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Tag Archives: how to write a winning scholarship essay

Learn How to Qualify to Win the Best Scholarships to Study Abroad

To qualify to Win the best Scholarships to Study Abroad, there three major and essential qualities that are very important.

The best investment is to grant access to quality education, mentorship and training to young people, mostly from developing countries, so that this people will go on to make significant impact in their communities based on what they learn.

There are majority of students that approach scholarship applications with almost zero knowledge about why this scholarship is offered, what the scholarship provider stands for, their vision and mission, the purpose and objective of the scholarship and how they fit into all of this. To be realistic, nobody wants to give away money without a reason.

3 Essential Qualities to Win the Best Scholarships to Study Abroad

Every funding organization has a clear reason for giving away money to strangers. It is your job as an applicant to find out the purpose of every program you want to benefit from. If you can demonstrate strength in this three essential qualities, you will create an impression with any scholarship committee.

  1. Academic Performance

Whether it’s a need based or merit based award, most scholarship providers will take into consideration your overall commitment to academics. Even if the scholarship does not require a high level of academic performance, the provider will consider your grades or any indication that you take your studies seriously.

After all, the organization wants to keep a track record of awarding scholarships to deserving candidates. Usually the minimum academic requirement expects candidates to cross that minimum threshold.

A well rounded and well presented applicant with second class upper result will stand better chance than a first class candidate who has nothing else to show. If you do not have an excellent result, you do not have to write off scholarships just yet.

There are scholarships that accepts below excellent grades, but as you can imagine, they are even more competitive. The safe path is to work on the academic performance while you have the chance.

  1. Extracurricular Activities and Volunteering

Extracurricular activities are anything you do that is no part of your school curriculum. They are informal education that helps you develop other parts of your humanity beyond academics. Volunteering is a form of extracurricular activity where you contribute your time and skills to serve a course.

Outside classroom, the scholarship judges want to know what activities you are involved in. Volunteering for a cause you believe in show not only that you are civic minded, but also that you care about something broader than your own advancement.

According to past Mandela Rhodes and Commonwealth scholarship winner by name Leticia:

“Winning scholarship was not only about having good marks academically, but above extracurricular and volunteer activities that I was involved with. I was always engaged since high school. It wasn’t just about studying at university, it was also about being involved in different associations that I could be involved with.”

You can also talk about how you have been involved in track and field events, playing musical instruments in church and so on, because it will play a role in getting you a scholarship.

In addition to all the benefits of extracurricular activities, you can easily get letters of recommendation from your supervisors who will emphasize your commitment and dedication.

However, don’t get involved in activities because you want to get a scholarship. Instead, you should do it because you love and care about what you’re doing. Realize that apart from the possibility of getting scholarships, you are also building your personality and career from those activities.

  1. Leadership Potential

The most prestigious and high incentive scholarship awards go to candidates that demonstrate leadership potential. If you excel in both your academic and extracurricular activities, you must have demonstrated leadership potential. According to Charles, a scholar in the game of chess, the king is the most important, but the queen is the most powerful. Leadership is like the queen, while academy is like the king.

Leadership potential is not demonstrated by the positions you have held, but by how you have influenced yourself or other people to handle situations and solve problems around you.

If you have made any positive impact through your voluntary and extracurricular activities, you can use this to demonstrate your leadership ability in your applications.

In Summary

Organizations expect something in return when giving away scholarship money. Your job is to identify what you have done that fits the objective of the scholarship provider, then highlight those activities, achievements and interests that will make the most positive impression on whoever is evaluating your application.

Hopefully this educative article helps you be better prepared to explore the numerous funding opportunities out there and I believe you have learned one lesson or more from this post article.

Don’t forget to share this post article out so that someone else will learn too. Thanks.

How to Get Scholarship to Study in the U.S as an International Student

In this educative article, you will learn how to get scholarships to study in the U.S as an international student. We will also learn the procedure and how you should go through it.

There are lot of scholarships available, you just need to take the time out of your day and research. There are bunch of organizations and ways through which you can find scholarships, e.g through your embassy, through the institutions itself and through organizations that give you scholarships to study under certain institutions.

Find Colleges and Scholarship Organizations

So the first step to find a scholarship is finding the colleges and the scholarships organizations to which you want to apply to. There’s a bunch of resources for you to find the colleges that you’re interested in and scholarships organizations that can help you with it.

