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Tag Archives: cover letter


In this very important guide, you will learn how to write a brilliant attention-grabbing CV that is guaranteed to significantly increase your chances of getting hired. If you are applying for any job role with any organization, make sure you read this guide from start to finish, because the tips, sample CV, and cover letter will help you get hired.

To help you get hired at the first attempt, this guide will teach you the following four things:

  • The purpose of a CV and cover letter and what the hiring manager will use them for. If you understand what a CV and cover letter are used for as part of the hiring process, your chances of success will increase significantly.
  • Seven sections to include in your CV.
  • A brilliant CV personal statement and cover letter to write down that are guaranteed to grab the attention of the hiring manager.
  • Some brilliant ready-made CV templates and cover letter examples.

What is CV?

A CV, or Curriculum Vitae, is a document that provides a detailed summary of a person’s education, work experience, skills, certificates, achievements and accomplishments. It is typically used in job applications, academic settings, and various professional contexts to showcase an individual’s qualifications and suitability for a particular role or opportunity.

A CV should ideally be no more than 2-3 sides of A4. It must be free from grammar, spelling, and punctuation mistakes. Now, along with your cover letter, the CV is the first thing a hiring manager will read to quickly determine whether you have the necessary skills, experience, and passion to do the job properly. And a cover letter is a single-page professional letter that you submit along with your CV when applying for any job.

Cover Letter

A COVER LETTER is a single-page professional letter you submit with your CV when applying for any job. The cover letter is a piece of persuasive writing that shows your passion for the job and why you have applied.

Seven Sections to Include in Your CV

Below are the seven sections to include in your CV to make it appealing to any hiring manager:


At the top of your CV, include your name, email address, and direct contact number. Make sure the answerphone message assigned to your contact number sounds professional. If the hiring manager calls you to invite you along to an interview, and they get an unprofessional answerphone message, they may hang up.


This is one of the most important parts of your CV. Your personal statement is a short introductory statement that outlines your key skills and qualities and why you will be a great fit for the job you have applied for. The personal statement should explain your passion for the role and include details as to why you stand out from the competition. Your personal statement should be between 200 and 300 words long.


In this part of your CV, include details of the schools, colleges, and universities you have attended, subjects studied, and grades attained. Write these in chronological order – this means putting your most recent education achievements first.


In this next important part of your CV, you should include details of, again in chronological order, your work history. Make sure you include the name of the employer, the position you held, and brief details of your main responsibilities. In this section, you can also include details of voluntary work and work experience placements.


In this next section of your CV, write down brief details in bullet points of any key achievements you have gained in life so far. Ideally, these will come from previous work positions, but you can also include details of professional certifications and training courses completed, honors and awards, languages, sporting achievements, and charity work.


In this next section of your CV, write down brief details, again in bullet points, of your hobbies and interests. Good hobbies and interests include physical fitness activities, team sports, playing musical instruments, being a part of community groups and societies, and reading to name just a few.


A reference is a professional individual willing to vouch for your credibility as an employee and your ability to do the job competently in the role you have applied for.

90% of candidates put ‘REFERENCES AVAILABLE UPON REQUEST’ on this section of their CV, but this is not actually 100% good. Including the names of two people who are willing to act as a reference for you is good. Make sure you ask their permission first before including them on your CV. If the hiring manager sees the names of two people who will vouch for your professionalism, it will definitely increase the chances of you getting invited to an interview.


How to write a CV


Below is a brilliant example personal statement that is guaranteed to grab the attention of the hiring manager. This is a Personal statement for all job roles.

“I am a highly motivated and results-driven professional with a diverse background and a proven track record of success. My passion for this industry has driven me to continuously seek opportunities for growth and development, making me a versatile candidate for a wide range of job roles.

I have a track record of achievement, which I will replicate in this position. In my last role, I was praised by my manager for my flexibility with my job description and how I contributed new ideas to help the company grow.

I am known for my exceptional communication skills, both written and verbal, which enable me to collaborate effectively with cross-functional teams and convey complex ideas in a clear and concise manner. I thrive under pressure and am adept at prioritizing tasks to meet important deadlines.

