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Tag Archives: Documents Required After Winning DV Lottery

After Checking DV-2025 Lottery Results: What to Do Next

If you have checked the DV-2025 Diversity Visa Lottery results and discovered that you have been selected, congratulations! This is just the first step in the process. After checking for your DV-2025 lottery result, below are what you need to do next:

Step 1: Checking Your Diversity Visa Lottery Results

After checking the DV-2025 Lottery results online, and discovered that you have been selected, you will need to proceed for further processing.

Step 2: Complete the DS-260 Form

If you have been selected, you will need to complete the DS-260 form (Immigrant Visa and Alien Registration Application). This form collects information about you and your eligibility for the Diversity Visa program.

Read: How to Fill Out the DS-260 Form Correctly for Your DV Interview

Step 3: Gather Required Documents

You will need to gather various documents to support your application, including:

Step 4: Attend the Visa Interview

Once you have submitted the DS-260 form and gathered all required documents, you will be scheduled for a visa interview at the U.S. embassy or consulate in your country. During the interview, a consular officer will determine if you are eligible for a visa.

Step 5: Receive Your Visa

If your visa application is approved, you will receive your visa, along with a sealed packet containing your documents. Do not open the sealed packet. You will need to present it to the U.S. Customs and Border Protection officer when you arrive in the United States.

Step 6: Travel to the United States

Once you have received your visa, you can make travel arrangements to the United States. You must travel and enter the United States before the expiration date on your visa.

Step 7: Adjust Your Status

After arriving in the United States, you will need to adjust your status to become a lawful permanent resident. This process involves submitting additional forms and documents to U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS).

These are steps to follow after checking for your DV-2025 lottery result.

In Summary

Diversity Visa Program involves:

  • Submit an Entry.
  • Selection of Applicants.
  • If You Are Selected.
  • Confirm Your Qualifications.
  • Submit Your Immigrant Visa and Alien Registration Application.
  • Submit Supporting Documents.
  • Interview.
  • Prepare for the Interview.

In Conclusion:

Winning the DV-2025 Lottery is an exciting opportunity, but it also comes with several important steps and requirements. By following the instructions provided and preparing thoroughly, you can navigate the process successfully and start your new life in the United States. It is important to remember that selection does not guarantee you will receive a visa. In order to receive a DV to immigrate to the United States, selectees must still meet all eligibility requirements under U.S. law.

DISCLAIMER: This post and content is designed for general information only and is NOT legal advice. This site is not offering any Diversity Visa and is not the official site for DV Lottery program. The information presented in this post should not be construed to be formal legal advice. Please ignore any sites, organization or anyone asking or demanding any form of payment from you, for jobs or visa preparations. If you have any questions about the DV lottery, please contact an immigration professional/officer or a licensed attorney.

Types of Affidavits that you might come across during the DV Lottery Process

There have been several questions revolving around getting a spouse, about the names and how they affect the DV lottery. We have several types of affidavits that you might come across during the DV lottery process.

Types of Affidavits

Below are 4 major types of affidavits that you might come across during the DV lottery process.

  • Affidavit of Name

The first one being an affidavit of name. The affidavit of name becomes important when you have issues regarding your names or the names that you use.

If you have names on one document differing from those on the other document, and those documents are critical in the DV lottery, then you need to confirm to the embassy or the relevant bodies that you are the same person with those different names, like for example, if you have two names on one document and three names, that is the two plus a different one on the other document, then you have to show them that you are the same person with those names, and you do so by acquiring an affidavit of name.

Another way: Maybe your name is incorrectly spelled on some documents, while on others it is correctly spelled. For example, you have a name that has an “I”, but on another document it has not. How do you merge the two?

For you to prove that you are the same person with those incorrectly spelled names, what you need to acquire is an affidavit of name.

Another issue is when you have changed your name. Maybe some individual along the way, they can decide to change the name because of one reason or the other. So after changing the names, then you need to prove to the consulate or the embassy or the consular officer that you changed the names. And that’s why there are different names on different documents.

Anything that makes your name differ from another one on your document, you only need to acquire an affidavit of name for that matter.

  • Affidavit of Marriage

The other affidavit that we have is an affidavit of marriage. You applied for the DV lottery, but at the time of application, you had someone that you call your spouse, but you are not holding anything to prove your relationship, your union, and therefore you get selected and you are preparing to get to the interview.

In this scenario, you are supposed to get the marriage certificate, that is without a doubt. Even if you don’t have, you need to get. And how do you get? This is by getting an affidavit of marriage that you will use to prove to the relevant body of your country, that is the registrar of Marriages, and then they go ahead to issue the marriage certificate.

So that same document that you used to get this marriage certificate, the affidavit of marriage, that same document, you are needed or you are required to come with it during the interview. That is among the proof documents that will second your marriage certificate. So you go with the original marriage certificate, the certified copy, the affidavit of marriage. You go with those three documents.

Also, maybe you got the marriage certificate after getting selected, that means you need to prove on another level of your existence relationship, even before you applied for the DV lottery. What are the things to prove your union, before the application? You might use many things like the photos, bank statements, the joint accounts, many things that you did together even before this. Something to solidify that this marriage is not a fraud. It is legitimate.

So you need to go with the affidavit of marriage, the marriage certificate, both the original and the certified. And also you go with the things to prove that this is legitimate and not fraud.

  • Affidavit of Support

The other affidavit that you need is an affidavit of support. You might need the affidavit of support, though it’s not needed by all embassies. But majority of the embassies will request of the affidavit of support.

It is better that you have one, if you are not sure that your embassy is one of those that don’t request. So just get it and be with it. In case you asked for it, then you provide.

What is an affidavit of support?

This is the document that you get from someone who has agreed to give you sponsorship once you land in the United States. This might be your host or someone else apart from your host, the one that agrees to give you monetary support or financial support as you start life in the new country.

It will simply prove to the consulate that you are able to sustain yourself as you begin life there, and you cannot become a public charge. By becoming a public charge, what it simply means is becoming dependent on the public or on the government for support, depending on the food stamps, for example.

So you will need the affidavit of support to prove to the consular officer that you are able to sustain yourself and you will not become dependent on the public.

  • Affidavit of Birth

The other affidavit that some countries will require you to have is the affidavit of birth. For example, if you come from the East Africa, the country called Somalia, all individuals from Somalia will by default be scheduled for their interviews at the Nairobi Embassy and what the Nairobi embassy needs from the people coming from Somalia, the Somali, is an affidavit of birth, not the certificate of birth.

So you come with the certificate of birth together with the affidavit of birth. Those two documents, what they trust is the affidavit of birth. So some embassies will ask for the affidavit of birth on top of the birth certificate, especially for the foreigners, people not from the same country where the embassy is.

Those are just four types of affidavits that you might come across in the DV process.

DISCLAIMER: This post and content is designed for general information only and is NOT legal advice. This site is not offering any Diversity Visa and is not the official site for DV Lottery program. The information presented in this post should not be construed to be formal legal advice. If you have any questions about the DV lottery, please contact an immigration professional/officer or a licensed attorney.

3 Important Documents For DV Interview That Have Not Been Listed In The Interview Checklist

This guide will focus on topic regarding all the documents that are not listed in the checklist, but you should go with to the DV (Diversity Visa) interview.

3 Important Documents For DV Interview That Have Not Been Listed In The Interview Checklist

There are three important documents that you are supposed to go with to the DV interview, even if they are not listed in the checklist.

The first document that is very important that you are supposed to prepare and attend the DV interview with is the affidavit of support. It is called the financial support document.

This affidavit of support is the Form I-134, not the Form I-864. This document is not listed among the documents in the DV interview checklists.

Majority of the embassies and consulates will go ahead and request of this document and this document is there to prove that you are able to sustain yourself as you begin life in the U.S, that you have enough finances to keep you going as you start life in the U.S.

If you cannot have the Form I-134, then you can have some savings in your bank enough to sustain you. If you choose to go the financial way, if you choose to sponsor yourself by having some savings in your account, you’ll need to have a minimum of $10,000 for each person in your application.

So you can either come with the Form I-134 from your sponsor or the bank statements showing your savings that can stand for you.

Therefore, the financial support document is one of the documents that will not find listed in the checklist, but majority of the embassies will request you for them. If you are not able to provide when you ask for it, then you will be put to the 221(g) refusal until you’re able to provide that document.

It is better you get ready with the financial support document, either the Form I-134 from your sponsor or the bank statement showing your savings that can sustain you as you begin life in the United States.

Note: The Form I-134 from your sponsor, we’ll need some accompanying documents and these accompanying documents include the tax compliance certificates. If your sponsor is a business person, then he or she should give you the Form 1040. But if he is employed on wages, then he should provide the W-2 form.

Another thing that should accompany the Form I-134 is the copy of the national identity of your sponsor or a copy of the green card of your sponsor or the driver’s license copy.

The third thing that should accompany the Form I-134 is some recent transaction receipts, just for sampling. Or if they are working, they should provide some recent payslip copies to accompany the Form I-134.