  1. MasterCard Foundation

There is MasterCard Foundation, which is basically a scholarship organization to which you apply to, and then they connect you to a bunch of partnership or institutions that may want you as a student. The thing about MasterCard foundation, it is for low income African students, but you can’t really choose which institution you will go to. The institutions are the ones that either choose you or not.

The MasterCard Foundation scholarship operate in the U.S and in Canada and others. So you can apply to it if you’re an African student and you’re a low income.

  1. Embassy

Basically on your U.S embassy or U.S Cultural Center, you’ll be able to find it. They can teach you about the whole process and everything, and usually some colleges come to some of their programs, so you can get in contact with different institutions and they will tell you all about scholarships or opportunities. So check it out now.

After you find colleges and scholarship institutions, your second step is to basically apply. So let discuss what different types of scholarships exist.

Types of Scholarships

  1. Merit-based Scholarships

Merit scholarships are the ones that you usually hear about in other countries. So basically, based on your talent, your academics, your extra-curricular, your sports involvement, leadership or something like that, they will give you scholarships based on that.

In the U.S mostly public institutions are the ones they give merit scholarships. So you could go to the website and search and see what type of merit scholarships they have. They may have for engineering students, womanist them everything. You just need to, like, research the schools. The thing about merit scholarships, though, is that they may not cover your whole need there based on your talent and not really on your need.

So, for example, if an institution is fifty thousand dollars ($50,000) per year, including room and board, the maximum that the school can give you on merit scholarships is ten thousand ($10,000) is not really worth it because you still have to pay forty thousand dollars.

So it will be better you mostly apply to need based scholarships, but you can also apply to merit scholarships if you think that they will meet your full need. There are a couple of institutions that give merit scholarships that are full tuition, room and board and even a living stipend, domestic confrontation.

Some public institutions also give merit scholarships that cover room, board and tuition. So you need to search them up. There are a couple of institutions which have a lot of merit scholarships in U.S.

  1. Need-Based Scholarships

So need based scholarships are the ones that are really advise you to apply to. They see the income of your parents, and then they calculate the amount of money that you can contribute towards that college. So, for example, they will see how much they usually pay for different things, like, for example, your schooling, living stipend on your country and everything, and then they will calculate a certain amount of money that you should contribute.

So most of the need based scholarships institutions are private institutions and usually the top tier institutions are the ones that give the most money to international students. Basically, they have a huge as endowment, so they will also give you a lot of money. It is advisable you to apply to institutions that cover 100% of your need, unless you want to go into loans and everything.

You also need to pay attention when you find that list of institutions that you want to apply to. Then you go to search engines (e.g Google, Bing etc) and search for example, “university scholarships for international students in U.S” because the laws are different for U.S citizens and for international students, because some schools will give a lot of money to U.S citizens, but they won’t give it to international citizens. So you need to know what the rules are specifically for you.

(a) There is need blind versus need aware institutions.

(i) Need aware schools do consider finances in their admissions decisions, but this control can give colleges the ability to meet full need for all accepted applicants. So most of the institutions are need aware for international students, which is really a bummer. Basically what need aware means is that when they evaluating your application and if you will get into the school or not, they evaluate the amount of money you need.

So if you need a lot of money, they might not accept you just because you have a really big need, which is a disappointment. If you have a high need and they don’t have the money that they can give to you, you might be denied. But that doesn’t make it impossible to get into the school. It makes it harder, but not impossible. So you need to really bump up your application in order to be considered.

(ii) There need blind institutions. Need-blind admission is a term used in the United States indicating a college admission policy in which an institution does not consider an applicant’s financial situation when deciding admission. Basically, if you get into those institutions, you don’t have to worry that much about money because they will definitely meet 100% of your need and you’re not a disadvantage for applying to them just because you’re an international student.

Note: Those hoping to get aid from their future colleges should know these need-based and need-blind policies could change. A school may run into some financial crisis, and change its financial aid policy to secure its budget.

Those are basically the concepts that you need to have in mind when you are searching which schools and institutions you want to apply to.

Different Types of Scholarships for International Students

In Europe, it is not a new word for young and old students to discuss or talk about, it’s quite a good thing to know that there are in total 15.6 billion Euros worth of scholarships available every year! But which scholarship is that the right for you? This post article gives you a summary about the different types of scholarships. You’ll discover that scholarships are often very individual and therefore the best scholarship for you would possibly be completely different to your best friends!

