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Tag Archives: Denied Diversity Visa

5 Things That Will Deny You The Diversity Visa During the Interview

Don’t do the following things, it will harm you when it comes to the Diversity Visa interview because you will get your visa refused and some of them will block you from ever entering the United States.

Are you a DV winner or are you waiting for the DV results, and you are hoping to become a selectee? Are you waiting for the 2NL? Are you waiting for the visa? Therefore the following things, if you intend to do them, they will utterly harm you.

Things That Will Deny You The Diversity Visa During the Interview

  • Don’t overstay your United States visa or don’t overstay any other countries visa

If you are on a visit visa and that visa has given you a step period of maybe two months, don’t exceed. The date was supposed to be out of the United States and ensure you are out of the United States. If you are there on a business visa and there are terms and conditions of up to when, if you are on any other visa, visit visa, tour visa or any other visa, and there is a time period because it is a nonimmigrant visa, just stay within that time period and be out of the United States once the time expires.

By so doing, you will be safe, if you dare overstay, that will ruin your chances, and it will most likely prevent you from ever being to the United States. So don’t overstay your visa.

  • Never force a marriage

This might affect a majority of the selectees or the DV winners, never forced a marriage. This applies to all those who applied a single. If you applied a single, and definitely life must continue as usual, if the relationship that you are taking yourself into will end up being fraud, don’t involve yourself in that.

If you applied a single, you end up getting engaged and you want to add this as your spouse after you’ve married, it is very much subjective, meaning that you have to really prove to the consulate or the embassy that it is not fraud, though it’s not an easy thing.

The only way it can successful, based from the previous experiences, is when the affected parties had documents to prove the existing relationship that can lead to marriage even before they were selected, even before they won DV lottery. If they can provide that, then they will approve for their visas. That is the only way that you can prove that this is not fraud, you are not forcing a marriage.

Let no one tell you to get married because they want to go to the United States, you will ruin your chance. Don’t get into that trap. If you applied a single, just continuous single, even if you end up in the United States, you can still come back and arrange for that marriage, but not within that period if you know it can affect you.

If you don’t have the proof documents, printed documents to show that there was a legit relationship, even before that, then don’t try to force a marriage. Also, if you applied as married because you are living together and you have kids, and according to your customs, you were married, only that you don’t have any legal documents like a marriage certificate to prove that, then that is a different one.

You can just obtain the marriage certificate because you have enough evidence to prove that, then go ahead with that process as married, because you are married locally within your customs, only that you need to legalize it using a formal document.

  • Don’t commit crimes

Remember there are three categories of crimes that are really detrimental or can really be detrimental to your visa process. These three crimes, they include,

  1. Aggravated felonies.
  2. Crime involving moral turpitude.
  3. Crime involving illegal drugs.

The aggravated felonies, according to the United States, is when you try to do something that will harm people, for example, murder or drug trafficking, that also falls under aggravated felony. Maybe trying to force a fraud, you want to con someone, you want to harm that person. Don’t commit that type of crime.

Also that the crimes involving the moral turpitude, they also are those illegal intentions that you have upon someone. Maybe you are planning to murder someone. You are planning to steal from someone, you are planning to maybe commit a sexual offense against someone, you are planning or intending to cause harm to the public. Don’t do that, it will affect your visa.

Then we also have those crimes around the drug trafficking, drug abuse. If you are found or if you commit a crime that involves drug trafficking, illegal drug trafficking, then you will have no chances. So don’t commit these crimes if you want to get a successful interview. Just protect yourself against these crimes. Play it safe, be a good person, that is all it requires.

  • Social media

Remember, when filling the DS-260 form, you are supposed to list all the social media accounts that you have, if you don’t list, you are risking your chance. You cannot hide. Just list everything that you have on the internet.

When you have this account, don’t dare post any harmful content, either to a minor or any harmful content to any person in the public, or any harmful content towards the United States. Don’t post any criminal content in that social media. Don’t post any content that causes terrorism. Anything that puts or poses a threat on the United States, don’t dare do that. Anything that you post that causes or poses harm on the United States will cost you your visa, so don’t dare do that.

Those are just some of the things that we’re not supposed to do, though, there are also others.

DISCLAIMER: This post and content is designed for general information only and is NOT legal advice. This site is not offering any Diversity Visa and is not the official site for DV Lottery program. The information presented in this post should not be construed to be formal legal advice. If you have any questions about the DV lottery, please contact an immigration professional/officer or a licensed attorney.

Why You May Not Be Selected In DV Lottery | DV Lottery Disqualification

DV Lottery Disqualification: In today’s guide, we will learn majorly three things that will indeed affect you in the selection. Things that will either reduce your chances of getting selected or will automatically knock you out of the selection process, even if you passed the first selection.

We’ve learned about the wrong theories that people have given out there regarding the selection process. We have also seen clearly on the errors that you might have done in the application but wouldn’t affect you in the selection. We also saw about the errors that you might have done and will not affect your selection, but later on will affect your DV process and you will get visa denied. All those we’ve talked about, you will find that information in this post below.

READ: Factors that will not affect your chances of getting selected in the Diversity Visa (Green Card) lottery

Why You May Not Be Selected In DV Lottery | DV Lottery Disqualification

Below are the things that will knock you out of the selection process, and if you probably did these two things, be sure enough that you will not be selected.

  • Doing a double entry

The rule is that you are supposed to do a single application, just one application per one person. You cannot do two applications. Let’s say, for example, you might think that since this is a lottery, by me trying to enter several times or many times, I will increase my chances of getting selected. No, you are wrong.

If you decide to play today to enter into the lottery today and then you wait for some three days, then you try again and enter. Some other days, then you try and enter multiple times, that one is an automatic disqualification.

Don’t be tempted or you should not have been tempted to try and apply again because you realized there was some mistake that you did or maybe you used a wrong photo and therefore you decide, let me try another one with the correct information, that’s knocks you out of the selection.

Double entry or multiple entry into the DV lottery, it is an outright disqualification from the selection process, you will not get selected with that.

The second one, apart from the double entry is, and this was put out clearly last year, I think it was this year, early months of this year, by an information from the court proceedings. It was very good because it disclosed very rich information regarding the photo. Yes, I’ve said the photo. In that document, we clearly saw that they pay particular attention to the details of your

  • Photo

We all know the requirements of your photo, your DV Lottery application passport size photo has dimensions that is two inch by two inch. It has the background qualifications, image qualifications, ratio qualifications. All these are put to proper consideration, that every photo that does not meet the requirement knocks you out of the selection.

You might have gone through the first phase of selection, but due to your photo qualities, you are knocked out leaving a hole. Those many holes that we see in the selected number of selectees, those holes came about due to some photo errors.

Maybe you provided a blurry image or when editing your photo, you do not follow the correct procedures. Maybe the edges of your image were trimmed. Any editing of your photo that affect the original standard, the original quality of the photo taken.

Those are some of the specifications that are checked, that are looked into. If your photo does not meet the qualification, that entry is kicked out of the selection process and you not even know, you might have gone through the first selection, you are among the selectees. But due to those errors, you are knocked out, leaving a hole, and will not even know that you had been selected.