So that is very important, though it’s not included in the list.

The second document that you should provide or you should prepare, though not indicated well, is if you are qualifying through work experience, then to visit the website by the United States Government, Ministry of Labor, that website’s name is

Therein you’ll be able to check whether your job that you’re qualifying with meets the requirements as per the Department of Labor. The requirement is that your job must meet the SVP range of above seven (7), and SVP means special vocational preparation.

You visit this website, and then you type the work you’re qualifying with there and search. For example, electrical engineers.

You need to print this page because when you scroll down, when you come to job zone, it shows down, SVP range. For these electrical engineers is between seven and eight, and that means it’s above seven on SVP range and that means this job qualifies.

What does that mean? If you’re qualifying through work experience, go to this website,, search for your work that you’re qualifying with, and print the page showing about your job, and it will clearly show that your job is on the SVP range of above seven (7).

Make sure you print the page and go with it to the DV interview.

Finally, the other document, the third one that you should prepare, and this is for some embassies. For example, in Johannesberg (South Africa) embassy do request for this, and sometimes others embassies also requests for this.

Form DS-5535

The form DS-5535 is simply a supplemental question on the visa applicants, and it is for further security and background checks. You fill this. Some part of the form required passport and travel history, relatives’ details, address and contact information.

You fill about your social media, all the media accounts that you have, you list them there, your employment history and then you sign and you’re done.

See Form DS-5535 Sample

This simple form is very important to prepare it upfront before you attend the DV interview, especially for some embassies. You just check the history of your embassy and see if they require this.

It is better you prepare it. If you are requested for it, you just produce it. If you don’t produce this, you’ll have to be put on AP, that is the 221G refusal until you fill this and submit it the embassy for them to process your visa.

Another set of documents that might not be listed but you need to go with and this is for the case of those people that married after applying for the DV lottery and get selected.

Prepare yourself with proof documents of your existent relationship, even before the DV application because you will have to prove to the consular officer that this not an illegal marriage, that you did not get selected and you decided to just marry to give this other person a chance to be in United States, you need to prove it.

You can go with photos, bank statements that both of you share accounts with, receipts that you used even before DV application, or all activates that can support that both of you were engaged even before you did the application.

Question: Is it acceptable to send the form I-134 and accompanying documents electronically?

Answer: No, only hard copy.

Question: I married with children and added them during the application, will I be asked proof of my marriage?

Answer: You must have the marriage certificate.

Question: Where will I get that form for supplement question?


DISCLAIMER: This post and content is designed for general information only and is NOT legal advice. This site is not offering any Diversity Visa and is not the official site for DV Lottery program. The information presented in this post should not be construed to be formal legal advice.

DV Interview | Documents From The Host And The Sponsor, Any Difference? | W2, Payslips, I-134

DV Interview: Let us discuss on the host, the sponsor, and the documents that you should get from the host or the sponsor.

About the sponsor

A “sponsor” is any person in the United States who has agreed to take all the responsibilities of catering for you in terms of finances. They have agreed that they will commit some portion of their income or their wealth to cater for your needs as you start life in the United States.

Therefore, they must prove to the embassy that they are willing to sponsor you, and they do that by providing documents that we shall learn as we progress in this guide. That person that agrees to take care of all your needs as you start life in the United States, both financially, the person is called the sponsor.

On the other hand, the “host” simply means someone who has given or provided you with an address. The address that you used in your DS-260, the permanent address in the United States. The person that gave you that address is regarded as your host because he or she will be hosting your documents.

Remember, once you land in the United States, the green card and the Social Security number and any other document will be sent to you via that mail address. So that person offering you that address to host your documents is called the host.

The host can be the person that receives you and gives you some accommodation when you land in the United States, if you don’t have one of your own. The person that receives you and gives you where to stay as you start life, then that is your host. You are a guest to him or her.

Based on that argument, the sponsor and the host seems to intermarry, but they are totally different. The sponsor supports you in terms of finances, and the host only gives you the address and sometimes may give you a place to stay when you land in the United States.

Another point to note is that, your host can be your sponsor. The person hosting you also decides to take care of you in terms of the finances, and therefore he or she becomes your sponsor.

One person can take those two responsibilities or one responsibility, sponsoring may be taken by another person and the hosting responsibility be taken by a different person.

To understand which documents you’re supposed to get and from who. The sponsor, the one committing some finances to sponsor you, is the one who is supposed to produce the following documents and give them to you. Because during the interview, you will be required to present these documents as a proof of financial support.

Remember, you can be your own host as well as your own sponsor. You can sponsor yourself and you can host yourself maybe by renting an Airbnb or a hotel room and also having enough savings in your bank that can take you through as you start life in the United States.

In the case that another person takes the responsibilities, then that person who is your sponsor must provide you with the following document to present as proof of financial support.

The first document is the correctly filled Form I-134

The sponsor has to correctly fill that document and then email it to you for you to print it and sign it before presenting it at the interview. Together with that Form I-134, there are other documents that should accompany it to make it a complete document, such as:

  • The tax compliance form

Note that for an individual to qualify to sponsor an immigrant, that individual has to have complied with the tax laws, and that mean they should have completely filed their returns. They should have paid their taxes.

Therefore, tax documents are needed. If the sponsor is employed in the U.S, he or she will present the W-2 form to you as the tax compliance form. He/she will send document to you, for you to print it.

The second thing is that the sponsor has to provide some form of identity.

He or she might give you a copy of the green card if he/she is an LPR i.e a green card holder or a national ID if they are the citizens of the United States.

In that case, either a driver’s license or the passport bio data page. They should provide whichever of those identity documents together with the ones mentioned above.

Another document your sponsor will provide is his/her recent pay slips

The recent pay slips from the sponsor should be presented to you before you attend the interview.

Having outlined all those documents, you should note that all those documents must be printed out and be presented as a hard copy, no soft copies. You will not be allowed into the embassy with any phone or any tablet or whichever the gadget. Print them and file them well in hard copy format.

For the documents from the host, the host needs not to give you anything or any type of documents. You don’t need anything from the host unless your host is your sponsor. If your host is your sponsor, then they should provide you with those financial support documents.

But if you have a different host from the sponsor, the host gives you nothing, but the sponsor provides you with all those documents.

I believe this guide have answered questions about the host and the sponsor, and the documents that you are required.

DISCLAIMER: This post and content is designed for general information only and is NOT legal advice. This site is not offering any Diversity Visa and is not the official site for DV Lottery program. The information presented in this post should not be construed to be formal legal advice.

Documents You Will Go With To The DV Medical Examination | Green Card Lottery

DV Medical Examination: When do you apply or schedule for your medical examination? Immediately you receive your second notification letter, 2NL, you are supposed to schedule for your medical examination.

When you are processing for the diversity visa program, you have to do the visa interview. When the Kentucky Consular Center (KCC), the government agents which is responsible to schedule the interview for you give you a notice of the interview at least six weeks in advance, the next process you need to do is the medical examination.

Where Do I Do My Medical Examination For DV Interview?

You (and each family member applying for a visa with you) are required to schedule a medical appointment with an authorized physician in the country where you will be interviewed.

You must complete your medical examination, along with any required vaccinations, before your scheduled visa interview date.

When your medical exam is completed, if you are given a medical exam envelope, you must bring it sealed (not opened) to your visa interview. Some physicians will send the medical exam results directly to the embassy or consulate.

Do you select which doctor to conduct your medical examination?

The answer is no. You are supposed to book an appointment with the medical center or the physician specified by the United States Embassy in your country.

Medical Examination Process and Requirements for DV Interview

Which documents are you supposed to carry with you, when attending the medical examination for the DV lottery?

  • Your vaccination records

It is a major requirement for medical examination. You must have the COVID-19 vaccine before you go to the medical examination. Because in the medical examination, they are going to do the cross-look of your vaccine record.

From October first, 2021, the President of the United States, Joe Biden, released the new mandate that if you have to get the visa for immigrant visa, even non-immigrant visa, you must have the COVID-19 vaccine. So you must have the vaccine in order to go to the medical.

The vaccine, the COVID-19, was not part of the requirement previously, but it has started from October first, 2021 going forward.

The passport photos for each and every member in your application. Depending with which country you come from, the embassy may require several photos. Some embassy requests for three photos for every member, others they request five photos for every member.

Other Documents You Will Go With To The DV Medical Examination

  • The appointment letter, don’t forget the appointment letter.
  • The confirmation page of your DS-260. Don’t forget to carry the confirmation page of the DS-260.
  • The medical documents if you are under medication currently.
  • If you have ever had these contagious diseases or one of them, like for example, the tuberculosis and the syphilis and you had been treated, you should go with that certification that shows you had it and you have completely been treated.
  • A valid passport for all the members in your application.

Can you be denied the visa because of a certain thing found in the medical?

The answer is yes.

The things which can cause you to be delayed to get the visa is if you have the TB, tuberculosis, you will be required to go and be treated first before you come.

That is a mandatory because in the United States, they have already eradicated the tuberculosis. So they fear people to bring the tuberculosis in the United States.

