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Tag Archives: how to win a scholarship essay

How to Get a Funded Scholarship to the USA As An International Student

Learn how to get a scholarship to study in the USA for FREE as an international student on an F1/J1 visa. Many international students have a hard time finding scholarships. But there are plenty of them out there if you know where to look. How to get scholarship in USA for international students.

How to get scholarship in USA for international students: In this guide, you will learn how international students like you can find scholarships in the USA that will allow you to study without paying any tuition or taking out student loans. Scholarships are actually a great way to fund your higher education.

How to get scholarship in USA for international students

  • Source of Scholarship

For international students, your main source of scholarship could come from either your home country, whether that’s your home country’s government or private organization in your home country. But there are also opportunities for you to get scholarships on the U.S side.

On the U.S side, you would find that as an international student, the majority of scholarships tend to come from the U.S University that offered you an admission.

But after you’ve come to the U.S and you’ve enrolled in a University, there are also other sources of scholarships that you can get outside of your University, which we are going to cite some examples later.

  • Demographics

Talking about the demographics of international students who get scholarships, it is very important for you to know that when it comes to the demographics, there tends to be a fair balance of international graduate students and international undergraduate students who get scholarships.

  • Coverage

What exactly do these scholarship offers from U.S universities cover? In many cases, the scholarships could cover your tuition, and it could be a case where your tuition is covered in full, which is called a full ride scholarship.

Or it could be a case where your tuition is covered in part, which is called a partially funded scholarship.

So typically, scholarship from U.S universities tend to only cover your tuition and your fees. It’s quite rare to get scholarships that actually pay you a stipend, which tends to be the case for fellowships, as will be discussed later.

  • Duration of Scholarships

If you happen to receive a scholarship, the duration of your scholarship will be specified in an offer letter. And in this duration offer letter, the duration could take different forms.

It could be a one-time offer, which means that you would receive a one-time cash payout towards your tuition and fees. Or it could be a multiple year offer, which means that you might get a scholarship for more than one semester.

The duration of the scholarship is irrespective of the coverage you get in the scholarship.

How difficult it is to get a scholarship to the US as an international student.

  • Competition

So what you would find across many U.S universities is that the availability of scholarships are quite limited. This means that the competition to get a scholarship is quite high. And as an international student, you are expected to fund your education coming to the U.S.

As an example, if you want to be considered for a merit based scholarship at the time you are applying to the U.S University, then you would have to put together a very strong application package. You might ask, what does a strong application package look like?

Well, that’s going to have a very strong GPA coming out of high school or a strong GPA coming out of College. It’s going to have strong letters of recommendations. It’s going to have a high test score. It’s also going to have a strong statement of purpose or strong admission essay.

You should also note that just because you have a high GPA or a high test call, it’s still not a guarantee that the U.S University is going to give you a scholarship offer. So keep that in mind.

  • Timing of offers

Looking at the timing of your scholarship offer as an international student, you might get a scholarship at the time you’re applying to a U.S University. But if you don’t get a scholarship, then all hope isn’t lost, because even after you’ve enrolled in a U.S University, there are still many opportunities for you to get a scholarship.

Out of several examples, below are some examples that you can get a scholarship after you’ve enrolled at a U.S University.

  • Dean’s list

Let’s say after your first year of studies you make a very high GPA and this puts you on the Dean’s list in your program. And your program might have a funding policy where a student who made the Dean’s list could receive a partially funded scholarship or fully funded scholarship.

They could maintain the scholarship for as long as they remain on the Dean’s list.

  • Winning a student competition

Another common example where you might get a scholarship offer after you enrolled at a U.S University could be by you winning a student competition on your University’s campus.

Some of these competitions could be based on extracurricular activities or some of these competitions could be based on research.

So these are just a few examples of opportunities that exist for you to get a scholarship after you’ve enrolled at a U.S University.

  • Benefits and Caveat

Let’s consider the benefits and any caveats of scholarships, especially when compared to the other ways you can fund your U.S education. The benefits are clear as this; scholarships is free money that you never have to pay back if it’s a one-time scholarship. As long as you accept the scholarship, you get the payout.

When it comes to multiple term scholarships, they tend to have an academic requirement where you the international student will have to maintain a certain GPA in order to keep your scholarships.

For the case of undergraduate students, this minimum GPA is about a 2.0 or C average. And for graduate students, this minimum GPA is about a 3.0 or a B average. So as long as your minimum GPA stays above this number, you would have no trouble keeping your multiple term scholarship.

How to Win a scholarship without IELTS or TOEFL

Do you know that you can study abroad, even on scholarship without IELTS or TOEFL? Are you interested in completing your study abroad but IELTS or TOEFL is a big problem? Then, this guide is meant for you. In this guide, you will learn how to win a scholarship without IELTS or TOEFL in 2022.

