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Tag Archives: case number in dv lottery

Can High Case Number Receive 2NL Before Low Case Number? | DV Lottery

This guide will focus on the answer to this very important question, Can a person with high case number receive their second notification letters (2NL) before a person with low case number?

By now you should know that KCC does process cases in the orderly manner, in the case order format. That means from the low case numbers up to the highest case numbers.

But having understood this, still people get confused because in some instances, people with higher case numbers have received their second notification letters (2NL) before those with lower case numbers.

Can High Case Number Receive 2NL Before Low Case Number?

To further explain this, yes people with higher case numbers may sometimes get their second notification letters (2NL) before those with lower case numbers. Why is it so?

To explain this in two scenarios:

First scenario: A person with a high case number in a country whose embassy is fast can receive his or her second notification letter before a person with low case number who is in a country where the embassy is working slowly.

In the recent past, especially for DV-2022, we’ve seen that there are many embassies that were performing poorly, where there are also many embassies that were performing well.

Therefore, those people in those embassies that were performing well, they received their notification letters, even if they had higher case numbers.

At the same time, other embassies, they were performing very slowly, and up to now, people with very low case numbers in some embassies or in some countries have not yet received their second notification letters and time has really died out.

That is one reason as to why higher case numbers sometimes receive their second notification letters before those with lower case numbers. It all depends with the performance of the embassy that you are attached to.

Second Scenario: You might be in the same embassy, but a person with higher case number than yours receives his or her second notification letters (2NL) before you receive, even if you have a low case number. Why does it happen so?

In this case, it now depends upon the complexity of processing your DS-260. What does mean? It mean, you might find some DS-260 are fast and quickly processed because the information in there is direct, simple and straightforward.

While in others, the DS-260s may be complex in processing, meaning the information in the DS-260 may require further background checks, and that means it might take longer.

If you have a slightly high case number and your DS-260 is simpler and can be processed faster, you can receive your second education letter before that person with slightly lower case number than yours, but whose DS-260 requires extensive background checks.

An example of DS-260 that would require further background checks is when you present in your travel history that you had recently visited a country that is highly prone or highly affected with terrorism.

Definitely, KCC will have to conduct some further background check to ensure the safety of the United States.

Those are some of the reasons as to why a person with high case number may receive his or her second notification letter (2NL) before you with a lower case number.

I hope that’s a clear and straightforward answer.

DISCLAIMER: This post and content is designed for general information only and is NOT legal advice. This site is not offering any Diversity Visa and is not the official site for DV Lottery program. The information presented in this post should not be construed to be formal legal advice.

Worried About Your DV Case Number, Shift it to a Better Embassy?

There are some random questions, random concerns and issues that you might be having. The first concern is regarding the worries on your DV case number.

This is the DV lottery where lot of people are worried of their chances of getting an interview because of their case numbers, and it’s because it is one of the DV lotteries that have very high number of selectees.

You may be asking of your chances because of your case numbers. For example, let say your DV case number is AF 98,000, 50,000 and you are wondering whether you have any hope of getting an interview.

Or maybe you comes from that country whose embassy in the last DV lottery 2023 performed weakly. They did not meet the target and therefore majority of the selectees in that country ended up losing their opportunities.

To answer these questions: The fact is if you have very high case numbers, then it is highly possible that you might not be scheduled for an interview. If you have low case numbers, then definitely you might get this chance. What does this mean?

To determine the level of your case number, you just consider your region. If you come from EU or AS or AF, whichever region, you just take the lowest case number you’ve had of and you take the highest number that there is in that region and get the difference. Once you get the difference, you divide it into three equal parts, three equal portions.

The first part, the lower side, those are considered as low case numbers. The middle part is medium case numbers and the highest part is the high case numbers.

Most of the time those selectees that fall on the higher part, that is the part was the highest case number, they normally don’t get their chances of even getting an interview. While those in the medium to low, they get their chances.

If you’ve done that way and your category is above the medium level, then know that your chances are low. But it does not mean that you can’t be called for an interview, that you are completely out of the chances.

Even high case numbers, sometimes they get called for an interview, and that is affected by some embassies in a region performing poorly. If some embassies are extremely low in performance, then those embassies that are excellently performing their job, will have even high case numbers getting an interview appointment.

But normally, low case numbers have high chances of getting an interview appointment, while the highest case numbers they don’t.

There was this particular case where the individual that comes from an embassy that had a bad record in the previous DV lottery and this selectee was asking whether he or she might consider to transfer the interview location to a better country.

Can I Transfer My DV Case Number To A Better Embassy?

Transferring a case from one embassy to the next is not as we think or as we thought. What does that mean?

The only time as per the KCC, is if you are currently in this country, and your interview schedule in the embassy of your country or the country in which your embassy is affiliated to.

So if you are in this country and your interview is in this embassy, the only time you can change your interview location is in the case where you have completely moved to that new country.

For example, if you come from Kenya and you are selected, that means your embassy will be scheduled in the Nairobi embassy. If you happen to relocate, let’s say to South Africa, you can change your interview location to South Africa, Johannesburg. But if you have not physically moved, there is no way you are supposed to change that interview location.

If indeed you are this person that has relocated or moved to a new country, then you request unlocking of your DS-260 form and then update with the new location where you are. Then after that, you submit it back and you write a follow-up email informing KCC that you have moved to this location and this is your new address, and you give the proof of your address, of your new address in that email and then send it to KCC.

That way, KCC might consider changing your interview location to that location. But you have to prove it.

If you send the first time and they don’t do it, send a follow-up message until they take note of the changes. That is the only time that they can change it comfortably.

Normally, it is not an easy process. You need to send the first email and check whether they have noted. If they have not noted the changes, then you need to send a follow-up email.

Can you change it based on considering the performance of your embassy?

By that explanation, it is not based on that. You cannot just decide that my embassy is performing poorly, then I need to change it. It will be a tough process. Some people have tried it and they have succeeded.

Finally, you need to understand that sometimes, one embassy might be low in performance in a particular DV lottery but the next DV lottery they perform excellently well.

You might try to jump from your embassy to the next and you found out that your embassy was even better than that embassy that you are trying to shift to.

Only until January that you can get the very fast information from the CEAC website that might help you to know from the past month, how was the embassies doing.

DISCLAIMER: This post and content is designed for general information only and is NOT legal advice. This site is not offering any Diversity Visa and is not the official site for DV Lottery program. The information presented in this post should not be construed to be formal legal advice.

Why Low Case Number Also Miss DV Interview Appointment

Can a low case number miss an opportunity for DV interview? In other words, can KCC fail to schedule an interview for a low case number? Hardly this happens, but it does not mean that it is impossible for that to occur. It’s not common, but it does happen.

We need to first of all understand how DV interviews get scheduled. How are they scheduled? First of all, interviews are scheduled or they are given according to the numerical order. They are done numerically and that is from those with low case numbers to those with high case numbers.

By that arrangement, low case numbers are highly likely to get their interviews, while high case numbers have a greater risk of missing their interviews.

Interviews are scheduled numerically based on the cut-off numbers in the visa bulletins. The cut-off numbers in the visa bulletin will increase gradually from low case numbers all the way to the highest case numbers, until the visas for the DV lottery are exhausted.

Once you have your case number, that is, you’re a winner, you should keep watch of the visa bulletins. Because by the visa bulletins, you will be able to tell when your interview is likely to be scheduled.

All case numbers that fall below the cut-off number in a specific visa bulletin, all those case numbers below it, they become current. By becoming current, that means they fall under the cutoff numbers and they are ready for interview processing.

All those case numbers below the cut-off numbers, they are eligible to be scheduled for an interview.

Once your case number is current, your case is put under a queue in your embassy, and that queue for your embassy is called the Allocated Visa Queue (AVQ).

Allocated visa queue is a queue for every embassy that has winners or case numbers below the cut-off number for a certain month. It simply means that you are ready for your interview to be processed.

If that queue is not long for your embassy, that means that you will soon be scheduled for the interview, you will soon receive your interview appointment. But if the queue is so long, that brings about what we call the backlog, meaning a lot of people in that queue waiting to be scheduled for an interview.

If you are on the farthest end of that queue, that simply means that it will take some time for you to get scheduled. You might be current, yes, and your DS-260 form has fully been processed, but simply because there are many people before you in that queue for your embassy, they allocated this queue for your embassy, then it will take a lot of time, maybe days, even up to months before you get an interview appointment, the second notification letter (2NL).

