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Green card Lottery Number

Diversity Visa Bulletin For August 2023 and Cut-off Numbers For September 2023

The Diversity visa bulletin for the month of August 2023, which shows the cut-off numbers to apply in the month of September 2023 in the diversity visa program has now been released.

In this guide, we will learn the cut-off numbers to apply in the month of September 2023, as well as those cases, if any, that have become current.

What is very important about this bulletin is that it shows the final cut-off numbers to apply in the DV 2023 program. So the release of this diversity visa bulletin for August 2023 will be good news for some applicants but bad news for others.

Bad news for those whose case numbers are exactly the same or above the cut-off number that we will see for their region in a moment.

Let’s go over to the bulletin and consider the cut-off numbers to apply during the month of September 2023, which are the final cut-off numbers for the DV 2023 program.

Diversity Visa Bulletin and Cut-off Numbers

Diversity Visa Bulletin

Africa Region

Beginning as usual with the Africa region. The Africa region has been made current for the month of September 2023. That region was almost current with the exception of only one case, the case with case number 63,502.

In case that case is assigned to an embassy that is performing very well, then that could be the chance for that case. That case could be scheduled for interview in this year’s program.

When it comes to the exceptional countries from the Africa region, there is no change in their cut-off numbers. Algeria was at 45,000 and Algeria remains at 45,000 for the month of September, which means that case numbers from Algeria beginning at case number 45,000 and above will unfortunately not receive a diversity visa in the DV 2023 program.

Those case numbers that were previously current from Algeria are the ones that remain current. And if your case number is one of them and you have not yet been scheduled for interview, then you have the chance of being scheduled during the month of September 2023.

In the case of Egypt, the cut-off number for the month of August was maintained for the month of September and it is 43,000 which indicates that those case numbers from Egypt that were previously current are the ones that remain current for the final month of the DV 2023 program.

So in case you are an applicant from Egypt with a case number beginning at 43,200 and above, it means that unfortunately you will not receive one of the diversity visas in the DV 2023 program.

For Morocco, the 63,400 case number was maintained for the month of September. And like in the two previous cases, applicants from Morocco with case numbers that were previously current, are the ones that remain current for the final month of the DV 2023 program.

So if you’re an applicant from Morocco with a case number beginning at 63,400 and above, then unfortunately, you cannot receive one of the DV 2023 visas.

Asia Region

To the Asia region, and the 21,000 cut off number for the month of August was maintained for the month of September. And so the cases from Asia that were previously current are the same cases that remain current for the month of September, with the exception of cases from the two exceptional countries.

So if you are an applicant chargeable to Iran, the cut-off number for Iran moved from 14,000 to 16,000, and it made case numbers beginning at 14,000 up to 15,999 current. And in case such cases are assigned to embassies that are performing well, then those cases have the chance of being scheduled for interview before the end of this year’s program.

The case is similar for applicants from Nepal. The cut-off number for Nepal moved from 20,000 to 2500 to 21,000. And so applicants from Nepal with case numbers beginning at 20,500 up to 20,999 now have the possibility of being scheduled in this year’s program.

All other applicants chargeable to all other countries from the Asia region remain in their respective positions. That is, in case their case numbers were previously current, they remain current. And in case they were not current, they remain not current and will not receive one of this year’s visas.

Europe Region

To the Europe region, where most applicants find themselves in that same situation, the 32,000 cut off number for the Europe region for the month of August has been maintained for the month of September.

Case numbers chargeable to Uzbekistan are the only exception because the cut-off number for that country has moved from 15,000 to 17,000. It made case numbers beginning at 15,000 up to 16,999 to have become current and those case numbers now have the possibility of being scheduled for interview.

But other cases from Uzbekistan with case numbers beginning at 17,000 moving above, unfortunately, did not become current and will therefore not benefit from this year’s visas.

For applicants from all other countries in the Europe region, those whose case numbers were previously current, remained current, and those whose case numbers were not current, remained not current and cannot be benefit from the visas on offer in the DV 2023 program.

North America Region

The North America region was already current.

Oceania Region

We move to the Oceania region and that is where we have good news because the cut-off number for the Oceania region has increased from 1,650 to 2,500 which has made many case numbers from that region current.

So cases with case numbers beginning at 1,650 up to 2,499 from the Oceania region have just become current, and they now have the chance of being scheduled for interview before this year’s program come to an end.

South America Region

Finally, to the South America region where the cut-off number was increased from 2,900 to 3,150. And that has made the South America region to almost go current, which is good news for many applicants from that region.

