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DS-260 Form

After Checking DV-2025 Lottery Results: What to Do Next

If you have checked the DV-2025 Diversity Visa Lottery results and discovered that you have been selected, congratulations! This is just the first step in the process. After checking for your DV-2025 lottery result, below are what you need to do next:

Step 1: Checking Your Diversity Visa Lottery Results

After checking the DV-2025 Lottery results online, and discovered that you have been selected, you will need to proceed for further processing.

Step 2: Complete the DS-260 Form

If you have been selected, you will need to complete the DS-260 form (Immigrant Visa and Alien Registration Application). This form collects information about you and your eligibility for the Diversity Visa program.

Read: How to Fill Out the DS-260 Form Correctly for Your DV Interview

Step 3: Gather Required Documents

You will need to gather various documents to support your application, including:

Step 4: Attend the Visa Interview

Once you have submitted the DS-260 form and gathered all required documents, you will be scheduled for a visa interview at the U.S. embassy or consulate in your country. During the interview, a consular officer will determine if you are eligible for a visa.

Step 5: Receive Your Visa

If your visa application is approved, you will receive your visa, along with a sealed packet containing your documents. Do not open the sealed packet. You will need to present it to the U.S. Customs and Border Protection officer when you arrive in the United States.

Step 6: Travel to the United States

Once you have received your visa, you can make travel arrangements to the United States. You must travel and enter the United States before the expiration date on your visa.

Step 7: Adjust Your Status

After arriving in the United States, you will need to adjust your status to become a lawful permanent resident. This process involves submitting additional forms and documents to U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS).

These are steps to follow after checking for your DV-2025 lottery result.

In Summary

Diversity Visa Program involves:

  • Submit an Entry.
  • Selection of Applicants.
  • If You Are Selected.
  • Confirm Your Qualifications.
  • Submit Your Immigrant Visa and Alien Registration Application.
  • Submit Supporting Documents.
  • Interview.
  • Prepare for the Interview.

In Conclusion:

Winning the DV-2025 Lottery is an exciting opportunity, but it also comes with several important steps and requirements. By following the instructions provided and preparing thoroughly, you can navigate the process successfully and start your new life in the United States. It is important to remember that selection does not guarantee you will receive a visa. In order to receive a DV to immigrate to the United States, selectees must still meet all eligibility requirements under U.S. law.

DISCLAIMER: This post and content is designed for general information only and is NOT legal advice. This site is not offering any Diversity Visa and is not the official site for DV Lottery program. The information presented in this post should not be construed to be formal legal advice. Please ignore any sites, organization or anyone asking or demanding any form of payment from you, for jobs or visa preparations. If you have any questions about the DV lottery, please contact an immigration professional/officer or a licensed attorney.

While Waiting For The DV2025 Results And DV-2024 Interview, You Need To Do these

This guide will clearly handle the things that you need to know as a DV applicant waiting for the DV results to be out. This guide is also very important to all those that have already been selected and are waiting for their DV interview.

As you are waiting for the DV lottery results, there are things that have never been discussed. You might not have thought of, but let’s get them one after the other.

While Waiting For The DV Results And Interview, You Need To Do these

Did you know that you need to have all the information regarding the DV lottery? This is because you applied, or you are planning to apply, or you have already been selected, and this shows that you have the interest of moving to the U.S with the DV Lottery. You need to gather all information regarding the DV Lottery. This is very important because it will lessen the chances of making mistakes. If you have information, you reduce the chances of making mistakes.

As you are waiting for the DV results to be out in the month of May, make an effort to understand the whole DV Lottery process. Know the pre-application requirements. Before you had applied, what did you need to know? You needed to know several things.

For example, how to apply, how to do it, because there are things that you need to do or to have not done, for a successful application. You need to know all the people that you’re supposed to add in your application. If you are single, you need to add none. If you are a single parent, you need to add all your kids. If you are married, then you need to add your immediate family, the nuclear family. That’s you need to know, plus other things that you need to know. The pre-application knowledge that you need.

After applying, there are things that you need to know because there are things that you need to do. While waiting for the results after applying, there are things that you need to do.

For example, as you’re waiting for the results, you may need to apply for the passport, if you don’t have already. If you are applying for passport, there are things that you need to do, one of them being passport application. As a principal applicant, the main applicant of the DV Lottery, it’s good that you get a passport, is very important because when filling the DS-260 form, you will require the passport information, the passport number, when filling the DS-260 form. You need for each and every member in your application.

You might fill the DS-260 and put some other numbers in that passport number location e.g, your national ID, just to stand as a placeholder and submit the DS-260 form, and then apply for the passport, and later on request KCC to unlock, and you change it with the passport number, that is possible. But why do so if you are able to obtain a passport early and then use the passport itself in that place when filling the DS-260 form.

In any case, if it’s worry about the passport expiry, remember that passports, they go up to 10 years before they expire, so you still have time. So even if you get it as early as possible, which is very good, there’s no harm. It’s good that you use the passport details right on the go. Fill it in the first filling of the DS-260 form and then submit it. With this, you will not need to request an unlock for you to update it with the passport information.

So while waiting for the results, get your passports and those of my derivatives. You need to know that as you’re waiting for the result, you may decide to get a passport.

Also, as you’re waiting for the results, there’s another thing that you need to know. If possible, try to look for connection with people already in the United States. Make friends with people in the United States through whichever means, through the social media, through the church, through activities. Get some connections with people already in the United States. You can join a community group in the United States. You can go to Facebook and join a social group of people already in the United States and actively socialize with them.

Reason: Because another thing that you need to fill the DS-260 form, and that is before you start filling, is a permanent address. You need a permanent address to fill the DS-260 form because you need an address in the United States, because that is the permanent address that you need to fill.

Make genuine friends, look for friends, people that later on can come and provide you with that address to fill as the permanent address, without which you cannot completely fill the DS-260 form. You need to know that.

Another thing that you need to know as you’re waiting for the results is that you need to also gather information regarding post-selection DV process. After you have been selected, if you are lucky, what are the steps that follow up to the end of the DV process? You need to gather that information as you’re waiting for the results.

If I win, what will be the next step? If I win, what follows? And after that, what follows? What do I need to get? Which documents do I need to have? Which step do I need to follow? What things should I not do? What things should I do for a successful interview? All those you need to gather that information.

Get everything that regards the steps after you have been selected. By doing that, you will be able to go through the DV process with minimum errors, if there is any.

DISCLAIMER: This post and content is designed for general information only and is NOT legal advice. This site is not offering any Diversity Visa and is not the official site for DV Lottery program. The information presented in this post should not be construed to be formal legal advice.

Can High Case Number Receive 2NL Before Low Case Number? | DV Lottery

This guide will focus on the answer to this very important question, Can a person with high case number receive their second notification letters (2NL) before a person with low case number?

By now you should know that KCC does process cases in the orderly manner, in the case order format. That means from the low case numbers up to the highest case numbers.

But having understood this, still people get confused because in some instances, people with higher case numbers have received their second notification letters (2NL) before those with lower case numbers.

Can High Case Number Receive 2NL Before Low Case Number?

To further explain this, yes people with higher case numbers may sometimes get their second notification letters (2NL) before those with lower case numbers. Why is it so?

To explain this in two scenarios:

First scenario: A person with a high case number in a country whose embassy is fast can receive his or her second notification letter before a person with low case number who is in a country where the embassy is working slowly.

In the recent past, especially for DV-2022, we’ve seen that there are many embassies that were performing poorly, where there are also many embassies that were performing well.

Therefore, those people in those embassies that were performing well, they received their notification letters, even if they had higher case numbers.

At the same time, other embassies, they were performing very slowly, and up to now, people with very low case numbers in some embassies or in some countries have not yet received their second notification letters and time has really died out.

That is one reason as to why higher case numbers sometimes receive their second notification letters before those with lower case numbers. It all depends with the performance of the embassy that you are attached to.

Second Scenario: You might be in the same embassy, but a person with higher case number than yours receives his or her second notification letters (2NL) before you receive, even if you have a low case number. Why does it happen so?

In this case, it now depends upon the complexity of processing your DS-260. What does mean? It mean, you might find some DS-260 are fast and quickly processed because the information in there is direct, simple and straightforward.

While in others, the DS-260s may be complex in processing, meaning the information in the DS-260 may require further background checks, and that means it might take longer.

If you have a slightly high case number and your DS-260 is simpler and can be processed faster, you can receive your second education letter before that person with slightly lower case number than yours, but whose DS-260 requires extensive background checks.

