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Tag Archives: DV Interview Questions

Passport In DS-260 Form and DV Lottery Interview

Passport for DV: After the DV lottery results are out, and you are among the selectee (i.e you won), the next thing is filling the DS-260 form.

Individual that are selected in the DV lottery and are waiting for their interviews, yet they don’t have this document, i.e the passport, this article will discuss about the passport for those that are waiting for the DV results and the passport throughout the whole process.

  • Those waiting for the DV results

The concern around the passport, famously known as the travel document, is brought about by the fact that majority of you that are waiting for the results don’t have their passports ready. That’s what raises the anxiety.

Can you be able to fill the DS-260 form, even without the passport? That is the travel document.

The answer is yes, you can fill the DS-260 form even without the passport. Answering this question professionally or technically is that you need the travel document for you to successfully and can fully fill the DS-260 form and submit it. You need the travel document. There is that section where you’re supposed to fill the travel documents. You as the principal applicant and also in the DS-260s of the derivatives, there is a section that you’re supposed to fill in that information.

Therefore, a solid or the best answer to the question, Must you have the travel document in order to fill the DS-260 form? Yes, you need that document.

Immediately after filling the application, the DV Lottery application, if you are hopeful for the results to be positive, that is, you get selected, it is good that you start preparing or applying for the passport immediately. The reason is because, in some countries, there might be delays in getting the passport.

You would have ample time to apply and get it before the results are out. The passport in many countries, they don’t expire within a short time. They go up to 10 years of expiry. Even if you apply and you’re not successful during this DV Lottery, then apply the next DV Lottery and you get successful, then your passport will still be there with you. It is not a must that you have it for you to fill the DS-260 form.

What are you supposed to do? How do you go around the passport?

You might be knowing that you can use other travel documents if they are availed in your country. But if you don’t have the alternatives, what you’re supposed to do in that slot where you place your passport number, you can use any other document identifying you. For example, your national identification number, you can use maybe your baptism number or you can use whichever number that identifies you. Then you submit your DS-260 form.

This is important for those that have derivatives as well. If your derivatives are the ones without the passport, then you can use whichever documents that identify them in that regard, and then submit the document, the DS-260 form.

If it is your child and is not yet up to the age that he or she can obtain your national ID, then you can use your national ID as the principal applicant in their place, and then submit the DS-260 form. Because the point is to submit the DS-260 form early enough because the DS-260 forms are always processed in the order of their submission. So submitting early, that is the point.

Even if you don’t have the passport document, fill it using whichever identification number and then apply for the passport. Then afterwards, after you’ve gotten your travel documents, then you come back, request for the unlock from KCC, and then update the DS-260 forms.

  • The second concern, the passport

This is for those that are already scheduled for the interviews and they don’t have the passport. The concern is, can they attend the interview even without the passport? The absolute answer is no. You can’t attend the interview without the passport. Why?

Because if you go through the interview you successfully and you get your visa approved, the visa itself is stamped onto the pages of the passport. If you don’t have a passport, where will they stamp that visa? It is a must that you go to the interview with your passport. If you don’t have the passport, you don’t have an option but to reschedule your interview to a later date when you will have your passport documents.

Even if you attend the interview, it won’t be successful without the passport. You will have to present the passport.

Having your passports ready with you, has a great deal of advantages.

  1. You won’t be required to unlock your DS-260 forms for any update around the travel document section.
  2. Having your passport gives you an upper end over those without, when it comes to opportunities. When you get an opportunity, then you are easier to relocate than those without.

Remember, there are many avenues to the United States, various visa to the United States. Even moving to other countries where you would like to, you need the passport. You have an advantage.

  1. It does not expire soon, you can just apply, be with it and be trying those opportunities. Once you get it, you are just ready because you have the passport.

Question: What if the passport number I used for dv application expired and I got a new one, can I use the old passport number or the renewed passport number?

Answer: Change to the new one. You have to do it.


Answer: No

DISCLAIMER: This post and content is designed for general information only and is NOT legal advice. This site is not offering any Diversity Visa and is not the official site for DV Lottery program. The information presented in this post should not be construed to be formal legal advice. If you have any questions about the DV lottery, please contact an immigration professional/officer or a licensed attorney.

DV Interview: Never Ignore Embassy DV Slightest Instructions

This guide comes as an advice to those that ignore details in the DV process. Never ignore Embassy DV Instructions, you should know that by doing simple mistakes, simply by ignoring things can be very detrimental.

How a Woman Almost Missed Her Green Card Visa

Recently, someone shared her interview on the internet. She spoke very well of how by doing very slight mistake on one of the documents, ended her being put to 221G visa refusal, that is administrative processing for more than eight months.

She was put under 221G for more than eight months. She did the interview in January and was put to AP until September the 22nd, 2023. This is what happened.

She is a single lady with kids and she applied a single and was selected and she won. Then she filled the DS-260 form, including the details of her kids and submitted.

In the process of waiting for the second notification letter (2NL), she gathered information and she came to realize that she will need a consent letter for the kids from their father.

She had a low case number, so she was expecting the interview very early in the fiscal year.

She got the information that she needed the consent letter and she went ahead to organize for one. She liased with the father of her kids and the father was so willing. They went ahead to the court and they signed the consent letter prepared by a lawyer. The lawyer prepared the letter and then presented to the father to sign that he consents the kids to immigrate with the lady.

She has this document together with other documents. The second notification letter comes and then she scheduled for the interview in the month of January 2023, and then she goes ahead for the medical examination, pays all the fees required in the medical examinations. Then she proceeds to the interview on the interview date.

During the interview, she goes through the processes with the consular officer, and then she gets the visa refusal, 221G.

She is told that your interview is successful, but there is some problem with this document, the consent letter.

On the consent letter, the lawyer, instead of putting, immigrating with the kids, the lawyer had put traveling with the kids. There’s a difference between those two terms.

There is traveling, meaning moving with the kids from one country to the other freely, going to and back from the country, that is traveling. Immigrating means moving with the kids out of the country to go and relocate to a new country and live there.

In other words, to immigrate is to come and live in that country, that new country. So there was that mistake. The lawyer put traveling with instead of immigrating with.

The consular officer at the embassy pointed out that mistake and then told the lady that we will put you to 221G visa refusal and presented the yellow document circling that statement saying “the consent letter”.

Then she was told to go and get the consent letter corrected and that’s what she did. Within three days, she had corrected the consent letter and then sent it back to the embassy through the DHL.

After some time, she wrote to the embassy to confirm whether they had received the consent letter, and the embassy responded that they had received and they are now doing the administrative processing. They are going through the document. But this did not happen so soon. It did not happen so quickly. It was not fast.

They processed this document not for one month or two months or three months, not even for six months or seven. It was over eight months, and this lady was almost giving up because she had written to the embassy follow-up emails many times. Sending the follow-up email regarding the two-to-one visa refusal, but she was not successful.

She did the interview on January, and she waited for up to September towards the end of the fiscal year, 22nd of September, just few days to the end of that year.

Remember, that this year, DV-2023, it ended so early, even before the 30th of September. You can imagine the tension that she was in because of that slight error.

Lesson to Know

The simple details that you need to do and to follow to the letter, if you ignore, you have yourself to blame. Because this lady followed all the procedures to get the document, but only a slight mistake almost cost her the visa.

So every simple instruction given, if the embassy request you for the affidavit of support and you don’t have and you end up being put to 221G, you never know how long that case might take to be solved.

In fact, there are 221G visa refusals that are dealt with within a week or two weeks. But there are others that take months. Others, the fiscal year ends even without processing them, and those individuals, they end up not getting their visas just due to simple mistakes, ignoring the instructions.

So the point here is, avoid at all costs being thrown into AP processing. Avoid at all costs the 221G visa refusal. Don’t dare, because you don’t know how long your case might take if you are put to 221G visa refusal.

That was just a narration to clearly outline that there are things that you might ignore and seems to you very simple, but might end up denying you your visa. You need to be cautious.

It would be better you be over prepared than being less prepared and be thrown on 221G visa refusal.

Question: can you denied a visa if you lack to proof or produce police clearance certificate?

Answer: Yes indeed, you certainly will be denied because it’s one of the required documents.

Thank you for reading this guide, I wish you all the best. Please get prepared.

DISCLAIMER: This post and content is designed for general information only and is NOT legal advice. This site is not offering any Diversity Visa and is not the official site for DV Lottery program. The information presented in this post should not be construed to be formal legal advice.

What Question do they ask DV Winners at DV Lottery Visa Interview?

DV Lottery interview Questions and Answer

People do ask question about the type of questions that are expected to be asked in the Diversity Visa (DV) lottery interview and what are the correct answers you need to have in order to guarantee you to be given the visa.

Remember, when you apply and win the diversity visa lottery doesn’t mean it’s a guarantee to have or to be given the visa. There are other things, there will be interview for that. But the interview for the diversity visa lottery is one among the easiest, the fastest type of the interview you’ll ever have, if you have ever been to the U.S Embassy by any case.

Why this type of visa interview is different and what type of the questions are they going to ask you?

