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How to Get a U.S Green Card

5 Things That Will Deny You The Diversity Visa During the Interview

Don’t do the following things, it will harm you when it comes to the Diversity Visa interview because you will get your visa refused and some of them will block you from ever entering the United States.

Are you a DV winner or are you waiting for the DV results, and you are hoping to become a selectee? Are you waiting for the 2NL? Are you waiting for the visa? Therefore the following things, if you intend to do them, they will utterly harm you.

Things That Will Deny You The Diversity Visa During the Interview

  • Don’t overstay your United States visa or don’t overstay any other countries visa

If you are on a visit visa and that visa has given you a step period of maybe two months, don’t exceed. The date was supposed to be out of the United States and ensure you are out of the United States. If you are there on a business visa and there are terms and conditions of up to when, if you are on any other visa, visit visa, tour visa or any other visa, and there is a time period because it is a nonimmigrant visa, just stay within that time period and be out of the United States once the time expires.

By so doing, you will be safe, if you dare overstay, that will ruin your chances, and it will most likely prevent you from ever being to the United States. So don’t overstay your visa.

  • Never force a marriage

This might affect a majority of the selectees or the DV winners, never forced a marriage. This applies to all those who applied a single. If you applied a single, and definitely life must continue as usual, if the relationship that you are taking yourself into will end up being fraud, don’t involve yourself in that.

If you applied a single, you end up getting engaged and you want to add this as your spouse after you’ve married, it is very much subjective, meaning that you have to really prove to the consulate or the embassy that it is not fraud, though it’s not an easy thing.

The only way it can successful, based from the previous experiences, is when the affected parties had documents to prove the existing relationship that can lead to marriage even before they were selected, even before they won DV lottery. If they can provide that, then they will approve for their visas. That is the only way that you can prove that this is not fraud, you are not forcing a marriage.

Let no one tell you to get married because they want to go to the United States, you will ruin your chance. Don’t get into that trap. If you applied a single, just continuous single, even if you end up in the United States, you can still come back and arrange for that marriage, but not within that period if you know it can affect you.

If you don’t have the proof documents, printed documents to show that there was a legit relationship, even before that, then don’t try to force a marriage. Also, if you applied as married because you are living together and you have kids, and according to your customs, you were married, only that you don’t have any legal documents like a marriage certificate to prove that, then that is a different one.

You can just obtain the marriage certificate because you have enough evidence to prove that, then go ahead with that process as married, because you are married locally within your customs, only that you need to legalize it using a formal document.

  • Don’t commit crimes

Remember there are three categories of crimes that are really detrimental or can really be detrimental to your visa process. These three crimes, they include,

  1. Aggravated felonies.
  2. Crime involving moral turpitude.
  3. Crime involving illegal drugs.

The aggravated felonies, according to the United States, is when you try to do something that will harm people, for example, murder or drug trafficking, that also falls under aggravated felony. Maybe trying to force a fraud, you want to con someone, you want to harm that person. Don’t commit that type of crime.

Also that the crimes involving the moral turpitude, they also are those illegal intentions that you have upon someone. Maybe you are planning to murder someone. You are planning to steal from someone, you are planning to maybe commit a sexual offense against someone, you are planning or intending to cause harm to the public. Don’t do that, it will affect your visa.

Then we also have those crimes around the drug trafficking, drug abuse. If you are found or if you commit a crime that involves drug trafficking, illegal drug trafficking, then you will have no chances. So don’t commit these crimes if you want to get a successful interview. Just protect yourself against these crimes. Play it safe, be a good person, that is all it requires.

  • Social media

Remember, when filling the DS-260 form, you are supposed to list all the social media accounts that you have, if you don’t list, you are risking your chance. You cannot hide. Just list everything that you have on the internet.

When you have this account, don’t dare post any harmful content, either to a minor or any harmful content to any person in the public, or any harmful content towards the United States. Don’t post any criminal content in that social media. Don’t post any content that causes terrorism. Anything that puts or poses a threat on the United States, don’t dare do that. Anything that you post that causes or poses harm on the United States will cost you your visa, so don’t dare do that.

Those are just some of the things that we’re not supposed to do, though, there are also others.

DISCLAIMER: This post and content is designed for general information only and is NOT legal advice. This site is not offering any Diversity Visa and is not the official site for DV Lottery program. The information presented in this post should not be construed to be formal legal advice. If you have any questions about the DV lottery, please contact an immigration professional/officer or a licensed attorney.

3 Important Documents For DV Interview That Have Not Been Listed In The Interview Checklist

This guide will focus on topic regarding all the documents that are not listed in the checklist, but you should go with to the DV (Diversity Visa) interview.

3 Important Documents For DV Interview That Have Not Been Listed In The Interview Checklist

There are three important documents that you are supposed to go with to the DV interview, even if they are not listed in the checklist.

The first document that is very important that you are supposed to prepare and attend the DV interview with is the affidavit of support. It is called the financial support document.

This affidavit of support is the Form I-134, not the Form I-864. This document is not listed among the documents in the DV interview checklists.

Majority of the embassies and consulates will go ahead and request of this document and this document is there to prove that you are able to sustain yourself as you begin life in the U.S, that you have enough finances to keep you going as you start life in the U.S.

If you cannot have the Form I-134, then you can have some savings in your bank enough to sustain you. If you choose to go the financial way, if you choose to sponsor yourself by having some savings in your account, you’ll need to have a minimum of $10,000 for each person in your application.

So you can either come with the Form I-134 from your sponsor or the bank statements showing your savings that can stand for you.

Therefore, the financial support document is one of the documents that will not find listed in the checklist, but majority of the embassies will request you for them. If you are not able to provide when you ask for it, then you will be put to the 221(g) refusal until you’re able to provide that document.

It is better you get ready with the financial support document, either the Form I-134 from your sponsor or the bank statement showing your savings that can sustain you as you begin life in the United States.

Note: The Form I-134 from your sponsor, we’ll need some accompanying documents and these accompanying documents include the tax compliance certificates. If your sponsor is a business person, then he or she should give you the Form 1040. But if he is employed on wages, then he should provide the W-2 form.

Another thing that should accompany the Form I-134 is the copy of the national identity of your sponsor or a copy of the green card of your sponsor or the driver’s license copy.

The third thing that should accompany the Form I-134 is some recent transaction receipts, just for sampling. Or if they are working, they should provide some recent payslip copies to accompany the Form I-134.

So that is very important, though it’s not included in the list.

The second document that you should provide or you should prepare, though not indicated well, is if you are qualifying through work experience, then to visit the website by the United States Government, Ministry of Labor, that website’s name is

Therein you’ll be able to check whether your job that you’re qualifying with meets the requirements as per the Department of Labor. The requirement is that your job must meet the SVP range of above seven (7), and SVP means special vocational preparation.

You visit this website, and then you type the work you’re qualifying with there and search. For example, electrical engineers.

You need to print this page because when you scroll down, when you come to job zone, it shows down, SVP range. For these electrical engineers is between seven and eight, and that means it’s above seven on SVP range and that means this job qualifies.

What does that mean? If you’re qualifying through work experience, go to this website,, search for your work that you’re qualifying with, and print the page showing about your job, and it will clearly show that your job is on the SVP range of above seven (7).

Make sure you print the page and go with it to the DV interview.

Finally, the other document, the third one that you should prepare, and this is for some embassies. For example, in Johannesberg (South Africa) embassy do request for this, and sometimes others embassies also requests for this.

Form DS-5535

The form DS-5535 is simply a supplemental question on the visa applicants, and it is for further security and background checks. You fill this. Some part of the form required passport and travel history, relatives’ details, address and contact information.

You fill about your social media, all the media accounts that you have, you list them there, your employment history and then you sign and you’re done.

See Form DS-5535 Sample

This simple form is very important to prepare it upfront before you attend the DV interview, especially for some embassies. You just check the history of your embassy and see if they require this.

It is better you prepare it. If you are requested for it, you just produce it. If you don’t produce this, you’ll have to be put on AP, that is the 221G refusal until you fill this and submit it the embassy for them to process your visa.

Another set of documents that might not be listed but you need to go with and this is for the case of those people that married after applying for the DV lottery and get selected.

Prepare yourself with proof documents of your existent relationship, even before the DV application because you will have to prove to the consular officer that this not an illegal marriage, that you did not get selected and you decided to just marry to give this other person a chance to be in United States, you need to prove it.

You can go with photos, bank statements that both of you share accounts with, receipts that you used even before DV application, or all activates that can support that both of you were engaged even before you did the application.

Question: Is it acceptable to send the form I-134 and accompanying documents electronically?

Answer: No, only hard copy.

Question: I married with children and added them during the application, will I be asked proof of my marriage?

Answer: You must have the marriage certificate.

Question: Where will I get that form for supplement question?