An example of DS-260 that would require further background checks is when you present in your travel history that you had recently visited a country that is highly prone or highly affected with terrorism.

Definitely, KCC will have to conduct some further background check to ensure the safety of the United States.

Those are some of the reasons as to why a person with high case number may receive his or her second notification letter (2NL) before you with a lower case number.

I hope that’s a clear and straightforward answer.

DISCLAIMER: This post and content is designed for general information only and is NOT legal advice. This site is not offering any Diversity Visa and is not the official site for DV Lottery program. The information presented in this post should not be construed to be formal legal advice.

Why Low Case Number Also Miss DV Interview Appointment

Can a low case number miss an opportunity for DV interview? In other words, can KCC fail to schedule an interview for a low case number? Hardly this happens, but it does not mean that it is impossible for that to occur. It’s not common, but it does happen.

We need to first of all understand how DV interviews get scheduled. How are they scheduled? First of all, interviews are scheduled or they are given according to the numerical order. They are done numerically and that is from those with low case numbers to those with high case numbers.

By that arrangement, low case numbers are highly likely to get their interviews, while high case numbers have a greater risk of missing their interviews.

Interviews are scheduled numerically based on the cut-off numbers in the visa bulletins. The cut-off numbers in the visa bulletin will increase gradually from low case numbers all the way to the highest case numbers, until the visas for the DV lottery are exhausted.

Once you have your case number, that is, you’re a winner, you should keep watch of the visa bulletins. Because by the visa bulletins, you will be able to tell when your interview is likely to be scheduled.

All case numbers that fall below the cut-off number in a specific visa bulletin, all those case numbers below it, they become current. By becoming current, that means they fall under the cutoff numbers and they are ready for interview processing.

All those case numbers below the cut-off numbers, they are eligible to be scheduled for an interview.

Once your case number is current, your case is put under a queue in your embassy, and that queue for your embassy is called the Allocated Visa Queue (AVQ).

Allocated visa queue is a queue for every embassy that has winners or case numbers below the cut-off number for a certain month. It simply means that you are ready for your interview to be processed.

If that queue is not long for your embassy, that means that you will soon be scheduled for the interview, you will soon receive your interview appointment. But if the queue is so long, that brings about what we call the backlog, meaning a lot of people in that queue waiting to be scheduled for an interview.

If you are on the farthest end of that queue, that simply means that it will take some time for you to get scheduled. You might be current, yes, and your DS-260 form has fully been processed, but simply because there are many people before you in that queue for your embassy, they allocated this queue for your embassy, then it will take a lot of time, maybe days, even up to months before you get an interview appointment, the second notification letter (2NL).

This AV queue, the allocated visa queue, people in that queue, they are also arranged in the numerical order. From the lowest case number in that queue to the highest case number in the same queue. But you should note that sometimes there might be some discrepancies in the order. There are some minor changes in the order.

You might find in the same queue that a person with slightly higher case number than the other being before that person with the low case number than this person. You might find a high case number before a low case number. Why does it happen that way sometimes?

Sometimes it happened because if you submitted your DS-260 form late, yet your case number is low, and that means that KCC came across your DS-260 form later on after they have already arranged that queue.

If the queue has been arranged, that is those numbers are current and yours also is current, but they had already processed the DS-260 forms and they have arranged that AV queue. If your DS-260 is processed after that queue has been arranged, then you’ll come to the end of that queue.

You’ll not jump those case numbers in that queue because your case number is low, no. You will come to the end of that queue because the queue had already been established. You’ll come to the end, and that is to mean, even if you have the low case number, these people that are current together with you that have higher case number than yours will be before you.

But you should know that normally the AV queue is arranged numerically from the low case number to the high case number.

Can a low case number miss DV interview? Can KCC not allocate an interview for a case number that is low?


It rarely happens so, it’s not a common occurrence, but sometimes it happens. For example, the DV Lottery 2023 and the DV lottery 2022, if you are keen, you should have observed that in some embassies, people with even very low case numbers ended up not getting their interviews.

The reason was these embassies, they had not performed well enough to reach those low case numbers. So if an embassy is very slow, you might find other embassies within that region which perform very well have interviewed people with very high case numbers. But for this poorly performing embassy have not yet even interviewed a person with a low case number.

There are some people with AF 10,000, that is for Africa, not getting their interviews, while others with case number 58,000, even up to 63,000 getting interviewed in other embassies.

Therefore, if embassies perform poorly, they are likely that even low case numbers might not be reached for DV interview scheduling.

REASON #2: Another reason would be you failing to submit your DS-60 form

There are some people, winners of DV lottery but they forget that had applied for DV lottery and therefore they end up not submitting their DS-260 forms, and that mean even if they have low case numbers, they will not be scheduled.

If you fail to submit your DS-260 form, even with low case number, you cannot be scheduled for DV interview because KCC has no record of your application, your visa application (DS-260 form).

In conclusion

Normally, people with high case numbers have higher risk of missing DV interview as compared to those with low case numbers because the interviews get scheduled according to the numerical order of the case number.

Question: Am from Africa, my case number is 2024AF2**4 but I submitted my DS-260 on 25th August, do I still have a chance to be schedule for interview?

Answer: Yes. Though you submitted late for your case.

Question: Is this AV queue done by countries or regions?

Answer: There is AV queue behind every embassy.

Question: If my case is say less than 5000 in AF and submitted DS-260 on 31st May. Will you say it’s a late submission?

Answer: No. That is early.

Question: After receiving 2NL, On registering for the interview (confirming the date), the principal applicant realized only after that their names were not well entered (only surname with no given names), but that of their derivatives had no issues. Please how serious is this mistake and what can be done at this level?

Answer: There are no major issues. Just attend the interview with all documents and amend the names there on the first counter.

I hope the question, Can a low case number miss DV interview, have been answeredI hope this information is very useful.

DISCLAIMER: This post and content is designed for general information only and is NOT legal advice. This site is not offering any Diversity Visa and is not the official site for DV Lottery program. The information presented in this post should not be construed to be formal legal advice.

DV Immigrant Visa Form (DS-260) and Important Things to know about it

The famous Form DS-260 (immigrant visa form) is the form where many people who are looking for immigrant visa must fill. Among those people are people who are the DV lottery winners, who are supposed to fill this particular form.

What is DS-260 form, immigrant visa form? What are the key information or key things you need to pay attention when you’re filling this form?

This form is in different categories or different areas.

  • Personal information

In order to fill this form and compete well, you need to have good information, the correct information about your educational level and work experience.

If you don’t have high school, you depend on work experience, then you have to put work experience in a very explanatory way so that you’ll be able to get the visa without any particular problem.

But while you’re filling this form, in order to complete this form, you need to have the address of where you’ll be staying in the United States of America. Many people don’t get the opportunity to have what is called “a host”.

So make sure that you find different ways to get the host, to get a person where you’re going to stay with, family or maybe a friend, whatever you are from your countryman that will be able to help you. There’s the address where you’ll be staying in the United States of America.

Apart from that one, other things will be very important. You have to fill them. Have the address where you’ve been staying, the name of your parents, your name, where you go to school, criminal record, what your intention in the United States, etc.

Once you submit that form, you’ll not be able to make any change. But if you want to make any change, you have to ask KCC, Kentucky Consular Center, to unlock your case number.

To unlock, you don’t need to give the reason. You put on the subject your name, your case number, and your date of birth, and then you ask them to unlock your case number, your DS-260, and want to make changes.

When requesting for unlocking of your DS-260, you don’t need to give the reason for that, maybe that you want to change because child is born or because someone died in the family, he’s not able to come. You don’t need to give all this explanation for that particular case.

Note: Once the interview schedule has been done, you cannot make any changes in your DS-260 form anymore. That is the time when the U.S Embassy will be able to have access to your DS-260. But if you go and make any change before the U.S embassy schedule interview date, U.S Embassy will not see that one.

Those edits, those changes you’re going to put are not in the final copy until the final submission and the visa interview schedule date has been set, then embassy will have that access.

Question: Can I edit or change information/anything or details of my DS-260, immigrant visa form, after submitting? Will the U.S Embassy see those changes?

If you are the DV lottery winner, when you submit your DS-260 form, it goes to KCC (Kentucky Council Center). Once you send the information, your form is locked, that means you cannot make any particular change.

You can make changes only if you ask KCC to unlock the DS-260. The request is very simple. You put your case number, you put your birthday and your name. On the body you just write them, “Please Unlock My DS-260 I want to make changes”.

