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Tag Archives: Netherlands Scholarships

Skilled and Unskilled Jobs in NETHERLANDS, the Immigration Pathways for Foreigners and Application Sites

The Netherlands, known for its picturesque landscapes, rich culture, and progressive policies, offers a range of job opportunities for both skilled and unskilled workers. Let delve into the distinctions between skilled and unskilled jobs in the Netherlands, along with the immigration pathways available for foreigners interested in working in the country. Additionally, we’ll explore some online sites where you can submit applications for jobs in the Netherlands.

Skilled Jobs in the Netherlands

Skilled jobs in the Netherlands typically require specialized knowledge, training, or education. These positions are often in high demand, particularly in sectors such as engineering, IT, healthcare, and finance.

Below are examples of skilled jobs in the Netherlands:

Immigration Pathways for Skilled Workers

The Netherlands offers several immigration pathways for skilled workers, including:

Highly Skilled Migrant Program (HSMP): This program allows skilled migrants to live and work in the Netherlands for up to five years. To be eligible, applicants must have an employment contract with a recognized sponsor and meet certain income requirements.

EU Blue Card: The EU Blue Card is a residence and work permit for highly skilled migrants from outside the EU. To be eligible, applicants must have a valid employment contract, meet certain income requirements, and have completed higher education or have relevant work experience.

Unskilled Jobs in the Netherlands

Unskilled jobs, also known as low-skilled or semi-skilled jobs, do not require specialized education or training. These jobs are often in sectors such as hospitality, agriculture, cleaning, and construction.

Below are examples of unskilled jobs in the Netherlands:

Immigration Pathways for Unskilled Workers

While the Netherlands primarily focuses on attracting skilled workers, there are still some immigration pathways available for unskilled workers, including:

Working Holiday Visa: The Working Holiday Visa allows young people from certain countries to work and travel in the Netherlands for up to one year.

Seasonal Work Visa: The Seasonal Work Visa allows individuals to work in the agricultural sector in the Netherlands for a limited period.

How to Apply – Application Sites for Jobs in the Netherlands

For those looking to apply for Jobs in Netherlands, consider using any of the following application sites:

Indeed Netherlands: Indeed is a popular job search engine that lists job openings from various companies in the Netherlands.

In the search result box, type in the job (Skilled or Unskilled) position you wish to apply, e.g Farm Jobs, Fruit Picking Jobs, Factory Jobs, Production Worker, IT Jobs, Security Guard Jobs, Driver, Cashier, Cleaning Jobs, Health Jobs, Housekeeping Jobs, Caregiver Jobs, Driver Jobs, Construction Jobs, Engineer Jobs, Hospitality Jobs, etc. It will list all jobs. You will learn more about all details and the application process for foreign workers, Dutch citizens, a permanent or a temporary resident of Netherlands.

If the position is fit for you and the basic requirements are fulfilled then you can now apply (along with your resume).

Glassdoor Netherlands: Glassdoor provides job listings, company reviews, and salary information for job seekers in the Netherlands.

In the search result box, type in the job (Skilled or Unskilled) position you wish to apply, e.g Farm Jobs, Fruit Picking Jobs, Factory Jobs, Production Worker, IT Jobs, Security Guard Jobs, Driver, Cashier, Cleaning Jobs, Health Jobs, Housekeeping Jobs, Caregiver Jobs, Driver Jobs, Construction Jobs, Engineer Jobs, Hospitality Jobs, etc. It will list all jobs. You will learn more about all details and the application process for foreign workers, Dutch citizens, a permanent or a temporary resident of Netherlands.

If the position is fit for you and the basic requirements are fulfilled, then you can now apply (along with your resume).

LinkedIn: Another valuable resource for job seekers in the Netherlands, allowing you to connect with industry professionals and explore job opportunities.

Dutch American Friendship Treaty (DAFT): Under the DAFT, citizens of the United States can start their own businesses or work as self-employed professionals in the Netherlands without the need for a work permit.

In Conclusion

Whether you’re interested in skilled or unskilled work, the Netherlands offers a range of job opportunities and immigration pathways for foreigners. It’s essential to research and understand the requirements of each immigration program to determine the best option for your situation. With its strong economy, high quality of life, and welcoming culture, the Netherlands is a popular choice for individuals seeking new career opportunities and experiences.

Disclaimer: This information is based on research work, this site does does not offer any form employment. Please verify all information from official sources before applying. Neither a government agency nor an immigration lawyer owns this site. The content on this site was gathered through research from various public domains for informative purposes. Please ignore any sites, organization or anyone asking or demanding any form of payment from you, for jobs or visa preparations. For your unique immigration needs, kindly consult an expert immigration lawyer.

TU Delft Summer School Scholarship 2024 For Students & Teachers In Developing Countries

TU Delft Summer School Scholarship 2024 for African Students & Teachers. The Department of Urbanism of the TU Delft provides two full scholarship to interested students to participate in the Summer School. Apply below.