The other thing which is very big one is if you have a mental problem which can be a harmful or can cause a mass crime, disruptions, maybe can bring a mass shooting, that type of problem you might be being inadmissible to the United States.

Also, if you have excessive use of drugs, that will be able to cause you not to be admissible to the United States.

I hope the information there is useful to you.

DISCLAIMER: This post and content is designed for general information only and is NOT legal advice. This site is not offering any Diversity Visa and is not the official site for DV Lottery program. The information presented in this post should not be construed to be formal legal advice.

Filling the Immigrant Visa form DS-260 | GREEN CARD VISA FORMS

Filling the Immigrant Visa form DS-260: You have won the Diversity Visa Lottery and you need to fill the visa form called DS-260 form.

There are two types of visas for the United States. There are visas which are called immigrant visas and the visas which are called non-immigrant.

Immigrant visas are the visas for people who are going to live in America on a permanent basis. You have won the DV Lottery, you are going to become a permanent of the United States, for that particular case, you fill the DS-260 form.

Those who are going to U.S like student, tourist, visitors, exchange visitors or student, for a certain particular time, is called non-immigrant visas and they fill DS-160. The DS-160, Online Nonimmigrant Visa Application form, is for temporary travel to the United States, and for K (fiancé(e)) visas. Form DS-160 is submitted electronically to the Department of State website via the Internet.

But in this particular guide, we are talking about immigrant form, DS-260. This form has a lot of information. Don’t rush to fill the form and submit. There is no competition in submitting because one mistake can cause you not to be given the visa.

Filling the Immigrant Visa form DS-260

The form needs to have information about yourself, date of birth, place of birth, your education. You will be putting exactly the name of the school, exactly where did you study, which year, address. All the education level you have you are going to put there.

When it comes to the work experience, you will put all the work experience in the past five years you have.

If you are married, or divorced, even if your spouse passed away, you will put their information or you are not planning to go with your spouse, you have to put their information too.

If you have children, whether you are going with them or not going with them. First of all, you have to put them during the DV lottery application, then you have to indicate them in DS-260 form too.

Once you complete the DS-260 application form, you will submit the application.

But if you have married and you are planning to go with your spouse, then there is a place you add derivative, you are dependent in the application. You will open another profile within the form, to add your spouse.

If you have two children, you add the profile of each child who will be going with you and you’re going to fill all the information in the DS-260 form.

Once you submit the completed DS-260 form, then you wait for the next step, which is the request for the documents. But before the request for the documents, if at one point you find out you made a mistake in that DS-260 form, you want to make changes, you cannot make changes once that form is submitted.

What you need to do is call to request the authority which is Kentucky Consular Center, KCC, to unlock your case. When you win, they’ll give you the email address to communicate with KCC.

When writing the mail to KCC, you put the subject, you put their email address, and you don’t need to put much explanation, you ask them to “Please unlock my case number or my DS-260”. But you have to indicate your full name, date of birth, and also you have to indicate your case number so that they can be able to unlock it.

Sometimes it takes a week, two weeks, three weeks, depending on how busy they are.

To avoid unnecessary stress and pressure to think or to wait for them to unlock, make sure you fill everything correctly before you submit the form. Ask another person to review if the names, dates, matter, the place you lived before, everything is correct. So that you don’t need to have a pressure to unlock and then they are not unlocking for two, three weeks. Don’t do that.

Make sure that you fill the visa form correctly.

On the interview time, most of the things you filled in the DS-260 form, if you say you have master’s degree, they will want to see the master’s degree certificate. If you said you have two years of work experience from this organization, they want a proof.

So you must make sure that you put things which you can show as proof and which are true in that particular form.

DISCLAIMER: This post and content is designed for general information only and is NOT legal advice. This site is not offering any Diversity Visa and is not the official site for DV Lottery program. The information presented in this post should not be construed to be formal legal advice.

Take These Tips To Pass Your DV Lottery Interview

Let discuss in details about how to go through your DV interview process successfully. Learn the major and key points regarding the DV Lottery interview.

Tips To Pass Your DV Lottery Interview

In your second notification letter, it will contain the destination of your DV Lottery interview. It will state the address of the embassy or the consulate for your interview. In that destination details, you’ll also see the time of your interview and the date of your interview.

The first important thing for you to do, is to make sure that you present yourself on that date and at that time before the consular or the consulate or at the embassy.

Don’t be late. If your interview is at 9:00 AM or 7:00 AM, make sure you are at the location of your interview before that scheduled time.

The councilor officer will interview you as the principal applicant together with your derivatives or the beneficiaries. Your spouse and your children, if you have that is important to note.

Sometimes they may interview you alone. But some other times or depending on the consulate or the consular officer, they might interview also your derivatives.

Ensure during your interview, you go with all the members that are in your application, all the beneficiaries, your spouse and the children, including the adopted children, if you listed them.

It is possible for you to attend the interview alone if you are not intending to relocate immediately with your derivatives. But it is highly advisable if you can, make sure you are interviewed with your beneficiaries at the same time and on the same date. Go with them to the embassy.

But if it is not possible, maybe you are in one country and your derivatives are in another country and there is no way you can come together, then you can go for your scheduled interview and also talk with the embassy or the consular officer for the planning of your derivatives interview.

The derivatives interview in this case should happen before the end of the fiscal year, and that is 30th of each September.

So that year in which you are required to conduct or to go through your interview, make sure September 30th does not reach before your derivatives they receive their interviews and their visas.

Because if it goes past without them receiving their interview, then they cannot relocate or come to live with you in the U.S. You will have to file a petition for them to join you in later years after you have relocated to the United States, and it will be a lengthy and a tedious process.

Remember, if it’s possible, go with the derivatives during the interview to be interviewed together.

If at all you are not able to attend the interview on the scheduled date, you have to call the embassy early enough and inform them to reschedule your interview date. But again, the interview date should not go beyond the end of the fiscal year, 30th September. This is very important.

Note that in some countries, the visas are exhausted or get exhausted before the end of the fiscal year. So for you to reschedule your interview to a later date might be very risky.

Important documents that you need when you attend your interview

  • The appointment letter, i.e the second notification letter (2NL). You print it and go with it through the interview as a printed document.
  • The DS-260 confirmation page.

This is the sample of confirmation page that you’re supposed to print for the DS-260 and present it during the interview.

  • The passports, both for you as the main applicant and the derivatives, the beneficiaries, the spouse and the children. Don’t leave them behind.
  • The photos. These photos, they should meet the requirements of two-inch by two inch in size and they should be of good quality.
  • The medical examination reports for all your beneficiaries together with yours.

Some medical centers will give you a sealed envelope containing the results that you are not supposed to unseal or to break the seal, but present it as sealed during the interview. Others will send the results directly to the embassy.

Other documents are the documents supporting your DS-260. They are called the supporting documents. This include the work experience document or the education documents, and every other documents that you filled in the DS-260, including the marriage certificate, the birth certificates for every individual, the police clearance certificates for all individual above 16 years of age in your application.

All these support documents, you are required to go with them without leaving them behind to the embassy.

Finally, if your language or your documents are not in English translation, then provide the English translations of the documents.

Don’t forget to carry with you the visa fee. It is normally per every individual that is in your application. You can find out more about the amount from your embassy.

DISCLAIMER: This post and content is designed for general information only and is NOT legal advice. This site is not offering any Diversity Visa and is not the official site for DV Lottery program. The information presented in this post should not be construed to be formal legal advice.

You Must Do These After Receiving Your Second Notification Letter | DV Interview Appointment

Although, many DV winners may still be waiting for their second notification letter, but what follows immediately after you receive your second notification letter? In this guide, we’re going to see the following steps after receiving the second notification letter (2NL) and Diversity Visa prepare for interview.

To learn more about how your second notification letter will be like, read: What is Second Notification Letter (2NL), in DV Lottery Program?

As you read through the second notification letter sent to you, you’ll see a link. This link is meant for you to get prepared for the interview correctly and completely.

When you click on this link, follow whatever you’ll get in that page. When you do so, it will take you to Diversity Visa Program page under the website.

See image below:

Prepare for the DV Interview

There, you’ll see the processes of the diversity visa, step number eight is prepare for the interview. To prepare for DV interview is what you are going to do after receiving the second notification letter, 2NL.

Things You Must Do After Receiving Your Second Notification Letter

Below are the main things you must do immediately you received your second notification letter.

  • Carefully review your scheduling information in the entrance status check, on the EDV website, noting the date, time, and location of your of your immigrant visa interview.

When you go to the entrance status check and you log in, you receive your second notification letter. On the second notification letter, you will see all this information, the date, the time, and the location for your interview.

  • You review the United States embassy or consulate interview instructions

Remember, every consulate or embassy will have different instructions regarding the DV interview. You have to visit your embassy or your consulate and see the requirements for your embassy.

You will do so by following the list of U.S embassies and consulate, where you will find your embassy. Then you click on the embassy and see all the requirements/instructions.