You don’t need to explain the reason of that particular change. Once you make the unlock, you can make any particular change. The changes, the edits you do, it’s between you and the DS-260. Those changes will not be appearing or the U.S Embassy will not see all those when you are going to make those changes.

But once the DS-260 is fully locked and you are given the visa scheduled date, the second notification letter, that is when the U.S Embassy in the country were you are supposed to do the interview will have the access to that edited DS-260 form. That’s when they will see the final DS-260 with everything there.

They will not know whether you remove the name, you changed the name, you were single, you say you are married, etc, they will only see the final version of everything.

Yes, you can make changes with that particular procedures, but don’t worry they’re not going to see those information/changes at the U.S embassy.

Question: If you have a family, do you fill more DS-260 forms for your derivatives?

Let say for example, you are a family of six or more, does it mean that you will have to fill six DS-260 forms, or is it just one DS-260 forms and all derivatives will fall within the same?

When you go to fill the form DS-260, you fill as a main applicant, principal applicant. They will ask you a question, are you married? You will choose “Yes”. You put the information for your wife.

Are you coming with you a spouse, husband or wife? Do you have kids? You put their names there.

When you finished filling everything on your case. Then on the same page you signed in, there is an option called “Add Derivative”.

You click Add Derivative, then it comes another page. That page you are going to fill the information, the name, date of birth, full information of your son or your daughter, you will fill it there. After filling all the information, everything, then you add another derivative.

Within one DS-260, you have the option to click another derivative, if another page comes in, all will be done in a column.

So under the principal applicant, it will be derivative one, derivative two, derivative three, derivative four, derivative five, etc. As the principal applicant, you’re going to add all derivative.

If you don’t create their own page within your DS-260 form, it means they are not going to be given the visa. Because they will use your case number and everything.

You sign in one, but inside you are going to create extra pages, to add derivative in that particular sense.

DISCLAIMER: This post and content is designed for general information only and is NOT legal advice. This site is not offering any Diversity Visa and is not the official site for DV Lottery program. The information presented in this post should not be construed to be formal legal advice.

Can Your DV Confirmation Number / DV Case Number Be Stolen?

Can someone steal your DV Confirmation Number / DV case number and use it as his or her own? This is what will be answer in this guide.

Remember that you get your confirmation number once you have successfully submitted your DV lottery entry. That’s when you receive your confirmation number.

Find out more about the difference between the Confirmation Number and Case Number

Can someone steal your DV Confirmation Number / DV Case Number?

Confirmation number is a 16 combination of digits and letters. This number is unique to every applicant and it is the number that you will use to check whether you have been selected or you have not been selected. It is unique to you.

When it comes to someone stealing your case number, can someone really steal it? The answer is a no. You should keep your confirmation number private and personal. But if someone by any chance comes across your confirmation number, there’s no way they can impersonate you. This is something that is impossible.

Find out All About The Diversity Visa Lottery Case Number

Remember that when filling in your diversity visa application, you filled your details, your personal information, and no one knows about your personal information.

Even if someone tries to impersonate you by using your DV confirmation number, it will be of no use because even if he or she checks the results and finds that you are selected, he/she cannot impersonate you and use your details because he or she might not be knowing your details.

Even if they know your details, they can never be you. The passport photo, it can never resemble him or her. Your photo will never be the photo of your imposter or the person stealing your information.

Your travel documents will never be the same. So even if he/she gets access to your first notification letter (2NL) and tries to proceed with the processing, he or she will never succeed, so it can never be stolen.

It has never been heard of since the DV Lottery program was initiated, so it can never be stolen. The same case applies to the case numbers. Nobody can steal your case number.

The case number is unique to you and it is your own. It is the number to which your details have been attached to. When filling the DS-260, this is the number that you’re using. When receiving the second notification letter (2NL), the same number that you will be using at your interview.

You will use same case number to fill the DS-260 form. So only your details will be used and no one can try to fake out information to try to look like you and succeed because they cannot produce any form of document that is legit to prove that they are the ones.

The photos, they are different. Everything is totally different. So the idea about stealing your case number is impossible. It has never been heard of and it can never even succeed.

So your case number and your confirmation number is safe with you. Even if an imposter get access to these numbers, they can never use it in the right way. It can never benefit them.

Don’t worry about someone knowing your confirmation number. Keep it personal. But if someone comes across it, there is no problem and nothing to worry about it.

Find out How To Retrieve Lost DV Lottery Confirmation Number

I hope this information is clear and it’s useful.

DISCLAIMER: This post and content is designed for general information only and is NOT legal advice. This site is not offering any Diversity Visa and is not the official site for DV Lottery program. The information presented in this post should not be construed to be formal legal advice.

I Got A Baby/Child After Receiving Diversity Visa | What Do I Do?

Child born after Diversity Immigrant Visa issued: One of the questions asked frequently is, what can I do if I get a baby after being interviewed for DV?

If your child is born after the issuance of your diversity immigrant visa, he/she will not need a visa to accompany you, provided you both travel within the period of validity of your visa. You are required to carry a copy of your child’s long-form birth certificate for presentation to an immigration officer at the port of entry, together with a valid travel document for the child.

Another question: I have already received my 2NL for me and my family. My wife is pregnant at the moment expecting delivery at any time. What in the event she did not give birth unto the date of interview and later gave birth?

To answer this question in three scenarios regarding babies:

If when applying for the DV lottery, you had not a child, but later on you got the child. When filling the DS-260 include that newborn in the DS-260 form, there is no problem with that at all.

Question: What if I get the baby and I have submitted the DS-260?

Answer: You just request unblocking of the DS-260 and create a DS-260 for the child. Add the child and then submit the DS-260 again.

Question: What if I get the baby after my interview has been scheduled and I have received my second notification letter?

Answer: By this, you just have to go with the birth certificate and the travel document (i.e the passport) to the interview. The passport of the baby and the birth certificate of the baby to the interview.

During the interview, you will be allowed to add the baby in your case.

Question: What if I get the baby after I have been interviewed and now preparing to relocate?

Answer: In this case, you have to prepare the passport for the baby and also the birth certificate. Then report to the embassy about your baby. The embassy or the Consular Officer may prepare some special letter that will allow you to move out of your country to the United States with that baby.

Then at the point of entry into the United States, you will present the birth certificate together with the passport for the baby, and at that point of entry, they will stamp the visa for the baby as well as your visas.

So any case regarding a baby being born in the process of your diversity visa, there is no problem.

Question: if I officially adopt my brother’s child after my DV lottery application, will I be able to include that child in DS-260 forms if I win?

Answer: Yes.

Question: Is it the same person for sponsorship which I filled in DS-260? Is it Possible another person for Affidavit support? If I feel.

Answer: Yes you can have a different sponsor to fill in the i-134 other than the one in DS-260.

Question: What if I get marry after submitting my DS-260? What can I do?

Answer: You unblock and add the spouse.

I hope this guide have answered majority of you regarding this question, Child born after Diversity Immigrant Visa issued.

DISCLAIMER: This post and content is designed for general information only and is NOT legal advice. This site is not offering any Diversity Visa and is not the official site for DV Lottery program. The information presented in this post should not be construed to be formal legal advice.

Your Case is Current For interview Processing But Not Received 2NL? What You Should Do

Your Case is Current For interview Processing But Not Received 2NL? What Should You Do?

If you emailed KCC (Kentucky Consular Center) to check the status of your diversity visa and you received this message,

“Your case number is now current for interview processing. Once the interview date has been scheduled, you will receive notification via email to check on this website,

If you need to make changes to your DS-260, you should contact the consular section where you will be interviewed or bring the information about your changes to your interview appointment.

Because your case is ready to be scheduled, KCC can no longer unlock your application.

For additional information, please follow the following websites:

The Diversity Visa website:

The diversity instruction website:

The DS-260 instruction website:

To enter the Diversity Visa program or check for the selection notice:”

Your Case is Current For interview Processing But Not Received 2NL?

This is the message about which you will get the answer from this guide. If you have checked your status and above is the message that you have received through the email, this simply means that your case is now current.

Your Case is Current For interview Processing But Not Received 2NL?

KCC has already gone through your DS-260 form that you submitted and they have finished processing it. They are ready to transfer your case to the embassy and consequently send you the second notification letter, if you have not received it yet.

Therefore, this will depend upon the embassy. Does the embassy has the embassy the capacity to receive your case?

If the slot is there at your embassy, then KCC transfers your case to the embassy and you receive a second notification letter and you start getting ready for the interview. At this moment, if you want to make any necessary changes to your DS-260 form, it is impossible through KCC.

