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Tag Archives: DV2024 Interview Scheduling

How to Use Interview Scheduling as a DV-2024 Applicant

DV Interview scheduling reports: This guide will explain what the interview scheduling reports are all about, and using examples, you will know how you can use these interview scheduling reports.

Note: Concerning the different case number ranges that are reported in the various interview scheduling reports. The case number ranges in the interview scheduling reports are actually case numbers that appear or that are shown the CEAC data. Most of you are aware that at the end of the working week, Xarthisius extracts the data from the CEAC website, and posts on their website. It is the case number ranges that are shown in the CEAC data that Xarthisius extracts that are present in the interview scheduling reports.

One reality that you should be aware of is that, all of that data is imported into this CEAC system by data entry workers at the U.S State Department. At the end of the working week, their staff enters the data. It is possible for the interview scheduling range that is reported for an embassy to not reflect the reality.

In other words, in the DV interview scheduling report, you may have a case number range that is lower than the actual case number range where interviews are being scheduled.

Over the weekend, those who enter the data in the CEAC system do not work, but when they resume work the following week, they continue from where they start. And so, generally, if at the end of one week, the exact situation or the reality is not presented in the interview scheduling report, the following week, the update will have been done and what you will get at the end of that second week will be the reality.

The CEAC data that Xarthisius extracts and posts on their website contains data related to interview scheduling. The importance of that data for you, a diversity visa applicant, is to give you an idea of how far or how close interview scheduling is from your case number.

For example, in the interview scheduling report, if Nairobi is currently at the 42,000 case number range, it tells applicants who are with case numbers just above 42,000 case number range that interview scheduling has come close to their case number range and that soon they can expect to be scheduled for interview.

It also indicates to those applicants assigned to the embassy in Nairobi with much higher case numbers, e.g 80,000 case number range, for example, that interview scheduling is still far from their case number, and so they cannot expect to be scheduled for interview soon.

That is how you should understand or interpret the various case number ranges that are present in the interview scheduling reports every weekend.

It doesn’t only concern your case number, the Interview scheduling reports also reflect the performance and the prospects of the embassy where you are assigned. How does that work? The time that interview scheduling takes at a certain case number range at an embassy, is an indication of the performance and the prospects for interview at that embassy.

For example, for Accra embassy, since the first CEAC data were released at the beginning of this year, Accra has been at 3,704, that’s the highest case number that have so far been at the Accra Embassy. And for the last three months, Accra has remained at that same position. That is an indication that the Accra Embassy is not performing well.

In addition to that, that is also an indication that prospects for interview at the Accra Embassy are bad. That’s another way you can use interview scheduling at your embassy as a diversity visa applicant.

With that, there should be no need why applicants should continue to ask concerning their chances of interview at this embassy or at the other embassy. Both the interview scheduling reports and the embassy prospects report should indicate to you as a diversity visa applicant, your chances of being scheduled for interview or the prospects of you being scheduled for interview, at each one of the various embassies represent in these reports.

That is how you should use DV interview scheduling as a diversity visa applicant.

In case you are in the position to access the CEAC data and see how far interview scheduling is at your embassy on a regular basis, say on a weekly basis, then it’s okay. But in case you cannot do that for yourself, perhaps you do not have the time, then the easier option will be to follow the interview scheduling report here because just by reading for a few minutes, you will have an idea of whether interview scheduling has taken a step closer to your case number range.

You will have an idea of your prospects or your chances for interview being assigned at your embassy.

Also, this concerns all regions, not just the Africa region, using Nairobi and Accra as examples, if you are not assigned at that embassy, all you need to do is to apply the concept to your own case. That is how it works.

DISCLAIMER: This post and content is designed for general information only and is NOT legal advice. This site is not offering any Diversity Visa and is not the official site for DV Lottery program. The information presented in this post should not be construed to be formal legal advice. If you have any questions about the DV lottery, please contact an immigration professional/officer or a licensed attorney.

DV-2024 Program: March 2024 Visa Bulletin and APRIL Cut-Off Numbers Published

We are in the month of February 2024 and what is expected around this time of the month is the release of the visa bulletin. The visa bulletin for the month of March 2024, which was expected to be released in this month of February, has now been released. And as expected, that visa bulletin contains the new cut-off numbers, the ones to apply in the month of April 2024 as part of the DV-2024 program.

This guide will inform you concerning the publication of the visa bulletin, the latest movements that have occurred in the Regional Cut-off Numbers as a result of the release of this visa bulletin.

Visa Bulletin for March 2024 and APRIL Cut-Off Numbers

Below are the new cut-off numbers that will apply in the DV-2024 program during the month of April 2024.