  • Schedule and complete a medical examination

This is very important. The third requirement is that you visit the medical specified by your embassy and then schedule a date with them for examination. You will be required to present the medical examination during your interview.

  • Gather Photographs and all the documents required or specified

These documents include, two photos that are identical for each and every applicant in your application. Together with these photos, you’ll be required to provide the appointment information (this is the second notification letter printed), the DS-260 confirmation page printed, the passports of every member in your application, all the original documents that you filled in the DS-260 (make sure you have the original copies and certified ones).

  • Review U.S embassy or consulate interview instructions

How do you check your embassy’s instructions?

(a) You will go to list of U.S embassies or consulates interview instructions link.

(b) You will see all the list of the available consulates and embassies.

(c) Select your embassy, for example, if you are from Ghana, select Accra-ACC embassy.

i. Go down you’ll see the first instruction by Accra embassy in Ghana. If you are selected to be interviewed in that embassy, the first instruction is you register online.

ii. Go to register and register to confirm your interview date, that you will be available during the interview date posted by KCC.

iii. Get a medical exam in Ghana. Follow the link there to register, to schedule for your medical exam with the center specified by the embassy.

Note: From the link, you will schedule an appointment with the medical center specified by the embassy.

iv. Complete your pre-interview checklist. Preview the documents that you are required to have in the interview. You do a pre-interview checklist to ensure you have all the documents.

v. You review the guideline.

Note: These steps above are applicable in all embassies eligible for DV Interview Appointment. Check embassies eligible for DV Interview Appointment.

That all about checking the instructions for your embassy for your DV interview and steps after receiving your second notification letter.

DISCLAIMER: This post and content is designed for general information only and is NOT legal advice. This site is not offering any Diversity Visa and is not the official site for DV Lottery program. The information presented in this post should not be construed to be formal legal advice.

4 Important Things You Might Easily Forget When Filling The DS-260 Form | DV Lottery

Let discuss four (4) important things that you might have forgotten or you might forget while filling the DS-260 form. This is very important and very crucial to the success of your DV process.

4 Important Things You Might Easily Forget When Filling The DS-260 Form

  1. Medical Section

The first one is regarding the medical section. There is a part on the DS-260 form that regards the medical, and specifically that part that requests you or asks you whether you have any form of documentation to prove that you have received the vaccines as per the United States law.

On that very part where you are supposed to check either a yes or no, regarding whether you have the documentation to prove whether you have received all the vaccinations. On that section, you are supposed to select yes.

You might ask, but I’ve not received the vaccinations, why should I fill a yes?

First of all, whether or not you have received those vaccinations as per the U.S government law, you are supposed to select yes. If you select no, do it at your own risk, but select yes. Below are reasons:

(i) This question applies during the interview when you are before the consulate or the officer interviewing you. At that time, this question applies at that time. That is when you will be required to present the proof of the vaccination, and that proof of vaccination, you get it from your medical examination.

Remember, you get your medical examinations prior to the interview, which means you will have received all the necessary vaccinations that you don’t have. If you don’t have any of the vaccination or some of the vaccinations, then you will get them administered to you during the medical examination.

So when selecting these, select a yes. Don’t forget this during filling the DS-260 form.

  1. Social Security Number

Another thing that people mess up when filling or they might forget during filling the DS-260 form is on that part that talks on the Social Security Number information towards the end of the DS-260 form.

That section that requests you if you can give authorization to the United States government, that is the Homeland Security Department, or the Social Security Administration to access your information on the DS-260 form for them to assign you a Social Security Number.

In that section, you are supposed to check either a yes or no. You might choose to deny them access, or you might select to allow them the access. That is the best way, giving them access to your information for them to assign you a social security number, as well as that social security card.

So when filling that part, ensure you check on the yes button. Select yes that you authorize the access of your information to the Home Land Security Department and the Social Security Administration and any other government office, for them to assign you the Social Security Number.

When you select that option, which is a yes, that means when you land in the United States, you will not be required to do another application for the Social Security Number.

If you select a no, then upon landing in the United States, you will be required to do an application for the Social Security Number with the United States.

You’ll go to the Social Security Administration Office and do an application. So why go through this process? You can save yourself from this whole process by choosing Yes on the DS-260 form to allow those administrations to access your information.

  1. Creating DS-260 forms for your derivatives

Remember, as a principal applicant, you fill the DS-260 form and you include all the information, including those of your derivatives. Once you have finished up with your DS-260 form as the principal applicant, you need to create other DS-260 forms for your derivatives for each one of them.

If you have a spouse, you create her DS-260 form. If you have kids, you create for each one of them. Many people forget doing this. Remember to create DS-260 forms for each and every one in your application.

  1. Printing Confirmation pages for each and every member in your application

Another thing that people forget is to print their confirmation pages for each and every member in the application, i.e your derivatives.

So upon finishing and submitting your form DS-260, together with those of your derivatives, if you have, then you need to print the confirmation pages for each one of you.

These confirmation pages are important during the medical examination, as well as during the interview. You will be required to present these confirmation pages for each and every one in your application.

Those are just four of the things that you might forget when filling the DS-260 form.

I hope this information is very useful to you.

DISCLAIMER: This post and content is designed for general information only and is NOT legal advice. This site is not offering any Diversity Visa and is not the official site for DV Lottery program. The information presented in this post should not be construed to be formal legal advice.

If you have any questions about the DV lottery, please contact an immigration professional/officer or a licensed attorney.

The Principal Applicant And Derivatives that Must Be Present at the DV Interview

Principal Applicant And Derivatives DV Interview: In previous guide, we learned the important tips that will give you a successful DV lottery interview. If you’ve not read the guide, it’s good that you go back and read that guide.

READ NOW: How to Successfully Pass DV/Green Card Interview

But in this guide, we will learn one of those tips that you that is regarding not leaving your derivatives when you go for the interview.

The Principal Applicant Must Attend DV Interview

Derivatives are those people that you include in your DV process as the DV principal applicant. The principal applicant is the main person that played the lottery and was selected a DV winner.

The principal applicant (either he or she) must be present during the interview. The principal applicant cannot be left behind and the derivatives attend the interview. It is impossible.

The principal applicant is the one that is known to KCC. He’s the one that was selected and has the case number. So he’s the person that KCC knows of.

Let’s say, if the principal applicant decides not to proceed with the DV process, that means an end to the whole process. The derivatives cannot proceed without the principal applicant.

In another uncertain situation, might be the principal applicant dies. If the principal applicant happens to die during the process, that is also a total end to the process.

Even if the DS-260 was submitted and maybe you are waiting for the interview, but the principal applicant dies, then the program comes to a halt. The derivatives cannot attend the interview without the principal applicant.

These Derivatives Must Be Present at the DV Interview

Having understood that, let’s come to the derivatives. Who are those that should count as derivatives and should attend the interview together with the principal applicant?

The first qualified derivative that must be present during the interview is the spouse of the principal applicant. That must be included in the whole DV process, the first or the initial application, and also on the DS-260 form and be present during the interview.

The spouse is not a girlfriend or a boyfriend. A spouse is not a person that you’ve lived with for many years. A spouse is someone to whom you are legally married and you have the marriage certificate.

The marriage certificate is the single document that proves that this is your spouse. He or she must be added on the DS-260 form. That is the document that proves he or she is your derivative.

Therefore, if you are with a person that you’re not legally married, he or she is not your spouse.

The second person that should be present at the interview and is one of your derivatives is the child or children. All the children that the principal applicant has must be included in the initial application, as well as on the DS-260 form. Clearly outlined with their details.

The children that are your derivatives are not just children you’re living with, no, they must fall under these three categories:

  • Your biological children

The children that you gave birth to, your natural children, they are your derivatives and they must be added in the initial application on the DS-260 form and they must be present during the interview. If you leave them out, then that is a total visa denial.

  • Your step-children

This is second set of children that must be included. Step-children are the children of your spouse. If you have legally married your spouse, then the children they came with, they are your stepchildren, and they must be added in the initial application on the DS-260 form and must be present during the interview.

If you leave one of them, that is a visa denial, they must be included in the whole process. Another thing to note about the step-children, you don’t need the consent letter of their biological father or mother. Owing to the fact that you are now legally married to this new spouse, they become his or her step-children and don’t need the consent of their biological father or their biological mother.

Don’t forget to include your step-children and also attend with them to the interview.

  • Adopted Children

The children that you have legally adopted by a court procedure, a legal procedure, you’ve adopted the children. All those adopted children, they must be included in the initial application and also on the DS-260 form and must be present during the interview.

All those in the three categories above, those children must be under the age of 21. All the children have discussed about as your derivatives must be under the age of 21, and also they must not be married.

If your children are below 21 and they are already married, they don’t qualify to be added in your DV process.

Some frequently asked question regarding those people that should attend the interview

Question: If I don’t speak English, should I go with my interpreter?

Answer: Yes, you may go with your interpreter to the interview and the interpreter must be certified.

Question: Should you go with your parents to the interview?

Answer: No, you should not go with your parents to the interview.