What you are required to do, as this email says, is that you are supposed to contact the embassy directly and request them for the changes.

Alternatively, you just go with those changes to your DV interview and at that point you will inform them of the changes for them to make the necessary changes to your DS-260 form.

That is what this message clearly means.

Some Frequently Asked Questions and Answer

Question: How do you get such email above?

Answer: Just email KCC requesting your status. You may get such response if you are current.

Question: How do you emails KCC?

Answer: Email to

Question: I received the same email but I didn’t receive the interview date email, is it possible they will not send an email anymore for interview date?

Answer: You will get it only after 4 conditions are met:

  1. DS-260 processed (yours has been processed)
  2. Number current
  3. Embassy has a slot for interview (no backlog before you). Embassy performance
  4. Visas have not run out.

Question: Am current and I have got my interview appointment but my DS-260 form is no were to be found, what can I do?

Answer: You don’t need DS-260 form, just the confirmation page.

Question: The date of birth on my school certificate doesn’t match on the actual birth certificate please what should I do?

Answer: Use that in the birth certificate in the DV process.

Question: I send email to KCC to unlock my DS-260. However they haven’t responded yet. But when I check my case status, it says completed and at the left side there is option to add applicant. Is this means that My DS-260 has been unlocked? Can I add my spouse name on add applicant? Or will KCC send you email that DS-260 has been unlocked?

Answer: Add and submit it if you married after you applied.

Question: What is the next step after the received 2NL?

Answer: You book medical examination, verify high school certificate.

Question: If your case number is current but haven’t received your 2NL, is it necessary to email KCC?

Answer: No need

Question: When one submits their DS-260, then one requests for unlock after few months, does the necessary corrections and submits again, does KCC consider your previous month you submitted or the second one?

Answer: They consider the details of the corrected DS-260

Question: What does it mean for a case to be in AV queue? At what stage does this occur?

Answer: Allocated visa queue. When KCC process cases, it allocates a visa to them and that’s only when they can send them to embassies (if they are current). If not current or embassy doesn’t have capacity, the processed cases are arranged in a queue in the order of processing. That is the AV queue.

DISCLAIMER: This post and content is designed for general information only and is NOT legal advice. This site is not offering any Diversity Visa and is not the official site for DV Lottery program. The information presented in this post should not be construed to be formal legal advice.

Documents You Will Go With To The DV Medical Examination | Green Card Lottery

DV Medical Examination: When do you apply or schedule for your medical examination? Immediately you receive your second notification letter, 2NL, you are supposed to schedule for your medical examination.

When you are processing for the diversity visa program, you have to do the visa interview. When the Kentucky Consular Center (KCC), the government agents which is responsible to schedule the interview for you give you a notice of the interview at least six weeks in advance, the next process you need to do is the medical examination.

Where Do I Do My Medical Examination For DV Interview?

You (and each family member applying for a visa with you) are required to schedule a medical appointment with an authorized physician in the country where you will be interviewed.

You must complete your medical examination, along with any required vaccinations, before your scheduled visa interview date.

When your medical exam is completed, if you are given a medical exam envelope, you must bring it sealed (not opened) to your visa interview. Some physicians will send the medical exam results directly to the embassy or consulate.

Do you select which doctor to conduct your medical examination?

The answer is no. You are supposed to book an appointment with the medical center or the physician specified by the United States Embassy in your country.

Medical Examination Process and Requirements for DV Interview

Which documents are you supposed to carry with you, when attending the medical examination for the DV lottery?

  • Your vaccination records

It is a major requirement for medical examination. You must have the COVID-19 vaccine before you go to the medical examination. Because in the medical examination, they are going to do the cross-look of your vaccine record.

From October first, 2021, the President of the United States, Joe Biden, released the new mandate that if you have to get the visa for immigrant visa, even non-immigrant visa, you must have the COVID-19 vaccine. So you must have the vaccine in order to go to the medical.

The vaccine, the COVID-19, was not part of the requirement previously, but it has started from October first, 2021 going forward.

The passport photos for each and every member in your application. Depending with which country you come from, the embassy may require several photos. Some embassy requests for three photos for every member, others they request five photos for every member.

Other Documents You Will Go With To The DV Medical Examination

  • The appointment letter, don’t forget the appointment letter.
  • The confirmation page of your DS-260. Don’t forget to carry the confirmation page of the DS-260.
  • The medical documents if you are under medication currently.
  • If you have ever had these contagious diseases or one of them, like for example, the tuberculosis and the syphilis and you had been treated, you should go with that certification that shows you had it and you have completely been treated.
  • A valid passport for all the members in your application.

Can you be denied the visa because of a certain thing found in the medical?

The answer is yes.

The things which can cause you to be delayed to get the visa is if you have the TB, tuberculosis, you will be required to go and be treated first before you come.

That is a mandatory because in the United States, they have already eradicated the tuberculosis. So they fear people to bring the tuberculosis in the United States.

The other thing which is very big one is if you have a mental problem which can be a harmful or can cause a mass crime, disruptions, maybe can bring a mass shooting, that type of problem you might be being inadmissible to the United States.

Also, if you have excessive use of drugs, that will be able to cause you not to be admissible to the United States.

I hope the information there is useful to you.

DISCLAIMER: This post and content is designed for general information only and is NOT legal advice. This site is not offering any Diversity Visa and is not the official site for DV Lottery program. The information presented in this post should not be construed to be formal legal advice.

DV Lottery Program Timeline, from applying until you get the Visa

DV Lottery Program Timeline: What is the timeline for the Diversity Visa Lottery? From applying to winning, from winning to get the visa, from getting the visa to go to the United States of America. What is the timeline?

There are so many changes will be in your life, from the time you apply to the time you arrive in the United States. The process is as follow:

DV Lottery Program Timeline

The application for the diversity visa lottery always starts on the first week of October, which is the first year for the fiscal year of the United States of America.

From October the first week to the first week of November you apply DV lottery. After applying, you have five to six months to wait. That is from November, December, January, February, March, April, up to end of April. Those are six months.

DV Lottery results comes out first week of May. So from the day you apply, you have six months to wait for the results to come out.

Let’s say you have won the DV lottery. What next? What next is there is a timeline. You will fill the visa form, which is called the Department of State form number 260, DS-260.

You are filling the visa form maybe in May, in June, July, doesn’t matter. But the first person to have the DV interview will be on October 1.

DV results comes out in May, you have already waited for six months after applying the DV lottery. Also, you will wait for another five months, i.e May, June, July, August, and September before the DV interview.

If you add six months to five months you will have nine months from the day you applied the DV lottery, then the first person will be interviewed by October.

But your interview might not be in October. It depends on your case number. If someone from Africa, for instance, with zero case number or from one case number to 2000, the interview will be in October. From 2000 to 4000, that will be in November. From 4000 maybe to 7000, that will be in December. Then it goes up that way.

Majority of people, their case number will be at least three to five months later to have the interview. So if you add there, it is almost a year and maybe from the day you applied until the day of the interview, it is more than one year and three months maybe possible, or four months or five months, depending.

Then you go to the interview. From the day of the interview, you are told you have been given the visa. Whether it’s you and your family, you have six months to travel.

Whether you travel on the first day you go to the visa, that’s up to you. You travel next week, next month, two months later. But as long as it’s not exceeding six months, you are good to go.

Majority of people, after receiving the visa, it takes about three months to prepare themselves, especially if they have a family, because there are tickets for the entire family. If you buy quicker, it will be more expensive.

So that makes up to 18 to 20 months, the timeline is long. That’s why there are some people in between, maybe they die, some people in between they get married. Some people in between have children. There are some changes.

If you get married after applying, you are allowed to add the person. If you have the child after applying, you are allowed to add that child in the application in order to go the U.S.

All those are the important things you need to know the timeline. If you are a student, you can still finish your school. You still have almost years in between until you go to America, from the day you apply.

So it is a longer process for people to understand the timeline of the diversity visa lottery.

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Filling the Immigrant Visa form DS-260 | GREEN CARD VISA FORMS

Filling the Immigrant Visa form DS-260: You have won the Diversity Visa Lottery and you need to fill the visa form called DS-260 form.

There are two types of visas for the United States. There are visas which are called immigrant visas and the visas which are called non-immigrant.

Immigrant visas are the visas for people who are going to live in America on a permanent basis. You have won the DV Lottery, you are going to become a permanent of the United States, for that particular case, you fill the DS-260 form.