DISCLAIMER: This post and content is designed for general information only and is NOT legal advice. This site is not offering any Diversity Visa and is not the official site for DV Lottery program. The information presented in this post should not be construed to be formal legal advice.

How to change from U.S Visiting Visa (Tourist Visa) to Student Visa

How can someone traveling to the United States of America through visiting (tourist) visa can change from visiting visa to another type of visa (Student Visa)? Let learn How to change tourist visa to student visa in USA.

This guide will focus on being a student, two types of students in this particular case.

How to change Tourist Visa to Student Visa in USA

It is one of the most frequently asked question that is, “if I come to the United States through visiting, can I find a way to change it from one visa type to another visa type?”

The answer is yes. There are legal procedures someone can be able to do that and it will explain in this guide.

If you are going to U.S on a visit via B1, B2 visa, when you go there, it depends on the duration given to stay in the United States, the visa duration. While you are there, you can apply to become a student, and being a student, there are two types of students.

There are Students who are seeking degree and students who are going to do what is called non-degree program. These two categories also determine two different types of visas or categories of students. They are as below:

  • F1

F1 visa, which people talk about every time, because this is for people who are seeking degree.

When you travel to U.S, maybe you want to do bachelor’s degree or you go to community college, then bachelor’s degree, then you are going to do masters, doctorate, that is F1 student.

F1 student is an international student visa, which allows you to go to a university or college for a degree seeking program.

But what if you don’t want to get a degree? You are going to the vocational school. You are going to get what is called non-degree program.

Remember, in the United States, they don’t have something called diploma as a level of education like in other country. In U.S, diploma or certificate is called non-degree program.

So if you want to pursue what is called non-degree program, you are going to apply for M-visa, not F-1 visa, M1 visa.

  • M-1

M-1 visa is a visa for a student or a person who wants to travel to U.S to pursue non-degree program or rather going to study what is called the vocational schools.

You attend flight school, cooking school (culinary school), study Cosmetology (the study and application of beauty treatment), etc. There are certain programs you are allowed to go and take those one. If you want to take the English-speaking one, even if it’s non-degree program, is not part of the M1, is going to be part of the F1, that is one of the categories which is different.

Note: Not all institutions are allowed to give you M1 visa because you can apply for non-degree program for this certificate, e.g cosmetology, but just going out there and just get admitted doesn’t give you the documentations, which you can be allowed to enroll to those particular schools.

Remember, there are some schools that are not allowed to have international students. So in order to avoid that, there is a list of vocational and non-degree institutions which is called M1 students, are allowed to go.

There is something called a student exchange visitor program. In that particular category, there is a website, which is the website of the Department of Homeland Security, which has the list of all institutions which are allowed to enroll people to get these programs and the universities or institutions in general.

Some might be community colleges. They can allow to take M1 and F1 non-degree and degree seeking students, and some can be independent institutions, not directed to be the college in particular.

To see the institutions which are allowed, proceed here.

If you go to apply to an institution which is not allowed, then you are not going to be allowed to be given the visa.

Note: On that particular case, there are no scholarships in most cases when we talk about the non-degree programs. You are going on your own to learn any of your desired skill (e.g cooking, culinary speciality school, chef school, study about photography, videography, filming, etc).

Most of those one are not having scholarships. What does that mean? It means if you want to go to study for non-degree program, you have to prove that you are able to pay for tuition fees, and to be able to cater your own living expenses.

People who are in M1, are they allowed also to work like F1 student?

Remember, if you are a degree seeking student, F1, you are allowed to work 20 hours per week. Yes, M1 also are allowed to work 20 hours per week. Also, they’re allowed to work on campus.

What does that mean? If it’s a school year, you work on campus, when it is out of school, the holiday, you can work off campus, you are allowed to do that. But when you are looking for institutions, is better to look for bigger institution. Because if you look like a smaller institution, maybe they might not have works opportunities on campus for international students or rather M1 students, so better to look for the institution like community colleges.

Below is a website that has the name of states, name of the programs. You can select a state and you can choose all the programs you want in that particular state you want to apply.

Even if where you are outside the United States or you are inside the United States, that is one of the way you can be able to change, is to apply to do every single procedures and you’ll be given I-20, the same I-20 like someone is international student, M1 student will be given the same I-20 and you can be able to convert from one visa to become a student, either non-degree seeking or degree seeking student.

This is very important thing you need to understand about M1 visa.

Disclaimer: This site is not owned by any U.S Government Agency or an Immigration attorney. The contents in the site is for informational purpose only, collected from various public domains. You may need to contact an Immigration Attorney for your specific immigration needs.

I hope this guide has been helpful to you. Thanks.

5 Things NOT to Say at Your U.S. Visa Interview in order to get APPROVED Visa to go to the U.S.

Do you want to make sure that your U.S visa application is approved at a U.S consulate abroad? This guide is going to take you through 5 things that you should not be saying or doing at your U.S visa interview, to make sure that you get approved.

What not to say at your U.S visa interview, in order to get yourself approved. If you do these 5 things, you might not get approved for your visa.

5 Things NOT to Say at Your U.S. Visa Interview in order to get APPROVED Visa
  1. Not having a return ticket back to where you came from

You cannot go to get a non-immigrant visa at a consulate without making sure that you have a return ticket, a round trip ticket back to the country where you came from. Not necessarily has to be back to the country you came from, but it better be back to a country outside the United States.

You will not be issued a US visa to United States with a one-way ticket. If by chance you do get the visa, unlikely you’re going to get through Border Patrol, if you only have a one-way ticket. Because a one-way ticket implies that you are not leaving the United States, you’re going to stay in the United States longer than you should or permanently.

Make sure you have a round trip ticket booked and with you not only at your interview, but make sure when you’re entering the U.S, you have a round trip ticket.

  1. Don’t show ties back to your home country

You must show you have ties back to your home country, the country you’re leaving from to go temporarily to the U.S. You must show them and prove to them that you have a reason to return back home, either family, bank accounts, job, property, businesses, something that ties you back home and the reason why you’re only temporarily going to stay in the United States.

If you don’t have ties to your home country, they’re going to make the assumption that you have no reason to come back and you have no reason to leave the U.S.

Therefore, unlikely that they’re going to prove your visa. Make sure you have ties and you bring proof of that to your interview.

  1. Don’t mention U.S Citizens

Don’t talk about a U.S citizen, boyfriend, girlfriend, spouse, or very immediate relative. If you have a U.S citizen boyfriend or girlfriend or fiancé or spouse or immediate relative in the United States, do not talk about that at your interview. If you’re asked, do not lie, but do not talk about that on purpose.

For example, “I’m going to the United States to visit my US citizen fiancée.”

That’s not a good idea to do. You do not want them to have any reason to believe that you are going to remain in the United States permanently because you have access to a U.S citizen person that could sponsor you for a green card when you arrive.

Therefore, it is not a good idea at a Visa interview to talk about your U.S citizen, spouse, partner, mother, brother, etc, don’t talk about them unless you’re asked. If you’re asked, you do not lie at any interview, you tell them the truth. But there’s no need to bring up that fact when you’re in your interview.

  1. Don’t tell them you will be working in the United States

Unless the visa you’re actually applying for requires you to work. But if you are going into the U.S as a student or a visitor or someone who should not be working and is not authorized to work in the United States, you do not go into your visa interview telling them that you’re going to go work in the United States.

Even if you’re going to be working for your company abroad, even if you’re going to just be volunteering, you are not to be working in the United States on a visa that does not authorize you to work.

Do not talk about being in the United States working on any level unless there is a reason that you have to do it, that’s related to the actual visa. If not, and you’re not allowed to work because it is not authorized visa to allow you to work, then do not talk about anything that you’re going to work in the United States while you’re there.

  1. Don’t say the word “I Don’t Know”

Uncertainty at a U.S Consulate Visa interview will set off alarm bells for them. Because if you’re not certain where you’re going, where you’re staying, what you’re doing, what you’re allowed to do, where you’re going to work, what your job is going to be, where you’re going to perform, all these things are critical to show that you understand the parameters of the visa that they’re going to be issuing you, and what you can and can’t do.

Also, it shows that you understand why you’re getting the visa, and it shows that their credibility behind the actual application that was filed on your behalf.

If you are a recipient of an “O visa application”, Extraordinary Ability Visa application, and you go in and you have no idea, where you’re performing, what you’re doing, and you say that you’re a guitarist and you’re applied for as a backup singer, that is not going to work. That uncertainty is going to cause you problems at a U.S visa interview.

Make sure you do some homework before you walk into that interview and know the parameters of the type of visa that you’re applying for, and make sure that you know where you’re staying, what you’re doing, what you’re allowed to do, how much money you need, what is your itinerary, what is the name of your employer, the address of your employer and where you’re going to be staying.

All those things you need to know and be very certain of when you walk into that U.S visa interview. The words I don’t know is not a good one to put out there at a U.S consulate interview.