Question: Should you attend the interview with the attorney?

Answer: The DV interview only requires you as the principal applicant and your derivatives. There is no need for an attorney.

Another thing that you should remember about the derivatives is that, they too may undergo questioning during the interview. So when you’re preparing for the interview, also let your derivatives know of this.

Make sure you prepare them as well with the example questions that they may be asked. Let them know about the DV process and let them know that they might be asked some questions and most cases they are asked most questions.

Finally, remember that you need to carry all the documents that are required, that pertains to your derivatives, e,g the birth certificate, the police clearance for those above 16years of age, the passports, those documents you need them.

Note: The qualification is based on the principal applicant. The principle applicant is the one qualified and is the one that needs to be academically qualified or qualified through work experience.

DISCLAIMER: This post and content is designed for general information only and is NOT legal advice. This site is not offering any Diversity Visa and is not the official site for DV Lottery program. The information presented in this post should not be construed to be formal legal advice.

If you have any questions about the DV lottery, please contact an immigration professional/officer or a licensed attorney.

Does Unlocking Your DS-260 form cause Delay on DV Process?

Does unlocking the DS-260 form cause you harm or delay on your DV Process? Does it cause any delay in the processing of your case? This is what has been answered in this guide.

Contrary to what information you get regarding unlocking your DS-260 form, unlocking your DS-260 form once you’ve realized you had made some serious mistakes, is ultimately an important step to take and it is very crucial for your case.

Those that says that unlocking your DS-260, you harm your chances or you cause delay to your cost and therefore you should not unlock, they are actually not correct.

There are errors that you might do on your DS-260 form that will end up ruining your chances. They will lead to your visa denial.

For such type of errors, the only way around them, the only remedy to them, is to write to KCC and request them to unlock your DS-260, specifying the specific DS-260, whether it is yours or your derivatives, and update it to the correct information.

Can that process cause you any harm or will it cause any delay?

The answer on the highest side is definite no, and on the lowest side is yes. What does that mean?

Majority of the corrections made on the DS-260 forms, they never cause any delay. For example, you are a DV Lottery 2023 winner and you submitted your DS-260 around May of last year, and later on you discovered that you had error in entering some critical information.

In around August you requested the form to be unlocked and it was unlocked and you updated the DS-260 and submitted. Then the interviews began in the month of October last year. If you take such a scenario, and let’s say your case number is around 10000AF, or 5000AS, if you take that case, there will be no delay.

What does it mean? If you have a case number that is not yet near to getting current and then you request unlocking and you update the information, there will be no delay at all. On this other side, if your case number is current and at that time of which you cannot tell, KCC is about to transfer your details to the embassy for the interview scheduling, at that time of which you cannot tell, and then you request unlocking of your DS-260.

Then definitely they will hold back, until you do the changes for them to hand over the case to the embassy. That is obvious. But those, as you can tell, are very rare cases.

So people saying that you are causing a harm to your case by you unlocking, then they are not correct.

On the other hand too, what will be the benefit of you not updating your DS-260, yet you realized you had a grievous mistake and you end up being denied the visa, yet you had the chances of unlocking?

What if, even if you request unlocking and the case is delayed for some time and then you get to the interview and you are issued with the visa because you had corrected the errors?

Or what if it might cause any delay? Which one of these will you take?

For the first scenario, you realize you have made a mistake, you decide not to change anything at all, you end up in the interview with the errors and because of the errors you get visa denial.

For the second scenario, you realize that you have made some mistakes, you write to KCC to unlock your case, you do the necessary changes or amendments and you submit your DS-260 form and if it happens, then it delays.

Then you go to your interview and simply because you corrected the errors, you get your visa approved. Which of those would you take?

That’s why the idea that people are giving you that you should not unlock for you not to cause any delay is not correct.

What would you benefit if you lose your chance because you did not update the information?

In conclusion

A bigger percentage of those cases that are corrected, they are never delayed, and only a small percentage get some kind of delay. It is better for you to even get a delay and correct the errors and get your visa approved, then not to correct the errors in fear of your case getting delayed, and at the end of it, you get denied the visa.

So, if you realize that you have made any mistake, don’t hesitate to request unlocking for you to update the information, to be on the safe side.

The mistakes that should cause you to request unlock, they should be those critical mistakes. For example, if you made errors in your names or some other personal related information, you need to change them.

Thank you for reading this guide. I hope it gets you at the right time and it clears your doubt and your worries.

DISCLAIMER: This post and content is designed for general information only and is NOT legal advice. This site is not offering any Diversity Visa and is not the official site for DV Lottery program. The information presented in this post should not be construed to be formal legal advice.

If you have any questions about the DV lottery, please contact an immigration professional/officer or a licensed attorney.

What next after winning the DV Lottery? | How to fill DS-260 Form

Congratulations to DV Lottery Winners. What are the next step after winning DV lottery? After you have checked your DV lottery result and you realize that you have won, what will be the next steps?

In this guide, we will learn about what next after you checked your DV Entrant Status and realized you’ve won the DV lottery.

What are the next step after winning DV lottery?

The next step will be to fill the DS-260 form, the Immigrant Visa and Alien Registration Application. If you are a foreign national and you are among those successful selected for DV lottery, you are required to submit this online form.

This form is the form that will carry all the information of yourself together with those of your derivatives.

When you start filling the DS-260, it is advisable you feel it in stages. Don’t rush to feel it within a single day you, can fill it bit by bit. Fill one bit, that bit that you have filled, the documents and everything, save it, go and get the other documents and then continue to fill, then save.

For example, you might be having all the details that you have for yourself, the passports and everything, but you might not be having those for your derivatives, you are dependent.

Fill in your part, then save, go and apply the passport for your derivatives, your dependence. Get the passport, get everything they need, then come back again, open the form, fill those details and then save.

You go to the next step, there is a part where they need your host details, where your documents will be sent to the address of your host. So you go on, find your host, look for a host, request for their details, their address and everything that they need in that DS-260 form, then come back, reopen the form, fill it correctly and then save it.

Go on to fill every document bit by bit, every part of the document. It may take days, it may take a month, but make sure you feel bit by bit and in a relaxed state that you may feel correctly.

Then, after you’ve filled everything and you’ve confirmed again and again, then that’s the time when you comfortably submit and wait for the Second Notification Letter (2NL).

The DS-260 filling process should not be done in a single day, for you to be accurate, fill bit by bit, slowly by slowly, until it is complete, and then when you are sure that the details are correct, then submit it and wait for the next step.

How to fill DS-260 Form

In my next guide, you will learn how to fill DS-260 form bit by bit without making any mistakes.

Thanks for reading this guide, I hope it was so informative.

DISCLAIMER: This post and content is designed for general information only and is NOT legal advice. This site is not offering any Diversity Visa and is not the official site for DV Lottery program. The information presented in this post should not be construed to be formal legal advice.

Documents Issued After The DV Interview | 221(g) and Administrative Processing

There are different types of documents/papers with different colors which are issued after a DV interview. Also, there are three possibilities of the outcomes of the visa interview.

Papers Issued After The DV Interview

Below are Papers issued after the DV Interview:

  • The visa approval document/paper

If your visa is approved, and you’re given a specific document, normally it is green in color, it mean your visa has been approved.

  • Visa refusal, 221(g) document/paper

Visa refusal means that you have not been successful and you cannot be issued with a visa because the embassy or the consulate has found some good reasons. By so doing you undergo the process called administrative processing. Under this refusal, there are three documents with different colors that are issued.

  1. White Paper 221(g) Visa Refusal
  2. The Yellow Slip After DV Interview
  3. 221(g) Pink Paper/Slip Issued After The DV Lottery interview

Those are the outcomes of the DV lottery interview.

Difference between the 221(g) visa refusal and the administrative processing

What is the difference between 221(g) refusal and the administrative processing?

Administrative processing and 221(g) visa refusal are related but they are not the same thing. The two terms, they are used together but they don’t mean the same thing.

What is administrative processing?

The administrative processing refers to the additional checks or reviews that a visa application undergoes after the initial interview by the consular officer, if need be.

After the interview and the consular officer or the consulate find some reason of doing further reviews, further check on the information you have provided, then that is what is call administrative processing (AP).

That process of reviewing or checking or doing further checking, that process is the administrative processing. This can involve further background checks, additional documentation or information requests or need a further review of the application by the embassy or consulate.

On the other hand, the 221(g) visa refusal is the specific type that indicates the need for the further administrative processing or review.

For the 221(g) visa refusal, this is not a permanent refusal. It simply implies that you have some specific areas that need to be checked and it will be specific. It will tell you that “you are put on hold because of this reason, provide such and such a document to counter this reason for us to approve your visa or for us to see whether we can approve your visa.”

221(g) is specific type of refusal. When the specific type of refusal emerges, then you are put on administrative processing, meaning further review because of that reason of refusal.

This can happen when the consular officer needs more information or documentation to make a decision or if additional background checks or review is needed.