This AV queue, the allocated visa queue, people in that queue, they are also arranged in the numerical order. From the lowest case number in that queue to the highest case number in the same queue. But you should note that sometimes there might be some discrepancies in the order. There are some minor changes in the order.

You might find in the same queue that a person with slightly higher case number than the other being before that person with the low case number than this person. You might find a high case number before a low case number. Why does it happen that way sometimes?

Sometimes it happened because if you submitted your DS-260 form late, yet your case number is low, and that means that KCC came across your DS-260 form later on after they have already arranged that queue.

If the queue has been arranged, that is those numbers are current and yours also is current, but they had already processed the DS-260 forms and they have arranged that AV queue. If your DS-260 is processed after that queue has been arranged, then you’ll come to the end of that queue.

You’ll not jump those case numbers in that queue because your case number is low, no. You will come to the end of that queue because the queue had already been established. You’ll come to the end, and that is to mean, even if you have the low case number, these people that are current together with you that have higher case number than yours will be before you.

But you should know that normally the AV queue is arranged numerically from the low case number to the high case number.

Can a low case number miss DV interview? Can KCC not allocate an interview for a case number that is low?


It rarely happens so, it’s not a common occurrence, but sometimes it happens. For example, the DV Lottery 2023 and the DV lottery 2022, if you are keen, you should have observed that in some embassies, people with even very low case numbers ended up not getting their interviews.

The reason was these embassies, they had not performed well enough to reach those low case numbers. So if an embassy is very slow, you might find other embassies within that region which perform very well have interviewed people with very high case numbers. But for this poorly performing embassy have not yet even interviewed a person with a low case number.

There are some people with AF 10,000, that is for Africa, not getting their interviews, while others with case number 58,000, even up to 63,000 getting interviewed in other embassies.

Therefore, if embassies perform poorly, they are likely that even low case numbers might not be reached for DV interview scheduling.

REASON #2: Another reason would be you failing to submit your DS-60 form

There are some people, winners of DV lottery but they forget that had applied for DV lottery and therefore they end up not submitting their DS-260 forms, and that mean even if they have low case numbers, they will not be scheduled.

If you fail to submit your DS-260 form, even with low case number, you cannot be scheduled for DV interview because KCC has no record of your application, your visa application (DS-260 form).

In conclusion

Normally, people with high case numbers have higher risk of missing DV interview as compared to those with low case numbers because the interviews get scheduled according to the numerical order of the case number.

Question: Am from Africa, my case number is 2024AF2**4 but I submitted my DS-260 on 25th August, do I still have a chance to be schedule for interview?

Answer: Yes. Though you submitted late for your case.

Question: Is this AV queue done by countries or regions?

Answer: There is AV queue behind every embassy.

Question: If my case is say less than 5000 in AF and submitted DS-260 on 31st May. Will you say it’s a late submission?

Answer: No. That is early.

Question: After receiving 2NL, On registering for the interview (confirming the date), the principal applicant realized only after that their names were not well entered (only surname with no given names), but that of their derivatives had no issues. Please how serious is this mistake and what can be done at this level?

Answer: There are no major issues. Just attend the interview with all documents and amend the names there on the first counter.

I hope the question, Can a low case number miss DV interview, have been answeredI hope this information is very useful.

DISCLAIMER: This post and content is designed for general information only and is NOT legal advice. This site is not offering any Diversity Visa and is not the official site for DV Lottery program. The information presented in this post should not be construed to be formal legal advice.

Can Your DV Confirmation Number / DV Case Number Be Stolen?

Can someone steal your DV Confirmation Number / DV case number and use it as his or her own? This is what will be answer in this guide.

Remember that you get your confirmation number once you have successfully submitted your DV lottery entry. That’s when you receive your confirmation number.

Find out more about the difference between the Confirmation Number and Case Number

Can someone steal your DV Confirmation Number / DV Case Number?

Confirmation number is a 16 combination of digits and letters. This number is unique to every applicant and it is the number that you will use to check whether you have been selected or you have not been selected. It is unique to you.

When it comes to someone stealing your case number, can someone really steal it? The answer is a no. You should keep your confirmation number private and personal. But if someone by any chance comes across your confirmation number, there’s no way they can impersonate you. This is something that is impossible.

Find out All About The Diversity Visa Lottery Case Number

Remember that when filling in your diversity visa application, you filled your details, your personal information, and no one knows about your personal information.

Even if someone tries to impersonate you by using your DV confirmation number, it will be of no use because even if he or she checks the results and finds that you are selected, he/she cannot impersonate you and use your details because he or she might not be knowing your details.

Even if they know your details, they can never be you. The passport photo, it can never resemble him or her. Your photo will never be the photo of your imposter or the person stealing your information.

Your travel documents will never be the same. So even if he/she gets access to your first notification letter (2NL) and tries to proceed with the processing, he or she will never succeed, so it can never be stolen.

It has never been heard of since the DV Lottery program was initiated, so it can never be stolen. The same case applies to the case numbers. Nobody can steal your case number.

The case number is unique to you and it is your own. It is the number to which your details have been attached to. When filling the DS-260, this is the number that you’re using. When receiving the second notification letter (2NL), the same number that you will be using at your interview.

You will use same case number to fill the DS-260 form. So only your details will be used and no one can try to fake out information to try to look like you and succeed because they cannot produce any form of document that is legit to prove that they are the ones.

The photos, they are different. Everything is totally different. So the idea about stealing your case number is impossible. It has never been heard of and it can never even succeed.

So your case number and your confirmation number is safe with you. Even if an imposter get access to these numbers, they can never use it in the right way. It can never benefit them.

Don’t worry about someone knowing your confirmation number. Keep it personal. But if someone comes across it, there is no problem and nothing to worry about it.

Find out How To Retrieve Lost DV Lottery Confirmation Number

I hope this information is clear and it’s useful.

DISCLAIMER: This post and content is designed for general information only and is NOT legal advice. This site is not offering any Diversity Visa and is not the official site for DV Lottery program. The information presented in this post should not be construed to be formal legal advice.

What is the difference between the Confirmation Number and Case Number?

There are these two terms that many people are confused or get confused in the DV process. That is the confirmation number and the case number. What is the difference between these two terms?

Confirmation Number

The confirmation number is the number that you get once you apply for the DV lottery program successfully.

Immediately you fill in your details, the details of your dependents and derivatives, and you submit your application to the DV lottery, the number that you receive, that’s what we call the confirmation number.

You’re supposed to keep it safe because this confirmation number is what you will use during checking the DV lottery results. When you’re checking the results, you’ll use this confirmation number to check if you were selected.

READ ALSO: How To Retrieve Lost DV Lottery Confirmation Number

The Case Number

When you want to check the results and you visit the and filled in the entrant status check and submit it, then there will be a notification.

If you are successful and you are selected, there will be a notification saying that your entry was selected and there will be a downloadable notification of the same telling you that you are successfully selected to proceed with the process.

That first notification is called the First Notification Letter (1NL), as discussed in this post here, you will find a number and that number is special to you, is specific to you. That number is what we call the case number.

Case Number is the number that the KCC, the Kentucky consular Center uses to schedule the interviews, and they do this in an ascending order. The case number is the one that KCC uses to schedule for your interview.

That is the difference between the two terms that are commonly used in the DV process.

I hope the information is clear.

DISCLAIMER: This post and content is designed for general information only and is NOT legal advice. This site is not offering any Diversity Visa and is not the official site for DV Lottery program. The information presented in this post should not be construed to be formal legal advice.

Must Do Once Your Case Becomes Current and When You Get Your 2NL

This is very important things that you must do when your case becomes current and after you’ve gotten your Second Notification Letter (2NL). Read this guide to the end and get these important things.

When your case has become current

After a case has become current, do you remember that email that you put on your DS-260 form? That email is so important. You should keep on checking on that email because it is through this email that you will get the notification notifying you of a pending update on the entrance status check, for you to check for your second notification letter.

You need to always check your email, check the spam, the spam folder of your email. Go to the spam folder and check. Some of the winners have gotten their notification sent to the spam because of the settings. So check the email together with the spam folder if you have any communication from KCC.

Also remember, KCC will use the same email for any form of communication to you. So don’t forget that email.

That is what basically you’re supposed to do when your case becomes current.