So the correct photo is a major thing that will really affect whether you’re getting selected or not. Always use the correct photo, meet all the requirements, all the specifications of a DV lottery photo.

  • Number of entries across the globe

The third thing that will affect your chances of getting selected or can lower your chances of getting selected is the number of entries all across the globe. The selection or your chances of getting selected depends on how many people entered into the DV lottery.

For example, in the DV lottery 2024, we saw an upward of 22 million entries. They only selected around 120,000 selectees out of the 22 million.

The more the number of entries into a DV lottery, the lesser the chances of you getting selected.

For DV 2025, when you look from the number of visits to the, the application website, when we compare the visits with the DV lottery 2024 visits, we see there’s some quite difference. That is, the DV 2024 was quite higher than the DV 2025.

So we expect the number of entries this year to be slightly lower than the 22 million that entered in the DV lottery 2024. The chances in this DV lottery 2025 for you will be slightly higher than for the DV lottery 2024.

The number of entries into a DV lottery will reduce or increase your chances of getting selected.

DISCLAIMER: This post and content is designed for general information only and is NOT legal advice. This site is not offering any Diversity Visa and is not the official site for DV Lottery program. The information presented in this post should not be construed to be formal legal advice.

Get Tested And Treated Of These Diseases As Early As Possible Before DV Medical Examination

There are certain things that can lead to your visa denial during the interview, and among these is issue regarding the diseases. In this guide, we will go through the type of diseases or conditions that can lead to your visa denial, during DV Medical Examination.

Note: It is hard for a certain disease to cost you your diversity visa, but there are others that can really make you inadmissible to the United States.

The main type of disease that can cause you not to get your diversity visa approved are the diseases that are of public harm and these are the diseases that can become contagious and can be transmitted to other people.

Example of these diseases that are communicable include tuberculosis, syphilis, gonorrhea, and the Hansen disease (i.e leprosy).

Tuberculosis generally causes a spot or the chest spot, although there are other diseases that can cause the chest spot. Once the chest spot is detected and it has been caused by tuberculosis, what happens is that, the civil surgeons that did your examination will know what type of tuberculosis you have. You might be having the active one, which means that it can spread to other people, or you might be having the passive one.

The passive means you might be infected by TB, but there are no signs or no symptoms showing up and this is called passive. This means that it cannot be transmitted from you to the public.

Therefore, once the surgeons have known what type of TB you have, then they will recommend the necessary medication and you will have to be treated before you return for your diversity visa interview.

How will tuberculosis cost you your diversity visa?

Once TB is detected in you, there is a period that TB takes to be cured and this period varies from three months all the way to six months.

Let’s say, for example, your diversity visa interview is scheduled in the month of January. If at that moment you are diagnosed with TB, then you are put under medication and it will last from three months to six months. It means you have February, March, April, May, June and July. You can get treated and attend your interview within the fiscal year for you to receive your diversity visa.

But let’s say, for example, your interview is in July and you get diagnosed with TB, you only have roughly two months for your diversity visa fiscal year to expire, and that means even if you are put under the TB treatment, the time will lapse for the diversity visa before you get full treatment.

By so you won’t receive your diversity visa, you will have to be put under medication and get treated before you can attend your interview. If you get treated and you pass through the interview, then you will receive your visa.

The other category of diseases that can lead to your visa denial are grouped into two classes:

The first class of diseases that will cost you your diversity visa is quarantinable diseases, the diseases that can cause you to be put into quarantine.

The second class of the disease that will revoke or prevent you from receiving your diversity visa approval is the diseases that have been declared by World Health Organization (WHO) as a public emergency.

If any disease has emerged and has been declared as a public emergency, that disease can cause you to get denied your diversity visa approval.

Majorly, all those that have discussed are the different types of diseases that can lead to your visa denial or your visa cancellation.

Therefore, if you realize that you are suffering from these communicable diseases, it is the highest chance that you take the necessary measure or the necessary step to ensure that you get treated.

The earlier you do it, the better for you, before the DV lottery medical examination.

DISCLAIMER: This post and content is designed for general information only and is NOT legal advice. This site is not offering any Diversity Visa and is not the official site for DV Lottery program. The information presented in this post should not be construed to be formal legal advice.

What To Do If Your Visa Application Gets Denied

Visa Application Gets Denied: Imagine you go in for your visa interview and after all that preparation, the consular officer or the immigration officer overseeing your visa interview and your visa application ultimately denies the case. What do you do?

Well, that’s what this guide will talk about. So make sure you read it very well from beginning to end.

What should you do in the unfortunate event that your visa application ultimately gets denied?

The first thing that you should know is that generally when a visa gets denied, the recourse that you have is basically to reapply.

Ultimately, when you reapply, it’s imperative to know what you need to do to improve your application, and in order to know that, you need to know why the application was originally denied.

Was the application denied because the immigration officer felt that you did not satisfy one of the requirements?

For example, for a visitor visa, you are required to overcome the presumption of immigrant intent. You have to satisfactorily convince the immigration officer that you are not an intending immigrant to the United States and that you truly plan to just visit the United States.

So was your visa application denied because you didn’t successfully do that? Or did the consular officer determine that you’re ineligible or you’re inadmissible to the United States for some reason?

For example, maybe you had a prior issue with overstaying a visa in the past and now you might be subject to some sort of bar from reentering the United States. Is that the case?

It’s very important for you to understand ultimately what the reason was why the visa application got denied? Because as I mentioned, your recourse is essentially to reapply.

When you’re reapplying you need to know what you need to fix with the application, is it just presenting some documentation more strongly or is it something entirely different?

For example, in the example mentioned above where there was an issue with a prior overstay, do you need to apply for some sort of a waiver to overcome that grounds for inadmissibility? All of this comes down to what the basis was for the denial.

Oftentimes when an immigration officer will deny a case, they may provide you with some sort of documentation that specifies the grounds for the denial, but sometimes they won’t, and that’s where it’s beneficial for you, depending on the circumstances, to ask the immigration officer to elaborate on the basis for the denial, so that ultimately you have a better understanding and you can communicate that with your immigration lawyer to develop a game plan for reapplying.

Also, to better understand whether it makes sense to reapply for this particular visa or if there’s potentially another visa that might be more suitable for you.

So there you have it.

If the visa gets denied:

  • make sure to understand why the visa got denied;
  • strategize with your immigration lawyer to determine whether it makes sense to reapply for this visa, whether you’re going to be required to apply for a waiver of some kind, whether it makes sense to apply for another visa or a different sort of immigration benefit and ultimately go from there.

Hope you found this information helpful.

How Derivatives Can Cause Diversity Visa Denial | Be Careful With Family Information

Diversity Visa Derivatives Issue: You have family members or you have derivatives that you added in the DV lottery application, the results are out and then you discover that you are among the DV lottery winners, you have been selected but you don’t want to immigrate/relocate with them to the United States. What then happens in this case?

Let’s say your children or the spouse, the legally wedded spouse, maybe due to some reasons that you have, you don’t want to immigrate with them or you have come into an agreement that you will go alone to the United States. This guide explains about the derivatives or family that you don’t intend to relocate with to the United States. This guide answers all those concerns, and also towards the end we shall learn the impact of you excluding them in your process.

