you will be able to log into to verify your interview date.

Please follow the instructions provided at for the interview preparations and fee payment.

The Kentucky Consular Center has completed the process of your case and forwarded it to the interviewing office. Further inquiries should be addressed to the interviewing officer listed above and you should carry any new or change information with you to the interview appointment.”

That’s it. So let’s just go through some points that have been pointed in the email above.

This is the email that you get from KCC in response to your inquiry email.

It says that an interview for this case number has been scheduled. Meaning that when you send the request email to KCC, had been scheduled and this means that if you have not received any notification to your email telling you to check the for a notification, then within 7 to 10 days you are supposed to receive that notification.

For example, when your case becomes current and the embassy has a slot for you, they will allow KCC to send or to transfer your details and your information to them. After they transfer to you, consequently, the KCC will send you a notification letter and also send you a notification via your email.

The email that you used in your application, which must be the same email that you filled in the DS-260 form because it should be so.

So through that same email, they will send you a noreply email notification. It will tell you that you have a notification in the that you’re supposed to go and check.

It also says after you’ve gotten your second notification letter, within 3 to 5 days, you are supposed to verify your appointment.

What are you supposed to do within the 3 to 5 days after the second notification letter? You are supposed to create an account with your embassy, at least for most of the embassies, and then you book an online appointment with the embassy, by so you’ll be verifying your appointment date.

Still while doing that, don’t you forget to register with a courier service to deliver your passport, once you get successful. Also don’t forget to book a medical appointment.

You will follow that link that is shown in the email response and then you’ll go to the list of consulates and then you select your embassy and view all the pre-interview checklists.

Remember there are documents not mentioned in the pre-interview checklist like the affidavit of support that you need. After checking the interview preparations, if you need to make any changes, you go with the new information that you are intending to update, go with it to the interview.

The next email that you might get will be different because you’re not supposed to request for any status for you to receive this next email. It is the notification telling you that you have your second notification letter in the

Below are other email responses that you might receive from KCC:

DISCLAIMER: This post and content is designed for general information only and is NOT legal advice. This site is not offering any Diversity Visa and is not the official site for DV Lottery program. The information presented in this post should not be construed to be formal legal advice.

The Fourth Email Response From KCC | When Your Case is Current for DV Interview Processing

The fourth email response that you might get from KCC.

Note: There are other series of Email Response From KCC that you might get. Today we will learn the fourth email response that you might get from KCC.

The Fourth Email Response From KCC

Thank you for your inquiry.

Your case number is now current for interview processing. Once the interview date has been scheduled, you will receive notification via email to check

If you need to make changes to your DS-260, you should contact your consular section where you will be interviewed or bring the information about your changes to the interview appointment. Because your case is ready to be scheduled, KCC can no longer unlock your application.

In order for Kentucky Consular Center to assist you with inquiries regarding a specific Diversity Visa (DV) case, you must provide the principal applicant’s full name, complete case number, and the date of birth in the following format (MM/DD/YYYY) as entered on the original entry.

Please remember that KCC does not have authority to tell you whether or not your specific case will be disqualified. Only a consular officer can do that at the time of your visa interview.

Do not send any paper document to KCC. For additional information, please refer to the following……………………………

This is the fourth response that you should expect. Clearly, as you can see, this says that your case number is current for interview processing. You only get this response after your case has become current.

Let’s say you’ve checked the visa bulletin, and you realized that your case number lays below the cut-off number indicated on the visa bulletin. That means that your case number is now current and you are qualified to be scheduled for an interview in the mentioned month of the visa bulletin.

You should be anticipating for the long anticipated 2NL.

Few things to note:

This email has revealed some important information, and that is about updating the DS-260 form after your interview has become current. If your case has become current, this means that KCC now has no authority to unlock your case.

If you realize that you have made some mistakes or you have something that you need to update, then it says, “once your case is current, the only way that you can do the changes is by contacting the consular section.” That is the embassy of your interview and is the only way because they are the only one who can unlock at this point, KCC has no authority to unlock a case that is current.

Alternatively, it says, go with those changes that you are intending to do to the interview. At the interview, you are able to change those details and you do this specifically on the first desk that you go, where your request is for the documents, you can do the changes.

This is the major point that has been emphasized by this note.

Note: Do not send any paper documentation to KCC. Initially, after filling the DS-260 form, you were supposed to send the papers to KCC for them to process and then wait for the interview and again go with the paper. This process was scrapped off.

So after filling the DS-260 form, you only are required to wait for the second notification letter (2NL), and after you get the second notification letter, then you can go with the documents to the interview.

Below are other email responses that you might receive from KCC:

Question: Can you transfer your case when your case has been processed and your case is current on the bulletin too?

Answer: If current, KCC has no authority to open DS-260 for you to edit. However email KCC for the changes, to see their response.

DISCLAIMER: This post and content is designed for general information only and is NOT legal advice. This site is not offering any Diversity Visa and is not the official site for DV Lottery program. The information presented in this post should not be construed to be formal legal advice.

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