When You Get Your 2NL

After you have received that email notification telling you that you have a pending status, you should immediately visit that link in that email and it will take you to the entrance status check. That is where you will put your details and then there will be your second notification letter.

This second notification letter should be read thoroughly, get everything it says, what it has. It gives you the details about your interview, the venue of your interview, and so on. Again, on the 2NL, there is a link in the body of the 2NL, that link is so important. The second thing that you’re supposed to do is to click on that link.

Once you click on that link, it will take you to the list of consulates and embassies. On that list, you are supposed to click on your embassy. Select the embassy in which you’ll take your interview from.
Once you select it, the web page for that embassy will come, and then you’ll see a lot of instructions there.

It is very important that you go through the instructions of your embassy because the instructions, they differ from one embassy to the other. Some things on one embassy might not be the same things on your embassy. So read the instructions of your embassy.

After you have read through the instructions:

  • Register your interview appointment online

Register for the courier service to deliver your passports: For some embassy, you will be required to register for a courier service for them to deliver your passports, once visas are stamped on the passport. So the point is, if your embassy requires you to register for courier services, go ahead and do that.

Apply for the notarization of your high school document: This is for some countries. Some countries will require you to notarize the high school certificate or diploma after you’ve gotten your second notification letter. If your country requires such, then go ahead and do that.

If your country is of that type, then you cannot notarize your high school diploma before you receive the second notification letter, at least for the purpose of the DV interview.

Book for your medical examination appointment

Remember to book your medical examination, immediately you get the second notification letter.

Go through the interview checklist

The other thing that you should do is go through the interview checklist. The interview checklist contains the list of documents that you need to prepare upfront for the interview.

After you’ve gone through the interview checklist, then obtain all the documents. Go through the documents. Ensure that you have all the documents with you.

On top of these documents listed in the interview checklist, there are some additional documents that you must go with, for majority of the embassies. These additional documents include:

The affidavit of support, for showing that you cannot become a public charge after you’ve landed in the United States. You need an affidavit of support that is either a Form I-134 or a bank statement showing your savings that can take you through as you take on life in the United States.

Another document, additional one that you need to have is, if you got married after you’ve been selected or after you have applied for the DV lottery, that means you applied a single and now you are married, you need to go with whatever document that you can come across to solidify or prove that your marriage is legal.

You did not marry to give an opportunity to your spouse to be in the United States. You need to have documents to prove that you had an existing relationship even before you applied for the DV lottery.

Those are just some of the few documents that you need in addition to the checklist documents. In some embassies, you’ll be required to also add the DS-5535. You prepare that in advance.

There are documents that are not mentioned here, but you might need them. For additional documents that you might need as you prepare for the interview, read this: Documents Required After Winning DV (Green Card) Lottery

Prepare yourself well for the interview

The last thing is about preparing yourself thoroughly. Go through some interview experiences by people from the same embassy or from other embassies. Go through what they were asked.

  • How was the interview?
  • What was the experience?

Read: DV Lottery (Green Card) Interview Questions and Sample Answers

Remember you should be over-prepared than being less prepared and lose your visa approval.

Thank you for reading this guide, I hope this helps you so much.

DISCLAIMER: This post and content is designed for general information only and is NOT legal advice. This site is not offering any Diversity Visa and is not the official site for DV Lottery program. The information presented in this post should not be construed to be formal legal advice.

First Email Response Before / When DS-260 is Processed | DS-260 Received

This guide is important to all the DV winners, including the DV lottery 2023. Because towards the end, you’ll learn a lot of information regarding the questions on DV program and first email response before or when DS-260 is processed.

For the DV lottery 2024 winners, your time is not yet. That is the time for your interview. As you know, the interviews will begin from October and will run through to the 30th of September 2025. So as we are speaking, it’s not yet time.

Regarding how you can check your status at the moment, your information on the CEAC is not yet, that is the CEAC website. Your information is not yet and you cannot check on that website for your status. Your information will be out from the first of January and therefore, at this very moment, how can you check the progress of your case?

The only legal and legit way to check the status of your progress is by contacting KCC. You email KCC and then ask off the progress of your case.

Another thing that you need to know is majority of the DV Lottery 2024 winners have already submitted their DS-260 forms and only a few have not. Once you submit your form DS-260, then KCC will go through your form.

As they are looking or going through the information on your DS-260 form, we say they are processing your DS-260. When KCC begins or decide to process DS-260 forms submitted at a particular time, for example, if they decide to begin to process DS-260 forms submitted, let’s say in the month of May, all the DS-260 forms submitted in that month will be processed, regardless of the case number.

They’ll move to another time, let’s say, for example, the month of June. If they take on the month of June, all the DS-260 forms submitted in the month of June will be processed, regardless of the case number. If it’s high or low, that will not matter.

And then they move on, maybe to the month of July, and process all the DS-260 forms that were submitted in that month, regardless of the case numbers.

When you send KCC a status request, and at that time, they have not opened your DS-260 form yet, or they have opened and they are currently going through the information in there, then this is the email response that you expect to get.

First Email Response Before / When DS-260 is Processed

Read through it and get some important things that you should know today. This is the email.

“Thank you for your inquiry.

Your forms have been received and are currently processing. Allow several weeks for processing. Interviews are scheduled numerically based on case numbers that have completed processing.

Once the Kentucky Consular Center, that is KCC, has finished processing your DS-260, you will receive an email from the Kentucky Consular Center giving you instructions to complete in order for your case to continue processing.

In order for the Kentucky Consular Center to assist with inquiries regarding a specific Diversity Visa (DV) case, you must provide the principle applicant’s full name, complete case number, and date of birth in the following format (MM/DD/YYYY) as entered in the original entry.

Please remember that Kentucky Consular Center does not have the authority to tell you whether or not your specific case will be disqualified. Only a Consular Officer can do that at the time of your visa interview.

Do not send any paper documents to the Kentucky Consular Center. For additional information, please refer to the following………..”

Basically, this is the email response that you expect to get, if your DS-260 form has not been opened or has not been completely processed.

Some few things to get from the email is that you should add allow for some weeks for processing. So it takes some time for KCC to get your number and process it. This means it may take any time between two weeks and several weeks, up to several months.

Then interviews are scheduled numerically based on case numbers that have completed processing. Scheduling of case numbers are scheduled numerically. By numerically, it means from the lowest case number to the highest case number of all the cases that have been processed.

If you have a considerably lower case number and you fail to submit your DS-260 form early enough, you’ll find out that someone with considerably higher case number than you will be scheduled for the interview before you because your case was not processed at the time.

You had submitted your case number late and therefore it was processed later. And this one with higher case numbers than you who had submitted the DS-260 early enough will have DS-260 form processed and scheduled even before you.

So for all the cases that are processed for a particular period, the numbers will be arranged from the lowest case number to the highest case number within that time. If you have a low case number and you fail to submit it early enough for it to be processed, then you will find out some higher case numbers scheduled before you, even if that is not the case.

Submit your case, your DS-260 form early so that when they are scheduled numerically, you are also included and you receive your interview invitation, i.e the 2NL (Second Notification Letter), before someone with higher case number than you.

DISCLAIMER: This post and content is designed for general information only and is NOT legal advice. This site is not offering any Diversity Visa and is not the official site for DV Lottery program. The information presented in this post should not be construed to be formal legal advice.

If you have any questions about the DV lottery, please contact an immigration professional/officer or a licensed attorney.

Diversity Visa Bulletin For August 2023 and Cut-off Numbers For September 2023

The Diversity visa bulletin for the month of August 2023, which shows the cut-off numbers to apply in the month of September 2023 in the diversity visa program has now been released.

In this guide, we will learn the cut-off numbers to apply in the month of September 2023, as well as those cases, if any, that have become current.

What is very important about this bulletin is that it shows the final cut-off numbers to apply in the DV 2023 program. So the release of this diversity visa bulletin for August 2023 will be good news for some applicants but bad news for others.

Bad news for those whose case numbers are exactly the same or above the cut-off number that we will see for their region in a moment.

Let’s go over to the bulletin and consider the cut-off numbers to apply during the month of September 2023, which are the final cut-off numbers for the DV 2023 program.

Diversity Visa Bulletin and Cut-off Numbers

Diversity Visa Bulletin

Africa Region

Beginning as usual with the Africa region. The Africa region has been made current for the month of September 2023. That region was almost current with the exception of only one case, the case with case number 63,502.

In case that case is assigned to an embassy that is performing very well, then that could be the chance for that case. That case could be scheduled for interview in this year’s program.