About TU Delft Summer School Scholarship

The Summer School Planning and Design with Water for Sustainability takes place every JULY at the Department of Urbanism of the Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment of the Delft University of Technology (TU Delft). The Faculty of Architecture is located in the historic city of Delft, in The Netherlands. There have been 8 editions of the Summer School so far.

TYPE: Scholarship

Who Can Apply?

In order to participate you need to be enrolled in a higher education course* [However, they also accept students who have graduated recently. Please, explain your situation in your letter of motivation]. The school is intended for students who have had at least 3 years of higher education in a discipline related to the built environment/urban development.

A planning, architectural or design background is indicated, but not necessary. The Summer School welcomes architects, urban planners, engineers, designers, geographers, historians, sociologists, engineers, environmental engineers, and students of other areas concerned with the built environment. However, you must be willing to understand URBANISM.

They are looking for ENGAGED, enthusiastic, entrepreneurial, open minded progressive students from all over the world who can help bring back ideas to their communities.


There is only a limited number of places (100). Students are chosen according to their background, a motivation letter and a very short movie in which candidates introduce themselves. They may not evaluate your portfolio or extensive CV.

Therefore, it is really important that you explain why you want to participate in this summer school and how it can help your PERSONAL, ACADEMIC and PROFESSIONAL development in the motivation letter.

You can tell them what makes you special by letting them know what are your passions, interests, hobbies and extra-curricular activities. Why are you different? Are you an activist? What are your aspirations? Do you make your opinions known by writing and publishing or by any other means of expression? Maybe you have a BLOG?

You need to make your point in 800 words and in a 3-minute film.


The language of the Summer School is English; hence you need to be able to communicate well in that language. You need to mention what your level of proficiency in English is in the motivation letter. This is important because the vocabulary used at the Summer School is rather sophisticated. Hence, you will not enjoy it if you don’t speak English well.



What Is The Benefit Of Award?

The scholarships cover travel costs, accommodation and daily costs during the Summer School (meals and transportation).

How To Apply TU Delft Summer School Scholarship:

The Summer School offers three types of scholarships:

Visit TU Delft Summer School Scholarship Webpage for More Details.

NL Scholarship (Formerly Holland Scholarship) 2024 For International Students

The NL Scholarship (formerly known as Holland Scholarship) is open for international students from outside the European Economic Area (EEA) who want to do their bachelor’s or master’s in the Netherlands. Are you ready for the chance of a lifetime? Apply for the NL Scholarship!

Study in NL is the starting point for all international students who are considering the Netherlands as a study destination.


Varying according to university

About NL Scholarship (Award)

This scholarship is financed by the Dutch Ministry of Education, Culture and Science as well as several Dutch research universities and universities of applied sciences.

The scholarship amounts to € 5,000. You will receive this in the first year of your studies. Please note that this is not a full-tuition scholarship.

Who Can Apply?

  • Your nationality is non-EEA.
  • You are applying for a full-time bachelor’s or master’s programme at one of the participating Dutch higher education institutions.
  • You meet the specific requirements of the institution of your choice. You can find these on the website of the institution.
  • You do not have a degree from an education institution in the Netherlands.




The list of participating universities changes every year. Below you can find an overview of the Dutch research universities participating in the NL Scholarship for the 2024-2025 academic year.


Below is an overview of the Dutch research universities participating in the NL Scholarship for the 2024-2025 academic year. You can find the specific closing dates and the fields of study for this academic year on the website of the institution you want to apply to:

  • Leiden University
  • Utrecht University
  • University of Groningen
  • Erasmus University Rotterdam
  • Maastricht University
  • VU Amsterdam
  • Radboud University
  • Tilburg University
  • Delft University of Technology
  • Eindhoven University of Technology
  • University of Twente
  • Wageningen University
  • Theological University Apeldoorn
  • Theological University Kampen


Below is an overview of the Dutch universities of applied sciences participating in the NL Scholarship for the 2024-2025 academic year:

  • Aeres University of Applied Sciences
  • Amsterdam University of the Arts
  • ArtEZ Institute of the Arts
  • Breda University of Applied Sciences
  • Codarts Rotterdam
  • Design Academy Eindhoven
  • Driestar educatief
  • Fontys University of Applied Sciences
  • Gerrit Rietveld Academie
  • The Hague University of Applied Sciences
  • Hanze University of Applied Sciences
  • Hotelschool The Hague
  • Royal Academy of Art, The Hague
  • Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences
  • HU University of Applied Sciences Utrecht
  • Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences
  • HAN University of Applied Sciences
  • HKU University of Applied Sciences
  • HZ University of Applied Sciences
  • NHL Stenden University of Applied Sciences
  • Saxion University of Applied Sciences
  • Van Hall Larenstein University of Applied Sciences
  • Zuyd University of Applied Sciences


Not specified

How To Apply NL Scholarship (Formerly Holland Scholarship)

You can find the specific closing dates and the fields of study for this academic year on the website of the institution you want to apply to.

Below is an overview of the Dutch universities of applied sciences participating in the NL Scholarship for the 2024-2025 academic year.

Visit NL Scholarship/Award Webpage for More Details.

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