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Tag Archives: Derivatives in DV Lottery

Specific Proof Documents For Principal Applicant and Derivatives For DV Interview

There are documents that you need as the principal applicant and documents that are needed by the derivatives for DV Interview. Some are needed by the principal applicants and will not be needed by the derivatives. Read this guide to the end and understand this.

Specific Proof Documents For Principal Applicant For DV Interview

Below are those documents needed by the principal applicant for DV interview:

Birth certificate: The original birth certificate, and the notarized one.

Passport: This passport should be valid, it should be valid beyond six months after the interview.

Marriage Certificate: This document is for those married principal applicants, they need the marriage certificate, both the original and the notarized. Some few consulates will not request of the notarized, but you need the notarized marriage certificate as a requirement.

Police Clarence Certificate: The principal applicant will need the Police Clarence Certificate. Read this guide on the Police Clarence Certificate.

There are four places from where you will need the Police Clarence Certificate.

  1. The first place is the country of your birth. If you have lived in the country and you are above the 16 years of age in the country of your birth, then you need a police clearance certificate from that country, even if at the moment you’re not living in your country of birth.
  2. The second place is all the past countries that you’ve lived for more than 12 months, if you are above the age of 16.
  3. The third one is the country of current residence, the country in which you are living at the moment and you have lived for more than six. If you have lived for more than six months in the current country of residence, you need the police clearance certificate. This is the country in which you are not born.
  4. The fourth one, this one does not depend on the time you’ve lived there. If you have ever been convicted in a country, regardless of the time that you’ve lived there, even if it is one week or one day or two weeks or one month or three months, you need to get a police clearance certificate from that country.

Academic Documents

The other document needed by the principal applicant are the academic documents. For the high school diploma, you have to notarize it. Any other academic document above high school, it’s not a must that you notarize, but for the high school, it is a must.

Second Notification Letter

The other document that the principal applicant need is the second notification letter printed in hard copy.

Confirmation Page of the DS-260 form

The other document is the confirmation page of the DS-260 form printed in hard copy. Read more on Confirmation Page of the DS-260 form here.

Court Records: The other document is the court records. If you have ever been convicted, you need the court records, notarized.

Military Document: If you’ve ever served in a military, you need those notarized documents.

There are other documents that are needed by the principal applicant, but they are not listed in the checklist, and they are very important documents.

The first one is a notarized copy of the translated documents. If the embassy you are attending your interview is in a different language from the language in your country, the language in which your documents are printed, then you need to translate the documents and they should be notarized. That applies to the principal applicants that are doing their interviews on different country that has different language system from what their documents are printed in.

The other one that you would need is the Affidavit of Support. The Affidavit of Support needed for the diversity visa is the Form I-134, not Form I-864.

Yes the diversity visa is an immigrant visa, but for this, the document needed is Form I-134. It is Form I-134, not I-864. The accompanying documents to the Form I-134 are:

  • the tax transcript,
  • form of identification for the sponsor (either the passport, the naturalization document, the driver’s license, etc) and
  • the recent pay slips.

Form DS-5535

The other document required for some few embassies is the form DS-5535. This form is not a must because it is a form for additional information that you could have left when filling the DS-260 form, like the social media account, the relative information and everything. But it’s not a must in some embassies. You are free to go with it, just to be safe, if your embassy has that habit of requesting for that.

Then some few embassies in Africa as well, we require an affidavit to show that you are single, if you’re not a married main applicant. If you are a single, they require some certificate from the government registry to prove that you are single.

For the principal applicant, those were the main documents that are needed for their DV interview.

Specific Proof Documents For The Derivatives For DV Interview

On the side of the derivatives, there are documents that the principal should have, but the derivatives should not. Below is outline of what they will need:

  • They will need the birth certificate, original and notarized.
  • They will need the passports.
  • They will need the police clearance certificate, if they are above the age of 16, and they will follow all the instructions about the police clearance certificate.
  • They will have their confirmation pages printed in hard copy. As the principal applicant, you also need to print the confirmation pages for the derivatives because they will need those documents.