In other words, administrative processing is a broader term that encompasses any additional checks or review that a visa application undergoes. While the 221(g) visa refusal is a specific type of refusal indicating the need for that administrative processing.

It is important to note that administrative processing can sometimes lead to 221(g) visa refusal. But not all administrative processing lead to visa refusal.

For example, when you undergo a visa interview, the consular officer might see some reason for them to conduct additional check within the embassy, with maybe the supervisor because of the answer that you give.

They tell you, go with your passport and after some hours we will call you back to send the passport back after they have finished with some further checkups. Sometimes it may take some few minutes or some few hours just within the embassy checking and reviewing your documents. This is also administrative processing.

At other times they might require you to leave their passports behind, as they are doing further check or administrative processing, and in so doing they will issue a document to specify the reason for the refusal, i.e the 221(g) visa refusal. It may take sometimes maybe a week or two or even months.

If additional information or document is provided and the visa officer is satisfied with the review, the visa application can still be approved even after administrative processing has occurred.

Overall, it is essential to understand that administrative processing and the 221(g) visa refusal are related, but they are not the same. They are not interchangeable terms.

Does the 221(g) visa refusal apply to nonimmigrant visa as well?

Remember, we have two categories and the DV lottery visa is an immigrant visa. But we have other type of visas that are meant for the temporary visit, maybe for the reason of business or visit or student or any other just temporary.

Do the 221(g) visa refusal also apply to these temporary visas?

The answer is yes. The 221(g) applies for both immigrant and nonimmigrant visas. Both of you can be refused and you can be refused under this 221(g) visa refusal.

The nonimmigrant visa is for the temporary stay in the United States, but the immigrant one is for a permanent stay, for example, the green card that is gotten from the diversity visa.

As explained above, the 221(g) visa refusal is issued when there is a need for further administrative processing or review of the visa application.

The final decision can only be made after you have met the requirements in the 221(g).

The next is on the white paper that is issued on the 221(g) visa refusal. What does it entail and what are you supposed to do once you get issued with this paper?

DISCLAIMER: This post and content is designed for general information only and is NOT legal advice. This site is not offering any Diversity Visa and is not the official site for DV Lottery program. The information presented in this post should not be construed to be formal legal advice.

Original And Notarized Documents For DV Lottery Interview

Original And Notarized Documents: This is a deep guide regarding the documents that you’re supposed to have during the DV interview. You will understand the difference between original documents and the certified document, the notary certified document.

What is the distinction between original documents and the notary certified document? Why are you required for some documents to have the both the original and the notary certified document?

What are original documents?

Original documents are the documents that you are issued with the documents that you have. For example, your academic document issued by that institution that governs your education, the education board, the certificate that you got from them, that is an original document.

If you are married, the marriage certificate that you are issued with the one that you have, that is called an original document.

Same case applies to the birth certificate. The birth certificate that you have, the document that you are holding now, that is called the original document.

What is the notary certified document?

When we come to the notarized document, every document that you have that is original, every original document that you have means that the government office, that is the civic department or the registrar’s department, or the vital statistics department of your government has your details.

So the original document simply says that the government has your details pertaining that original document. And that means that all your information is in that government’s office, that particular government’s office.

Since your details are with that office, then whenever you are requested by a certain organization to prove the originality of that original document, e.g if an organization requests that you prove that the original document that you’re holding is true, is legit and is original.

What you are supposed to do is, you are supposed now to visit that registrar’s office or the vital statistics office or the government office, or whichever name that you call in your country.

Once you visit that office, you request them of a certified copy to prove that this document you’re holding is true and legitimate. So that is the whole purpose of the notary of certified document.

Notary certified document is a proof of the originality of the document that you’re presenting to an organization. The same case applies to the embassies, the DV program, and all the types of visas.

You are required to prove the certification or the notarization of specific documents that will be explained in this guide. You cannot go through the diversity visa interview successful, without you providing copies of the notarized document of the following:

  • The birth certificates

All of your dependents have their birth certificates, and all of them will have to get their notarized certified document of the birth certificate. So when you attend the interview, you will present your original document, the one that you are holding currently, plus that notarized document of the birth certificate that was issued by your civil department.

The notarized document are usually an advanced one of the original one. For example, they will have an embossed seal that is multicolored, or it might have watermarks just to enhance the validity of the document that you have.

So it will look totally different from the original. The same information, but with some additional proof of stamp. It will have embossed seams, for example, with multiple colors, or it might have any other type of seal and also water marks, just to prove that what you’re holding is true.

Simply because this comes from the civic department, then it stands as a surety. It proves to that body, and for this case, the embassy, that it’s true and it’s indeed that you are the holder of that birth certificate and it’s not fake.

So for the birth certificate, you need the original document together with the notarized document.

  • Marriage Certificate

Another document that you need to have both the original and the notarized is the marriage certificate. The marriage certificate that you’re holding, the original, is not enough. You need to prove the validity, the originality, the legitimacy of that marriage certificate.

Therefore, you need to visit the Register of marriage Office and tell them to produce or to give you the notarized copy and they’ll give you that one. This is the second document that you’re supposed to present, both the original and the notarized document.

  • Marriage Divorce Certificate

The other document that need notarization is the termination of your marriage or the divorce certificate. They also need to have the notarized document as an accompanied.

If you are separated or divorced, then the separation document or the divorce papers, they should be accompanied by notarized documents.

  • Academic Documents

Another document that needs notarization are the academic documents. The academic documents, especially the high school diploma.

The high school diploma has to be notarized. That one must be presented during the interview, the original plus the notarized copy of the academic certificate.

In some countries, e.g Kenya, the notarization of the high school diploma is normally done online. You book online and the certified document will be sent directly to the embassy.

The academic document, especially the high school diploma, has to have the notarized copy.

  • Translation Documents

Another documents that generally need to have notary certified document, they are the translation documents. For example, maybe your certificate or your documents, they are not in English.

Remember that all documents that are not in English, they are supposed to have their translation into English.

Those documents translations, they have to have the seal of approval of originality, and that means they need to be notarized. The translation document have to be notarized, be it translation of the birth, be it the translation of the academic documents, be it the translation of marriage certificate, court records, or every other.

All translations into English for your documents, they have to be notarized. If you don’t present a notarized one, then they will not be accepted.

So all translations have to be notarized.

Other documents like police clearance certificate, the passport, you don’t have to get the notarized one. The one that you presented with is enough, just go with that to the interview.

Some Frequently Asked Questions About Original and Notary Certified Document For DV Lottery Interview

Question: Do I need to have notarized documents by the time am filling in the DS-260 or I can get them ready by embassy interview.

Hint/Ans: No, when filling DS-260 you don’t need them, only during the interview.

Question: Can the copies be certified by the lawyer?

Hint/Ans: No, you have to do it from your government department dealing with it

DISCLAIMER: This post and content is designed for general information only and is NOT legal advice. This site is not offering any Diversity Visa and is not the official site for DV Lottery program. The information presented in this post should not be construed to be formal legal advice.

If you have any questions about the DV lottery, please contact an immigration professional/officer or a licensed attorney.

5 Papers You Are Given After The DV Interview | Green Paper/Document

What Papers Are Given After The DV Interview? Many people are waiting for the DV results to come out, which is in few months’ time. While others are still continuing with their interviews, some are also waiting for the second notification letters, 2NL.

Based on the recent visa bulletin that came out, there is promising in terms of the cut-off numbers. But the problem lies with the embassies and the speed at which they are processing, e.g some of the embassies in the region of Africa.

For those that are waiting for the results for the DV-2024, the results should be out by May 6.

Today, we will focus in those documents/papers that you may be given after a successfully DV interview.

5 Papers/Documents You Are Given After The DV Interview

Below are the documents that you can be issued after the interview, depending on the situation of your interview and they come in a paper form, it might be of different color.

Different Colour Paper that may be issued to you

For example, you can have a green paper issued to you after the interview, you can have a yellow paper/slip given to you after the interview. You can have a pink paper/slip given to you after the interview.

You can also have a white paper/slip given to you after the interview or even a blue paper issued to you after the interview.

Let now discuss these five papers that you may get after a DV lottery interview and their content and also their meaning, and what should you do after you have been given this paper.

Of course majority are wishing to be given the green paper after the interview. This is because it is the green paper that contains the information that congratulates you upon having a successful interview.

It tells you, congratulations, your visa has been approved, and this is the paper that many people are longing for after the interview.

Green Paper/Document

The first paper/document/slip is the green document, the document/slip that congratulates you of a successful diversity visa interview.

It says:

Dear Immigrant Visa/Diversity Visa Applicant.

Congratulations! Your visa has been approved. Please immediately register with DHL courier service for each traveling applicant. Instructions are attached to the sheet.

DHL will alert you by email when your passport or travel document is ready for collection and include a receipt number, and also the DHL Air way bill number.

Below is a sample of the Green Letter given after the DV interview

Papers You Are Given After The DV Interview

So depending on the country in which you come from, the courier services may be different. Others may also be told to come to the embassy directly to collect their visa. But this is the basic content of the green paper. It congratulates you on your winning the visa, and on your visa getting approved. It goes on to give you the details about what you’re required to have when you’re going to collect your passport through the courier services.