General information

Of course the major reason for getting a scholarship is to get financial support. So-called full-ride scholarships are the most comprehensive ones. They cover all of your tuition costs and also your living expenses but are in fact comparably hard to get one. However, there also are many partly scholarships available, they don’t really cover all, but at least some of your expenses during your studies.

Scholarships aren’t only about money, though! Besides the financial support, scholarship givers often provide you with book support, internships, seminars or valuable business- and academic contacts for instance. On the other hand, some scholarships have also certain requirements for you to fulfill. You would possibly for example be obliged to participate in certain research projects, participate in conferences or work for a particular company or institution after your studies. Also, some scholarships got to be renewed regularly, some on a yearly basis! That’s why you ought to inform yourself carefully when choosing your scholarship.

Types of Scholarships for International Students

Merit-based scholarships (fellowships)

These scholarships are among the most common ones and are usually awarded by private organisations also as by public institutions or directly from the university where you’re planning to study. Most scholarship holders of merit-based scholarships are chosen by considering the tutorial performance also as extracurricular activities like volunteer commitment, work experience or other experiences. However, there also are special fellowships that focus less on educational aspects except for example more on artistic, athletic or musical abilities.

Many merit-based scholarships are awarded without regard for financial need.

Specific scholarships

Besides fellowships, many organisations award specific scholarships where the awardees need to meet certain criteria like nationality, gender, religion, political affiliation, race, special needs e.g. thanks to disabilities or a particular medical record and lots of more. The David Herzog Fund for instance, offers scholarships especially for Jewish students to sponsor their study in Israel. Let’s take a look at the Graça Machel Scholarships Programme, they provide postgraduate scholarships to female students from Southern African countries. You’ve got some chances of you belong to a special group of students or a minority?

Need-based scholarships

Depending on your personal and your family financial situation, you may qualify for a need-based scholarship. In Europe those scholarships are often known as student grants and offered by public institutions like governments (government funding) but also by charitable organisations for instance. Even though you’re not citizen of the country you’re planning to study in, you may qualify for a need-based scholarship if you fulfill certain requirements. For instance in Germany, need-based kind of scholarships is combined with low-cost or free student loans.

Student prizes

Student prizes aren’t a classical kind of a scholarship but they’re also a decent opportunity to support you during your studies. In contrast to scholarships which usually offer you a monthly payment throughout your program, student prizes are one-time awards for educational achievements, winners of competitions or research results. They will range from a few of hundred to some thousand Euros. The University of Reading for instance has an achievement prize for the years best students worth £1000.

Other Types of Scholarships

  • Academic scholarships.
  • Community service scholarships.
  • Athletic scholarships.
  • Scholarships for hobbies and extracurriculars.
  • Scholarships based on applicants’ identities.
  • Need-based scholarships.
  • Employer scholarships and military scholarships.

12 Steps to Write a Winning Scholarship Essay

How to write a winning scholarship essay, 2022: To apply for scholarships would be literally difficult if it wasn’t for the essays. Though there are some scholarships out there that do not demand for an essay. Essay is the most difficult part as well as the most important part of your application.

It is a chance to prove your case to the scholarship committee on why you merit or deserve the scholarship. It also gives you the chance to sell your personality and what you’re passionate about.

If you are planning on applying for a scholarship, know that there are some details that just might make your entry win. In this guide, you will learn important steps and tips to write a winning scholarship essay.

12 Steps To Write a Winning Scholarship Essay

  1. Start on time

To achieve a wining scholarship essay, it is very important to begin writing it in time, ahead of the deadline. Doing this gives you ample time to brainstorm and proofread the essay. You are also afforded the wiggle room to go over the essay, make corrections, adjustments and improvements.

If you wait till the eleventh hour to begin writing your essay, you may end up with a poorly written essay riddled with typographical errors.

Starting on time will give you enough time to think about the prompt, plan, draft, and revise. A well-planned essay has a much higher chance of winning than one you crank out last minute. Give yourself at least 2 weeks before the deadline of an essay to brainstorm, draft, and revise your essay.

  1. Choose the right scholarship

One common mistake applicants make is they work so hard to write essays for the wrong scholarship. What does this mean? A lot of scholarships are created with a particular cause or demographic in mind, so you might have stellar results with straight A’s and write a compelling essay but still get turned down.