In Conclusion

Emphasizing on the affidavit of support, the affidavit of support is only needed by the principal applicant. The derivatives, they don’t need to have that document. Because the affidavit of support, as filled by the sponsor, it has the principal applicant and the derivatives listed in there. So only one affidavit of support for the principal applicant, and it will stand for the derivatives.

I hope you’ve gotten what is needed as per the document.

Question: My parents name are misspelled on my birth certificate, should i get a new one?

Answer: Yes if possible.

Question: Do I still need to fill affidavit of support form I-134 for the interview if I am sponsoring myself as a dv winner?

Answer: No, just get the bank statements to show your savings.

Question: If someone goes to the dv interview with the transcripts, meaning he’s still at the university, is he still required to present the notary certificate for the transcripts at the university?

Answer: No, just use your high school certificate, just simply. No difference.

Question: What if your host is one of your family members, do you need that I-134 form??

Answer: Yes, you need it and rest of documents required.

DISCLAIMER: This post and content is designed for general information only and is NOT legal advice. This site is not offering any Diversity Visa and is not the official site for DV Lottery program. The information presented in this post should not be construed to be formal legal advice. If you have any questions about the DV lottery, please contact an immigration professional/officer or a licensed attorney.

Diversity Visa: What If You Or Your Derivative Fail Medical Exams? | What Happens And What To Do

What happens if you fail the medical exams or one of your derivatives fails the medical exams? This is what we are going to learn in this guide.

Note: United States government is very strict and very serious when it comes to immigration. They have to put every individual, every person that wants to immigrate to the United States through several exams, several checks. You have to pass these tests for you to be allowed entry into the United States.

For you to become admissible to the U.S, you have to pass through these tests and be approved:

  • You will be put to thorough security check

They will scrutinize the form that you submitted, for the diversity visa, it is the DS-260 form. They will have to go through every information presented in there and do a background check about every information that you have put there to ensure that you are approved security wise, you are not a threat, you don’t pose any harm.

  • You have to be put through social examination

You have to be socially clean. They will check through your media, everything that you present online. What kind of content do you create? Is it harmful? Does it cause any interference socially? You have to pass that.

  • You have to pass the veracity check

You have to provide all the information voraciously. Truthfulness is what is required. By this, you are supposed not to lie about nothing. Talk truthfully about your marital status. Talk truthfully about your kids and your children’s, your dependents. Talk truthfully about your academic background. Talk truthfully about your travel history. It is very important, you have to be truthful, and you have to pass that.

You have to be clean when it comes to legal issues, the civil issues, you should have not committed certain crimes. You should be clean with no criminal record that will make you inadmissible to the United States.

  • You have to pass the medical exam

You have to be medically clean or medically approved. Everything that is listed by the center for Disease Control in the United States regarding the health of all immigrants, you have to pass that. You have to be medically approved.

What happens if you yourself as the principal applicant, the main applicant or one of your derivatives fails to pass the medical examination?

First of all, after you receive the 2NL, the famous second verification letter, there are several things that you are supposed to do, i.e Pre-Interview.

  • You need to register your interview online if your embassy requires you to.
  • You’re supposed to verify your academic documents.
  • You are supposed to book a medical examination appointment for you and all your derivatives.

You attend the medical examination with all the members of your family. That is the nuclear family, the immediate family, the spouse and the kids that qualify.

When you attend the medical examination, you as the main applicant, together with the derivatives, will have to go through the medical examination. This medical facility that you are supposed to attend for your medical examination has to be the one approved by the United States government. You have to go to that.

What that facility is mandated to do, is to ensure that everyone that is applying for immigration passes all the medical tests, all the medical examinations, as listed by the CDC. They will examine you and also the derivatives.

You as the principal applicant, you have to pass all the medical examination. You should not be having any communicable diseases, for example, the tuberculosis and also the gonorrhea, etc. You have not to have those diseases that are of public harm as listed by the Center for Disease Control (CDC).

You also have to be mentally fit. You should not have a mental condition that has a record of you causing harm to the public. You should not be a drug addict. You should not be taking these drugs that are not required. If you pass those tests, then your examination is successful.

Your derivatives will have to pass through the medical check and also pass all those checks. Then they will give you or administer to you and all your beneficiaries, all the required vaccinations that you might not be having.