Those who are going to U.S like student, tourist, visitors, exchange visitors or student, for a certain particular time, is called non-immigrant visas and they fill DS-160. The DS-160, Online Nonimmigrant Visa Application form, is for temporary travel to the United States, and for K (fiancé(e)) visas. Form DS-160 is submitted electronically to the Department of State website via the Internet.

But in this particular guide, we are talking about immigrant form, DS-260. This form has a lot of information. Don’t rush to fill the form and submit. There is no competition in submitting because one mistake can cause you not to be given the visa.

Filling the Immigrant Visa form DS-260

The form needs to have information about yourself, date of birth, place of birth, your education. You will be putting exactly the name of the school, exactly where did you study, which year, address. All the education level you have you are going to put there.

When it comes to the work experience, you will put all the work experience in the past five years you have.

If you are married, or divorced, even if your spouse passed away, you will put their information or you are not planning to go with your spouse, you have to put their information too.

If you have children, whether you are going with them or not going with them. First of all, you have to put them during the DV lottery application, then you have to indicate them in DS-260 form too.

Once you complete the DS-260 application form, you will submit the application.

But if you have married and you are planning to go with your spouse, then there is a place you add derivative, you are dependent in the application. You will open another profile within the form, to add your spouse.

If you have two children, you add the profile of each child who will be going with you and you’re going to fill all the information in the DS-260 form.

Once you submit the completed DS-260 form, then you wait for the next step, which is the request for the documents. But before the request for the documents, if at one point you find out you made a mistake in that DS-260 form, you want to make changes, you cannot make changes once that form is submitted.

What you need to do is call to request the authority which is Kentucky Consular Center, KCC, to unlock your case. When you win, they’ll give you the email address to communicate with KCC.

When writing the mail to KCC, you put the subject, you put their email address, and you don’t need to put much explanation, you ask them to “Please unlock my case number or my DS-260”. But you have to indicate your full name, date of birth, and also you have to indicate your case number so that they can be able to unlock it.

Sometimes it takes a week, two weeks, three weeks, depending on how busy they are.

To avoid unnecessary stress and pressure to think or to wait for them to unlock, make sure you fill everything correctly before you submit the form. Ask another person to review if the names, dates, matter, the place you lived before, everything is correct. So that you don’t need to have a pressure to unlock and then they are not unlocking for two, three weeks. Don’t do that.

Make sure that you fill the visa form correctly.

On the interview time, most of the things you filled in the DS-260 form, if you say you have master’s degree, they will want to see the master’s degree certificate. If you said you have two years of work experience from this organization, they want a proof.

So you must make sure that you put things which you can show as proof and which are true in that particular form.

DISCLAIMER: This post and content is designed for general information only and is NOT legal advice. This site is not offering any Diversity Visa and is not the official site for DV Lottery program. The information presented in this post should not be construed to be formal legal advice.

Marriage Questions and Answers on DV Lottery Process | Green Card Lottery Process

Marriage Questions and Answers on DV Lottery Process: This guide will answer some family questions regarding the Diversity Visa.

Marriage Questions and Answers on DV Lottery Process

Question: I filled single during the initial entry (Diversity Visa Lottery Application), yet I was married, can I add my spouse in the DS-260 form?

Answer: The answer is directly no.

When entering the diversity visa lottery program, you are supposed to be truthful. Meaning, if you’re married, you are supposed to choose you’re married.

If you had a spouse or children prior to submitting your original entry, but you did not include them on your original entry form, such errors may render you, as well as any of your family members, ineligible for a diversity visa.

If you listed a spouse or child on your original entry who was not your spouse or child at the time of entry, such errors may render you, as well as any of your family members, ineligible for a diversity visa.

If you’re married to a non-citizen of the United States, you indicate that. If you are married to a United States citizen, then you indicate that as well.

But if you’re married and you indicate you are single, there’s no way you can add the spouse in the DS-260. Since you said you are single. Such results to fraud, and fraud definitely will deny you Green card visa, if you did this.

If you applied as single, yet you are married, be sure that you will end up being denied the visa because this is fraud.

If you’re married, indicate you’re married and include the details of your family. If you’re single, just include your single and continue the process.

If your family circumstances have legitimately changed after submitting your original entry, you should add those family members and all family members’ applications will be reviewed.

Find out more about Marriage-Based Green Card Interview Questions and Answers

Question: I filled married because I was customarily married, during the process i separated with my spouse and therefore I cannot obtain a separation document or a divorce document. What will I do?

Answer: To answer this, if at all you cannot prove your separation legally, then there’s no way you will receive your Green card visa.

If you can find ways to get a legal separation, then that’s the only way. But if you are separated and you cannot obtain the legal separation document, then you are screwed. You cannot receive your diversity visa.

Find out more about Marriage-Based Green Card Interview Questions and Answers

I hope the answer to those questions is very clearly.

DISCLAIMER: This post and content is designed for general information only and is NOT legal advice. This site is not offering any Diversity Visa and is not the official site for DV Lottery program. The information presented in this post should not be construed to be formal legal advice.

Who to Add As Spouse in The Diversity Visa Lottery | Derivatives in Green Card Lottery

In this guide, we will learn who qualifies to be added as your derivative when applying for the diversity visa lottery. What is the spouse Diversity Visa lottery?

First of all, we know that if you are a family man or woman, you are required to add the members of your family as your derivatives when applying for the diversity visa lottery without leaving anyone out.

Speaking of the family, here it is referring to the immediate family, that is the nuclear family, the spouse together with the children. But who qualifies to be your spouse? Or who qualifies to be your children when applying the diversity visa lottery?

The answer to this question will be divided into two parts.

In the first part, we are going to discuss on the qualifications of a person to be your spouse and as a derivative in the Diversity Visa Lottery Program. In the second part of this answer, we are going to discuss on the qualification of the children that are supposed to be added as your derivatives.

Therefore, read this guide to the end to avoid jumping into conclusions that are not valid.

Who is your spouse that qualifies to be added as a derivative?

A spouse is your legally married husband or wife. This means that you have a certifying document issued by the government showing that this is your wife or this is your husband. To be more precise, you should be having a marriage certificate issued by the Registrar of Marriages in your country.

Having known that, who does not qualify to become your spouse that you should add as a derivative when applying in the diversity visa lottery?

  1. Your girlfriend or your boyfriend does not qualify as a spouse to be added as the derivative when entering the diversity visa lottery program.
  2. Partnering is not allowed. That means if you are residing with a man or a woman or cohabiting with a lady or a gentleman, that lady or gentleman is not your spouse. He or she does not qualify to be added as a derivative in the Diversity Visa Lottery Program.
  3. Your fiancé is not a spouse or your fiancée is not a spouse. You are not yet married, meaning you don’t have the marriage certificate. Therefore, during application and you have a fiancée, you are supposed to apply a single and not as married.

But you will continue with your plans and get married and then add him or her as your spouse in the DS-260 form, after marriage.

  1. Your second wife, your third wife, or any other wife apart from your first wife, is not considered as your spouse. So if you are married to several wives, then they are not all qualified as your spouse. Only the first wife is your spouse and is the only one that you will add as the derivative when applying in the Diversity Visa lottery Program.

What if I’m married, but I don’t have that certifying document or the marriage certificate?

If you were customarily married, that means you took your wife or your husband and you went to your parents and you were given a go ahead to go and marry, and therefore you don’t have any certifying document.

Then you will be required to follow the legal procedures for you to obtain the marriage certificate before you enter the diversity visa lottery. Or in some cases, you might apply as married because you’re married, only that you don’t have the certificate. Then you follow the legal procedures and obtain a marriage certificate before you are interview date.

You apply as married because you’re married, yes. Then file for the marriage certificate and make sure you obtain the marriage certificate before you attend your diversity visa interview.

There are many cases where people who are married customarily and did not have the marriage certificate, but after entering the Diversity Visa Lottery Program, they were selected, and what they did, they went ahead and obtained the marriage certificate because without the marriage certificate, you wouldn’t be given visa. Only the marriage certificate will you prove that you are married.

If you are engaged to marry each other and you have applied as a single person because that is what is required, and then you are selected, and in the process you get married and you have your marriage certificate. You will go ahead and add your spouse in the DS-260 form.

But you must note that you must have evidence or proofs of your existing relationship or engagement before entering the Diversity Visa Lottery Program. You’ll have to provide documentation of your engagement or any proof of relationship prior your entry into the Diversity Visa Lottery.

You must have the proofs to prove that you were engaged, you had previous relationship.

Therefore, when applying in the Diversity Visa Lottery Program, ensure you don’t make these mistakes. Ensure that the spouse that you are adding is really your spouse, as we have discussed above.