Those are 5 things that you should not do at a U.S visa interview in order to make sure that you get approved.

There’s lots of other things that you shouldn’t be doing or you should be doing, but those are top five. Those are basics that you have to be aware of when you walk into that visa interview. Make sure you don’t do any of those things. You get prepared, you do your homework, you talk to the attorney that helped you, etc.

I hope this was helpful. Good luck to you all out there.

Source: Szew Law Group

DISCLAIMER: This guide and content is designed for general information only and is NOT legal advice. The information in this guide should not be construed to be formal legal advice nor the formation of a lawyer/client relationship. the information presented in this guide does not create an attorney/client relationship nor is it a solicitation to offer legal advice.

5 Reasons Why You Should Never Let Your Green Card Expire

There are 5 Reasons Why You Should Never Let Your Green Card Expire which will be discuss in this guide.

Becoming a permanent resident of the United States should be a monumental achievement for you. After navigating a maze of paperwork, multiple interviews, and a few rigorous tests, and you finally held the hard-earned Green Card, you should be committed to keeping it valid and up-to-date.

5 Reasons Why You Should Never Let Your Green Card Expire

If you’re curious why you should be so vigilant, here are top 5 reasons for never letting his Permanent Resident Card expire:

  1. Your Job is at Stake

As a permanent resident, you should cherish the liberty to work anywhere across the U.S. But to exercise this right, you must prove your employment eligibility. Employers are bound by law to confirm the identity and employment authorization of their hires, and your Green Card simplifies this process. An expired card could potentially jeopardize your employment, a situation you’d rather not face.

  1. Your Love for Travel

As someone that his/her passion for travel knows no bounds. Being a U.S. permanent resident, you has the advantage of traveling internationally and returning with minimal issues. But this privilege is contingent on a valid Green Card. An expired card can lead to significant hiccups at the border or airports upon reentry, something that could dampen your travel spirit. Therefore, insists on keeping your Green Card current.

  1. Staying Out of Legal Trouble

While your status as a permanent resident doesn’t expire, your Green Card, the tangible proof of your status does. If your lets it lapse, you might face difficulties with institutions that require proof of your legal residency status, such as banks and government agencies. To sidestep potential legal disputes or misunderstandings, makes it a point to renew your Green Card regularly.

  1. Your American Dream

Becoming a U.S. citizen is part of many people American Dream. You wouldn’t want an expired Green Card to obstruct your path. If you decides to apply for naturalization, the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) would need to see your Green Card. An expired card could delay your application process. After working so hard and waiting so long, you wouldn’t let an oversight interfere with your dreams.

  1. The Much-needed Peace of Mind

Above all, you should value the peace of mind that comes with an updated Green Card. You should know the security of knowing your compliant with U.S. law, can prove your right to live and work here, and can travel abroad on a whim without worrying about reentry.

Moreover, avoid the stress and cost of potential legal complications that could arise from an expired card.

Renewing your Permanent Resident Card isn’t just a necessary administrative step, it’s a crucial part of safeguarding your rights and privileges as a U.S. permanent resident. As such, stays mindful of the expiration date and initiates the renewal process well in advance. This diligence is a small price to pay for the vast opportunities and freedoms that your Green Card affords you.

DISCLAIMER: This guide and content is designed for general information only and is NOT legal advice. The information in this guide should not be construed to be formal legal advice nor the formation of a lawyer/client relationship. The information presented in this guide does not create an attorney/client relationship nor is it a solicitation to offer legal advice.

7 Other Ways To Get A U.S Green Card, If You Did Not Apply DV Lottery

How to Get a U.S Green Card

Let talk about the various ways in which you can obtain a green card to the United States. What are the different ways in which you can get yourself a U.S green card and be a permanent resident in the United States?

7 Other Ways To Get A U.S Green Card, If You Did Not Apply DV Lottery

You can obtain a U.S green card through the following process:

  1. Through Marriage

The first way is through marriage. How about through marriage? If a U.S citizen or a person with permanent resident status in the United States wish to marry a non-citizen that is a person outside the United States, then they can do a legal marriage, and by sponsoring these spouse, they can eventually obtain their green card visa.

By getting married to a U.S citizen or by a person with the permanent resident status in the United States, you can get your visa through that. So if you get a chance to be married by a U.S citizen, then through that way you can obtain your green card.

  1. Through family sponsorship

What about family sponsorship? Maybe you have a family who are living in the United States or they are citizens of the United States. If that member of the family is above 21 years of age, then he or she is eligible to host a family member, maybe a parent or a sibling, too, and through that, they can get green card eventually.

Though it takes some time but you can get your green card by being sponsored by your relative in the United States.

  1. Through Investment

The other way that you can get your green card in the United States is through investment. If you are an entrepreneur and you have some amount to invest in the United States, and this amount should not be less than half a million U.S dollars, so you can invest your way into the United States and obtain a green card.

But you should have an investment worth half a million U.S dollars and create at least 10 jobs. If you comply to this, then you can invest in into the United States and you can obtain your green card.

When you invest your way into the United States, you obtain a visa called the EB-5 visa. This visa you’ll hold it and eventually upgrade it into green card.

  1. Through a work transfer process

The other way you can get your green card is through a transfer process, a work transfer process.

Let’s say, for example, a company is based in the United States and has several branches outside of the United States, and it wants to transfer you from that country to go into the United States to manage an office. Then this company can petition for your green card. But note that this company in the United States should have worked in the United States not less than one year.

So if they want to get a manager to manage their office over there in the United States, then they can consider transferring you from another country and petition for your green card, and this could be one way you can get your green card.

  1. Through Student Visa

You first obtain the student visa and by obtaining the student visa, it will entitle you to a one year post-course “optional practical training” (OPT). During this year, you’ll be working for a company.

When you’re working for a company during this one year, be friendly to your boss and get the boss to apply for you the HB-1 visa. After getting the HB-1 work visa, let your boss apply for you in the Department of Labor, for “Labor Certification”.

When applying for “labor certification”, the boss will have to evidence that there is no American citizen who is willing to take up on the job. By so doing and you get the certificate, then you can apply through that certificate for the Green Card through the Department of Home and Security.

This will take a very long time, but eventually it will be very good for you to do that. So if you have a student visa, you can walk your way into Green Card through that process.

  1. Through Work Sponsorship

You can as well obtain a Green Card through work sponsorship. If you’re outside of the United States and you get an employer who is willing to sponsor you, then you will get what we call the HB-1 visa. That is the HB1 work visa.

So you’ll be working for that employee in the United States under this visa. If you are good to your employer and the employer gets pleased with you, then he or she can proceed and fight for a certificate of labor for you in the Department of Labor.

Then afterwards, he/she can go ahead and take an evidence to the Department of Labor showing that there is no other United States citizen who is willing to take on the job and then he/she will apply for a certificate of labor for you.

Through the certificate of labor, then you can apply for green card. Through this process also you can obtain a green card.

  1. Through Diversity Visa Lottery

The final way that will be discuss in this post is definitely through the lottery, the famous Diversity Visa Lottery or the Green Card lottery.

You can win your way into the United States and get a Green Card through the DV Lottery Program. This is a program by the United States that occur every year in October. That is the beginning of the fiscal year of the United States.

Within the first week of October and the first week of November, the applicants are supposed to apply for the DV lottery. After that, a selection will be done automatic by the computers. If you are successful, then you’ll be selected and come in the following year, then you’ll get your results. If you are selected, you will proceed with the processes to obtain a Green Card visa.

Find out more about How to Properly Fill Out the DV Lottery Application Form (DS-5501) and WIN the Green Card here.

So the other way to get a U.S green card is through the famous Green Card Lottery. Remember, each year there is a provision of 55,000 visas in the Green Card Lottery.

These are the ways in which you can obtain a Green Card into the United States. What are you waiting for? If you have the chance and opportunity, apply it through any of the ways.

I hope this guide was very informative to you.

Disclaimer: This site is not owned by any U.S Government Agency or an Immigration attorney. The contents in the site is for informational purpose only, collected from various public domains. You may need to contact an Immigration Attorney for your specific immigration needs.

How to Apply and Succeed As Single Parents In The DV Lottery Program | U.S Green Card Lottery

Single parents in the DV Lottery Program: This guide is for the single parents that are intending to apply for the DV lottery or are selected or they are selectees in the DV lottery.

Categories of Single Parents in the DV Lottery Program

We have two categories of single parents:

Category one: Maybe you have never gotten married in your life, but you have kids and that means that even when getting the kid, delivering the kid, there was no manly figure that was there to claim paternity of the kid or the kids.

Or if you’re a man, the lady gave birth to the kid and left the kid immediately, and therefore you are the custodian of that child as a man.

