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Visa Bulletin For October 2023

Visa Bulletin For October 2023


The Visa Bulletin for the month of October 2023 for DV-2024 has been released and there’s some little concern that we need to go through, regarding this visa bulletin.

For the previous cut-off numbers from the previous visa bulletin i.e the visa bulletin for the month of September, it affected the interviews that are scheduled for the month of October.

Also, the visa bulletin for the month of October affects the interviews that will be scheduled for the month of November.

When you look on the last visa bulletin, that is for the month of September, that affects the interviews for the month of October, you will see that the cut-off numbers were 10,000 for Africa with its exceptions (Algeria 7,500, Egypt 5500, Morocco 5600), 2,000 for Asia with the exception of these countries (Iran 1750, Nepal 1300), 4,500 for Europe and with its exceptions (Russia 4400, Uzbekistan 1250), and so on.

Diversity Visa Bulletin For October 2023

Visa Bulletin For October 2023

The current visa bulletin for the month of October 2023 has cut-off numbers 10,000 for Africa, 2,300 for Asia, 5,000 for Europe and so on.

Why Have Cutoff Numbers Just Slightly Changed?

What you immediately notice is that, for Africa, nothing has changed, it has not increased. For Asia, it has already increased, but by a very slight increment. The same case for Europe, just by some few hundreds.

Why has there been just a slight increase? Why is it that Africa has not increased even by a little bit? That’s what will be discuss on this post because many questions in the minds of the winners because, especially since many have seen how it went with the DV lottery 2023.

The first thing that you should know and importantly it is that for the cut-off numbers, it does not mean that there are as many DV winners as the cut-off number.

For example, Africa cutoff number is 10,000, it does not imply that there are 10,000 cases under this cut-off number. Within this 10,000 cut-off number, you might find there are fewer DV winners. Maybe there is about between 5,000 to 6,000 cases and the rest are holes.

Under the cut-off number, you might find even fewer cases that are scheduled for the interview.

Why has it not changed, having known that? Let’s start with Africa. It has remained on 10,000 as the cut-off number, and we’ve seen that we can have roundabout 5,000 to 6,000 individual cases within that number. Within those cases under this cut-off number, you might find out, that of those cases, KCC might not have processed all of them.

You might find among that example of 6,000, they managed only to process fully around 2,000 cases. Those 2,000 cases are the cases that have been scheduled for the interview for October and they have already received their second notification letters.


The remaining about 4,000 in this example, they will have their DS-260 form processed and then they will be scheduled in the following month, that is the month of November.

It mean that, even without increasing the cut-off number, it is sufficient enough to have cases scheduled still under the cut-off number for the month of November, and that speaks of why the cutoff number has not changed.

So the reason as to why the cut-off number has not changed is because of all the cases under the cut-off number, you might find out that KCC could not be able to process all of them.

They processed some of them, and those processed, they were scheduled for the interview for the month of October, and the remaining cases that had not been processed, then they processed them and they are scheduled for the month of November.

Those cases are still under 10,000. So there’s no need for them to increase the cut-off number. Yet they can suffice the numbers to be scheduled for the month of November, even within the 10,000 cutoff numbers. That is the reason.

It also applies to Asia and Europe and other regions. For Asia, just a slight increase from 2,000 to 2,300. It’s because you find out within the last cut-off number 2,000, not all the DS-260 forms of those individuals had been processed.

Those whose DS-260 forms were processed, they were scheduled for the month of October and 2NLs have been sent to them. But the remaining one, still under 2,000 that had not been processed, they were pushed forward to the month of November.

When they were pushed to the month of November, only a small number of cases were to be added and that’s why only a slight increase in the cuto-ff number was placed for Asia.

Same case apply to Europe and to the other regions.

I hope you have understood that well because that is the major reason as to why the cut-off number has not changed for Africa and has slightly changed for other region and has not changed for the North America.

DISCLAIMER: This post and content is designed for general information only and is NOT legal advice. This site is not offering any Diversity Visa and is not the official site for DV Lottery program. The information presented in this post should not be construed to be formal legal advice.

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