They are not going to ask you questions which are part of what we call non-immigrant visa. Remember, the non-immigrant visa is the visa type where you apply to go to the United States of America for a specified period of time, like you are going as a student for two years in Master’s program and expect to come back to your country or to go for bachelor’s degree for four years and expected you to come back after finishing your studies.

For that particular case, most of the questions for non-immigrant visas will be towards you proving that you’ll be coming back to your home country. You don’t have the any type of intention to relocate and to stay there permanently.

But the good thing is the Green Card Lottery is immigrant visa, meaning you are going to be sponsored by the U.S government, guaranteed by the U.S government to become permanent resident of the United States of America.

For that case, they are not going to ask you a question like “Tell me or prove to me that you’ll be coming back to your home country”, “Tell me how much you love your country”, “Tell me how committed you are”. They don’t care all those kinds of things. But what then do they care about?

DV Lottery interview Questions and Answer

They are going to ask you to prove to them that you are who you are, but first they’ll just congratulate you for winning the DV lottery before even they ask you anything.

They are going to ask you about your education or work experience.

Question: What is your level of education?

Answer/Hint: My level of education is a bachelor’s degree, is high school, is masters.

Question: Show me the evidence. Give me the certification, give me the transcript you have.

Answer/Hint: You give to them your education documents.

Question: They might ask you, even if you have PhD, what do you do for a living? What’s your current job or what type of job do you do? Or what business do you do? If you say you do a certain job, they might ask you, do you have any documentation? How long have you been doing?

Answer/Hint: Prove to them by showing them your evidence which you need to have. They expect things like a contract letter from your employer, they expect things like a letter from your employer or ID. You need to have so many evidences to prove that you are who you are and you are working from there.

You have recommendation letter. You have any proof and documentation, including even the phone number of your supervisor or the owner or the manager who can verify in case they want to prove that.

Those are some of the questions they may ask you there. Other questions they might ask you are below:

Question: Which state are you going to leave?

Answer/Hint: I’m going to live in Virginia, I’m going to Washington, I’m going to live in Seattle, I’m going to DC, I’m going to Missouri, Kansas, or wherever it is you want to stay, you say it, they don’t care.

There is no right or wrong in which state you are going to stay.

Question: They might ask you, who is your host or what address are you going to stay? What is the relationship with that particular person?

Answer/Hint: I’m going to stay to this particular person, is my friend or is just the person I met online. I was looking for host is going to host me. My host is my relative, my nephew, my uncle, my classmate, whatever, they don’t care. As long as that person is not keen in criminal activities, they don’t care.

Question: They might ask you a question, what do you plan to do in America?

It doesn’t matter what answer you’re going to say, as long as it’s not a criminal related activity. If you say I haven’t made a full decision yet, maybe I might go to school or maybe I want to become a doctor or I want to join the military or I want to work in the warehouse.

Those are just some few questions they might ask just for curious that they want to know. After those questions, you are good to go. There are no many other questions.

That steps or that processes, it is less than three minutes if you are single. If you are married, it can go for five minutes and in the five minutes, they might ask some few questions to your spouse or a child. But those questions to a child or your derivative or dependent as a wife will not affect you in most cases for your visa.

They might ask your child, are you excited to go if you’re a child, what you plan to study? What’s your educational level?

Spouse education level has no impact in deciding whether to be given the visa or not to be given the visa.

This is the easiest type of the interview. About three minutes for a single, maximum five minutes if they’re married or someone with children.

Once you finish the interview, they will tell you to leave your passport with them. Your passport will remain there. They will tell you depending on the country where you are, either you come back on a certain day to take your passport, or they might tell you in some countries, they will send to you through DHL or whatever, certain location, depending on the country to country.

Within a week, maximum two weeks, you’ll have your passport. Once you have your passport, the visa’s term will be for six months to expire. You must travel to the United States within those six months.

Don’t wait too long. So within a month or two, if there is a possibility to travel, just make sure that you travel and go to the United States of America and start your life there.

DISCLAIMER: This post and content is designed for general information only and is NOT legal advice. This site is not offering any Diversity Visa and is not the official site for DV Lottery program. The information presented in this post should not be construed to be formal legal advice.

Marriage Questions and Answers on DV Lottery Process | Green Card Lottery Process

Marriage Questions and Answers on DV Lottery Process: This guide will answer some family questions regarding the Diversity Visa.

Marriage Questions and Answers on DV Lottery Process

Question: I filled single during the initial entry (Diversity Visa Lottery Application), yet I was married, can I add my spouse in the DS-260 form?

Answer: The answer is directly no.

When entering the diversity visa lottery program, you are supposed to be truthful. Meaning, if you’re married, you are supposed to choose you’re married.

If you had a spouse or children prior to submitting your original entry, but you did not include them on your original entry form, such errors may render you, as well as any of your family members, ineligible for a diversity visa.

If you listed a spouse or child on your original entry who was not your spouse or child at the time of entry, such errors may render you, as well as any of your family members, ineligible for a diversity visa.

If you’re married to a non-citizen of the United States, you indicate that. If you are married to a United States citizen, then you indicate that as well.

But if you’re married and you indicate you are single, there’s no way you can add the spouse in the DS-260. Since you said you are single. Such results to fraud, and fraud definitely will deny you Green card visa, if you did this.

If you applied as single, yet you are married, be sure that you will end up being denied the visa because this is fraud.

If you’re married, indicate you’re married and include the details of your family. If you’re single, just include your single and continue the process.

If your family circumstances have legitimately changed after submitting your original entry, you should add those family members and all family members’ applications will be reviewed.

Find out more about Marriage-Based Green Card Interview Questions and Answers

Question: I filled married because I was customarily married, during the process i separated with my spouse and therefore I cannot obtain a separation document or a divorce document. What will I do?

Answer: To answer this, if at all you cannot prove your separation legally, then there’s no way you will receive your Green card visa.

If you can find ways to get a legal separation, then that’s the only way. But if you are separated and you cannot obtain the legal separation document, then you are screwed. You cannot receive your diversity visa.

Find out more about Marriage-Based Green Card Interview Questions and Answers

I hope the answer to those questions is very clearly.

DISCLAIMER: This post and content is designed for general information only and is NOT legal advice. This site is not offering any Diversity Visa and is not the official site for DV Lottery program. The information presented in this post should not be construed to be formal legal advice.

Take These Tips To Pass Your DV Lottery Interview

Let discuss in details about how to go through your DV interview process successfully. Learn the major and key points regarding the DV Lottery interview.

Tips To Pass Your DV Lottery Interview

In your second notification letter, it will contain the destination of your DV Lottery interview. It will state the address of the embassy or the consulate for your interview. In that destination details, you’ll also see the time of your interview and the date of your interview.

The first important thing for you to do, is to make sure that you present yourself on that date and at that time before the consular or the consulate or at the embassy.

Don’t be late. If your interview is at 9:00 AM or 7:00 AM, make sure you are at the location of your interview before that scheduled time.

The councilor officer will interview you as the principal applicant together with your derivatives or the beneficiaries. Your spouse and your children, if you have that is important to note.

Sometimes they may interview you alone. But some other times or depending on the consulate or the consular officer, they might interview also your derivatives.

Ensure during your interview, you go with all the members that are in your application, all the beneficiaries, your spouse and the children, including the adopted children, if you listed them.

It is possible for you to attend the interview alone if you are not intending to relocate immediately with your derivatives. But it is highly advisable if you can, make sure you are interviewed with your beneficiaries at the same time and on the same date. Go with them to the embassy.

But if it is not possible, maybe you are in one country and your derivatives are in another country and there is no way you can come together, then you can go for your scheduled interview and also talk with the embassy or the consular officer for the planning of your derivatives interview.

The derivatives interview in this case should happen before the end of the fiscal year, and that is 30th of each September.

So that year in which you are required to conduct or to go through your interview, make sure September 30th does not reach before your derivatives they receive their interviews and their visas.

Because if it goes past without them receiving their interview, then they cannot relocate or come to live with you in the U.S. You will have to file a petition for them to join you in later years after you have relocated to the United States, and it will be a lengthy and a tedious process.

Remember, if it’s possible, go with the derivatives during the interview to be interviewed together.

If at all you are not able to attend the interview on the scheduled date, you have to call the embassy early enough and inform them to reschedule your interview date. But again, the interview date should not go beyond the end of the fiscal year, 30th September. This is very important.

Note that in some countries, the visas are exhausted or get exhausted before the end of the fiscal year. So for you to reschedule your interview to a later date might be very risky.

Important documents that you need when you attend your interview

  • The appointment letter, i.e the second notification letter (2NL). You print it and go with it through the interview as a printed document.
  • The DS-260 confirmation page.

This is the sample of confirmation page that you’re supposed to print for the DS-260 and present it during the interview.

  • The passports, both for you as the main applicant and the derivatives, the beneficiaries, the spouse and the children. Don’t leave them behind.
  • The photos. These photos, they should meet the requirements of two-inch by two inch in size and they should be of good quality.
  • The medical examination reports for all your beneficiaries together with yours.