Category two: You are a single woman because you have a relationship with a man, and therefore you have kids whose birth certificate have the name of the second parent as well as yours. That means that during birth of your kids, that man was there to give you support and claim paternity of that kid.

You are in either of these situations or scenarios and you want to apply for the DV lottery or you have been selected a winner in the DV lottery.

  1. If you are in either of those scenarios and you are intending to apply for the DV lottery, the first key point that you should note is that you are supposed to apply as a single.
  2. Applying as a single, you have to add all of your kids. All of your kids must be lined up in the application.

Those two things must be done. If you get successful and you are selected, the process begins. So you proceed the way you did in the application.

When it comes to your kids and immigration, of course, no country will allow anyone to get out of the country with any kid without the consent of both the parents.

For the first case that you are single and your kids, no one came to claim paternity. That means that you have the full custody over your child. That means the children belong to you solely, you alone. No one claims the other parenthood.

In that case, you have nothing to worry about. You don’t need to look for any consent. In any case, whose consent are you looking for? You don’t have anyone claiming paternity.

Even on the birth certificate, there is no indication of the other parent. It is only you. And therefore that means these children belong to you. No consent is needed. You are right to go ahead and immigrate with them. You have the full custody over your children.

But when it comes to the single parent who is maybe in a relationship or was in a relationship and the kids have the second name of the parent in their birth certificates. So there’s someone claiming the parenthood of the children as well. In this case is when you will be required to have the consent of the other parent.

You cannot move out with the children without the consent of the other parent claiming parent hold of the children. It does not mean that it’s a hard process. You just need to get the other parents to sign a consent letter.

It must be a notary consent letter, meaning before an advocate or a court that is signed and stamped by the legal authority that the other parent intends the children to immigrate with you. In this case, you will be required to look for that consent letter and it should be notary, that should be noted.

If you are a single parent, and you have another parent claiming parenthood of the children, then look for his or her consent.

However, there is a second option, if at all you cannot reach the other parent, maybe you were in a relationship long time ago and there’s no way you can access this other parent, then you need to look for the full custody through a court, the full custody of your children. It is called the sole custody.

That means that before a court or an advocate, you will sign the sole custody of your children. It means all of the decisions around your children be imposed on you, be transferred to you.

When you obtain the sole custody over your children, then you have the right to make all decisions, be it academic, be it immigration, about your children, you are allowed to do that. That is the second option.

If at all you cannot reach the other parent in whichever way, then you can go and seek to sign the sole custody of your children and you’ll have all the decisions over your children by yourself without needing any consent letter.

Finally, remember that in this case, if you don’t or you are unable to get the consent letter, you will not be allowed to get out of the country with your children.

Some Questions About Applying As Single Parents In The DV Lottery Program

Question: Is there any advantage applying as a single parent?

Answer: No.

Question: What if I don’t want to initially travel with the kids and later pick them up? Should I tell them so or keep it to myself.

Answer: First, even if you don’t want to go with them, you have to add them in application and also in ds260. And in DS-260 you select not immigrating with them.

Question: I’m the principal applicant and have a husband and daughter, I filled DS-260 with both as my accompany but we got issues with the husband, can I travel alone with daughter, what do I expect on interview because since we separated he won’t be coming, can I remove him?

Answer: First, a consent letter for the kids from him is a must. Second, you can immigrate without him.

Question: Will you be denied visa if you applied as single parent but you want to leave your child behind?

Answer: So long as you included the kid in the application you are safe. You can choose not to immigrate with him. However if you left the kid out, you will be denied visa.

Question: Can you be denied visa if you are married for like 20 or 25 years and you recently got your marriage certificate like this year.

Answer: No you won’t be denied. You did good to get the certificate.

Question: The person on my son birth certificate died some yes back which was my uncle, since the father deny the pregnancy and I don’t have any information about his dead. How am I going to do to have consent letter for my child, can a lawyer sign the consent letter for me?

Answer: A lawyer cannot sign. What you do, get the uncle death certificate. You will be totally safe.

Question: What if one is a widow how do you go about it?

Answer: You use the death certificate of the husband.

Question: If I happen to fill DS-260 form before I give birth and I don’t include my baby, will I be denied visa? or where will I fill baby’s details? Or I can wait to start the process once I give birth?

Answer: You will fill the DS-260 early, and unlock it to add the newborn.

Question: Does the consular at the embassy ask for consent letter during interview or is it at the port of entry you are asked for?

Answer: At the embassy.

I hope this information for the single parents is clear.

DISCLAIMER: This post and content is designed for general information only and is NOT legal advice. This site is not offering any Diversity Visa and is not the official site for DV Lottery program. The information presented in this post should not be construed to be formal legal advice.

Success Beyond the Submit Button: The DV-2025 Lottery Application Form Success Page

Winning the Diversity Visa (DV) Lottery is a dream come true for thousands of hopeful applicants worldwide. The journey to securing a spot in the United States begins with a single click, the submission of the DV-2025 Lottery application form. In this post, we explore the significance of the DV-2025 Lottery Application Form Success Page, which is more than just a confirmation; it’s the first step toward a brighter future.

  1. The Application Process:

Completing the DV-2025 Entry Form: The entry form is prepared in two parts, one for the primary Entrant and one for derivatives (if any). Each part must be completed correctly and completely before going to the next part. After all parts are completed, the entry will be submitted to the DV-2025 Processing Center.

The entry submission period for DV-2025 is from 12:00PM EDT (GMT -4) on October 4, 2023 to 12:00PM EST (GMT -5) on November 7, 2023. The entry form will only be available for submission during this period and this period only. The information you enter must be accurate and correct or you may be disqualified later.

To Apply DV-2025, Check=> How to Properly Fill Out the DV-2025 Lottery Application Form (DS-5501) Part One and Part Two (Derivatives Section)

Submission Confirmation: After successfully submitting the form, applicants are directed to the Success Page, which serves as confirmation.

DV-2025 Entrants may enter their confirmation information through the link ( starting at noon (EDT) on May 4, 2024. Entrants should keep their confirmation number until at least September 30, 2025.

  • The Significance of the Success Page:

The Gateway to Dreams: The Success Page is the threshold to a world of possibilities, it confirms your entry into the DV-2025 Lottery.

Peace of Mind: Success page (confirmation page) brings relief and excitement, knowing that your application has been received.

  • The Importance of the Confirmation Number:

Retaining the Confirmation Number: After properly filling out the DV-2025 Lottery Application Form (DS-5501) and you received this success page, please make sure you print out this success page and also write out your confirmation number before you exit it.

Retaining the confirmation number provided on the Success Page is very important, as it is essential for checking the application status.

  • Checking Your Status:

Tracking Your Application: Applicants must use the confirmation number to check the status of their DV-2025 Lottery application on the official website.

You must remember to check the lottery results yourself online using your confirmation number. The State Department will not send you a letter or an email to let you know if you have been selected.

Note: Being selected in the DV Lottery does not guarantee you will receive a visa. Selection means you can move forward in the DV Program.

  • What Comes Next:

The Waiting Period: Those who are lucky enough to get their applications in successfully on time will wait for the results that will be available next year. They will need to wait until the May 4, 2024, before entering their Confirmation Number and other details on the DV Lottery website and checking the status of their application.

  • Preparing for Success:

Preparing for the Next Steps: If you are selected in the DV Lottery and have the qualifications, you can apply for an immigrant visa. If approved, you would be able to go to the U.S., become a permanent resident, and get a Green Card.

(i) Sign up to apply for an immigrant visa at the portal.

(ii) Fill out and submit your immigrant visa application, Form DS-260, online. Learn more about Form DS-260 before you submit it. Selected entrants are encouraged to complete the online DS-260 application immediately to schedule an interview appointment at the appropriate U.S. Embassy or Consulate.

(iii) After you apply, you may receive an email scheduling you for an interview at a U.S. embassy or consulate. Learn how to prepare for your interview.

(iv) Do your medical examinations.

(v) Your interviewer will tell you if you are approved for an immigrant visa. At the end of your immigrant visa interview at the U.S. Embassy or Consulate, the consular officer will inform you whether your visa application is approved or denied. When approved, you will be informed how and when your passport and visa will be returned to you.

Find out more about the Documents Required After Winning DV (Green Card) Lottery


The DV-2025 Lottery Application Form Success Page is more than just a digital confirmation; it’s a symbol of hope and potential for a brighter future. The journey to realizing the American dream begins here, with that single click, and the confirmation number you receive is your key to tracking your progress.

As you navigate the waiting period, remember that the Success Page is a tangible sign of your determination to reach new horizons. With preparation, patience, and a little luck, the DV-2025 Lottery may be the first chapter in an incredible story of success and transformation.

DISCLAIMER: This post and content is designed for general information only and is NOT legal advice. This site is not offering any Diversity Visa and is not the official site for DV Lottery program. The information presented in this post should not be construed to be formal legal advice.