For example, a math genius applying for scholarship meant for history students. Check to make sure you are eligible for the scholarship you are writing for.

  1. Do your research

There is need for you to do proper research, try to find out about the company or organization giving out the scholarship. Familiarize with their mission, vision and motivation for giving the scholarship. This information will help you tailor your essay to fit the persona the scholarship is looking for.

Many scholarship providers also feature previous scholarship winners on their website, often with the essay that won. Read these essays to get a sense of what they are after.

  1. Brainstorm and plan

A wining Scholarship essay writing process will go much more smoothly if you have a road map for where you’re going. The very first step is to get some organic ideas circulating, so that you end up choosing an essay focus that makes the most sense for you.

After you have a clear sense of your essay’s focus, you can begin to outline. Some students like to skip the outline, but it actually makes the drafting process much faster!

Depending on the length and depth of the scholarship essay, you can even just lay out the details you’ll want to include in your introduction, body, and conclusion. It can be as simple as that, but you don’t want to skip the planning process.

  1. Adhere to instructions of principles of writing ANY strong essay.

It is important to read the instructions carefully and do well to adhere to all of them. Details like the word count and essay format are easily skipped by overzealous applicants who while their essay maybe good, ruin their chances by failing to adhere to the essay instructions. Read between the lines of the essay prompt and understand what the committee might require of you. This might seem obvious, a lot of applicants fail this simple test.

  1. Your introduction has to be perfect, not good.

Yes! Just as with every competition that comes with a prize, there are always many fresher. The scholarship committee has to go through thousands of essays and you will do well not to bore them with your introduction. The introduction is what draws the reader to your essay and convinces them to keep going; hence this part of the essay has to be your strongest. Your introduction has to be perfect, not good.

Your second sentence should give the reader something to look for; to make them be curious to know more.

  1. Evoke emotion

The best and easiest way to draw emotion is to tell a compelling story. We are all enthused by stories long before our ancestors started peeling orange with knife. When done right, this can help the reader connect with you and keep their attention on your essay. Emotions also help the reader to see you as a person rather than a faceless author.

Tell personal stories and experiences that have shaped your growth, and relate them why you are applying to the scholarship.

  1. Mention only relevant accomplishment

If you have mentioned your accomplishments in another part of your application; the essay is not the place to start mentioning them all over again. Only pick one or two relevant accomplishments that will help you further emphasize your strengths and positive qualities, and tell the story that led to achieving them. Just don’t start mentioning accomplishments for the sake of mentioning them.

  1. Be Specific, Be honest, Be concise and Be professional

You don’t want to go off script in a scholarship essay. It is easy to get carried away. For instance when telling a personal story, it is important to be apt and not give superfluous information. This is especially important when the essay has a word count, every word matters and it would be wise not to use too many words on information that might not sway or interest the reader.

You do not need to decorate or make up details to try to seem more deserving of the scholarship money. Nothing is more powerful than your authenticity. It’s much easier for readers to spot baloney in an essay than you may think. So long as you keep it professional, readers want you to sound like you. You don’t have to write a stuffy essay for it to be good! Keep it clean and clear, but also keep it real!

  1. Your conclusion should be apt.

Most people use the conclusion to simply paraphrase the entire essay. You should do better than that. Don’t be afraid to think outside the box for something unique. One great way to make your conclusion memorable is by posing a question for the reader to think about. Or you could take the reader back to a curious point you raised from the beginning.

  1. Mind your words and language.

It is best to stick to simple words and phrases when writing your essay. The committee can tell when you have written an essay with a thesaurus as your guide. Often, ‘big words’ are used in the wrong context or duplicated too frequently. You don’t need ‘big words’ to write a good essay. It is also important not to use swear words or offensive words. Abbreviations and compressed phrases should also be avoided.

  1. Proof your Scholarship Essay

Finally, proof your scholarship essay, make sure it is absolutely perfect. Spelling errors, grammar mistakes, and typos are the fastest way to have your scholarship essay dismissed by the readers! On the other hand, having a perfect essay substantially increases your chances of being selected.

That’s it. The 12 tips to write a winning scholarship essay.

Hope you have been able to get one or two lessons to help you write your essay. Be original and confident in writing a Winning Scholarship Essay. Write your essay in a compelling manner using some of our guidelines.

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