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How to write Letter of Acceptance into Canada University

Letter of Acceptance Canada Sample: In this guide, we will discuss about the letter of acceptance (LOA). We will discuss how to secure or get LOA, what are the admission requirements, how to write LOA, sample of Letter of acceptance into Conestoga College Canada, and many more.

Make sure you read this article/guide about Letter of Acceptance Canada Sample from beginning to the end.

What is letter of acceptance in Canada?

A letter of acceptance, or what can be known as an offer letter or offer of admission, is a mandatory document required by Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) in an application for a Canadian study permit or ‘student visa’.

How to get a letter of acceptance from Canada

The Letter of Acceptance is mandatory in the application for a Canada study permit. To obtain a Letter of Acceptance, a potential student may first submit an application to a Designated Learning Institution (DLI). If he or she is successful, the institution may issue a Letter of Acceptance.

The Designated Learning Institution (DLI) should be familiar with issuing acceptance letters for international students, however the applicant should verify that all necessary information has been included.

When submitting a letter of acceptance, Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) requires detailed information about the applicant, the institution that issued the letter of acceptance, and the program the applicant has been accepted into.

How to write an acceptance letter of admission

“I am writing to accept your offer to enroll in the undergraduate e.g Biology program and attend your university in the fall. I look forward to beginning my studies at your university with great anticipation and am thrilled to be writing this acceptance letter.”

Below is a sample of Letter of acceptance into Conestoga College Canada

Letter of acceptance into Conestoga College Canada

How long does it take to get an acceptance letter from a university in Canada?

To increase your chances of being accepted, you should submit your application 8 to 12 months before courses start. You will receive an official letter of acceptance from the university one or two months after applications have closed.

How do I know if a study offer letter is genuine Canada?

In many cases, IRCC or ESDC check whether the offer of the job by the employer is genuine or not by verifying the wages and the work conditions attached to the job as well as the contact information of the employer. Another way is to check or verify it through the Immigration service Canada (ICS).

Conditional Letter of Acceptance Sample For Canada Study Permit

What is Conditional Letter of Acceptance? Click here to read more

In conclusion

When an international student applies for a Canadian study permit, they must provide a valid acceptance letter proving that they have been officially accepted to enroll/register at a Designated Learning Institution (DLI) in Canada. Without providing an acceptance letter, a study permit application will be refused.

If the applicant is submitting their application online, they must include a scanned copy of the acceptance letter. If, on the other hand, they are submitting a paper-based application, they must include an original copy of the acceptance letter for the immigration officer.

Disclaimer: These information above is not in any way considered or will be consider an officially guide for making/writing a Letter of Acceptance (LOA). This is just some search engine (google, youtube) research skills that I got. So am not in any way an expert, am not working in immigration or am not immigration officer or am not an immigration consultant. Thanks.

How to Get Scholarship to Study in UK Universities

In this post article, you will learn how to get scholarship to study in UK (United Kingdom) Universities. You will also know some funding options available for you, as well as understand the process of applying for scholarships for many prospective students. How to get scholarship in uk universities

The main obstacle or problem is coming to study to the UK is the cost of education and to be honest, sometimes it’s very hard to get free education (i.e fully funded by scholarship, government or university) in the UK by free. But you can get a scholarship from many universities and you can expect to get from 10 to 50% reduction on your fees of the course.

Also keep in mind, the higher the level of study you’re going to pursue, the higher the chances of you getting a scholarship. how to get scholarship in uk universities

Types of University Scholarships in UK

There are a few types of university scholarships in the UK.

  1. Scholarship based on Educational excellence

These types of grants are solely based on the grades you’re going to get in your exams. It depends on the university you are going to study at, the course, but just let you know you have to be way above average to be considered.

  1. Scholarships based on the country you’re from

If you’re coming from a developing country and you never studied abroad and you’re planning to come back to your home country to make a positive impact, many UK universities will consider to sponsor you. You can even get the whole master’s course paid for you.

  1. Scholarships based on the school you’re currently studying

For example, many schools have ties to UK universities. School specific grants are usually given to students with exceptional grades. You have to check with your school if they have any links with British universities, if they work with the universities and can help you get scholarship.

Also, if you are choosing school right now, it’s probably worth asking them if they have any links to British University.

  1. Scholarship based on Course Specific

So there are some scholarships available from universities overall, but there are also separate schools within the universities, such as School of Engineering or Business Studies that provide specific scholarships.

  1. Scholarship based on sport achievement.

What I mean by sport excellence is some kind of achievement that you have on national or international level in your sport. Obviously, the university will consider if your achievement is significant enough for a scholarship, but do keep in mind if you have some exceptional talent, if you’re good at any sport, you should use it to get a scholarship.

As you can see, there are so many scholarship options available for universities. Now, what’s the process of actually obtaining these?

How to Obtain a Scholarship in UK?

Step 1: Research

This is the most important step. Some people just apply for university and then check: oh, are there any scholarships? If scholarship and funding help is super important to you, do your research beforehand. You have to research whether the university has any scholarships that are suitable for you. So do you research, check the criteria, are your grades good enough, are you from the country the scholarship required to be from, are you meeting the deadlines.

So many universities offer very specific unique scholarships. For example, scholarship for a woman from a Commonwealth country that wants to study physics. Perhaps this is you, but how would you know about this scholarship available if you never did your research? You could be both a candidate for a scholarship you never found.

Step 2: Apply to Universities

It is also quite important, but probably very logical. You have to apply for these universities. Before applying for a scholarship, you usually have to apply for university. This is the case for most undergraduate scholarships, for master’s sometimes you can be considered for scholarships along with application for PhD as well.

But what’s the point of paying for scholarships, preparing all this application, if you haven’t even got the place. You have to prepare a very strong application because not just the grades will be considered, your personal statement as well. This personal statement could be looked at when you will be considered for a scholarship. So perhaps it’s worth putting in extra effort into your personal statement, making sure you demonstrate all your skills, show your leadership qualities, show your talents, take time preparing the application.

Steps 3: Apply for a scholarship

You apply for scholarship once you get an offer, that’s when the scholarship application comes in. I recommend to emailing the universities just to find out what are the requirements for scholarship applications. The website could be clear, but still, what if there are any changes? Why don’t you just send them a quick e-mail saying “Hello, I have an offer from your university and I would like to be considered for a scholarship”.

What do you need for your application?

Obviously, you have been working very hard to get amazing grades, so now it’s time to pay attention to your scholarship application. There are four main things that could be part of your scholarship application to get scholarship in uk universities

  1. Motivational letter

Make sure you write very clearly, you answer the questions they ask. You show not just how great you are, but also how the scholarship will benefit you, what you’re going to do with your career plans.

  1. Reference Letters or maybe a few of them.

So you have to think about who you’re going to ask for a reference letter, make sure that person knows about the format of the letter that is required. They speak good English and know you well enough about your career plans and they know why you deserve the scholarship.

  1. Attend an interview at the university

It could be by Skype, by call or in person. There are so many aspects for a success in an interview, so I’m sure you’ll do your research and they can cover this whole topic in this post article.

  1. Financial Letters/documents

Nowadays, there are not that many scholarships available for students in the financial hardships, but it could help if you are struggling financially. So do ask universities if they require any proof of your financial struggle. But this could not even help you, as most of the scholarships are based on academic merit only.

Step 4: Hope for the best!

If you put your best effort into your grades and application, you will get something. Just make sure you plan in advance. Prepare, do your research, be patient and hope for the best.

Study, Work and Scholarship in Canada

Work and study in Canada scholarships: If you want to study and work in Canada, here are what you need to know.

Why is everyone moving to Canada?

Canada is a modern, progressive, open and tolerant multicultural society with two official languages, English and French.

Over the past ten years, the Canadian government’s policy have been directed at increasing international student population. In 2015, studies shows that there are over 350,000 international students studied in Canada. As at 2020, this number increased to 500,000 students.

Also, one of the most distinctive features of the Canadian educational system is that each of the ten provincial governments is responsible for the universities in their province. E.g Universities in Ontario province tend to be very popular with international students and this makes it also the most expensive.

As an international student, you can work in Canada with or without a work permit, as long as you have your valid study/student permit, while you study in Canada. Even after graduation, you can enter the Canadian labor force. If you have a student permit and are enrolled full time in an eligible institution, you may walk on campus without a work permit.

If you have a study permit and are enrolled full time in an academic, professional or vocational training program at a designated learning institution, you may walk off campus without a work permit. As a student, you can walk up to twenty hours (20hrs) a week.

In Canada, minimum wage varies from province to province and as between eleven dollars ($11) and fifteen dollars ($15) per hour. At 20hours work per week, you can earn a minimum of two hundred and twenty dollars ($220) or three hundred dollars ($300) per week depending on your location.

If you receive your student permit after June 1, your student permit will indicate if you are able to walk off campus. If so, you are allowed to work for up to twenty hours per week while your program is in session and full time during scheduled breaks in the academic calendar.

But get this, you must apply for a postgraduates work permit in order to work in Canada after your studies. Working in Canada can go a long way towards helping you immigrate after education.

Working In Canada As An International Student has its own criteria which must be met in other not not violate the law of the country. You may be eligible to work on or off campus as a student only if you meet specific eligibility criteria.

Students must have the following documents in other to be qualified work while studying:

  • A valid Study Permit with work permit Must be enrolled full time.
  • Must have a Social Insurance Number (SIN) before starting to work.
  • Medical examination is required for certain occupations (eg. jobs at schools, childcare, Elder-care, food industry and etc.).

Note: Please you can do more proper research on your own, to get more facts and details on this information.

Why Study and Work in Canada for International Students?

Here are top three reasons why Canada is becoming increasingly attractive for international students.

  1. World Class Academic Qualification

Academic qualifications from Canada are well respected around the world. Canada has high academic standards. 21 of the world’s top 500 universities are in Canada. The country offers the world’s best study programs and is home to some of the world’s leading research facilities and academic institutions.

Studying in Canada will provide introductions and open many doors to an excellent future and career advancement. Your certificate is equivalent to certificates from programs in the United States and the UK.

  1. Safe and Secure Communities

You can find a Safe and secure communities to leave and study. Cities in Canada like Vancouver, Calgary and Toronto are listed as some of the world’s most livable cities in the world. As a Canadian temporary residence and while you study in Canada, you can enjoy many of these rights, freedom and privileges that protects Canadian citizens.

  1. Options after graduation.

There are loads of options open to you after you have completed your study in Canada program.

  • You can either continue your program or pursue advanced degrees;
  • return home with a highly valuable Canadian degree, diploma or certificate and work experience, which is highly respect around the world or
  • get work experience in Canada

Now, you might be asking about tuition fees. Studies and research have shown that tuition fees for international students are lower in Canada than in many other countries, such as the United States, Australia and the United Kingdom. The average undergraduate tuition fee in Canada is in the region of 25,000 Canadian dollars per annum.

Like any other European or American Universities, MBA degrees are the most expensive degrees in Canada. You would need to set aside around 40,000CAD for a regular MBA program and 60,000CAD for an executive MBA program.

Note: You can also carryout your own research on these information and figures above, for proper information and figures at the current time.

Remember that each province coordinates the universities in their province. This means that this tuition fees are only average. Also, if you intend to work and study in Canada, you must supply sufficient evidence that you can pay for your tuition and living expenses before you arrive in Canada.

However, it will interest you to know that a lot of generous scholarships are available for international students every year. Canadian tertiary schools, foundations and international organizations offer scholarship to international students every year. For instance, through the MasterCard scholarship program, young Africans can get fully funded undergraduate or master’s admission into the top Canadian Universities.