To answer this question in various ways and various scenarios:

  • Diversity Visa Derivatives First Scenario:

There are those people that don’t want to immigrate with their derivatives immediately after the DV interview, but they want to later have them immigrate and join him or her later.

If you are this person with the derivatives that wants to first go to the U.S and establish yourself and then bring your family to come and join you, then this would be the best answer for you.

You have to fill the DS-260 form for each and every person. You’ll fill yours as a principal applicant and list your derivatives in your DS-260 form, create DS-260s for all of those that you’re going with.

Remember, the DS-260 form is an immigrant Visa form. This is the form that you fill for you to get a green card. Therefore, winning a DV lottery is not the visa you need to fill the DS-260 form for each and every person that will require the visa, because it is the Visa application form. It is for everyone that needs a green card.

So in that case, whereby you want to first go establish yourself for some few months and bring your family to join you, that is the way to go.

  • Diversity Visa Derivatives Second Scenario:

If you have decided that you completely don’t need to move with your family, your derivatives to the U.S, then this is what to do. Once you have realized you have been selected, after the results are out, you will fill the DS-260 form for yourself alone. That is the principal applicant’s DS-260 only.

In the DS-260 form you’ll fill the full length, i.e filling your personal information and listing all your derivatives inside there and then you just select “Not Immigrating with you”.

After filling your principal DS-260 form to the end, then you submit it. You don’t need to create other DS-260 forms for your beneficiaries, because you don’t want them to have a green card. They don’t need it because they won’t move with you.

But the point is, you will have to list all of them in your DS-260 form, but select Not Immigrating with them, and thereafter not submitting their DS-260 forms. By so doing, you’ll go along to the U.S, and then you will have your own green card, but your family won’t come and join you later.

If you will want at some point later to have them come and join you on a green card basis, after you have stayed there for several years, you will have to go the full breadth of the process of filing the family visas for them.

Does eliminating some of your beneficiaries from your form harm you?

Yes, indeed. If you have a family and you did not include them in the initial entry, that is a visa denial. But what about you included them, but you don’t want to move with them to the U.S?

As pointed above, you’ll include them in your DS-260 form and select not immigrating with you. That is the way to go. But if you eliminate them in the DS-260 form, meaning you don’t add them, you omitted them in your DS-260 form, then that can ruin your chance.

But understand this, by you not moving with your derivatives to the U.S and you have correctly indicated them in your principal DS-260 form, that is not a problem.

For example, if you have a family, you have filled their details well or properly, but you don’t want to move with them and you have indicated that you’re not moving with them, that will not ruin your chances. It’s normal, it’s your choice.

If you have a family, you have indicated them in your DS-260 form. You indicated them also in the initial application, but you said you don’t want to move with them. It’s your choice. That does not harm your chances. You’ll go through the interview successfully and if you pass the interview, you just go alone and that is normal and that is okay. There is nothing you lose by doing that.

DISCLAIMER: This post and content is designed for general information only and is NOT legal advice. This site is not offering any Diversity Visa and is not the official site for DV Lottery program. The information presented in this post should not be construed to be formal legal advice. If you have any questions about the DV lottery, please contact an immigration professional/officer or a licensed attorney.

Will Previous Visa Denial Cause Your DV Interview Denial?

This guide will clarify you on this question, will previous visa denial affect your diversity visa interview?

The answer is that the embassy or the consulate, they have all your information regarding the former visa applications.

If you’ve ever tried to apply for any visa, the visit visa, the student visa, the work visa, any other visa, including the tourism visa, every other kind of information regarding those visas, they already have the information.

Also tied to that, they also have all the reasons that caused your visa denial. They have all those information.

But does this affect you? The answer is yes. It affects you either way. It affects you positively or it can affect you negatively, and this depends on the reason as to why you are denied that previous visa application.

If you had applied, let’s say for a student visa and you were denied the visa due to insufficient document proof, insufficient documentation or insufficient financial support.

If you had this reason, that is not a valid reason to cause any visa denial, be it any other type or the diversity visa, those are just common reasons.

So it will not affect you if you have a reason that is just general, that cannot affect you.

But let’s say for example, the cause of your visa denial was on legal grounds, maybe a criminal record. If that was the cause, then definitely you are sure that it will also affect you in the diversity visa or any other visa that you are applying.

Because they will have to go through your criminal record and if they find that you are not fit for the immigration, then you’ll be denied.

So it depends upon the reasons as to why you are denied the visa.

But if it’s on just general lack of information, general lack of documentation that proves then that will not affect you.

But if it’s on the legal grounds, they might have to check thoroughly. If that legal ground reason still affects you, then definitely you’ll get denied your diversity visa.

So does the previous visa denial affect you in the diversity visa interview? The answer is yes. Either positively or negatively.

I hope this is informative.

DISCLAIMER: This post and content is designed for general information only and is NOT legal advice. This site is not offering any Diversity Visa and is not the official site for DV Lottery program. The information presented in this post should not be construed to be formal legal advice.

If you have any questions about the DV lottery, please contact an immigration professional/officer or a licensed attorney.

Why You Should Keep The Confirmation Number, Even If You Are Not Selected

Did you know that you have to keep your confirmation number with you when you realize you have not been selected DV lottery? Why are you supposed to keep your confirmation number? This guide is for all those that might end up not getting selected for the DV-2024 lottery.

You are supposed to keep your confirmation number because there might be a second selection. A second selection is a possibility because such happened year back like in the year 2018 and the DV lottery 2012.

In fact, for 2012, the whole process of selection had to be redone. But in 2018, when September came, there was a second selection, because they realized the cut off number, the highest one that they had placed, did not suffice the number of visas that was supposed to be issued.

And that was because there were a lot of holes in between and therefore lesser people to fill in the slots for the diversity visas that were supposed to be issued.

Therefore they had to do a second selection to add on those people, that’s it is important to keep the confirmation number, as much as it’s a rare occurrence, but it is also so possible.

So how long are you supposed to keep your confirmation number in case you realized that you are not selected? You keep your confirmation number with you up to the beginning of the interview period for that DV lottery.

In this case, as the results for the DV-2024 Lottery has been released, the interviews for the DV Lottery 2024 will only begin as from the 1 October this year. So keep your confirmation number up to October of this year.

Around October this year if there might be need for a second selection process, then they will do it around that time, and around that time you can recheck whether they have done the selection again.

If they have done it and you check, then you can find out that you have been selected or not. But note that this is a rare occurrence. It happened in 2012 and in 2018. So just keep your confirmation number with you till that time.

Does this mean a second chance? Well, to some extent, but not as promising because these occurrences, they happen rarely.

I hope this information comes to you at the right time, so that out of desperation when you realize you’ve not been selected or out of anything, you don’t dump your confirmation number but be with it.

If you have lost or misplaced your confirmation number, read this>>> How To Retrieve Lost or Misplaced DV Lottery Confirmation Number, to check DV-2024 Results.

I wish you all the best and I wish you success.

