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dv lottery medical examination

Get Tested And Treated Of These Diseases As Early As Possible Before DV Medical Examination


There are certain things that can lead to your visa denial during the interview, and among these is issue regarding the diseases. In this guide, we will go through the type of diseases or conditions that can lead to your visa denial, during DV Medical Examination.

Note: It is hard for a certain disease to cost you your diversity visa, but there are others that can really make you inadmissible to the United States.

The main type of disease that can cause you not to get your diversity visa approved are the diseases that are of public harm and these are the diseases that can become contagious and can be transmitted to other people.

Example of these diseases that are communicable include tuberculosis, syphilis, gonorrhea, and the Hansen disease (i.e leprosy).

Tuberculosis generally causes a spot or the chest spot, although there are other diseases that can cause the chest spot. Once the chest spot is detected and it has been caused by tuberculosis, what happens is that, the civil surgeons that did your examination will know what type of tuberculosis you have. You might be having the active one, which means that it can spread to other people, or you might be having the passive one.

The passive means you might be infected by TB, but there are no signs or no symptoms showing up and this is called passive. This means that it cannot be transmitted from you to the public.

Therefore, once the surgeons have known what type of TB you have, then they will recommend the necessary medication and you will have to be treated before you return for your diversity visa interview.

How will tuberculosis cost you your diversity visa?

Once TB is detected in you, there is a period that TB takes to be cured and this period varies from three months all the way to six months.

Let’s say, for example, your diversity visa interview is scheduled in the month of January. If at that moment you are diagnosed with TB, then you are put under medication and it will last from three months to six months. It means you have February, March, April, May, June and July. You can get treated and attend your interview within the fiscal year for you to receive your diversity visa.


But let’s say, for example, your interview is in July and you get diagnosed with TB, you only have roughly two months for your diversity visa fiscal year to expire, and that means even if you are put under the TB treatment, the time will lapse for the diversity visa before you get full treatment.

By so you won’t receive your diversity visa, you will have to be put under medication and get treated before you can attend your interview. If you get treated and you pass through the interview, then you will receive your visa.

The other category of diseases that can lead to your visa denial are grouped into two classes:

The first class of diseases that will cost you your diversity visa is quarantinable diseases, the diseases that can cause you to be put into quarantine.

The second class of the disease that will revoke or prevent you from receiving your diversity visa approval is the diseases that have been declared by World Health Organization (WHO) as a public emergency.

If any disease has emerged and has been declared as a public emergency, that disease can cause you to get denied your diversity visa approval.

Majorly, all those that have discussed are the different types of diseases that can lead to your visa denial or your visa cancellation.

Therefore, if you realize that you are suffering from these communicable diseases, it is the highest chance that you take the necessary measure or the necessary step to ensure that you get treated.

The earlier you do it, the better for you, before the DV lottery medical examination.

DISCLAIMER: This post and content is designed for general information only and is NOT legal advice. This site is not offering any Diversity Visa and is not the official site for DV Lottery program. The information presented in this post should not be construed to be formal legal advice.

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