University scholarships for international students are offered by 80% of Canadian University and can be found on the university’s website. Application for admission opens around September every year. If you want to win any of this scholarship, you must meet the requirement and apply early.

In some cases, some of those programs insist that you go back to your home country after completing your studies as part of the scholarship requirement. Don’t forget to budget for your woolen cloth for the Canadian weather.

Please do proper research on your own, to get more facts and details on scholarship, work and study in Canada.  There are ample resources online to get genuine information you need.

DISCLAIMER: This post/guide and content is designed for general information only and is NOT legal advice. This site is not offering any legal advice, not offering any visa too. If you need legal advice, you should seek the advice of an attorney in your jurisdiction before taking any legal action.

Information presented in this guide is solely based on research. The information contained on this guide shall not be considered as legal services or legal advice.

Learn How to Qualify to Win the Best Scholarships to Study Abroad

To qualify to Win the best Scholarships to Study Abroad, there three major and essential qualities that are very important.

The best investment is to grant access to quality education, mentorship and training to young people, mostly from developing countries, so that this people will go on to make significant impact in their communities based on what they learn.

There are majority of students that approach scholarship applications with almost zero knowledge about why this scholarship is offered, what the scholarship provider stands for, their vision and mission, the purpose and objective of the scholarship and how they fit into all of this. To be realistic, nobody wants to give away money without a reason.

3 Essential Qualities to Win the Best Scholarships to Study Abroad

Every funding organization has a clear reason for giving away money to strangers. It is your job as an applicant to find out the purpose of every program you want to benefit from. If you can demonstrate strength in this three essential qualities, you will create an impression with any scholarship committee.

  1. Academic Performance

Whether it’s a need based or merit based award, most scholarship providers will take into consideration your overall commitment to academics. Even if the scholarship does not require a high level of academic performance, the provider will consider your grades or any indication that you take your studies seriously.

After all, the organization wants to keep a track record of awarding scholarships to deserving candidates. Usually the minimum academic requirement expects candidates to cross that minimum threshold.

A well rounded and well presented applicant with second class upper result will stand better chance than a first class candidate who has nothing else to show. If you do not have an excellent result, you do not have to write off scholarships just yet.

There are scholarships that accepts below excellent grades, but as you can imagine, they are even more competitive. The safe path is to work on the academic performance while you have the chance.

  1. Extracurricular Activities and Volunteering

Extracurricular activities are anything you do that is no part of your school curriculum. They are informal education that helps you develop other parts of your humanity beyond academics. Volunteering is a form of extracurricular activity where you contribute your time and skills to serve a course.

Outside classroom, the scholarship judges want to know what activities you are involved in. Volunteering for a cause you believe in show not only that you are civic minded, but also that you care about something broader than your own advancement.

According to past Mandela Rhodes and Commonwealth scholarship winner by name Leticia:

“Winning scholarship was not only about having good marks academically, but above extracurricular and volunteer activities that I was involved with. I was always engaged since high school. It wasn’t just about studying at university, it was also about being involved in different associations that I could be involved with.”

You can also talk about how you have been involved in track and field events, playing musical instruments in church and so on, because it will play a role in getting you a scholarship.

In addition to all the benefits of extracurricular activities, you can easily get letters of recommendation from your supervisors who will emphasize your commitment and dedication.

However, don’t get involved in activities because you want to get a scholarship. Instead, you should do it because you love and care about what you’re doing. Realize that apart from the possibility of getting scholarships, you are also building your personality and career from those activities.

  1. Leadership Potential

The most prestigious and high incentive scholarship awards go to candidates that demonstrate leadership potential. If you excel in both your academic and extracurricular activities, you must have demonstrated leadership potential. According to Charles, a scholar in the game of chess, the king is the most important, but the queen is the most powerful. Leadership is like the queen, while academy is like the king.

Leadership potential is not demonstrated by the positions you have held, but by how you have influenced yourself or other people to handle situations and solve problems around you.

If you have made any positive impact through your voluntary and extracurricular activities, you can use this to demonstrate your leadership ability in your applications.

In Summary

Organizations expect something in return when giving away scholarship money. Your job is to identify what you have done that fits the objective of the scholarship provider, then highlight those activities, achievements and interests that will make the most positive impression on whoever is evaluating your application.

Hopefully this educative article helps you be better prepared to explore the numerous funding opportunities out there and I believe you have learned one lesson or more from this post article.

Don’t forget to share this post article out so that someone else will learn too. Thanks.

How to Write a Successful Letter of Explanation for Canada Study Permit

One of the reasons for your refusals, if you are planning to apply for a Canada study permit, is your L.O.E i.e the Letter of Explanation. Some people also call it S.O.P i.e statement of purpose, or you can just easily call it Study Letter. In this post article, you will learn those information that you need to put in your letter to be a successful document.

You will also get some Sample of Letter of Explanation for Canada Study Permit from different experiences or different backgrounds like business, hospitality and culinary, nursing or health care, engineering, and also so example of an L.O.E of a family visa application.

What is an L.O.E or a Letter of Explanation?

As I mentioned earlier, they also call it S.O.P (statement of purpose), or you can easily say is Study Letter. Letter of explanation is a letter that helps a visa officer to understand you and your goals. It also explains why you want to study in Canada and that you understand your responsibilities as a student.

How to Achieve a Successful Letter of Explanation Canada study permit

So let look at the information that you need to indicate to have a successful Letter of Explanation. Although it may vary from person to person or applicant per applicant.

  1. Introduction

You need to introduce yourself. You need to provide your name, age, highest educational attainment, name of university or college, what was your course or major when you were in university and your work experiences. With your work experiences, you can also indicate what type of jobs that you had, how many years have you worked, and also that achievements that you gained while you were working.

So remember, in this part you need to tell who you are to the visa officer.

  1. Why did you choose to Study in Canada?

There are a lot of countries now that you can go to study, for example, the US, New Zealand, Australia, UK, France and a lot more. So in this part, you need to provide the reason why do you really want to study in Canada. I will give you examples:

First example: So I want to study in Canada because I can benefit from the world class education system that encourages cross-disciplinary studies and the development of transferable skills.

Second example: I enjoy an excellent quality of life, especially with a cost of living which is lower than other countries.

Third example: I want to have an enriching cultural experience. Since Canada is a highly diverse population, resulting in a rich and vibrant cultural scene.

So those are examples of reason why I really wanted to study in Canada. It is advisable for you not to indicate that regarding the residency pathway in Canada, the reason behind that is the application that you will be submitting to the embassy is for you to go to Canada and study. So don’t indicate that you will work after your graduation or after your studies. Focus on the things and informing the visa officer that you will study here in Canada, not anything else.

  1. Why did you choose your school college/university?

You need to answer why you choose your school, College or university. You need to provide the reason why you have chosen your institution. So in this part you need to do your own research. What are the good qualities? What are the positive and good attributes of the school, college or university? You can also indicate the location of your college or university. What are the beautiful places and cultures of the province or the city itself?

Also, if there are different campuses of your chosen institution, you can also indicate what a specific campus you will be so that the visa officer will know that you are really prepared and you really know the environment that you are going to.

  1. Why did you choose your Program?

So once you indicated why you chose your institution, you need to answer the next question. Why did you choose your program? So remember that you need to provide the reason why you have chosen your program or programs. Remember, if you are planning to study in Canada and you have chosen two programs, don’t forget to indicate and give a reason for each event. You can also incorporate the relationship of your past experiences.

For example, indicate when you were still in university or college, your past work experiences, your related jobs or volunteering, so that the visa officer will understand why you chose that specific program. So in this file you can also write in your letter if this program will really help you in the future.

But if you have chosen a program that is different from your past experiences or different from your studies, you need to defend the reason why you are changing your career path.

  1. Who will support your studies?

So in this section, write in your letter, who is supporting you or who is sponsoring you to study here in Canada. For example, if your parents will be supporting you throughout your studies in Canada. In this part, you need to provide some details about your parents. But the documents should be supported, like for example, their employment certificate, if they are working the businesses, assets or even the properties if they have.

Same thing is applicable if it’s your relative that will support you in your education. Provide those documents and details, but you also need to include the proof of relationship and same thing if someone will support you, but not a relative or not your parents. For example, same thing is applicable with your friend or friends of your family or friends of your parents, you will provide those documents and also attach the proof of a genuine relationship with them.

And lastly, if you have a scholarship or a sponsorship from an organization or institution, you need to provide the reason for how did you get the sponsorship. It is better to provide a letter of support or affidavit of support from those people who will be helping you with your education.

Some different samples of L.O.E. These are from different backgrounds. These are from different experiences when they were still applying for a Canada study permit.

Important Information You Need To Indicate In Your Letter of Explanation

Now, let us talk about the most important and most crucial information that you need to indicate that to have a successful letter of explanation.

  1. Home ties

So for the ties of your home country, you need to provide documents and reasons. You need to assure the visa officer that after you graduated and after your studies, you will return to your home country. The example of these documents are if you have your own business, properties or even any assets that you have, and it is so much better if these documents are with your name. You can also add certificate of employment. So this shows that you really work in your country.

What if you don’t have your businesses, properties or any assets, that will be fine, you can also indicate the family or family member that you will live in your home country, e.g your mother, father or your siblings and also if you are married, your wife, your husband or even child, so you can indicate that you will go back to your home country because of your family or family members.

Remember, your recent of ties of your home country must be sufficiently strong to ensure that you are motivated to return home after your studies in Canada.

You also need to indicate in your Letter of Explanation that you understood all responsibilities and duties as international student, especially if you are working off campus with maximum of 20 hours per week during your academic semester.

Sample of Letter of Explanation for Study Permit in Canada

Below are some sample example of Letter of Explanation for study Permit in Canada for some courses.

    • Sample Example of Hospitality and Culinary Letter of Explanation in Canada

Sample Example of a Business Letter of Explanation in Canada

  • Sample Example of Accountancy Graduate Letter of Explanation in Canada

Sample Example of Accountancy Graduate Letter of Explanation in Canada

  • Sample Example for Engineering Program Letter of Explanation in Canada

Sample Example for Engineering Program Letter of Explanation in Canada

In Summary

  • Show the visa officer (VO) that you are going back to your home country after graduation.
  • Be genuine and honest in all your documents.
  • Be positive in all the information that you will provide.
  • Read the L.O.E (Letter of explanation) again and again.
  • Your main goal is to Study in Canada.

So those are some of the information that you need to indicate to have a successful letter of explanation for Canada Study Permit.

Disclaimer: These information above is not in any way considered or will be consider an officially guide for making a Letter of Explanation(L.O.E). This is just some search engine (google, youtube) research skills that I got. So am not in any way an expert nor am I working in immigration or immigration officer. Thanks.

How to Win a scholarship without IELTS or TOEFL

Do you know that you can study abroad, even on scholarship without IELTS or TOEFL? Are you interested in completing your study abroad but IELTS or TOEFL is a big problem? Then, this guide is meant for you. In this guide, you will learn how to win a scholarship without IELTS or TOEFL in 2022.

Many times people do ask if it is possible to get a scholarship without writing an English test. Yes, it is possible to get a scholarship, an international scholarship without writing an English test like IELTS or TOEFL, depending on the country awarding it.

While there are some abroad universities that don’t ask for TOEFL/IELTS test scores, others also grant admission to non-English speaking international students on the condition that they undertake other kinds of Proficiency Tests like the Intensive English Language Program (IELP).