DISCLAIMER: This post and content is designed for general information only and is NOT legal advice. This site is not offering any Diversity Visa and is not the official site for DV Lottery program. The information presented in this post should not be construed to be formal legal advice.

If you have any questions about the DV lottery, please contact an immigration professional/officer or a licensed attorney.

The Yellow Slip After DV Interview | 221g Refusal

Regarding the papers, the color and the content that you may be issued with after the DV lottery interview. Today, we will discuss about the yellow paper/slip 221g.

What is the Yellow Paper/Slip after the DV Interview?

The yellow paper/slip 221g is the other paper that you may expect to get after your DV interview. The yellow document is one of the colors of the 221g visa refusal, and it indicates that there is a need for further administrative processing before the final decision is made on your visa application.

This means that additional time may be needed to complete the processing of your visa application, and you may need to wait longer than expected (e.g weeks, months or so) to receive the final decision.

When you receive the yellow paper/slip, it is important just as for other documents to go through that paper thoroughly, understand what additional administrative processing is required, and if you can’t understand, just contact your embassy and inquire of it.

The instructions will typically provide specific details on what steps you need to take, what documentation you need to provide. They will be clearly outlined on the document.

What are the reasons as to why you may receive this yellow paper/slip?

If there is need for further background checks.

Just like other papers, if there is additional information about you or regarding your application that requires further information, further background checks, then you will be given the yellow paper/slip.

This may be required if you have previously lived in or visited a country with high security risks. The yellow slip indicates that they want to do some further background checks.

If you have visited countries with security issues, countries that pose threat to the human populations, if you visited those countries, then a background check has to happen.

They need to know why did you go there? What were your aims? What were your goals? Or what did you go for in that country? What is your relationship with that country? What activities are you conducting in that country?

If there is some security issues regarding your travel, regarding your visiting a country, then expect the yellow paper.

If you have any issue that may raise concerns regarding your eligibility of the visa, or any other issue that is around your eligibility based on the above discussed, then may lead to the yellow paper.

Another reason for the yellow paper/slip is further verification of your application.

This may include reviewing the documentation provided in support of your application or verifying the information provided in your application. You may be required to produce documents to support, especially on security issues.

It is important to act promptly, respond quickly, and provide the necessary or the required or the requested documents or information. In some cases, the processing may take longer, especially if you come or you have visited those countries that pose a threat to the security of the United States.

It is also important to take note that some type of visas, such as those related to science and technology, or those additional security clearances, may require additional administrative processes.

If your certificate of qualification is under the engineering, and especially those engineering related to nuclear material, nuclear energy, and maybe you visited those countries that have these issues, then automatically you expect this case to be so complicated and to take time and you need to expect the yellow paper.

In conclusion, receiving the yellow paper can be frustrating, as it means your visa application is on hold while further administrative processing is conducted.

However, by carefully reviewing the instructions provided on the slip and promptly responding to any requests for additional information or documentation, you can increase your chances of having your visa application approved.

It’s important to remain patient and allow sufficient time for the administrative processing to be completed, particularly if additional background checks or verification are required.

Reasons for yellow paper/slip 221g:

  • Further processing required example
  • A security clearance is required due to your background, or additional administrative processing is needed due to the complexity of your case.

DISCLAIMER: This post and content is designed for general information only and is NOT legal advice. This site is not offering any Diversity Visa and is not the official site for DV Lottery program. The information presented in this post should not be construed to be formal legal advice.

If you have any questions about the DV lottery, please contact an immigration professional/officer or a licensed attorney.

Slip Issued After The DV Lottery interview | 221(g) Pink Paper

The second paper that you might be given after the DV lottery interview is the Pink Paper. Today we’ll be looking on 221(g) the Pink Paper/Slip.

Remember that the information here on the various types of documents, is the general information that will be found on the paper. Depending on the embassies, there might be some various variations, but the overall information of the content will be the same.

What are the content of the 221(g) pink slip/paper?

The pink paper/slip is one of the colors of the 221(g) visa refusal document and it indicates that there is an issue with the documentation provided in support of your visa application.

This means that the visa officer requires additional documentation to make a decision on your visa application.

When you receive a pink slip, it is crucial to carefully review the instruction provided on the slip and understand what additional document is required.

As usual, whichever color of the paper you get on the refusal, read thoroughly through the document and understand the requirement. Of course, the consular will tell you whatever is needed, but this paper will in details explain the need.

It is when you miss some other document, for example, if your medical results have not been submitted to the embassy at the time of your interview, then you can be given the pink paper.

What are other things or other documents that by them missing will cause you to be given the pink paper?

One of the common reason for receiving the pink paper is the missing or expired passport. Remember, your passports, both yours and for your derivatives, need to have an expiration period of beyond six months after the interview. That is a requirement.

If your passport expires maybe in two months after the interview or three months after the interview, or under six months, then you can be given the pink paper. Or if your passport is currently expired at the time of the interview, you also expect to get this pink paper.

In this case, the visa officer may request you to provide a valid passport before the application proceeds. It is essential to make sure that your passport is valid before you attend the interview.

Before submitting anything, or attending the interview, ensure your passports they meet the requirements.

Incomplete Birth Certificate

Another reason is incomplete birth certificate. If the birth certificate is incomplete, there are some missing birth certificates or missing details on the birth certificate, you will be put to this administrative processing and be given the pink paper until you rectify those missing information on a birth certificate or the missing birth certificate.

In this case, the visa officer may require that you provide a certified copy. If you go without the certified copy of the birth certificate, expect a pink paper.

Ensure that you go with the original documents plus a certified notarized documents, for all those documents that require to be notarized, don’t skip any of them.

The pink document may also be issued if there are discrepancies in the information provided on your visa. If there are some minor differences, minor solvable differences inside your applications, then you can be given this pink paper.

Also if you come from other countries, like for example, South Africa and you fail to provide your social media handle, your social media accounts, expect to receive this pink paper.

So any discrepancies in the application that can be solved, they will lead you to receive the pink paper.

Delayed medical results, maybe the medical examining center has not yet sent the results to the embassy, then you’ll be given this pink paper as you wait for the results to be submitted.

In this case, the visa officer may require to provide the additional documentation or the support information for that case and it is important to respond promptly. That is the key take away for all these documents discussed.

You act as fast as you can, don’t make any delay because the more you delay, the slower your process will be.

In some cases the processing may take longer than others, essential to remain calm, to remain settled as you wait for the processing of this kind of 221(g) refusal.

In conclusion, when you receive the pink paper you may become stressed. Of course it is a disturbing situation because your expectation is when you go for the interview, you go successfully and get the visa approved. Just be calm and comply with the requirements.

Be careful to go through all the information on the document, be careful to comply with them as needed. It is good also if you submit your documents and you see some delay, it’s good also to follow up your case. There’s no punish you on doing that.

In Summary

Reasons for Pink Slip/Paper

  • The pink paper is issued is when you have issues with documentation and discrepancies in your application or
  • when your passport is expired or
  • your birth certificate misses something, or
  • you don’t have the notarized documents or
  • your medical examination has not yet been submitted, that is, the results of the medical examination have not yet been submitted and
  • some further documentation that are required in support of the information.