You’ll need your identification card and you’ll need the proof of your DHL airway bill number. If you’re taking for your child, you’ll be required to present the birth certificate for the child.

But if you cannot go by yourself as a principal applicant to collect the documents, then you can send someone. But the person you send, you must issue the person with an authorization document letter to go with to the courier services, together with your identification documents.

The authorization letter should have been signed by you and should indicate that you are authorizing the person to take the documents or to collect the documents on your behalf.

Green document/paper is the document that you get once you become successful in your visa interview and your visa has been approved. This is the document that all the winners in the DV lottery would like to get.

There are other documents that you may get which fall under the 221G, that is a temporary visa refusal and you will be required to take certain steps once you get those documents for your visas to be approved.

This is the first guide on those five different documents and papers that you can be given after the interview. To know more about the other documents/papers and everything about it, read more>>>>>

DISCLAIMER: This post and content is designed for general information only and is NOT legal advice. This site is not offering any Diversity Visa and is not the official site for DV Lottery program. The information presented in this post should not be construed to be formal legal advice.

How To Get The Right Sponsor / Host | Who Can Sponsor You for DV / Green Card

Who Can Sponsor You for DV? In today’s guide, we will learn about who qualifies to be your sponsor, as a DV winner or who qualifies to financially sponsor a green card holder or an immigrant.

Who a sponsor?

A sponsor is someone that accepts to be held responsible for an immigrant expenses while he or she settles in the United States.

The United States government will consider the income and the assets of the sponsor as available to sponsor the immigrant or to support the immigrant in whatever thing he requires as he settles in the United States.

A sponsor can financially support anyone, a relative, an employee, a person outside his or her family, or any person that intends to immigrate to the United States.

Who Can Sponsor You for DV? | How To Get The Right Sponsor / Host

Below are the qualities or qualifications of a person to become a financial sponsor of an immigrant to the United States?

  • This financial sponsor must be above 18 years of age and not under 18 years of age.
  • The financial sponsor must be a United States citizen or a United States permanent resident.
  • If you don’t qualify as a United States citizen or the holder of the permanent residence, then you should have a domicile in any of the United States territory or possession.
  • The sponsor must prove income of not less than 125 percent of the federal poverty line. For the military personnel, the poverty line may be at 100%, but for any other citizen or any other sponsor, the poverty level should be at 125% or more than 125% of the federal poverty level.
  • To qualify as a sponsor, also, you have to be a lawful citizen or a lawful permanent resident of the United States.

This means that, you should not have involved yourself in criminal activities, especially criminal activities involving the minor, children under the age of 17 years of age.

For example, if you have a criminal record of committing an offense against a minor sexually, then you can be disqualified to act as a sponsor.

  • If you are found in possession of the children pornography or distribution of such items, then you are disqualified to be a sponsor.
  • If you are also found in minor sexual performances, you get disqualified as a sponsor.
  • If you are also involved in crime regarding children kidnapping, you are also disqualified as a sponsor.
  • If you are engaged in activity involved around requesting and performing sexual acts to minors, then you are disqualified to become a sponsor.

Therefore, you should be as lawful as possible and don’t involve yourself in such activities that harms the minor, for you to become a qualified sponsor for an immigrant.

Finally, the sponsor must be willing to fill the Form I-134 and submit it.

Financial Qualification of the Sponsor

One of the requirements has been that the sponsor must meet 125% or more of the federal poverty level. So the sponsor’s income should be at that level.

But if the sponsor’s income alone does not reach this level, the 125% of the federal poverty level, he can join it with the property that he or she owns.

If he or she has a house, a car, a farm, he can combine the entire wealth for him or her to meet this level.

So he or she can include all the possession that he or she has to meet this level, 125% of the federal poverty level.

Alternatively, if the sponsor does not meet the 125% of the federal poverty level, then they can sign a joint or they can jointly sign with another sponsor, and they will do this by filling in the Form I-864, the both of them and submit them. So they can jointly sponsor an immigrant.

Some Frequently Asked Questions

Questions: When your sponsor fill it you are going to print it out or your sponsor will be submitting it

Answer: You print it out

Question: Can a retired US citizen qualify to sponsor someone.

Answer: Yes.

Thanks for reading this guide.

DISCLAIMER: This post and content is designed for general information only and is NOT legal advice. This site is not offering any Diversity Visa and is not the official site for DV Lottery program. The information presented in this post should not be construed to be formal legal advice.

If you have any questions about the DV lottery, please contact an immigration professional/officer or a licensed attorney.

Documents A Sponsor Should Give You For DV Interview

There are two ways in which you can prove to the consular officer or to the United States government that you’re not going to become a public charge once you land in the United States. This guide will point out those Documents A Sponsor Should Give You For DV Interview.

These two ways include:

  1. You can choose to have enough Savings in your bank and produce a Statement of the savings, present it before the consulate officer that will be interviewing you and use it as a form of proof that you can sustain yourself when you start life in the United States.
  2. By producing an affidavit of support from a sponsor who is already in the United States, either a Citizen of the United States or a permanent resident.

This sponsor is supposed to fill the form called Form I-134 and give you the copy to present it during your interview. There are documents that should accompany the Form I-134, which your sponsor should provide for you to accompany the Form I-134, for it to act as a sufficient affidavit of support.

Documents A Sponsor Should Give You For DV Interview

Below are the document that should accompany the Form I-134:

  • Copy of the green card of the sponsor, or if the sponsor is a citizen, the national identity card copy or the driver’s license.
  • Form 1040, the tax compliance form of the sponsor. Remember, to qualify as a sponsor, the sponsor has to have complied fully with the taxation in the United States. In place of the form 1040, the sponsor can give you a W2 form instead.
  • A copy of pay-slip, just to act as the proof that indeed your sponsor is earning the salary, the income. So let your sponsor give you maybe an annual pay slip copy as approved of the salary, i.e the pay slip.

Those three documents are supposed to accompany the Form I-134 for it to act as an affidavit of support. Once you present these documents, together with the Form I-134, then you are fully secured and your visa can get approved.

Remember that majority of the embassies will request for this affidavit of support, either the financial statement or the Form I-134 from the sponsor.

So, if you’re preparing to go for your interview, ensure that you are obtaining an affidavit of support from the sponsor, or you are preparing the financial statement. If you fail to produce one as a means of proving that you will not become a public charge in the United States, then definitely you will be put to the administrative processing until you produce these documents.

Some Frequently Asked Questions

Question: Can I present additional i-134 form apart from my sponsor to make sure. We are three (applicant, spouse and son/daughter).

Answer: Just one form i-134 is enough.

Question: What time should I-134 be fill? Can the sponsor fill prior to the scheduling of interview?

Answer: It’s better after 2NL.

Question: Is i-134 filled before the interview or after the interview?

Answer: Before interview.

Question: My sponsor is in USA, how can i get the i-134 Form from my sponsor, since am not USA yet?

Answer: Let him/her fill it and scan it and send it to you.

I hope the information is very useful and clear.

DISCLAIMER: This post and content is designed for general information only and is NOT legal advice. This site is not offering any Diversity Visa and is not the official site for DV Lottery program. The information presented in this post should not be construed to be formal legal advice.

Marriage, Fiancé and Spouse Issues In DV Lottery | How It Affect Your Visa Approval

This guide is about Marriage, Fiancé and Spouse Issues in DV Lottery, and how it affect your Visa Approval.

Some Frequently Asked Questions About Marriage in DV Lottery

  • Can I marry after applying the DV lottery or after winning DV lottery?
  • Will marrying after applying for DV lottery reduce your chances of getting the visa approved?
  • If you applied as married and got separated or divorced, how do you go about it?

When you applied for the DV lottery, continue with life as normal, and if you are planning to marry, continue with the marriage process and get married. Even though you applied as a single, because at that time you are not married, continue with the marriage process and get married legally.

By you doing so, you don’t risk or reduce your chances of getting your visa approved once you win the DV lottery. You don’t reduce or risk so long as you continue with your marriage process legally and you end up marrying legally, there is no reduction in your visa approval or winning the DV lottery.

Don’t allow anyone get you discouraged from getting married after applying for DV lottery. Though there are some things you need to take note of, i.e

  • Once you get married and you are filling the DS-260 form, you need to add your spouse in the DS-260 form.

You add him or her in your DS-260 form. Don’t leave your spouse out. Even if you applied as single and you’re married, you add your spouse in your DS-260 form.

  • The other thing is that, you will be required to prove the legality of your marriage and that is by producing the marriage certificate.

In all embassies, you have to prove that you are legally married to this spouse.

  • You will have to prove the evidence of your existing relationship even before the results were out or even before you applied for the DV lottery.

You need to arm yourself with the proof documents of your existing relationship, prior the application or the DV results.

If you do those things, the certificate and the proof, you are very safe. Nothing will hinder you from getting your visa approved.

