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Tag Archives: scholarship without IELTS

How to Get Scholarship to Study in UK Universities

In this post article, you will learn how to get scholarship to study in UK (United Kingdom) Universities. You will also know some funding options available for you, as well as understand the process of applying for scholarships for many prospective students. How to get scholarship in uk universities

The main obstacle or problem is coming to study to the UK is the cost of education and to be honest, sometimes it’s very hard to get free education (i.e fully funded by scholarship, government or university) in the UK by free. But you can get a scholarship from many universities and you can expect to get from 10 to 50% reduction on your fees of the course.

Also keep in mind, the higher the level of study you’re going to pursue, the higher the chances of you getting a scholarship. how to get scholarship in uk universities

Types of University Scholarships in UK

There are a few types of university scholarships in the UK.

  1. Scholarship based on Educational excellence

These types of grants are solely based on the grades you’re going to get in your exams. It depends on the university you are going to study at, the course, but just let you know you have to be way above average to be considered.

  1. Scholarships based on the country you’re from

If you’re coming from a developing country and you never studied abroad and you’re planning to come back to your home country to make a positive impact, many UK universities will consider to sponsor you. You can even get the whole master’s course paid for you.

  1. Scholarships based on the school you’re currently studying

For example, many schools have ties to UK universities. School specific grants are usually given to students with exceptional grades. You have to check with your school if they have any links with British universities, if they work with the universities and can help you get scholarship.

Also, if you are choosing school right now, it’s probably worth asking them if they have any links to British University.

  1. Scholarship based on Course Specific

So there are some scholarships available from universities overall, but there are also separate schools within the universities, such as School of Engineering or Business Studies that provide specific scholarships.

  1. Scholarship based on sport achievement.

What I mean by sport excellence is some kind of achievement that you have on national or international level in your sport. Obviously, the university will consider if your achievement is significant enough for a scholarship, but do keep in mind if you have some exceptional talent, if you’re good at any sport, you should use it to get a scholarship.

As you can see, there are so many scholarship options available for universities. Now, what’s the process of actually obtaining these?

How to Obtain a Scholarship in UK?

Step 1: Research

This is the most important step. Some people just apply for university and then check: oh, are there any scholarships? If scholarship and funding help is super important to you, do your research beforehand. You have to research whether the university has any scholarships that are suitable for you. So do you research, check the criteria, are your grades good enough, are you from the country the scholarship required to be from, are you meeting the deadlines.

So many universities offer very specific unique scholarships. For example, scholarship for a woman from a Commonwealth country that wants to study physics. Perhaps this is you, but how would you know about this scholarship available if you never did your research? You could be both a candidate for a scholarship you never found.

Step 2: Apply to Universities

It is also quite important, but probably very logical. You have to apply for these universities. Before applying for a scholarship, you usually have to apply for university. This is the case for most undergraduate scholarships, for master’s sometimes you can be considered for scholarships along with application for PhD as well.

But what’s the point of paying for scholarships, preparing all this application, if you haven’t even got the place. You have to prepare a very strong application because not just the grades will be considered, your personal statement as well. This personal statement could be looked at when you will be considered for a scholarship. So perhaps it’s worth putting in extra effort into your personal statement, making sure you demonstrate all your skills, show your leadership qualities, show your talents, take time preparing the application.

Steps 3: Apply for a scholarship

You apply for scholarship once you get an offer, that’s when the scholarship application comes in. I recommend to emailing the universities just to find out what are the requirements for scholarship applications. The website could be clear, but still, what if there are any changes? Why don’t you just send them a quick e-mail saying “Hello, I have an offer from your university and I would like to be considered for a scholarship”.

What do you need for your application?

Obviously, you have been working very hard to get amazing grades, so now it’s time to pay attention to your scholarship application. There are four main things that could be part of your scholarship application to get scholarship in uk universities

  1. Motivational letter

Make sure you write very clearly, you answer the questions they ask. You show not just how great you are, but also how the scholarship will benefit you, what you’re going to do with your career plans.

  1. Reference Letters or maybe a few of them.

So you have to think about who you’re going to ask for a reference letter, make sure that person knows about the format of the letter that is required. They speak good English and know you well enough about your career plans and they know why you deserve the scholarship.

  1. Attend an interview at the university

It could be by Skype, by call or in person. There are so many aspects for a success in an interview, so I’m sure you’ll do your research and they can cover this whole topic in this post article.

