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Tag Archives: cv

How to Write a CV | Some CV Writing Tips That Will Help You Land Your Dream

To Write a good CV, here are some CV writing tips that will help you land your dream:

  1. Make it unique

Don’t have a CV that’s too long. 1-2 pages will do just fine however this is dependent on the amount of experience you have. Space out all the information so that your CV is not clustered. Having a colorful CV and a picture doesn’t make your CV good. It’s the content that does.

  1. BIO

Have a strong personal statement/summary that tells the recruiter a bit about yourself and also positions you as something. So many people fall into the trap of listing skills in their bio, that they forget to tell the recruiters a little bit about themselves.


When listing skills in your CV, make sure you have 3 types of skills listed. Have a balance between your transferable/functional skills, (e.g analytical skills), personal traits/attributes (e.g patience), and knowledge-based skills (e.g accounting).


When listing your work experience, keep your job descriptions brief and straight to the point highlighting what your role was. Make sure you have your job title and the years you worked at a specific job. Always use action verbs when listing your work experience.

  1. Education

Avoid listing every subject or module from your school or university. Instead, focus on:

– The institutions you attended

– The qualifications you earned

– A brief summary of what each qualification equips you with

You can refer to the prospectus if you need assistance with summarizing your qualifications.


Proofreading is so important. Make sure you pay attention to detail. Check your spelling, grammar, and punctuation. Ensure everything is consistent including your Fonts. Also, make sure that your CV isn’t too clustered and is easy on the eye.


– Using generic cliches like “passionate, self-motivated, dedicated”

– Not tailoring your CV for each job application. Your CV is not a one-size-fits-all

– Not using keywords related to the vacancy

– Excessive word repetition

– Having a super long CV

  1. Always tell the truth

Do not lie in your CV to get the job because your lies will catch up with you. However, do not sell yourself short. Don’t be afraid to show that you are the right person for the job.

  1. Your CV is like a sales document

It sells who you are and what you can do. It’s a valuable asset for opening doors of possibility. So put in the effort, it really goes a long way, and remember that the first impression lasts. Present yourself correctly.

  1. 12 components to include in your CV
  • Contact Information

This includes your full name, phone number, email address, and possibly a professional online profile like LinkedIn. Avoid including sensitive information like your social security number, passport number, account number.

  • Objective Statement or Professional Summary

This is a brief statement that outlines your career goals and why you would be a good fit for the position. A professional summary can be used instead of an objective, to showcase your skills, accomplishments, and experience.

  • Skills

This section should be tailored to the job you’re applying for. Highlight both your hard skills (e.g., proficiency in a foreign language or computer software) and soft skills (e.g., problem-solving or teamwork).

  • Work Experience

Start with your most recent job and work backwards. Include the company name, your title, the dates you were employed, and a brief summary of your duties and achievements.

  • Education

Like the work experience section, start with your most recent education experience and work backwards. Include the institution name, your degree, your field of study, and the dates you attended. If you’re a recent graduate, you may also include your GPA if it’s strong.

  • Certifications and Licenses

If you’ve earned any relevant certifications or licenses, include them in this section.

  • Achievements and Awards

If you have any notable achievements or awards from your career or education, they can be listed in this section.

  • Volunteer Work

Many employers value community involvement, so include any volunteer work, especially if it’s related to your field.

  • Professional Affiliations

Include any professional organizations that you’re a member of. This can demonstrate your commitment to your field.

  • References

While it’s not necessary to list your references on your CV, it’s often helpful to include a statement such as “References available upon request.”

  • Publications or Presentations

If you’ve been published in a professional journal, or given a presentation at a conference, include the details here.

  • Personal Interests (optional)

Some people choose to include a section on their interests and hobbies. This can give potential employers a sense of your personality and what you might bring to the team. However, keep it professional and relevant.

Those are are some CV writing tips that will help you land your dream. Remember, your CV is often your first opportunity to make an impression on a potential employer, so make sure it’s well-written, well-organized, and free of errors.


In this educative article, you will learn how to write the perfect CV if you have no previous work experience.

