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DV2023 CEAC Data

Highest Case Numbers In DV2024 Per Region Revealed

CEAC website for DV 2024 is now open, the database is open for every DV 2024 winner to check their status and the Highest Case Numbers in DV2024 for each Region have been Revealed. That means you can now visit the CEAC website, put your case number information and gauge the status of your DV progress. The data was released by the U.S State Department.

The exact website where you can check for your case information is here. The CEAC information for DV2024 lottery comes out from the beginning of January 2024. When you open the site, put your information, and check your status. There are lot of information about the DV lottery 2024 from this website.

Another link to open is, it’s going to take you to the DV 2024 CEAC data page. This is the first DV 2024 CEAC data as presented by xarthisius website.

On this guide, we are going to consider three items, beginning with the table below, that table shows the statistics for the cases that have so far been scheduled for interview in the DV 2024 program, the issued visas, those under AP administration, those under 221G refusal, those refused ready transit and the totals for all the regions.

DV2024 CEAC Data

In the first column, as you can see above, we have the various regions. We are going to concern ourselves to only two columns in this table. The first is the second column where we have the statistics for issuances, that is the number of visas that have so far been issued to DV 2024 applicants.

We see that at the bottom of that column, a total of 6,110 visas were issued during the months of October, November, and December. Another comment to make concerning this table is that the numbers you see outside of the parentheses represent the number of applicants, and what you have in parentheses represents the number of cases that those applicants belong to.

For example, the 6,110 that we see at the bottom of the issued column are the total number of applicants that have been issued visas from 3,074 cases. And that is why you have 3,074 in parentheses representing the number of cases and 6,110 outside of parentheses representing the number of applicants.

The next column to draw your attention to is the sixth column, which is the ready column. That’s the number of applicants that are currently scheduled for interview at the different U.S embassies and consulates. At the bottom of that column, we see that 6,792 cases are currently scheduled at the various embassies and consulates, and that amount to 14,721 applicants.

DV2024 CEAC Data for Embassies

The next item on this page that to consider is the DV 2024 CEAC data for embassies. That’s the next section on that page. If you scroll down a bit to where you have DV 2024 CEAC data for embassies, in the table that is presented there, we have the same information, but this time for individual embassies and consulate.

In case you would like to have details concerning interviews that have so far been scheduled at your embassy, then enter the name of your embassy in the space where you have choose an embassy.

The final item of interest to us is found at the top of this page. Just above the first table, there is a link that reads FY 2024 CEAC current CSV. Clicking that link will allow you to download the spreadsheet file that shows the current status of individual cases.

In addition to the current status of individual cases, that file also tells us how far interview scheduling has gone at your various embassies and councilors. For more explanations on downloaded file, continue to follow this site as you will learn the situation of interview scheduling at your various embassies and consulate in those weekly Embassy Performance Reports.

Highest Case Numbers In DV2024 For Each Region Revealed

The final thing concerning this first downloadable spreadsheet file for the DV 2024 program is that it reveals to us the highest case number in each region. And so for this year’s program, the highest case numbers are as follows:

For the Africa region, 122,907

For the Asia region, 42,876

For the Europe region, 66,932

For the North America region, 19

For Oceania, it is 4,999

For the South America region, it is 5,574.

Those are the highest case numbers in the DV 2024 program and that concerns the first CEAC data for the DV 2024 program. Those are just the first data. From now on, the data will be released regularly by the State Department. Xarthisius posts them to their website every weekend, and that is going to continue up to the end of the DV 2024 program.

As the data is made available by xarthisius, we will have the opportunity on this site to consider them.

How many cases there are before and after me?

If you’re a DV selectee you can check how many cases are in front of you by filling out the form in the box there, e.g Case number (e.g. 2024AF123)

DISCLAIMER: This post and content is designed for general information only and is NOT legal advice. This site is not offering any Diversity Visa and is not the official site for DV Lottery program. The information presented in this post should not be construed to be formal legal advice.

Your Diversity Visa Status | CEAC Visa Statuses Meaning

In this guide, we will discuss on CEAC Visa Status meaning, the different statuses that you might get when you check for your status in the CEAC website.

In my previous guide, we discussed about how and when to check your CEAC status for your diversity visa status. If you have not read that guide, it is very important that you read that first before you read this guide. Because in that guide, you will learn in details about how to check on that and why you should check on that and how important it is.

