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Documents A Sponsor Should Give You For DV Interview

Documents A Sponsor Should Give You For DV Interview


There are two ways in which you can prove to the consular officer or to the United States government that you’re not going to become a public charge once you land in the United States. This guide will point out those Documents A Sponsor Should Give You For DV Interview.

These two ways include:

  1. You can choose to have enough Savings in your bank and produce a Statement of the savings, present it before the consulate officer that will be interviewing you and use it as a form of proof that you can sustain yourself when you start life in the United States.
  2. By producing an affidavit of support from a sponsor who is already in the United States, either a Citizen of the United States or a permanent resident.

This sponsor is supposed to fill the form called Form I-134 and give you the copy to present it during your interview. There are documents that should accompany the Form I-134, which your sponsor should provide for you to accompany the Form I-134, for it to act as a sufficient affidavit of support.

Documents A Sponsor Should Give You For DV Interview

Below are the document that should accompany the Form I-134:

  • Copy of the green card of the sponsor, or if the sponsor is a citizen, the national identity card copy or the driver’s license.
  • Form 1040, the tax compliance form of the sponsor. Remember, to qualify as a sponsor, the sponsor has to have complied fully with the taxation in the United States. In place of the form 1040, the sponsor can give you a W2 form instead.
  • A copy of pay-slip, just to act as the proof that indeed your sponsor is earning the salary, the income. So let your sponsor give you maybe an annual pay slip copy as approved of the salary, i.e the pay slip.

Those three documents are supposed to accompany the Form I-134 for it to act as an affidavit of support. Once you present these documents, together with the Form I-134, then you are fully secured and your visa can get approved.


Remember that majority of the embassies will request for this affidavit of support, either the financial statement or the Form I-134 from the sponsor.

So, if you’re preparing to go for your interview, ensure that you are obtaining an affidavit of support from the sponsor, or you are preparing the financial statement. If you fail to produce one as a means of proving that you will not become a public charge in the United States, then definitely you will be put to the administrative processing until you produce these documents.

Some Frequently Asked Questions

Question: Can I present additional i-134 form apart from my sponsor to make sure. We are three (applicant, spouse and son/daughter).

Answer: Just one form i-134 is enough.

Question: What time should I-134 be fill? Can the sponsor fill prior to the scheduling of interview?

Answer: It’s better after 2NL.

Question: Is i-134 filled before the interview or after the interview?

Answer: Before interview.

Question: My sponsor is in USA, how can i get the i-134 Form from my sponsor, since am not USA yet?

Answer: Let him/her fill it and scan it and send it to you.

I hope the information is very useful and clear.

DISCLAIMER: This post and content is designed for general information only and is NOT legal advice. This site is not offering any Diversity Visa and is not the official site for DV Lottery program. The information presented in this post should not be construed to be formal legal advice.

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