It is also common knowledge that many of these universities abroad, outside your country, we have for English test out here, but there are so many other programs or universities that may also not ask for it.

In general information, there are also many universities and programs that may not require IELTS or TOEFL, but there are a few points to take note of.

How to Win a scholarship without IELTS or TOEFL

  1. Where did you do your previous education and what language did you do to speakers at your previous education?

There are so many countries and many universities in different countries that are willing to present candidates that did their previous education, maybe their high school, their bachelor’s, their master’s in English language, most particularly in an English speaking country. It could be a country that their native language is English or a country where their native language is not English but their official language is English. Education taught in the schools is in English language.

In many cases, there are several universities that are willing to exempt candidates from writing English test like IELTS or TOEFL, if they can show to them that they have done their previous education like undergraduate, bachelor or masters, and even in a few cases their high school education in purely English language.

Usually, some of these schools or programs may ask you to present a document that is like a proof of English proficiency. Your university where you get your bachelor’s or your master’s degree, can write you a letter stating that your education was done entirely in English language. And in many cases, this letter from your previous university is sufficient proof that you have good enough knowledge of English language to be able to pursue academic activities in English language.

What that communicate to the school where you are applying to an admission or scholarship is that, if you have done an entire degree or an entire academic program of more than one year or two years in the university in English language. It proves to them that you succeeded in that your previous academic education, and it also proves to them that you have sufficient English language knowledge to be able to pursue further education in English language.

So many schools, universities in different countries are willing to consider students that have done previous education in English language and exempted from having to write English language test.

  1. Schools/Colleges/Universities Requirements

There are universities that will list different countries on their website that if you have studied in this country or a citizen of this country, you are exempted from writing English language.

This may includes several countries that their native language, their mother tongue is not English language, but their official language is English and university education and all most education in that countries is done in English language. So you can easily get an extension for that.

What you simply need to do is that, when you want to apply, look through the requirement in the school you are considering. If you don’t want to write IELTS or TOEFL, look for a list of university to have programs that you want to apply to and check their English language requirements.

  1. Be Focus

If you don’t want to write English test, simply focus on the ones that are willing to exempt you from writing, or maybe just willing to accept your application by presenting a document from your previous university or previous school that you did your previous education in English language. And by that you can save yourself the stress of writing an English test just like IELTS or TOEFL.

So you just need to focus on the schools and the programs that are willing to exempt you from writing English test if you are not planning to write IELTS or TOEFL test. There are several universities in Germany, in Canada, USA, in Netherlands, in Australia, in Poland and even in Finland, they are willing to exempt people from writing English tests like IELTS or TOEFL.

In Australia, there are some of the best universities that do not have a requirement of IELTS or TOEFL.

Don’t let writing English test scare you from pursuing your ambition in getting education abroad outside your country or applying for international scholarship. That does not limit you. You can still get a scholarship without writing any of these tests. So don’t be discouraged.

Make you to do a prepare research about any school/College/University you intend to apply for scholarship or educational studies. Continue pursuing your desire and your ambition of getting an international scholarship. Don’t let English test be a discouragement.

Thank for reading this educative guide. Feel free share to it out to your friends and colleagues, they will also like this piece of information.

How to Get Scholarship to Study in the U.S as an International Student

In this educative article, you will learn how to get scholarships to study in the U.S as an international student. We will also learn the procedure and how you should go through it.

There are lot of scholarships available, you just need to take the time out of your day and research. There are bunch of organizations and ways through which you can find scholarships, e.g through your embassy, through the institutions itself and through organizations that give you scholarships to study under certain institutions.

Find Colleges and Scholarship Organizations

So the first step to find a scholarship is finding the colleges and the scholarships organizations to which you want to apply to. There’s a bunch of resources for you to find the colleges that you’re interested in and scholarships organizations that can help you with it.

  1. MasterCard Foundation

There is MasterCard Foundation, which is basically a scholarship organization to which you apply to, and then they connect you to a bunch of partnership or institutions that may want you as a student. The thing about MasterCard foundation, it is for low income African students, but you can’t really choose which institution you will go to. The institutions are the ones that either choose you or not.

The MasterCard Foundation scholarship operate in the U.S and in Canada and others. So you can apply to it if you’re an African student and you’re a low income.

  1. Embassy

Basically on your U.S embassy or U.S Cultural Center, you’ll be able to find it. They can teach you about the whole process and everything, and usually some colleges come to some of their programs, so you can get in contact with different institutions and they will tell you all about scholarships or opportunities. So check it out now.

After you find colleges and scholarship institutions, your second step is to basically apply. So let discuss what different types of scholarships exist.

Types of Scholarships

  1. Merit-based Scholarships

Merit scholarships are the ones that you usually hear about in other countries. So basically, based on your talent, your academics, your extra-curricular, your sports involvement, leadership or something like that, they will give you scholarships based on that.

In the U.S mostly public institutions are the ones they give merit scholarships. So you could go to the website and search and see what type of merit scholarships they have. They may have for engineering students, womanist them everything. You just need to, like, research the schools. The thing about merit scholarships, though, is that they may not cover your whole need there based on your talent and not really on your need.

So, for example, if an institution is fifty thousand dollars ($50,000) per year, including room and board, the maximum that the school can give you on merit scholarships is ten thousand ($10,000) is not really worth it because you still have to pay forty thousand dollars.

So it will be better you mostly apply to need based scholarships, but you can also apply to merit scholarships if you think that they will meet your full need. There are a couple of institutions that give merit scholarships that are full tuition, room and board and even a living stipend, domestic confrontation.

Some public institutions also give merit scholarships that cover room, board and tuition. So you need to search them up. There are a couple of institutions which have a lot of merit scholarships in U.S.

  1. Need-Based Scholarships

So need based scholarships are the ones that are really advise you to apply to. They see the income of your parents, and then they calculate the amount of money that you can contribute towards that college. So, for example, they will see how much they usually pay for different things, like, for example, your schooling, living stipend on your country and everything, and then they will calculate a certain amount of money that you should contribute.

So most of the need based scholarships institutions are private institutions and usually the top tier institutions are the ones that give the most money to international students. Basically, they have a huge as endowment, so they will also give you a lot of money. It is advisable you to apply to institutions that cover 100% of your need, unless you want to go into loans and everything.

You also need to pay attention when you find that list of institutions that you want to apply to. Then you go to search engines (e.g Google, Bing etc) and search for example, “university scholarships for international students in U.S” because the laws are different for U.S citizens and for international students, because some schools will give a lot of money to U.S citizens, but they won’t give it to international citizens. So you need to know what the rules are specifically for you.

(a) There is need blind versus need aware institutions.

(i) Need aware schools do consider finances in their admissions decisions, but this control can give colleges the ability to meet full need for all accepted applicants. So most of the institutions are need aware for international students, which is really a bummer. Basically what need aware means is that when they evaluating your application and if you will get into the school or not, they evaluate the amount of money you need.

So if you need a lot of money, they might not accept you just because you have a really big need, which is a disappointment. If you have a high need and they don’t have the money that they can give to you, you might be denied. But that doesn’t make it impossible to get into the school. It makes it harder, but not impossible. So you need to really bump up your application in order to be considered.

(ii) There need blind institutions. Need-blind admission is a term used in the United States indicating a college admission policy in which an institution does not consider an applicant’s financial situation when deciding admission. Basically, if you get into those institutions, you don’t have to worry that much about money because they will definitely meet 100% of your need and you’re not a disadvantage for applying to them just because you’re an international student.

Note: Those hoping to get aid from their future colleges should know these need-based and need-blind policies could change. A school may run into some financial crisis, and change its financial aid policy to secure its budget.

Those are basically the concepts that you need to have in mind when you are searching which schools and institutions you want to apply to.

How to Study in Canada for free: Applying for Scholarships made easy

You want to study in Canada, but have little or no money? This is the right educative and informative post article you should read because after reading this article from beginning to end, you will definitely learn how to study in Canada for free. So let’s find out How to Study in Canada for free.

How can you even study in Canada for free? Some people say there are no scholarships. Some people say you can’t study for free. Some people say you have to have a lot of money for you to study in Canada. People mostly say that you can’t study in Canada for free because they don’t know about scholarship and how you can get them.

Today, you will learn the different types of scholarships that you can apply for before studying in Canada and it’s going to enable you to study for free, if not free, but a huge part of your tuition would be paid for, while you study in Canada.

Scholarships You Can Apply to Study in Canada

Let look at the numbers of scholarship that you can apply for before you study in Canada.

  1. Merit Scholarship

What do we call the Merit Scholarship? The merit scholarship is based on how well you did in your school, in your previous school. It might be in your high school, if you’re coming for undergraduate study. It might be how you are, where you did in your undergraduate, if you were coming from university to study Master’s or Ph.D. So the merit is based on your grade, mostly for some schools.

If you do very well in your work and your high school (i.e secondary school) examination, you’ll get some scholarship that you automatically qualify for. The same can apply for people that are coming for Master’s. If you can prove or you have good resumes to prove that you have good grades and good experience, you have an opportunity to apply for this merit scholarship. You can find out on scholarship page of the school that you want to apply for. Find out the requirements or what is expected of you in order to be able to qualify for this scholarship.

  1. Entrance Scholarship

We have the entrance scholarship in most university, especially for undergraduate study, there is an entrance scholarship. You just automatically apply for it once you apply to study in that particular school, your privilege or your opportunity to apply for the entrance scholarship. In most cases, it is not the same thing that you use in applying to study in the same school that is used to determine whether or not you qualify for the scholarship. You do not need to provide anything.

Sometimes you just need to write to the school and say that” I am applying to study in this school” or “I have applied already”. Because sometimes one of the mistakes that we make is some of us, we don’t even apply to schools, we are just looking for scholarship. We need to apply to this school first before you can start asking about scholarships. So Enter Scholarship is one of the biggest scholarship in Canada that you can apply for and you can get funding or part of the money to study in Canada.

  1. Financial-Aid/Scholarship (Bursaries)

We also have the financial scholarship or it can be called the bursary. In some countries, students are being paid bursary based on the states of origin, based on the places they came from. But in Canada, you can apply for bursaries. All you have to do to achieve or to get the bursary in Canada is just to write a letter to either the international student office or to the school stating how much you need this money to study or to study well in Canada.

Sometimes bursary covers just your tuition or part of your tuition. Sometimes it might just be bursary that covers your well-being, your living expenses in Canada. You cannot let anything to chance in Canada. Sometimes it may be only bursary that you have the opportunity to apply for while studying in school, but most of the time you need to be in school already before you can apply for this bursary or this financial aid scholarship. So keep that in mind if you want to come and study in Canada.

  1. Government Funded (Research) Scholarships

Government funded scholarship or as well we may referred them as research scholarship. The government of Canada is fully invested into academic research and so most of the research scholarships that are available in Canada is mostly funded by the government. Meaning that if you want to come and study in Canada and you are looking to do research, there are ample opportunities for you to get a scholarship to study and I study for free.

They will pay your tuition. You will get additional money to take care of other expenses too. You will need to work if you need to, because this scholarship will cover the whole of your tuition for your period of study in Canada. You still give some small change to your pocket where you’re studying so that you won’t have to struggle. You can still work, if you need to still have some money into your pocket because they find time to work, but is advisable that you face your study and do your research properly.

  1. Private or Association Scholarships

The last but not the least is the private or association scholarship. There are a lot of private bodies in Canada that are responsible for giving out funding or scholarships to students in Canada, depending on what departments that you belong to or depending on what association you belong to. For example, associations of nursing graduates or Association of Computer Science students or computer science alumni giving scholarship.