When it comes to the exceptional countries from the Africa region, there is no change in their cut-off numbers. Algeria was at 45,000 and Algeria remains at 45,000 for the month of September, which means that case numbers from Algeria beginning at case number 45,000 and above will unfortunately not receive a diversity visa in the DV 2023 program.

Those case numbers that were previously current from Algeria are the ones that remain current. And if your case number is one of them and you have not yet been scheduled for interview, then you have the chance of being scheduled during the month of September 2023.

In the case of Egypt, the cut-off number for the month of August was maintained for the month of September and it is 43,000 which indicates that those case numbers from Egypt that were previously current are the ones that remain current for the final month of the DV 2023 program.

So in case you are an applicant from Egypt with a case number beginning at 43,200 and above, it means that unfortunately you will not receive one of the diversity visas in the DV 2023 program.

For Morocco, the 63,400 case number was maintained for the month of September. And like in the two previous cases, applicants from Morocco with case numbers that were previously current, are the ones that remain current for the final month of the DV 2023 program.

So if you’re an applicant from Morocco with a case number beginning at 63,400 and above, then unfortunately, you cannot receive one of the DV 2023 visas.

Asia Region

To the Asia region, and the 21,000 cut off number for the month of August was maintained for the month of September. And so the cases from Asia that were previously current are the same cases that remain current for the month of September, with the exception of cases from the two exceptional countries.

So if you are an applicant chargeable to Iran, the cut-off number for Iran moved from 14,000 to 16,000, and it made case numbers beginning at 14,000 up to 15,999 current. And in case such cases are assigned to embassies that are performing well, then those cases have the chance of being scheduled for interview before the end of this year’s program.

The case is similar for applicants from Nepal. The cut-off number for Nepal moved from 20,000 to 2500 to 21,000. And so applicants from Nepal with case numbers beginning at 20,500 up to 20,999 now have the possibility of being scheduled in this year’s program.

All other applicants chargeable to all other countries from the Asia region remain in their respective positions. That is, in case their case numbers were previously current, they remain current. And in case they were not current, they remain not current and will not receive one of this year’s visas.

Europe Region

To the Europe region, where most applicants find themselves in that same situation, the 32,000 cut off number for the Europe region for the month of August has been maintained for the month of September.

Case numbers chargeable to Uzbekistan are the only exception because the cut-off number for that country has moved from 15,000 to 17,000. It made case numbers beginning at 15,000 up to 16,999 to have become current and those case numbers now have the possibility of being scheduled for interview.

But other cases from Uzbekistan with case numbers beginning at 17,000 moving above, unfortunately, did not become current and will therefore not benefit from this year’s visas.

For applicants from all other countries in the Europe region, those whose case numbers were previously current, remained current, and those whose case numbers were not current, remained not current and cannot be benefit from the visas on offer in the DV 2023 program.

North America Region

The North America region was already current.

Oceania Region

We move to the Oceania region and that is where we have good news because the cut-off number for the Oceania region has increased from 1,650 to 2,500 which has made many case numbers from that region current.

So cases with case numbers beginning at 1,650 up to 2,499 from the Oceania region have just become current, and they now have the chance of being scheduled for interview before this year’s program come to an end.

South America Region

Finally, to the South America region where the cut-off number was increased from 2,900 to 3,150. And that has made the South America region to almost go current, which is good news for many applicants from that region.

Case numbers beginning at 2,900 up to 2,149 are now current and they have the possibility of being scheduled for interview in this year’s program.

Those are the final cut-off numbers to apply in the DV 2023 program, as well as case numbers that still have the chance of being scheduled for interview before the program comes to an end.

In upcoming guides, we will have the opportunity to discuss on diversity visa bulletin and those cut-off numbers in detail.

DISCLAIMER: This post and content is designed for general information only and is NOT legal advice. This site is not offering any Diversity Visa and is not the official site for DV Lottery program. The information presented in this post should not be construed to be formal legal advice.

If you have any questions about the DV lottery, please contact an immigration professional/officer or a licensed attorney.

The Third Email Response From KCC | When Requesting Your Case Status From KCC

Still on the email responses that you might receive once you send a request to KCC about the current status of your case. This guide will focus on the third response that you might receive from KCC.

The Third Email Response From KCC | When Requesting Your Case Status From KCC

Below is a sample of third email response you might receive from KCC:

“Thank you for your inquiry.

Records indicate you have submitted a complete and valid DS-260 application for each family member, and you have provided all required documentation to the Kentucky Consular Center (KCC).

Interviews are scheduled numerically based on case numbers that have been completed processing.

Please refer to the Visa bulletin at to locate the current numbers being processed. This bulletin is updated after every 15th day of each month.

Once an interview date has been scheduled, you will receive notification via email to check the

In order for Kentucky Consular Center to assist with inquiries regarding a specific Diversity Visa (DV) case, you must provide the principal applicant’s full name, complete case number, and date of birth in the following format (MM/DD/YYYY) as entered in the original entry.

Please remember that KCC does not have authority to tell you whether or not your specific case will be disqualified. Only the Consular Officer can do that at the time of your interview.

Do not send any paper documents to KCC. For additional information, follow the following……………….”

This is the third email response. From previously guide, we saw an email response that you might get once your DS-260 has been completely processed.

The above email follows after checking with them and you waited for some time and still your case number is not current, and later on you request the status of your case, then you might receive this email.

It says, records show that you have already submitted a complete DS-260 form for all the members, and it is a valid DS-260 form. It also says that interviews are scheduled numerically from low case number to the highest case numbers.

It insists on the importance of checking the Visa bulletin that is released after the 15th day of every month, to know the status of the cases that are current. It says that only the Consular Officer can tell you whether you are successful or not, and not the KCC.

It also says that once your interview has been scheduled, once your case is current, and once the Embassy has some vacancies, then you will receive your second notification letter and that is the letter informing your date of interview.

That is it about the Third Email Response you might receive from KCC, when requesting your Case Status from KCC. I hope you are now conversant with this email because you might receive this email response.

Below are other email responses that you might receive from KCC:

Thank you for reading this guide.

Some Frequently Asked Questions About DS-260 Form and Case Number

Question: When filling the DS-260 form for a family, is it only the principal applicant passport number that is required.

Answer: For all.

Question: Did this email means that the DS-260 have been processed?

Answer: Yes.

Question: Can you fill the DS-260 form without the passport?

Answer: No, as the principal applicant you have to have it.

DISCLAIMER: This post and content is designed for general information only and is NOT legal advice. This site is not offering any Diversity Visa and is not the official site for DV Lottery program. The information presented in this post should not be construed to be formal legal advice.

The Second Email Response From KCC | Requesting Your Case Status From KCC

Still on the series of the email responses that you can possibly get from KCC upon sending an inquiry email, then we are on the second response.

The Second Email Response From KCC

On this second response, it reads:

“Thank you for your inquiry.

Your DS-260 form has been processed. You should have received or will soon receive an email from KCC giving you instructions to complete in order for your case to continue processing. Please follow the instructions in the email.

Interviews are scheduled numerically based on case numbers that have completed processing. Please refer to the visa bulletin at to locate the current numbers being processed.

This visa bulletin is updated after the 15th day of each month. Once an interview date has been scheduled, you will receive notification via email to check

In order for KCC to assist you with inquiries regarding a specific diversity visa (DV) case, you must provide the principal’s full names, complete case number, and the birth date in the following format (MM/DD/YYYY) as entered in the original entry.

Please remember that KCC does not have authority to tell you whether or not your specific case will be disqualified.

Only a consular officer can do that at the time of your visa interview. Do not send any documents to Kentucky Counseling Center. For additional information, please refer to the following……………….”

This is the second email response that you might receive if you request, and as you can see clearly, this now indicates that KCC has fully opened your DS260 form and has gone through it to process it, and they are through with processing it.

It says that you should have received a notification or soon you might receive a notification. This notification is the second notification letter after your DS260 form has been processed.

Then your current for interview scheduling and your case has been reached by the embassy, then you can receive this second notification letter.

This email clearly tells us that interviews are scheduled numerically in that order, from the low case number to the high case number. It also points out the importance of following or keeping up with the visa bulletins.

The visa bulletins are normally released after the 15th day of the month, as indicated, and you should keep track of the visa bulletin.