I hope this information has been useful.

For the next part on the qualification of the children who are supposed to be added as derivatives in the diversity visa lottery application, check here.

DISCLAIMER: This post and content is designed for general information only and is NOT legal advice. This site is not offering any Diversity Visa and is not the official site for DV Lottery program. The information presented in this post should not be construed to be formal legal advice.

Process to follow if you get married after DV Application or after DV Lottery Results

Assume someone is applying the DV lottery, on the day of the application that person is unmarried. Maybe one month later, the person is married. What happens? What if i get married after DV lottery?

Will you be allowed to add your wife or your husband, if you got married after application or if you get married after the DV lottery results is out?

Above are some of the questions many individuals applying for DV lottery program asked regularly.

The answer to these questions is yes.

If you are among those that will be selected or have been selected successfully from the DV lottery program, there will be no problem at all to add that particular person (your spouse) but you can only do that when you are filling the DS-260 form.

Any change in marital status after applying for DV lottery program or after the results is out, it will not affect you negatively in any way.

The problem will be if on the day of your DV lottery application, you are married and you lie, you say you are single, or you are single, you lie, you say you are married.

But if you are single and you get married after the DV lottery application, you’ll be able add your spouse when filling the visa form, i.e DS-260 form, and then you’ll be able to go together to the United States, if you both of you pass the DV interview successfully.

The only difference is this way, on the DS-260 form, if you are married on the day of application and you include you are married, when you go to the visa form (DS-260), when you put your confirmation number and everything, you sign in to the DS-260, you will also see the name of your wife or your husband, and if you have children, their names will be already in the DS-260 form.

But if after the DV lottery application you go and get married after or you have a child later, you will manually add those dependents in that particular form (DS-260). That’s the only difference.

But obviously, you need to have evidence to prove that you got married after the application or after the results, to show that the marriage is the bonafide marriage, not the scam, immigration scam or immigration fraud. Maybe you want just to get the benefit of the immigration to go to America through Green Card lottery.

What if I get married after submitting DS-260?

Report the marriage and provide documentary evidence at your interview. The consular official should request that your spouse file their own application for a derivative immigrant visa (and pay the fees.)

The consular official will interview you both to determine the genuineness of the marriage. If they are convinced your marriage is genuine and you both otherwise qualify for visas, you’ll be issued DV immigrant visas. You must then either immigrate together or you must immigrate first followed by your spouse.

I hope the information is very clear.

DISCLAIMER: This post and content is designed for general information only and is NOT legal advice. This site is not offering any Diversity Visa and is not the official site for DV Lottery program. The information presented in this post should not be construed to be formal legal advice.

DV-2025: Can I Update or Change my DV Lottery application if after submitting I realize I made a mistake?

Can I Update or Change my DV Lottery application if after submitting I realize I made a mistake? Can I edit my DV lottery application after submission?

Can I go ahead and do another DV lottery application, if I found out I’ve made a mistake, a technical error, misspelling of my name, or I did a mistake maybe on my date of birth, or I put a wrong passport photo, will I be able to go back and edit the application?

Can I go and do another application without having any repacaution or any punishment on that?

Those are much related, similar questions, which will be answer in this guide.

Can I edit my DV lottery application after submission?

The diversity visa lottery application is different from the visa form like the DS-260, which is the Department of State form number 260, the visa form (immigrant visa form).

Whether you are applying for student visa, DS-160, non-immigrant visa form, or the immigrant visa form (DS-260), when you are filling those type of visa form, after winning or you want to visit U.S, those types of form are the form you create account first before you start the application.

By creating account, you have a username, you have a login information. You can log in, do the application, sign out, come back later and continue the application. That can be done when filling a visa form, maybe after winning or you want to go as a student or you want to go as a tourist or you are married to American citizens and you have to go to America to join your family.

But if you are applying for the diversity visa, DV lottery, Green Card Lottery application, unfortunately, is not the form where you are going to create the account.

If you are filling the DV lottery form and you end up in the middle of the form application, that application is not registered. That is incomplete application, is not a full successful application.

There is no way you can fill DV lottery application form halfway, then go out, maybe to eat or do something else and then come back to continue. No, it doesn’t work that way. When you stop in the middle of the application, maybe you went out, if you come back, you will start a brand new application. There is no login or create account information.

A successful diversity visa application is the application which is done through the government-authorised official website,

Once you finish applying, it will give the word of “success”. It will give you a last name, year of birth, and confirmation number. That is a successful complete application.

Let’s say after the successful completion of DV lottery application, you come back to realize that when you was writing your email, maybe you put an incorrect email address, if you do that type of mistake, there is no way you can be able to correct your application.

What if when you are filling the form, you put a wrong spelling in your names? or maybe you put wrong date of birth in dv lottery, maybe you start with the date, month, year (which is wrong), instead of month, day and year (which is correct). Are you going to change that? No, you can’t change that.

You can correct those information after winning, when filling DS-260 form. But once the DV lottery submission is complete, is a successful application, there is no way you can correct, or can edit anything.

You can make a mistake of the spelling, you can make the mistake of date of birth, but if you put the incorrect passport photo, even if you win the diversity visa lottery, you’ll be denied.

Don’t rush to do the application, make out time and fill the form properly without distraction. Just make sure that you put the correct passport photo, make sure you have the correct date of birth, make sure you have correct name spelling, make sure you fill the correct number of children you have and you put their names, the correct names, date of birth, place of birth, and their photos. Put the correct information about your spouse.

Once you click the button Submit and it say Success, you cannot do anything.

Some people, when they encounter error while filling the form, they do another application thinking that if they do another application, they will be able to correct that information. That’s wrong.

The computer, the Department of State has no way to determine that when you put your correct or wrong email address, wrong or correct date of birth, they are not going to match with that. Let say you were born April 1, 1998, and you filled February 2, 1998, they are not going to know that you’re supposed to fill April 1, 1998. They are not going to know that it was supposed to be the correct information.

Once you put that information for them, that is the correct information. Don’t try to do another application because when do another application, it will be a duplicate application.

Even if the date of birth might be different, they are going to track you with your passport photo. They will be able to match you with your name. There is a software using all the old information like face cognition. The photo you put in, they will match it as been registered into the system.

Nowadays, they may tell you that your information has been stored into the system. If you go ahead to apply, it is at your own risk, you are going to do a duplicate application. For that particular case, you are going to be denied. So don’t do a duplicate application. Don’t do a second application. Don’t try to play smart to do another application.

Even by changing the name or changing the date of birth or changing the country of birth, you are not going to change your face. There is a face recognition feature software to be determining whether you did another application.

If you make any mistake, leave it that way. Win and correct that information when filling DS-260 form. But don’t try to correct it by doing another application.

Can I edit my DV lottery application after submission? I hope this question is now answered.

Thank you so much and I wish you all the best in the DV-2025 lottery application.

DISCLAIMER: This post and content is designed for general information only and is NOT legal advice. This site is not offering any Diversity Visa and is not the official site for DV Lottery program. The information presented in this post should not be construed to be formal legal advice.

Filling Your Names Correctly on DV lottery Application and DS-260 Form

This guide concerns filling of names during the application of the DV lottery and also during the filling in of the DS-260 form.

If you are currently making your application into the DV Lottery, or if you are currently dealing with the DS-260 form because you are a DV selectee, then this guide is for you.

Make sure you read this guide to the end because the answer is found in the end. Don’t read the first parts and jump into conclusion.

Names on DV lottery Application and DS-260 Form

The issue on names has raised a lot of questions to many, and the concern is on what to fill in the DV lottery application or in the DS-260 form.

In an earlier guide, I discussed in details, that the birth certificate is a very important document when doing your DV lottery application.

That means that the names that you have or that are indicated on your birth certificate in their order, you’re supposed to use that. Because that will eliminate a lot of errors or mistakes that can face you later on.

If you are married and you have a different name, maybe you took the name of your spouse, and on the marriage certificate, you have the name of the spouse added onto your names. You are allowed to use those names because they are your legal names as of now. You can use your married names in the application.

Another thing, many people are wondering that the names that appear on their passports differ from the names that appear on the birth certificate. That on their birth certificate they might be having two names, but on their passport, they have three names.

First of all, remember that in every country there is an embassy, a United States embassy. In those countries, the embassies in those countries, they are well-conversant and they know how your birth certificate and your passports look like.

For example, if you take an example of Ghana, the birth certificate might be having either two or three names, and the passport you might find others having up to four names. The embassy in Ghana, Accra, they know the naming systems that will apply on those both documents.