Many times people do ask if it is possible to get a scholarship without writing an English test. Yes, it is possible to get a scholarship, an international scholarship without writing an English test like IELTS or TOEFL, depending on the country awarding it.

While there are some abroad universities that don’t ask for TOEFL/IELTS test scores, others also grant admission to non-English speaking international students on the condition that they undertake other kinds of Proficiency Tests like the Intensive English Language Program (IELP).

It is also common knowledge that many of these universities abroad, outside your country, we have for English test out here, but there are so many other programs or universities that may also not ask for it.

In general information, there are also many universities and programs that may not require IELTS or TOEFL, but there are a few points to take note of.

How to Win a scholarship without IELTS or TOEFL

  1. Where did you do your previous education and what language did you do to speakers at your previous education?

There are so many countries and many universities in different countries that are willing to present candidates that did their previous education, maybe their high school, their bachelor’s, their master’s in English language, most particularly in an English speaking country. It could be a country that their native language is English or a country where their native language is not English but their official language is English. Education taught in the schools is in English language.

In many cases, there are several universities that are willing to exempt candidates from writing English test like IELTS or TOEFL, if they can show to them that they have done their previous education like undergraduate, bachelor or masters, and even in a few cases their high school education in purely English language.

Usually, some of these schools or programs may ask you to present a document that is like a proof of English proficiency. Your university where you get your bachelor’s or your master’s degree, can write you a letter stating that your education was done entirely in English language. And in many cases, this letter from your previous university is sufficient proof that you have good enough knowledge of English language to be able to pursue academic activities in English language.

What that communicate to the school where you are applying to an admission or scholarship is that, if you have done an entire degree or an entire academic program of more than one year or two years in the university in English language. It proves to them that you succeeded in that your previous academic education, and it also proves to them that you have sufficient English language knowledge to be able to pursue further education in English language.

So many schools, universities in different countries are willing to consider students that have done previous education in English language and exempted from having to write English language test.

  1. Schools/Colleges/Universities Requirements

There are universities that will list different countries on their website that if you have studied in this country or a citizen of this country, you are exempted from writing English language.

This may includes several countries that their native language, their mother tongue is not English language, but their official language is English and university education and all most education in that countries is done in English language. So you can easily get an extension for that.

What you simply need to do is that, when you want to apply, look through the requirement in the school you are considering. If you don’t want to write IELTS or TOEFL, look for a list of university to have programs that you want to apply to and check their English language requirements.

  1. Be Focus

If you don’t want to write English test, simply focus on the ones that are willing to exempt you from writing, or maybe just willing to accept your application by presenting a document from your previous university or previous school that you did your previous education in English language. And by that you can save yourself the stress of writing an English test just like IELTS or TOEFL.

So you just need to focus on the schools and the programs that are willing to exempt you from writing English test if you are not planning to write IELTS or TOEFL test. There are several universities in Germany, in Canada, USA, in Netherlands, in Australia, in Poland and even in Finland, they are willing to exempt people from writing English tests like IELTS or TOEFL.

In Australia, there are some of the best universities that do not have a requirement of IELTS or TOEFL.

Don’t let writing English test scare you from pursuing your ambition in getting education abroad outside your country or applying for international scholarship. That does not limit you. You can still get a scholarship without writing any of these tests. So don’t be discouraged.

Make you to do a prepare research about any school/College/University you intend to apply for scholarship or educational studies. Continue pursuing your desire and your ambition of getting an international scholarship. Don’t let English test be a discouragement.

Thank for reading this educative guide. Feel free share to it out to your friends and colleagues, they will also like this piece of information.

How to Study in Canada for free: Applying for Scholarships made easy

You want to study in Canada, but have little or no money? This is the right educative and informative post article you should read because after reading this article from beginning to end, you will definitely learn how to study in Canada for free. So let’s find out How to Study in Canada for free.

How can you even study in Canada for free? Some people say there are no scholarships. Some people say you can’t study for free. Some people say you have to have a lot of money for you to study in Canada. People mostly say that you can’t study in Canada for free because they don’t know about scholarship and how you can get them.

Today, you will learn the different types of scholarships that you can apply for before studying in Canada and it’s going to enable you to study for free, if not free, but a huge part of your tuition would be paid for, while you study in Canada.

Scholarships You Can Apply to Study in Canada

Let look at the numbers of scholarship that you can apply for before you study in Canada.

  1. Merit Scholarship

What do we call the Merit Scholarship? The merit scholarship is based on how well you did in your school, in your previous school. It might be in your high school, if you’re coming for undergraduate study. It might be how you are, where you did in your undergraduate, if you were coming from university to study Master’s or Ph.D. So the merit is based on your grade, mostly for some schools.