Different CEAC Visa Status and the Meaning

This guide will go to a greater extent to explain those various statuses that you might receive when you check your information. These statuses should not make you worry or make you confused or panic because everything about these statuses is well explained in this guide.

At NVC status will pop up when we check your results and you are not yet current. What do it mean?

You have been selected, even if you have not filled your DS-260 form and submitted, or you have filled it and submitted, but your case has not yet become current, then the status that will show up will be at NVC.

That simply means that your case is at KCC and it is waiting for your case to become current. In that process, your DS-260 form should have been processed or might be in the process of being processed. That is what at NVC stands for.

When you check for your CEAC status and the in transit status pops up, that simply means that your case is “now current”, has become current, and your embassy has a slot for you to be interviewed, and therefore KCC is transferring your information to the embassy.

In that process, when your case is being transferred to the embassy for interview processing, that status will be in transit. Also, in that process, you will consequently receive a second notification letter (2NL). So the interview appointment will be sent to you.

In transit, means that KCC is transferring your case to the embassy for interview scheduling, and that mean you are about to receive your second notification letter, if you have not received it at that time.

  • The Ready Status

When you are checking for your case status and the “ready status” pops up, that means that your interview has been scheduled, you are ready for the interview, your information has been transferred to the embassy and you are just about to attend your interview.

AP Status in full is “Administrative processing status”. When you check and this status pops up, administrative processing means that your case is under administrative processing, is under the consulate or the embassy processing.

You might receive the administrative processing on various occasions. If you have gone to your interview and you have been told you have visa has been approved, then later on you come and check and you find AP, that is not a worry.

AP status does not mean that you have been refused and your status is changing. No, it just simply means that your visa is being processed and is being stamped. It is under the embassy or the consulate processing. They are processing to print or to stamp your visa.

In that case, that AP means that they are just preparing your visa to be stamped on your passport.

Another scenario that you may find AP, if you have gone to the interview and maybe you did not provide sufficient proofs and therefore the consulate or the embassy requested you for extra information or they told you they need to do some further checking. At that time, your case or your status will be AP. That is, you have received a 221G visa refusal and it mean your case is under extra scrutiny.

You are supposed to provide the documents that you have been requested or any information that has been requested. In that case, it will be AP status. AP comes in various ways.

Still on the same, you should note that if you are given the 221(g) visa refusal, the status might also turn into refused. Sometimes it will turn into refused as it waits your case to be processed.

If you have been given the 221(g), and then you see the status being refused, then don’t panic because it will remain that way until they have fully processed the extra information and once it’s that, the status will change.

So that should not worry you in that scenario. So long as there is enough time for them to deal with your 221G visa refusal.

It’s better that you be over-prepared than going there with less material or less information and then you be put to 221G. Avoid the 221G visa refusal at all cost.

  • Issued Status

If you check your status and it reads “issued” and probably you have not received back your passport, then that’s a good sign. That status means that the visa processing and the stamp of them has finally been completed and your visa is being sent back or has been sent back to you.

Issued means your visa has been approved and has been stamped and you’re about to get your visas back.

  • Refused Status

This is a status many people never long for and that is the “refused status”. This status comes after you have been told at the embassy outrightly that your visa has been refused, they will not issue a visa because of one reason or the other.

If you have errors or you’ve done mistakes and you have things that can prevent you from getting your visa approved then your status will change to refused and that status never change.

If it’s refused and you have been told your visa has been denied, you have no alternative, it will be refused in the status.

DISCLAIMER: This post and content is designed for general information only and is NOT legal advice. This site is not offering any Diversity Visa and is not the official site for DV Lottery program. The information presented in this post should not be construed to be formal legal advice.

DV2023 CEAC Data

This is DV2023 CEAC Data which was obtained from the Consular Electronic Application Center of the U.S. Department of State.

DV2023 CEAC Data

DV2023 CEAC Data

You can also download the current state of data in a form of csv file at FY2023-ceac-current.csv.

For a second fiscal year in a row, State Department exceeded the annual 55,000 cap on Diversity Visa issuances!

In FY-2022, State and USCIS issued 55,774 DVs. In FY-2023, State issued 55,010 DVs alone!

The above information was obtained from Curtis Morrison verified twitter page.

Get more details about this Data at

DISCLAIMER: This post and content is designed for general information only and is NOT legal advice. This site is not offering any Diversity Visa and is not the official site for DV Lottery program. The information presented in this post should not be construed to be formal legal advice.

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