All you have to do is just write or apply for the scholarship and most of the scholarship are the school websites, meaning that if you want to apply for the scholarship, most of the scholarship on the school you’re applying for, there’s always a specialized scholarship page that you can go through, that you can browse through and see all the available scholarships for you.

If you’re determined to study in Canada and you’re ready to do so, the first thing that you need to do is apply to study in the school, because without applying to study in the school, it is almost impossible for you to get the scholarship, not that you can get the scholarship but depending on your application.

Finally, for people that want to study undergrad in Canada especially, you would do yourself a lot of good if you will face your study while you’re in Canada, because there are a lot of opportunities to get funding or to get scholarship, depending on how you do on a yearly or on a semester basis, you are opportune to have scholarship there. If you face your study and you have good grades, you will get good scholarship and you get your tuition paid for you on time.

With these few points above, I believe after reading this educative post article that you wake up and stand up today to start looking for the scholarship that will help you to Study in Canada for free. There are a lot of people that want to study abroad or do not have money. You can do well to share this post article with them on how to get scholarship to study for free in Canada. Thanks.

IELTS Test Preparation [About IELTS and How to Pass the Test]

As part of their application for study abroad, international students often have to budget additional time for test preparation (IELTS, TOEFL, GRE, etc). International students who are non-native speakers of the English language are usually required to provide proof of their English language abilities before they are granted admission into a US college or university.

About IELTS and How to Pass the Test

IELTS offers a fair, accurate, and dependable measure of language skills, and is relied on by organizations globally as evidence of English proficiency. Since 1989, the International English Language Testing System (IELTS) has been a global standardized English test designed to measure the English language proficiency of people who plan to study or work where the English language is the means of communication.

IELTS is mutually owned by a global alliance of education and language specialists – the British Council, IDP: IELTS Australia, and Cambridge English Language Assessment. Cambridge is in charge of IELTS test development because of their world-renowned language and research proficiency. British Council and IDP are in charge of IELTS test delivery all over the world due to their collective security and examination expertise.

If you’re applying to school at an institution that needs your English language proficiency proof, get more information on if the IELTS is the right test for you.

Details on Taking the IELTS – Test Preparation

What can I expect with the test?

IELTS is a paper-and-pencil test that comprises 4 sections: Reading, Listening, Writing, and Speaking, and comprises a live, face-to-face speaking interview with a qualified and trained examiner. This gives room for a more accurate measure of a speaker’s English proficiency and real-world communication capabilities.

As a test of English language as an “international” language, IELTS makes use of all standard variations of English language — American, British, and Australian, and comprises different question task types (for instance, matching plan/map/diagram labeling, short-answer, multiple-choice, etc.). This is to make sure the test is relevant and impartial to test takers irrespective of cultural background or where they learned English.

What institutions accept IELTS?

Over 9,000 establishments in 140 nations all over the world accept IELTS. Last year, more than 2.9 million IELTS tests were sat for, making it the world’s most widespread high-stakes English language proficiency test for work, study, and migration intents.

Which IELTS test should I take?

There are two IELTS tests to select from — General Training and Academic. IELTS Academic is taken for higher education and professional qualifications. IELTS General Training is taken for work or migration intents. The Listening and Speaking segments of IELTS are the same for both General Training and Academic, however, test takers write different Reading and Writing segments, contingent on the test they select.

The Academic Reading comprises real texts from journals, books, newspapers, etc., while the General Training Reading comprises real texts from official documents, company handbooks, newspapers, books, etc. The variances between the Academic Writing and General Training Writing are in the nature, content, and background parameters of the tasks.

Is it difficult to prepare for the IELTS exam?

IELTS is a comprehensive language test that measures a range of language abilities. You need to have a general level of English to complete it, but preparing for the test requires investing a lot of your time. Be sure to review all of the extensive free resources available. The more you prepare, the easier it is to demonstrate your English language skills.

How to Prepare and Pass IELTS test.

The best way to prepare for the IELTS test is to use your English skills every day using every opportunity you can to speak English. Speak to your friends in English, write notes in English, read English textbooks, listen to the radio or TV in English, and read in English. Avoid waiting until the day or the week before the test and start practicing now. Doing some of these practical preparation for IELTS is a great way to prepare. The highest IELTS score is 9 and the lowest is 1, each score is a reflection of different levels of English users. There is a 0 score as well (“did not attempt”).

Difference Between College and University in USA and UK

College comes from the word collegiums, that means club community or society and university comes from the word Universitas, which means guilt, society or corporation. In USA, the name college and university are frequently interchangeable and simply refer to a school at the tertiary level, though is not like that in UK. “College” actually has another meaning in the UK. What are the differences between College and University in USA and UK? Do they have unique meanings in different nations? And how do the differences affect your choice? We will learn all that and more from this article.

At some point, you must have wondered about the difference between College and University? If you have just finished secondary school, you are probably considering the next step: your tertiary education options. By now, you have most likely seen the words ‘college’ and ‘university’ used everywhere.

What is the difference between College and University?

Though college and university are used interchangeably, there are differences between them. A university is typically a school that offers full undergraduate and graduate programs, while colleges generally offer more narrow programs and may have no graduate studies at all. But actually there are no official designations for these terms, and colleges and universities can call themselves whatever they want to. The terminology can have different meanings depending on what country you’re in.

Universities possess a more differentiated curriculum and provide a range of courses, and typically include research facilities and sports centres.

The number of students enlisting in universities is much higher than the one in colleges. Foreign students looking for tertiary education overseas typically go for universities, rather than colleges, which tend to be a more prevalent choice for domestic students.

The university is the one offering the degree programs and enabling students to access all its facilities, but programs are held at one (or multiple) of the colleges or schools.

In general, universities are comprised of schools, colleges, or academic units. In this case, colleges are the same as departments in a university. So, departments are a division of the academic staff on a specific field.  For instance, Harvard University is comprised of other colleges (also called schools), comprising Harvard Business School, Harvard School of Dental Medicine, Harvard College, etc.

Some Popular Universities in USA & UK

  • University of the Pacific, U.S.
  • Stanford University U.S.
  • Hult International Business School, U.S.
  • Southern New Hampshire University, U.S.
  • University of Oxford UK
  • University of Leeds, U.K
  • Newcastle University, U.K
  • INTO University of East Anglia, UK

In the United Kingdom, a university is an institution that awards degrees, while colleges are seen as pre-university education institutes as they prepare students to earn degrees later. But again, it’s not set in stone, and as a general rule, English speakers used the word university as a generic term for higher education. The same applies in Canada and Australia, where universities used more often than college as the generic term.

Types of colleges in the United States

In the United States, there are three types of colleges:

  • Community colleges
  • Professional/vocational schools (e.g. Nursing, Teaching)
  • Liberal arts colleges

If we’re looking at the USA, how can we better define these terms, “University and college”? Let’s start with looking more closely at what colleges are. Colleges are usually smaller institutions that emphasize undergraduate education. One example of a type of college is a liberal arts college that offers students an education in a broad range of academic areas, as opposed to having them specialize early in one particular subject. Liberal arts colleges are uncommon outside of the U.S, so prospective international students aren’t always familiar with them.

Degree programs at community and vocational schools typically take two years to finish and you will be granted an associate degree, a professional degree, or a certificate. Scholars can then decide to go to a university to finish their Bachelor’s degree program and follow a Master’s or Ph.D. program if they choose so. Programs at liberal arts colleges take four years and scholars graduate with a Bachelor’s degree qualification in fields like Languages, Math, History, and others.

Types of colleges in the United Kingdom

Colleges in the U.K. and the U.S. are both comprised of vocational schools, but community and liberal arts colleges are only common in the U.S. Courses at U.K. colleges last for 1-2 years and typically serve 3 functions:

  • Provide further education to scholars between 16-18 years old (referred to as ‘sixth form’)
  • Offer vocational training (which gets you ready for a specific job: nurse, teacher, technician, etc.)
  • Offer adult education

Most colleges offer bachelor’s degrees, and some colleges also have associates degrees. Some students begin their education at a community college and then transfer to a four year college or university to complete a bachelor’s degree.

Difference Between College and University in USA

So if that’s a college, how does a university differ? Many education institutions with university in their name are larger than colleges and offer a variety of both undergraduate and graduate degree programs. Universities are also highly committed to producing research, whereas it’s much more rare for college students to be a part of any substantial research. But not all universities are big. Some are relatively small, such as Marymount California University, which had a total enrollment of 985 students in fall 2016, according to U.S. News data.

Though many universities are public, some are also private. One example is the Ivy League school, Princeton University. To make things even more confusing, some large universities are made up of smaller departments called colleges. Each of these colleges has a specific academic focus, such as business, social work or engineering. One of the clear differences seems to be that universities are often, though not always, larger than colleges.

The head of a university is called the vice chancellor, while for a college is called a dean or director. Professors teach at both colleges and universities, and the level of their pay varies depending on several factors, such as the size and location of the college or university the subject taught and whether the institution is private or public. The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reports that the average salary of a professor was seventy five thousand four hundred thirty dollars ($75,430) annually.

The American Association of University Professors reports that the salary of full time professors at private colleges and universities averages one hundred five thousand three hundred twenty three dollars, as compared to one hundred three thousand nineteen dollars for those teaching at public colleges and universities. Professors working at four year institutions, both private and public, earn higher salaries than those employed at two year schools.

Finally, let’s take a look at a college and university that are on each other’s doorsteps, e.g Harvard College and Harvard University. How do they compare? Harvard College is actually the original Harvard. It was founded in 1936 as the oldest institution of higher education in the United States.

There are about 6500 undergraduate students at Harvard College with nearly equal numbers of men and women. The college is part of Harvard University, which comprises 10 other graduate and professional schools, although part of the same institution, each of these schools is run independently, so they maintain independent admissions offices, teaching and research faculties.

In Conclusions – Difference Between College and University

At this point, you should know the Difference Between College and University. So, what should you bear in mind about colleges and universities if you wish to school abroad:

  • Universities are more prevalent among foreign students because they typically offer better support, facilities, and a larger amount of courses and fields when compared to colleges.
  • If you wish to study a Master’s degree program or a Ph.D. program, you will have to enlist in a university to get it.
  • Colleges can be autonomous higher academic institutions, they can refer to departments constituting a university, or they can be secondary schools in certain European nations.
  • Some universities call themselves colleges for historical/ customary reasons – research them to be certain.
  • Americans call everything “a college”.

So the difference between college and university is far from clear. In some cases, they are part of the same institution, but other times completely independent, and typically a university is larger than a college and his professors are paid more.

Different Types of Scholarships for International Students

In Europe, it is not a new word for young and old students to discuss or talk about, it’s quite a good thing to know that there are in total 15.6 billion Euros worth of scholarships available every year! But which scholarship is that the right for you? This post article gives you a summary about the different types of scholarships. You’ll discover that scholarships are often very individual and therefore the best scholarship for you would possibly be completely different to your best friends!

General information

Of course the major reason for getting a scholarship is to get financial support. So-called full-ride scholarships are the most comprehensive ones. They cover all of your tuition costs and also your living expenses but are in fact comparably hard to get one. However, there also are many partly scholarships available, they don’t really cover all, but at least some of your expenses during your studies.