Diversity Visa Lottery 2025 | Electronic Diversity Visa Entry | How to Apply for DV Lottery

Electronic Diversity Visa Lottery Entry: Interested individuals who are eligible are encouraged to apply, including selectees who were unable to obtain a visa during a prior program year.

The Diversity Visa Program (DV Program) makes up to 50,000 immigrant visas available annually to individuals from countries with low rates of immigration to the United States, based on a random drawing among all applications. The DV Program is administered by the Department of State (DOS) of the United States.

During each fiscal year, you can register for the Diversity Visa Program (DV) for a limited amount of time. Each year, the Department of State publishes comprehensive guidelines for applying to the DV Program. These instructions contain the dates of the registration period during which you may participate

All entries must be submitted electronically during the specified registration period on the Electronic Diversity Visa (E-DV) website. No late entries or paper entries are permitted. During each registration period, the law authorizes only one entry per individual.

To detect multiple entries, the Department of State employs sophisticated technology. You will be disqualified for submitting more than one entry. This website cannot be used to submit an entry until the date and time specified on the DV Instructions page.

Diversity Visa Program Cost

There is no fee to enter the green card lottery.

Diversity Visa Lottery 2025 Start Date

When can I apply for diversity visa 2025 lottery? The U.S Department of State Website for the 2025 Diversity Visa Program (DV-2025) opens for entry submission from interested individuals who are eligible are encouraged to apply, including selectees who were unable to obtain a visa during a prior program year.

Only those from countries with low U.S. immigration rates, who meet eligibility requirements, qualifies to enter for a chance to apply for this U.S. immigrant visa. The entry form will only be available for submission during this period and this period only.

Eligibility for DV lottery 2025

DV2025 applicants must be native of a Qualifying Country to Enter the Green Card Lottery.


  • For DV-2025, natives of the following countries and areas are eligible to apply…..view list


  • For DV-2025, natives of the following countries and areas are not eligible to apply…..view list

Diversity Visa Qualifications

A high school education means successful completion of a formal course of elementary and secondary education comparable to a 12-year course in the United States.  Only formal courses of study meet this requirement; equivalency certificates (such as the G.E.D.) are not acceptable.

  • Work Experience

If you are qualifying with work experience, you must have two years of experience in the last five years, in an occupation which, by U.S. Department of Labor definitions, requires at least two years of training or experience that is designated as Job Zone 4 or 5, classified in a Specific Vocational Preparation (SVP) rating of 7.0 or higher.

The U.S. Department of Labor provides information on job duties, knowledge and skills, education and training, and other occupational characteristics on their website The O*Net online database groups work experience into five “job zones.” While many occupations are listed, only two years of experience in certain specified occupations qualify an individual for a Diversity Visa.

Find out more about Education/Work Experience Requirement for DV-2025 Lottery Program>>>

DV Photo Requirements

DV entry photos must be of the same quality and composition as U.S. visa photos.  You can see examples of acceptable photos here.  Do not submit a photograph older than six months or a photograph that does not meet all of the standards described at the link below.

Find out more details about DV-2025 photo requirements.

How to apply for DV lottery 2025

You will submit your Electronic Diversity Visa Entry Form (E-DV Entry Form) online at

The entry form is prepared in two parts, one for the primary Entrant and one for derivatives (if any). Each part must be completed correctly and completely before going to the next part. After all parts are completed, the entry will be submitted to the DV-2025 Processing Center.

After you submit a complete entry, you will see a confirmation screen containing your name and a unique confirmation number. Make sure you print this confirmation screen for your records.

Must READ:

DISCLAIMER: This post and content is designed for general information only and is NOT legal advice. This site is not offering any Diversity Visa and is not the official site for DV Lottery program. The information presented in this post should not be construed to be formal legal advice.

DV-2025 Lottery Application Checklist | All You Need To Apply DV-2025

DV2025 Lottery Application Checklist: The online registration for DV-2025 lottery will only be available on the State Department website ( between October and November 2023. This guide will focus on key things you need to easily apply for DV-2025 lottery (DV-2025 Lottery checklist).

The DV lottery is intended to diversify the American population and provide immigration opportunities for people from countries that only send a small number of immigrants to the United States of America.

This year’s (2023) Green Card Lottery is called the DV-2025 (where 2025 is the year selected applicants can enter the U.S) and it is scheduled to close for further applications by November, 2023.

Entries are open for all eligible applicants in addition to selectees from a prior program year who were unable to obtain a visa.

There is a limited period of time during which you can register for the Diversity Immigrant Visa (DV) Program during each fiscal year.

Applicants may be in the United States or any another country when they apply for the DV2025 lottery. The application can be submitted from the United States or from any country abroad.

Applicants that want to participate in the Diversity Visa Lottery must complete the on-line registration process at:

It is the applicants’ responsibility to check on-line, by themselves, if they were selected in the DV-2025 lottery.

The qualified applicants are selected randomly by a computer and all applicants have an equal chance of being selected.

However, if you are married, you have the advantage that you and your spouse can both apply and enter the lottery on separate applications where you include each other on both applications and you thereby double your chances of getting selected in the lottery draw.

Below are things you should know about before time and before applying for DV Lottery (Green Card) 2025.

DV Lottery Application Checklist

Passport Tips

  • Passport size photo
  • Dimension 2 x 2 inches (51 x 51 mm) in size
  • Taken with a white background
  • Recent (within the last six months)
  • For you and derivatives
  • No Selfies
  • No Glasses

Your photo is a vital part of your visa application. Checkout sample below:

DV Lottery Passport Tips
Image source: Travel-State Dept

Find out more about Photo Requirements for DV Lottery.

Access to Smartphone/Computer

  • Good enough
  • Internet Enabled
  • Doesn’t have to be expensive

Access to good internet connectivity

  • Able to search through browser
  • Good speed
  • Away from distraction

Have your details and of your derivatives

  • Have birth certificates for reference
  • Use information on birth certificates
  • Leave none of your derivatives out

Relevant qualification

  • Either academically (High school diploma)
  • Or work experience (two years experience within last 5 years, job with SVP 7 or more)

Find out more about filling Education and work experience.

Eligibility by country

  • You qualify by country of birth
  • Or country of your spouse birth
  • Or country of your parents’ birth
  • Not all countries are eligible
  • For DV-2025, natives of the following countries and areas are eligible to apply…..view list
  • For DV-2025, natives of the following countries and areas are not eligible to apply…..view list

DISCLAIMER: This post and content is designed for general information only and is NOT legal advice. This site is not offering any Diversity Visa and is not the official site for DV Lottery program. The information presented in this post should not be construed to be formal legal advice.

What To Do If Your Visa Application Gets Denied

Visa Application Gets Denied: Imagine you go in for your visa interview and after all that preparation, the consular officer or the immigration officer overseeing your visa interview and your visa application ultimately denies the case. What do you do?

Well, that’s what this guide will talk about. So make sure you read it very well from beginning to end.

What should you do in the unfortunate event that your visa application ultimately gets denied?

The first thing that you should know is that generally when a visa gets denied, the recourse that you have is basically to reapply.

Ultimately, when you reapply, it’s imperative to know what you need to do to improve your application, and in order to know that, you need to know why the application was originally denied.

Was the application denied because the immigration officer felt that you did not satisfy one of the requirements?

For example, for a visitor visa, you are required to overcome the presumption of immigrant intent. You have to satisfactorily convince the immigration officer that you are not an intending immigrant to the United States and that you truly plan to just visit the United States.

So was your visa application denied because you didn’t successfully do that? Or did the consular officer determine that you’re ineligible or you’re inadmissible to the United States for some reason?

For example, maybe you had a prior issue with overstaying a visa in the past and now you might be subject to some sort of bar from reentering the United States. Is that the case?

It’s very important for you to understand ultimately what the reason was why the visa application got denied? Because as I mentioned, your recourse is essentially to reapply.

When you’re reapplying you need to know what you need to fix with the application, is it just presenting some documentation more strongly or is it something entirely different?

For example, in the example mentioned above where there was an issue with a prior overstay, do you need to apply for some sort of a waiver to overcome that grounds for inadmissibility? All of this comes down to what the basis was for the denial.

Oftentimes when an immigration officer will deny a case, they may provide you with some sort of documentation that specifies the grounds for the denial, but sometimes they won’t, and that’s where it’s beneficial for you, depending on the circumstances, to ask the immigration officer to elaborate on the basis for the denial, so that ultimately you have a better understanding and you can communicate that with your immigration lawyer to develop a game plan for reapplying.

Also, to better understand whether it makes sense to reapply for this particular visa or if there’s potentially another visa that might be more suitable for you.

So there you have it.

If the visa gets denied:

  • make sure to understand why the visa got denied;
  • strategize with your immigration lawyer to determine whether it makes sense to reapply for this visa, whether you’re going to be required to apply for a waiver of some kind, whether it makes sense to apply for another visa or a different sort of immigration benefit and ultimately go from there.

