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Tag Archives: nvc case status

United States Visas Terminology

Below are the United States Visas Terminology:

1NL – First Notification Letter (Selection letter)

221g – AP Refusal after interview, not final

2NL – Second notification letter (Interview letter)

AP – Administrative Processing

AV – Visa numbers have been allocated, and the case is ready to be scheduled for appointment

CEAC – Consular Electronic Application Center

CN – Case Number

DOS – Department of State

DS260 – Immigrant Visa Application Form

DV – Diversity Visa

INTS – Case has been scheduled for an appointment

KCC – Kentucky Consular Center

NVC – National Visa Centre

PCC – Police Clearance Certificate

POE – Point of Entry

RV – Case processing is complete, and the case has been reported for the allocation of visa numbers

USCIS – United States Citizenship and Immigration Services

VB – Visa Bulletin

Those are some of the United States Visas Terminology.

DISCLAIMER: This post and content is designed for general information only and is NOT legal advice. This site is not offering any Diversity Visa and is not the official site for DV Lottery program. The information presented in this post should not be construed to be formal legal advice.

How Soon Should DV 2024 & DV 2023 Winners Start Checking Their CEAC Status?

In this guide, we will discuss how soon the DV Lottery 2024 selectees should start checking their CEAC status.

In previous guide on how to keep track of your visa status, we saw there were two ways majorly, that is through keeping track of the visa bulletins as they are released every month. Secondly, is by checking the CEAC status continually and we saw how you can check your CEAC status. We outlined the different statuses.

For the DV Lottery 2024 winners/selectees, the information on the CEAC status will be out or will be available starting January 1, 2024, that is next year.

Before then, you cannot access any information regarding DV Lottery 2024. You cannot access your status, it’s not yet availed.

So you will have to wait till the 1 January of the year 2024. But remember, even before January, and to be precise, as from the 1 October, the interviews for the DV lottery 2024 selectees will begin.

So the interviews will begin on October 1 and will continue up to September 30 of 2024. But between October and January 1, the status of the DV lottery 2024 will not be available.

From the 1st of January onwards, you can check your status. But for the DV lottery 2023 winners, the status is open and it was opened from the 1 January this year (2023). You can keep track of your cases through the CEAC website. That is for the DV lottery2023.

This guide is to explain how soon DV2024 & DV2023 Winners should start checking their CEAC Status.

READ: How You Can Check Your DV 2024 Processing Status

DISCLAIMER: This post and content is designed for general information only and is NOT legal advice. This site is not offering any Diversity Visa and is not the official site for DV Lottery program. The information presented in this post should not be construed to be formal legal advice.

If you have any questions about the DV lottery, please contact an immigration professional/officer or a licensed attorney.

The Third Email Response From KCC | When Requesting Your Case Status From KCC

Still on the email responses that you might receive once you send a request to KCC about the current status of your case. This guide will focus on the third response that you might receive from KCC.

The Third Email Response From KCC | When Requesting Your Case Status From KCC

Below is a sample of third email response you might receive from KCC:

“Thank you for your inquiry.

Records indicate you have submitted a complete and valid DS-260 application for each family member, and you have provided all required documentation to the Kentucky Consular Center (KCC).

Interviews are scheduled numerically based on case numbers that have been completed processing.

Please refer to the Visa bulletin at to locate the current numbers being processed. This bulletin is updated after every 15th day of each month.

Once an interview date has been scheduled, you will receive notification via email to check the

In order for Kentucky Consular Center to assist with inquiries regarding a specific Diversity Visa (DV) case, you must provide the principal applicant’s full name, complete case number, and date of birth in the following format (MM/DD/YYYY) as entered in the original entry.

Please remember that KCC does not have authority to tell you whether or not your specific case will be disqualified. Only the Consular Officer can do that at the time of your interview.

Do not send any paper documents to KCC. For additional information, follow the following……………….”

This is the third email response. From previously guide, we saw an email response that you might get once your DS-260 has been completely processed.

The above email follows after checking with them and you waited for some time and still your case number is not current, and later on you request the status of your case, then you might receive this email.