That is the general conclusion of the pink paper.

Other documents with different colors that are issued.

DISCLAIMER: This post and content is designed for general information only and is NOT legal advice. This site is not offering any Diversity Visa and is not the official site for DV Lottery program. The information presented in this post should not be construed to be formal legal advice.

Papers Issued After The Green Card Visa Interview | White Paper 221(g) Visa Refusal

There are different documents/papers issued after the Green Card Visa (DV) Interview. The first documents that we are going to learn in this guide is the white paper 221(g) Visa Refusal.

What is 221(g) and what are the different color forms of 221(g)?

Form 221(g) refusal is a document that is issued by the U.S embassy if they need more information about your visa application. The form 221(g) is printed on various color papers including white, yellow, blue, and green.

All these different papers we will be discussing the general content, the overall content of the paper, but the specific statements or requirements will slightly differ from one embassy to the other. But the overall content will be the same.

What is white paper under the 221(g) Visa Refusal?

The white document is the most common color in the 221(g) visa refusal document. It indicates that your visa application requires additional administrative processing before a final decision can be made.

There could be various reasons for the white slip, such as background checks, verification of documents and further clarification on your application. That is what the white paper will entails.

When you receive a white slip, it is essential to understand that the processing time can vary depending on the complexity of your case. Have it in your mind. This means that there may be a delay in the processing of your visa and you may need to wait longer than expected to receive the final decision of your application.

To avoid to avoid any further delays, it is crucial to respond promptly to any requests for additional information or documents. This will help the processing of your case to move forward smoothly and quickly.

It is very important point to take, that once you’re given this white paper, there will be some list of requirements by the embassy pertaining your case and everything they request you or require to do, make sure you do it as promptly because this will fasten your process.

If you delay or the further you delay to submit the documents or to comply with the requirement, the longer your case will take to be processed.

One of the most common reasons for receiving the white paper is the missing documentation.

For example, maybe you said you are a high school graduate and you’ve not provided your document for verification or maybe you said you are a degree holder, the university degree, but you have not come with the certificate. They might put you on hold until you provide that and for that case you will be given the white paper.

So the missing documents will be on the white paper and the visa officer may request you to provide those missing documents as soon as possible. It is important to carefully read the instructions provided on the white slip and submit the required documents promptly.

Always read what is on the paper and the officer there will normally check the box of the document that you are required to submit. So read through and comply with what is in the paper.

Another reason for the white slip may be further verification of your application and background checks. If your application needs or from the answers that you provided during the interview raises the need for there to be a further document verification, some background checks, then you’ll be given the white paper.

This may take additional time, but it is essential to remain patient and wait for the process of your case to be complete.

It is also crucial to note that administrative processing can take longer for certain types of visas, such as those related to science and technology, or those requiring additional security clearances.

If, for example, you did nuclear science, remember it is related to atomic things or those bombs of those terrorist weapons, so they might take some time to check you, to review your background.

If it’s related to that, it may take longer, or other fields that are related to war things. This might cause your case to go longer.

Those documents requiring additional security checks or if your career requires additional security checks, if you are doing a career that requires additional security checks, for example, this will cause your administrative processing to take longer.

In these cases, additional administrative processing may be required, which can lead to longer processing time.

In conclusion, receiving a white paper can be frustrating, as it means your visa is on hold. However, it is important to remain patient and follow the instruction provided on the paper. By responding promptly to any request, then it fastens the process of the administrative process.

Below is some summary of the content of the white paper.

Reasons for White Slip/Paper

  • Additional administrative processing, (for example, background checks, document verification and such).
  • Your application may be missing some documentation, maybe you’ve not provided some of the supporting documents.

This is all about the white paper, though the contents might differ depending on the embassies and your case.

DISCLAIMER: This post and content is designed for general information only and is NOT legal advice. This site is not offering any Diversity Visa and is not the official site for DV Lottery program. The information presented in this post should not be construed to be formal legal advice.

If you have any questions about the DV lottery, please contact an immigration professional/officer or a licensed attorney.

Documents Issued After The DV Interview | 221(g) and Administrative Processing

There are different types of documents/papers with different colors which are issued after a DV interview. Also, there are three possibilities of the outcomes of the visa interview.

Papers Issued After The DV Interview

Below are Papers issued after the DV Interview:

  • The visa approval document/paper

If your visa is approved, and you’re given a specific document, normally it is green in color, it mean your visa has been approved.

  • Visa refusal, 221(g) document/paper

Visa refusal means that you have not been successful and you cannot be issued with a visa because the embassy or the consulate has found some good reasons. By so doing you undergo the process called administrative processing. Under this refusal, there are three documents with different colors that are issued.

  1. White Paper 221(g) Visa Refusal
  2. The Yellow Slip After DV Interview
  3. 221(g) Pink Paper/Slip Issued After The DV Lottery interview

Those are the outcomes of the DV lottery interview.

Difference between the 221(g) visa refusal and the administrative processing

What is the difference between 221(g) refusal and the administrative processing?

Administrative processing and 221(g) visa refusal are related but they are not the same thing. The two terms, they are used together but they don’t mean the same thing.

What is administrative processing?

The administrative processing refers to the additional checks or reviews that a visa application undergoes after the initial interview by the consular officer, if need be.

After the interview and the consular officer or the consulate find some reason of doing further reviews, further check on the information you have provided, then that is what is call administrative processing (AP).

That process of reviewing or checking or doing further checking, that process is the administrative processing. This can involve further background checks, additional documentation or information requests or need a further review of the application by the embassy or consulate.

On the other hand, the 221(g) visa refusal is the specific type that indicates the need for the further administrative processing or review.

For the 221(g) visa refusal, this is not a permanent refusal. It simply implies that you have some specific areas that need to be checked and it will be specific. It will tell you that “you are put on hold because of this reason, provide such and such a document to counter this reason for us to approve your visa or for us to see whether we can approve your visa.”

221(g) is specific type of refusal. When the specific type of refusal emerges, then you are put on administrative processing, meaning further review because of that reason of refusal.

This can happen when the consular officer needs more information or documentation to make a decision or if additional background checks or review is needed.

In other words, administrative processing is a broader term that encompasses any additional checks or review that a visa application undergoes. While the 221(g) visa refusal is a specific type of refusal indicating the need for that administrative processing.

It is important to note that administrative processing can sometimes lead to 221(g) visa refusal. But not all administrative processing lead to visa refusal.

For example, when you undergo a visa interview, the consular officer might see some reason for them to conduct additional check within the embassy, with maybe the supervisor because of the answer that you give.

They tell you, go with your passport and after some hours we will call you back to send the passport back after they have finished with some further checkups. Sometimes it may take some few minutes or some few hours just within the embassy checking and reviewing your documents. This is also administrative processing.

At other times they might require you to leave their passports behind, as they are doing further check or administrative processing, and in so doing they will issue a document to specify the reason for the refusal, i.e the 221(g) visa refusal. It may take sometimes maybe a week or two or even months.

If additional information or document is provided and the visa officer is satisfied with the review, the visa application can still be approved even after administrative processing has occurred.