Hope you found this information helpful.

You Must Do These After Receiving Your Second Notification Letter | DV Interview Appointment

Although, many DV winners may still be waiting for their second notification letter, but what follows immediately after you receive your second notification letter? In this guide, we’re going to see the following steps after receiving the second notification letter (2NL) and Diversity Visa prepare for interview.

To learn more about how your second notification letter will be like, read: What is Second Notification Letter (2NL), in DV Lottery Program?

As you read through the second notification letter sent to you, you’ll see a link. This link is meant for you to get prepared for the interview correctly and completely.

When you click on this link, follow whatever you’ll get in that page. When you do so, it will take you to Diversity Visa Program page under the website.

See image below:

Prepare for the DV Interview

There, you’ll see the processes of the diversity visa, step number eight is prepare for the interview. To prepare for DV interview is what you are going to do after receiving the second notification letter, 2NL.

Things You Must Do After Receiving Your Second Notification Letter

Below are the main things you must do immediately you received your second notification letter.

  • Carefully review your scheduling information in the entrance status check, on the EDV website, noting the date, time, and location of your of your immigrant visa interview.

When you go to the entrance status check and you log in, you receive your second notification letter. On the second notification letter, you will see all this information, the date, the time, and the location for your interview.

  • You review the United States embassy or consulate interview instructions

Remember, every consulate or embassy will have different instructions regarding the DV interview. You have to visit your embassy or your consulate and see the requirements for your embassy.

You will do so by following the list of U.S embassies and consulate, where you will find your embassy. Then you click on the embassy and see all the requirements/instructions.

  • Schedule and complete a medical examination

This is very important. The third requirement is that you visit the medical specified by your embassy and then schedule a date with them for examination. You will be required to present the medical examination during your interview.

  • Gather Photographs and all the documents required or specified

These documents include, two photos that are identical for each and every applicant in your application. Together with these photos, you’ll be required to provide the appointment information (this is the second notification letter printed), the DS-260 confirmation page printed, the passports of every member in your application, all the original documents that you filled in the DS-260 (make sure you have the original copies and certified ones).

  • Review U.S embassy or consulate interview instructions

How do you check your embassy’s instructions?

(a) You will go to list of U.S embassies or consulates interview instructions link.

(b) You will see all the list of the available consulates and embassies.

(c) Select your embassy, for example, if you are from Ghana, select Accra-ACC embassy.

i. Go down you’ll see the first instruction by Accra embassy in Ghana. If you are selected to be interviewed in that embassy, the first instruction is you register online.

ii. Go to register and register to confirm your interview date, that you will be available during the interview date posted by KCC.

iii. Get a medical exam in Ghana. Follow the link there to register, to schedule for your medical exam with the center specified by the embassy.

Note: From the link, you will schedule an appointment with the medical center specified by the embassy.

iv. Complete your pre-interview checklist. Preview the documents that you are required to have in the interview. You do a pre-interview checklist to ensure you have all the documents.

v. You review the guideline.

Note: These steps above are applicable in all embassies eligible for DV Interview Appointment. Check embassies eligible for DV Interview Appointment.

That all about checking the instructions for your embassy for your DV interview and steps after receiving your second notification letter.

DISCLAIMER: This post and content is designed for general information only and is NOT legal advice. This site is not offering any Diversity Visa and is not the official site for DV Lottery program. The information presented in this post should not be construed to be formal legal advice.

Diversity Visa Approved on the First Interview | How To Get It Done | Tips To Prepare For DV Interview

In this guide, we will learn specific things that you must do for you to have a smooth and successful first DV interview and get your Diversity Visa approved.

It will focus mainly on the tips that you can use in preparation for the interview and also during the interview process to get your Diversity Visa approved.

As a first timer in the DV lottery interview or it’s your first time to attend the DV interview, there is a great tendency of panicking or missing some things in the preparation or during the interview.

Tips To Prepare For DV First Interview

  1. You need to familiarize yourself with the whole interview process.

You’re going for the interview, just as the other normal interviews, the work interviews, or any other interview, you need prior preparation, you need to familiarize yourself with what it takes for the interview.

How do you do this?

You do this by simply consulting the previous interviews. Those people that have undergone through the interviews, and how do you consult with those interviews?

It is by going through the interview experiences. People are very generous with their information. Many that have gone to the United States, many that have passed through the DV interview, they have shared their interview experiences all over the internet and they are all different experiences.

You’ll find some for single persons, you’ll find some for married people, you’ll find some for married with kids, and others single with kids. When you go through those interview experiences, you’ll learn a lot of things. For example:

  • You’ll know what happens during the interview.
  • You’ll know what changes you can make during the interview.
  • You’ll know what people to meet at the embassy.
  • You’ll know what happens at the security check.
  • You’ll know what size of baggage you should carry.
  • You’ll know of the questions that you get during the interview, and you’ll know how to correctly go around those processes.

You need to go through the interview experiences.

Read: DV Interview Questions and Answers

Go through it, you’ll get to familiarize yourself with the whole process, and this will eliminate the panic that comes.

In other words, you will have gone through a mock interview. It’s like you’ve gone through a virtual tour of the whole interview process, and when you go for the interview, you’ll find yourself that whatever you’re meeting or encountering will be what you already know of.

So it’s very important to go through the DV interviews for you to get all this information. Go through the different interview experiences from those people.

  1. You need to prepare the documents that are required correctly and they should be organized correctly.

The documents form the very important part of the DV interview because you’ll have to present those documents. What are those documents?

They are the supporting documents to the information that you field on your DS-260 form. Every document that is required, you need to have it.

Remember, there are some documents that need to be notarized. That is to certify them. They need a certified copy of the original one. So you have the original copy and a different one that is called certified.

READ: Original And Notarized Documents For DV Lottery Interview

You will get this certified from the custodian of your documents in your government. If it’s the birth certificate from the registrar of birth, for the marriage certificate from the registrar of marriage, etc.

For those documents that are listed as requiring certified documents, don’t forget to get the certified documents. Prepare your documents well, both you as a principal applicant and those of your derivatives, for a smooth interview.

  1. Throughout the process, you have to be so honest.

Be honest with all information that you give. Be truthful. If you say yes, it’s a yes, and if it’s no, it’s a no.

If you don’t have these documents, don’t say you have them. Anything that you present should be true from the start to the end. Veracity is key. Lies are considered as fraud.

The principal item that will lead to your visa denial is for you speaking falsely, is for you presenting false information. That is fraud, and fraud is a definite visa refusal. So honest and truthful is what is needed in this process for a smooth interview.

  1. You need to stay calm and be self-composed during the interview.

Fear can arise, the fear of unknown, not knowing whether you’ll be successful or you will fail and that can create anxiety. Fear can cause you not to be at ease.

Therefore, one thing that you need to do and you need to exercise is to be calm and to be self-composed. By this, you’ll have the confidence to answer the questions that are forwarded to you.

You create this confidence and calmness by going through the interview experiences for you to at least have the prior information of the process. Panicking can mess you up, be self-composed and calm when you are going through your DV interview.

  1. You need to attend the interview with all your derivatives.

Derivatives must be present during the interview, if you leave the derivatives out then be sure you will not get your visa. All people that you included in your DV application as your family members (your spouse, your biological children, legally adopted children, stepchildren) you need to attend the interview with them, and they must be present there.

They should also have all the documents that they are required to have, e.g birth certificate, their passports, the police clearance certificate for all that are above 16 years of age. Every document that is attached to the derivatives must also be present.

DISCLAIMER: This post and content is designed for general information only and is NOT legal advice. This site is not offering any Diversity Visa and is not the official site for DV Lottery program. The information presented in this post should not be construed to be formal legal advice.

How Can I Check My DV 2024 Processing Status?

How do I check the status of my DV processing? This guide will give you brief and direct answer to that frequently asked question.

You can only check the status of your DV processing by visiting the CEAC website. That is the place where you will check and see the current status of your DV processing.

It is important to note that the CEAC for a certain DV lottery will open at the beginning of that certain year for that DV lottery. What does this mean?

For example, the CEAC for the DV 2022 opened up at the beginning of the year 2022.

For the case of DV 2023, the CEAC information or the CEAC website will be available for status checking at the beginning of the year 2023.

If you are a DV 2024 lottery winner, then you cannot access your information about the status of your processing at the time of posting this information. You will have to wait until January 1, 2024, that is next year.

Another question in connection with that, at the same beginning of the year, it is the time when we shall all be able to know the highest case numbers in the regions.

As at the time of posting this information, we cannot tell which case number is high in which ever region.

After the first day of 2024, that’s when we can know or we can have the CEAC information and we shall be able to know what the highest case number for each region.