Having passed all those checks, everyone of you will be eligible to go for the interview.

What If You Or Your Derivative Fail Medical Exams? What happens if one of you fails the medical exam? Will it affect the entire case?

  • For Principal applicant

If the principal applicant is found with these communicable diseases and therefore not qualified, he will not be qualified for a visa. You will be inadmissible into the United States.

Therefore, since he is or she is the principal applicant, he fails the entire family of getting the visa because he is the one that was selected. He’s the one that is the principal applicant. So every other person cannot get a visa because the principal applicant has failed the medical exam.

  • When it comes to the derivatives

If one of the derivatives fails the medical exam, maybe he or she is found with the communicable disease or those other diseases that makes you inadmissible into United States. If one of your derivatives face the medical exam, the principal applicant passes, together with the rest of the family members, the one that failed the medical exam is the one that will get the visa refused. But the rest, the principal applicant plus the rest that have passed the medical check will get their visas approved on a successful interview.

If a beneficiary fails the medical exam, then the principal applicant, together with the others that have passed, will continue to the interview and their visas will be approved. Whereas the one who failed the medical exam will have his or her visa not approved.

That mean the principal plus those who qualified will proceed into the United States, minus this one that did not qualify. If a beneficiary fails the medical exam, it does not affect the whole family. But if the principal applicant fails the medical exam, then he or she affects the entire family in this regard.

Bonus Tip

If you check your Diversity visa lottery result and you are selected, ensure that you together with your family, go for early diagnostic check to know whether you have all these diseases that can render you inadmissible to United States.

Get diagnosed early, so that you may start treatment early enough, such that when the interview comes or the medical examination comes, you might have been through with the treatment or you might be almost through with the treatment, and by so doing, you make your case safe.

DISCLAIMER: This post and content is designed for general information only and is NOT legal advice. This site is not offering any Diversity Visa and is not the official site for DV Lottery program. The information presented in this post should not be construed to be formal legal advice. If you have any questions about the DV lottery, please contact an immigration professional/officer or a licensed attorney.

The Bigger The Families The Lesser The DV Interviews Scheduled At the Embassy

DV Interviews: One of the factors that determine the number of selectees that will be scheduled for DV interview in a certain embassy, is the family size.

If you have been following guides in this site, you might be knowing that the number of visas for a DV lottery, they are 55,000 per every DV lottery. These 55,000 visas, they are meant for both the principal applicant and the derivatives.

In other words, both the derivatives and the principal applicants, they share in these visas. There are no side visas for derivatives. It is the 55,000 visas that are shared with both the principal applicant and their beneficiaries.

Having known that, it’s now clear that the number of interviews per embassy depends on the size of the families.

When you apply for the DV Lottery, the one known in the case is the principal applicant, that is the person applying. Since the principal applicant is the one that has been selected, then there are people attached to that principal applicant, if they had families.

If you are an applicant and you are selected, and you have a family, of course you included the family in the application. Let’s say, for example, you have a family of four that is you, the wife or the husband, and some two kids.

When you win, that is one visa. Then your wife or your husband takes the second visa and the children take the third and the fourth visas, in total becoming four visas out of the 55,000 visas. Those are four visas from the 55,000 visas.

The family size will determine the number of interviews scheduled in an embassy. You might find out that one embassy has principal applicant, and in that country, the principal applicants they tend not to have families.

In other countries, you’ll find them having a high rates or high tendency of having families. So in one particular embassy, you find, for example, 1,500 applicants, and of these 1,500 applicants, you find that around 1,200 of them have families.

So if we take, for example, the 1,200 applicants with families have a family of 3. That is to mean, it is 1,200 multiplied by 3, and that brings about 3,600. So if they are successful, that means 3,600 visas out of the 55,000 visas have been removed from the 55,000 visas.

That means, that embassy will have fewer interviews because visas get exhausted after every interview. After this interview, three of them have gone. After the next interview, another three. After the next interview, another four, depending on the size of the family, and therefore keeps on decreasing the number of interviews to be scheduled in a particular embassy.

I hope this has been explained at length and clearly.