Some medical centers will give you a sealed envelope containing the results that you are not supposed to unseal or to break the seal, but present it as sealed during the interview. Others will send the results directly to the embassy.

Other documents are the documents supporting your DS-260. They are called the supporting documents. This include the work experience document or the education documents, and every other documents that you filled in the DS-260, including the marriage certificate, the birth certificates for every individual, the police clearance certificates for all individual above 16 years of age in your application.

All these support documents, you are required to go with them without leaving them behind to the embassy.

Finally, if your language or your documents are not in English translation, then provide the English translations of the documents.

Don’t forget to carry with you the visa fee. It is normally per every individual that is in your application. You can find out more about the amount from your embassy.

DISCLAIMER: This post and content is designed for general information only and is NOT legal advice. This site is not offering any Diversity Visa and is not the official site for DV Lottery program. The information presented in this post should not be construed to be formal legal advice.

You Must Do These After Receiving Your Second Notification Letter | DV Interview Appointment

Although, many DV winners may still be waiting for their second notification letter, but what follows immediately after you receive your second notification letter? In this guide, we’re going to see the following steps after receiving the second notification letter (2NL) and Diversity Visa prepare for interview.

To learn more about how your second notification letter will be like, read: What is Second Notification Letter (2NL), in DV Lottery Program?

As you read through the second notification letter sent to you, you’ll see a link. This link is meant for you to get prepared for the interview correctly and completely.

When you click on this link, follow whatever you’ll get in that page. When you do so, it will take you to Diversity Visa Program page under the website.

See image below:

Prepare for the DV Interview

There, you’ll see the processes of the diversity visa, step number eight is prepare for the interview. To prepare for DV interview is what you are going to do after receiving the second notification letter, 2NL.

Things You Must Do After Receiving Your Second Notification Letter

Below are the main things you must do immediately you received your second notification letter.

  • Carefully review your scheduling information in the entrance status check, on the EDV website, noting the date, time, and location of your of your immigrant visa interview.

When you go to the entrance status check and you log in, you receive your second notification letter. On the second notification letter, you will see all this information, the date, the time, and the location for your interview.

  • You review the United States embassy or consulate interview instructions

Remember, every consulate or embassy will have different instructions regarding the DV interview. You have to visit your embassy or your consulate and see the requirements for your embassy.

You will do so by following the list of U.S embassies and consulate, where you will find your embassy. Then you click on the embassy and see all the requirements/instructions.

  • Schedule and complete a medical examination

This is very important. The third requirement is that you visit the medical specified by your embassy and then schedule a date with them for examination. You will be required to present the medical examination during your interview.

  • Gather Photographs and all the documents required or specified

These documents include, two photos that are identical for each and every applicant in your application. Together with these photos, you’ll be required to provide the appointment information (this is the second notification letter printed), the DS-260 confirmation page printed, the passports of every member in your application, all the original documents that you filled in the DS-260 (make sure you have the original copies and certified ones).

  • Review U.S embassy or consulate interview instructions

How do you check your embassy’s instructions?

(a) You will go to list of U.S embassies or consulates interview instructions link.

(b) You will see all the list of the available consulates and embassies.

(c) Select your embassy, for example, if you are from Ghana, select Accra-ACC embassy.

i. Go down you’ll see the first instruction by Accra embassy in Ghana. If you are selected to be interviewed in that embassy, the first instruction is you register online.

ii. Go to register and register to confirm your interview date, that you will be available during the interview date posted by KCC.

iii. Get a medical exam in Ghana. Follow the link there to register, to schedule for your medical exam with the center specified by the embassy.

Note: From the link, you will schedule an appointment with the medical center specified by the embassy.

iv. Complete your pre-interview checklist. Preview the documents that you are required to have in the interview. You do a pre-interview checklist to ensure you have all the documents.

v. You review the guideline.

Note: These steps above are applicable in all embassies eligible for DV Interview Appointment. Check embassies eligible for DV Interview Appointment.

That all about checking the instructions for your embassy for your DV interview and steps after receiving your second notification letter.

DISCLAIMER: This post and content is designed for general information only and is NOT legal advice. This site is not offering any Diversity Visa and is not the official site for DV Lottery program. The information presented in this post should not be construed to be formal legal advice.

The Principal Applicant And Derivatives that Must Be Present at the DV Interview

Principal Applicant And Derivatives DV Interview: In previous guide, we learned the important tips that will give you a successful DV lottery interview. If you’ve not read the guide, it’s good that you go back and read that guide.

READ NOW: How to Successfully Pass DV/Green Card Interview

But in this guide, we will learn one of those tips that you that is regarding not leaving your derivatives when you go for the interview.

The Principal Applicant Must Attend DV Interview

Derivatives are those people that you include in your DV process as the DV principal applicant. The principal applicant is the main person that played the lottery and was selected a DV winner.

The principal applicant (either he or she) must be present during the interview. The principal applicant cannot be left behind and the derivatives attend the interview. It is impossible.

The principal applicant is the one that is known to KCC. He’s the one that was selected and has the case number. So he’s the person that KCC knows of.

Let’s say, if the principal applicant decides not to proceed with the DV process, that means an end to the whole process. The derivatives cannot proceed without the principal applicant.

In another uncertain situation, might be the principal applicant dies. If the principal applicant happens to die during the process, that is also a total end to the process.

Even if the DS-260 was submitted and maybe you are waiting for the interview, but the principal applicant dies, then the program comes to a halt. The derivatives cannot attend the interview without the principal applicant.

These Derivatives Must Be Present at the DV Interview

Having understood that, let’s come to the derivatives. Who are those that should count as derivatives and should attend the interview together with the principal applicant?

The first qualified derivative that must be present during the interview is the spouse of the principal applicant. That must be included in the whole DV process, the first or the initial application, and also on the DS-260 form and be present during the interview.

The spouse is not a girlfriend or a boyfriend. A spouse is not a person that you’ve lived with for many years. A spouse is someone to whom you are legally married and you have the marriage certificate.

The marriage certificate is the single document that proves that this is your spouse. He or she must be added on the DS-260 form. That is the document that proves he or she is your derivative.

Therefore, if you are with a person that you’re not legally married, he or she is not your spouse.

The second person that should be present at the interview and is one of your derivatives is the child or children. All the children that the principal applicant has must be included in the initial application, as well as on the DS-260 form. Clearly outlined with their details.

The children that are your derivatives are not just children you’re living with, no, they must fall under these three categories:

  • Your biological children

The children that you gave birth to, your natural children, they are your derivatives and they must be added in the initial application on the DS-260 form and they must be present during the interview. If you leave them out, then that is a total visa denial.

  • Your step-children

This is second set of children that must be included. Step-children are the children of your spouse. If you have legally married your spouse, then the children they came with, they are your stepchildren, and they must be added in the initial application on the DS-260 form and must be present during the interview.

If you leave one of them, that is a visa denial, they must be included in the whole process. Another thing to note about the step-children, you don’t need the consent letter of their biological father or mother. Owing to the fact that you are now legally married to this new spouse, they become his or her step-children and don’t need the consent of their biological father or their biological mother.

Don’t forget to include your step-children and also attend with them to the interview.

  • Adopted Children

The children that you have legally adopted by a court procedure, a legal procedure, you’ve adopted the children. All those adopted children, they must be included in the initial application and also on the DS-260 form and must be present during the interview.

All those in the three categories above, those children must be under the age of 21. All the children have discussed about as your derivatives must be under the age of 21, and also they must not be married.

If your children are below 21 and they are already married, they don’t qualify to be added in your DV process.

Some frequently asked question regarding those people that should attend the interview

Question: If I don’t speak English, should I go with my interpreter?

Answer: Yes, you may go with your interpreter to the interview and the interpreter must be certified.

Question: Should you go with your parents to the interview?

Answer: No, you should not go with your parents to the interview.

Question: Should you attend the interview with the attorney?

Answer: The DV interview only requires you as the principal applicant and your derivatives. There is no need for an attorney.

Another thing that you should remember about the derivatives is that, they too may undergo questioning during the interview. So when you’re preparing for the interview, also let your derivatives know of this.

Make sure you prepare them as well with the example questions that they may be asked. Let them know about the DV process and let them know that they might be asked some questions and most cases they are asked most questions.

Finally, remember that you need to carry all the documents that are required, that pertains to your derivatives, e,g the birth certificate, the police clearance for those above 16years of age, the passports, those documents you need them.

Note: The qualification is based on the principal applicant. The principle applicant is the one qualified and is the one that needs to be academically qualified or qualified through work experience.

DISCLAIMER: This post and content is designed for general information only and is NOT legal advice. This site is not offering any Diversity Visa and is not the official site for DV Lottery program. The information presented in this post should not be construed to be formal legal advice.

If you have any questions about the DV lottery, please contact an immigration professional/officer or a licensed attorney.

Diversity Visa Approved on the First Interview | How To Get It Done | Tips To Prepare For DV Interview

In this guide, we will learn specific things that you must do for you to have a smooth and successful first DV interview and get your Diversity Visa approved.