So when you use your birth certificate as the names during the application, then the embassy knows of that. Even if you come with your passport and it has four names, they well know the naming system of your country.

In Kenya, for example, majority of the birth certificate, if not all, they have two names, your two names, and there below we have the parents, the male parent and the female parent. But when it comes to the birth certificate and any other documents, the academic documents, you’ll find majority having three names. That is, they are given names plus the family name.

The embassy in Nairobi, the United States embassy in Nairobi, they are aware of that the birth certificate contain two names, the names of the parents. But any other document, including the passport, may have three names: the given name plus the family name.

This is not an issue that should bother you so much. But what happens when your birth certificate has two names, for example, and your passport has three name, for example, and your academic documents, some have two names while others have three names?

First of all, if you apply and you’ve used your birth certificate name, then if you get selected and in the process of filling in the DS-260 form, you will put the names that you used in the application and any other extra name.

If you have an inclusive family name, an additional family name, then you will include during the DS-260 form where it says, have you ever used other names? That is the maiden, the religious, the professional, etc.

In that slot, if you select yes, it gives you a slot where you are to insert any other name that you used. So it is in this place that you will add that extra name. Having done so, then you have no problem at all.

You have to include all the names used in the DS-260 form, and this will help because it will give additional information of all the names that you used, covering those on the documents, the academic documents, the passport, and also the birth.

So make sure during the filling in of the DS-260 form, you include all the names that you have ever used.

Secondly, you will have to go ahead and swear an affidavit of name. This is just to keep you on the safe side. If you have two names on your birth certificate and maybe three names on your passport or four, then it’s good that for you to be on the safe place, you swear an affidavit of name.

This is done before an advocate or before the court. It is a stamped document proving that though the names they differ, the number of names on your different documents they differ, you are still the same person holding that name.

An affidavit of name would be very effective. Before you go for your interview and you have different names appearing on your different documents, swear an affidavit of name and go with it to the interview.

In any case they ask you why they differ, you will present the affidavit of name. Also, the names that appear on your DS-260 form will also act as an evidence.

Some Frequently Asked Questions and Answers

Question: If you added a name which is different from the one on your high school certificate, where can you indicate the old name on the DS-260 form, incase of background check?

Answer: Other names used.

I hope this guide is clear.

DISCLAIMER: This post and content is designed for general information only and is NOT legal advice. This site is not offering any Diversity Visa and is not the official site for DV Lottery program. The information presented in this post should not be construed to be formal legal advice.

Take These Tips To Pass Your DV Lottery Interview

Let discuss in details about how to go through your DV interview process successfully. Learn the major and key points regarding the DV Lottery interview.

Tips To Pass Your DV Lottery Interview

In your second notification letter, it will contain the destination of your DV Lottery interview. It will state the address of the embassy or the consulate for your interview. In that destination details, you’ll also see the time of your interview and the date of your interview.

The first important thing for you to do, is to make sure that you present yourself on that date and at that time before the consular or the consulate or at the embassy.

Don’t be late. If your interview is at 9:00 AM or 7:00 AM, make sure you are at the location of your interview before that scheduled time.

The councilor officer will interview you as the principal applicant together with your derivatives or the beneficiaries. Your spouse and your children, if you have that is important to note.

Sometimes they may interview you alone. But some other times or depending on the consulate or the consular officer, they might interview also your derivatives.

Ensure during your interview, you go with all the members that are in your application, all the beneficiaries, your spouse and the children, including the adopted children, if you listed them.

It is possible for you to attend the interview alone if you are not intending to relocate immediately with your derivatives. But it is highly advisable if you can, make sure you are interviewed with your beneficiaries at the same time and on the same date. Go with them to the embassy.

But if it is not possible, maybe you are in one country and your derivatives are in another country and there is no way you can come together, then you can go for your scheduled interview and also talk with the embassy or the consular officer for the planning of your derivatives interview.

The derivatives interview in this case should happen before the end of the fiscal year, and that is 30th of each September.

So that year in which you are required to conduct or to go through your interview, make sure September 30th does not reach before your derivatives they receive their interviews and their visas.

Because if it goes past without them receiving their interview, then they cannot relocate or come to live with you in the U.S. You will have to file a petition for them to join you in later years after you have relocated to the United States, and it will be a lengthy and a tedious process.

Remember, if it’s possible, go with the derivatives during the interview to be interviewed together.

If at all you are not able to attend the interview on the scheduled date, you have to call the embassy early enough and inform them to reschedule your interview date. But again, the interview date should not go beyond the end of the fiscal year, 30th September. This is very important.

Note that in some countries, the visas are exhausted or get exhausted before the end of the fiscal year. So for you to reschedule your interview to a later date might be very risky.

Important documents that you need when you attend your interview

  • The appointment letter, i.e the second notification letter (2NL). You print it and go with it through the interview as a printed document.
  • The DS-260 confirmation page.

This is the sample of confirmation page that you’re supposed to print for the DS-260 and present it during the interview.

  • The passports, both for you as the main applicant and the derivatives, the beneficiaries, the spouse and the children. Don’t leave them behind.
  • The photos. These photos, they should meet the requirements of two-inch by two inch in size and they should be of good quality.
  • The medical examination reports for all your beneficiaries together with yours.

Some medical centers will give you a sealed envelope containing the results that you are not supposed to unseal or to break the seal, but present it as sealed during the interview. Others will send the results directly to the embassy.

Other documents are the documents supporting your DS-260. They are called the supporting documents. This include the work experience document or the education documents, and every other documents that you filled in the DS-260, including the marriage certificate, the birth certificates for every individual, the police clearance certificates for all individual above 16 years of age in your application.

All these support documents, you are required to go with them without leaving them behind to the embassy.

Finally, if your language or your documents are not in English translation, then provide the English translations of the documents.

Don’t forget to carry with you the visa fee. It is normally per every individual that is in your application. You can find out more about the amount from your embassy.

DISCLAIMER: This post and content is designed for general information only and is NOT legal advice. This site is not offering any Diversity Visa and is not the official site for DV Lottery program. The information presented in this post should not be construed to be formal legal advice.

First Email Response Before / When DS-260 is Processed | DS-260 Received

This guide is important to all the DV winners, including the DV lottery 2023. Because towards the end, you’ll learn a lot of information regarding the questions on DV program and first email response before or when DS-260 is processed.

For the DV lottery 2024 winners, your time is not yet. That is the time for your interview. As you know, the interviews will begin from October and will run through to the 30th of September 2025. So as we are speaking, it’s not yet time.

Regarding how you can check your status at the moment, your information on the CEAC is not yet, that is the CEAC website. Your information is not yet and you cannot check on that website for your status. Your information will be out from the first of January and therefore, at this very moment, how can you check the progress of your case?

The only legal and legit way to check the status of your progress is by contacting KCC. You email KCC and then ask off the progress of your case.

Another thing that you need to know is majority of the DV Lottery 2024 winners have already submitted their DS-260 forms and only a few have not. Once you submit your form DS-260, then KCC will go through your form.

As they are looking or going through the information on your DS-260 form, we say they are processing your DS-260. When KCC begins or decide to process DS-260 forms submitted at a particular time, for example, if they decide to begin to process DS-260 forms submitted, let’s say in the month of May, all the DS-260 forms submitted in that month will be processed, regardless of the case number.

They’ll move to another time, let’s say, for example, the month of June. If they take on the month of June, all the DS-260 forms submitted in the month of June will be processed, regardless of the case number. If it’s high or low, that will not matter.

And then they move on, maybe to the month of July, and process all the DS-260 forms that were submitted in that month, regardless of the case numbers.

When you send KCC a status request, and at that time, they have not opened your DS-260 form yet, or they have opened and they are currently going through the information in there, then this is the email response that you expect to get.

First Email Response Before / When DS-260 is Processed

Read through it and get some important things that you should know today. This is the email.

“Thank you for your inquiry.

Your forms have been received and are currently processing. Allow several weeks for processing. Interviews are scheduled numerically based on case numbers that have completed processing.

Once the Kentucky Consular Center, that is KCC, has finished processing your DS-260, you will receive an email from the Kentucky Consular Center giving you instructions to complete in order for your case to continue processing.

In order for the Kentucky Consular Center to assist with inquiries regarding a specific Diversity Visa (DV) case, you must provide the principle applicant’s full name, complete case number, and date of birth in the following format (MM/DD/YYYY) as entered in the original entry.

Please remember that Kentucky Consular Center does not have the authority to tell you whether or not your specific case will be disqualified. Only a Consular Officer can do that at the time of your visa interview.