Overall, it is essential to understand that administrative processing and the 221(g) visa refusal are related, but they are not the same. They are not interchangeable terms.

Does the 221(g) visa refusal apply to nonimmigrant visa as well?

Remember, we have two categories and the DV lottery visa is an immigrant visa. But we have other type of visas that are meant for the temporary visit, maybe for the reason of business or visit or student or any other just temporary.

Do the 221(g) visa refusal also apply to these temporary visas?

The answer is yes. The 221(g) applies for both immigrant and nonimmigrant visas. Both of you can be refused and you can be refused under this 221(g) visa refusal.

The nonimmigrant visa is for the temporary stay in the United States, but the immigrant one is for a permanent stay, for example, the green card that is gotten from the diversity visa.

As explained above, the 221(g) visa refusal is issued when there is a need for further administrative processing or review of the visa application.

The final decision can only be made after you have met the requirements in the 221(g).

The next is on the white paper that is issued on the 221(g) visa refusal. What does it entail and what are you supposed to do once you get issued with this paper?

DISCLAIMER: This post and content is designed for general information only and is NOT legal advice. This site is not offering any Diversity Visa and is not the official site for DV Lottery program. The information presented in this post should not be construed to be formal legal advice.

Things You Must and Things You Must Not Lest You Risk Visa Approval

This guide will explain those things you must and must not, lest you risk your DV visa approval.

As we are approaching the date of the results for the DV Lottery 2024, many questions are coming up.

Questions like;

  • If I get selected, what should I do?
  • If I get selected, what is the next step?

Also, this guide will explain one important thing about the results and what you’re supposed to do.

If you applied in the DV Lottery 2024 and you are waiting for the result, and you have this question about adding a person into the DS-260 form who was not added during the DV lottery application.

To answer this question, let first discuss into detail if it is illegal to add another person in your DS-260 form or is it legal. The answer could be yes or no.

For the yes, what are the people or which people can you add in the DS-260 form even if they were not in the initial entry? The people that you can add include a newly born baby.

For example you are waiting for the DV result, and by the time you are applying, you are expecting a baby and after application you got the baby.

Even if you applied in the month of October, let’s say for example, October 15 and you got the baby a day after, on the 16th of October, that baby is eligible to be added as a derivative in your DS-260 form.

If you had gotten the baby a day before but when applying you said this child is too young to be added and you decided not to add, that child is not eligible and if you add that child, you are likely to get visa refusal.

So if you got the baby in the waiting period for the result, the baby is qualified to be added as a derivative. So you go ahead and add the baby in the DS-260 form.

The other yes, the person that you can add to your DS-260 form who was initially not added is a newly married spouse and he or she must be legal spouse and legalized by the certificate of marriage.

The certificate of marriage approves that this is your spouse, then you can add that spouse.

So in between the waiting period, if you get married, that spouse you are confidently supposed to add in the DS-260 form.

The other yes is about the step-children. If you got married in between waiting for the DV results and your spouse came in with other children, and they become your step-children. These children, they also qualify to be added as the derivatives in the DV process.

These categories of people are the only ones who are qualified to be added in the DS-260 form if you are selected.

Which people, even if you love them and you like to go with them, will not be qualified and if you add them, they will cost you your visa?

  • Your girlfriend or your boyfriend

If you are in a relationship, i.e your boyfriend or your girlfriend, he or she does not qualify as a derivative.

  • The spouse that is legally married to you, but you did not add him or her in the DV lottery application. That does not qualify.

All the kids that you have, either step-children, adopted children or your biological children, but you did not add them. Even if you are a single parent, and you did not add your children in the initial DV lottery application, those children don’t qualify to be added as derivatives in the DS-260 form.

If you do add them, you risk the visa refusal. Also, if the Embassy of the United States government come to realize that you had left out your derivatives, you had lied, then that is a total and instant disqualification.

You cannot add your brother, you cannot add your mother, you cannot add any of your siblings or your relative. They don’t qualify. Even if they are ailing and you are the custodian, you are the caregiver to your parents or to your people, and you are selected, you’ll have to leave them behind and go alone.

I wish you success and I pray for you to be selected for the DV interview.

DISCLAIMER: This post and content is designed for general information only and is NOT legal advice. This site is not offering any Diversity Visa and is not the official site for DV Lottery program. The information presented in this post should not be construed to be formal legal advice.

If you have any questions about the DV lottery, please contact an immigration professional/officer or a licensed attorney.

Don’t Do These Thing At Your DV Interview – You Will Surely Get Diversity Visa Denial

Don’t Do These Thing At Your DV Interview: During your diversity visa interview, don’t provide information that is different in your application, , it will cost you have your visa refused or denied.

Don’t Do These Thing At Your DV Interview

  1. Failure for you to provide the relevant support document

When attending the interview, you are supposed to produce the proof documents for whatever information you filled in your DS-260 and throughout your application.

Failure for you to provide the relevant support document or providing documents that do not match whatever you filled, that leads to visa denial. So you are supposed to provide all the documents.

  1. Failure to provide a valid marriage certificate

Failure to provide a valid marriage certificate, if you applied as married, that causes you to get a visa denial, or if you provide an invalid marriage certificate, that will cost your green card as well.

If you applied as married, make sure you have the relevant certificate of marriage that will prove your marriage.

  1. Producing wrong academic document proof or failure to provide them

If you listed your academic level, produce the documents that prove that level. But if you say, for example, you have a university degree, but in the real sense you only have a high school degree and you fail to produce that university degree, that automatically leads to your disqualification.

Failure to produce relevant academic support documents will lead to your visa denial.

  1. Failure to produce the police clearance certificate

Failure to produce the police clearance certificate for all individuals above 16 years of age in your application, will always lead to your visa denial.

When attending your interview, you should have all the police clearance certificate for all those individuals above the 16 years of age.

  1. Failure to produce valid passport

If you fail to produce the valid passports for all the derivatives together with you during the interview, you will be denied your visa. Valid passport mean a passport that exists beyond six months after your interview.

A passport that expires in one or two months after your DV interview is considered invalid. All the members in your application should have valid passports that extends beyond six months after your diversity visa interview.

  1. Prove of work experience documents

If you are qualifying through work experience, then you have to have all the support documents that will prove your work experience and your work should be within the qualified work.

Remember, not all works qualify you for the DV lottery. It is only those work experiences with Specific Vocational Preparation (SVP) of seven and this rating is done at the United States Labor website where they classify different works experience, different works according to the level call SVP. All jobs that have an SVP rating of above seven, they are considered qualified, but any other below seven is unqualified work experience.

  1. Another reason why you’ll get your visa refused would be if you left out your derivatives in your initial entry

For example, you are a married person and you applied as single. That means you’ll get refused because you left out your spouse. If you had children, legally adopted, your natural children, or the children of your spouse and you left them outside your application, that is an automatic disqualification and your visa will be refused.

From the first application till the filling of DS-260, ensure you fill in or you add in all of your derivatives.

Maybe you get a child after you have applied, then in your DS-260 include that newborn.

If you get married after you had applied, you go ahead and include your legally married spouse in your DS-260, but leaving a single out will cost you the visa.