Therefore, if you’re wondering whether your case number is safe or not safe for now, for the DV 2024, we cannot tell.

You might be having AF58,000 case number from Africa and it ends up being a safe number, or it might end up being a risky number.

You might be having AS23,000 and you think it’s a risky number but when that information comes, we may find out that though it is a high case number, it’s not a risky one, or it might be very risky.

So at this moment, it’s hard to tell that. Wait until January the first and onwards, for you to check your DV processing status if you are DV 2024 winners.

I hope this information is helpful. Thanks.

DISCLAIMER: This post and content is designed for general information only and is NOT legal advice. This site is not offering any Diversity Visa and is not the official site for DV Lottery program. The information presented in this post should not be construed to be formal legal advice.

If you have any questions about the DV lottery, please contact an immigration professional/officer or a licensed attorney.

Will Previous Visa Denial Cause Your DV Interview Denial?

This guide will clarify you on this question, will previous visa denial affect your diversity visa interview?

The answer is that the embassy or the consulate, they have all your information regarding the former visa applications.

If you’ve ever tried to apply for any visa, the visit visa, the student visa, the work visa, any other visa, including the tourism visa, every other kind of information regarding those visas, they already have the information.

Also tied to that, they also have all the reasons that caused your visa denial. They have all those information.

But does this affect you? The answer is yes. It affects you either way. It affects you positively or it can affect you negatively, and this depends on the reason as to why you are denied that previous visa application.

If you had applied, let’s say for a student visa and you were denied the visa due to insufficient document proof, insufficient documentation or insufficient financial support.

If you had this reason, that is not a valid reason to cause any visa denial, be it any other type or the diversity visa, those are just common reasons.

So it will not affect you if you have a reason that is just general, that cannot affect you.

But let’s say for example, the cause of your visa denial was on legal grounds, maybe a criminal record. If that was the cause, then definitely you are sure that it will also affect you in the diversity visa or any other visa that you are applying.

Because they will have to go through your criminal record and if they find that you are not fit for the immigration, then you’ll be denied.

So it depends upon the reasons as to why you are denied the visa.

But if it’s on just general lack of information, general lack of documentation that proves then that will not affect you.

But if it’s on the legal grounds, they might have to check thoroughly. If that legal ground reason still affects you, then definitely you’ll get denied your diversity visa.

So does the previous visa denial affect you in the diversity visa interview? The answer is yes. Either positively or negatively.

I hope this is informative.

DISCLAIMER: This post and content is designed for general information only and is NOT legal advice. This site is not offering any Diversity Visa and is not the official site for DV Lottery program. The information presented in this post should not be construed to be formal legal advice.

If you have any questions about the DV lottery, please contact an immigration professional/officer or a licensed attorney.

EB Visas: Employment-Based Visa to U.S Green Card

This guide will focus on the key points about employment-based visas (EB Visas) in the United States, the EB1, EB2, EB3, EB4, and EB5 visa.

If you have a temporary job in the U.S and your employer is willing to petition you for permanent residence, you may be eligible to get a U.S Green Card.

Employment-based petitions/visas are broken down into five categories: EB-1, EB-2, EB-3, EB-4, and EB-5. Each category is made up of sub-categories that describe the kinds of occupations that qualify for the specific visa.

You may be interested in going to the U.S to work, but into a more permanent role. In this case, you wouldn’t apply for the typical temporary visa like the H1B. You’d apply for an employment based visa, which is a straight path to a U.S green card.

Approximately 140,000 immigrant visas are available each year to newcomers who seek to immigrate based on their job skills. If you have the right combination of skills, education, and work experience, plus you are eligible, you may be able to live permanently in the United States.

In these cases, an EB visa, which is also known as an employment based visa, may be the perfect route for you.

Types of Employment-Based Visas & How to Apply EB Visas

  • EB-1 Visa

Starting with the EB-1 visa, which was designed for those who have an extraordinary ability, are an outstanding professor or researcher, or are a multinational executive or manager with the correct employment recognition. You could apply for the EB-1 visa through a Form I-140.

  • EB-2 Visa

EB-2 visa is designed for those who hold an advanced degree or exceptional ability. This is another visa that you can apply for through a Form I-140.

  • EB-3 Visa

Those eligible for the EB-3 visa are classified as a skilled worker, professional, or other worker depending upon your education skills and work experience, which is also applied through the Form I-140.

  • EB-4 Visa

EB-4 visa is geared towards individuals who are considered special immigrants, which usually include religious workers, some physicians, and others that hold specialized occupations.

Unlike the other EB visas already discussed, to apply for an EB-4 visa, you must submit a Form I-360.

  • EB-5 Visa

EB-5 visa was created by Congress to stimulate the U.S economy through job creation and capital investment by foreign investors, which can be applied for through a Form I-924.

Receiving an employment based green card is a permanent solution for those looking to move to the U.S.

All of the EB visas take about 6 to 8 months to process. Applying and submitting your forms correctly can be a complex process, so is highly recommend seeking immigration help.

DISCLAIMER: This article/post and content is designed for general information only and is NOT legal advice. I am not a licensed attorney and so the information presented in this post should not be construed to be formal legal advice. If you need legal advice, you may contact a licensed attorney.

All About The Diversity Visa Lottery Case Number | Green card Lottery Number

What does DV Lottery case number stand for? What is it and what do you understand about it? That is basically what this guide is going to tackle.

If you’re waiting for the DV results or if you’re waiting for your DV interview, this will be very important to you to understand.

What is DV Case Number? What is Green card Lottery Number?

The case number is the number assigned to each and every winner in a DV lottery selection. This means that you only get your case number if you are successfully selected.

After the results are out, if you check the results and you are lucky to have been selected, that’s only when you will have access to see or to know your case number. You will find this on your first notification letter.

That message that you find on the entrant status check, congratulating you on your selection. On that message, you will find your DV case number and the DV case number will look something like this 2023AF00012345.

The first four digits of the case number normally indicates the fiscal year for the DV lottery. What does this mean? It means the year in which the interviews will be conducted for the DV lottery.

For example, for the DV lottery 2023, that means the first four digits in the case number is 2023, the fiscal year in which the interviews are being conducted. For the DV lottery 2024, it will be 2024 in which the DV-2024 interviews will be conducted.

The second part is the two letters which stand for the regions. For example, we have the EU for Europe region, we have OC for Oceania region, we have AF for Africa region, we have AS for Asia region, and so on and so forth.

After these two letters we have the rest of the numbers, these rest of the numbers are the actual numbers standing for your position in the case number system. For example, you have 00012345 as your position in the case number system.

The case number is unique to each and every winner. No two individuals will share the same case numbers. The case numbers are issued randomly. There is nothing, no qualification or nothing that is considered when issuing the case numbers. It all depends on luck.

Whether you get a low case number or a high case number, that depends on the luck, on the selection, random selection. Nothing is considered when issuing these case numbers to the successful winners.

Therefore, some will be lucky enough to get low case numbers, while others will get high case numbers.

Each region has its own order. That is, each region will have a case number beginning from the lowest to the highest. For example, for the EU region, you might find that we have from a 0001 up to maybe a 00023,000. This is just an example.

For AS, you might find that we have a 0001 up to a 00036,000. Each region will have its own numbering.

Interviews are scheduled in the order of these numbers. This means that the interviews will be scheduled from the lowest case number in a certain region and numerically to the highest case number in that region.

For example, you might find that we have an AF, 10,000 and also an EU 10,000. Therefore, you might find similar numbers but in different regions.

Holes in DV Lottery Case Number

If in a certain region we have a certain number of selectees, it does not mean that there are in totality those numbers. For example, if for Africa we have AF 84,000 as the highest case number, it does not mean that we have 84,000 selectees from Africa.

In between from the lowest number to the highest one, there are many vacant spaces that we call holes. You might find we have a case number 0001 and we don’t have 0002 or 0003, but we have 0004, 0005, we don’t have 0006, we don’t have 0009, but we have 00010, and so on.

Therefore, between the lowest case number and the highest case number for a specific region, there exist vacant slots that we call holes.

If we have AF 84,000 for Africa, then you might find we only have half the number of selectees from the Africa region. This is just to exemplify.

Finally, remember that the case number is unique to every individual, the case number is personal and private. But if a case number comes to be known by anyone, it is not a risk. No one can impersonate you. No one can take your number. Your number is unique to you.

Every information that regards you is attached to the case number and it is hard for anyone to impersonate you to produce a true copy of your documents. Therefore, your case number cannot be stolen.

Thank you for reading this guide. I hope the information is good and relevant to you.

DISCLAIMER: This post and content is designed for general information only and is NOT legal advice. This site is not offering any Diversity Visa and is not the official site for DV Lottery program. The information presented in this post should not be construed to be formal legal advice. If you have any questions about the DV lottery, please contact an immigration professional/officer or a licensed attorney.