It will focus mainly on the tips that you can use in preparation for the interview and also during the interview process to get your Diversity Visa approved.

As a first timer in the DV lottery interview or it’s your first time to attend the DV interview, there is a great tendency of panicking or missing some things in the preparation or during the interview.

Tips To Prepare For DV First Interview

  1. You need to familiarize yourself with the whole interview process.

You’re going for the interview, just as the other normal interviews, the work interviews, or any other interview, you need prior preparation, you need to familiarize yourself with what it takes for the interview.

How do you do this?

You do this by simply consulting the previous interviews. Those people that have undergone through the interviews, and how do you consult with those interviews?

It is by going through the interview experiences. People are very generous with their information. Many that have gone to the United States, many that have passed through the DV interview, they have shared their interview experiences all over the internet and they are all different experiences.

You’ll find some for single persons, you’ll find some for married people, you’ll find some for married with kids, and others single with kids. When you go through those interview experiences, you’ll learn a lot of things. For example:

  • You’ll know what happens during the interview.
  • You’ll know what changes you can make during the interview.
  • You’ll know what people to meet at the embassy.
  • You’ll know what happens at the security check.
  • You’ll know what size of baggage you should carry.
  • You’ll know of the questions that you get during the interview, and you’ll know how to correctly go around those processes.

You need to go through the interview experiences.

Read: DV Interview Questions and Answers

Go through it, you’ll get to familiarize yourself with the whole process, and this will eliminate the panic that comes.

In other words, you will have gone through a mock interview. It’s like you’ve gone through a virtual tour of the whole interview process, and when you go for the interview, you’ll find yourself that whatever you’re meeting or encountering will be what you already know of.

So it’s very important to go through the DV interviews for you to get all this information. Go through the different interview experiences from those people.

  1. You need to prepare the documents that are required correctly and they should be organized correctly.

The documents form the very important part of the DV interview because you’ll have to present those documents. What are those documents?

They are the supporting documents to the information that you field on your DS-260 form. Every document that is required, you need to have it.

Remember, there are some documents that need to be notarized. That is to certify them. They need a certified copy of the original one. So you have the original copy and a different one that is called certified.

READ: Original And Notarized Documents For DV Lottery Interview

You will get this certified from the custodian of your documents in your government. If it’s the birth certificate from the registrar of birth, for the marriage certificate from the registrar of marriage, etc.

For those documents that are listed as requiring certified documents, don’t forget to get the certified documents. Prepare your documents well, both you as a principal applicant and those of your derivatives, for a smooth interview.

  1. Throughout the process, you have to be so honest.

Be honest with all information that you give. Be truthful. If you say yes, it’s a yes, and if it’s no, it’s a no.

If you don’t have these documents, don’t say you have them. Anything that you present should be true from the start to the end. Veracity is key. Lies are considered as fraud.

The principal item that will lead to your visa denial is for you speaking falsely, is for you presenting false information. That is fraud, and fraud is a definite visa refusal. So honest and truthful is what is needed in this process for a smooth interview.

  1. You need to stay calm and be self-composed during the interview.

Fear can arise, the fear of unknown, not knowing whether you’ll be successful or you will fail and that can create anxiety. Fear can cause you not to be at ease.

Therefore, one thing that you need to do and you need to exercise is to be calm and to be self-composed. By this, you’ll have the confidence to answer the questions that are forwarded to you.

You create this confidence and calmness by going through the interview experiences for you to at least have the prior information of the process. Panicking can mess you up, be self-composed and calm when you are going through your DV interview.

  1. You need to attend the interview with all your derivatives.

Derivatives must be present during the interview, if you leave the derivatives out then be sure you will not get your visa. All people that you included in your DV application as your family members (your spouse, your biological children, legally adopted children, stepchildren) you need to attend the interview with them, and they must be present there.

They should also have all the documents that they are required to have, e.g birth certificate, their passports, the police clearance certificate for all that are above 16 years of age. Every document that is attached to the derivatives must also be present.

DISCLAIMER: This post and content is designed for general information only and is NOT legal advice. This site is not offering any Diversity Visa and is not the official site for DV Lottery program. The information presented in this post should not be construed to be formal legal advice.

The Fifth Email Response From KCC | When Your DV Interview Has Been Schedule At U.S Embassy

This is the fifth possible email response that you might get from KCC. This email is specifically on DV interview date at the U.S embassy in your country of residence.

The Fifth Email Response From KCC | When Your DV Interview Has Been Schedule At U.S Embassy

“Thank you for your inquiry.

An interview for this case has been scheduled at the American Embassy in [it will mention your interview venue, your embassy].

You will receive a notification letter by email within the next 7 to 10 days from Within 3 to 5 days of receiving the letter, you will be able to log into to verify your interview date.

Please follow the instructions provided at for the interview preparations and fee payment.

The Kentucky Consular Center has completed the process of your case and forwarded it to the interviewing office. Further inquiries should be addressed to the interviewing officer listed above and you should carry any new or change information with you to the interview appointment.”

That’s it. So let’s just go through some points that have been pointed in the email above.

This is the email that you get from KCC in response to your inquiry email.

It says that an interview for this case number has been scheduled. Meaning that when you send the request email to KCC, had been scheduled and this means that if you have not received any notification to your email telling you to check the for a notification, then within 7 to 10 days you are supposed to receive that notification.

For example, when your case becomes current and the embassy has a slot for you, they will allow KCC to send or to transfer your details and your information to them. After they transfer to you, consequently, the KCC will send you a notification letter and also send you a notification via your email.

The email that you used in your application, which must be the same email that you filled in the DS-260 form because it should be so.

So through that same email, they will send you a noreply email notification. It will tell you that you have a notification in the that you’re supposed to go and check.

It also says after you’ve gotten your second notification letter, within 3 to 5 days, you are supposed to verify your appointment.

What are you supposed to do within the 3 to 5 days after the second notification letter? You are supposed to create an account with your embassy, at least for most of the embassies, and then you book an online appointment with the embassy, by so you’ll be verifying your appointment date.

Still while doing that, don’t you forget to register with a courier service to deliver your passport, once you get successful. Also don’t forget to book a medical appointment.

You will follow that link that is shown in the email response and then you’ll go to the list of consulates and then you select your embassy and view all the pre-interview checklists.

Remember there are documents not mentioned in the pre-interview checklist like the affidavit of support that you need. After checking the interview preparations, if you need to make any changes, you go with the new information that you are intending to update, go with it to the interview.

The next email that you might get will be different because you’re not supposed to request for any status for you to receive this next email. It is the notification telling you that you have your second notification letter in the

Below are other email responses that you might receive from KCC:

DISCLAIMER: This post and content is designed for general information only and is NOT legal advice. This site is not offering any Diversity Visa and is not the official site for DV Lottery program. The information presented in this post should not be construed to be formal legal advice.

The Second Email Response From KCC | Requesting Your Case Status From KCC

Still on the series of the email responses that you can possibly get from KCC upon sending an inquiry email, then we are on the second response.

The Second Email Response From KCC

On this second response, it reads:

“Thank you for your inquiry.

Your DS-260 form has been processed. You should have received or will soon receive an email from KCC giving you instructions to complete in order for your case to continue processing. Please follow the instructions in the email.

Interviews are scheduled numerically based on case numbers that have completed processing. Please refer to the visa bulletin at to locate the current numbers being processed.

This visa bulletin is updated after the 15th day of each month. Once an interview date has been scheduled, you will receive notification via email to check

In order for KCC to assist you with inquiries regarding a specific diversity visa (DV) case, you must provide the principal’s full names, complete case number, and the birth date in the following format (MM/DD/YYYY) as entered in the original entry.

Please remember that KCC does not have authority to tell you whether or not your specific case will be disqualified.

Only a consular officer can do that at the time of your visa interview. Do not send any documents to Kentucky Counseling Center. For additional information, please refer to the following……………….”

This is the second email response that you might receive if you request, and as you can see clearly, this now indicates that KCC has fully opened your DS260 form and has gone through it to process it, and they are through with processing it.

It says that you should have received a notification or soon you might receive a notification. This notification is the second notification letter after your DS260 form has been processed.

Then your current for interview scheduling and your case has been reached by the embassy, then you can receive this second notification letter.

This email clearly tells us that interviews are scheduled numerically in that order, from the low case number to the high case number. It also points out the importance of following or keeping up with the visa bulletins.

The visa bulletins are normally released after the 15th day of the month, as indicated, and you should keep track of the visa bulletin.

The point being that you can be able to know which cases are current or are currently being processed by the embassies, which cases are ready for the interview scheduling. Those are the major points that we see in this email.

Further on, it is only the consular officer can tell you whether you are successful or not during the time of the interview.

This is the email that you will receive from KCC once your request for your case status and your DS260 form has been processed and now waiting for your case number to become current.

Thank you for reading this guide, stick around for the next email that you might receive.

I know you find this information very useful to you.

Related Article: The First Email Response From KCC

DISCLAIMER: This post and content is designed for general information only and is NOT legal advice. This site is not offering any Diversity Visa and is not the official site for DV Lottery program. The information presented in this post should not be construed to be formal legal advice.

