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DV-2024 Lottery Frequently Asked Questions & Answers

TOP 15 DV-2024 Lottery Frequently Asked Questions & Answers


DV 2024 Updates: In this guide you will learn the top 15 DV-2024 Lottery frequently asked questions and answers.

TOP 15 DV-2024 Lottery Frequently Asked Questions & Answers

Question 1: What is the DV lottery program?

Answer: The Diversity Visa (DV) lottery program is administered by the United States Department of State. The DV lottery immigration program grants up to 50,000 permanent resident cards annually to individuals worldwide that entered the DV Lottery.

Winners of the DV Lottery immigration program are chosen randomly by a computer drawing conducted, by the United States Department of State.

Question 2: Can I participate in the DV lottery?

Answer: Yes. If you are born in a qualifying country and meet either the education or job training requirement, then you can participate.

Question 3: Can I include my spouse and children?

Answer: Yes, you can include your spouse and any children 20 years or younger on your DV Lottery application. If your application is selected, your spouse and unmarried children 20 years and younger will also receive a permanent resident card.

Question 4: Is there a minimum age to apply?

Answer: No, there is no minimum age to apply.

The requirement of a high school degree or work experience for each principal applicant at the time of application effectively disqualify most people under 18 years old.

Question 5: Five are there requirements for education or work experience?

Answer: Yes, the educational requirement is that you must have at least a high school diploma or it’s equivalent or if you do not meet the educational requirement, then within the past five years you must have had two years of work experience in an occupation that requires at least two years of training or experience.

Question 6: I was born in a country that is not qualified, what can I do?

Answer: People born in countries that are not eligible to participate in this year DV Lottery may claim chargeability to the country where their spouse was born, and you can be charged to the country of birth of either of your parents, and neither parent was a resident of the ineligible country at the time of your birth.

If you were born in AB, a country that is not qualified and your spouse is born in DC, then you can claim DC as your country of birth, and you then qualify to enter the DV Lottery. You also include your spouse on your application.

Question 7: How many DV Lottery applicants will be selected?

Answer: Annually, the United States Department of State select up to 50,000 winners that will be granted a permanent resident card.

Question 8: Can I submit more than one entry?

Answer: No. The law governing the DV Lottery Immigration Program only allows one entry for each person during each DV Lottery year. Individuals that submit more than one entry are disqualified from the DV Lottery.

Question 9: Can I increase my chance of being selected for the DV Lottery?

Answer: No. A computer system will randomly select up to 50,000 winners, giving all applicants an equal chance of being selected. Married couples that have submitted a husband and wife application will double their chances of being selected, as they actually have two valid applications in the DV lottery draw.


Question 10: Can I participate in the DV lottery if I live in the U.S

Answer: Yes. DV lottery applicants that live in the United States or in another country can enter the DV lottery, and you are born in a qualifying country, it does not matter what country you live in today.

Question 11: Can I download and save the E-DV entry form into a word processing program and finish it later? 

Answer: No, you will not be able to save the form into another program for completion and submission later. The E-DV Entry Form is a web-form only. You must fill in the information and submit it while online.

Question 12: Can I save the form online and finish it later? 

Answer: No. The E-DV Entry Form is designed to be completed and submitted at one time. You will have 60 minutes, starting from when you download the form, to complete and submit your entry through the EDV website.

If you exceed the 60-minute limit and have not submitted your complete entry electronically, the system discards any information already entered. The system deletes any partial entries so that they are not accidentally identified as duplicates of a later, complete entry. Read the DV instructions completely before you start to complete the form online so that you know exactly what information you will need.

Question 13: How soon after I submit my entry will I receive the electronic confirmation notice? 

Answer: You should receive the confirmation notice immediately, including a confirmation number that you must record and keep.  However, the unpredictable nature of the Internet can result in delays.  You can hit the “Submit” button as many times as is necessary until a complete application is sent and you receive the confirm

Question 14: I hit the “Submit” button but did not receive a confirmation number.  If I submit another entry, will I be disqualified?

If you did not receive a confirmation number, your entry was not recorded. You must submit another entry.  It will not be counted as a duplicate.  Once you receive a confirmation number, do not resubmit your information.

Question 15: May my spouse and I each submit a separate entry?

Yes, each spouse may each submit one entry if each meets the eligibility requirements. If either spouse is selected, the other is entitled to apply as a derivative dependent.

So there’s top 15 DV-2024 Lottery Frequently Asked Questions & Answers.

DISCLAIMER: This post and content is designed for general information only and is NOT legal advice. This site is not offering any Diversity Visa and is not the official site for DV Lottery program. The information presented in this post should not be construed to be formal legal advice.

If you have any questions about the DV lottery, please contact an immigration professional/officer or a licensed attorney.

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