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Tag Archives: L1 Visa Interview

What is L1 Visa? | 5 Benefits of the L1 Visa

What is L1 Visa and what are the benefits of getting L1 Visa? The L1 Visa can be an incredible option for entrepreneurs and other workers looking to go to the United States.

What is L1 Visa?

Basically, the L1 visa is a nonimmigrant visa that allows a foreign company to transfer a certain worker to work for a related U.S Company.

For the L1 visa to be an option that’s available, there needs to essentially be two companies. There needs to be a company outside of the United States, and there needs to be a company in the United States. Those two companies need to have what’s called a qualifying relationship.

Examples of qualifying relationships are parent subsidiary. One company is the parent company, one company is the subsidiary company. The two companies can be affiliates of one another, or one company can be a branch office of the other company. Those are some examples of qualifying relationships.

Additionally, the way the L1 visa works is that the person that’s getting the L1 visa must have worked for the foreign company for one year, full time continuous employment within the last three years, prior to applying for the L1 visa,

The employment for the foreign company must have been either as a manager, executive, or specialized knowledge worker. The employment that will take place with the U.S Company must be as either a manager, executive, or specialized knowledge worker.

If the person that’s getting the L1 visa is going to be working in the United States as a manager or executive, then the L1 is classified as L-1A. If the person is going to be working for the U.S Company as a specialized knowledge worker, then the L1 is classified as L-1B.

Although there has to be two companies, but what if the U.S Company is brand new? What if you literally just set up the U.S Company?

Well, then the company is considered by USCIS to be a new office. Basically, if the U.S Company has been operational for less than one year, then it is classified as a new office. It’s important to know whether or not the U.S Company is a new office because there are additional considerations to take into account.

For one, if the U.S Company is classified as a new office then the L1 will be valid for a period of one year as opposed to three years. For that reason alone, it’s very important to know whether the company in the United States is classified as a new office.

Similarly, there are certain additional requirements for new office petitions. For example, a new office, L1 needs to demonstrate that the U.S Company has sufficient physical premises, meaning that it has a physical location that it’s operating in, that’s sufficient for the company.

5 Benefits of the L1 Visa

  1. The L1 visa does not have a specific requirement to make a substantial investment in a U.S Company.

Entrepreneurs are interested in exploring the various visa options that are available to them to expand their business to the United States to work and operate in the United States. And so many investors and entrepreneurs are considering between the E2 visa and the L1 visa and other visa options.

One of the advantages of the L1 visa over the E2 visa is that the L1 visa is less focused on a substantial investment.

One of the primary focuses of the E2 visa is, did the investor make a substantial investment in the U.S enterprise?

The L1 visa doesn’t have a similar focus, it does not have a requirement that you make a substantial investment.

  1. It is not limited to certain countries.

There are certain visas that are limited to citizens of certain countries, e.g the E2 visa. The E2 visa is only available to citizens of certain countries. The L1 visa has no such limitation.

The L1 visa is generally available to citizens of all countries. For that reason, that is a major benefit of the L1 visa.

  1. It can allow somebody to stay in the United States for a considerable period of time.

If someone is in the United States on an L-1A visa, they could extend their visa up to a total of seven years. If someone is in the United States on an L-1B visa, they can extend their visa for a total period of up to five years.

Again, with the various extensions that are available, somebody on an L-1A can get a total of seven years in the United States and somebody on an L-1B can get a total of up to five years. That’s a considerable period of time.

  1. The L1 visa is a dual intent visa.

There are certain nonimmigrant visas that have a nonimmigrant intent requirement. For example, a student visa.

For somebody to get approved for a student visa they cannot have the intent to become a permanent resident in the United States and to get their green card. But that is not the case for the L1 visa.

The L1 visa is dual intent, meaning that somebody can be applying for an L1 visa and simultaneously have the intent to ultimately get their green card. If somebody has an immigrant petition pending, they basically are underway taking steps to get their green card or if they otherwise have plans to ultimately get their green card.

The fact that the L1 is a dual intent visa is a major benefit.

  1. It has a relatively convenient pathway to get a green card.

There is a green card option called EB-1C. EB-1C is for multinational managers and executives and the requirements for EB-1C are very similar to the requirements for L-1A.

Basically, EB-1C is an immigrant option available to somebody that is going to be working in the United States as either a manager or executive. Many of the requirements are the same.