The point being that you can be able to know which cases are current or are currently being processed by the embassies, which cases are ready for the interview scheduling. Those are the major points that we see in this email.

Further on, it is only the consular officer can tell you whether you are successful or not during the time of the interview.

This is the email that you will receive from KCC once your request for your case status and your DS260 form has been processed and now waiting for your case number to become current.

Thank you for reading this guide, stick around for the next email that you might receive.

I know you find this information very useful to you.

Related Article: The First Email Response From KCC

DISCLAIMER: This post and content is designed for general information only and is NOT legal advice. This site is not offering any Diversity Visa and is not the official site for DV Lottery program. The information presented in this post should not be construed to be formal legal advice.

If you have any questions about the DV lottery, please contact an immigration professional/officer or a licensed attorney.

Understanding Your Case is Current for Process in DV Lottery Program

What does your case is current for processing mean? Many people ask this question because when they check their status, they receive the notification that their case is ready for processing, their case is current for processing, and they’ve been wondering what does this mean in. This is what will discuss in details in this guide.

When you submit your DS-260 to KCC, KCC normally goes through your DS-260 form to process it. They go through your data to see if it’s correctly filled up and if the information is correct.

Once they have approved your information, they will allocate a visa to your case.

All the DS-260 forms submitted to KCC will undergo this processing and if they are correctly filled up and the information is truthful, then all those will be allocated visas.

After the visa allocation, your status change and it changes to, “Your case is current for processing.”

It means that KCC has already allocated a visa to your case.

Therefore, when many DS-260 are processed, all of them are put in a queue, and this queue is based on the case numbers from the lowest case number up to the highest case numbers. All of the allocated visas will be put in a queue called Allocated Visa queue (AVQ).

This also means that you are ready for the next step, and the next step is the interview, i.e you are ready to be scheduled for an interview

How long does it take from “your case is current for processing” to the interview?

This depends majorly on two aspects:

The first one is, what is the position of your case in the AVQ (Allocated Visa Queue)? Are you in the highest end or are you in the lowest end?

The second aspect is the performance of the embassies i.e your embassy. If your embassy capability is high, if they handle many cases in a month, that definitely means that you can receive your interview scheduling quicker or faster than those whose embassies are slow.

For instance, some embassies are really doing very well in terms of handling many cases per month, but others are unfortunately doing very badly.

Those two factors affect it.

Lastly, a very key thing to note is that, even if your case is current for processing, it does not mean that you must receive your interview. It does not mean that you will be scheduled for the interview. You might be in this status but never receive your interview.

Depending on those two factors discussed above, especially if we are in the last months or the last few months to the end of the fiscal year, you might be in the AVQ or your case is current for processing but never receive your interview because time will have already run out for you.

For instance, in the case of DV 2022, most of them are current for processing, but most of them may not receive their interviews. It may look sad, but that is the fact.

I hope this guide have answered the question.

DISCLAIMER: This post and content is designed for general information only and is NOT legal advice. This site is not offering any Diversity Visa and is not the official site for DV Lottery program. The information presented in this post should not be construed to be formal legal advice.

If you have any questions about the DV lottery, please contact an immigration professional/officer or a licensed attorney.

All About The Diversity Visa Lottery Case Number | Green card Lottery Number

What does DV Lottery case number stand for? What is it and what do you understand about it? That is basically what this guide is going to tackle.

If you’re waiting for the DV results or if you’re waiting for your DV interview, this will be very important to you to understand.

What is DV Case Number? What is Green card Lottery Number?

The case number is the number assigned to each and every winner in a DV lottery selection. This means that you only get your case number if you are successfully selected.

After the results are out, if you check the results and you are lucky to have been selected, that’s only when you will have access to see or to know your case number. You will find this on your first notification letter.

That message that you find on the entrant status check, congratulating you on your selection. On that message, you will find your DV case number and the DV case number will look something like this 2023AF00012345.

The first four digits of the case number normally indicates the fiscal year for the DV lottery. What does this mean? It means the year in which the interviews will be conducted for the DV lottery.

For example, for the DV lottery 2023, that means the first four digits in the case number is 2023, the fiscal year in which the interviews are being conducted. For the DV lottery 2024, it will be 2024 in which the DV-2024 interviews will be conducted.

The second part is the two letters which stand for the regions. For example, we have the EU for Europe region, we have OC for Oceania region, we have AF for Africa region, we have AS for Asia region, and so on and so forth.

After these two letters we have the rest of the numbers, these rest of the numbers are the actual numbers standing for your position in the case number system. For example, you have 00012345 as your position in the case number system.

The case number is unique to each and every winner. No two individuals will share the same case numbers. The case numbers are issued randomly. There is nothing, no qualification or nothing that is considered when issuing the case numbers. It all depends on luck.

Whether you get a low case number or a high case number, that depends on the luck, on the selection, random selection. Nothing is considered when issuing these case numbers to the successful winners.

Therefore, some will be lucky enough to get low case numbers, while others will get high case numbers.

Each region has its own order. That is, each region will have a case number beginning from the lowest to the highest. For example, for the EU region, you might find that we have from a 0001 up to maybe a 00023,000. This is just an example.

For AS, you might find that we have a 0001 up to a 00036,000. Each region will have its own numbering.

Interviews are scheduled in the order of these numbers. This means that the interviews will be scheduled from the lowest case number in a certain region and numerically to the highest case number in that region.

For example, you might find that we have an AF, 10,000 and also an EU 10,000. Therefore, you might find similar numbers but in different regions.

Holes in DV Lottery Case Number

If in a certain region we have a certain number of selectees, it does not mean that there are in totality those numbers. For example, if for Africa we have AF 84,000 as the highest case number, it does not mean that we have 84,000 selectees from Africa.

In between from the lowest number to the highest one, there are many vacant spaces that we call holes. You might find we have a case number 0001 and we don’t have 0002 or 0003, but we have 0004, 0005, we don’t have 0006, we don’t have 0009, but we have 00010, and so on.

Therefore, between the lowest case number and the highest case number for a specific region, there exist vacant slots that we call holes.

If we have AF 84,000 for Africa, then you might find we only have half the number of selectees from the Africa region. This is just to exemplify.

Finally, remember that the case number is unique to every individual, the case number is personal and private. But if a case number comes to be known by anyone, it is not a risk. No one can impersonate you. No one can take your number. Your number is unique to you.

Every information that regards you is attached to the case number and it is hard for anyone to impersonate you to produce a true copy of your documents. Therefore, your case number cannot be stolen.

Thank you for reading this guide. I hope the information is good and relevant to you.

DISCLAIMER: This post and content is designed for general information only and is NOT legal advice. This site is not offering any Diversity Visa and is not the official site for DV Lottery program. The information presented in this post should not be construed to be formal legal advice. If you have any questions about the DV lottery, please contact an immigration professional/officer or a licensed attorney.

Some Frequently Asked Questions About DS-260 Form and Case Number

This guide will answer some frequently asked questions about DS-260 Form and Case Number.

Question: The DS-260 online form responds to me like “the case number entered is currently unavailable”. Why and how can it be solved?

If the DS-260 online form responds with “the case number entered is currently unavailable,” there could be several reasons why this is happening. Here are some possible solutions based on the search results:

  • Contact the National Visa Center (NVC):

If you encounter an error while completing your DS-260 form, follow the instructions and take the recommended action as shown on the website. If you are unable to resolve your error based on this guidance, or the error you encounter is not listed, please contact NVC at for assistance

  • Check if you entered the case number correctly:

If you get an error saying “Your Search did not return any data”, it means that you did not enter the data properly. You would have removed the spaces in the Case Number. You need to enter it with spaces properly

  • Check if your case number matches:

In some cases, people experience difficulties validating their DS-260 due to a mismatch between their case number and their application ID. If this happens, contact KCC via e-mail or phone

  • Wait for technical difficulties to be resolved:

The DS-260 online system may experience technical difficulties from time to time. If access to DS-260’s is still unavailable after some time, contact NVC telephonically at 603-334-0700

  • Reset your DS-260:

If you completed your DS-260 when your case had a visa available, but the case subsequently retrogressed, and now a visa is available again but the DS-260 is not available, contact NVC at to get your DS-260 reset.

How do I obtain my case number for the DS-260 form?

To obtain your case number for the DS-260 form, you need to refer to the official communication you received from the U.S. Department of State’s National Visa Center (NVC) or the U.S. Embassy or Consulate handling your immigrant visa application. The case number is typically provided in the correspondence you receive regarding your visa application.