If you are applying for any job with any company and you need to submit a CV, but you have no previous work experience, make sure you read this article from start to finish because it will help you.


To help you write a CV with no experience, this is what this article will cover:

  • Important tips for writing and structuring a CV if you have no previous work experience. These tips will help you quickly understand what you need to include in your CV when you have no experience.
  • 10 powerful sentences to include in your CV personal statement if you have no experience.
  • An example, fully explained personal statement to use on your CV.

Important tips for writing and structuring a CV if you have no previous experience

CV WRITING NO EXPERIENCE TIP 1: Keep your CV to just two sides of A4.

If you want to grab the attention of the hiring manager, keep your CV to the point, relevant and succinct if you want it to be successful.

Remember, the hiring manager has many CVs to assess, so it’s important that yours is punchy, positive, and applicable to the position you have applied for.

CV WRITING NO EXPERIENCE TIP 2: When structuring your CV, if you have no experience, only include the following six sections:


Within this first section of your CV, include your full name, home address, contact telephone number, and email.

If your contact telephone number is your mobile, make sure you have a professional sounding answerphone message.


Your personal statement is the first thing the hiring manager will read about you and your suitability for the position. Keep your personal statement positive, sell yourself, and focus on what you will do for their company if they choose to hire you.

As we proceed, you will learn the perfect personal statement to use if you have no previous experience.


In section three, include details of the schools, colleges or universities you attended in chronological order.

Chronological order is the schools or colleges you attended from first to last. Also, in this section of your CV include the subjects you’ve studied and the academic qualifications or grades you achieve.


In this section of your CV include details of any work or relevant experience you have gained.

This can include part-time jobs, jobs you have undertaken at home on a regular basis; societies or groups you have been a part of, or even sporting teams you have been in.


In this next section of your CV, include any significant achievements you have gained in your life so far. This can be team event achievements, including trophies or awards won, charity or sponsored events you have completed, or even inclusion in a student-related publication.

If you can include one or more significant achievements in your CV, it tells the hiring manager that you have a track record of success, which you can easily replicate in the workplace.


In this final part of your CV, make sure you include the contact details of one or two references. A reference is a person the hiring manager can contact to verify who you are and confirm that you are a good person who will be able to add value to their company in the role.

Some people put the words references available on request in this section of their CV, but this will not help your chances. Good references can include former teachers, work experience managers, or even family, friends, or acquaintances who have jobs of interest, including doctors, solicitors, and other good standing careers.

Make sure you contact the reference for their permission before including them on your CV.

CV WRITING NO EXPERIENCE TIP 3: When writing your brilliant CV, if you have no experience, make sure it is readable and free from spelling or grammar mistakes/errors.

If there are any errors on your CV, it will get rejected because it demonstrates a lack of attention to detail.

CV WRITING NO EXPERIENCE TIP 4: It is absolutely vital that you include powerful words and phrases in your CV.

Because you have no previous work experience, you have to sell yourself using great words that demonstrate you are positive, forward thinking, and you genuinely want to help their business or organization succeed in the role that you will occupy.


Below are 10 brilliant sentences to use in your CV personal statement if you have no previous work experience.

Powerful CV Sentence 1:

“I am industrious, diligent, hard-working, and I will ensure I quickly add value to your team in this position if you hire me.”

Powerful CV Sentence 2:

“I will always take ownership of my ongoing professional development to ensure you see a positive return on your investment.”

Powerful CV Sentence 3:

“I am a fast learner, which means you won’t have to spend your valuable time closely supervising or monitoring me.”

Powerful CV Sentence 4:

“Although I do not have any work experience yet, I more than make up for this with my enthusiastic nature, my positive attitude, and my willingness to learn from others.”

Powerful CV Sentence 5:

“During my education, I learned the importance of making sure I prioritized my studies, supported other students, and completed everything on time and to the right standard.

The transferable skills I acquired during my studies are ones that I will take forward into the workplace.”

Powerful CV Sentence 6:

“I am a resilient, confident, and determined person who will always act as a positive role model for your organization in this position.”