Scholarships aren’t only about money, though! Besides the financial support, scholarship givers often provide you with book support, internships, seminars or valuable business- and academic contacts for instance. On the other hand, some scholarships have also certain requirements for you to fulfill. You would possibly for example be obliged to participate in certain research projects, participate in conferences or work for a particular company or institution after your studies. Also, some scholarships got to be renewed regularly, some on a yearly basis! That’s why you ought to inform yourself carefully when choosing your scholarship.

Types of Scholarships for International Students

Merit-based scholarships (fellowships)

These scholarships are among the most common ones and are usually awarded by private organisations also as by public institutions or directly from the university where you’re planning to study. Most scholarship holders of merit-based scholarships are chosen by considering the tutorial performance also as extracurricular activities like volunteer commitment, work experience or other experiences. However, there also are special fellowships that focus less on educational aspects except for example more on artistic, athletic or musical abilities.

Many merit-based scholarships are awarded without regard for financial need.

Specific scholarships

Besides fellowships, many organisations award specific scholarships where the awardees need to meet certain criteria like nationality, gender, religion, political affiliation, race, special needs e.g. thanks to disabilities or a particular medical record and lots of more. The David Herzog Fund for instance, offers scholarships especially for Jewish students to sponsor their study in Israel. Let’s take a look at the Graça Machel Scholarships Programme, they provide postgraduate scholarships to female students from Southern African countries. You’ve got some chances of you belong to a special group of students or a minority?

Need-based scholarships

Depending on your personal and your family financial situation, you may qualify for a need-based scholarship. In Europe those scholarships are often known as student grants and offered by public institutions like governments (government funding) but also by charitable organisations for instance. Even though you’re not citizen of the country you’re planning to study in, you may qualify for a need-based scholarship if you fulfill certain requirements. For instance in Germany, need-based kind of scholarships is combined with low-cost or free student loans.

Student prizes

Student prizes aren’t a classical kind of a scholarship but they’re also a decent opportunity to support you during your studies. In contrast to scholarships which usually offer you a monthly payment throughout your program, student prizes are one-time awards for educational achievements, winners of competitions or research results. They will range from a few of hundred to some thousand Euros. The University of Reading for instance has an achievement prize for the years best students worth £1000.

Other Types of Scholarships

  • Academic scholarships.
  • Community service scholarships.
  • Athletic scholarships.
  • Scholarships for hobbies and extracurriculars.
  • Scholarships based on applicants’ identities.
  • Need-based scholarships.
  • Employer scholarships and military scholarships.

Documents Required for a Successful Scholarship Application

Applying for a School/University Scholarship is equally important as applying to a degree course so you ought to treat it with loads of care and responsibility. As you already know, scholarships are only offered to students with excellent academic performance so you either prepare for a scholarship opportunity ahead or be realistic about your chances of getting one.

One of the very important things you’ve got to consider is this: before you apply for a scholarship, even though you’re totally sure you’re getting it, contact an advisor from the university you would like to apply (or already applied) to and acquire more detailed information.

Some of the documents that you simply will need to submit for the scholarship application process are similar ones that the university will request from you once you apply for a Bachelor or a Master degree.

Most common documents requested for scholarship application

  1. Completed scholarship application form

Carefully check and accurately fill all the sections of the application form correctly

  1. Copy of passport/ID

The passport must be valid for a minimum of six months after your departure and only a copy of first page of the passport, containing your photo and private information is sufficient.

  1. Copies of transcripts/diplomas

Send the transcript of records from the last school you graduated or currently attending (high-school if you apply for a Bachelor degree or Bachelor diploma and records if you apply for a graduate Master course). The transcript of records may be a photocopied page of all of your courses and grades and credits that you simply achieved for every course. This document should have an official signature and stamp from your school or faculty.

If you apply for a scholarship for an Erasmus programme, you ought to have already completed two semesters of studies.

Proof of English proficiency (or other language – the one that’s used as medium of instruction for the study programme you chose)

  • for English: IELTS, TOEFL, Cambridge
  • Spanish: DELE
  • French: DELF or DALF
  • German: DSH, TestDaF, OSD, telc
  1. Statement of purpose/Letter of motivation

This statement should contain just one page, around 400 words that you explain your reasons why you applied to the chosen degree course and the way it relates to your future studies and career goals. While writing this statement/letter of motivation, it’s important to be honest and not inflate with anything. You must also briefly present your qualities and the way they might fit with the degree you chose.

  1. Letter of recommendation

Basically a recommendation letter is required, but in some cases, you’ll be asked to produce two letters of recommendation. The letter(s) of recommendation should only come from one among your teachers/lecturers or employer/person that supervised your work (volunteering work counts as well). This letter gives the scholarship provider more information about your qualities, skills, conception and it also can reflect your desire or motivation for the degree course and/or university you chose.

  1. CV (Curriculum Vitae)/Resume

Even if you don’t have any work experience at that time you apply for a scholarship, you’ll simply include your study experiences, hobbies, interests, achievements and social skills. It is quite important to state all the languages that you know (including language certificates), but be honest about your proficiency level; add computer skills, volunteering work and the other courses that you have completed (even short courses), especially if they’re connected in line study field.

  1. Standardized test scores

SAT, ACT, GRE, GPA and other test scores are often a vital factor when the university considers who they provide the scholarship to most frequently, high scores are those that count first and foremost; however, the scholarship offer is rated supported a holistic approach, after taking all the relevant documents into consideration.

  1. Essay

In addition to the letter of motivation, you’ll be requested to write down an essay and on a particular subject, usually associated with the scholarship, consider what personal achievements recommend you for receiving the scholarship. Follow the guide lines of the essay as requested and ensure you don’t exceed by the amount of words.

  1. Portfolio

A portfolio is needed by students who are applying for art, design and other similar degrees and it should include artistic work and projects. In case of an art degree, a portfolio is far more or equally relevant compared to your GPA score when it involves showing your skills.

  1. A medical report/ heath evaluation form

Signed by a certified medical clinic/hospital from your home country

If it’s the case, please note that each one documents must be translated either in English or in other official language of the country of destination, but the precise requirements for the language of documents first!

The translation of documents must be done by a certified translator and that they should accompany the first documents also.

Tips to consider before you send all the documents for the scholarship application

  1. Check your application form and other documents for spelling and grammar errors before you send it.
  2. Don’t exceed the word limit given for any section of the application or for other documents you’ll be requested to write down.
  3. Only submit the requested documentation don’t add anything more.
  4. it’s recommended to create a complete copy of the application before you send it.
  5. Put in mind the precise date you’ve got to send all the requested documents and watch out not to not miss the deadline.

How to Get Government Scholarship to Study Abroad

Scholarships are helping a lot of students round the world achieve their academic dream, this guide reveals some awesome scholarship opportunities provided and funded by the government for college students who want to study abroad.

One good thing about government scholarships is that they’re always fully funded, sustainable, easy and free to apply. The challenge with winning them is that they’re very competitive.

Sometimes you’ll not even know when the application portal for these government scholarships open and shut, or even you’ll get to be aware about them once they are about to close.

About Government Scholarships

Scholarships come from many different sources but they’re grouped into two major sources; A scholarship is either funded by the government or by some individuals or corporate body source such as charity foundation or sponsored by a person.

The thing is, if you’ve got financial constraints but still want to attain your academic goals by studying abroad it’s knowledgeable if you apply for government-funded scholarships for international students offered by the government of that country or by your own government.

It is an out of this world character that governments from some countries come together, generate scholarship funds especially for international students to come and study in their country for free of charge in all degree levels.

Based on research, below are 10 high paying government scholarships for studying abroad but before that, let run through some necessary application steps.

How To Apply for government Scholarships to study Abroad

Step 1: Making Extensive Research

Make extensive research concerning scholarships including contacting your preferred university study abroad office, ask the professors, academic advisors, friends and family about scholarships that they know of.

Step 2: Applying for Several Opportunities

Apply for many scholarships as possible because the more you apply the more your Chances are more increased. Always use search engines and newspapers to get to know and apply for scholarships.

Step 3: Early Application

Begin an early application and run it as thoroughly and quickly as much as you can. Sometimes the review of scholarship applications is stopped even before the deadline of the scholarship program once a huge number of qualified applicants are recorded.

So automatically, those that applied late are totally not considered despite their qualification.

Step 4: Ensure Certainty of Letter of recommendation

A letter of recommendation would be needed during the application process. It might be best to get your recommendation letter written by a professor in your school or a college you’ve obtained any degree from before or by your immediate employer if you’re already working and he/she got a good academic profile.

Step 5: Ensure Satisfactory Grades

Be sure you’ve got a brilliant grade before you start to apply for a scholarship to study abroad because the providers want to make sure it’s given to students with outstanding academic potentials.

Step 6: Get Your Passport Ready

Your international passport should be ready. While you’ll obtain a student visa after admission and scholarship has been issued. You need an international passport in most cases to even apply for the scholarship or to clear if selected.

Government Scholarships For Studying Abroad

DAAD Scholarship

This scholarship is funded annually by the German Academic Exchange Service and it goes to thousands potential students from all parts of the globe to come and study their preferred field in their preferred university in Germany.

The scholarship supports both undergraduate and professional degrees, depending on the one you’re able to study at the time.

Japanese Government Scholarship

This is a fully-funded scholarship provided by the Japanese government to a world student who wishes to review in Japanese universities, it’s known to be numerous and you ought to equally consider applying for it.

Australian Scholarship Award

This is a fully-funded scholarship grant offered by the Australian government yearly to eligible working-class students. The grant is known to accommodate up to 3000 master scholarships available to students from any part of the globe.

Commonwealth Scholarship Scheme

This scholarship scheme is funded by the United Kingdom government and has about 6 different scholarship programs under this scheme, so make extensive research and know the one you’ll choose.

New Zealand Government Development Scholarship

This is a fully-funded scholarship by the New Zealand government and awarded to choose students mostly from developing countries and offers them the prospect to study a selected subject that might help within the development of their country.

Chinese Government Award Scholarship

The Chinese government scholarship is fully funded and hospitable both its citizens and international students and its supported by countless foundations making it one among one of the numerous scholarships offered by the Chinese government.

The scholarship here is fully funded and awards up to 1,500 scholarships yearly to international students, this scholarship gives you the chance to become a part of an influential worldwide network of 44,000 alumni.

Note: This is just an article to guide you on How to Get a Government Scholarship to Study Abroad. is not offering any scholarship or have any affiliation with any agency or government or organization.

How to Prepare Yourself and Increase your chances of Getting Full Funded Scholarship

Fully funded scholarships are kind funding opportunities available for students, covering almost everything of their financial bills for the full three or four years of university. Tuition fee, living costs and others bills (depending on the agreements) would be covered by the sponsors, leaving students that got one opportunity to focus mainly on your studies and social life without thinking about monetary aspect.

Unfortunately, getting fully funded scholarships are quite hard, they are very scarce to get, even when you find one; it is always competitive, strict and are just kind of frustrating if care is not taken. Having said that, this shouldn’t be a setback for you to stop looking out for fully funded scholarships or apply for them.

In this article, you will learn how to find one, how to prepare yourself and increase your chances of getting one of the fully funded scholarship out there.

Where Can I Find A Full Scholarship

Before thinking of preparations or having higher chances of getting as fully funded scholarship, the first question that should first pop in your mind is, “where can I find a full scholarship?” This is the very first step of approaching the full scholarships as a student, first you reach out to some preferred schools official websites, they could be offering scholarship opportunities for students with different options ranging from location, courses, past academic records or can even be an external funding for a certain set of student or for other reasons e.g. scholarships for African Students.

