Student exchange program is a program where students from a university study abroad at one of their institution’s partner institutions. A student exchange program may involve international travel, but does not necessarily require the student to study outside their home country. Signing up for an exchange student program abroad will change your life by exposing you to a different environment and different cultures at an early age in your life.
Exchange schemes have a number of advantages, not least their generally low costs. Because students are exchanged between one partner university and another, costs such as tuition fees, health insurance and student housing are paid by the student at their own university before travelling, making the cost almost the same as a normal academic session.
Exchange schemes are administered over varying lengths of time, with one-semester program being the most popular. During the period of exchange, students attend class and fulfill all other academic requirements of the host institution and bring a transcript of their performance back to their home university in completion of the exchange.
Tips To Study Abroad As An International Exchange Student
In this post article, you will learn 10 tips on How to Study Abroad as an International Exchange Student.
Do your research
The first things is to do your research on, Where do you want to study abroad? Do you want to study in an industrialized or developing country? Do you want to go to schools where English is a native language or are you feeling more adventurous? How long do you want to study abroad? Two weeks, a semester or a whole year? Do you want to earn transferable credit during your time abroad? These are all questions you must answer before you make a decision.
If you’ve never traveled alone before, maybe you should check out how much support each program offers, if they offer help in your native language or help with visas and offer orientation before and during the program. You should also confirm that they are easy to get hold of in case of an emergency, and if the program has good ratings.
Choose a foreign exchange program
There are many exchange programs out there. Look at the webpage for Council on Standards for International Educational Travel (CSIET) to get a reputable list. Programs are organized based on a commitment to universally accepted higher standards. Some few to consider are: Rotary Youth for Understanding and International Cultural Exchange Services; The European Union’s Erasmus Student Mobility Program is another example of this kind of programme, with the added bonus to traveling students are provided with small travel and living grants to facilitate their periods away.
It is important that you choose the right exchange program that meets all the criteria for a valid exchange program.
Identify your ideal host country
While some programs make no promises about the exchange destination, it’s still worth selecting the country you’d like to visit. Isolating the country can help prepare you for the various paperwork, financial obligations, educational requirements and language hurdles.
Register and apply for your desired program
After you have made all those researches and decided and what program you want, it is now time to apply.
Generally, applying for foreign exchange programs are not difficult. Most student exchange programs require basic information like name, sex, desire, country age, address, phone numbers, email and nearest international airport. There may also be a deadline for your submission. There are usually two semesters, a full semester and a spring semester. The deadline for application for the fall semester is usually April, while for the spring semester it is usually October. Information on an exchange program can always be found on the program’s website or social media.
You need to provide Language Proficiency Scores
Most application processes will require some form of proof that you are capable of basic communication in your future host country. In some countries, there may be a general language certification. The test of English as a foreign language (TOFEL) is a worldwide recognized test that measures English proficiency and is widely accepted. You could also submit an aid score instead.
Check Your Eligibility
Each international college sets their own admission requirements and may have minimum grade averages or language levels that applicants must meet. You can find academic requirements on each of the program pages, and the eligibility section of the program you choose will make sure that you are eligible to apply for the program you have selected. If you do not meet the program’s minimum requirements, you will need to remove it from your application.
Apply for a Passport and Visa
You need an international passport if you will be traveling outside your country. Most countries you go to will require a visa. It may also depend on your country of origin and its political affiliation with a potential host country. You’ll need to view a government sponsored website that list specific requirements when visiting foreign countries. Be aware that some countries require submission of paperwork or travel to this specific consulate in order to receive appropriate passport and visa stamps.
Note that some countries are visa requirements based upon the length of time you intend to stay in the country.
Submit Supporting Documents
Many programs require information that supplements your language proficiency. Aside from proving you have the appropriate passport and visa, you may also have to provide an additional passport photo, your scholastic transcripts and a curriculum vitae CV, among other documents.
It is advisable to apply to an institution affiliated to your university
This will help you save costs as you will only pay tuition fees equivalent to the one you pay in your home country. Your home country institution could also help you with the application process and foot additional costs you may incur
Participate in orientation.
Most programs have an orientation before you leave. It may be at the business location or at your home afterwards. A follow up orientation is often conducted once you arrive at your host country. Both orientations are beneficial for the final details and questions that make everything function smoothly.
That’s it for studying abroad as an international exchange student. Have you studied abroad as an international exchange student? Have you been on an international exchange program before? Please share your experience in the comments section below.
Source: Afterschoolafrica
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