Powerful CV Sentence 7:

“I consider myself to be a hardworking, self-motivated, and trustworthy person. I am a flexible and adaptable individual who works well both in a team environment as well as on my own initiative.”

Powerful CV Sentence 8:

“I am commercially aware, which means I understand how important it is to help my employer grow, improve, save money, and maintain its position as a market leader.”

Powerful CV Sentence 9:

“Because I am new to the working environment, I am effectively a blank canvas, which means you can train me up to be a productive and high-performing member of your team.”

Powerful CV Sentence 10:

“I have a genuine desire to learn as much as possible, which means I will always be willing to carry out duties that are outside of my job description.”


Below is a brilliant positive CV personal statement that is perfect if you have no work experience:

“Thank you for giving me the opportunity to apply for this position. I would describe myself as a hard-working, conscientious, positive, and industrious person who is keen to start work in a productive team environment.

During my studies, I learned the importance of being disciplined, completing my work on time and to a high standard, and supporting other students in their work. Outside of work I keep myself fit and active and I have a passion for self-development through reading non-fiction books and studying online training courses.

My skills and qualities are a strong match for the job description. The fact that I am new to the working environment means you will be hiring a very passionate and dedicated worker, and someone who can bring new and fresh ideas to the team that will ensure your company maintains its position as a market leader.”

That’s how to write the perfect CV, if you have no previous work experience.

How To Write Resume | 5 Golden Tips for Writing a POWERFUL Resume or CV

How to Write Resume for Job: To apply for any job, you are going to have to submit a powerful resume, a resume that is going to grab the attention of the hiring manager.

In this guide you will learn exactly what to include on your own resume, and also the exact structure to use. If you are applying for any job whatsoever, make sure you read this guide from start to finish.

How to write a POWERFUL Resume or CV for Job

To help you write a resume that is guaranteed to get you invited to interview, this guide will cover the following three things:

  • Five (5) easy to implement tips for writing a powerful, winning resume.
  • The exact structure to use when writing your resume. This includes the seven sections you should always include on any resume.
  • The perfect personal statement to include on your resume that the hiring manager is going to love.


Below are five easy to implement tips, golden tips for writing the perfect resume:

  • TIP #1: Keep your resume relatively short (2 pages is all you need).

Remember, the hiring manager will have many resumes to sift through, and it is vital you keep yours short, powerful, and to the point.

  • TIP #2: Make sure your resume is easy-to-read.

The information you provide on your resume should be placed in a specific order, and also make sure you use simple but professional-looking font such as aerial.

  • TIP #3: When writing your resume focus on any previous achievements you have gained that show you can ADD VALUE to their company in the role.

This is a great tip, where possible include numbers on your resume.

Statements such as:

“In my previous role, I helped the company increase sales by 25%. This was achieved via targeted social media marketing campaigns and a focus on improving customer service.”

Any numbers will really stand out on your resume, and they allow a hiring manager to see how you are going to ADD VALUE to their company.

  • TIP #4: Get your resume proofread before you send it off.

If there is one spelling mistake, or if your resume is littered with grammar or punctuation errors, you will not get invited to interview. Errors on your resume give the impression that you lack standards and attention to detail, so make sure you get someone to read it over before you submit it.

  • TIP #5: Focus on using ACTIVE LANGUAGE when constructing your resume.

Active language includes words that perform a specific ACTION. For example, words such as performed, targeted, managed, built, developed, launched, and formulated are all examples of ACTIVE LANGUAGE that focus on the ACTION you took in previous roles.


Below are the exact structure to use when writing your resume. These are the different sections you should include.

As previously mentioned, your resume should only be 2 pages in length because this makes it easy for the hiring manager to read and it also enables them to quickly decide whether they want to invite you to interview.

Because you are only working with 2-pages, you need to use a concise structure that covers everything the hiring manager wants to see. Make sure you include the following seven (7) sections on your resume.

RESUME SECTION 1 – Personal Details And Contact Information.

At the start of your resume, include your name, your address, email and contact telephone number. Don’t forget, make sure any answer phone message on your cell phone is professional sounding.