If you have any questions about the DV lottery, please contact an immigration professional/officer or a licensed attorney.

DV Program: What’s Next After Submitting DS-260?

What next after Submitting DS-260 form? This is another guide of interest to diversity visa applicants and it has to do with what comes next after you have submitted your DS-260.

Everyone is aware that after you get to elected in the Diversity Visa Lottery, the next thing to do is to fill out and submit your DS-260. But remember that you should consider your circumstances and not rush into submitting the form.

After submitting your DS-260 form, what do you do next?

In recent years after submitting your DS-260, you were also required to submit a list of supporting documents to KCC. But that is not always the case.

Depending on what the State Department decides for a particular year, you may or may not be requested to submit supporting documents to KCC.

So if submitting supporting documents to KCC is a requirement that applies during your program year, then after submitting your DS-260, you will have to submit your supporting documents.

But in case submitting supporting documents to KCC is not a requirement during your program year, then after submitting your DS-260, your next line of action will be to turn your attention to the Visa Bulletin.

Remember, after the Diversity Visa Lottery results are released in the month of May and you see that you were selected, the Visa Bulletin that is published in that month of May does not concern interviews for your program.

The one that is published in the month of June does not concern interviews for your program. Neither does the one that is published in the month of July.

It is from the month of August that the Vista Bulletin is going to show information regarding interviews for your program and that is when you have to begin to follow the Visa Bulletin, if you are selected from the results published in the month of May.

It is the Visa Bulletin that will tell you when your diversity visa interview is supposed to be scheduled.

When you see from the Visa Bulletin that your case number has become current, then it means that there is a Visa number available for you and that is when your diversity visa interview is actually supposed to be scheduled.

How do you know when your case number is current?

Every month the Visa Bulletin shows a number for each region. That number is referred to as the cut-off number for that region, for that month.

So when you see that the cut-off number for your region for a given month is higher than your case number, then your case number is current for that month and it means that it is in that month that you are supposed to be scheduled for your diversity Visa interview.

That is for cases that submit their DS-260 before their case number becomes current in the Visa Bulletin.

There are cases when the applicants have not yet submitted their DS-260 but the Visa Bulletin shows that their case number has become current. In such a case, there will be a Visa number available for such applicants, but their Visa interview will not be scheduled because they have not yet met the necessary requirement, which is the submission of their DS-260 and in cases where they are required to submit documents, the submission of their documents.

For clear understanding, if you submit your DS-260 and possibly your documents before your case number becomes current, then you will have to wait for your case number to become current, in order for you to be scheduled for interview.

For example, your case number is 7200 in the Africa region, and you check the Visa Bulletin in the month of August. You will realize that there’s information for the month of September and the month of October.

The month of September concerns the previous program. So it is the information that relates to the month of October, which is the first information concerning your program that you are going to change your attention to.

You see that the cut-off number that applies to the region of Africa in the month of October is 2500. It means that you cannot be scheduled in the month of October because the cut of number is lower than your case number.

So you will have to wait until the Visa Bulletin is published in the month of September, when it will be showing information for both October and November.

Also, you look at the information that pertains to the month of November. If the cut-off number for the Africa region is, e.g 5000, you will still not expect to be scheduled in the month of November. You will have to follow again for the month of December.

The Visa Bulletin that will show information for the month of December will be released in the month of October.

So let us say that the cut-off number that is shown for the month of December is 8000. Because that cut-off number is higher than your case number of 7200. It means that it is in the month of December that you can expect to be scheduled for interview.

On the other hand, if you do not submit and your case number becomes current, you will have to submit before you can expect to be scheduled for interview.

For example:

You saw that your case number will be current for the month of December, but up until December you have not yet submitted your DS-260. You submit the form after December.

When you submit after December, that is when the form will be processed and your interview is expected to be scheduled along with the next batch of interviews because your case number has been current since the month of December.

So that is how things are after you submit your DS-260.

Note: For the past few years, things have not worked in that way, maybe due to the effects of COVID-19.

DISCLAIMER: This post and content is designed for general information only and is NOT legal advice. This site is not offering any Diversity Visa and is not the official site for DV Lottery program. The information presented in this post should not be construed to be formal legal advice.

If you have any questions about the DV lottery, please contact an immigration professional/officer or a licensed attorney.

Will Previous Visa Denial Cause Your DV Interview Denial?

This guide will clarify you on this question, will previous visa denial affect your diversity visa interview?

The answer is that the embassy or the consulate, they have all your information regarding the former visa applications.

If you’ve ever tried to apply for any visa, the visit visa, the student visa, the work visa, any other visa, including the tourism visa, every other kind of information regarding those visas, they already have the information.

Also tied to that, they also have all the reasons that caused your visa denial. They have all those information.

But does this affect you? The answer is yes. It affects you either way. It affects you positively or it can affect you negatively, and this depends on the reason as to why you are denied that previous visa application.

If you had applied, let’s say for a student visa and you were denied the visa due to insufficient document proof, insufficient documentation or insufficient financial support.

If you had this reason, that is not a valid reason to cause any visa denial, be it any other type or the diversity visa, those are just common reasons.

So it will not affect you if you have a reason that is just general, that cannot affect you.

But let’s say for example, the cause of your visa denial was on legal grounds, maybe a criminal record. If that was the cause, then definitely you are sure that it will also affect you in the diversity visa or any other visa that you are applying.

Because they will have to go through your criminal record and if they find that you are not fit for the immigration, then you’ll be denied.

So it depends upon the reasons as to why you are denied the visa.

But if it’s on just general lack of information, general lack of documentation that proves then that will not affect you.

But if it’s on the legal grounds, they might have to check thoroughly. If that legal ground reason still affects you, then definitely you’ll get denied your diversity visa.

So does the previous visa denial affect you in the diversity visa interview? The answer is yes. Either positively or negatively.

I hope this is informative.

DISCLAIMER: This post and content is designed for general information only and is NOT legal advice. This site is not offering any Diversity Visa and is not the official site for DV Lottery program. The information presented in this post should not be construed to be formal legal advice.

If you have any questions about the DV lottery, please contact an immigration professional/officer or a licensed attorney.

All About The Diversity Visa Lottery Case Number | Green card Lottery Number

What does DV Lottery case number stand for? What is it and what do you understand about it? That is basically what this guide is going to tackle.

If you’re waiting for the DV results or if you’re waiting for your DV interview, this will be very important to you to understand.

What is DV Case Number? What is Green card Lottery Number?

The case number is the number assigned to each and every winner in a DV lottery selection. This means that you only get your case number if you are successfully selected.

After the results are out, if you check the results and you are lucky to have been selected, that’s only when you will have access to see or to know your case number. You will find this on your first notification letter.

That message that you find on the entrant status check, congratulating you on your selection. On that message, you will find your DV case number and the DV case number will look something like this 2023AF00012345.

The first four digits of the case number normally indicates the fiscal year for the DV lottery. What does this mean? It means the year in which the interviews will be conducted for the DV lottery.

For example, for the DV lottery 2023, that means the first four digits in the case number is 2023, the fiscal year in which the interviews are being conducted. For the DV lottery 2024, it will be 2024 in which the DV-2024 interviews will be conducted.

The second part is the two letters which stand for the regions. For example, we have the EU for Europe region, we have OC for Oceania region, we have AF for Africa region, we have AS for Asia region, and so on and so forth.

After these two letters we have the rest of the numbers, these rest of the numbers are the actual numbers standing for your position in the case number system. For example, you have 00012345 as your position in the case number system.

The case number is unique to each and every winner. No two individuals will share the same case numbers. The case numbers are issued randomly. There is nothing, no qualification or nothing that is considered when issuing the case numbers. It all depends on luck.

Whether you get a low case number or a high case number, that depends on the luck, on the selection, random selection. Nothing is considered when issuing these case numbers to the successful winners.

Therefore, some will be lucky enough to get low case numbers, while others will get high case numbers.

Each region has its own order. That is, each region will have a case number beginning from the lowest to the highest. For example, for the EU region, you might find that we have from a 0001 up to maybe a 00023,000. This is just an example.

For AS, you might find that we have a 0001 up to a 00036,000. Each region will have its own numbering.

Interviews are scheduled in the order of these numbers. This means that the interviews will be scheduled from the lowest case number in a certain region and numerically to the highest case number in that region.

For example, you might find that we have an AF, 10,000 and also an EU 10,000. Therefore, you might find similar numbers but in different regions.

Holes in DV Lottery Case Number

If in a certain region we have a certain number of selectees, it does not mean that there are in totality those numbers. For example, if for Africa we have AF 84,000 as the highest case number, it does not mean that we have 84,000 selectees from Africa.

In between from the lowest number to the highest one, there are many vacant spaces that we call holes. You might find we have a case number 0001 and we don’t have 0002 or 0003, but we have 0004, 0005, we don’t have 0006, we don’t have 0009, but we have 00010, and so on.

Therefore, between the lowest case number and the highest case number for a specific region, there exist vacant slots that we call holes.