Furthermore, my commitment to continuous improvement drives me to stay up-to-date with industry trends and emerging technologies. I am confident that my adaptability, teamwork, and dedication make me a valuable asset to any organization.

I am excited about the opportunity to contribute my skills and expertise to a forward-thinking company like [Insert Company Name].

Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to the possibility of attending an interview where I can discuss how my background aligns with your needs and how I can make a positive impact on your team.”


Dear Sir/Madam,

RE: Application for [INSERT NAME OF JOB ROLE]

I am attaching my CV supporting my application to work at [INSERT COMPANY NAME] in the position of [INSERT NAME OF POSITION].

Having studied the job description carefully, I believe my skills, qualities, knowledge, and experience will empower me to contribute positively to your team and give you a great return on my salary.

While I respect and appreciate that you will have many strong candidates, I genuinely believe my passion for this industry, strong worth ethnic, and values that align with your company’s make me an ideal candidate.

I am seeking long-term employment with your company. My commercial awareness and flexibility with my job description mean I can add value to your team and help you achieve your commercial goals.

Thank you for considering my application, and I look forward for hearing from you soon.

Yours faithfully,



How to write a Cover Letter for Fresh Graduates With No Experience

In this brief article, we will learn how to write a brilliant cover letter for fresh graduates and those people who have no previous work experience.

If you are applying for a job and you want to submit a brilliant cover letter with it, make sure you read this article very well because it will help you be successful.

How to Write a Cover Letter With No Experience

Below are the things this article will cover:

  • 3 very important tips for writing a brilliant cover letter for fresh graduates and those people with no work experience.
  • Example of cover letter to use that is guaranteed to grab the attention of the hiring manager. Your cover letter has to grab their attention.

What is a cover letter and how long should it be?

A cover letter accompanies a CV or resume, and it is a shortened one page document. It only needs to be one page that explains why you are applying for the job.

There’s a couple of things you can do to make your cover letter stand out, especially if you are a fresh graduate or someone with no previous work experience.

3 Tips for Writing a brilliant Cover Letter

Below are those three really important tips for writing a brilliant cover letter.

  • Tip 1: When writing your cover letter, keep it short (one page). It must be concise and to the point.

Remember, the hiring manager has to read through lots of cover letters, so yours has to stand out and grab their attention. So keep it just to one page.

  • Tip 2: Make sure you use positive and engaging words in your cover letter to grab the attention of the hiring manager.

The hiring manager has lots of cover letters to read through, and you can grab their attention by using brilliant, positive and engaging words.

  • Tip 3: Make sure your cover letter is free from grammar, punctuation, and spelling mistakes.

If there are mistakes in your cover letter, it will get rejected simply because one of the most important skills needed in all job roles is attention to detail.

How to write a cover letter for fresh graduates and no experience candidates

Below is a brilliant example cover letter to use for fresh graduates and those people with no previous work experience.

When you start your cover letter, include your full name, address and insert the date of the cover letter in the top right hand corner of the document.

Full name

Address line 1

Address line 2

Address line 3

Insert Date

Dear Sir/Madam,

RE: Application for [Insert the name of the position you are applying for]

I am attaching my CV/resume supporting my application for the above position.

I am applying for the role because I have the skills and qualities to match the job description and become a high-performing employee for your company.

My key strengths include resourcefulness, adaptability to change, commercial awareness, collaboration skills and positivity.

I already have a track record of achievement in life and I aim to replicate the same success for your company. Some of my key achievements to date include [you can include some of your own key achievements]: These are examples:

  • Attaining excellent grades at college;
  • Winning team sporting events at school;
  • Raising money for charity and good causes.

I understand I must work hard for my employer to enable them to meet their commercial and strategic objectives and my hunger to learn and enthusiasm will be valuable assets to your team.

Thank you for considering my application and I look forward to hearing from you.

Yours faithfully

[Insert your full name here]

Telephone number: [Insert Telephone Number Here]

Email: [Insert Email Address Here]

Make sure your answer phone message on your cell phone is professional sounding. Make sure it’s professional and also make sure your email address is professional too. All of these things will definitely help.

