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How DS-260 Forms Are Processed By KCC | DV Lottery | Green Card Visa

How DS-260 Forms Are Processed By KCC

In this guide, we are going to learn how DS-260 forms is been processed by KCC. This guide is very important because it will help majority of people that are already in the process and waiting for their Second Notification Letters, 2NL.

It is also very much important for those who applied for the DV lottery 2024 and are waiting for the results or in a later year and you have applied for the DV lottery program, this is very important for you to understand.

After you have been successfully selected a winner in the DV lottery program, the next step entails you filling in the immigrant visa application form, and for the DV program, it is normally called the DS-260. This is the very first thing that you’re supposed to do.

Make sure within the very first days when the results are out, you should check your results, and if you’re selected to immediately begin filling in the DS-260 form that early.

Another important thing to note is that this DS-260 form should be filled in the correct way. It should not be filled hastily. Don’t read in a haste. Do it slowly but correctly.

It should not be done in one sitting. You can do it bit by bit, saving those bits for several days. It is not done in a hurry to prevent you making some mistakes that might cost you.

The general idea is that you should fill your DS-260 form as early as is required.

How DS-260 Forms Are Processed By KCC

After submitting the DS-260 form, the next process is for it to get processed, and this is done by KCC. Remember, everyone who was selected a winner for DV program all over the globe is filling the DS-260 form and submitting.

The KCC normally process the DS-260 form in the order of their submission. If you have a very high case number and you submit it earlier than the person who had a low case number, your DS-260 form will be processed before that with the low case number. They are processed in the order of submission.

This comes as a very important question, especially to those with very low case numbers. If you have a very low case number, ensure that you fill in your DS-260 very early, so that it might be processed amongst the early submitted ones and stay in wait for your number to become current.

By so doing, if your case was to be scheduled for interview in the first month of the fiscal year, that is October, then you will be scheduled because you submitted it early and it was processed.

If you fail and you have a very low case number that was supposed to be scheduled for October interviews, but you fail to submit it early enough, maybe you submitted it in July or in August, then when the interviews for the month of October will be scheduled, your DS-260 form might not have been processed, and that means you won’t be scheduled for that month.

Then you’ll keep wondering, why have I not been scheduled yet? I’m current, my number is current. That is the very reason.

So that about How DS-260 Forms Are Processed By KCC.

DISCLAIMER: This post and content is designed for general information only and is NOT legal advice. This site is not offering any Diversity Visa and is not the official site for DV Lottery program. The information presented in this post should not be construed to be formal legal advice.

If you have any questions about the DV lottery, please contact an immigration professional/officer or a licensed attorney.

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