Second Selection for DV Lottery? How Many Times To Check DV Lottery Results?

Is there any second selection of the results in the DV lottery application processes and the results for the green card lottery? Is there any second selection for the DV Lottery?

For the DV-2024, the answer is no. The results are out once and for all, there are no second selection for DV Lottery or second results for DV Lottery.

These are some of the rumors people are saying, for example, I checked the first time I didn’t see anything, I came the second time, maybe two months later I was the winner.

Maybe you didn’t check it correctly, but if you check correctly, there are no second selection of the diversity visa rotary results.

The reason why sometimes it’s confusing which make people believe or think that there is second selection.

When you check the result, they say your entry has not been selected at this time. You may now ask, what about next time? They say at this time, maybe if I come next time it will be there. The answer is No.

It is at this time of the fiscal year of DV 2022, at this time of the fiscal year DV-2023, at this time of the fiscal of DV-2024, that particular fiscal year that we are talking about.

Another sentence which is confusing people is, “continue keeping your confirmation number until September.” So many people may say, “Oh, they say I have to keep the confirmation number, i didn’t win at this time.”

They didn’t say that if you are not the winner, keep the confirmation number. No, you needed to keep your confession number, especially if you are the winner, because you will use the confirmation number to sign in the DS-260 to process.

After September 30, it will be the end of checking the results of the one fiscal year and the next fiscal year. So no matter whether you keep it, if you are not the winner, that confirmation number means nothing at all.

How many times are you supposed to check the DV Lottery Results?

You can check your DV results first time, second time, many times you want. But even if you check 100 times, remember they cannot exceed more than the required number of visas per year.

If the winners is more than the number of visas, why should they put in the second selection? No, they don’t need to do that.

If you find out you have not been selected, will it change at a later date if you look again for the results?

The answer is no.

So if you check, you didn’t win DV lottery this time, prepare for the next lottery and you can also try to look for other opportunities which will be able to help you to continue and to be able to succeed with the process to relocate to the United States of America.

DISCLAIMER: This post and content is designed for general information only and is NOT legal advice. This site is not offering any Diversity Visa and is not the official site for DV Lottery program. The information presented in this post should not be construed to be formal legal advice.

If you have any questions about the DV lottery, please contact an immigration professional/officer or a licensed attorney.

What next after winning the DV Lottery? | How to fill DS-260 Form

Congratulations to DV Lottery Winners. What are the next step after winning DV lottery? After you have checked your DV lottery result and you realize that you have won, what will be the next steps?

In this guide, we will learn about what next after you checked your DV Entrant Status and realized you’ve won the DV lottery.

What are the next step after winning DV lottery?

The next step will be to fill the DS-260 form, the Immigrant Visa and Alien Registration Application. If you are a foreign national and you are among those successful selected for DV lottery, you are required to submit this online form.

This form is the form that will carry all the information of yourself together with those of your derivatives.

When you start filling the DS-260, it is advisable you feel it in stages. Don’t rush to feel it within a single day you, can fill it bit by bit. Fill one bit, that bit that you have filled, the documents and everything, save it, go and get the other documents and then continue to fill, then save.

For example, you might be having all the details that you have for yourself, the passports and everything, but you might not be having those for your derivatives, you are dependent.

Fill in your part, then save, go and apply the passport for your derivatives, your dependence. Get the passport, get everything they need, then come back again, open the form, fill those details and then save.

You go to the next step, there is a part where they need your host details, where your documents will be sent to the address of your host. So you go on, find your host, look for a host, request for their details, their address and everything that they need in that DS-260 form, then come back, reopen the form, fill it correctly and then save it.

Go on to fill every document bit by bit, every part of the document. It may take days, it may take a month, but make sure you feel bit by bit and in a relaxed state that you may feel correctly.

Then, after you’ve filled everything and you’ve confirmed again and again, then that’s the time when you comfortably submit and wait for the Second Notification Letter (2NL).

The DS-260 filling process should not be done in a single day, for you to be accurate, fill bit by bit, slowly by slowly, until it is complete, and then when you are sure that the details are correct, then submit it and wait for the next step.

How to fill DS-260 Form

In my next guide, you will learn how to fill DS-260 form bit by bit without making any mistakes.

Thanks for reading this guide, I hope it was so informative.

DISCLAIMER: This post and content is designed for general information only and is NOT legal advice. This site is not offering any Diversity Visa and is not the official site for DV Lottery program. The information presented in this post should not be construed to be formal legal advice.

Congratulations to DV Lottery Winners | It Is Not Over Yet If You Were Not Selected

The DV-2024 lottery results are out and people are busy checking. People have checked in their millions and they’ve gotten the results. Congratulations to DV Lottery Winners.

Did you applied successfully and you have been checking your DV lottery result, but you have been receiving errors and you get bothered? If you’re checking and you have errors, it’s normal. It is just the first period of the release of the results and the system can become overwhelmed, can become jammed.

It’s not a problem if you’re receiving errors, just give it some time and try again when the number of people checking have gone down. So just go later and check again and it will go through.

The first thing that you need to know is that the result that you get after checking remains permanent. It doesn’t mean if you check tomorrow or the day after tomorrow or some weeks ahead or some months away, it will change. It remains the way it is.

If you have been selected, congratulations to you. The process and the journey begins. What you need to do is to visit this site always for more updates that will be dropping in this site.

If you found out that you have not been selected, then that’s what we will discuss or talk about in this post because vast majority of people will not get selected. That’s a fact.

So if you’ve checked the results and it says based on the information submitted, the entry has not been selected for further processing this time around, that is not the end of it. It’s not the end of the world.

If you have not been selected, you need to keep your confirmation with you. Just keep it with you. In some rare cases, they do a second selection, and that is when they realize they have selected much less people than there are the visas.

They do a second selection around September and October. Keep your confirmation number with you up to that time. But that is a rare chance.

Also, if you realized that you are not selected, it means that you are not lucky at that time and you are not alone because millions of people were not selected too. That’s the first thing that you need to know.

Also, if you are not selected this time around, it does not mean that you are completely excluded from this process. There are more DV lottery coming. There is a DV lottery application this year, October, next year, and so on. It’s not the end of it.

You are not lucky this time around, keep on trying. Many have applied twice or more and was not selected and they never gave up.

If you do not get selected, what you’re supposed to do is you have another chance to try in the following years. Who knows? If you apply in this coming October, then one year from now, you might be celebrated. So don’t give up.

Yes it is so frustrating because some might have applied once, twice, thrice, four times, and so on, and they have not gotten selected. But don’t get frustrated. Never get frustrated. It is free to apply. Just try your luck. Year in, year out. One time will come and you’ll get selected.

For those who applied for the first time, you can also get frustrated because you had high expectation. Maybe you have a friend who just played once and was selected and you applied thinking so, but you are not selected and you now are trying to give up on this. You’re getting frustrated.

There are people who have applied several times and they have not gotten selected. Others applied for five times and the sixth time they got selected and they were celebrated with others. Others applied three times and they got selected.

Whichever the case, whether you are first timer or you’ve applied several times, you are not supposed to give up on this. Just keep trying in the next DV lottery.

Other ways to move to the U.S

If you really want to move to the U.S, maybe your hope is that one day in the future, you have to be in the U.S, DV lottery is just one way, one avenue to the United States.

If you are a student or you want to further your studies in the United States, that is another possible way. You can start your journey by becoming a student in the U.S.

Try out and find some scholarship or some programs that do the student exchange or some program that offer you an opportunity to study in the United States. That is another way if you really have to be in the United States.

There are many visas. If you have a family in the United States, maybe he/she went through the family visa, have your family file the visa or green card for you, i.e the F visas.

If you have a father in the United States, you have a mother in the United States, just have them file the family green card for you. That is another possible way that you can go to the United States.

Another possible way is by you trying to apply for jobs that are offered for foreigners by organization in the United States. There are many companies or institutions or organizations or workplaces that offer opportunities to foreign specialists.

So if you see a job that offers genuine opportunities of employment to people outside of the United States, then apply for that. If you qualify, try your luck through that. They are called the E visas or the EB visas. You just try your luck through that. You can also go to the US through those visas.

There are many others, including the business visa. If you are rich enough, you can go through the business visa. Those are just a few of the ways.

The point is that, if you are not selected for DV lottery this time around, you are not alone. There are millions of people that have not been selected too.

We have five months from now to the time that you apply for the next DV lottery. That will be DV lottery 2025. When October come, try your luck again, you never know, one year from now, we might be celebrating you.

Thank you for reading this guide.

DISCLAIMER: This post and content is designed for general information only and is NOT legal advice. This site is not offering any Diversity Visa and is not the official site for DV Lottery program. The information presented in this post should not be construed to be formal legal advice.

If you have any questions about the DV lottery, please contact an immigration professional/officer or a licensed attorney.

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