Case numbers beginning at 2,900 up to 2,149 are now current and they have the possibility of being scheduled for interview in this year’s program.

Those are the final cut-off numbers to apply in the DV 2023 program, as well as case numbers that still have the chance of being scheduled for interview before the program comes to an end.

In upcoming guides, we will have the opportunity to discuss on diversity visa bulletin and those cut-off numbers in detail.

DISCLAIMER: This post and content is designed for general information only and is NOT legal advice. This site is not offering any Diversity Visa and is not the official site for DV Lottery program. The information presented in this post should not be construed to be formal legal advice.

If you have any questions about the DV lottery, please contact an immigration professional/officer or a licensed attorney.

All About The Diversity Visa Lottery Case Number | Green card Lottery Number

What does DV Lottery case number stand for? What is it and what do you understand about it? That is basically what this guide is going to tackle.

If you’re waiting for the DV results or if you’re waiting for your DV interview, this will be very important to you to understand.

What is DV Case Number? What is Green card Lottery Number?

The case number is the number assigned to each and every winner in a DV lottery selection. This means that you only get your case number if you are successfully selected.

After the results are out, if you check the results and you are lucky to have been selected, that’s only when you will have access to see or to know your case number. You will find this on your first notification letter.

That message that you find on the entrant status check, congratulating you on your selection. On that message, you will find your DV case number and the DV case number will look something like this 2023AF00012345.

The first four digits of the case number normally indicates the fiscal year for the DV lottery. What does this mean? It means the year in which the interviews will be conducted for the DV lottery.

For example, for the DV lottery 2023, that means the first four digits in the case number is 2023, the fiscal year in which the interviews are being conducted. For the DV lottery 2024, it will be 2024 in which the DV-2024 interviews will be conducted.

The second part is the two letters which stand for the regions. For example, we have the EU for Europe region, we have OC for Oceania region, we have AF for Africa region, we have AS for Asia region, and so on and so forth.

After these two letters we have the rest of the numbers, these rest of the numbers are the actual numbers standing for your position in the case number system. For example, you have 00012345 as your position in the case number system.

The case number is unique to each and every winner. No two individuals will share the same case numbers. The case numbers are issued randomly. There is nothing, no qualification or nothing that is considered when issuing the case numbers. It all depends on luck.

Whether you get a low case number or a high case number, that depends on the luck, on the selection, random selection. Nothing is considered when issuing these case numbers to the successful winners.

Therefore, some will be lucky enough to get low case numbers, while others will get high case numbers.

Each region has its own order. That is, each region will have a case number beginning from the lowest to the highest. For example, for the EU region, you might find that we have from a 0001 up to maybe a 00023,000. This is just an example.

For AS, you might find that we have a 0001 up to a 00036,000. Each region will have its own numbering.

Interviews are scheduled in the order of these numbers. This means that the interviews will be scheduled from the lowest case number in a certain region and numerically to the highest case number in that region.

For example, you might find that we have an AF, 10,000 and also an EU 10,000. Therefore, you might find similar numbers but in different regions.

Holes in DV Lottery Case Number

If in a certain region we have a certain number of selectees, it does not mean that there are in totality those numbers. For example, if for Africa we have AF 84,000 as the highest case number, it does not mean that we have 84,000 selectees from Africa.

In between from the lowest number to the highest one, there are many vacant spaces that we call holes. You might find we have a case number 0001 and we don’t have 0002 or 0003, but we have 0004, 0005, we don’t have 0006, we don’t have 0009, but we have 00010, and so on.

Therefore, between the lowest case number and the highest case number for a specific region, there exist vacant slots that we call holes.

If we have AF 84,000 for Africa, then you might find we only have half the number of selectees from the Africa region. This is just to exemplify.

Finally, remember that the case number is unique to every individual, the case number is personal and private. But if a case number comes to be known by anyone, it is not a risk. No one can impersonate you. No one can take your number. Your number is unique to you.

Every information that regards you is attached to the case number and it is hard for anyone to impersonate you to produce a true copy of your documents. Therefore, your case number cannot be stolen.

Thank you for reading this guide. I hope the information is good and relevant to you.

DISCLAIMER: This post and content is designed for general information only and is NOT legal advice. This site is not offering any Diversity Visa and is not the official site for DV Lottery program. The information presented in this post should not be construed to be formal legal advice. If you have any questions about the DV lottery, please contact an immigration professional/officer or a licensed attorney.

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