If we have AF 84,000 for Africa, then you might find we only have half the number of selectees from the Africa region. This is just to exemplify.

Finally, remember that the case number is unique to every individual, the case number is personal and private. But if a case number comes to be known by anyone, it is not a risk. No one can impersonate you. No one can take your number. Your number is unique to you.

Every information that regards you is attached to the case number and it is hard for anyone to impersonate you to produce a true copy of your documents. Therefore, your case number cannot be stolen.

Thank you for reading this guide. I hope the information is good and relevant to you.

DISCLAIMER: This post and content is designed for general information only and is NOT legal advice. This site is not offering any Diversity Visa and is not the official site for DV Lottery program. The information presented in this post should not be construed to be formal legal advice. If you have any questions about the DV lottery, please contact an immigration professional/officer or a licensed attorney.

How to Successfully Pass DV Lottery Interview | Green Card Lottery Interview

How to Pass DV Lottery Interview: Are you panicking regarding your DV Lottery interview? In this guide, you will learn how you can go through your interview successfully.

The DV lottery interview or the famous green card lottery interview is a process that you should not panic about because the DV lottery interview is basically the simplest of all interviews.

You cannot compare DV interview to the job interview that you once went through. This is completely different.

How to Successfully Pass DV Lottery Interview

There are ways in which you can really make your DV interview process become very simple. Let’s dive through the question of how to be successful during the Green Card Lottery interview.

  • The benchmark of you succeeding through this interview process is for you to be always true with what you are filling in and what you are saying.

To always speak the truth and only the truth alone. If you speak the truth and only the truth, there’s no way you can mess up with this interview. Provide true information regarding your background and everything that they require.

  • Make sure you have gone through all the instructions pertaining the Green Card interview, which you’ll find in the State of Department’s website.

Visit the State Department’s website and read all the instructions regarding the interview and carefully stick them, carefully follow them and do exactly as they require you to. That is another very important thing that will make you successful during this interview process.

They will clearly outline each and every document that you will be required to present during the interview. Provide all the supporting documents to whatever you filled in the DS-260.

The first thing that the Embassy will try to look for, or the first thing that they will try and assess will be your qualifications.

They will try to assess if you have the relevant documents to prove your academic qualification or if you applied using the work experience, they will go through the work experience documents to see if you have enough proof and then if you do have the right qualification, there’s no need to panic. You will successfully go through the process.

Note that there are no specific or written down questions that the consular officer will ask you. There are no pre-written questions, he or she will ask you random question regarding your DS-260 and your application.

There are no specifically written questions that he or she will ask you, but all the questions will revolve around your application and your DS-260 and how you’re going to sustain yourself the very first days in the United States. Those are the questions that are likely to be asked.

Therefore, prepare yourself with the correct rationale and a workable plan to explain to the consular how you are planning to get yourself started while you land in the United States.

Do you have some finances to support you as you’re taking off? Do you have an evidence to prove that you have someone who is willing to sponsor you, to take care of your needs as you’re starting off your life in the United States?

Have a clear plan to show the consular how you’re going to sustain yourself within the very first days of settling down in the United States. By this, they may require a financial document to prove your financial status at the present that it will be able to stand for you as you are starting your life there.

Alternatively, you may present, if they ask you, the affidavit of support (form I-134), to prove that you have a relevant sponsor who is willing to take care of your everything, as you are settling down in the United States.

If you are able to prove this, then there is no point of being denied the visa.

Another famous question is regarding what are you intending to do in the United States? What are you intending to become? What is your vision when you land in the United States?

This is a very famous question, though it’s not always asked. So prepare yourself, have a good plan. For example, you can just say you are going there to study as well as to work or such an example.

Have a defined way of explaining your reason, your purpose of going to the United States, and let it be positive, because if it’s negative, then you may end up being denied the visa.

To Pass Your DV Lottery Interview, Proceed to: DV Lottery (Green Card) Interview Questions and Sample Answers>>>

Generally, the interview is not so long. It takes very short time, at maximum around five minutes. Very short interview and very direct interview, and if you’re honest and true, you cannot fumble around with what to answer.

You’ll answer things correctly and you’ll always be given your visa. Have confidence and just prepare yourself.

I hope this information has been great to you.

DISCLAIMER: This post and content is designed for general information only and is NOT legal advice. This site is not offering any Diversity Visa and is not the official site for DV Lottery program. The information presented in this post should not be construed to be formal legal advice.

DV-2024 Lottery Results Finally Out | What to do if you are selected

Welcome! In this guide, we will be discussing how to check your Diversity Visa (DV) Lottery results correctly and what to do if you are among those selected.

2024 Diversity Immigrant Visa Program entrants can now be able to find out if they were randomly selected for a visa (Started May 6, 2023).

The Diversity Visa Lottery, also known as the Green Card Lottery, is a program that allows individuals from countries with low rate of immigration to the United States to apply for a chance to win a Green Card and become a Permanent Resident of the United States.

Checking Diversity Visa Lottery Results

The diversity visa lottery results are announced once a year by the U.S Department of State.

If you have applied for the Diversity Visa (DV) Lottery, you can check the results online by using your confirmation number and personal information on the Diversity Visa Lottery website.

Official DV-2024 Entrant Status Check

How to check DV-2024 Lottery Result

STEP 1: Login to the official website, click on “Check Status”

Make sure you have your Entrant’s Confirmation Number, Last/Family Name that was used on the Electronic Diversity Visa Entry Form, and Year of Birth to check the entrant status online.

STEP 2: Click “Continue”Steps to check DV Lottery Result

You will see “Confirmation Number” box, “Last Name” box, “Year of birth” box and then “Authentication Code” box. Make sure you fill up the boxes with the right details.Steps to check DV Lottery Result

STEP 3: After filling up the boxes correctly, including the Authentication box, Click “Submit”

After that, the Next page will bring out your Entrant DV-2024 Result on the Screen, print it for future use.

If you have been selected, you will receive a notification letter which is called First Notification Letter (1NL) from the U.S Department of State.

First Notification Letter (1NL) Sample
Entrant DV-2024 Result Sample | First Notification Letter (1NL)

It is important to note that being selected does not guarantee that you will receive a Green Card or Visa, as there are limited number of green cards available each year.

What to do if you are selected

If you have been selected for the 2024 Diversity Visa Lottery, congratulations. This is a great opportunity to become a Permanent Resident of the United States.

If you are successfully selected, the first information that you will receive is called the First Notification Letter, 1NL. It is the letter that unveils your case number, if you are selected in DV Lottery.

The next step after you checked and found you are among those selected is to complete the online application form called DS-260, which will be available on the Diversity Visa Lottery website.

Immediately the DV lottery results are out and you get selected, fill the DS-260 form immediately, take some few days and fill it correctly, as early as that time, and submit it correctly filled.

You will need to provide personal information including your name, date of birth, country of birth, information about your Education and work experience.

After you have completed the online application form, you will need to submit supporting documents, including your passport, birth certificate and other documents that prove your eligibility for the Diversity Visa Lottery.

Those who submitted their DS-260 in the month of May, regardless of their case number, whether high or low, will be processed first before those who submitted in June.

Read: What to do after the DV-2024 selection

You will also need to attend an interview at the U.S Embassy or Consulate in your country of residence. During the interview, you will be asked questions about your background, education and work Experience, and your plans for living in the United States.

Read: DV Lottery (Green Card) Interview Questions and Sample Answers

What to do if you were not selected

If you were not selected for the Diversity Visa Lottery, don’t give up hope. You can still apply for other immigration programs such as employment-based visas or family based visas.

Note: It is also important to keep in mind that the Diversity Visa Lottery is not the only way to obtain a Green card, as there are many other options available.

DISCLAIMER: This post and content is designed for general information only and is NOT legal advice. This site is not offering any Diversity Visa and is not the official site for DV Lottery program. The information presented in this post should not be construed to be formal legal advice.

If you have any questions about the DV lottery, please contact an immigration professional/officer or a licensed attorney.

Documents Issued After The DV Interview | 221(g) and Administrative Processing

There are different types of documents/papers with different colors which are issued after a DV interview. Also, there are three possibilities of the outcomes of the visa interview.

Papers Issued After The DV Interview

Below are Papers issued after the DV Interview:

  • The visa approval document/paper

If your visa is approved, and you’re given a specific document, normally it is green in color, it mean your visa has been approved.

  • Visa refusal, 221(g) document/paper

Visa refusal means that you have not been successful and you cannot be issued with a visa because the embassy or the consulate has found some good reasons. By so doing you undergo the process called administrative processing. Under this refusal, there are three documents with different colors that are issued.

  1. White Paper 221(g) Visa Refusal
  2. The Yellow Slip After DV Interview
  3. 221(g) Pink Paper/Slip Issued After The DV Lottery interview

Those are the outcomes of the DV lottery interview.

Difference between the 221(g) visa refusal and the administrative processing

What is the difference between 221(g) refusal and the administrative processing?

Administrative processing and 221(g) visa refusal are related but they are not the same thing. The two terms, they are used together but they don’t mean the same thing.

What is administrative processing?