If you applied a single and later on you married, that is a visa added. You are single, meaning you were to use one visa. But since you’ve gotten married and you’ve added the spouse, then those are two visas from the 55,000 visas.

Another thing, let’s say you marry within the early stages of the DV lottery, and then your wife conceives, or you as the wife conceives. Then, before you are scheduled for the interview, the child comes, you have a kid. You become three.

You applied as one, but you have become three. Those are three visas from the 55,000 visas. And that means you decrease the number of interviews that will be scheduled at your embassy.

Another instance is this. If you are married when applying, you are two of you, your husband or your wife and you yourself. Those were two visas. And then along the way, as you’re waiting for the interview or during the DV process, you happen to be blessed by a kid. That is another visa added on top, and it becomes three. So you are reducing the number of interviews to be scheduled.

Another way, you find a family. One person applies as a single applicant, and then in the process of the DV lottery, she gets married or he gets married, and the spouse comes in with step-children. Let’s say, for example, three. So that is one principal applicant, and then has added a spouse plus other three kids. It becomes a family with a total of five members. So it was one visa, but now four others have added, and that is five visas from the 55,000 visas.

Therefore it reduces the number of interviews to be scheduled at the embassy.

Also, it may also happen that you apply as a family of three, and then a long-long process. By the way, something tragic happens, maybe one of you passes on, then you’ve lost one. That mean you have decreased the number of visas used by one, and therefore you’re increasing the number of interviews to be scheduled at your embassy.

If something happened and you applied as a family and some of the members get lost, those are some of the visas that have been spared within the 55,000 visas, therefore increasing the number of interviews to be scheduled at that embassy because of those extra visas.

So if a family decreases, visas become available. But if the family increases, then visas, they decrease, and therefore reducing the number of interviews to be scheduled.

In conclusion

The number of interviews to be scheduled at any embassy will also depend upon the size of the family, which is called the family rate. Some countries have higher rate than the others. You may find that other countries have high tendency of principal applicants having families while other countries have lower tendency of principal applicants having families.

DISCLAIMER: This post and content is designed for general information only and is NOT legal advice. This site is not offering any Diversity Visa and is not the official site for DV Lottery program. The information presented in this post should not be construed to be formal legal advice.

3 Main Determinants of DV Medical Examination Cost

There’s this issue about the DV medical examination cost or fee, questions on the total amount to spend on medical examination, as DV winner.

DV lottery winners, in this guide, we will learn the factors that determine the amount of money that you will pay for the medical examination or the factors that affect the medical examination fee.

After you’ve gotten your second notification letter (2NL), you are supposed to book a medical appointment for the medical examination of yourself, together of those of your derivatives, if you have any, and it means some expenses that you are going to incur.

Find out more about Documents You Will Go With To The DV Medical Examination here

We need to know what affects or what controls the amount of money that you get. Is it the embassy? Is it the Department of State? Who controls it or what controls it?

3 Main Determinants of DV Medical Examination Cost

  • Size of Family

The first factor that will affect the amount of money that you will use during the medical examination is obviously the size of your family.

If you are a single person, that mean you’re just catering for the expenses of one person, and that mean the charges that you go through will not be as high as of those with a family.

If your family is of two, the husband and the wife or the mother and the kid or the father and the kid, that means you have two people and therefore each of you has to be examined and has to be vaccinated. Definitely, you will have higher cost than the one who is single.

All of you have to go through the medical examination, not only the principal applicant, and that determines the amount of money that you use.

  • Age

The age determines what amount of money you’ll use. It determines the number of vaccination that you’re going to get.

If you have a child that is below 15 years, you will have fewer vaccinations and fewer checks. If you are of the age between 15 and 25, that’s a different age group, and you’re going to have different expenses as compared to a child between one year and 15.

Also if you are of age 25 and above, that means that there are some certain vaccination that you are going to undergo and others you are not going to go through, and that means a different price for that.

So age determines the number of vaccinations to be administered and the type of vaccination to be administered and therefore affecting the total cost that you are going to incur.

  • Status of your Immunization

The third thing that affects the cost of the medical examination is the status of your immunization, your immunization history. What is the record of your immunization?