You could also check some websites that dishes out latest scholarship opportunities for students, you should consider these mediums and check how you can explore and get the desired opportunities for your studies. Examples of such websites could be find using search engines like Google, Bing, there are websites that could be of help, and you can explore the internet to get more opportunities.

Get Prepare

If you know you’ll need or rely on a full scholarship to help you to attend university, it’s important to start preparing as soon as possible. Some universities or colleges requires an interview before they can grant one an interview, some would invite students who are eligible or that applied to come for an interview which would be supervised by a faculty staff or as speculated by the school authorities. You would be asked various questions on your goals, motivations, why you needed the scholarship or how you would add value if you are opportune to study that desired course and so on.

However, it is very important you get yourself prepared for such oral or objective interviews which would be graded to grant you the scholarship by providing appropriate answers to various questions that would be asked by the panel. Dress formally, speak politely and be hopeful you would get the scholarship.

Work Hard And Keep Motivated

Full scholarships sometimes are always based on the monetary aspects and may not consider the academics aspects, some would consider both as a prerequisite and sometimes, they are given to students with extra ordinary performances.

No matter the condition that would be considered, you need to work hard as a student most especially in your academics as a student, keep putting in more efforts in whatever your academics may require, fully funded scholarships are mainly given to students with brilliant performances. In some colleges, you really don’t need to apply for scholarships before you would get them, once you have a very high grade, the school authorities would consider giving such student a scholarship as a compensation to help in their studies.

However, getting to the top academically can be so challenging, be focused on your dream, keep motivated for better days when your hard works would be rewarded are ahead.

Make yourself stand out from other applicants

Truth be told, getting a full scholarship is like a thug of war for applicants, with the expected competition, it’s very important for you to stand out from the multitudes of applicants by showing commitment to bettering yourself or improvements as an individual. This could include having some extracurricular activities to show to your scholarship providers, showing your passions, zeal and interests outside the walls of the classroom, you could as well as decide to pick up some voluntary services within your immediate community for good course, this all boost your chances.

Leadership skills are greatly valued by scholarship sponsors, and you can show case this by volunteering to lead projects works wherever you find yourself i.e. your extracurricular activities or community work.

Another feat that would make you stand out from the rest of the applicants is to have a brilliant report on your academic records and personal qualities from letters of recommendation, so it is very good to build strong relationships with your academic teachers, if a teacher or lecturer is familiar with you, they would be able to give more personal and accurate description of you in their letter.

Read the application instructions carefully

This may sound odd, but you won’t want to drop your chances missing out a necessary document or some piece of information that was stated in the scholarship’s application instructions by mistakes. Be sure to read all the application guidance slowly, carefully and repeatedly, so you have less chances to miss anything, and email the provider if you need clarification on anything that’s not clear to you.

Submit An Exceptional Scholarship Essay Or Cover Letter

Your application essay/cover letter needs to be the best quality. This is by making sure the essay is clear and concise as much as possible, and is formatted correctly using the appropriate fonts, text etc.

Catch the reader’s attention with a strong, great and well-structured introduction, focus on the main objective, theme or topic, and should have correct spellings and grammar. Don’t just rely on your personal proofreading skills by reading it hundreds of times to make sure it is perfect, you could ask a friend to help go over it and check for typos and any sentences errors, then you make necessary corrections.

Be realistic

And finally, as we touched on earlier, the unfortunate truth is that there aren’t many full scholarships to go around, and they’re extremely competitive, meaning that many candidates who meet and exceed the requirements for a full scholarship end up missing out. Don’t let this hold you back from applying, but be realistic about your expectations.

Remember, there’s no limit on how many scholarship applications you can send out, and normally no limit to how many scholarships you can be awarded, so you may be able to build your own full scholarship using two or more smaller scholarships. (Of course, be sure to check with the providers that you’re able to apply for and receive funding from other sources). If you do get rejections, try not to let them get you down – pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and don’t stop trying in life until you get what you want.

Common Interview Questions and Answers! (How to PASS Any JOB INTERVIEW!)

If you have a job interview coming for any role or position, there are most common questions the Hiring Manager will definitely ask you. In this post article, we are going to discuss all the most common interview questions and the various perfect interview answers to them.

Top most common Interview Questions and the Perfect Interview Answers

  1. Tell Me About Yourself and Perfect Answer To This Interview Question

a) Question: Tell me about yourself

b) The Perfect Interview Answers: Yeah, sure, my name is (mention your name). Over the years, I’ve built up a diverse range of skills and qualities that I believe are a match for this job description. I am very positive. I love being at work. I have goals outside of work, which means that I need to perform to a high standard when I’m in my job in order to achieve those goals.

Click here to continue reading the Answers to “Tell Me About Yourself” interview Question.

2. “Why Do You Want To Work Here” and Perfect Answer To This Interview Question

a) Question: Why Do You Want To Work Here?

b) The Perfect Interview Answers: I have been aware of your organization for many years. As you know, you are a market leader, you are innovative and you are creative. I believe from what I’ve seen, you always put your customers and clients first. So you start with your customers and then you work backwards, which in my opinion, will always mean that you are going to be successful.

Click here to continue reading the answers to “Why Do You Want To Work Here?” interview Question

3. “What experience do you have which is relevant to this role?” And Perfect Answer To This Interview Question

a) Question: What experience do you have which is relevant to this role?

b) The Perfect Interview Answers: Before I applied for the position, I downloaded a copy of the job description. I read it to make sure that I was confident I could meet the requirements of the role. Predominantly, the experience I have is first and foremost dealing with customers and clients. I am very, very good at that. I have lots of experience. I used to do it on a daily basis in previous roles. So if a client is demanding or they are difficult, I have the interpersonal skills and the communication skills to win them over and make sure that we provide them with a first class service.

Click here to continue reading the answers to “What experience do you have which is relevant to this role?” interview Question

  1. What are your strengths and Weakness? Perfect Answer To This Interview Question

This is one of the most common questions you’ll get during an interview when you’re applying for a job. Many find this question pointless, and it is for sure the most disliked job interview question, it’s completely understandable that no candidate would want to confess their biggest flaws during the interview process. Recruiters and hiring managers are completely aware of it. You might not even realize it, but just the way you respond to this question already gives a lot of information about you, which is why this question doesn’t go away.

Companies keep asking what are your strength and weaknesses?. So today you will learn how to answer that question properly. In this article you will learn some steps on how to prepare for an answer.

Click here to continue reading the answers to “What are your strengths and Weakness?” interview Question

  1. Why should we hire you? Perfect Answer To This Interview Question

There are many common questions recruiter always ask jobs applicant during interview time. Why should we Hire you? Is one of these common questions. One thing you should know is that recruiters are paid to find candidates that meet a list of requirements. That’s their job. That’s what recruiters are paid to do, whether they’re internal to a company or their external operating as an independent recruiting firm. That’s how they get paid.

There are many different forms of this question, which recruiters do ask. It’s all the same question and you always give the same answer each time. In this article, you will learn the best and brilliant answer to this common job interview question, “Why should we hire you?”

Click here to continue reading the answers to “Why should we hire you?” interview Question

  1. Why should we hire you with no experience? Perfect Answer To This Interview Question

There are different kinds of questions you may encounter during interview. In all your answers to the interview questions, you need to be positive in your answers and also remember to talk about how you will benefit their company. This is not about you getting a job. This is about them hiring the right person. In this article you will learn a good Answer to this Interview Question, Why should we hire you with no experience?

Click here to continue reading the answers to “Why should we hire you with no experience?” interview Question

  1. What Is Your Greatest Achievement? Perfect Answer To This Interview Question

What is your greatest achievement? This is one of the hardest interview questions to answer in any job interview. If you have an interview coming up soon in any role or for any organization/company, make sure you read this article to learn how to answer it correctly. In this article, you will learn the reason why the interviewer is asking you this question;  two(2) essential tips for answering it with confidence; four(4) brilliant answers you can use in your job interview.

Click here to continue reading the Answers to “What Is Your Greatest Achievement?” interview Question

  1. How Do You Handle Stress and Pressure? Perfect Answer To This Interview Question

How Do You Handle Stress & Pressure is a common interview question asked by Hiring Managers. However, it is a tough one to answer correctly but in this article, you will learn how to answer that difficult interview question, “How do you handle stress and pressure?” So if you have a job interview coming up for any role whatsoever, there is a strong possibility they will ask you this question. And how you respond to it could be the difference between success or failure.

Click here to continue reading the Answers to “How Do You Handle Stress and Pressure?” interview Question

  1. What Are Your Salary Expectations? A Good Answer To This Interview Question

This is a difficult question to answer because on the one hand, you want to get the highest salary possible, but on the other, you don’t want to price yourself out of the competition. So you need to make sure you answer it with confidence. After you go through this post article finish, go for that job interview and come back with good testimony. In this post article, you will learn how to answer the interview question; “What are your salary expectations now?” and to help you achieve that goal.

Click here to continue reading the Answers to “What Are Your Salary Expectations?” interview Question

  1. Why do you want to leave your current Job? – A Good Answer To This Interview Question

This is one of the most common interview questions that you’re ever likely to face. Now, this is an interview question, which you’re almost certainly going to get asked and there are lots of very wrong things you can say. To learn the best answer to this interview question, make sure you go through this educative post article carefully.

Click here to continue reading the Answers to “Why do you want to leave your current Job?” interview Question

  1. WHY DO YOU WANT TO WORK HERE? Checkout Perfect Answer to this Interview Question!

This is one of the common interview question recruiters ask. In this post article, you will learn how to answer the interview question. So it does not matter which job you are being interviewed for or which organization it is with. They will ask you this question and to help you answer it correctly, this post article will cover these:

Click here to continue reading the Answers to “WHY DO YOU WANT TO WORK HERE?” interview Question

  1. Walk Me Through Your Resume [Learn the Perfect Answer to This Interview Question]

Right at the very start of your job interview, the interviewer is going to say to you, walk me through your resume or walk me through your CV. In this post article, you will learn exactly what to say to set you up with confidence for the rest of your interview. Now, the interviewer is asking you to walk through your resume or your CV for two reasons.

Click here to continue reading the answers to “Walk Me Through Your Resume” interview Question

  1. How Did You Hear About the Position? [Learn How to Answer This Interview Question]

How did you hear about this position is a common interview question. So what does the interviewer want to hear from your answer to the question, “How did you hear about this position?” Well, they want to hear that you are applying for this job is not just an impulse decision, but that you have wanted to work for their company for some time. In this post article you will learn exactly what to say when the interviewer asks you this question.

Click here to continue reading the Answers to “How Did You Hear About the Position?” interview Question

  1. WHAT TO SAY or DO when you can’t Answer an INTERVIEW QUESTION!

Here, you are going to learn what to say or do when you can’t answer an interview question. So if you got an interview coming up and you are nervous and worried about what to say or do, if you cannot answer a particular job interview question. Well, then this post article/tutorial is definitely for you.

Click here to continue reading the Answers to “WHAT TO SAY or DO when you can’t Answer an INTERVIEW QUESTION” interview Question

  1. Can you explain to me what makes a great team in your opinion? Perfect Answer To This Interview Question

a) Question: What makes a great team in your opinion? 

b) The Perfect Interview Answers: There are a number of different factors that all come together to make a team effective. The most important thing is that the team has a shared objective and a common goal. So if I was working as part of a six person team, for example, everyone in that team must be working towards the same end goal. So you have to have a common objective that everyone in the team is signed up to. The team also has to be good at communicating and I’m not just talking about speaking. You also have to be good at listening to. So for communication to be effective, you have to be a good listener when you are working within a team.