The administrative processing refers to the additional checks or reviews that a visa application undergoes after the initial interview by the consular officer, if need be.

After the interview and the consular officer or the consulate find some reason of doing further reviews, further check on the information you have provided, then that is what is call administrative processing (AP).

That process of reviewing or checking or doing further checking, that process is the administrative processing. This can involve further background checks, additional documentation or information requests or need a further review of the application by the embassy or consulate.

On the other hand, the 221(g) visa refusal is the specific type that indicates the need for the further administrative processing or review.

For the 221(g) visa refusal, this is not a permanent refusal. It simply implies that you have some specific areas that need to be checked and it will be specific. It will tell you that “you are put on hold because of this reason, provide such and such a document to counter this reason for us to approve your visa or for us to see whether we can approve your visa.”

221(g) is specific type of refusal. When the specific type of refusal emerges, then you are put on administrative processing, meaning further review because of that reason of refusal.

This can happen when the consular officer needs more information or documentation to make a decision or if additional background checks or review is needed.

In other words, administrative processing is a broader term that encompasses any additional checks or review that a visa application undergoes. While the 221(g) visa refusal is a specific type of refusal indicating the need for that administrative processing.

It is important to note that administrative processing can sometimes lead to 221(g) visa refusal. But not all administrative processing lead to visa refusal.

For example, when you undergo a visa interview, the consular officer might see some reason for them to conduct additional check within the embassy, with maybe the supervisor because of the answer that you give.

They tell you, go with your passport and after some hours we will call you back to send the passport back after they have finished with some further checkups. Sometimes it may take some few minutes or some few hours just within the embassy checking and reviewing your documents. This is also administrative processing.

At other times they might require you to leave their passports behind, as they are doing further check or administrative processing, and in so doing they will issue a document to specify the reason for the refusal, i.e the 221(g) visa refusal. It may take sometimes maybe a week or two or even months.

If additional information or document is provided and the visa officer is satisfied with the review, the visa application can still be approved even after administrative processing has occurred.

Overall, it is essential to understand that administrative processing and the 221(g) visa refusal are related, but they are not the same. They are not interchangeable terms.

Does the 221(g) visa refusal apply to nonimmigrant visa as well?

Remember, we have two categories and the DV lottery visa is an immigrant visa. But we have other type of visas that are meant for the temporary visit, maybe for the reason of business or visit or student or any other just temporary.

Do the 221(g) visa refusal also apply to these temporary visas?

The answer is yes. The 221(g) applies for both immigrant and nonimmigrant visas. Both of you can be refused and you can be refused under this 221(g) visa refusal.

The nonimmigrant visa is for the temporary stay in the United States, but the immigrant one is for a permanent stay, for example, the green card that is gotten from the diversity visa.

As explained above, the 221(g) visa refusal is issued when there is a need for further administrative processing or review of the visa application.

The final decision can only be made after you have met the requirements in the 221(g).

The next is on the white paper that is issued on the 221(g) visa refusal. What does it entail and what are you supposed to do once you get issued with this paper?

DISCLAIMER: This post and content is designed for general information only and is NOT legal advice. This site is not offering any Diversity Visa and is not the official site for DV Lottery program. The information presented in this post should not be construed to be formal legal advice.

Things You Must and Things You Must Not Lest You Risk Visa Approval

This guide will explain those things you must and must not, lest you risk your DV visa approval.

As we are approaching the date of the results for the DV Lottery 2024, many questions are coming up.

Questions like;

  • If I get selected, what should I do?
  • If I get selected, what is the next step?

Also, this guide will explain one important thing about the results and what you’re supposed to do.

If you applied in the DV Lottery 2024 and you are waiting for the result, and you have this question about adding a person into the DS-260 form who was not added during the DV lottery application.

To answer this question, let first discuss into detail if it is illegal to add another person in your DS-260 form or is it legal. The answer could be yes or no.

For the yes, what are the people or which people can you add in the DS-260 form even if they were not in the initial entry? The people that you can add include a newly born baby.

For example you are waiting for the DV result, and by the time you are applying, you are expecting a baby and after application you got the baby.

Even if you applied in the month of October, let’s say for example, October 15 and you got the baby a day after, on the 16th of October, that baby is eligible to be added as a derivative in your DS-260 form.

If you had gotten the baby a day before but when applying you said this child is too young to be added and you decided not to add, that child is not eligible and if you add that child, you are likely to get visa refusal.

So if you got the baby in the waiting period for the result, the baby is qualified to be added as a derivative. So you go ahead and add the baby in the DS-260 form.

The other yes, the person that you can add to your DS-260 form who was initially not added is a newly married spouse and he or she must be legal spouse and legalized by the certificate of marriage.

The certificate of marriage approves that this is your spouse, then you can add that spouse.

So in between the waiting period, if you get married, that spouse you are confidently supposed to add in the DS-260 form.

The other yes is about the step-children. If you got married in between waiting for the DV results and your spouse came in with other children, and they become your step-children. These children, they also qualify to be added as the derivatives in the DV process.

These categories of people are the only ones who are qualified to be added in the DS-260 form if you are selected.

Which people, even if you love them and you like to go with them, will not be qualified and if you add them, they will cost you your visa?

  • Your girlfriend or your boyfriend

If you are in a relationship, i.e your boyfriend or your girlfriend, he or she does not qualify as a derivative.

  • The spouse that is legally married to you, but you did not add him or her in the DV lottery application. That does not qualify.

All the kids that you have, either step-children, adopted children or your biological children, but you did not add them. Even if you are a single parent, and you did not add your children in the initial DV lottery application, those children don’t qualify to be added as derivatives in the DS-260 form.

If you do add them, you risk the visa refusal. Also, if the Embassy of the United States government come to realize that you had left out your derivatives, you had lied, then that is a total and instant disqualification.

You cannot add your brother, you cannot add your mother, you cannot add any of your siblings or your relative. They don’t qualify. Even if they are ailing and you are the custodian, you are the caregiver to your parents or to your people, and you are selected, you’ll have to leave them behind and go alone.

I wish you success and I pray for you to be selected for the DV interview.

DISCLAIMER: This post and content is designed for general information only and is NOT legal advice. This site is not offering any Diversity Visa and is not the official site for DV Lottery program. The information presented in this post should not be construed to be formal legal advice.

If you have any questions about the DV lottery, please contact an immigration professional/officer or a licensed attorney.

Original And Notarized Documents For DV Lottery Interview

Original And Notarized Documents: This is a deep guide regarding the documents that you’re supposed to have during the DV interview. You will understand the difference between original documents and the certified document, the notary certified document.

What is the distinction between original documents and the notary certified document? Why are you required for some documents to have the both the original and the notary certified document?

What are original documents?

Original documents are the documents that you are issued with the documents that you have. For example, your academic document issued by that institution that governs your education, the education board, the certificate that you got from them, that is an original document.

If you are married, the marriage certificate that you are issued with the one that you have, that is called an original document.

Same case applies to the birth certificate. The birth certificate that you have, the document that you are holding now, that is called the original document.

What is the notary certified document?

When we come to the notarized document, every document that you have that is original, every original document that you have means that the government office, that is the civic department or the registrar’s department, or the vital statistics department of your government has your details.

So the original document simply says that the government has your details pertaining that original document. And that means that all your information is in that government’s office, that particular government’s office.

Since your details are with that office, then whenever you are requested by a certain organization to prove the originality of that original document, e.g if an organization requests that you prove that the original document that you’re holding is true, is legit and is original.

What you are supposed to do is, you are supposed now to visit that registrar’s office or the vital statistics office or the government office, or whichever name that you call in your country.

Once you visit that office, you request them of a certified copy to prove that this document you’re holding is true and legitimate. So that is the whole purpose of the notary of certified document.

Notary certified document is a proof of the originality of the document that you’re presenting to an organization. The same case applies to the embassies, the DV program, and all the types of visas.

You are required to prove the certification or the notarization of specific documents that will be explained in this guide. You cannot go through the diversity visa interview successful, without you providing copies of the notarized document of the following:

  • The birth certificates

All of your dependents have their birth certificates, and all of them will have to get their notarized certified document of the birth certificate. So when you attend the interview, you will present your original document, the one that you are holding currently, plus that notarized document of the birth certificate that was issued by your civil department.

The notarized document are usually an advanced one of the original one. For example, they will have an embossed seal that is multicolored, or it might have watermarks just to enhance the validity of the document that you have.

So it will look totally different from the original. The same information, but with some additional proof of stamp. It will have embossed seams, for example, with multiple colors, or it might have any other type of seal and also water marks, just to prove that what you’re holding is true.

Simply because this comes from the civic department, then it stands as a surety. It proves to that body, and for this case, the embassy, that it’s true and it’s indeed that you are the holder of that birth certificate and it’s not fake.

So for the birth certificate, you need the original document together with the notarized document.

  • Marriage Certificate

Another document that you need to have both the original and the notarized is the marriage certificate. The marriage certificate that you’re holding, the original, is not enough. You need to prove the validity, the originality, the legitimacy of that marriage certificate.