If the hiring manager calls you to invite you along to an interview and they get an unprofessional sounding answer phone message, they may hang up.

RESUME SECTION 2 – Personal Statement.

The personal statement is the first thing the hiring manager will read. Therefore, it needs to grab their attention. The personal statement should ideally be approximately 150 to 200 words in length, and it should contain powerful words and phrases that quickly explain who you are, your values, and what you can bring to the role.

RESUME SECTION 3 – Previous Work Experience.

This section details in chronological order any previous jobs you have held. Make sure you include the job title, the name of the organization, and the years that you worked there.

RESUME SECTION 4 – Key Skills You Possess

Key skills are essentially the strengths you have that you can bring to the role. These should be placed in bullet point fashion.

Below are some examples of key skills you could include:

  • A fast learner with a proven track record of achievement;
  • Proficient in the use of all Microsoft Office applications, and a typing speed of 57 words per minute (WPM);
  • A strong collaborator who always the needs of a team first;
  • Exceptional communication skills;
  • A strong sense of business acumen, and the understanding that the organization’s commercial objectives are crucial to my work;
  • An adaptable approach to change and someone who takes responsibility for their ongoing professional development.

RESUME SECTION 5 – Education & Qualifications.

In the education and qualification section, list the qualifications you possess and don’t forget to include brief details of any relevant courses you have attended and completed.

RESUME SECTION 6 – Achievements.

This section should, again, include bullet points of some of your proudest professional achievements. Below are some examples of good achievements to include:

  • Achieved a 35 % increase in sales for my previous employer. This goal was reached through carefully targeted social media advertising campaigns.
  • Implemented a new online customer service feedback facility that resulted in a 25% increase in customer satisfaction levels.
  • Invented a smart system for ordering office supplies that saved my employer $1,500 per month.
  • Successfully integrated a new software system for the company and organized the rollout of competency training for all staff.
  • Delivered consistently high levels of customer service in all roles that resulted in increased sales for my employer.

RESUME SECTION 7 – References.

At the end of your resume, make sure you give the details, the contact details of two people who would be willing to act as a positive reference for you. Although majority of candidates put in this section, “References available upon request”. But this is not actually good, is a missed opportunity.

A resume will look far stronger and more powerful if the NAMES and CONTACT DETAILS of two references are included.


Don’t forget the personal statement needs to be hard-hitting positive, and it must grab the attention of the hiring manager. Below is example of personal statement:

“I am a highly-motivated, conscientious, and competent collaborator who possesses in-depth knowledge and expertise with this industry.

With a proven track record of achievement, I can bring positivity, support, and a creative mindset to any team.

I pride myself on taking ownership of challenging problems, maintaining high standards, and assisting my employer in achieving their commercial objectives.

With a desire and passion for continuous professional development, I am confident I can add value to your organization by always ensuring your customers and clients receive the best service possible.

With more than 5 years’ experience in similar roles, I can be relied upon to deliver everything that I set out to achieve, whilst always seeking ways to help my employer grow, and save the money at the same time.”

That’s a powerful example resume personal statement that guarantee to impress any hiring manager.

How to Prepare CV for PhD Positions

Do you want to have a CV that can get you a PhD position? This guide will teach you how to prepare CV for PhD position.

Below is how you should prepare your CV for PhD Position:

1. Links to your profiles: In the personal information section at the top of your CV, include links to your online profiles such as google scholar, LinkedIn, DBLP, homepage, and research gate. It will help the assessor to view your profile via a familiar forum.

2. Research areas: After the personal information section, mention your 4-5 research areas such as machine learning, cyber security, big data analytics, and so on. This directly shows whether or not your profile is relevant to the advertised position.

3. No Paragraphs: Do not include paragraphs in your CV. It makes it hard to read. Instead of paragraphs, include concrete bullet points.

4. No objectives: Often students mention one big paragraph at the start as an objective/aim. This is not required as the assessor already knows the position for which you have applied. Hence, this becomes redundant.

