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Tag Archives: University Interview

How to Prepare for a University Admissions Interview

The most effective way to prepare and pass your university admissions interview is to divide your preparation time up into the following key tips:

How to Prepare for a University Interview


During the interview, you will be assessed on your understanding of the degree course syllabus, and in particular the areas you feel you will find the most challenging. The interview panel do not want to hear that you’ll find every aspect of the course easy to pass, simply because this will not be the case.

You will find some aspects of the curriculum challenging, and on that basis, you need to study the syllabus and decide which elements will be the toughest and what you intend to do in order to get through them.


Interview technique and, more importantly, how you present yourself will go a long way to convincing the interview panel you are serious about studying hard and putting in the required effort to pass the university degree course you are hoping to enrol upon.

In the build-up to your university admissions interview, spend time in a mock interview setting answering each and every one of the questions listed on this page.


You should prepare answers to all of the interview questions listed on this page. By doing so, you will not only have more confidence in your abilities to pass the admissions interview, but you will also be able to demonstrate to the interview panel you are full prepared for what lies ahead whilst you are at their university.


TIP 1 – The main focus of your university interview will be how you intend to spend your time whilst on the degree course and how passionate you are about your chosen subject.

It is important that the university has a high success rate in respect of those students who go on to pass the course, and on that basis, they will want to hear solid evidence of how you intend to spend your time constructively whilst at the university. Make sure you provide strong answers to the university interview questions that focus on this assessable area.

TIP 2 – Past performance counts for a lot during the university interview. So, whilst preparing for interview questions that assess your ability to achieve the required pass rate whilst on the degree course, think about the different times in your life to date when you have achieved positive things.

These might include you’re A-level results, success whilst being part of a sporting team, or even whilst being part of a group or society outside of your educational studies.

TIP 3 – The university interview panel will assess your interpersonal skills and how you intend to contribute positively whilst at their university.

Be positive throughout the duration of your university interview and don’t be afraid to demonstrate high levels of confidence in your abilities to achieve success whilst you are there.

To help you PASS your university admissions interview, checkout this comprehensive list of interview questions and high-scoring answers guide below

This UNIVERSITY ADMISSIONS INTERVIEW QUESTIONS & ANSWERS guide will ensure you are fully prepared for this important and life-changing interview.

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