It says, records show that you have already submitted a complete DS-260 form for all the members, and it is a valid DS-260 form. It also says that interviews are scheduled numerically from low case number to the highest case numbers.

It insists on the importance of checking the Visa bulletin that is released after the 15th day of every month, to know the status of the cases that are current. It says that only the Consular Officer can tell you whether you are successful or not, and not the KCC.

It also says that once your interview has been scheduled, once your case is current, and once the Embassy has some vacancies, then you will receive your second notification letter and that is the letter informing your date of interview.

That is it about the Third Email Response you might receive from KCC, when requesting your Case Status from KCC. I hope you are now conversant with this email because you might receive this email response.

Below are other email responses that you might receive from KCC:

Thank you for reading this guide.

Some Frequently Asked Questions About DS-260 Form and Case Number

Question: When filling the DS-260 form for a family, is it only the principal applicant passport number that is required.

Answer: For all.

Question: Did this email means that the DS-260 have been processed?

Answer: Yes.

Question: Can you fill the DS-260 form without the passport?

Answer: No, as the principal applicant you have to have it.

DISCLAIMER: This post and content is designed for general information only and is NOT legal advice. This site is not offering any Diversity Visa and is not the official site for DV Lottery program. The information presented in this post should not be construed to be formal legal advice.

The Second Email Response From KCC | Requesting Your Case Status From KCC

Still on the series of the email responses that you can possibly get from KCC upon sending an inquiry email, then we are on the second response.

The Second Email Response From KCC

On this second response, it reads:

“Thank you for your inquiry.

Your DS-260 form has been processed. You should have received or will soon receive an email from KCC giving you instructions to complete in order for your case to continue processing. Please follow the instructions in the email.

Interviews are scheduled numerically based on case numbers that have completed processing. Please refer to the visa bulletin at to locate the current numbers being processed.

This visa bulletin is updated after the 15th day of each month. Once an interview date has been scheduled, you will receive notification via email to check

In order for KCC to assist you with inquiries regarding a specific diversity visa (DV) case, you must provide the principal’s full names, complete case number, and the birth date in the following format (MM/DD/YYYY) as entered in the original entry.

Please remember that KCC does not have authority to tell you whether or not your specific case will be disqualified.

Only a consular officer can do that at the time of your visa interview. Do not send any documents to Kentucky Counseling Center. For additional information, please refer to the following……………….”

This is the second email response that you might receive if you request, and as you can see clearly, this now indicates that KCC has fully opened your DS260 form and has gone through it to process it, and they are through with processing it.

It says that you should have received a notification or soon you might receive a notification. This notification is the second notification letter after your DS260 form has been processed.

Then your current for interview scheduling and your case has been reached by the embassy, then you can receive this second notification letter.

This email clearly tells us that interviews are scheduled numerically in that order, from the low case number to the high case number. It also points out the importance of following or keeping up with the visa bulletins.

The visa bulletins are normally released after the 15th day of the month, as indicated, and you should keep track of the visa bulletin.

The point being that you can be able to know which cases are current or are currently being processed by the embassies, which cases are ready for the interview scheduling. Those are the major points that we see in this email.

Further on, it is only the consular officer can tell you whether you are successful or not during the time of the interview.

This is the email that you will receive from KCC once your request for your case status and your DS260 form has been processed and now waiting for your case number to become current.

Thank you for reading this guide, stick around for the next email that you might receive.

I know you find this information very useful to you.

Related Article: The First Email Response From KCC

DISCLAIMER: This post and content is designed for general information only and is NOT legal advice. This site is not offering any Diversity Visa and is not the official site for DV Lottery program. The information presented in this post should not be construed to be formal legal advice.

If you have any questions about the DV lottery, please contact an immigration professional/officer or a licensed attorney.

How Can I Check My DV 2024 Processing Status?

How do I check the status of my DV processing? This guide will give you brief and direct answer to that frequently asked question.

You can only check the status of your DV processing by visiting the CEAC website. That is the place where you will check and see the current status of your DV processing.