5. Hyperlink: As much as possible, add hyperlinks. For example, you can add links to your university, your workplaces, and so on. This helps the assessor to directly check where you studied or worked.

6. Highlight your strengths: If you have something in your profile that makes you unique, bring it to the first page. For example, if you are a gold medalist in your undergraduate or you have won some programming competition, add them as achievements on the first page. This will make you stand out in comparison to other applicants.

7. Research publications: If you have publications even under review, do mention them upfront. If the papers are already online, add a link to each paper so that the assessor can directly check it out. Add all relevant details to each publication such as journal/conference ranking and impact factors.

8. No MS word format: Do not share or submit your CV in MS word format. It does not look good even at times MS word formatting is distorted. Submit or share your CV in PDF format.

9. Mention English Score: If you have undertaken IELTS/TOEFL kinds of tests, do mention your scores. These English scores are one of the admission requirements and help a professor in student selection.

10. Ask to review your CV: At least ask 2 experienced people to review your CV. This will help to polish your CV by removing any typos, grammar, and evident issues.

How to write a Cover Letter for Fresh Graduates With No Experience

In this brief article, we will learn how to write a brilliant cover letter for fresh graduates and those people who have no previous work experience.

If you are applying for a job and you want to submit a brilliant cover letter with it, make sure you read this article very well because it will help you be successful.

How to Write a Cover Letter With No Experience

Below are the things this article will cover:

  • 3 very important tips for writing a brilliant cover letter for fresh graduates and those people with no work experience.
  • Example of cover letter to use that is guaranteed to grab the attention of the hiring manager. Your cover letter has to grab their attention.

What is a cover letter and how long should it be?

A cover letter accompanies a CV or resume, and it is a shortened one page document. It only needs to be one page that explains why you are applying for the job.

There’s a couple of things you can do to make your cover letter stand out, especially if you are a fresh graduate or someone with no previous work experience.

3 Tips for Writing a brilliant Cover Letter

Below are those three really important tips for writing a brilliant cover letter.

  • Tip 1: When writing your cover letter, keep it short (one page). It must be concise and to the point.

Remember, the hiring manager has to read through lots of cover letters, so yours has to stand out and grab their attention. So keep it just to one page.

  • Tip 2: Make sure you use positive and engaging words in your cover letter to grab the attention of the hiring manager.

The hiring manager has lots of cover letters to read through, and you can grab their attention by using brilliant, positive and engaging words.

  • Tip 3: Make sure your cover letter is free from grammar, punctuation, and spelling mistakes.

If there are mistakes in your cover letter, it will get rejected simply because one of the most important skills needed in all job roles is attention to detail.

How to write a cover letter for fresh graduates and no experience candidates

Below is a brilliant example cover letter to use for fresh graduates and those people with no previous work experience.

When you start your cover letter, include your full name, address and insert the date of the cover letter in the top right hand corner of the document.

Full name

Address line 1

Address line 2

Address line 3

Insert Date

Dear Sir/Madam,

RE: Application for [Insert the name of the position you are applying for]

I am attaching my CV/resume supporting my application for the above position.

I am applying for the role because I have the skills and qualities to match the job description and become a high-performing employee for your company.

My key strengths include resourcefulness, adaptability to change, commercial awareness, collaboration skills and positivity.

I already have a track record of achievement in life and I aim to replicate the same success for your company. Some of my key achievements to date include [you can include some of your own key achievements]: These are examples:

  • Attaining excellent grades at college;
  • Winning team sporting events at school;
  • Raising money for charity and good causes.

I understand I must work hard for my employer to enable them to meet their commercial and strategic objectives and my hunger to learn and enthusiasm will be valuable assets to your team.

Thank you for considering my application and I look forward to hearing from you.

Yours faithfully

[Insert your full name here]

Telephone number: [Insert Telephone Number Here]

Email: [Insert Email Address Here]

Make sure your answer phone message on your cell phone is professional sounding. Make sure it’s professional and also make sure your email address is professional too. All of these things will definitely help.

Thank you so much for reading this article and I wish you all the best for getting hired and passing your job interview.

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