Click here to continue reading the answers to “What makes a great team in your opinion?” interview Question

  1. Questions to ask at the end of Job Interview

Here, you will learn seven brilliant and smart questions to ask at the end of your job interview. So once you reach the end of your interview, the interview is going to say to you, that’s the end of the interview; “Do you have any questions for us?”

Click here to continue reading the answers to “Questions to ask at the end of Job Interview”.

Wish you success in your interview test.

How To Prepare And Pass Any Scholarship Exams

Scholarships is now widely known in today’s world that you’ll hardly pass without hearing students pass “I am currently applying for this or that scholarship”. It’s has become so common and popular that it not has an impacting meaning.

In times past, a student studying on scholarship was regarded to be very brilliant student because before you get a scholarship, it must mean that you simply may have done something extraordinary to merit it or you’ve answered a very difficult question to get been awarded. That’s not the case again, in our society as organizations and personal bodies have realised the increased need for education and intrinsically are setting the road to make sure that each student has the proper to education “the key to putting together a replacement world”.

You don’t have to be a wizard to get yourself a scholarship, it is not an enormous deal neither, and do you have to wait till you’re close to write a scholarship exam before you start practicing or preparations. Time is very important as anything. In this article are helpful tips that would help you prepare and pass any scholarship exams with little or no stress at all.

Tips on How To Prepare And Pass Any Scholarship Exams

  1. Do Yourself a Favour

This is the first step in this regard, do yourself the most important favor, surf the online, and look for available opportunities to explore. There are usually advertised vacancies available listed on the internet for applicants to make use of. Favorably, you’ll find one of those useful website before the deadline.

  1. Make Your Findings

Check more information about the body offering the scholarship; their rating system , mode of application, examination date, and other vital info. You never can tell; different organizations with different styles of doing things, you’ll expect some sort of objective exams or an arranged or oral exam but it’s going to end up you may be asked to write down an essay instead.

  1. Study Ahead

You don’t have to wait till the date for the exam, get useful materials, and study ahead on new topics or topics you have been taught before. Get to upgrade your reasoning and search for new ideas. If their exam mode is typically essay writing, then start training yourself on how to write mind-blowing essays, write on different subject topics, analyse your rights and wrongs and check out to be better at it and if it’s getting to be a written exam. Look out for past questions, study hard, set questions for yourself to see how knowledgeable you’re on the topic matter.

  1. Prepare A Study Guide

It’s quite important you study but you have to study with guides, you’ll also need diligence. The study has very much like you can; the questions are getting to be simple but a touch little bit of technical meaning you’ve got to be extra technical yourself if you want to pass the exams.

  1. Give Yourself a Treat

There are times you’ll feel tired, reading gets boring sometimes, when you get tired or bored; you can help yourself to a nutritious meals, visit places, and bathe within the warm air. It refreshes your mind.

  1. Get Enough Rest

Whether you are preparing for exam and scholarship at that, but this doesn’t mean you ought to kill yourself within the process, get enough rest to relax your brain because sound health equally improves your chances of refreshing your mind.

  1. Surf the online for Information

It’s advisable that you simply keep visiting the scholarship’s website for the newest updates so you don’t miss out on your opportunity to be a beneficiary.

  1. On the Exams Day

Studies have shown that one among the main reasons students fail is panic; on the exam date, if you arrive early, you’ll be comfortable but if you arrive late, you’ll be scared if the exams have commenced already and with this, there’s every tendency that you’ll forget everything you’ve read and this phase, opens the door to subsequent which is exams fever and from fever, then failure. Arriving early isn’t a probability or an assurance you’ll pass, victory all boils right down to your level of preparation.

  1. Be Optimistic

After the exam, keep an optimistic mind. If you don’t pass that exam, don’t harm yourself, there are always many scholarship exams to take, so don’t lose hope or stop believing in yourself. When one door closes, another opens. That’s life, embrace whatever ways you are faced with.

8 Ways to Work While Studying If you couldn’t get a Scholarship

8 Ways to Work While Studying: Things are not really equal for people around the globe, however this shouldn’t stop anyone from achieving their dreams or pursuit in life. So many people apply for scholarships to complement their studies or to help them financially to ease the burden that may come from tuition fee, cost of living and other monetary bills. The fact is not everyone that apply for scholarships will get one or would even get any at all.

If you apply for scholarships and you couldn’t get it, this doesn’t mean you won’t continue with your education but to devise other means that would cater for your financial needs. You may be eligible to work while studying in developed countries such Canada, USA, Australia, UK including in Europe, if your study permit includes a condition that says you can work on or off campus. You must also meet all the other requirements.

You can only start working when you start your study program. Most study permits allow a full-time international student to work up to 20-hours per week during regular school sessions and undertake full-time employment during scheduled breaks, e.g Canadian study permits.

In this article, you will see other means that could be of help to you to finance your study without scholarship programs, I hope you will learn one or two things from this post article and will help you to face your studies squarely.

8 Ways to Work While Studying

  1. Part-time job

A part-time job is a way students can use to cover your study expenses. There are various part-time jobs out there to look out for depending on how well-paid the job is, you can earn for yourself some pocket money. You could find flexible part-time jobs that would fit in with your own schedule.

Jobs ranging from bar waiters, call-centre representative or working on campus or office assistant, part-time job can helps students to build a valuable experience. Consider or get a part-time job in your field of interest or in-line with your career, it has advantage on your intellectual by making you gain experience and learn things.

As an international student, you are allowed to take a part-time job for 20 hours/ week in a semester (this is applicable in most European countries).

  1. Summer or winter vacation jobs

In most European countries, you could decide to work full-time for three months between one academic year. The amazing part thing about summer jobs is that you don’t have to worry that your job will disturb your education. You only focus on your job and develop yourself around your career. Summer jobs are fun to do as you enjoy your job and save enough money that won’t make u think you didn’t get a scholarship.

  1. Internships

Internships are perfect for developing a successful career with a prestigious company that’s connected to your study interests. Some internships are paid and provide you with the chance of getting hired after completing your internship. If not hired, you’ll get good reference for future job opportunities and make connections with people who might become your future work colleagues or partners. Internships are perfect for anyone because you get to understand better the sector you’re looking to find out about.

  1. Work placements

A work placement may be a Helpful to gain professional experience in workplace, usually without being paid. Many are offered by universities as a part of degree courses. Grades may be based on your completed tasks during your work placement and you’ll probably get to complete a project and possibly progress reports as part of your grade.

Work placements, sometimes observed as year placements, are usually taken between your second and final year at the university. Most of the massive graduate recruiters advertise placements from early autumn term through to the spring term.

  1. Volunteering

Voluntary works helps in gaining experiences and connections at the same time helping the community! Depending on your degree, volunteering work can actually be more useful and helpful than employment in most cases. Volunteering work can assist you better understand social problems and you’ll contribute to solving the problem at hand. Your work won’t be the sole thing highly valued, but you would possibly come up with innovative ideas and help associations or organizations that help prevent various social problems.

During a volunteering work, you’ll meet people who can become a stepping stone for future job recommendations or can at some point become your employers.

  1. Work shadowing

Spend time and observe one or more professional personnel within a company or organization. During holidays is considered the best time to undertake work shadowing, you get the chance to get the understanding of different kind of works or involvement involved in a particular field. Although rarely pay one for shadowing a workspace, work shadowing could also be One-time opportunity for you to gain experience during a place where paid work experience positions are rare.

Work shadowing can also open the room for employment to some popular and competitive field, such as: Television and media, Automotive industry, Software applications

You will never see advertisers advertising work shadowing, you’ll always need to contact the company and negotiate the content and terms of the work. Work shadowing is analogous with an apprenticeship, but it’s less structured and stressful. During a shadowing experience, you’ll need to always ask questions associated with anything you don’t know or understand and sometimes find out for yourself what the major secrets of the sector or person you’re observing.

  1. Insight programmes

Insight programmes are mostly designed for first-year undergraduate students, with the aim to supply an insight into the organization/company and the way they work “behind-the-scenes”. An insight programme isn’t all the time a piece option basically, because it can last from at some point to every week and sometimes a little longer.

However, insight programmes are often the primary step in the application process for an internship and other work experience opportunities. Additionally, insight programmes are so many benefits if they’re inline or correspondent with your search project, assignment or graduation paper you’re working on.

During an insight programme, you’ll Probably have fun as you’ll attend workshops, presentations and obtain involved in surveys and other interactive games.

  1. Casual employee or freelancer

This is a flexible arrangement for you as an employee and for the corporate also . Although usually used for brief and sometimes irregular periods, you’ll also add a long-term arrangement. As an off-the-cuff employee, you’ll be asked to figure on a brief notice and in most cases, you’ll even be informed on a brief notice when your work will not be needed.

On the other hand, you’ll get paid a bit extra for your working hours so as to catch up on not having a transparent contract or arrangement. One common example of casual employment jobs are the telecommute/remote jobs.

Although studying and keeping your job requires a bigger commitment compared to being only a regular full-time student, these 8 Ways to Work While Studying are some of the best things any student can do.

How to Find Masters Scholarships to Study Abroad

Education is one of the bedrock of any society and one of the easiest ways to get out of poverty, especially for people living in countries that are not doing well economically. Finding Masters Scholarships to Study Abroad tops different search engines today. Getting quality education is one of the hardest things to accomplish, as they are extremely expensive to come by, due to the human and material resources involved in actualizing it.

However, a special type of assistantship called scholarships has over the years reduced the burden of students a lot, as they have over the years helped millions of students achieve their dreams by helping them to pave their way through schools without having to pay through their nose.

What is a scholarship?

According to the Cambridge dictionary, a scholarship is an amount of money given by a college, school, university, or other organization to pay for the studies of a person with great ability but little money to carter for his/her education.

Scholarships are extremely flexible, they allow students to apply and study regardless of their background, family, or financial capacity and capabilities.

Grants and Scholarships

Most people often mistake these two as the same thing, although they are similar in their direction, they are very different in approach. Both scholarships and grants are types of gift aid, which means that students do not need to pay the money back. But grants are usually need-based, and often go to young people who cannot afford the cost of their studies. In contrast, most scholarships are awarded based on academic, athletic, artistic ability, or any other extra curriculum skill that is valued and appreciated by some organizations.

Difference between Scholarship and Student Loans

Grants are not the only alternative to scholarships, we also have financial aid called student loans. Unlike grants and scholarships, student loans are a form of financial aid that needs to be paid back, sometimes with interest. Student loans help the students.

In developed countries, most people are still paying back their student loans, years after they’ve finished school and sometimes it’s way more than they took in the first place.

How to find a Masters’s Scholarship?

A master degree program is one of the hottest degrees in the world market, as it can help you get a better job, help you move further in your organization, expose you to quite several things you don’t know at your undergraduate level, and most importantly, makes you a form of authority in your discipline.

However, getting a degree is not easy, especially if the dream is to study abroad. Masters programs abroad are quite expensive, that is why most students prefer to look for master’s degree scholarships abroad, to reduce their cost, or better still, bear the cost of their whole program.

But how do you start searching for a master’s degree scholarship?

The best place to look out for scholarships are your favorite school’s websites, normally schools do have their specific type of scholarship opportunities and place them on their site for everybody to see. If you don’t find anything on the school’s site, you can always contact the representative of the school, send a mail or chat, and see if they can help you in any way possible.