It is good for you to try and get access to the documents that details all the vaccinations that you have taken since you were born.

Remember, every person since birth there are vaccination or immunizations that has undergone and those immunizations can really count into this.

If you were immunized at a certain age against a disease that is been listed by the CDC as one requiring immunization, then that one is knocked out of the list of the vaccinations that you are going to undergo or to take.

So if you can and if it is possible, get all those documents to show that you have such and such vaccinations and therefore needs to be eliminated from your vaccination lists.

You need to go with the immunization record and by so doing, you will end up reducing the expense that you should have undergone if you had none of the immunization.

Make sure you Get Tested And Treated Of These Diseases As Early As Possible Before DV Medical Examination, find out more>>>

These are the key three points and factors (the size of your family, the age of every member of your family, and the immunization status, the immunization record) that affects the cost of the medical examination for DV winners.

Another factor that affects the cost of the medical examination is the country in which you come from.

It also depends on the country in which you come from. It depends on the inflation rate. It depends on the cost of each vaccine in your country.

If the vaccines in your country that are required are expensive, therefore you expect your medical examination cost to go high. If it’s cheaper, then it goes low.

If you are currently residing in the United States, you are exempted from this vaccination.

The point is the vaccination cost is not determined by the United States government, not at all. It is not determined by the embassy as well. It is solely dependent on those factors that have been discussed above, including the cost of those vaccination in your country.

So if you are a DV winner and you are waiting for this for your second notification letter or you have received it and you have booked the appointment or you are just on the point of booking the appointment, then prepare the immunization record. That would be very, very much important.

I hope you’ve gotten all the details of the guide.

DISCLAIMER: This post and content is designed for general information only and is NOT legal advice. This site is not offering any Diversity Visa and is not the official site for DV Lottery program. The information presented in this post should not be construed to be formal legal advice.

Marriage Questions and Answers on DV Lottery Process | Green Card Lottery Process

Marriage Questions and Answers on DV Lottery Process: This guide will answer some family questions regarding the Diversity Visa.

Marriage Questions and Answers on DV Lottery Process

Question: I filled single during the initial entry (Diversity Visa Lottery Application), yet I was married, can I add my spouse in the DS-260 form?

Answer: The answer is directly no.

When entering the diversity visa lottery program, you are supposed to be truthful. Meaning, if you’re married, you are supposed to choose you’re married.

If you had a spouse or children prior to submitting your original entry, but you did not include them on your original entry form, such errors may render you, as well as any of your family members, ineligible for a diversity visa.

If you listed a spouse or child on your original entry who was not your spouse or child at the time of entry, such errors may render you, as well as any of your family members, ineligible for a diversity visa.

If you’re married to a non-citizen of the United States, you indicate that. If you are married to a United States citizen, then you indicate that as well.

But if you’re married and you indicate you are single, there’s no way you can add the spouse in the DS-260. Since you said you are single. Such results to fraud, and fraud definitely will deny you Green card visa, if you did this.

If you applied as single, yet you are married, be sure that you will end up being denied the visa because this is fraud.

If you’re married, indicate you’re married and include the details of your family. If you’re single, just include your single and continue the process.

If your family circumstances have legitimately changed after submitting your original entry, you should add those family members and all family members’ applications will be reviewed.

Find out more about Marriage-Based Green Card Interview Questions and Answers

Question: I filled married because I was customarily married, during the process i separated with my spouse and therefore I cannot obtain a separation document or a divorce document. What will I do?

Answer: To answer this, if at all you cannot prove your separation legally, then there’s no way you will receive your Green card visa.

If you can find ways to get a legal separation, then that’s the only way. But if you are separated and you cannot obtain the legal separation document, then you are screwed. You cannot receive your diversity visa.

Find out more about Marriage-Based Green Card Interview Questions and Answers

I hope the answer to those questions is very clearly.

DISCLAIMER: This post and content is designed for general information only and is NOT legal advice. This site is not offering any Diversity Visa and is not the official site for DV Lottery program. The information presented in this post should not be construed to be formal legal advice.

How to Apply and Succeed As Single Parents In The DV Lottery Program | U.S Green Card Lottery

Single parents in the DV Lottery Program: This guide is for the single parents that are intending to apply for the DV lottery or are selected or they are selectees in the DV lottery.