March 2024 Visa Bulletin and APRIL Cut-Off Numbers
Visa Bulletin for March 2024 and APRIL Cut-Off Numbers

For the Africa region, the cut-off number has been established at 45,000. For the Asia region, it has been established at 7200. For the Europe region, it has been established at 17,500. For the North American region, it has been maintained at 13. For the Oceania region, it has been established at 1,250. For the South America region, it has been established at 2,400.

Moving over to the exceptional countries and beginning once again in the Africa region, the cut-off number that has been established for Algeria is 42,000. For Egypt, it is 30,000. For Morocco it is 35,000.

Then we continue with the exception countries of the Asia region. In the case of Iran, it is 7000. For Nepal it is 6000.

Then to the exceptional countries of the Europe region and for Russia it is 17,400. And finally for Uzbekistan it is 7000.

If we should compare these with the cut-off numbers for the month of March 2024, in the case of the Africa region, the cut-off number for March 2024 is 40,000, but it has been increased to 45,000 for the month of April 2024.

In the case of the Asia region, for the month of March, the cut-off number is 7000, and for the month of April it has been increased to 7200.

For Europe, for the month of March, the cut-off number is 16,000, and for April it has moved to 17,500.

Concerning the North American region, it was maintained at 13. In the case of the Oceania region for the month of March, it is 1200, and for the month of April it has increased to 1,250 for the South American region. For the month of March it was 2200, and for the month of April it has increased to 2400.

Then over to the exceptional countries and beginning in the Africa region for the month of March. The cut-off number established for Algeria was 35,000, it has increased to 42,000 for the month of April. For Egypt, for the month of March, it is 25,000 and it has increased to 30,000 for the month of April.

In the case of Morocco, for the month of March, it is 27,500, and for the month of April it has moved to 35,000.

For the exception countries from the Asia region, in the case of Iran, for the month of March, the code of number established is 6750, and it has moved to 7000 for the month of April. In the case of Nepal, for the month of March, it is 5000 and it has moved to 6000 for the month of April.

Finally, the movement for the exceptional countries in the Europe region. In the case of Russia, for the month of March, the cut-off number established is 15,500, and it has moved for the month of April to 17,400. For Uzbekistan, where for the month of March the cutoff number established is 5750, and for the month of April it has moved to 7000.

Those are the cut-off numbers that will apply in the DV-2024 program during the month of April 2024, as well as the latest movements that occurred across the various regions and exceptional countries.

In upcoming guides, we will learn other aspects of the new cut-off numbers, and in addition, in case you would like to access this information from the official webpage, then this is the link leading to that page.

Thanks for reading.

DISCLAIMER: This post and content is designed for general information only and is NOT legal advice. This site is not offering any Diversity Visa and is not the official site for DV Lottery program. The information presented in this post should not be construed to be formal legal advice.

DV 2024 CEAC Data Table | DV 2024 Latest Statistics | Number of DV-2024 Visas Issued

As the DV 2024 program progresses, this is the statistics of the program at the end of the January 15 to January 19 working week. Before we go into the statistics, we are all aware that this data is extracted by Xarthisius and posted to their website. This guide will break in details, the information that features in the DV 2024 CEAC data table.

2024 Diversity Visa Interview Statistics

Below is the current status of interviews and visas in the DV 2024 Program, as at January 20th, 2024.

DV 2024 CEAC Data Table
DV 2024 Latest Statistics

What makes this above presentation interesting is that it shows you how cases progress after the current for interview scheduling stage of the diversity visa application process. In other words, this presentation shows you the stages that cases go through after they get scheduled for interview.

As shown in the table, they first appear is “In Transit”. That is, they are shown being transferred from KCC to their respective embassies and consulates.

Next is the “Ready Stage”, which shows cases registered at the different embassies and consulates ready for interview.

Then after that, come the interview outcome stages. That is, what happens to the cases after they are interviewed. And as you can see from the table, either they are placed on ordinary Administrative Processing, placed on “221G Administrative Processing”, “Permanently Refused”, or they get “Issued”.

There is another important aspect of this presentation that you will discover as to get closer to the end of interview scheduling in this year’s program, it will be shared soon.

Going into details of the data above, there are a couple of things to note on.

Firstly, the number of visas that have so far been issued out. That is found in the final column in the data. As you can see for the Africa region, so far, a total of 3,158 diversity visas have been issued out. For Asia, 1,117. For Europe, 3,536. For North America, 5, for Oceania, 181, and for South America, 290, bringing the total number of visas issued out so far in the DV 2024 program to 8,287.