  • If you applied as married and got separated or divorced, how do you go about it?

If you applied the DV lottery as married because you are married, but later on you got separated, you are now living separate ways or you got divorced, what should you do? You just indicate in the DS-260 form that you are divorced or you are separated. But you need to have the separation documents or the divorce papers with you.

If you don’t have the divorce papers or the separation documents, then you cannot claim that you are divorced, because these proof documents will be requested. If you cannot prove it, then you definitely will not succeed in the DV interview.

Only if you have the documents should you feel separated. But if you are separated or you consider yourself divorced, yet you don’t have the papers, you’ll have to continue as married.

And if you continue as married, when you go to the interview, you just simply say that your spouse is not willing to immigrate with you and that’s why they are not in the DV interview. They refuse to immigrate with you, and by so doing, you’ll be successful.

So if you don’t have proof papers of divorce or your separation, continue as married, and say that your spouse is not willing to immigrate with you, by that you’ll be safe and your visa will be approved.

  • When your spouse refuses to relocate with you

If you are married but your spouse refuses to immigrate with you to the U.S, that is not a problem and it will not reduce your chances of getting selected. You just indicate that your spouse is not immigrating with you.

When you go to the interview, you will go as the spouse not immigrating with you, and you’ll get your visa approved if you are successful, it will not hinder you from getting your visa. If he or she does not want to go with you, it is well and good. You just indicate not immigrating with you.

But note this, if during your DV application, your country of birth was not qualified for the DV program, and you went ahead to use your spouse’s country of birth and the spouse’s country of birth was eligible for the DV lottery, if you used the country of eligibility of your spouse, and at this point that spouse refuses to immigrate with you, then that becomes a problem.

Because you by yourself, you are not eligible based on the country of your birth, but your spouse’s country of birth that you used is the one that made you eligible. So if he or she refuses to immigrate with you, you can’t proceed with the process because you’ll not get successful.

Because the country of eligibility that you choose was that of your spouse, what you need to do is to talk with your spouse, for him or her agree to proceed with you through the DV interview. After the interview, if you are successful, then the spouse can decide to remain behind and let you go. That would be the only way in this scenario.

  • If you mistakenly selected married yet you are single, is it correctable?

When filling the DV lottery application form during the DV entry, you need to be extremely careful.

When you are selecting your status during the DV application and you are single, for example, but you mistakenly select that you are married, either to a United States citizen or not to a United States citizen, it is incorrectible. You cannot correct it. If it can be corrected, it would be during the DV interview.

During the interview, if you are able to express yourself to the consular, the interviewing consular officer, that you had made a mistake, it was erroneous that you selected married and the consular officer get convinced, then he or she can let you go through.

But the question is, how can you do that? How will the consular believe you? How will the consular know that you’re telling the truth?

It is a hard process, but if you can well explain that you mistakenly selected it and also prove that, then you can get your visa approved.

But know this, if you mistakenly did that mistake, your chances of getting the visa approved is very minimum.

When filling or entering the DV lottery, you need to be very careful on which boxes you are checking, let them be correct, take your time and don’t just rush through, make sure you select the correct status.

DISCLAIMER: This post and content is designed for general information only and is NOT legal advice. This site is not offering any Diversity Visa and is not the official site for DV Lottery program. The information presented in this post should not be construed to be formal legal advice.

If you have any questions about the DV lottery, please contact an immigration professional/officer or a licensed attorney.

DV Birth Certificate and Alternatives | Birth Certificate Is Important In Green Card Lottery

This guide will specifically tackle the issue about the birth certificate and other alternatives for DV interview. Birth Certificate is very important in green card lottery.

The birth certificate is very important in many things in your life and more so during the diversity visa process. This is one of the documents and very important documents that are required during the DV interview.

You are supposed to produce original copies of your birth certificate and those of your derivatives, and if not, get the certified copies of the same. Also go along with the photocopy of them as well.

There are some individuals in several countries that are unable to obtain a birth certificate, maybe because of one reason or the other.

One reason as to why some may not be able to get an original or certified birth certificate is because of governmental issues and problems.

Another reason could be that the official record of your birth has been lost by the government institution or the civil institution, and those things happen.

If they cannot retrieve your birth records, then it might be hard for them to produce a birth certificate for you.

In all these cases, if you are unable to obtain a birth certificate for the DV lottery process, there are alternatives for this.

The DV Birth Certificate and Alternatives

  1. The Baptismal Certificate

The first alternative for this is you might get a baptismal certificate. The baptismal certificate can stand in for the birth certificate, in this case, where you cannot obtain your birth certificate. But for the baptismal certificate to be legitimate, to be sufficient for this process, it should contain the date of your birth.

It should also contain the place where you were born, and it should also contain the names of both of your parents. These names must be in full.

So it should contain your names, the place of birth, the date of birth, the name of the parents, and they should be in full. In that case, it should stand in for the birth certificate.

  1. Affidavit Certificate

If you cannot get the baptismal certificate, the other option is you get an affidavit certificate of your birth from a close relative and if possible, from the mother.

The affidavit of birth can stand in for the certificate of birth. The Affidavit certificate should state your names, it should state the date of birth, it should state the names of the parent, and the middle name of the mother should be in that affidavit of birth. The affidavit of birth also qualifies as a support document in place of the birth certificate.

  1. Legal Adoption Papers

There’s also another option if these two are not possible. This is specifically for adopted children. So if you have an adopted child and you cannot retrieve the birth certificate, but you have the adoption papers, the legal adoption papers, they can stand in for the birth certificate.

The adoption papers should contain the full names of the child. It should contain the date of birth, the place of birth, if possible, the names of the parents, and the adoption details.

Legal adoption papers can stand in as a birth certificate for that adopted child.

Those are the papers that can replace the birth certificate. In case the original birth certificate or the certified birth certificate is unobtainable because of one reason or the other.

So nothing should hinder you from getting a successful DV interview because of the reason of lacking the birth certificate. Obtain one of those mentioned documents and you will be safe to proceed.

Question: What if I did a mistake during the process of typing my place of birth can I correct it before the results comes out and please how?

Answer: You will do it on DS-260, if selected.

Thanks for reading this guide. I hope the information is helpful.

DISCLAIMER: This post and content is designed for general information only and is NOT legal advice. This site is not offering any Diversity Visa and is not the official site for DV Lottery program. The information presented in this post should not be construed to be formal legal advice.

DV Documents, Translations and Submission Before DV Lottery Interview Date

There’s this issue about document submission for DV interview, this guide will clarify that issue.

As a routine initially, there used to be that document submission procedure. After you have filled the DS-260 form and you’ve outlined your details in the DS-260 form, the next step that followed was to submit the document proofs or the supporting documents to the KCC. That was a requirement and that was before the DV lottery 2022.

But after the DV lottery 2022, this document procedure was scrapped off from the process, and you are no longer required to submit any document to KCC after you have submitted your DS-260 form.

Questions About DV Documents, Translations and Submission Before Green Card Lottery Interview Date

  • At what point will you be needed to present the supporting documents?
  • Are you supposed to send your supporting documents to your relevant embassy before you go for the interview?

Though many may have the knowledge about this.

After this document submission procedure was removed, and for the reason of facilitating or enhancing the speed of processing of cases by KCC, after it was removed, you are only required to have the supporting documents with you during the interview.

That mean that you are not supposed to send your embassy any document. No supporting documents should be emailed to the embassy. Gather them and get them ready.

The original documents together with their copies or certified documents together with their copies. You go with them to the embassy and during the interview, you don’t send any document prior to your interview. You go with them physically during your interview.

The other thing to add on this document submission is that, remember that your documents must be in English and if they are not, you should get a certified translation of the documents to English.

Document submission for DV interview: Filling Education Level in DS-260 Form

Regarding filling in the DS-260 form on the area of your education background, some have this question on what they should fill if they are continuing with their courses and they have not gotten the certificate.

First of all, remember that you are supposed to fill the education details with the education that you are currently having the certificate. That is for you to be comfortable and on a safer side.

If at the time of filling in the DS-260 form, it happens that you don’t have the certificate, but you will get the certificate before your DV interview, then you fill in that course. But if at all you know you won’t be able to get the certificate at the time of your DV interview, then there’s no problem with you leaving it out.

Because after all, with only the high school diploma, you’re already qualified. And remember the DV lottery program, the success at the interview does not depend on your level of education.

It does not mean that if you have higher certificates more than another one with only the high school diploma, it does not mean that you have higher chances of getting your visa than this other person.

So only fill the education part with the education, whose documents you have and whose documents you can have before the DV interview. If you cannot obtain the document before the interview, then leave that indication out. Just proceed with the current qualifications that you have.

I hope you have learned from this guide. Thanks for reading this guide.

DISCLAIMER: This post and content is designed for general information only and is NOT legal advice. This site is not offering any Diversity Visa and is not the official site for DV Lottery program. The information presented in this post should not be construed to be formal legal advice.

If you have any questions about the DV lottery, please contact an immigration professional/officer or a licensed attorney.

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