Categories of Single Parents in the DV Lottery Program

We have two categories of single parents:

Category one: Maybe you have never gotten married in your life, but you have kids and that means that even when getting the kid, delivering the kid, there was no manly figure that was there to claim paternity of the kid or the kids.

Or if you’re a man, the lady gave birth to the kid and left the kid immediately, and therefore you are the custodian of that child as a man.

Category two: You are a single woman because you have a relationship with a man, and therefore you have kids whose birth certificate have the name of the second parent as well as yours. That means that during birth of your kids, that man was there to give you support and claim paternity of that kid.

You are in either of these situations or scenarios and you want to apply for the DV lottery or you have been selected a winner in the DV lottery.

  1. If you are in either of those scenarios and you are intending to apply for the DV lottery, the first key point that you should note is that you are supposed to apply as a single.
  2. Applying as a single, you have to add all of your kids. All of your kids must be lined up in the application.

Those two things must be done. If you get successful and you are selected, the process begins. So you proceed the way you did in the application.

When it comes to your kids and immigration, of course, no country will allow anyone to get out of the country with any kid without the consent of both the parents.

For the first case that you are single and your kids, no one came to claim paternity. That means that you have the full custody over your child. That means the children belong to you solely, you alone. No one claims the other parenthood.

In that case, you have nothing to worry about. You don’t need to look for any consent. In any case, whose consent are you looking for? You don’t have anyone claiming paternity.

Even on the birth certificate, there is no indication of the other parent. It is only you. And therefore that means these children belong to you. No consent is needed. You are right to go ahead and immigrate with them. You have the full custody over your children.

But when it comes to the single parent who is maybe in a relationship or was in a relationship and the kids have the second name of the parent in their birth certificates. So there’s someone claiming the parenthood of the children as well. In this case is when you will be required to have the consent of the other parent.

You cannot move out with the children without the consent of the other parent claiming parent hold of the children. It does not mean that it’s a hard process. You just need to get the other parents to sign a consent letter.

It must be a notary consent letter, meaning before an advocate or a court that is signed and stamped by the legal authority that the other parent intends the children to immigrate with you. In this case, you will be required to look for that consent letter and it should be notary, that should be noted.

If you are a single parent, and you have another parent claiming parenthood of the children, then look for his or her consent.

However, there is a second option, if at all you cannot reach the other parent, maybe you were in a relationship long time ago and there’s no way you can access this other parent, then you need to look for the full custody through a court, the full custody of your children. It is called the sole custody.

That means that before a court or an advocate, you will sign the sole custody of your children. It means all of the decisions around your children be imposed on you, be transferred to you.

When you obtain the sole custody over your children, then you have the right to make all decisions, be it academic, be it immigration, about your children, you are allowed to do that. That is the second option.

If at all you cannot reach the other parent in whichever way, then you can go and seek to sign the sole custody of your children and you’ll have all the decisions over your children by yourself without needing any consent letter.

Finally, remember that in this case, if you don’t or you are unable to get the consent letter, you will not be allowed to get out of the country with your children.

Some Questions About Applying As Single Parents In The DV Lottery Program

Question: Is there any advantage applying as a single parent?

Answer: No.

Question: What if I don’t want to initially travel with the kids and later pick them up? Should I tell them so or keep it to myself.

Answer: First, even if you don’t want to go with them, you have to add them in application and also in ds260. And in DS-260 you select not immigrating with them.

Question: I’m the principal applicant and have a husband and daughter, I filled DS-260 with both as my accompany but we got issues with the husband, can I travel alone with daughter, what do I expect on interview because since we separated he won’t be coming, can I remove him?

Answer: First, a consent letter for the kids from him is a must. Second, you can immigrate without him.

Question: Will you be denied visa if you applied as single parent but you want to leave your child behind?

Answer: So long as you included the kid in the application you are safe. You can choose not to immigrate with him. However if you left the kid out, you will be denied visa.

Question: Can you be denied visa if you are married for like 20 or 25 years and you recently got your marriage certificate like this year.

Answer: No you won’t be denied. You did good to get the certificate.