Do not send any paper documents to the Kentucky Consular Center. For additional information, please refer to the following………..”

Basically, this is the email response that you expect to get, if your DS-260 form has not been opened or has not been completely processed.

Some few things to get from the email is that you should add allow for some weeks for processing. So it takes some time for KCC to get your number and process it. This means it may take any time between two weeks and several weeks, up to several months.

Then interviews are scheduled numerically based on case numbers that have completed processing. Scheduling of case numbers are scheduled numerically. By numerically, it means from the lowest case number to the highest case number of all the cases that have been processed.

If you have a considerably lower case number and you fail to submit your DS-260 form early enough, you’ll find out that someone with considerably higher case number than you will be scheduled for the interview before you because your case was not processed at the time.

You had submitted your case number late and therefore it was processed later. And this one with higher case numbers than you who had submitted the DS-260 early enough will have DS-260 form processed and scheduled even before you.

So for all the cases that are processed for a particular period, the numbers will be arranged from the lowest case number to the highest case number within that time. If you have a low case number and you fail to submit it early enough for it to be processed, then you will find out some higher case numbers scheduled before you, even if that is not the case.

Submit your case, your DS-260 form early so that when they are scheduled numerically, you are also included and you receive your interview invitation, i.e the 2NL (Second Notification Letter), before someone with higher case number than you.

DISCLAIMER: This post and content is designed for general information only and is NOT legal advice. This site is not offering any Diversity Visa and is not the official site for DV Lottery program. The information presented in this post should not be construed to be formal legal advice.

If you have any questions about the DV lottery, please contact an immigration professional/officer or a licensed attorney.

You Must Do These After Receiving Your Second Notification Letter | DV Interview Appointment

Although, many DV winners may still be waiting for their second notification letter, but what follows immediately after you receive your second notification letter? In this guide, we’re going to see the following steps after receiving the second notification letter (2NL) and Diversity Visa prepare for interview.

To learn more about how your second notification letter will be like, read: What is Second Notification Letter (2NL), in DV Lottery Program?

As you read through the second notification letter sent to you, you’ll see a link. This link is meant for you to get prepared for the interview correctly and completely.

When you click on this link, follow whatever you’ll get in that page. When you do so, it will take you to Diversity Visa Program page under the website.

See image below:

Prepare for the DV Interview

There, you’ll see the processes of the diversity visa, step number eight is prepare for the interview. To prepare for DV interview is what you are going to do after receiving the second notification letter, 2NL.

Things You Must Do After Receiving Your Second Notification Letter

Below are the main things you must do immediately you received your second notification letter.

  • Carefully review your scheduling information in the entrance status check, on the EDV website, noting the date, time, and location of your of your immigrant visa interview.

When you go to the entrance status check and you log in, you receive your second notification letter. On the second notification letter, you will see all this information, the date, the time, and the location for your interview.

  • You review the United States embassy or consulate interview instructions

Remember, every consulate or embassy will have different instructions regarding the DV interview. You have to visit your embassy or your consulate and see the requirements for your embassy.

You will do so by following the list of U.S embassies and consulate, where you will find your embassy. Then you click on the embassy and see all the requirements/instructions.

  • Schedule and complete a medical examination

This is very important. The third requirement is that you visit the medical specified by your embassy and then schedule a date with them for examination. You will be required to present the medical examination during your interview.

  • Gather Photographs and all the documents required or specified

These documents include, two photos that are identical for each and every applicant in your application. Together with these photos, you’ll be required to provide the appointment information (this is the second notification letter printed), the DS-260 confirmation page printed, the passports of every member in your application, all the original documents that you filled in the DS-260 (make sure you have the original copies and certified ones).

  • Review U.S embassy or consulate interview instructions

How do you check your embassy’s instructions?

(a) You will go to list of U.S embassies or consulates interview instructions link.

(b) You will see all the list of the available consulates and embassies.

(c) Select your embassy, for example, if you are from Ghana, select Accra-ACC embassy.

i. Go down you’ll see the first instruction by Accra embassy in Ghana. If you are selected to be interviewed in that embassy, the first instruction is you register online.

ii. Go to register and register to confirm your interview date, that you will be available during the interview date posted by KCC.

iii. Get a medical exam in Ghana. Follow the link there to register, to schedule for your medical exam with the center specified by the embassy.

Note: From the link, you will schedule an appointment with the medical center specified by the embassy.

iv. Complete your pre-interview checklist. Preview the documents that you are required to have in the interview. You do a pre-interview checklist to ensure you have all the documents.

v. You review the guideline.

Note: These steps above are applicable in all embassies eligible for DV Interview Appointment. Check embassies eligible for DV Interview Appointment.

That all about checking the instructions for your embassy for your DV interview and steps after receiving your second notification letter.

DISCLAIMER: This post and content is designed for general information only and is NOT legal advice. This site is not offering any Diversity Visa and is not the official site for DV Lottery program. The information presented in this post should not be construed to be formal legal advice.

4 Important Things You Might Easily Forget When Filling The DS-260 Form | DV Lottery

Let discuss four (4) important things that you might have forgotten or you might forget while filling the DS-260 form. This is very important and very crucial to the success of your DV process.

4 Important Things You Might Easily Forget When Filling The DS-260 Form

  1. Medical Section

The first one is regarding the medical section. There is a part on the DS-260 form that regards the medical, and specifically that part that requests you or asks you whether you have any form of documentation to prove that you have received the vaccines as per the United States law.

On that very part where you are supposed to check either a yes or no, regarding whether you have the documentation to prove whether you have received all the vaccinations. On that section, you are supposed to select yes.

You might ask, but I’ve not received the vaccinations, why should I fill a yes?

First of all, whether or not you have received those vaccinations as per the U.S government law, you are supposed to select yes. If you select no, do it at your own risk, but select yes. Below are reasons:

(i) This question applies during the interview when you are before the consulate or the officer interviewing you. At that time, this question applies at that time. That is when you will be required to present the proof of the vaccination, and that proof of vaccination, you get it from your medical examination.

Remember, you get your medical examinations prior to the interview, which means you will have received all the necessary vaccinations that you don’t have. If you don’t have any of the vaccination or some of the vaccinations, then you will get them administered to you during the medical examination.

So when selecting these, select a yes. Don’t forget this during filling the DS-260 form.

  1. Social Security Number

Another thing that people mess up when filling or they might forget during filling the DS-260 form is on that part that talks on the Social Security Number information towards the end of the DS-260 form.

That section that requests you if you can give authorization to the United States government, that is the Homeland Security Department, or the Social Security Administration to access your information on the DS-260 form for them to assign you a Social Security Number.

In that section, you are supposed to check either a yes or no. You might choose to deny them access, or you might select to allow them the access. That is the best way, giving them access to your information for them to assign you a social security number, as well as that social security card.

So when filling that part, ensure you check on the yes button. Select yes that you authorize the access of your information to the Home Land Security Department and the Social Security Administration and any other government office, for them to assign you the Social Security Number.

When you select that option, which is a yes, that means when you land in the United States, you will not be required to do another application for the Social Security Number.

If you select a no, then upon landing in the United States, you will be required to do an application for the Social Security Number with the United States.

You’ll go to the Social Security Administration Office and do an application. So why go through this process? You can save yourself from this whole process by choosing Yes on the DS-260 form to allow those administrations to access your information.

  1. Creating DS-260 forms for your derivatives

Remember, as a principal applicant, you fill the DS-260 form and you include all the information, including those of your derivatives. Once you have finished up with your DS-260 form as the principal applicant, you need to create other DS-260 forms for your derivatives for each one of them.

If you have a spouse, you create her DS-260 form. If you have kids, you create for each one of them. Many people forget doing this. Remember to create DS-260 forms for each and every one in your application.

  1. Printing Confirmation pages for each and every member in your application

Another thing that people forget is to print their confirmation pages for each and every member in the application, i.e your derivatives.

So upon finishing and submitting your form DS-260, together with those of your derivatives, if you have, then you need to print the confirmation pages for each one of you.

These confirmation pages are important during the medical examination, as well as during the interview. You will be required to present these confirmation pages for each and every one in your application.

Those are just four of the things that you might forget when filling the DS-260 form.

I hope this information is very useful to you.

DISCLAIMER: This post and content is designed for general information only and is NOT legal advice. This site is not offering any Diversity Visa and is not the official site for DV Lottery program. The information presented in this post should not be construed to be formal legal advice.

If you have any questions about the DV lottery, please contact an immigration professional/officer or a licensed attorney.

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