There must be a qualifying relationship with a foreign company and a U.S Company.

The individual must have worked full time for the foreign company as either a manager or an executive continuously for one year within the last three years.

They must be transferring to the United States Company to work as either a manager or executive.

With the L-1B somebody could be going to the United States to work as a specialized knowledge worker. But for EB-1C the person must be going to the United States to either work as a manager or executive.

For L1 there is a green card option called EB-1C and the requirements are quite similar to the requirements for L1.

A very common thing that we see in our practice is that somebody will come to the United States on an L1 and eventually upgrade to EB-1C to get their green card.

Assuming that the requirements are satisfied for EB-1C, this can be a relatively straightforward pathway for somebody to get their green card.

There’s five benefits of getting your L1 Visa.

Hope you found this information useful. If you know anybody that can benefit from this information, feel free to share this info with them. Thank you so much for reading this guide.

Source: Ashoori Law

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L-1 Visa Guide: L1 Visa Interview Questions And Answers

L1 visa is the United States visa issued to professionals employed in a company and is relocating to the American office. To get approval for this visa, you need to go through an L1 interview process. Applicants must belong to managerial, executive, or an employee with specialised knowledge.

What is the L1 Visa?

The L1 Visa is a non-immigrant visa which allows foreign companies to transfer a manager, executive, or person with specialized knowledge to a U.S company. The U.S company must be a branch office, parent, subsidiary, or affiliate of the foreign company.

The L1 visa allows you to live and work in the United States for extended periods of time and also provides immigration benefits for your spouse and children.

The L1 visa is not a eligible for self-petition. The U.S company must file the petition on the employees behalf. Therefore, the US company is considered the petitioner, and the L1 visa recipient, is considered the beneficiary.

In this guide we will learn when you can apply for an L1 visa, interview questions and answers and tips to prepare for this interview.

Types of L-1 visa

Two types of L1 visa exist based on the type of work –

  • L-1A – This visa is issued exclusively to executives and managers.
  • L-1B – Employees with specialised knowledge get this visa. Applicants with specialised knowledge mean that he/she possesses an advanced understanding over an organisation, its product and other details.

Take a look at the questions of L1A and L1B.

When Can You Apply for an L1 Visa Interview?

Before moving ahead with L1 interview questions and answers, take a look at the following circumstances on when you can apply for an L1 visa –

  • You are working in an organisation in your native country and joining its parent or subsidiary in the United States.
  • You are joining a company’s headquarter for whom you are currently working.

Furthermore, an organisation can transfer a large number of employees under L1 blanket approval. It eliminates the requirement of getting individual approval for an L1 visa. An organisation can qualify for L1 blanket approval under the following circumstances:

  • The organisation’s original location is in the United States. The total employee strength is over 1000.
  • Annual sales of this organisation must be $25 million.
  • It has received L1 visa approval for at least 10 employees in the last 12 months.

Additionally, flexible eligibility criteria and minimal educational qualification compared to other work visas make it an ideal choice.

What Are the L1 Visa Interview Questions and Answers?

Below are what this guide will cover:

  • 7 general L1 visa interview questions
  • 6 common L1 interview questions and answers about your current Job
  • 6 common L1 interview questions about your work in the United States
  • 5 frequently asked L1A visa interview questions
  • 3 frequently asked L1B visa interview questions

7 General L1 Visa Interview Questions

  1. For which visa are you applying?

Hint: Answer that you are applying for an L1 visa.

  1. Can you confirm your name and contact details?

Hint: Answer this question appropriately.

  1. Can you provide your valid passport, visa fee receipt, and forms I-797, I-128 and DS-160?

Hint: Carry the documents mentioned above and submit the same when necessary.

  1. Have you visited the United States?

Hint: Provide a direct answer, that is, either yes or no.

  1. If you had visited the United States, then when did you return?

Hint: Provide him/her with the actual arrival date, month and year to India from the United States.

  1. Have you worked in foreign countries before?

Hint: Provide an honest answer to this question.

  1. Have you worked in the United States before?

Hint: If yes, provide him/her with a document proof as well.

6 Common L1 Visa Interview Questions About Your Current Job

Here, an immigration officer will check your current and past job experience. You may expect questions like:

  1. What is your work experience?

Hint: Provide a brief detail about your professional experience. Include your past and current job description in your answer.

  1. In which organisation are you currently working? For how many years have you been employed by this organisation?

Hint: Mention the name of your current employer and the number of years you have been working here.