If you do very well in your work and your high school (i.e secondary school) examination, you’ll get some scholarship that you automatically qualify for. The same can apply for people that are coming for Master’s. If you can prove or you have good resumes to prove that you have good grades and good experience, you have an opportunity to apply for this merit scholarship. You can find out on scholarship page of the school that you want to apply for. Find out the requirements or what is expected of you in order to be able to qualify for this scholarship.

  1. Entrance Scholarship

We have the entrance scholarship in most university, especially for undergraduate study, there is an entrance scholarship. You just automatically apply for it once you apply to study in that particular school, your privilege or your opportunity to apply for the entrance scholarship. In most cases, it is not the same thing that you use in applying to study in the same school that is used to determine whether or not you qualify for the scholarship. You do not need to provide anything.

Sometimes you just need to write to the school and say that” I am applying to study in this school” or “I have applied already”. Because sometimes one of the mistakes that we make is some of us, we don’t even apply to schools, we are just looking for scholarship. We need to apply to this school first before you can start asking about scholarships. So Enter Scholarship is one of the biggest scholarship in Canada that you can apply for and you can get funding or part of the money to study in Canada.

  1. Financial-Aid/Scholarship (Bursaries)

We also have the financial scholarship or it can be called the bursary. In some countries, students are being paid bursary based on the states of origin, based on the places they came from. But in Canada, you can apply for bursaries. All you have to do to achieve or to get the bursary in Canada is just to write a letter to either the international student office or to the school stating how much you need this money to study or to study well in Canada.

Sometimes bursary covers just your tuition or part of your tuition. Sometimes it might just be bursary that covers your well-being, your living expenses in Canada. You cannot let anything to chance in Canada. Sometimes it may be only bursary that you have the opportunity to apply for while studying in school, but most of the time you need to be in school already before you can apply for this bursary or this financial aid scholarship. So keep that in mind if you want to come and study in Canada.

  1. Government Funded (Research) Scholarships

Government funded scholarship or as well we may referred them as research scholarship. The government of Canada is fully invested into academic research and so most of the research scholarships that are available in Canada is mostly funded by the government. Meaning that if you want to come and study in Canada and you are looking to do research, there are ample opportunities for you to get a scholarship to study and I study for free.

They will pay your tuition. You will get additional money to take care of other expenses too. You will need to work if you need to, because this scholarship will cover the whole of your tuition for your period of study in Canada. You still give some small change to your pocket where you’re studying so that you won’t have to struggle. You can still work, if you need to still have some money into your pocket because they find time to work, but is advisable that you face your study and do your research properly.

  1. Private or Association Scholarships

The last but not the least is the private or association scholarship. There are a lot of private bodies in Canada that are responsible for giving out funding or scholarships to students in Canada, depending on what departments that you belong to or depending on what association you belong to. For example, associations of nursing graduates or Association of Computer Science students or computer science alumni giving scholarship.

All you have to do is just write or apply for the scholarship and most of the scholarship are the school websites, meaning that if you want to apply for the scholarship, most of the scholarship on the school you’re applying for, there’s always a specialized scholarship page that you can go through, that you can browse through and see all the available scholarships for you.

If you’re determined to study in Canada and you’re ready to do so, the first thing that you need to do is apply to study in the school, because without applying to study in the school, it is almost impossible for you to get the scholarship, not that you can get the scholarship but depending on your application.

Finally, for people that want to study undergrad in Canada especially, you would do yourself a lot of good if you will face your study while you’re in Canada, because there are a lot of opportunities to get funding or to get scholarship, depending on how you do on a yearly or on a semester basis, you are opportune to have scholarship there. If you face your study and you have good grades, you will get good scholarship and you get your tuition paid for you on time.

With these few points above, I believe after reading this educative post article that you wake up and stand up today to start looking for the scholarship that will help you to Study in Canada for free. There are a lot of people that want to study abroad or do not have money. You can do well to share this post article with them on how to get scholarship to study for free in Canada. Thanks.

12 Steps to Write a Winning Scholarship Essay

How to write a winning scholarship essay, 2022: To apply for scholarships would be literally difficult if it wasn’t for the essays. Though there are some scholarships out there that do not demand for an essay. Essay is the most difficult part as well as the most important part of your application.

It is a chance to prove your case to the scholarship committee on why you merit or deserve the scholarship. It also gives you the chance to sell your personality and what you’re passionate about.

If you are planning on applying for a scholarship, know that there are some details that just might make your entry win. In this guide, you will learn important steps and tips to write a winning scholarship essay.

12 Steps To Write a Winning Scholarship Essay

  1. Start on time

To achieve a wining scholarship essay, it is very important to begin writing it in time, ahead of the deadline. Doing this gives you ample time to brainstorm and proofread the essay. You are also afforded the wiggle room to go over the essay, make corrections, adjustments and improvements.

If you wait till the eleventh hour to begin writing your essay, you may end up with a poorly written essay riddled with typographical errors.