  1. Financial Letters/documents

Nowadays, there are not that many scholarships available for students in the financial hardships, but it could help if you are struggling financially. So do ask universities if they require any proof of your financial struggle. But this could not even help you, as most of the scholarships are based on academic merit only.

Step 4: Hope for the best!

If you put your best effort into your grades and application, you will get something. Just make sure you plan in advance. Prepare, do your research, be patient and hope for the best.

How to Win a scholarship without IELTS or TOEFL

Do you know that you can study abroad, even on scholarship without IELTS or TOEFL? Are you interested in completing your study abroad but IELTS or TOEFL is a big problem? Then, this guide is meant for you. In this guide, you will learn how to win a scholarship without IELTS or TOEFL in 2022.

Many times people do ask if it is possible to get a scholarship without writing an English test. Yes, it is possible to get a scholarship, an international scholarship without writing an English test like IELTS or TOEFL, depending on the country awarding it.

While there are some abroad universities that don’t ask for TOEFL/IELTS test scores, others also grant admission to non-English speaking international students on the condition that they undertake other kinds of Proficiency Tests like the Intensive English Language Program (IELP).

It is also common knowledge that many of these universities abroad, outside your country, we have for English test out here, but there are so many other programs or universities that may also not ask for it.

In general information, there are also many universities and programs that may not require IELTS or TOEFL, but there are a few points to take note of.

How to Win a scholarship without IELTS or TOEFL

  1. Where did you do your previous education and what language did you do to speakers at your previous education?

There are so many countries and many universities in different countries that are willing to present candidates that did their previous education, maybe their high school, their bachelor’s, their master’s in English language, most particularly in an English speaking country. It could be a country that their native language is English or a country where their native language is not English but their official language is English. Education taught in the schools is in English language.

In many cases, there are several universities that are willing to exempt candidates from writing English test like IELTS or TOEFL, if they can show to them that they have done their previous education like undergraduate, bachelor or masters, and even in a few cases their high school education in purely English language.

Usually, some of these schools or programs may ask you to present a document that is like a proof of English proficiency. Your university where you get your bachelor’s or your master’s degree, can write you a letter stating that your education was done entirely in English language. And in many cases, this letter from your previous university is sufficient proof that you have good enough knowledge of English language to be able to pursue academic activities in English language.

What that communicate to the school where you are applying to an admission or scholarship is that, if you have done an entire degree or an entire academic program of more than one year or two years in the university in English language. It proves to them that you succeeded in that your previous academic education, and it also proves to them that you have sufficient English language knowledge to be able to pursue further education in English language.

So many schools, universities in different countries are willing to consider students that have done previous education in English language and exempted from having to write English language test.

  1. Schools/Colleges/Universities Requirements

There are universities that will list different countries on their website that if you have studied in this country or a citizen of this country, you are exempted from writing English language.

This may includes several countries that their native language, their mother tongue is not English language, but their official language is English and university education and all most education in that countries is done in English language. So you can easily get an extension for that.

What you simply need to do is that, when you want to apply, look through the requirement in the school you are considering. If you don’t want to write IELTS or TOEFL, look for a list of university to have programs that you want to apply to and check their English language requirements.

  1. Be Focus

If you don’t want to write English test, simply focus on the ones that are willing to exempt you from writing, or maybe just willing to accept your application by presenting a document from your previous university or previous school that you did your previous education in English language. And by that you can save yourself the stress of writing an English test just like IELTS or TOEFL.

So you just need to focus on the schools and the programs that are willing to exempt you from writing English test if you are not planning to write IELTS or TOEFL test. There are several universities in Germany, in Canada, USA, in Netherlands, in Australia, in Poland and even in Finland, they are willing to exempt people from writing English tests like IELTS or TOEFL.

In Australia, there are some of the best universities that do not have a requirement of IELTS or TOEFL.

Don’t let writing English test scare you from pursuing your ambition in getting education abroad outside your country or applying for international scholarship. That does not limit you. You can still get a scholarship without writing any of these tests. So don’t be discouraged.

Make you to do a prepare research about any school/College/University you intend to apply for scholarship or educational studies. Continue pursuing your desire and your ambition of getting an international scholarship. Don’t let English test be a discouragement.

Thank for reading this educative guide. Feel free share to it out to your friends and colleagues, they will also like this piece of information.

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