  1. The other thing that will disqualify you for a visa would be when you include unqualified spouse or unqualified children.

By unqualified spouse, it means you cannot add your girlfriend or your boyfriend. You cannot add a man or a woman you are cohabiting with and is not your wife. You cannot include your fiancee.

All individuals you are staying with and they are not your married spouses, you cannot include. If you do, you get disqualified.

By unqualified children, i.e children that are not your natural children, your biological children, children that are not the children of your spouse, the legally wedded spouse, the children that are not legally adopted, these children that do not fall into these categories, you should not include.

If you do include, for example, you include the child of your neighbor or the child of your aunt or uncle, then you are going to be disqualified for the diversity visa. Only your legal children, only your natural children or your stepchildren, only those are supposed to be added.

  1. Another thing that will cost you your visa would be dishonesty and lies and fraud in your application.

If you evolve yourself in any kind of made up stories in your entire diversity visa process, you are risking disqualification.

Don’t add or subtract any information from any information regarding you.

Be truthful from the start to the end. Everything you feel must be true and with proof. Dishonesty and lies are considered fraud and they will deny you your visa approval.

  1. Involving yourself in crime

The other thing would be involving yourself in crime either before the application or during the diversity visa process.

Some crimes will cost you the visa, if you commit felonies, definitely you will get denied your visa.

You will be denial your visa if you involve yourself in drug trafficking or personal trafficking or personnel trafficking. If you involve yourself in such activities, automatically you will be denied your visa approval.

Such crimes don’t involve yourself in them, let your record, your police clearance certificate be clean. Don’t involve in the crimes because you will get your visa denied.

These are some of the few things that may lead to your visa denial.

DISCLAIMER: This post and content is designed for general information only and is NOT legal advice. This site is not offering any Diversity Visa and is not the official site for DV Lottery program. The information presented in this post should not be construed to be formal legal advice.

If you have any questions about the DV lottery, please contact an immigration professional/officer or a licensed attorney.

Mistakes that will deny you the Diversity Visa, even if you get selected

It’s good you go through this guide, so that you will know those mistakes that you can get selected with but will definitely deny you your Diversity Visa (DV). With these errors you will get selected BUT you will be denied the Green Card Visa.

In other words, you may have been selected or you will be selected or you may be selected with these mistakes, but you getting the diversity visa is a dream that may not come to reality. You will definitely be denied the visa.

Mistakes that will deny you the Diversity Visa even if you get selected

Below are the mistakes that you can do and you may get selected, but you will not be given your visa:

  1. By selecting the wrong country of eligibility.

If you lie about your country of eligibility during your application, you may get through the selection process, but you will not be given your visa. You will definitely fail your interview.

  1. By selecting the wrong level of education.

Yes, if you select the wrong level of education, you may get through the selection process, but during the diversity visa processing, you will get denied your visa.

Don’t make any mistake when selecting your level of education. If you have a high school diploma, select the high school degree. If you don’t have select, you don’t have, don’t lie about your education level, you will definitely get denied your diversity visa.

  1. By selecting the wrong marital status.

Wrong marital status will deny you the visa even though you get through the selection process.

If you are single, why not select single? Why put married? Because you have a girlfriend, she is not your spouse. You have a boyfriend and he is not your spouse. If you are single, you select single.

If you are legally married, select you are married. And if it is to a spouse that is a United States citizen or a green card holder, select married to a U.S Citizen or a legal permanent resident.

If it is not a spouse from the United States, select not from the United States. Don’t lie on your spouse and your marital status.

If you are separated and you have the separation documents, select separated. If you don’t have the legal separation document, you have to select married. If you are divorced with the divorce certificate, then you select divorce. But if you are divorced and you don’t have the legal divorce documents, don’t select divorce. You have to select married.

Don’t lie about your marital status. You may get through, but you will not receive your visa.

  1. By lying on the number of children that you have.

Remember that the children that are legally allowed to be added as your derivatives include your natural children, your step-children and your legally adopted children, and nor anyone else.

Therefore, indicate the correct number of children that you have and include their details. Don’t lie in it.

Even if you are single and you have a child, include that child.

Therefore, those are the mistakes that you may get selected with but you will definitely be denied your diversity visa. Don’t commit these mistakes.

I hope the information is clear.

DISCLAIMER: This post and content is designed for general information only and is NOT legal advice. This site is not offering any Diversity Visa and is not the official site for DV Lottery program. The information presented in this post should not be construed to be formal legal advice.

If you have any questions about the DV lottery, please contact an immigration professional/officer or a licensed attorney.

Most Common Reason Why Visa Applications to the United States Get Denied and How to Avoid This

Most Common Reason for Visa Denials and How to Avoid This: In this guide, we will learn the most common reason why visa applications to the United States get denied. Those applying for a U.S Visa, make sure you read this guide to the end.

Most Common Reason for U.S Visa Denials and How to Avoid This

Below is one of the most common reasons why visa applications to the United States get denied and tip to avoid it.

For many nonimmigrant visas to the U.S, such as for visitor visas, student visas and even many work visas that are nonimmigrant visas to the U.S, they have a requirement that the applicant for that visa has something called nonimmigrant intent.

What nonimmigrant intent means is that the applicant for that visa intends to return to their home country. They do not intend to remain in the United States permanently.

If an applicant for one of these non-immigrant visas does not satisfy the consular officer at the time of their visa appointment that they have nonimmigrant intent, then that consular officer, that immigration officer at the consulate will likely deny the visa application for something called 214(B).

214(B) essentially means that the visa applicant did not sufficiently convince the immigration officer that they possess nonimmigrant intent.

It could be that the immigration officer is not convinced that the applicant will return to their home country or potentially the immigration officer thinks that the applicant for the particular nonimmigrant visa will be remaining in the United States or something along those lines.

That’s a big picture overview of 214(B). It’s a highly common reason for nonimmigrant visa denials.

You might be wondering, how can I avoid a 214(B) denial?

The answer is that you want to show strong ties to your home country. What are some examples of strong ties to your home country?

Example 1: Is that you own property in your home country.

For example, you own a home or you own an investment property.

Example 2: Is that if you have family in your home country.

For example, if you have a spouse and children in your home country.

Example 3: Is if you have a business in your home country or you have a job in your home country.

In each of these scenarios or with each of these examples, you’re showing a link between yourself and your home country, where it would be unlikely for you to just leave whatever it is that you have going on in your home country and come to the United States permanently.

All of those examples a job, property, family, are things that tie you to your home country that make it less likely that you would give that up or leave that behind and move to the United States.

Again, one of the best ways to avoid a 214(B) denial is to demonstrate strong ties to your home country.

Visitor visas

Visitor visas regularly have denials under 214(B). How can you overcome these denials? Again, one way is to show strong ties to your home country.

In addition to showing strong ties to your home country, you also want to show a definitive purpose for coming to the United States.

What are some examples of a specific purpose for coming to the United States?

For example, if someone was coming to do a medical procedure, or someone was coming to attend a seminar of some kind, or a business conference, or to potentially negotiate a contract, or to go sightseeing. These are all specific reasons for coming to the United States.