Therefore, you need to visit the Register of marriage Office and tell them to produce or to give you the notarized copy and they’ll give you that one. This is the second document that you’re supposed to present, both the original and the notarized document.

  • Marriage Divorce Certificate

The other document that need notarization is the termination of your marriage or the divorce certificate. They also need to have the notarized document as an accompanied.

If you are separated or divorced, then the separation document or the divorce papers, they should be accompanied by notarized documents.

  • Academic Documents

Another document that needs notarization are the academic documents. The academic documents, especially the high school diploma.

The high school diploma has to be notarized. That one must be presented during the interview, the original plus the notarized copy of the academic certificate.

In some countries, e.g Kenya, the notarization of the high school diploma is normally done online. You book online and the certified document will be sent directly to the embassy.

The academic document, especially the high school diploma, has to have the notarized copy.

  • Translation Documents

Another documents that generally need to have notary certified document, they are the translation documents. For example, maybe your certificate or your documents, they are not in English.

Remember that all documents that are not in English, they are supposed to have their translation into English.

Those documents translations, they have to have the seal of approval of originality, and that means they need to be notarized. The translation document have to be notarized, be it translation of the birth, be it the translation of the academic documents, be it the translation of marriage certificate, court records, or every other.

All translations into English for your documents, they have to be notarized. If you don’t present a notarized one, then they will not be accepted.

So all translations have to be notarized.

Other documents like police clearance certificate, the passport, you don’t have to get the notarized one. The one that you presented with is enough, just go with that to the interview.

Some Frequently Asked Questions About Original and Notary Certified Document For DV Lottery Interview

Question: Do I need to have notarized documents by the time am filling in the DS-260 or I can get them ready by embassy interview.

Hint/Ans: No, when filling DS-260 you don’t need them, only during the interview.

Question: Can the copies be certified by the lawyer?

Hint/Ans: No, you have to do it from your government department dealing with it

DISCLAIMER: This post and content is designed for general information only and is NOT legal advice. This site is not offering any Diversity Visa and is not the official site for DV Lottery program. The information presented in this post should not be construed to be formal legal advice.

If you have any questions about the DV lottery, please contact an immigration professional/officer or a licensed attorney.

DV Interview Question: Why Are You Going To The U.S.A? | What Are You Going To Do In The U.S?

There is this interview question that many people are concerned about, when you are at the interview desk, that is the DV lottery interview. This guide will focus on why are you going to the U.S answer and why do you want to go to the U.S interview questions.

DV Interview Question

The officer there, that is the consular, poses this question to you about, why are you intending to go to the United States? He or she may also ask you, what are you going to do in the United States?

This questions, when you look at it clearly and through experience and also through many testimonials, what the consul officer or the embassy is trying to deduce from you is, what are your laid plans of you immigrating to the United States? What have you planned about your stay there?

Remember very well that;

  • this is not a temporary visa. It’s not a temporary stay. This is a permanent stay.
  • this is not based on any merit. It was just a random selection and you are lucky.

Therefore, you’re not immigrating to the United States on the merit of your experience, your work experience. You’re not going there for a job position. You are just going there because you won the DV lottery.

So the consular officer will be wanting to know, how are you going to drive life over there? How are you going to sustain yourself over there? What are you going to do over there? What is the reason as to why you’re going over there? Why did you apply for the DV lottery? Those questions should run inside your mind.

What are you supposed to answer or how are you supposed to handle this question? Remember that you had applied for the DV lottery and you had a reason as to why you really longed to have a permanent stay in the United States.

You might be having one reason or the other. In most cases, if not all, is because you’re going to better your life.

Maybe the life that you are currently living, where you are now from whichever country you are in is not satisfactory enough. You want somewhere where you can better your life and that could be the reason as to why you played the lottery.

Since you have all those reasons, you have an answer to this question. Also, because you want to better your life, when you are successfully selected and you win the green card lottery, which means that you want to go there and do things that will better your life, e.g getting job employment, or doing some businesses.

Something to improve your life, of course, is something that will bring in some cash to better your life. So either you will seek for an employment, you will self-employ, or you do something that will bring resources to your family, resources to yourself to better your life.

Therefore, these things are the same things that you should base your answer when you’re answering the Consular officer.

If this question is asked to you, why are you going to the United States? Or what are you going to do in the United States? Then your answer should be around this argument.

You’re supposed to tell the Consular officer that you intending to go to the United States because you want to go there, live and work and also maybe study.

For example:

“I want to go and work and study”

That’s just a good example.

You can say that you want to go there and join the military, which is a very good answer as well.

The answer that you give will determine whether the consular officer will be confident enough in you to issue a visa to you. Because if you are asked, Why are you going to the United States? Or What are you going to do? And then you don’t have any answer, you become messed up.

Maybe you just won the green card lottery and you had no reason, and then you’re just joyous that you’re going to the United States. You don’t have any plan, then you lack an answer to that question. You become confused.

Maybe you say, I’m going there because I won the green card. Then the Consular Officer definitely will see that you don’t have any solid reason as to where you’re relocating to the United States. You might risk becoming a public charge, a person that will need government support to sustain his life over there. This is what the United States government does not want.

So if you don’t have any reason, then you risk your visa approval. You may not receive your visa.

The very best reason that you should have in your mind when applying for the DV lottery should be to better your life. Better your life means doing activities that will bring resources to your family. That’s a good reason to give there.

Be plain and simple and tell the consular officer that you want to go to the United States because you want to go there and work and also study, because you want to better your life as you better the economy of the United States.

I hope this guide have answered this DV interview question, why are you Going to the U.S.A? or what are you going to do in the U.S?

Thank you so much for reading this guide.

DISCLAIMER: This post and content is designed for general information only and is NOT legal advice. This site is not offering any Diversity Visa and is not the official site for DV Lottery program. The information presented in this post should not be construed to be formal legal advice.

If you have any questions about the DV lottery, please contact an immigration professional/officer or a licensed attorney.

5 Papers You Are Given After The DV Interview | Green Paper/Document

What Papers Are Given After The DV Interview? Many people are waiting for the DV results to come out, which is in few months’ time. While others are still continuing with their interviews, some are also waiting for the second notification letters, 2NL.

Based on the recent visa bulletin that came out, there is promising in terms of the cut-off numbers. But the problem lies with the embassies and the speed at which they are processing, e.g some of the embassies in the region of Africa.

For those that are waiting for the results for the DV-2024, the results should be out by May 6.

Today, we will focus in those documents/papers that you may be given after a successfully DV interview.

5 Papers/Documents You Are Given After The DV Interview

Below are the documents that you can be issued after the interview, depending on the situation of your interview and they come in a paper form, it might be of different color.

Different Colour Paper that may be issued to you

For example, you can have a green paper issued to you after the interview, you can have a yellow paper/slip given to you after the interview. You can have a pink paper/slip given to you after the interview.

You can also have a white paper/slip given to you after the interview or even a blue paper issued to you after the interview.

Let now discuss these five papers that you may get after a DV lottery interview and their content and also their meaning, and what should you do after you have been given this paper.

Of course majority are wishing to be given the green paper after the interview. This is because it is the green paper that contains the information that congratulates you upon having a successful interview.

It tells you, congratulations, your visa has been approved, and this is the paper that many people are longing for after the interview.

Green Paper/Document

The first paper/document/slip is the green document, the document/slip that congratulates you of a successful diversity visa interview.

It says:

Dear Immigrant Visa/Diversity Visa Applicant.

Congratulations! Your visa has been approved. Please immediately register with DHL courier service for each traveling applicant. Instructions are attached to the sheet.

DHL will alert you by email when your passport or travel document is ready for collection and include a receipt number, and also the DHL Air way bill number.

Below is a sample of the Green Letter given after the DV interview

Papers You Are Given After The DV Interview

So depending on the country in which you come from, the courier services may be different. Others may also be told to come to the embassy directly to collect their visa. But this is the basic content of the green paper. It congratulates you on your winning the visa, and on your visa getting approved. It goes on to give you the details about what you’re required to have when you’re going to collect your passport through the courier services.

You’ll need your identification card and you’ll need the proof of your DHL airway bill number. If you’re taking for your child, you’ll be required to present the birth certificate for the child.

But if you cannot go by yourself as a principal applicant to collect the documents, then you can send someone. But the person you send, you must issue the person with an authorization document letter to go with to the courier services, together with your identification documents.

The authorization letter should have been signed by you and should indicate that you are authorizing the person to take the documents or to collect the documents on your behalf.

Green document/paper is the document that you get once you become successful in your visa interview and your visa has been approved. This is the document that all the winners in the DV lottery would like to get.

There are other documents that you may get which fall under the 221G, that is a temporary visa refusal and you will be required to take certain steps once you get those documents for your visas to be approved.

This is the first guide on those five different documents and papers that you can be given after the interview. To know more about the other documents/papers and everything about it, read more>>>>>

DISCLAIMER: This post and content is designed for general information only and is NOT legal advice. This site is not offering any Diversity Visa and is not the official site for DV Lottery program. The information presented in this post should not be construed to be formal legal advice.

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