  1. What is your employment type?

Hint: Answer accordingly.

  1. What are the duties of your present job position?

Hint: Provide the details of your daily job roles and responsibilities in the current organisation.

  1. Who was your past employer before this current organisation?

Hint: Mention the name of the organisation where you worked before. Furnish the details with document proof.

  1. What is your annual or monthly salary?

Hint: You may need to submit your bank statement as a document to prove the monthly or annual salary you receive at present.

  1. How many people are currently working under your supervision?

Hint: Mention the number and details of the people who are working under your supervision in your current organisation.

  1. What type of training did you receive?

Hint: Provide an answer according to the training you received.

6 Common L1 Interview Questions About Your Work in the United States

Below are some L1 visa interview questions and answers for the USA:

  1. Can you brief me about your job offer? What type of work does your organisation deal with?

Hint: An immigration officer demands an answer that includes details of the new position you have been offered. For the second question, provide details of the organisation’s work.

  1. What will be your salary in the United States? Will you be paid in dollars or other currency? Will you receive any allowances?

Hint: Answer this question with correct details. Mention if you will receive your salary in foreign currency. Also, if you receive any allowances, answer honestly to the immigration officer.

  1. Why do you need to transfer to the United States for your current role?

Hint: Provide a legitimate reason why you need to relocate to the United States to convince the immigration officer.

  1. Whom will you report to in the US? Mention the location

Hint: Provide the details of the organisation or people to whom you will report. Also, mention the location by providing exact details of the city or town in the United States.

  1. Where will you stay in the United States? How long will you stay?

Hint: Mention the city or town of the country where you will live. Also, answer the second question based on the requirement.

  1. What is your plan of action if your current employer terminates you from the job?

Hint: Provide an appropriate answer. This question demands actionable steps if you become unemployed during your stay in the United States.

5 Frequently Asked L1A Visa Interview Questions

  1. Can you dismiss and recruit employees in your upcoming job position?

Hint: Provide details about your authority in the company.

  1. When did you last terminate an employee from his/her job position?

Hint: Answer appropriately.

  1. Will you hold any control over the company’s budget?

Hint: If your answer is yes, provide details about the extent of your control and other crucial information.

  1. How many people will directly report to you?

Hint: Mention the number and details of the people who will report to you for their work.

  1. What will be your daily duties in your new job in the US?

Hint: Mention the details about what your job demands and what you are expected to perform.

3 Frequently Asked L1B Visa Interview Questions

  1. Can you mention the professional skills required for this US role?

Hint: Mention your skill sets to convince the immigration officer on why you fit this job role.

  1. What is your working experience in this profession?

Hint: Provide an answer with relevant information.

  1. Why do you think that a US citizen cannot perform this job?

Hint: This is a crucial question. Therefore, provide legitimate reasons to support your answer.

3 L1 Visa Interview Tips to Prepare Yourself

Below are some of the right preparation can help you to crack the L1 interview:

  1. Focus on Your Action

First, must sure you reach the venue at least 15 minutes earlier than the scheduled interview time. Opt for formal clothes. Stay confident while answering the questions. Remember to maintain eye contact with the immigration officer. Listen to questions carefully and respond accordingly and patiently to improve the chances of visa approval. At the end of the interview, express your gratitude by thanking the immigration officer.

  1. Honest Answers Are Must

Avoid skipping or providing false information to any L1 interview. The immigration officer verifies every answer. Any incorrect information will create a negative impression and eliminate your chances to crack this interview.

  1. Provide Simple Answers

Most of the questions are related to work. Hence avoid using technical terms and simple language to make it easier for an immigration officer to understand every answer.

Proper preparation and correct knowledge about the L1 interview process can help you land your dream job in the United States. Also, make sure to keep yourself updated with changes in eligibility parameters to avoid last-minute inconvenience.

Note: L1 visa interview takes place in the U.S Embassy or Consulate. The standard processing time of L1 visa applications is 6 to 12 months. However, if you apply under the L1 Blanket, the application takes approximately 1 to 3 weeks.

Credit to: godigit

DISCLAIMER: This post/guide and content is designed for general information only and is NOT legal advice. This site is not offering any legal advice, not offering any visa too. If you need legal advice, you should seek the advice of an attorney in your jurisdiction before taking any legal action.

The information presented in this post/guide should not be construed to be formal legal advice.

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