Thank you so much for reading this article and I wish you all the best for getting hired and passing your job interview.


HOW TO WRITE A COVER LETTER for a JOB APPLICATION: In this article, you will learn how to write a brilliant cover letter that is guaranteed to land you the job of your dreams. If you are applying for any job with any company and you want to submit the perfect cover letter, make sure you read this post/article very well because it will help you.

If you know what a cover letter is and how the hiring manager is going to use it to assess your job application, it helps you to write the perfect one.

How to write a Cover Letter for a Job Application

To write the perfect cover letter, below are three things this article will cover:

  • Full explanation of what a cover letter is and why it is so important you make it stand out and be impactful.
  • You will learn four(4) really important tips for writing a powerful cover letter that is guaranteed to grab the attention of the hiring manager.
  • You will learn the exact cover letter blueprint you can use when applying for your job.


A cover letter is a single-page short document that you send with your resume or CV. It is usually the front page and therefore it is the first thing a hiring manager will see and read about your application.

4 important tips for writing a powerful cover letter that will grab the attention of the hiring manager.

Whenever you write a cover letter, remember these four really important tips.

  • TIP 1: Make sure there are NO spelling, grammar, or punctuation mistakes in your cover letter. If there are any mistakes, your application will get rejected because it demonstrates a lack of attention to detail skills.
  • Tip 2: Be polite, professional and courteous in your cover letter. Always remember that good manners help to create a positive first impression.
  • Tip 3: Make sure you include your direct contact details on your cover letter, including your mobile number and your email address. Make sure your answerphone message is professional sounding. If the hiring manager calls you up to invite you to an interview, and your answerphone message is unprofessional, they could hang up.
  • Tip 4: Make sure you include several key strengths in your cover letter that proved to the hiring manager you will be able to add value to their company in the role.


Below are two brilliant example cover letter templates you can use to accompany your resume or CV when applying for any job:

Cover Letter Example 1:

Full name

Address line

Insert date

Dear Sir/Madam,

RE: Application for [Insert the name of the position and or the reference number]

Please find attached my resume in support of my application for the above position.

I am applying for this role because it is a job I can both excel in, and perform to a very high standard. Having researched your organization in detail, I have been attracted to your strong track record of achievement and your company values.

In addition to being an exceptional communicator and collaborator, I am the type of person who understands how important my performance in this role will be to the success of your organization.

If I am successful, I will constantly seek to add value in my work to help your company maintain its position as a market leader, and to ensure you see a positive return from your investment.

I am available for an interview at short notice and can be contacted via any of the details below.

Thank you for considering my application.

Yours Faithfully

[Insert your full name]

Telephone number: ……………….

Email address: ……………………..

Cover Letter Example 2:

Full name

Address line

Insert date

Dear Sir/Madam,

RE: Application for [Insert the name of the position and or the reference number]

Please find attached my resume in support of my application for the above position.

I am applying for this role because I strongly believe I have the necessary skills, qualities and experience to carry out the duties to a very high standard.

Having already worked within similar industries, I have the knowledge and experience needed to contribute to the team in the fastest time possible.

A brief overview of the skills, qualities and attributes I possess are as follows:

  • An ability to work as part of a team to achieve the company’s goals and projects;
  • High levels of customer service and care;
  • Taking Responsibility for my ongoing professional development;
  • An honest, reliable, and disciplined approach to my work;
  • The ability to follow rules and procedures;
  • A fast learner who requires little supervision;
  • A willingness to take on all tasks regardless of their complexity;
  • Proficient in all types of Microsoft applications;
  • A positive and enthusiastic attitude to my work.

I am available for an interview at short notice and would very much appreciate the opportunity to demonstrate to you my skills, qualities, and experience, and how I can help your business to continually thrive.

Yours Faithfully

[Insert your full name here]

Telephone number: ……………………

Email address: ………………………..

There’s two Brilliant example cover Letters you can use in your job application.

Thank you so much for reading and for paying attention and I wish you all the success in your job application.

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