The more that you can show the immigration officer that you have all these strong ties to your home country, and on top of that, you have a specific, limited purpose for coming to the United States, something that’s definite in duration or that’s limited in duration.

These two can work together to really create a strong impression before the consular officer that you’re not planning on coming to the United States to remain permanently.

You’re coming for a specific reason, and you certainly are going to return to your home country because of all those strong ties that you have there.

In summary

This guide talked about one of the most common reasons for nonimmigrant visa denials, 214(B) and some ways that can help strengthen your case to avoid denials under 214(B).

I hope you found this guide (Most Common Reason for Visa Denials and How to Avoid This) extremely helpful. Thank you so much for reading it.

If you know anybody that can benefit from this information, please make sure to share this guide with them. We’re all about empowering each other with knowledge.

DISCLAIMER: This post/guide and content is designed for general information only and is NOT legal advice. This site is not offering any legal advice. If you need legal advice, you should seek the advice of an attorney in your jurisdiction before taking any legal action.

The information presented in this post/guide should not be construed to be formal legal advice.

Reasons for DV Lottery Winners to be denied Visas at U.S Embassy despite winning the Lottery

In this guide, we will learn why you may be denied diversity visa even after you have been selected from the diversity visa lottery online application.

You can get selected from the diversity visa lottery online application but these mistakes can deny you your diversity visa. In other words, you may have been selected or you will be selected or you may be selected with these mistakes, but you getting the visa is a dream. You will definitely be denied the visa.

What are the reasons for someone who is the winner of the DV lottery to be denied the visa during the visa interview?

You have won the DV lottery, you have processed everything, you have reached the stage to be given what is called the second notification letter (2NL) to go to the visa interview, you have done the medical, everything is okay, you go to the visa interview, then you get denied of the diversity visa. Why will you gets denied?

Reasons Why You May be Denied Diversity Visa Even If You Are Selected

There are so many reasons which make a winner be denied the visa. Below are those mistakes that you can do and you may get selected, but you will not be given a visa:

  1. By selecting the wrong country of eligibility

If you lie about your country of eligibility during your application, you may get through the selection process, but you will not be given your visa. You will definitely fail your interview.

Some people makes mistake of putting different country of eligibility. For instance, someone from Uganda who lives in Qatar, he is working in Qatar. By mistake, instead of putting the country of eligibility in Uganda, the country of birth is Uganda.

The question was, which country are you born? Are you born in Uganda? Are you claiming that there is the country of birth? The person who didn’t know, then they put no and put the country where they live as Qatar. The person would be denied visa despite winning the lottery.

Putting a country of eligibility, which is not yours, is automatically denial of the visa despite being the winner of the DV lottery.

  1. By selecting the wrong level of education

If you select the wrong level of education, you may get through the selection process, but during the diversity visa processing, you will get denied your visa. Don’t make any mistake when selecting your level of education.

If you have a high school diploma, select the high school degree. If you don’t have select, you don’t have. Don’t lie about your education level, you will definitely get denied your diversity visa.

In the application of the DV lottery, you don’t have correct education required, so you are depending on the work experience. The work experience which is required is two years of qualifying work experience out of five years or in the period of five years.

Qualifying meaning not every work experience will qualify. The work experience must meet the Department of Labor Special Vocational Range (SVP), of six and above. If you have a work experience which is below that range, you will be denied the visa. That is another way people are not meeting that particular requirement.

  1. By selecting the wrong marital status

Wrong marital status will deny you the visa even though you get through the selection process.

If you are single, why not select single? Why put married? Because you have a girlfriend, she is not your spouse. You have a boyfriend and he is not your spouse.

If you are single, you select single. If you are legally married, select you are married. If it is a spouse that is a United States citizen or a green card holder, select married to a U.S Citizen or a legal permanent resident. If it is not a spouse from the United States, select not from the United States.

Don’t lie on your spouse, on your marital status. If you are separated and you have the separation documents, select separated. If you don’t have the legal separation document, you have to select married.

If you are divorced with the divorced certificate, then you select divorce. But if you are divorced and you don’t have the legal divorce documents, don’t select divorce, you have to select married.

Don’t lie about your marital status. You may get through selection process, but you will not receive your visa.

Those are instruction number 14 and instruction number 15 of the DV lottery applications.

  1. By lying on the number of children that you have

Remember, the children that are legally allowed to be added as your derivatives include your natural children, your stepchildren and your legally adopted children, and not anyone else.

Therefore, indicate the correct number of children that you have and include their details and don’t lie in it. Even if you are single and you have a child, include that child.

When you ask about children, the question is number of children. The children has to be biological or step-children, or legally adopted children who are under the age of 21 and unmarried.

For you, you put a child of your brother who is not your child. Or you put your child, you think that you have adopted a child, but you didn’t do by the legal way just because someone’s relative died and you have been living with that child since maybe the age of one doesn’t make you as a parent. You are just someone helping.

So for that particular case, putting a child who is not your child or lying that you don’t have a child while you have children, will lead you to be denied the visa.

  1. Criminal record

That’s why they need a police clearance. Police clearance will be able to determine whether to be denied or not to be denied the visa. Even if it’s not a typical criminal record, in the DV lottery or in any visa you are supposed to fill at the U.S Embassy, you will be required to put the list of all social media you have in the past five years or the phone number you have used in the past five years.

The U.S government will be going to look into your social media. Let’s say by mistake you have been a very big supporter of a terrorist. Obviously, it might bring a problem. You have liked and commented in support of illegal group. They know you are affiliated with or you have bad intention to the U.S government or to the US as a country.

What you comment on social media, what you like on social media might come to bite you in big way in this type of situation.

  1. Another thing is a medical

In most cases, they’re not going to check HIV, they’re not going to check hepatitis, they’re not going to look into that. But if you are addicted with a drug to the higher level, you’ll not be given the visa.

If you have a certain type of mental health, mental health is not a problem. But the mental health, which has been proven that it has caused or you have proven like you have done a mass shooting, you have taken a knife going to stab some people, maybe at the school. Those type of behavior will lead to you being denied because they see you are a threat. If you go to America, you might cause a very big problem to life of people in America.

READ: Get Tested And Treated Of These Diseases As Early As Possible Before DV Medical Examination

During the passport requirement, if you lied or you put your wrong passport number was a reason for that. But now there is that big controversy and there’s a lawsuit that the passport is no longer required. People were in the case and the U.S government hasn’t filed the appeal yet, so that will not be a reason for you to be denied the visa.

They’re not going to look about the photo used on that particular case. They are looking now you are the winner. They are looking into those are some of the things which will be able to cause you for you being the winner and be denied the visa.

For that reason, that’s why they are going to select so many people as winners, as a backup because they know the majority of people will not be able to meet those requirements and might not be able to be given the visas.

Those are the mistakes that you may get selected with but you will definitely be denied your diversity visa. Don’t commit these mistakes.

I hope you find the information useful.

DISCLAIMER: This post and content is designed for general information only and is NOT legal advice. This site is not offering any Diversity Visa and is not the official site for DV Lottery program. The information presented in this post should not be construed to be formal legal advice.

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