It is important to note that the CEAC for a certain DV lottery will open at the beginning of that certain year for that DV lottery. What does this mean?

For example, the CEAC for the DV 2022 opened up at the beginning of the year 2022.

For the case of DV 2023, the CEAC information or the CEAC website will be available for status checking at the beginning of the year 2023.

If you are a DV 2024 lottery winner, then you cannot access your information about the status of your processing at the time of posting this information. You will have to wait until January 1, 2024, that is next year.

Another question in connection with that, at the same beginning of the year, it is the time when we shall all be able to know the highest case numbers in the regions.

As at the time of posting this information, we cannot tell which case number is high in which ever region.

After the first day of 2024, that’s when we can know or we can have the CEAC information and we shall be able to know what the highest case number for each region.

Therefore, if you’re wondering whether your case number is safe or not safe for now, for the DV 2024, we cannot tell.

You might be having AF58,000 case number from Africa and it ends up being a safe number, or it might end up being a risky number.

You might be having AS23,000 and you think it’s a risky number but when that information comes, we may find out that though it is a high case number, it’s not a risky one, or it might be very risky.

So at this moment, it’s hard to tell that. Wait until January the first and onwards, for you to check your DV processing status if you are DV 2024 winners.

I hope this information is helpful. Thanks.

DISCLAIMER: This post and content is designed for general information only and is NOT legal advice. This site is not offering any Diversity Visa and is not the official site for DV Lottery program. The information presented in this post should not be construed to be formal legal advice.

If you have any questions about the DV lottery, please contact an immigration professional/officer or a licensed attorney.

Understanding Your Case is Current for Process in DV Lottery Program

What does your case is current for processing mean? Many people ask this question because when they check their status, they receive the notification that their case is ready for processing, their case is current for processing, and they’ve been wondering what does this mean in. This is what will discuss in details in this guide.

When you submit your DS-260 to KCC, KCC normally goes through your DS-260 form to process it. They go through your data to see if it’s correctly filled up and if the information is correct.

Once they have approved your information, they will allocate a visa to your case.

All the DS-260 forms submitted to KCC will undergo this processing and if they are correctly filled up and the information is truthful, then all those will be allocated visas.

After the visa allocation, your status change and it changes to, “Your case is current for processing.”

It means that KCC has already allocated a visa to your case.

Therefore, when many DS-260 are processed, all of them are put in a queue, and this queue is based on the case numbers from the lowest case number up to the highest case numbers. All of the allocated visas will be put in a queue called Allocated Visa queue (AVQ).

This also means that you are ready for the next step, and the next step is the interview, i.e you are ready to be scheduled for an interview

How long does it take from “your case is current for processing” to the interview?

This depends majorly on two aspects:

The first one is, what is the position of your case in the AVQ (Allocated Visa Queue)? Are you in the highest end or are you in the lowest end?

The second aspect is the performance of the embassies i.e your embassy. If your embassy capability is high, if they handle many cases in a month, that definitely means that you can receive your interview scheduling quicker or faster than those whose embassies are slow.

For instance, some embassies are really doing very well in terms of handling many cases per month, but others are unfortunately doing very badly.

Those two factors affect it.

Lastly, a very key thing to note is that, even if your case is current for processing, it does not mean that you must receive your interview. It does not mean that you will be scheduled for the interview. You might be in this status but never receive your interview.

Depending on those two factors discussed above, especially if we are in the last months or the last few months to the end of the fiscal year, you might be in the AVQ or your case is current for processing but never receive your interview because time will have already run out for you.

For instance, in the case of DV 2022, most of them are current for processing, but most of them may not receive their interviews. It may look sad, but that is the fact.

I hope this guide have answered the question.

DISCLAIMER: This post and content is designed for general information only and is NOT legal advice. This site is not offering any Diversity Visa and is not the official site for DV Lottery program. The information presented in this post should not be construed to be formal legal advice.

If you have any questions about the DV lottery, please contact an immigration professional/officer or a licensed attorney.

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