Here are the general steps to locate your case number:

Check your email: Search your email inbox for any communication from the NVC or the U.S. Embassy/Consulate. Look for subject lines related to your visa application or immigrant visa processing. The case number is often included in these emails.

Review physical mail: If you received any physical mail regarding your visa application, such as a notice or instructions, check the documents for the case number. It is usually mentioned on the correspondence.

Contact the NVC or Embassy/Consulate: If you cannot locate your case number or have not received any communication, you can contact the NVC or the U.S. Embassy/Consulate directly. Provide them with your relevant personal details, such as your full name, date of birth, and any other identifying information they may require. They should be able to assist you in retrieving your case number.

Remember that the case number is unique to your specific visa application and is essential for accessing and completing the DS-260 form. It’s important to keep this information secure and readily available throughout the immigration process.

Note: DS-260 form is typically used for immigrant visa applications, and the process may vary depending on the type of visa you are applying for. If you have any specific questions or concerns about your visa application, it’s recommended to consult the official websites of the U.S. Department of State or the specific embassy/consulate handling your case for accurate and up-to-date information.

How does one check to know the status of his/her DS-260?

Hint: You can email KCC the request. Otherwise wait for notification from KCC.

Source: Quora, Quora

DISCLAIMER: This guide and content is designed for general information only and is NOT legal advice. The information presented in this guide should not be construed to be formal legal advice nor the formation of a lawyer/client relationship. The information presented in this guide does not create an attorney-client relationship nor is it a solicitation to offer legal advice.

If you need legal advice, you may contact an attorney. You should seek the advice of an attorney in your jurisdiction before taking any legal action.

As such, I disclaim all liability with respect to actions taken based on any information presented. Nothing herein is intended to nor constitutes a guarantee, warranty, or prediction regarding the outcome of your legal matter.

Every case is different and outcomes will vary depending on the unique facts and legal issues of your case. Thank you.

Few Days To DV 2024 Results | Are You Ready? | Things You Must Have

DV lottery 2024 results: From DV official page ( it says, the entry period for the DV Lottery 2024 diversity visa program was between 5th of October 2022 and 8th of November 2022. Entries are not being accepted at this time.

DV 2024 Results

It also says, “DV 2024 entrants may enter their confirmation information through the link, starting at noon EDT, Eastern Daylight Time on May 6, 2023. The DV 2024 registration period opens 5th of October 2022 and closes on November 8th, 2022.

DV 2024 entrant should keep their confirmation number until at least September 30th, 2024. You will only check your DV 2024 results from May 6, starting from the noon time of the Eastern Daylight Time.”

If you convert that to your home country time, then you might see the exact time in your home country time. But it will be noon Time, Eastern Daylight Time. That is exactly the time in the United States.

This will be the exact date when you will be able to enter your confirmation information and check your results, and from that time it will continue up to the 30th of September 2024.

With only few days remaining, you should know that immediately the results date starts, you are supposed to check whether you are successfully selected. Once you realize you have been selected, you immediately start filling that important immigration form, the DS-260 form.

You’re supposed to fill it as early as that. Immediately you realize you’ve been selected, start that day and fill it slowly and correctly and submit it as early as that time. But for you to fill this form, there are requirements, and without those requirements, then you cannot be able to fill this form.

Requirements to fill DS-260 form

One of the most important requirement would be your travel document, and that is the passport. As the principal applicant, have you gotten your passport? If you had applied for the DV lottery last year on October and you had no passport, what have you done? Have you applied for one?

Many countries, the process of obtaining the passport does not take a single day. You apply and then you book for the biometrics, and then you go ahead for the biometrics and wait for the passport to be processed. This may take you even up to five months, three months, two months, four months, one month.

If you don’t apply it at this time, or if you have not applied for it, if you don’t have the document, immediately the results are out, you cannot be able to fill the DS-260 form as the principal applicant. You cannot fill the DS-260 form because you don’t have the passport.

When you check the results and you realize you have won, if you apply for the passport that date, that means you might get late up to three or four or two months before you fill this form DS-260, and that means late submission of the DS-260 form.

Late submission of the DS-260 form also leads to late reception of your Second Notification Letter (2NL).

For example, someone has case number 23,000 in the DV Lottery 2023 and have already gone through the interview and is now headed for the United States. The reason is simply because he submitted the DS-260 form very early. Immediately after the results were out, on 12th, he had finished filling the DS-260 form and submitted.

Also, someone with case number less than 10,000 who submitted their DS-260 form in August, up to now they have not received their second notification letter, simply because they submitted their DS-260 late.

So the point is, if you don’t have the passport, why don’t you take the chance now, as early as now, and start processing the passport? Even if you’re not sure that you will be selected, why don’t you apply?

Because the passport does not expire within a year or two or three. It might go up to 10 years. So there is no risk of you applying the passport now.

Just do it now, so that if you emerge a winner of the DV Lottery, then you have the documents and you fill the DS-260 form as early as you have seen the results. And that will prevent all these questions about why have I not received my DS-260 form, whereas my case number is low?

Late submission of DS-260 form leads to let interview scheduling and late 2NL reception. Get your passport as early as now and be with it ready, incase you get selected and fill your DS-260 form as early as it would be possible.

I wish you success and I pray for you to be selected for the DV interview.

DISCLAIMER: This post and content is designed for general information only and is NOT legal advice. This site is not offering any Diversity Visa and is not the official site for DV Lottery program. The information presented in this post should not be construed to be formal legal advice.

If you have any questions about the DV lottery, please contact an immigration professional/officer or a licensed attorney.

The First Email Response From KCC | How to Request Your Case Status From KCC

This guide will focus on the first email response you will receive from KCC, after you have submitted your DS-260 form, how to request for your Case Status from KCC and all the possible responses that you might get from KCC.

These responses come after you have sent KCC an email requesting the status of your case.

There are several email all along the DV journey that you can possibly get from KCC when you send a request email.

After the selection, you find out that you are successful and you have filled your DS-260 form and finished up submitting it. After some time, you may decide to request KCC to know the progress of your case. Below is the first kind of response that you can get from KCC.

The First Email Response From KCC

This is the sample email that you might receive in response, and the email says:

Thank you for your inquiry.

Your forms have been received and are currently processing. Allow several weeks for processing. Interviews are scheduled numerically based on case numbers that have completed processing.

Once the KCC has finished processing your DS 260, you will receive an email from Kentucky Consular Center giving you instruction to complete in order for your case to continue processing.

In order for the KCC to assist with inquiries regarding a specific Diversity Visa (DV) case, you must provide the principal applicant’s full name, complete case number, and the date of birth in the following format (MM/DD/YYYY), as entered in the original entry.

Please remember that KCC does not have the authority to tell you whether or not your specific case will be disqualified. Only a consular officer can do that at the time of your visa interview. Do not send any papers to Kentucky Consular Center. For additionally information, please refer to the following…………………..

This might be the first response that you might receive immediately after submitting the DS-260 form, and the DS-260 form has not yet been completely processed.

If KCC has not opened your DS-260 yet, or they are in the process of processing it, then this kind of email will come in response to your email requesting the status of your case.

As stated from the email, interviews are processed numerically, i.e in the interviews, they follow one another from the lowest case number all the way to the highest case number, on case numbers that have completed processing.

For all DS-260 forms that have been submitted and they have been processed, the interviews will be scheduled numerically.

But if you have not submitted your DS-260 form and your case is low, definitely you will not be scheduled for the interview before another one with higher case number that’s submitted before you.

How to Request Your Case Status From KCC

When sending the email request to KCC, you must provide three things, i.e

  • the principal applicant’s full names as you entered in the original entry,
  • the complete case number, including the preceding zeros, and
  • the principal applicants birth date in this format, month, day, then year.

Every time you send a request email to KCC, include those three things.

KCC is not authorized to tell you whether you will be successful or disqualified. For you to get the results, whether you will be successful in the interview or not, this is the work of the Embassies and the consulates.

The consular officer after interviewing you and receiving the details from KCC and going through the details, he or she is the one to determine whether you will be successful or disqualified.

This will be the first letter before your DS-260 has been opened by KCC or is in the process of being processed.

Below are other email responses that you might receive from KCC:

DISCLAIMER: This post and content is designed for general information only and is NOT legal advice. This site is not offering any Diversity Visa and is not the official site for DV Lottery program. The information presented in this post should not be construed to be formal legal advice.