Question: The person on my son birth certificate died some yes back which was my uncle, since the father deny the pregnancy and I don’t have any information about his dead. How am I going to do to have consent letter for my child, can a lawyer sign the consent letter for me?

Answer: A lawyer cannot sign. What you do, get the uncle death certificate. You will be totally safe.

Question: What if one is a widow how do you go about it?

Answer: You use the death certificate of the husband.

Question: If I happen to fill DS-260 form before I give birth and I don’t include my baby, will I be denied visa? or where will I fill baby’s details? Or I can wait to start the process once I give birth?

Answer: You will fill the DS-260 early, and unlock it to add the newborn.

Question: Does the consular at the embassy ask for consent letter during interview or is it at the port of entry you are asked for?

Answer: At the embassy.

I hope this information for the single parents is clear.

DISCLAIMER: This post and content is designed for general information only and is NOT legal advice. This site is not offering any Diversity Visa and is not the official site for DV Lottery program. The information presented in this post should not be construed to be formal legal advice.

Which Children To Add As Derivatives in DV Lottery | Green Card Lottery Application

Which Children To Add As Derivatives in DV Lottery? This guide will focus on which children to be added as derivatives during the application in the Diversity Visa Lottery Program.

In my previous post, we learned about the qualifications of a spouse who is supposed to be added as a derivative during the application in the Diversity Visa Lottery Program.

In this next guide, which is part two, we are going to learn in details on the qualifications of the children who are supposed to be added as derivatives in the application.

Therefore, we will learn about the three classes of children that are considered qualified as derivatives in the Diversity Visa Lottery Program. But first of all, all these three categories of children should fulfill the following:

  • They should be under the age of 21 years old.
  • They all should be unmarried and single.

Submit individual photographs of each of your children using the same technical specifications as your own photograph.

Based on the document from the, as shown in sample below, in number 15, it covers about the children.

Children That Should Be Added As Derivatives in The DV Lottery Application

It says…..

When applying in the diversity visa lottery, you are supposed to list the number of children that you have, and you also include all these details about the children.

All unmarried and under the age of 21 years of age, regardless of whether you are living with them or intend to accompany you or follow to join you.

Which Children To Add As Derivatives in DV Lottery?

As you proceed down, you see the three categories of children that qualify as derivatives in the application.

  • The first category of children include all living natural children.

This means all the children that you have given birth to or all the children that are biologically yours, they are eligible to be added as derivatives in the application.

  • The second category is all living children that are legally adopted to you.

These are the children that through court procedures or legal procedures, they have been acquired by you. By the law, they belong to you. They all are eligible to be added as derivatives.

  • The third category include all step-children.

These are the children of your spouse, and this spouse must be legally married to you. All the children that he or she came in to join you with, they all are qualified to be added as derivatives.

It is important to note that even if the child does not currently live with you, or even if you are no longer married to that spouse, even if you broke up, these children, they are still eligible to be added as derivatives in your diversity visa lottery application.

Married children and children who are already age 21 or older, they are not eligible. Even if your child is under the age of 21 and he or she is married, he or she is not eligible to be added as derivative.

There is another important clause from the sample above, and this is the Child Status Protection Act. What does this act do?

This act was put forth to protect all the children that attain the age of 21 years during the processing of the diversity visa. This means that when you were applying in the diversity visa lottery program, the child was not 21 years of age yet. But during the process, he or she turned 21. This act will protect that child.

Even if he or she is above 21 years during the processing, he or she is considered as under the age of 21 and is eligible for the visa.

Finally, the last clause says, a child who is already a U.S citizen or a legal permanent resident when you submit your diversity visa entry will not require to be issued a diversity visa.

This is because he or she is a citizen or she holds the green card. So he or she will not require to be issued another one.

It’s continued to say, even if you omit that child that is already in the United States in your application, you will not be penalized. So if you include him or her or you exclude him or her, it’s not a penalty.

I hope that is very clear and the information is useful. Don’t make a mistake of including any unqualified child because this will cost you the visa.

DISCLAIMER: This post and content is designed for general information only and is NOT legal advice. This site is not offering any Diversity Visa and is not the official site for DV Lottery program. The information presented in this post should not be construed to be formal legal advice.