Starting on time will give you enough time to think about the prompt, plan, draft, and revise. A well-planned essay has a much higher chance of winning than one you crank out last minute. Give yourself at least 2 weeks before the deadline of an essay to brainstorm, draft, and revise your essay.

  1. Choose the right scholarship

One common mistake applicants make is they work so hard to write essays for the wrong scholarship. What does this mean? A lot of scholarships are created with a particular cause or demographic in mind, so you might have stellar results with straight A’s and write a compelling essay but still get turned down.

For example, a math genius applying for scholarship meant for history students. Check to make sure you are eligible for the scholarship you are writing for.

  1. Do your research

There is need for you to do proper research, try to find out about the company or organization giving out the scholarship. Familiarize with their mission, vision and motivation for giving the scholarship. This information will help you tailor your essay to fit the persona the scholarship is looking for.

Many scholarship providers also feature previous scholarship winners on their website, often with the essay that won. Read these essays to get a sense of what they are after.

  1. Brainstorm and plan

A wining Scholarship essay writing process will go much more smoothly if you have a road map for where you’re going. The very first step is to get some organic ideas circulating, so that you end up choosing an essay focus that makes the most sense for you.

After you have a clear sense of your essay’s focus, you can begin to outline. Some students like to skip the outline, but it actually makes the drafting process much faster!

Depending on the length and depth of the scholarship essay, you can even just lay out the details you’ll want to include in your introduction, body, and conclusion. It can be as simple as that, but you don’t want to skip the planning process.

  1. Adhere to instructions of principles of writing ANY strong essay.

It is important to read the instructions carefully and do well to adhere to all of them. Details like the word count and essay format are easily skipped by overzealous applicants who while their essay maybe good, ruin their chances by failing to adhere to the essay instructions. Read between the lines of the essay prompt and understand what the committee might require of you. This might seem obvious, a lot of applicants fail this simple test.

  1. Your introduction has to be perfect, not good.

Yes! Just as with every competition that comes with a prize, there are always many fresher. The scholarship committee has to go through thousands of essays and you will do well not to bore them with your introduction. The introduction is what draws the reader to your essay and convinces them to keep going; hence this part of the essay has to be your strongest. Your introduction has to be perfect, not good.

Your second sentence should give the reader something to look for; to make them be curious to know more.

  1. Evoke emotion

The best and easiest way to draw emotion is to tell a compelling story. We are all enthused by stories long before our ancestors started peeling orange with knife. When done right, this can help the reader connect with you and keep their attention on your essay. Emotions also help the reader to see you as a person rather than a faceless author.

Tell personal stories and experiences that have shaped your growth, and relate them why you are applying to the scholarship.

  1. Mention only relevant accomplishment

If you have mentioned your accomplishments in another part of your application; the essay is not the place to start mentioning them all over again. Only pick one or two relevant accomplishments that will help you further emphasize your strengths and positive qualities, and tell the story that led to achieving them. Just don’t start mentioning accomplishments for the sake of mentioning them.

  1. Be Specific, Be honest, Be concise and Be professional

You don’t want to go off script in a scholarship essay. It is easy to get carried away. For instance when telling a personal story, it is important to be apt and not give superfluous information. This is especially important when the essay has a word count, every word matters and it would be wise not to use too many words on information that might not sway or interest the reader.

You do not need to decorate or make up details to try to seem more deserving of the scholarship money. Nothing is more powerful than your authenticity. It’s much easier for readers to spot baloney in an essay than you may think. So long as you keep it professional, readers want you to sound like you. You don’t have to write a stuffy essay for it to be good! Keep it clean and clear, but also keep it real!

  1. Your conclusion should be apt.

Most people use the conclusion to simply paraphrase the entire essay. You should do better than that. Don’t be afraid to think outside the box for something unique. One great way to make your conclusion memorable is by posing a question for the reader to think about. Or you could take the reader back to a curious point you raised from the beginning.

  1. Mind your words and language.

It is best to stick to simple words and phrases when writing your essay. The committee can tell when you have written an essay with a thesaurus as your guide. Often, ‘big words’ are used in the wrong context or duplicated too frequently. You don’t need ‘big words’ to write a good essay. It is also important not to use swear words or offensive words. Abbreviations and compressed phrases should also be avoided.

  1. Proof your Scholarship Essay

Finally, proof your scholarship essay, make sure it is absolutely perfect. Spelling errors, grammar mistakes, and typos are the fastest way to have your scholarship essay dismissed by the readers! On the other hand, having a perfect essay substantially increases your chances of being selected.

That’s it. The 12 tips to write a winning scholarship essay.

Hope you have been able to get one or two lessons to help you write your essay. Be original and confident in writing a Winning Scholarship Essay. Write your essay in a compelling manner using some of our guidelines.

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