Knowing that there are a total of about 55,000 visas allocated to the DV 2024 program, it means that there are still around 47,000 visas left to be issued out. But some of those visas have already been booked by the cases that are currently awaiting interview.

The second item at the bottom of the third column, the number of applicants who are currently ready for interview. From the data, there are 15,399 applicants currently awaiting interview in the DV 2024 program, and as most of them will be issued visa at the end of the day, we can say that if you have not yet received your interview notification, then the total number of visas left for you to be issued is actually far less than 47,000.

The 15,399 applicants currently ready for Interview include those that are still to be interviewed during what is left of this month of January, all of those that are to be interviewed during the month of February, and most of those that are to be interviewed during the month of March.

Interview notifications continue to be sent out for the month of March, so in case your case number falls within the range that are indicated for your region as being concerned by interviews to be conducted during that month of March, after the last visa bulletin was released, then continue to look out for your interview notification because at any time it could show up, provided your case has reached the end of your embassy queue.

Those are the statistics of the DV 2024 program at the end of the January 15 to January 19 working week. This is an exercise that is going to be presented on a weekly basis, and so look out for the next statistics for this year’s program on subsequent weeks.

DISCLAIMER: This post and content is designed for general information only and is NOT legal advice. This site is not offering any Diversity Visa and is not the official site for DV Lottery program. The information presented in this post should not be construed to be formal legal advice.

DV 2024: Second Interview Scheduling Report

As at the time of posting this guide, this is the second week since the first CEAC data was released, and today we will learn about the second report concerning DV-2024 interview scheduling at your different embassies and consulates.

The situation of interviews at your embassy or consulate is key to determining your prospects for interview in a diversity visa program. That is why I present these interview scheduling reports on a weekly basis.

Visit this site every week for updates relating to interview scheduling at your embassy or consulate.

DV 2024 Second Interview Scheduling Report

Below is the situation of Interview Scheduling at embassies or consulates:

From the above image, At the U.S Embassy in Doha Qatar, for the Africa region, interview scheduling is currently at 5,900 plus, and for the Asia region is 2,300 plus.

Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, for the Africa region is 9,400 plus, the Asia region, 4,300 plus. Warsaw, Poland, that’s in the Europe region, interview scheduling at that embassy is currently at 13,100 plus.

Rangun, Burma, or Myanmar, that’s in the Asia region, interview scheduling is currently at that embassy is currently at 5,400 plus.

To Alger, Algeria, 25,100 plus. Next is Da’er Salam, Tanzania, 19,500 plus. Dakar, Senegal, 25,100 plus. Lomé, Togo is 26,400 plus.

Then to London, the UK, and for the Africa region, interview scheduling is currently at 24,600 plus, for the Asia region, 5,200 plus. For the Europe region, 12,700 plus. And for the Oceania region, 400 plus.

Mumbai, India, For the Africa region, interview scheduling is currently at 26,100 plus at that embassy, and for the Asia region, 5,300 plus.

Next is Johannesburg, South Africa, where interview scheduling is currently at the 20,800 plus. Then to Yerevan, Armenia, where for the Asia region, interview scheduling is currently at 5,400 plus, and for the Europe region, 11,300 plus.

Suva, Fiji, Interview scheduling at that embassy is currently at 800 plus. Islamambad, Pakistan, that’s in the Asia region. Interview scheduling is currently at 5,400 plus.

To Abu Dhabi, the UAE, for the Africa region, interview scheduling is currently at 19,500 plus. For the Asia region, 5,400 plus, and for the Europe region, 6,400 plus.

Freetown, Sierra Lone, Interview scheduling is at 25,800 plus at that embassy, followed by Kigali, Rwanda, 10,800 plus.

Colombo, Sri Lanka, in the Asia region, Interview scheduling is currently at 1,600 plus at that embassy.

Monrovia, Liberia, 26,400 plus. Accra, Ghana is 3,700 plus, followed by Yaoundé, Cameroon, 26,400 plus.

Then to Kathmandu, Nepal, and for the Africa region, interview scheduling is currently at 17,500 plus, and for the Asia region, 3,800 plus.

Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, where interview scheduling is at 1,800 plus, followed by Nairobi, Kenya, 26,400 plus, and finally to Harari, Zimbabwe, where interview scheduling is currently at 25,700 plus.

Source: DV and More

DISCLAIMER: This post and content is designed for general information only and is NOT legal advice. This site is not offering any Diversity Visa and is not the official site for DV Lottery program. The information presented in this post should not be construed to be formal legal advice.

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