How DS-260 Forms Are Processed By KCC | DV Lottery | Green Card Visa

In this guide, we are going to learn how DS-260 forms is been processed by KCC. This guide is very important because it will help majority of people that are already in the process and waiting for their Second Notification Letters, 2NL.

It is also very much important for those who applied for the DV lottery 2024 and are waiting for the results or in a later year and you have applied for the DV lottery program, this is very important for you to understand.

After you have been successfully selected a winner in the DV lottery program, the next step entails you filling in the immigrant visa application form, and for the DV program, it is normally called the DS-260. This is the very first thing that you’re supposed to do.

Make sure within the very first days when the results are out, you should check your results, and if you’re selected to immediately begin filling in the DS-260 form that early.

Another important thing to note is that this DS-260 form should be filled in the correct way. It should not be filled hastily. Don’t read in a haste. Do it slowly but correctly.

It should not be done in one sitting. You can do it bit by bit, saving those bits for several days. It is not done in a hurry to prevent you making some mistakes that might cost you.

The general idea is that you should fill your DS-260 form as early as is required.

How DS-260 Forms Are Processed By KCC

After submitting the DS-260 form, the next process is for it to get processed, and this is done by KCC. Remember, everyone who was selected a winner for DV program all over the globe is filling the DS-260 form and submitting.

The KCC normally process the DS-260 form in the order of their submission. If you have a very high case number and you submit it earlier than the person who had a low case number, your DS-260 form will be processed before that with the low case number. They are processed in the order of submission.

This comes as a very important question, especially to those with very low case numbers. If you have a very low case number, ensure that you fill in your DS-260 very early, so that it might be processed amongst the early submitted ones and stay in wait for your number to become current.

By so doing, if your case was to be scheduled for interview in the first month of the fiscal year, that is October, then you will be scheduled because you submitted it early and it was processed.

If you fail and you have a very low case number that was supposed to be scheduled for October interviews, but you fail to submit it early enough, maybe you submitted it in July or in August, then when the interviews for the month of October will be scheduled, your DS-260 form might not have been processed, and that means you won’t be scheduled for that month.

Then you’ll keep wondering, why have I not been scheduled yet? I’m current, my number is current. That is the very reason.

So that about How DS-260 Forms Are Processed By KCC.

DISCLAIMER: This post and content is designed for general information only and is NOT legal advice. This site is not offering any Diversity Visa and is not the official site for DV Lottery program. The information presented in this post should not be construed to be formal legal advice.

If you have any questions about the DV lottery, please contact an immigration professional/officer or a licensed attorney.

You Have Been Selected in DV Lottery | What is the First Notification Letter?

What is DV First Notification Letter, 1NL?

This is the first notification letter that you will receive when you check for your DV lottery results, if you applied for the DV Lottery for the fiscal year.

When May 6 comes and you check for the results to see if you are selected. If you are successfully selected, the first information that you will receive is called the First Notification Letter, 1NL. First Notification Letter is the letter that unveils your case number if you are selected in DV Lottery.

Sample of DV First Notification Letter, 1NL

Below is the first notification letter sample for DV-2024.

Sample of DV First Notification Letter, 1NL

The letter will have the title head containing your information. It will read May 6, 2023, your name, your place and everything, and then it will say, “Dear [Your Name].”

The random selection for further processing in the Diversity Immigrant Visa program for the fiscal year 2024, will start October 1, 2023 to September 30, 2024.

Selection does not guarantee that you will receive a visa because the number of applicants selected is greater than the number of visas available.

Therefore, it is very important that you carefully follow instructions to increase your chances of possible visa issuance. The instructions are loaded in the Department of State’s website.

All DV applicants must use their online DS-260 form immigrant Visa and Alien Registration Application. Your case will not be scheduled for an interview appointment until a visa number is available.

If you have submitted a complete valid DS-260 application for each of your family member and you have provided copies of all required documentation to Kentucky Consular Center, KCC, you will receive document submission instruction by email after KCC processed and accept the DS-260 form for you and for any accompanying family member.

If you are scheduled for an interview, you will receive an email notification message to the email address that you provided on the initial application.

Make sure you notify KCC at this email,, if your email address changes to ensure you receive all notifications regarding your diversity visa case.

If you need to contact Kentucky Consular Center KCC about your case, you may write to same email. When writing to KCC, you must always include your name, your case number as they appear in the first notification letter.

You must also include your complete date of birth as stated on your original entry.

You will find the case number assigned to you at the down side of the letter.

Basically this is a sample first notification letter that you will get and as you go through the information, it says being selected does not guarantee visa issuance and so you have to follow all the instructions carefully for you to increase the chances of you getting the visa.

Also, your interview will only be scheduled once you have submitted a duly filled DS-260 form, it’s been processed and approved by the KCC.

Although, currently, the part of providing documents to KCC or sending documents to KCC is no longer there. You are not supposed to send any documents to KCC as at this moment it was removed, and this was to speed up the DS-260 processing.

At the moment for the DV Lottery 2023 and DV Lottery 2024, unless things change, you will not be required to submit the documentation.

If your first notification letter says you have submitted your DS-260 form, it has been processed and it is correct. Then a visa will have to be available to your case, and once the visa is available to your case, then you will be scheduled for an interview.

You will receive an email notification on the same informing you that you have an update on the website [DV entrant status check] for you to visit and get your second notification letter, the appointment letter to the interview.

If at any point you want to communicate with KCC, If you want to unlock your DS-260 form, If you want to transfer your case to a different embassy, whichever communication you want to do with KCC, email them through KCCDV@stategov.

Also, every time that you want to communicate with KCC, make sure you include the full names of the applicant, the case number and the date of birth as indicated in the initial application.

Note: Don’t mess up with the date of birth in the initial application. Every time you communicate to KCC, follow the instructions.

That about the first notification letter that will come May 6.

Question: I have a family of 7 people, do I need to fill 7 Ds-260 forms, thus for each individual

Answer: It is essentially “one” that you fill your details, then for your spouse details, then for kids details and submit. Each part is considered as DS-260 of its own.

I wish you all success that you might get this notification letter. Thank you for reading this guide. I hope it is informative to you.

DISCLAIMER: This post and content is designed for general information only and is NOT legal advice. This site is not offering any Diversity Visa and is not the official site for DV Lottery program. The information presented in this post should not be construed to be formal legal advice.

If you have any questions about the DV lottery, please contact an immigration professional/officer or a licensed attorney.

3 Conditions Before Diversity Visa Winner Can Receive Second Notification Letter, 2NL

This second notification letter, 2NL is the appointment to the Diversity Visa interview. As a DV winner, there are three conditions that must be fulfilled before you get this second notification letter (2NL).

When will you receive your Diversity Visa Interview Notification?

If you are there and you’re waiting for your second notification letter and you haven’t received, you should know that one or all of these conditions might have not been met. Even if two are met and one is not, you will not get your second notification letter. The three of the conditions must be met.

3 Conditions Before DV Winner Can Receive Second Notification Letter, 2NL

Below are three conditions that must be met or fulfilled for a person who is a Diversity Visa Lottery winner to receive the second notification letter, 2NL.

  1. Your DS-260 form must have been processed by KCC

You should have already submitted your DS-260 form, duly filled and KCC has reached it, opened it and processed it and finished up with processing it, without any issue. That is the very first condition, DS-260 form completely processed by KCC.

  1. Your case number must become current

Your case number should have fallen below the cut off numbers indicated in the Visa bulletin for that current period. If your case number is not yet current, meaning not within the cut off numbers, then definitely don’t expect any second notification letter to come to you. The case must be current.

  1. There must be a slot for the interview in the embassy that you selected to take your interview from.

The embassies most of the time would be having a backlog, i.e a queue of many cases that they are still to handle and they are with them.

Until they finish up with these cases to avail a slot that KCC can now transfer your case to the embassy for the interview, then you don’t expect any second notification letter. In other words, you can say it also depends with the performance of the embassy. How fast in handling the current cases is your embassy.

If your embassy is slow and therefore handles these cases in a slow manner, then it may take longer for your case to be transferred to the embassy because there would not have been a slot for the interview availed to KCC for them to send your case number to the embassy.

So, condition number three is that there must be the capacity of the embassy to receive your case for them to schedule for your interview.

That is, that about the three conditions that must be met before you will you receive your interview notification.