Who to Add As Spouse in The Diversity Visa Lottery | Derivatives in Green Card Lottery

In this guide, we will learn who qualifies to be added as your derivative when applying for the diversity visa lottery. What is the spouse Diversity Visa lottery?

First of all, we know that if you are a family man or woman, you are required to add the members of your family as your derivatives when applying for the diversity visa lottery without leaving anyone out.

Speaking of the family, here it is referring to the immediate family, that is the nuclear family, the spouse together with the children. But who qualifies to be your spouse? Or who qualifies to be your children when applying the diversity visa lottery?

The answer to this question will be divided into two parts.

In the first part, we are going to discuss on the qualifications of a person to be your spouse and as a derivative in the Diversity Visa Lottery Program. In the second part of this answer, we are going to discuss on the qualification of the children that are supposed to be added as your derivatives.

Therefore, read this guide to the end to avoid jumping into conclusions that are not valid.

Who is your spouse that qualifies to be added as a derivative?

A spouse is your legally married husband or wife. This means that you have a certifying document issued by the government showing that this is your wife or this is your husband. To be more precise, you should be having a marriage certificate issued by the Registrar of Marriages in your country.

Having known that, who does not qualify to become your spouse that you should add as a derivative when applying in the diversity visa lottery?

  1. Your girlfriend or your boyfriend does not qualify as a spouse to be added as the derivative when entering the diversity visa lottery program.
  2. Partnering is not allowed. That means if you are residing with a man or a woman or cohabiting with a lady or a gentleman, that lady or gentleman is not your spouse. He or she does not qualify to be added as a derivative in the Diversity Visa Lottery Program.
  3. Your fiancé is not a spouse or your fiancée is not a spouse. You are not yet married, meaning you don’t have the marriage certificate. Therefore, during application and you have a fiancée, you are supposed to apply a single and not as married.

But you will continue with your plans and get married and then add him or her as your spouse in the DS-260 form, after marriage.

  1. Your second wife, your third wife, or any other wife apart from your first wife, is not considered as your spouse. So if you are married to several wives, then they are not all qualified as your spouse. Only the first wife is your spouse and is the only one that you will add as the derivative when applying in the Diversity Visa lottery Program.

What if I’m married, but I don’t have that certifying document or the marriage certificate?

If you were customarily married, that means you took your wife or your husband and you went to your parents and you were given a go ahead to go and marry, and therefore you don’t have any certifying document.

Then you will be required to follow the legal procedures for you to obtain the marriage certificate before you enter the diversity visa lottery. Or in some cases, you might apply as married because you’re married, only that you don’t have the certificate. Then you follow the legal procedures and obtain a marriage certificate before you are interview date.

You apply as married because you’re married, yes. Then file for the marriage certificate and make sure you obtain the marriage certificate before you attend your diversity visa interview.

There are many cases where people who are married customarily and did not have the marriage certificate, but after entering the Diversity Visa Lottery Program, they were selected, and what they did, they went ahead and obtained the marriage certificate because without the marriage certificate, you wouldn’t be given visa. Only the marriage certificate will you prove that you are married.

If you are engaged to marry each other and you have applied as a single person because that is what is required, and then you are selected, and in the process you get married and you have your marriage certificate. You will go ahead and add your spouse in the DS-260 form.

But you must note that you must have evidence or proofs of your existing relationship or engagement before entering the Diversity Visa Lottery Program. You’ll have to provide documentation of your engagement or any proof of relationship prior your entry into the Diversity Visa Lottery.

You must have the proofs to prove that you were engaged, you had previous relationship.

Therefore, when applying in the Diversity Visa Lottery Program, ensure you don’t make these mistakes. Ensure that the spouse that you are adding is really your spouse, as we have discussed above.

I hope this information has been useful.

For the next part on the qualification of the children who are supposed to be added as derivatives in the diversity visa lottery application, check here.

DISCLAIMER: This post and content is designed for general information only and is NOT legal advice. This site is not offering any Diversity Visa and is not the official site for DV Lottery program. The information presented in this post should not be construed to be formal legal advice.

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