The next step after looking for the scholarship that meets your criteria is to look for financial aid in other places on the internet. But it’s not always easy to find reliable information and some of the information on the internet are outdated, as most bodies offering financial aids do change their conditions from time to time, so make sure that you are equipped with the right information before starting your journey.

What Documents Do You Need?

Admission requirements for a master’s degree abroad can vary from program to program, but luckily there are some similarities whether you want to study in America, Europe, or even Asia. The purpose of an application fee receipt, photos, and ID copies is pretty obvious. The University needs to be able to recognize you and accept your application. However, other common requirements may determine if you will get accepted or not to the degree you are applying to.

This is major because there are a lot of elements that can influence the decision of the universities, which don’t appear in the list of admission requirements.

Below are some of the major documents needed in this category:

Copies of diplomas from your previous studies: The school will require you to upload the original copy of your undergraduate degree, your transcript and some will even require you to upload the school certificate to be sure that you graduated from the said institution. The major reason for uploading a transcript is to know your GPA and decide if you will be admitted or not for the particular course.

Proof of Language Proficiency: When applying for a degree abroad, chances are that you will study in English, for this reason, major schools require you to take an exam that will prove that you are indeed proficient in the English language and as such can survive in both the school and the society at large.

Some of the most popular examinations to prove proficiency are TOEFL, IELTS, C1 Advanced, etc. when they determine a specific score, it means that they expect you to have the score. The higher the score, the more convinced that you have mastered the English language.

Statement of Intent: Many students are encouraged to write a statement of intent and relate why they wanted to study the course, the importance of the course, and the impact the course will have on the larger society when they do return to their country after their graduation. Although some schools won’t require you to write this statement it’s better to be prepared for it.

Reference Letters: Reference letters are letters that must be written by scholars of repute, in which they will state your uniqueness, vouch for your character and attest to your willingness to study the course you have chosen in their school. Most schools usually prefer you choosing a PhD holder for your reference, so their recommendation will hold ground.

In Conclusion, a master’s s scholarship is very popular right now, but it takes dedication, grit, and perseverance to be able to look out for the one that fits you, gathers all the documentation that’s needed, and of course fulfill a requirement re requirements required of you.

How to Apply for Scholarship for Studying Abroad

How to Apply for Scholarship for Studying Abroad: Education is undoubtedly the key to success, that is why millions of students worldwide strife daily to acquire the best education they can get, both home and abroad. Education in Africa is relatively cheap compared to developed nations in Europe and America, which is why most people from this side of the world cannot study abroad without needing a form of Assistantship to study the course of their dream at their dream country outside the shores of the country.

The cost of living abroad is an open secret to most people, which is why most students abroad apply for loans, Assistantship, study, and work, and most importantly apply for life-changing scholarships. So, if your dream is to study abroad, then you should know that tuition fees and living costs can quickly add up to a very large budget for your education.

Luckily, scholarships provide the essential financial support that so many students need and can eventually change their lives.

What is a Scholarship?

According to the Cambridge dictionary, a scholarship is an amount of money given by a college, school, university, or other organization to pay for the studies of a person with great ability but little money to carter for his/her education.

Scholarships are extremely flexible, they allow students to apply and study regardless of their background, family, or financial capacity and capabilities.

Grants and Scholarships

Most people often mistake these two as the same thing, although they are similar in their direction, they are very different in approach. Both scholarships and grants are types of gift aid, which means that students do not need to pay the money back. But grants are usually need-based, and often go to young people who cannot afford the cost of their studies. In contrast, most scholarships are awarded based on academic, athletic, artistic ability, or any other extra curriculum skill that is valued and appreciated by some organizations.

Difference between Scholarship and Student Loans

Grants are not the only alternative to scholarships, we also have financial aid called student loans. Unlike grants and scholarships, student loans are a form of financial aid that needs to be paid back, sometimes with interest. Student loans can both be both a blessing and a curse, but it really help the student.

In developed countries, most people are still paying back their student loans, years after they’ve finished school and sometimes it’s way more than they took in the first place.

Who can Apply for Scholarships

Scholarships are often open to everybody who meets the requirement, as long as the person meets the requirement set by the organization or institution giving out the scholarship. Scholarships are not one-way traffic, there are quite a several scholarships directed to different types of people and each has its specification, goals, and objectives.

If you applying for a scholarship, always try to check if you can apply and look at the conditions put in place, if you feel like you have the necessary documents and qualifications to achieve the feat, you can always apply and hope for the best. Most scholarships are merit-based and if you meet the requirement, and lucky, you might be getting the scholarship without any form of lobbying, bribe, and inducement of any kind.

How to Find Abroad Scholarships?

The best place to look out for scholarships are your favorite school’s websites, normally schools do have their specific type of scholarship opportunities and place them on their site for everybody to see. If you don’t find anything on the school’s site, you can always contact the representative of the school, send a mail or chat, and see if they can help you in any way possible.

The next step after looking for the scholarship that meets your criteria is to look for financial aid in other places on the internet. But it’s not always easy to find reliable information and some of the information on the internet are outdated, as most bodies offering financial aids do change their conditions from time to time, so make sure that you are equipped with the right information before starting your journey.

What type of Scholarship is out there?

There is quite a lot of scholarships out there at the moment, and each one of them is directed towards achieving a particular objective. Some of these scholarships are;

  • Scholarship for excellent results (Also referred t as the Merit Scholarship)
  • Scholarship for Research purposes
  • Scholarship for extracurricular activities like sports, artistic abilities, and other non-academic abilities
  • Scholarship for improvised countries or third world countries
  • Scholarship for bright minds with low income
  • Scholarship for under-represented groups in the society e.g women, Hispanic, African- Americans, and other groups
  • Scholarship for war-torn countries like e.g Syria
  • Scholarship for International students

***All of these scholarships have their specific conditions before it can be awarded, because there is a lot of competitions among these groups and only the most qualified will be given the opportunity, so before you decide to take up any form of scholarship, you must be well assured that you can meet up with their conditions and try your best to follow their rules to the letter.

In conclusion, securing a scholarship right now is not as hard as it used to be back the day, there are lots of organizations, associations, bodies, governments are other groups that are ready to give out one form of scholarship or another for reasons that appeal to their sentiments.

However, most scholarship is not open to everybody in the world, as each scholarship is egged on satisfying the modus operandi of the association and why the scholarship was rolled out in the first place, so to win the scholarship you must make sure that you are convinced to fit into the category, observe their rules to the letter, provide the necessary documents and you might be on your way to fulfilling that age-long dream of attending a school abroad without you spending through your nose.

How to Get Scholarship for PhD Abroad

This article will focus on how scholars can decide on which PhD program to venture into, which country is best for your program, and most importantly, how to get scholarship for PhD abroad without facing too many hiccups while doing so.

PhD is short for Doctor of Philosophy. This is an academic degree that in most countries qualifies the degree holder to teach their chosen subject at the university level or to work in a specialized position in their chosen field. The word ‘philosophy’ comes from the ancient Greek word ‘philosophical which means ‘love for wisdom.

It originally signified an individual who had achieved a comprehensive general education in the fundamental issues of the present world. Today, the Doctor of philosophy still requires love for wisdom but applies to individuals who have pursued knowledge in a much more specialized field.

What is a PhD?

A PhD is a globally recognized postgraduate degree awarded by universities and higher education institutions to a candidate who has submitted a thesis or dissertation, based on extensive and original research in their chosen fields. The specification of the PhD degrees vary depending on where you are and the course you are intending to study.

Generally, PhD is the highest level of degree a student can achieve, it usually follows a master’s although some institutions also allow students to jump straight to PhD by combining both their master’s and PhD, as long as they are convinced that the student has what it take to combine the two without facing too many difficulties. Traditionally, PhD takes three to four years to complete and after completing a set of original and authentic research will be rewarded with the highest honor in academia.

PhD Admission requirements

Your grades during master’s and bachelor’s degrees will go a very long way whenever you decide to get your PhD Most institutions generally prefer that candidates with high academic standards in both their bachelor’s and master’s levels. Except in some circumstances, PhD candidates with a first-class or a second class upper division will be considered first before the other ones with much lower grades.

Students who are willing to sponsor themselves might apply for PhD with a lower set of grades, but most organizations sponsoring PhD. candidates mostly consider students with a very high grade during their bachelor’s and master’s levels.

Some institutions might also require you to find a tenured professor in your field, who will guide and supervise you throughout your program before they can admit you, while some will assign you a supervisor based on your research topic and methodology once you have been admitted into the program.

Types of Funding

There are different types of funding available in academia, we will take a look at the different types of funding and then examine the types of funds available for PhD candidates.

The general types of funding includes:

Grants and Scholarships

Most people often mistake these two as the same thing, although they are similar in their direction, they are very different in approach. Both scholarships and grants are types of gift aid, which means that students do not need to pay the money back. But grants are usually need-based, and often go to young people who cannot afford the cost of their studies. In contrast, most scholarships are awarded based on academic, athletic, artistic ability, or any other extra curriculum skill that is valued and appreciated by some organizations.

Difference between Scholarship and Student Loans

Grants are not the only alternative to scholarships, we also have financial aid called student loans. Unlike grants and scholarships, student loans are a form of financial aid that needs to be paid back, sometimes with interest. Student loans can both be both a blessing and a curse, as it can either help the student or put them in the long run.

In developed countries, most people are still paying back their student loans, years after they’ve finished school and sometimes it’s way more than they took in the first place.

PhD Funding

There are quite a several ways through which a candidate can seek financial assistance in other to enroll in a PhD program, although some may decide to sponsor themselves for the program, due to the required expenses, most candidates rely on assistantship for their program.

Sources of PhD Funding:

Government Agencies: The ministry of education in your home state, the ministry of women affairs and poverty alleviation, agencies, and other government parastatals are a very good place to start your journey if you are looking for a PhD scholarship. Most government agencies offer funds for specific sorts of people in the community. There are quite a several funding for men and women, people from education deprived local governments, state governments sponsor Engineers, doctors, and others who are eager to develop their states with the skill set.

Organizations or bodies: There are quite a several scholarship opportunities made available by specific organizations who are interested in either a particular skill set or working towards the good of their community. Bodies like the McArthur Foundation, Carnegie Foundation, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, and the like also sponsor PhD candidates with adequate funds.

Schools: Exceptional candidates in their Master’s and Bachelor’s degrees are also awarded scholarships by various institutions.

PhD Applications

Here are some of the documents needed for PhD applications:

Language Proficiency: Some schools will require you to write a language proficiency test to prove your mastery of the English language. Some of the most popular ones are the ‘’Test of English as a Foreign Language’’ called TOEFL and the ‘’ International English Test Language’’ generally known as IELTS.

Employment/Academic Reference: Some schools might also require you to submit your employment records and/or your academic transcript, including details of course modules and module content as part of your application.

Candidates are also enjoined to submit reference letters from 3 or 4 people who know them well in the academic settings and who can vouch for both their academic credentials and character.

Personal Statements: Many schools will also require you to write a personal statement, which is a short essay that you can use to demonstrate your passion for your chosen subject.

PhD Research Proposal: Candidates are also required to submit their proposals, which will include the outlined research topic, highlight your awareness of current trends in your field, critical analysis, explain your intended research methodology, discuss the real-life implication of your proposed research topic.

In Conclusion, a PhD is the highest honor in academics, which is why there are quite a lot of scholarship opportunities available for it both at home and abroad, but candidates must adhere strictly to rules, guidelines, and principles in other for them to achieve their set goals and objectives.

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