In Summary

You should have submitted your DS-260 form and the DS-260 form processed completely by KCC and then your case number must be current and there must be a slot for the interview in your embassy that you selected.

If all those three are fulfilled, then you definitely will receive your second notification letter, 2NL, for your Diversity Visa interview. But if they are not fulfilled, even if a single condition of the three then don’t expect the second notification letter.

Thanks for reading this guide.

DISCLAIMER: This post and content is designed for general information only and is NOT legal advice. This site is not offering any Diversity Visa and is not the official site for DV Lottery program. The information presented in this post should not be construed to be formal legal advice.

4 Major Things DV Lottery Winners must Know and Do To Get Diversity Visa

If you are selected in the DV Lottery as a winner, and you are proceeding with your processing, then you should know these four (4) things in details.

4 Major Things DV Lottery Winners must Know and Do To Get Diversity Visa

  1. Case Number

The first thing that you should know immediately you realize you are successful winner in a DV program is about the case number. You should well know what a case number is, what it means, what is its importance, where is it applied, because it is a very useful number.

The case number is the number assigned to you as a selectee. You will find it on the first notification letter (1NL). This number is the number that you will use to get access to your DS-260 form, the Immigrant Visa Application Form that you’re supposed to fill immediately you realize you are selected. This is the same number that is used in scheduling the interviews.

This number is very important and to know more about it, because it is very crucial, READ>>> What is Case Number in DV Lottery Application and Visa Processing?

  1. Visa Bulletin

The next thing that you’re supposed to know as a DV Lottery winner is about the Visa Bulletin and how to read the Visa Bulletin. The Visa Bulletin is a documentation of the visa processing. In that Visa Bulletin there are various categories of different types of visas and current news/position regarding them.

In the visa bulletin, there is also have a portion for the DV Lottery, and in this DV Lottery, there are information provided regarding the cut-off numbers for that particular period.

If you know how to read the Visa Bulletin, you will be able to understand when you are likely to expect your second notification letter, when you are likely to be scheduled for the interview and this will help you in proper preparation.

It is very important that every selectee know about the Visa Bulletin and how to read it.

  1. What are the steps to follow after being selected for DV?

Another thing that you are supposed to know as a DV selectee is the steps to follow after being selected. When you’ve checked and found out that you are a successful winner, what steps follows?

Remember, after you check your results and find out that you are selected, the next thing is the filling of the DS-260 form, which is called the Immigrant Visa Application Form and it should be done immediately you see that you are successful.

Filling in the DS-260 form should be done slowly, it should be done correctly, and it should be filled without errors.

After filling the DS-260 form and submitting it, then you are supposed to wait for it to be processed by KCC.

After being processed and your case becomes current, then your information will be transferred to the Embassy and consecutively a 2NL will be sent to you. The second notification letter, 2NL is the letter that schedules your interview.

READ: What is Second Notification Letter, 2NL, in DV Lottery Program?

After you have received the second notification letter, then you are supposed to prepare yourself by first visiting the medical center specified in the link inside the second notification letter, to do your medicals, because this is a requirement.

After doing your medicals, you should proceed to the interview. After the interview, you’re successful, you will be issued with a visa stamped on your passport document that you will leave behind and will be sent to you via Courier Service or you’ll be required to go and get it from the embassy, depending on the embassy.

Then after that you can relocate to the United States or move to the United States within six months after your medical examination.

That is the process after you realize you have won.

  1. Documents needed for DV processing

The final thing that you should know as a DV selectee is which documents will be needed throughout the DV processing.

From the point you realize you have selected, all the way to the interview, which documents will you be required to have?


Therefore, basically those are the four major things that you are supposed to very well understand if you are selected or if you are a selectee progressing with your DV processing.

I hope the guide is informative and useful to you and to your friends.

DISCLAIMER: This post and content is designed for general information only and is NOT legal advice. This site is not offering any Diversity Visa and is not the official site for DV Lottery program. The information presented in this post should not be construed to be formal legal advice.

What is Second Notification Letter, 2NL, in DV Lottery Program?

What is the Second Notification Letter in the green card application process? What is Second Notification Letter, 2NL, in DV Lottery Program? In this guide, we will learn all about the Second Notification Letter, 2NL for DV Lottery Winner.

The Second Notification Letter 2NL in DV Lottery Program

The Second Notification Letter, 2NL is the letter that you receive sometime after you have filled in your DS-260 form and it shows your interview appointment details.

When you applied for the DV lottery successfully, you check the results using your confirmation number, at the time the results are out, through the DV entrance check page, and you get the first notification letter that you are the DV lottery winner.

What is the next step after winning the DV lottery?

Then, the next thing you will do is to fill the visa form, which is called the DS-260 form.

At one point, while you are waiting, you will receive a letter telling you that on this day, it is the day of the interview for you at the U.S Embassy of your country of residence. That letter is called the Second Notification Letter, 2NL.

For example, at the U.S Embassy in Nairobi, for Kenya, at the U.S Embassy in Accra, for Ghana, at the U.S Embassy in Freetown, for South Africa, etc. DV interview holds at the city where the U.S Embassy is located in your country.

That letter telling you the interview schedule date is at this day, at this location is what we call the second notification letter, 2NL.

It is the notification letter which is very crucial because not everybody who is the winner gets that letter. There are some people that don’t get invitation to go to the visa interview. Congrats to you, if you are one among those that received or will receive the 2NL.

From the day you received the second notification letter to the interview date, in most cases, you have at least six weeks in between.

During this period, you need to go and do your medical exam before you go to the interview. Make sure that once you receive the second application letter you go for your medical as soon as possible.

Note: Not every doctor is going to do the medical for you. There are designated medical doctors, physicians in your country who have contracted with the U.S Embassy to do the medical for the DV winners or for any person processing to go the United States through immigrant visa or green card.

When does 2NL come?

  • The second notification letter (2NL) will only come after your DS-260 has been processed by KCC.
  • It will also come when your case becomes current.
  • The 2NL would come after the document submitted had been processed by KCC.

Note: For DV-2022, things changed and the requirement that you are supposed to send your document was removed.

Find out more about 3 Conditions That Must Met Before Diversity Visa Winner Can Receive Second Notification Letter, 2NL

When will you receive the second notification letter (2NL)?

The 2NL will be sent to you by KCC a few weeks before your scheduled interview. It is normally around six weeks or so.

One interesting thing to note about the second notification letter, is that they are normally sent within the second half of the month that is between date 15 and the end of the month.

Another interesting thing to note about the 2NL is that there is normally a month gap between the time you receive your 2NL and the time for your interview.

Here’s an example:

If your interview is in the month of April, you would have received your 2NL in the month of February between the 15th and the end of February.

And if your interview is to be on March, you will have received your 2NL on January between date 15th and 31 January.

Normally there is a gap of a month in between.

Another thing to note about 2NL, is that all the cases that would have been processed by the end of a particular month will be current the following month in the Visa Bulletin.

For example, all the cases that KCC will have processed by the end of July or early August will appear in the Visa Bulletin of August as current.

Find out more about 3 Conditions That Must Met Before Diversity Visa Winner Can Receive Second Notification Letter, 2NL

How do you receive your 2NL notification?

2NL comes in two parts:

First of all, KCC will send a notification to the email that you filled in the DS-260, and that email will basically tell you that you have a pending update and it will direct you to the Entrant Status Check page ( The same place where you used to check for your results.

The second part will be when you click on that redirection and visit the Entrance Status Check and put in your details, you’ll see the second notification letter there.

Remember, the email does not have the second notification letter. It only notifies you that you have an update and redirects you to the, that page of the entrance status check.

When you visit that page and put in your details, you will find out that your first notification letter, the letter that you received when you were told you were selected, has been replaced by the second notification letter.

The second notification letter will basically contain your interview information. It will have your details, and secondly, it will have your interview details and the dates of your interview.

Second Notification Letter (2NL) for DV winner Sample

Second Notification Letter for DV winner Sample

Finally, even if you forgot which email you had used, it’s not a must that you have an email for you to receive your second notification letter. You can just keep on checking on that entrant status page frequently, using your confirmation number, for you to see if you have received your second notification letter.

That’s all about the 2NL, and I hope that you have understood it.

DISCLAIMER: This post and content is designed for general information only and is NOT legal advice. This site is not offering any Diversity Visa and is not the official site for DV Lottery program. The information presented in this post should not be construed to be formal legal advice.

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